Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 3 Saint Ravidas Ji Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Class 8th English Solutions Chapter 3 Saint Ravidas Ji Question Answers
Saint Ravidas Ji Class 8 Questions and Answers
Activity 1:
Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (adjective/noun/verb. etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or a mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings.
decay | disciple | impression | sermons | meditate |
plight | essence | distinction | stress | eternal |
Prefixes and suffixes
1. The prefixes such as pre-, dis-, un-, im-, in-, mis- generally mean the opposite of
the word they come before
(a) ‘Dishonest is used for a person who is not honest.
(b) ‘Impure’ is used for an object which is not pure.
(c) ‘Impossible’ is used for something that is not possible.
2. The suffixes -er, -or, -ian and -ist mean a person who performs an action/ does something
(a) ‘Cobbler’ is a person who cobbles (mends shoes).
(b) Historian’ is a person who studies history.
Activity 2
Add the right prefix or suffix to the following words. (You may have to add a vowel or a consonant to complete the spellings.)
1. act —- enact/factor
2. scene —- scenery
3. pot —- potter
4. music —- musical
5. run —- runner
6. sculpt —- sculptor
7. vend —- vendor
8. report —- reporter
9. paint —- painter
10. electric —- electrical
11. happening —- mishappening
12. complete —- compeletion
13. correct —- incorrect
14. patient —- patience
15: possible —- impossibe
16. loyal —- disloyal/loyality
17. read —- reader
18. apper —- appearance
19. appear —- appearance
20. place —- placement
Learning to Read and Comprehend
Activity 3.
Write answers to the following questions.
Question 1.
When and where was Ravidas ji born ?
रविदास जी का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ ?
Ravidas Ji was born in the year 1377 at Banaras.
Question 2.
What did Saint Ravidas ji parents want ?
रविदास जी के माता-पिता क्या चाहते थे ?
They wanted him to be educated.
Question 3.
Why could Ravidas ji not continue with his studies ?
रविदास जी अपनी पढ़ाई जारी क्यों नहीं रख सके ?
Ravidas ji found an unfriendly atmosphere at school. So he could not put his heart into studies.
Question 4.
What did he understand at school ?
उन्होंने स्कूल में क्या अनुभव किया ?
He understood at school that a child born in a low caste was not treated well in the society.
Question 5.
What was Ravidas ji in search of and why?
रविदास जी किसकी तलाश में थे और क्यों ?
Ravidas Ji was in search of some spiritual teacher to show him the right path.
Question 6.
What did Swami Ramanand ji do for Ravidas ji ?
स्वामी रामानन्द.जी ने रविदास जी के लिए क्या किया ?
Swami Ramanand ji kindled spiritual flame in Ravidas ji that changed his life.
Question 7.
When did Swami Ramanand ask Ravidas ji to go back home ?
स्वामी रामानन्द जी ने रविदास जी को घर लौट जाने के लिए कब कहा ?
When Swami Ramanand ji was satisfied that the spiritual flame had been kindled permanently in Ravidas ji, he asked, him to go home.
Question 8.
Which place did Saint Ravidas ji choose for his meditation ?
संत रविदास जी ने ध्यान लगाने के लिए कौन-सा स्थान चुना ?
He choose a peaceful place in the forest for his meditation.
Question 9.
How did Saint Ravidas ji save the deer family from the hunter ?
संत रविदास जी ने शिकारी से मृग परिवार की रक्षा कैसे की ?
Saint Ravidas ji saved the dear family from the cruel hunter with his words of wisdom and charming personality.
Question 10.
What change was seen in the hunter after his contact with Saint Ravidas ji ?
संत रविदास जी के सम्पर्क में आने के बाद शिकारी में क्या परिवर्तन देखने को मिला ?
All the evil thoughts in the hunter’s mind were washed away.
Question 11.
What were the main points of Saint Ravidas’ ji teachings ?
संत रविदास जी की शिक्षा के मुख्य बिंदु क्या थे ?
The main points of Saint Ravidas ji’s teaching were :
(a) all are equal in the eyes of God.
(b) the distinctions of caste, colour and creed are meaningless.
(c) intouchability is a sin against humanity.
Activity 4
What do you understand about Saint Ravidas ji in the lesson ? Write three to four sentences on Saint Ravidas ji.
Ravidas ji was one of the great saints of India. He was very humble. He was completely different from the people of that time. His spiritual message appealed to every body. His charming personality even changed the cruel hunter.
Learning Languages
The Verb
Verbs are the words that show a person’s action or state of Verbs
वे शब्द होते हैं जो किसी व्यक्ति की क्रिया या उसके कुछ होने की स्थिति को दर्शाते हैं।
(a) Ashok runs.
(b) The dog jumps.
(c) I am eating.
In the examples, fruns’, ’jumps’ and ’am eating are verbs. A verb may further be categorised into the Main verb (मुख्य क्रिया) and the helping verb (सहायक क्रिया)।
Look at the following sentences :
1. Radha is making tea.
2. Malika has made tea.
3. Seema is dancing.
4. The actors have finished their work.
In the sentences above , the verb is in two parts. In sentence 1 ‘is’ is the helping verb and
‘making’ is the main verb. In Sentence 2 ‘has’ is the helping verb and ‘made’ is the main
verb. In Sentences 3 and 4 ’is’ and ’have’ are the helping verbs and dancing’ and ’finished
are the main verbs respectively.
The main verb expresses the nature of the action while the helping verb helps the main verb in telling the time of the action. For example :
नोट : Verb काम की स्थिति बताता है, जबकि Helping Verb काम का समय (Present, Past etc.) निश्चित करता है
(a) She is eating. (Action is being done in the present)
(b) She was eating. (Action was being done in the past)
Activity 5:
Underline the helping verb with a single line and encircle the main verb in the following sentences.
Example : I am eating an apple.
1. They were eating in a restaurant.
2. Rakhee had prepared food at home.
3. The guests were sleeping in the bedroom.
4. Sushant is sitting in the kitchen.
5. They have participated in the race.
6. Radhika has been playing basketball for several years
7. The will take tea.
8. He is practising the piano.
9. We go to the cinema every week.
10. Navika is reading the newspaper.
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Transitive Verb
A transitive verb shows an action that passes over from the subject to ’something or somebody else called the ”object”. For example :
(a) The policeman arrested the thief.
(b) The boys are eating apples.
In sentence a, the action denoted by the word ’arrested passes over from the subject or doer ’policeman’ to the object ’thief’. The verb ’arrested’ is therefore a Transitive Verb. In sentence ’b’ the verb ’eating’ is a transitive verb.
Intransitive Verb : An Intransitive Verbʻis a word that denotes a state or an action that is complete in itself. It does not pass over to an object. For example :
(a) The bangles are green.
(b) Seema seems sad.
(c) Water boils at 100 degree centigrade.
(d) The child was crying.
(e) She travelled yesterday.
In the sentences above, the action is done by the subject and does not pass to the object. The action stops with the doer. The verbs are’, ’seems’, ’boils’, ’was’ and ’travelled are therefore Intransitive verbs.
Some transitive verbs such as ‘ask”, offer’, promise’, ’tell etc. take two objects - Direct object and Indirect object.
नोट : Transitive Verb को Object की ज़रूरत होती है परन्तु Intransitive Verb को Object की ज़रूरत नहीं होती। वह अपने आप में पूर्ण होता है।
An Indirect Object denotes the person to whom something is given or for whom something is done.
A Direct Object is usually the name (a Proper noun or a Pronoun) of something. Usually, the indirect object comes before the direct object as in the examples given below.
S. No. | Subject + Verb | Indirect Object | Direct Object |
1 | He gave | me | an apple |
2 | The teacher told | us | a story |
3 | Will you make | me | a cup of tea ? |
4 | He offered | me | a job |
These sentences can be written in a different way also. The direct object comes before the indirect object but it will be followed by a preposition.
S. No. | Subject + Verb | Direct Object | Preposition | Indirect Object |
1 | He gave | an apple | to | me. |
2 | The teacher told | a story | to | us. |
3 | Will you make | a cup of tea | for | me ? |
4 | He offered | a job | to | me. |
Some verbs can be both transitive or intransitive without change in the form but with change in the meaning of the verb
S. No. | Transitive | Intransitive | |
1 | The horse drew the cart. | They drew near us. | |
2 | The driver stopped the train. | The train stopped suddenly. | |
3 | The peon range the bell. | The bell rang. |
An intransitive verb may become transitive when combined with a preposition; as.
S. No. | Transitive | Intransitive |
1 | He burnt his hands. | He burnt with rage. |
2 | He eats bread. | We eat to live. |
3 | They opened the door. | The story opens with a comedy |
Activity 6
State whether the verbs in the following sentences are Transitive or Intransitive. Also I write the verb and the object (if any) in the space given.
1. She has lost her bag.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: lost; Object : her bag)
2. The wind is blowing strongly.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb : blowing ; Object : …………)
3. Babli closed the window.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: closed ; Object : window)
4. Soon …….. the door opened.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: opened ; Object : ……..)
5. He pulled open the ……. door.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: pulled open ;Object : the door)
6. His novel is ………… selling well.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: selling ; Object : his novel)
7. The teacher went to the school.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb : went ; Object:…..)
8. He doesn’t like his table.………
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: doesn’t like ;Object : table)
9. Tim likes climbing ……..mountains.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: likes ;Object : climbing mountains)
10. Manju is ………going to buy him a book.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: going ;Object :……)
11. She has invited her friends.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: invited ; Object : her friends).
12. She didn’t sleep very …….. well.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb : didn’t sleep; Object : …….)
13. She sat in the park.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: sat ,Object : ……)
14. They have won.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: won Object : ……)
15. Their team won the match. ..
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: won Object : the match)
16. The car needs a new battery.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb : needs . Object : a new battery)
17. We must see them this weekend.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: see ;Object : them)
18. They should no longer wait.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb : wait ; Object : …………)
19. Harpreet was upset.
(Transitive/Intransitive ; Verb: was ; Object : …………)
20. It is snowing.
(Transitive/Intransitive; Verb: snowing; Object : …………)
Learning to Speak (Groupwork (Group of 6)
Activity 7:
Each student in all the groups will write a secret thing about himself/herself. The other group members will guess the secret in 5 questions. The answers will be in full sentences.
Questions you may ask :
1. What is the secret about -you, your friends or your family ?
(The secret is about me/my friend/my family.)
2. Is it about something you do, or something you like or something you have or something you eat ?
3. Is it about what you play/make/speak/read or have ?
4. Do you play cricket/football/kabaddi/fly kite ?
5. Well, what is your secret ?
1. The secret is about me.
2. It is about something I like.
3. It is about what I play.
4. I play cricket.
5. The secret is that I am weak against spin.
Learning to Write
Dialogue Writing
As you know that writing a dialogue is a very enriching activity. For converting a passage or a story into a dialogue, you need to follow a few steps :
1. Write the name of the characters in the passage followed by a colon (:) s
2. Do not use words such as ’said, ’asked, “replied, ’told’, etc.
3. After the colon, write what the person has said without changing the words. Simply write it.
4. Do not use inverted commas (“ ”) for what the speaker has to say.
5. If the character is doing some action; write that after the name of the character but before the colon in brackets.
For example : Ram (wiping his forehead): Where is my geometry box ?
Amar : I think you have kept it on the desk.
Activity 8
Write the dialogue between Saint Ravidas and the hunter.
Saint Ravidas ji : Why do you kill poor animals ? You must take pity on them.
Hunter : I eat their flesh. It is my food. Hunting gives me food for my family too.
Saint Ravidas ji : But it cruel to of you take away young ones from their mother.
Hunter : Your saved words have changed my heart. Now I am no more a killer. I love all the creatures of God.
Learning to use the language [Groupwork (Group of 4-5)]
Activity 9
A father is teaching his son how to make tea. Write a dialogue between the father and the son.
Father : I am badly tired today. Prepare a cup of hot tea for me.
Son : But I don’t know how to make tea.
Father: Not very difficult. Just follow the steps, I dictate you.
Son : Please start. I am going to the kitchen.
Father : Boil some water in a kettle. Put some tea leaves in it. When they start giving colour, remove the cattle from the gas burner. The tea is ready. I will add sugar and milk to it according to my taste.
Comprehension Of Passages
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below each :
(1) India has been a home for saints and sages. Whenever the moral or social life of people shows signs of decay, some saint or prophet appears on the scene. Ravidas was one such saint who infused new life and vitality into the Hindu social order. Ravidas was born in the year 1377 in Banaras, the holy city of the Hindus. He was the son of a cobbler. His parents wanted him to be educated. They sent him to school. Unluckily, he was unhappy at school and very soon he was out of it. The school life made him understand the ills of the society. Ravidas realized that a child born in the low caste was not treated well in the society. In such an unfriendly atmosphere, little Ravidas could not put his heart into studies. Often he would sit alone and think deeply. It would then appear as if he were in deep Samadhi.
1. When and where was Saint Ravidas Ji born ?
संत रविदास जी का जन्म कब और कहां हुआ था ?
2. What did his parents want to have him ?
उनके माता-पिता उनसे क्या चाहते थे ?
3. Choose true and false statements
and write them in your answer-book :
(a) Banaras is the holy city of the Hindus.
(b) Ravidas ji took great interest in his studies.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Often Ravidas Ji would sit alone ……….
(b) It left a deep ……………
Or Match the words with their meanings :
(i) Purpose | common |
(ii) ordinary | goal |
unhappy |
1. Saint Ravidas Ji was born at Banaras in 1377 A.D.
2. His parents wanted to have him educated.
(a) True
(b) False.
4. (a) Often Ravidas Ji would sit alone and think deeply.
(b) It left a deep and lasting scar on his mind.
(i) purpose - goal
(ii) ordinary – common.
(2) Ravidas got up and looked around. A she deer had been caught in a net laid by a hunter The poor animal was struggling to get tree. As the hunter approached her, she looked at him with pleading eyes. It was as if she was begging for mercy. It was her time to feed her young ones. The three fawns came jumping to her joyfully but they were shocked when they saw their mother in a miserable plight. The mother and her young ones were a painful picture of misery and helplessness. Their silent prayers and their sad eyes could have melted even a heart of stone. But the cruel hunter remained unmoved. His eyes showed no truce of pity or kindness. He stepped forward to capture the animal and her young ones.
1. Who was begging for mercy and why?
दया की याचना कौन कर रहा था और क्यों ?
2. When were the three fawns shocked ?
तीन शावकों को दुःख कब पहुंचा
3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) The hunter’s eyes showed no trace pity.
(b) The hunter did not try to capture the mother deer and her young ones.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) The mother and her young ones were a painful picture of …………….
(b) Their sad eyes could have melted even …..
Match the words with their meaning :
(i) Capture | difficult |
(ii) plight | catch |
sign |
1. A she-deer was begging for mercy because she was caught in hunter’s net.
2. The three fawns were shocked when they saw their mother in a difficult plight.
3. (a) True
(b) False.
4. (a) The mother and her young ones were a painful picture of misery and helplessness.
(b) Their sad eyes could have melted even a heart of stone.
(i) Capture — catch
(ii) plight— difficult situation.
(3) The hunter listened to the kind words of Saint Ravidas ji and felt deep respect for the Saint. The charm of the Saint’s personality and his words of wisdom washed away all evil thoughts from the hunter’s mind. It was a miracle for the hunter. A short meeting with the great saint had changed him completely. A killer’s heart was filled with love for God and all His creation. The hunter promised to lead a compassionate life and never to cause harm to anyone.
1. What washed away all evil thoughts from the hunter’s mind ?
शिकारी के मन से संभी बुरे विचार किस चीज़ ने दूर किये ?
2. What contact changed the hunter completely ?
किस सम्पर्क ने शिकारी को पूरी तरह बदल दिया ?
3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) The hunter listened to the sweet words in deep respect.
(b) The hunter felt as if a miracle had happened.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage
(a) The killer was filled with love of God and ………..
(b) The hunter promised to …..
Write the meanings of the following words in English : (Any two)
(i) momentary
(ii) charm
(iii) virtuous.
1. The charm of Ravidas Ji’s spiritual personality and his words of deep wisdom washed away all evil thoughts from the hunter’s mind.
2. A momentary contact with the great saint Ravidas Ji changed the hunter completely.
3. (a) True
(b) True.
4. (a) The killer was filled with love of God and all His creation.
(b) The hunter promised to lead a Compassionate life.
(i) of a very small time
(ii) attraction/spell
(iii) pure/morally good.
(4) Saint Ravidas Ji was always very humble. He was different from most of the scholars and religious men of his time. He never boasted of his knowledge and wisdom. His divine knowledge came direct from within. He had a charming personality. His spiritual message appealed to every heart. People listened to him spellbound. He spoke in a simple and clear manner. He told people that all are equal in the eyes of God.
The distinctions of caste, colour and creed are meaningless. They are all man-made. Saint Ravidas Ji brought great hope for those who were poor, weak and backward. He filled them with hope, courage and confidence. He inspired them not to bow to the unjust demands of the high-caste people. He inspirerd them to recognize the strength of the spirit within them. He asked them to stay away from all weak thoughts. He always said, “Untouchability is a sin against humanity.”
1. Why did people listen to Ravidas Ji spellbound ?
लोग रविदास जी के वचनों को मन्त्र-मुग्ध होकर क्यों सुनते थे ?
2. How did he oppose the distinctions of caste or colour ?
उन्होंने जाति अथवा रंग के भेदभाव का कैसे विरोध किया ?
3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) Ravidas Ji spoke in a simple and clear manner.
(b) He inspired them to bow to the unjust demands of the high caste people.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Ravidas Ji brought a great hope for the …………
(b) According to Ravidas Ji, untouchability is ………….
Match the words with their meanings :
(i) inspired | hated |
(ii) humanity | encouraged. |
mankind |
1. People listened to Ravidas Ji spellbound because his spiritual message appealed to every heart.
2. He said that the distinctions of caste or colour are meaningless. They are all man made.
3. (a) True
(b) False.
4. (a) Ravidas Ji brought a great hope for the poor, weak and backward.
(b) According to Ravidas Ji, untouchability is a sin against humanity.
(i) inspired – encouraged
(ii) humanity – mankind
Use of Words and Phrases in Sentences
1. arrogance – His arrogance brought about his downfall.
2. exhort - The teacher exhorted him to work hard.
3. fragrance - The fragrance of the flowers attracts the bees.
4. humanity - We should serve the suffering humanity.
5. Impair - Direct sunlight can impair the eyesight.
6. long-desire - She longed to have a son.
7. reflective – He went into a reflective mood after hearing the words of the saint.
8. spiritual - He leads a spiritual life.
9. sermon – The priest was giving a sermon.
10. vigour – She worked with a renewed vigour.
Saint Ravidas Ji Summary in Hindi
India has been…………..in deep smadhi.
भारत सदा से ही साधुओं और संतों का घर रहा है। जब कभी भी लोगों के नैतिक अथवा सामाजिक जीवन में गिरावट आती दिखती है, तो कोई-न-कोई संत अथवा पैगम्बर अवतरित होता है। रविदास जी भी ऐसे ही संत थे जिन्होंने हिंदू सामाजिक-व्यवस्था को नया जीवन और नई ऊर्जा प्रदान की। रविदास जी का जन्म 1377 ई० में हिन्दुओं के पवित्र शहर बनारस में हुआ।
उनके माता-पिता उन्हें शिक्षा दिलवाना चाहते थे। उन्होंने उन्हें स्कूल भेजा। दुर्भाग्यवश वह स्कूल में खुश नहीं थे और वह वहां से चले गए। स्कूल के जीवन से उन्हें समाज की बुराइयों का पता चला। संत रविदास जी ने यह अनुभव किया कि निम्न (कही जाने वाली) जाति वाले परिवार में पैदा होने वाले बच्चे से समाज में अच्छा व्यवहार नहीं किया जाता। ऐसे प्रतिकूल वातावरण में बालक रविदास जी पढ़ाई में मन न लगा सके। वह प्रायः अकेले बैठ जाते और गहरी सोच में डूब जाते थे। उस समय ऐसा लगता था मानों वह गहरी समाधि में हों।
Ravidas Ji had no ………….. in the bushes.
रविदास जी की भौतिक वस्तुओं में रुचि नहीं थी। उनकी रुचि आत्मा से जुड़े विषयों में थी। वह आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्राप्त करना चाहते थे। वह किसी आध्यात्मिक गुरु की तलाश में थे जो उन्हें सही मार्ग दिखा सके। शीघ्र ही वह स्वामी रामानन्दजी के शिष्य बन गए। संत रविदास जी स्वामी जी के पास कुछ समय रहे। अब उनका जीवन पूरी तरह बदल गया।
स्वामी रामानन्द जी के प्रवचनों ने उनके युवा मन पर गहरा प्रभाव डाला। इन प्रवचनों द्वारा वह जीवन की सच्चाई को समझने लगे। उन्हें प्राचीन भारतीय ज्ञान तथा संस्कृति के बारे में पता चला। भूमि तैयार थी, बीज बोया गया और फसल पकने में देर न लगी। जब गुरु जी सन्तुष्ट हो गए कि संत रविदास जी में आत्मा की ज्योति सदा के लिए पूरी तरह प्रज्वलित हो चुकी है तो उन्होंने रविदास जी को घर लौट जाने को कहा और उन्हें अपनी इच्छा से जीवन व्यतीत करने को कहा।
आध्यात्मिक प्रबुद्ध शिष्य ने अब अनुभव किया कि उन्हें एक दैवीय मिशन को पूरा करना है। उन्होंने अपनी भविष्य की गतिविधियों के लिए बनारस को चुना। रविदास जी ने अनुभव किया कि आध्यात्मिक जीवन में उनका प्रशिक्षण अभी पूरा नहीं हुआ। उनमें अधिक से अधिक आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्राप्त करने की जिज्ञासा थी। इसके लिए उन्होंने जंगल के एक क्षेत्र को सुन्दर बनाने का निश्चय किया जहां वह शांति से ध्यान लगा सके। एक दिन झाड़ियों में अचानक होने वाली हलचल से उनका ध्यान भंग हो गया।
Ravidas Ji got up…………..as a human child.”
रविदास जी उठे और उन्होंने चारों ओर देखा। एक हिरणी एक शिकारी द्वारा बिछाए जाल में फंस गई थी। बेचारा पशु आजादी के लिए संघर्ष कर रहा था। जैसे ही शिकारी उसके पास पहुंचा, उसने याचना भरी दृष्टि से उसे देखा। ऐसे लग रहा था जैसे वह दया की भीख मांग रही हो। यह उसका अपने तीन बच्चों को दूध पिलाने का समय था।
तीन छोटे बच्चे खुशी-खुशी उछलते-कूदते उसके पास आए परन्तु वे अपनी मां की दयनीय दशा को देखकर घबरा गए। मां और छोटे बच्चे दया और लाचारी की एक दुःख भरी तस्वीर बने हुए थे। । उनकी मूक याचना और उनकी उदासी भरी आंखें किसी पत्थर दिल को भी पिघला सकती थीं। परन्तु क्रूर शिकारी का मन नहीं पिघला। उसकी आँखों में सहानुभूति अथवा उदारता का कोई भाव नहीं था। वह पशु और उसके बच्चों को पकड़ने के लिए आगे बढ़ा।
जैसे ही रविदास जी ने उन्हें देखा, उनका मन दया से पिघल उठा। उन्होंने अनुभव किया कि दुःखी और लाचार पशुओं को मौत से बचाना उनका कर्त्तव्य है। वह शिकारी के पास गए और इस प्रकार बोले : “हम सभी एक ही ईश्वर की संतान हैं। वह हमारे स्नेहशील पिता हैं। यह ईश्वरीय सुगन्ध ही है जो मनुष्य के सीने में प्रेम के रूप में धड़कती है।
यह ईश्वरीय सुगन्ध गुलाब में खुशबू के रूप में रहती है। यही ईश्वरीय सुगन्ध है जो इन्द्रधनुष को सुन्दरता से भर देती है। यह भी ईश्वरीय सुगन्ध है जो पक्षियों में आनन्द, सेबों में रस तथा वाणी में मधुरता भरती है। इसलिए हमें इस पृथ्वी पर रहने वाले सभी जीवों से प्यार करना चाहिए। सभी प्रकार का जीवन पवित्र होता है। मनुष्य का यह सबसे पवित्र कर्तव्य है कि वह दुःखी मन को शान्ति पहुंचाए।
हमें कभी भी किसी जीव को पीड़ा एवं कष्ट नहीं पहुंचाना चाहिए और न ही मारना चाहिए। हमें छोटी-बड़ी सभी वस्तुओं से प्रेम करना चाहिए। यहां तक कि घास में रहने वाला छोटा सा कीड़ा भी उतना ही पवित्र है जितना कि मनुष्य का बच्चा।”
The hunter listened………….all man-made.
शिकारी ने रविदास जी के दयापूर्ण शब्दों को सुना और संत के प्रति बड़ा आदर भाव दिखाया। संत रविदास जी के व्यक्तित्व के जादू और उनके गहरे ज्ञान से भरे शब्दों ने शिकारी के मन से सभी बुरे विचार निकाल दिए। एक महान संत के साथ केवल क्षण भर के सम्पर्क ने उसे पूरी तरह से बदल डाला। एक हत्यारे का मन प्रभु और उसकी रचना के प्रति प्रेम से भर गया।
शिकारी ने वचन दिया कि वह दयापूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत करेगा और किसी को भी कष्ट नहीं पहुंचाएगा। संत रविदास जी एक विनम्र व्यक्ति थे। वह अपने समय के अधिकतर विद्वानों और धार्मिक व्यक्तियों से भिन्न थे। उन्होंने कभी भी अपने ज्ञान और बुद्धिमत्ता की शेखी नहीं बघेरी थी। उन्हें ईश्वरीय ज्ञान सीधा अपनी अात्मा से प्राप्त हुआ था। उनके आध्यात्मिक प्रवचन सभी को प्रभावित करते थे। लोग उन्हें मंत्रमुग्ध होकर सुनते थे। वह सरल और स्पष्ट भाषा में बोलते थे। उन्होंने लोगों को बताया कि परमात्मा की दृष्टि में सभी समान हैं। जाति, रंग और धर्म के भेदभाव व्यर्थ हैं। ये सब मनुष्य के बनाये हैं।
Saint Ravidas Ji………..the eternal soul.
संत रविदास जी उन लोगों के लिए बड़ी आशा लेकर आए जो निर्धन, कमज़ोर तथा पिछड़े हुए थे। उन्होंने उनके मन में आशा, साहस और भरोसा भरा। उन्होंने उन्हें उच्च जाति के लोगों की अन्यायपूर्ण मांगों के आगे न झुकने के लिए प्रेरित किया। उन्होंने उन्हें आत्मा की शक्ति पहचानने की प्रेरणा दी। उन्होंने उन्हें सभी कमज़ोर भावनाओं से दूर रहने के लिए कहा।
वह हमेशा कहते थे, “छुआछूत (अस्पृश्यता) मानवता के विरुद्ध पाप है।” संत रविदास जी जीवन भर अपने समय के समाज को सुधारने और उसका मार्गदर्शन करने में जुटे रहे। यहाँ तक कि वृद्धावस्था में भी उनके चेहरे पर दैवीय चमक (आभा) बनी रही। उनकी सभी मानसिक क्षमताएं सदैव सशक्त बनी रहीं। भौतिक संसार के तनावों से उनकी आत्मा अछूती रही। उन्होंने आध्यात्मिक जीवन बिताया। उनका अन्त शान्तिपूर्वक हुआ। इस संसार की एक महान् आत्मा परमात्मा में विलीन हो गई।
Retranslation From English to Hindi
1. India has been a home for saint and sages. — भारत साधु-संतों का घर रहा है।
2. They sent him to school. — उन्होंने उसे स्कूल भेजा।
3. The seed was sown. — बीज बो दिया गया।
4. The field was ready. — खेत तैयार था।
5. God is our loving Father. — ईश्वर हमारे स्नेहशील पिता हैं।
6. Saint Ravidas Ji was very humble. — संत रविदास जी बहुत ही विनम्र थे।
7. His end was peaceful. — उनका अंत शांतिमय था।
8. All forms of life are sacred. — जीवन के सभी रूप पवित्र हैं।
9. They are all men-made. — ये सब मनुष्य के बनाये हैं।
10. All are equal in the eyes of God.— ईश्वर की नज़र में सभी समान हैं।
English Guide for Class 8 PSEB Prose
- Value of Money Question Answer
- The Aged Mother Question Answer
- Saint Ravidas Ji Question Answer
- The Old Sage and the Brothers Question Answer
- The Punjab: A Glimpse Question Answer
- Charge for Love Question Answer
- Safety While Driving Question Answer
- Marco Polo Question Answer