PSEB 7th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Translation Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class English Grammar Translation

A sentence is a well arranged group of words which makes complete sense.
शब्दों का वह सुव्यवस्थित समूह जिसका पूरा अर्थ निकले, Sentence (वाक्य) कहलाता है। जैसे:

  1. Mohan is a good player.
  2. Where is.your house?
  3. Help me, please.
  4. Hurrah ! We have won the match.

PSEB 7th Class English Grammar Translation

Kinds of Sentences
वाक्य चार प्रकार के होते हैं-
1. Assertive Sentences. Assertive Sentences वे वाक्य होते हैं जिनमें किसी बात (Positive या Negative) का वर्णन होता है। इन वाक्यों को Statements भी कहते हैं। इनके अन्त में Full stop (.) लगता है।

2. Interrogative Sentences. ऐसे वाक्यों से किसी प्रश्न का बोध होता है। इनके अन्त में प्रश्न चिन्ह (?) लगाया जाता है।

3. Imperative Sentences. ऐसे वाक्यों से आज्ञा, आदेश, उपदेश अथवा विनती का बोध होता है। इनके अन्त में Full stop (.) लगता है।

4. Exclamatory Sentences. ये ऐसे वाक्य होते हैं जो मन के अकस्मात् भावों को अथवा किसी इच्छा को प्रकट करते हैं। इनके अन्त में Sign of exclamation (!) लगता है। जैसे-

  • May you live long !
  • Hurrah ! We have passed.
  • How beautiful the flower is !

Exercise 1

I. Rewrite the following jumbled groups of words as sentences. (Remember to begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark)

1. faithful is animal the a dog.
2. so am I tired
3. grandparents fond Ali is his of
4. are when leaving for you Patiala
5. best Ravi Harpreet friends are and
6. cooks my food tasty mother
7. got rain we in wet the
8. has lakes Nainital lovely
9. graceful is Radha a dancer
10. circus the enjoyed children the
1. The dog is a faithful animal.
2. I am so tired.
3. Ali is fond of his grandparents.
4. When are you leaving for Patiala ?
5. Ravi and Harpreet are best friends.
6. My mother cooks tasty food.
7. We got wet in the rain.
8. Nainital has lovely lakes.
9. Radha is a graceful dancer.
10. The children enjoyed the circus.

II. Make sentences of your own with the following words. The first one has been done for you:

1. fox – The fox is a cunning animal.
2. clever – He is very …………
3. beauty – There is ……….. all around us.
4. run – Don’t …………. to the water.
5. sweetly – She sings ………… .
6. behind – There is a tree …………. the hut.
7. they – ………… are good boys.
8. and – Ram ……….. Sham are good friends.
9. bouquet – This ………….. is very beautiful.
10. the – ………….. Taj is in Agra.
11. children – Nehru loved ………. .
1. fox – The fox is a cunning animal.
2. clever – He is very clever.
3. beauty – There is beauty all around us.
4. run – Don’t run to the water.
5. sweetly – She sings sweetly.
6. behind – There is a tree behind the hut.
7. they – They are good boys.
8. and – Ram and Sham are good friends.
9. bouquet – This bouquet is very beautiful.
10. the – The Taj is in Agra.
11. children – Nehru loved children.

PSEB 7th Class English Grammar Translation

Exercise 2

I. Read the following sentences and say whether they are Assertive (A), Interrogative (In), Imperative (Im) or Exclamatory (E) sentences:

1. What a sweet fhango this is !
2. Where are you going for a holiday ?
3. I need your help to do this sum.
4. Please close the door.
5. Mr. Gupta is going for a walk.
6. Do you play tennis everyday ?
7. How terribly hot it is !
8. Be attentive when I teach.
9. The rainbow has seven colours.
10. Have you had your bath ?
1. What a sweet fhango this is ! – (E)
2. Where are you going for a holiday ? – (In)
3. I need your help to do this sum. – (A)
4. Please close the door. – (Im)
5. Mr. Gupta is going for a walk. – (A)
6. Do you play tennis everyday ? – (In)
7. How terribly hot it is ! – (E)
8. Be attentive when I teach. – (Im)
9. The rainbow has seven colours. – (A)
10. Have you had your bath ? – (In)

II. Rewrite the following sentences inserting suitable punctuation marks. The first one has been done for you.

1. doesn’t the nightingale sing sweetly Doesn’t the nightingale sing sweetly ?
2. nepal is a beautiful country Nepal is a beautiful country.
3. how green the grass is How green the grass is !
4. leave the room immediately Leave the room immediately.
5. will you get me a glass of water Will you get me a glass of water ?
6. sukhwinder is a great singer Sukhwinder is a great singer.
7. what a naughty boy he is What a naughty boy he is !
8. what is the answer to this question What is the answer to this question ?
9. have your breakfast immediately Have your breakfast immediately.
10. gandhiji is called the father of the nation Gandhiji is called the Father of the Nation.
11. why do you want to go out now Why do you want to go out now ?
12. oh god what a beautiful sight Oh God ! what a beautiful sight!
1. doesn’t the nightingale sing sweetly Doesn’t the nightingale sing sweetly ?

PSEB 7th Class English Grammar Translation

III. Turn the following statements into negative and questions. The first two have been done for you.

Statements Negative Interrogative
1. She is a clever girl. She is not a clever eirl. Is she a clever eirl ?
2. Ranjit likes mangoes. Raniit does not like mangoes. Does Raniit like maneoes ?
3. Radha is happy. Radha is not happy. Is Radha happy ?
4. They have played badly. They have not played badly. Have they played badly ?
5. Rina bought a car. Rina did not buy a car. Did Rina buy a car ?
6. We are going for a picnic ? We are not going for a picnic. Are we going for a picnic ?
7. They went to Shimla. They did not go to Shimla. Did they go to Shimla ?
8. You must go home now. You must not go home now. Must you go home now ?
9. We returned home in the evening. We did not return home in the evening. Did we return home in the evening ?
10. They can speak Punjabi. They cannot speak Punjabi. Can they speak Punjabi ?

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