There was a Naughty Boy Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 There was a Naughty Boy Question Answers

There was a Naughty Boy Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the poem (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

Scotland ground yard weighty fourscore wondered

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2

The naughty boy ran away to Scotland from England to see the people there. There, he found that things in Scotland were just the same as in England. To show that things were similar, the poet uses the word “as’. Write about the things that are similar in the space given. One example is given.

1. The naughty boy found that the ground in Scotland was as hard as in England
2. The naughty boy found that the yard in Scotland was as long as in England.
3. The naughty boy found that the song in Scotland was as merry as in the England.
4. The naughty boy found that the cherry in Scotland was as red as in England.
5. The naughty boy found that as weighty as in England.
6. The naughty boy found that the fourscore in Scotland was as eighty as in England.
7. The naughty boy found that the door in Scotland was as wooden as in England.

Activity 3.

Read the following lines from the poem.

That a door
Was as wooden
The door in the poem was ‘wooden’. Let us see some other things which are made of wood. Select the things in the box below that are made of wood and underline them.

table car mobile phone television
boat laptop bed cupboard

table, boat, bed, cupboard.

Activity 4.

Three words are given in each column. Fill in the blanks with the names of the material with which the things in each column are made of.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 1
stell, Wood, cloth, rubber.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 5.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where did the naughty boy run away from ?
शरारती लड़का कहाँ से भाग कर आया था ?
The naughty boy ran away from England.

Question 2.
Where did the naughty boy go?
शरारती लड़का कहाँ गया ?
He went to Scotland.

Question 3.
Why did he go there ?
वह वहाँ क्यों गया ?
He went there to see the people living there.

Question 4.
What different things did the boy see in Scotland ?
लड़के को स्काटलैंड में कौन-सी भिन्न चीजें देखीं ?
The boy saw nothing different in Scotland.

Question 5.
What did the boy wonder about ?
लड़के को किस बात की हैरानी हुई ?
He wondered that everything in Scotland was the same as it was in England. Learning Language

Activity 6.

The poem “There was a Naughty Boy’ is very interesting. It describes many things. To describe the things, the poet uses many adjectives. The title of the poem “There was a Naughty Boy’ also has an adjective to describe the boy. Find some more adjectives from the grid given below.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 2
Look at the following two sentences.
1. I am hungry.
2. I am starving.

What is the difference between ‘hungry’ and ‘starving’ here?
Here, sentence 2 tells the reader that ‘I am very hungry (starving). ‘Starving’ means “very hungry’. ‘Starving’, ‘therefore’, is the stronger adjective.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Activity 7.

Match the adjective in Column A with its stronger adjective in Column B. Column A

Column A
Column B
Stronger Adjective
hungry starving
tired beautiful
pretty enraged
nice exhausted
intelligent excellent
angry brilliant
clean spurious
bad hygienic
fake dreadful

Hungry — starving, tired – exhausted, pretty – beautiful, nice – excellent, intelligent – brilliant, angry – enraged, clean – hygienic, bad – dreadful, fake – spurious.

Learning to Listen (Class Activity)

Activity 8.

The teacher will speak clearly and give instructions to the students. Students will close their books and listen to the instructions and follow them.
Now repeat the same activity. The teacher will ask a student to come to the front and read the instructions to other students.

Learning to Speak (Pairwork)

Activity 9.

Read the following pairs of words aloud with proper stress.
1. hard, yard हाँअड्, याअड्)
2. long, song (लँग,साँग))
3. red, lead (रेड, लैड)
4. weighty, eighty (वेराटी, राअटी)
5. found, ground (फउंड, ग्राउंड)
नोट – विद्यार्थी स्वंय करें

Activity 10.

Discuss in your group what the naughty boy would like to see in Punjab if he came to India and what he would do here.
Some hints :
1. The Golden Temple
2. Vaisakhi Fair
3. Giddha
4. Bhangra
Punjab is a land of ten great Sikh Gurus, Gurudwaras and temples. People here are very brave, hard-working and cheerful. The naughty boy, therefore, would see, a scene totally different from England. He would visit the Golden Temple, Jallianwalla Bagh and famous Durgyana Temple. If he came in April, he would visit the Vaisakhi Fair. He would enjoy Giddha and Bhangra, the classical dances of the Punjab. He would also like to see the green and golden fields of wheat crop. Moreover, he would do heavy shopping and take back with him a number of symbols of the Punjabi Culture.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Learning to Use Language (Group work)

Activity 11.

Discuss in your group which places would you like to see in London and why ? Here are some pictures.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 3
Buckingham Palace where the Queen of United Kingdom lives
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 4
Westminster Abbey and the Big Ben Clock Tower
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London Eye – a giant wheel, riding on which you can see the whole of London
London, the capital of England is a beautiful city to visit. There are many places worth visiting. If I go to London. I would like to visit Buckingham Palace, the Westminster Abbey, the Big Ben Clock Tower and the London eye first.

The Buckingham Palace is a majestic building. It is the royal palace of the Queen of U.K. The Westminster Abbey is a huge royal church. It is situated in the centre of the city offering daily services for all. It is also – World Heritage cite.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

The Big Ben Tower is another building worth visiting. Big Ben is the nickname of the striking clock of the tower. The clock is known for it accuracy. The London Eye is a giant wheel. It is thrilling to have a ride on it. The ride enables you to see the whole of London.

Stanzas For Comprehension

Read the following stanzas carefully and answers the questions that follow each :

(1) There was a naughty boy,
And a naughty boy was he
He ran away to Scotland
The people there to see.

1. Why did the naughty boy run to Scotland ?
शरारती लड़का स्कॉटलैंड क्यों भाग गया ?

2. Why does the poet repeat the word ‘naughty’.
कवि लडके के लिए ‘naughty’ शब्द को क्यों देहराता है|

3. Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम लिखें।
1. The naughty boy ran to Scotland to see the people there.
2. The poet repeats the word ‘naughty’ to say that the boy was most mischievous or the naughties one.
3. The name of the poem is ‘There was a Naughty Boy’ and that of the poet is John Keats.

(2) Was as weighty,
That fourscore
Was as eighty,
That a door
Was as wooden,
As in England
So he stood in his shoes
And he wondered,
He wondered,
He stood in his shoes,
And he wondered.

1. What ‘similarity’ did he find about the ground, the door there ?
वहां धरती और दरवाजे के बारे में क्या (किस समानता का) पता चला ?

2. What wondered him ? What words show he surprise ?
उसे किस बात की हैरानी हुई ? कौन-से शब्द उसकी हैरानी को व्यक्त करते हैं ?

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

3. What is the central idea of the poem ? कविता का केन्द्रीय भाव क्या है ?
1. He found that the ground was as hard and the door was as wooden as in England.
2. Similarity in everything in England and in the place where he was (Scotland) wondered him. The words ‘He stood in his shoes’ show his surprise.
3. The poem brings out that no places are different, no men are different in the world. Their way of life is the same. The things they use and the activities they are involved in are similar. :

Word Meanings

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There was a Naughty Boy Summary in Hindi

एक शरारती लड़का (इंग्लैंड) का था। वह यह देखने के लिए स्कॉटलैंड भाग गया कि वहां के लोग कैसे हैं। वह देख कर हैरान रह गया कि वहाँ की धरती इंग्लैंड की धरती की तरह सख्त है। वहां के गज़ की लम्बाई भी उतनी है जितनी कि इंग्लैंड में। स्कॉटलैंड तथा इंग्लैंड के गीतों, फलों तथा धातुओं के गुणों में भी समानता थी।

उदाहरण के लिए गीत आनन्द भरे थे, चैरी लाल थी तथा सीसा भारी था। वहां की गणना का मानक कोड़ी (20 वस्तुएं) भी एक जैसा था। वास्तव में यह सब कुछ हैरान कर देने वाला था।

My English Companion for Class 7 PSEB Solutions Poetry

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