Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary Prefixes and Suffixes Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.
PSEB 8th Class English Vocabulary Prefixes and Suffixes
A- Prefixes
Word / Example:
in + active = inactive
in + accurate = inaccurate
in + capable = incapable
in + complete = incomplete
in + correct = incorrect
in + credible = incredible
in + curable = incurable
in + definite = indefinite
in + dependent = independent
in + direct = indirect
in + efficient = inefficient
in + finite = infinite
in + firm = infirm
in + flexible = inflexible
in.+ formal = informal
in + gratitude = ingratitude
in + hospitable = inhospitable
in + human = inhuman
in + secure = insecure
in + significance = insignificance
in + sincerity = insincerity
in + sufficient = insufficient
in + tangible = intangible
in + temperate = intemperate
in + tolerable = intolerable
in + visible = invisible
im + mature = immature
im + mobile = immobile
im + mobilize = inmodilize
im + moderate = immoderate
im + polite = impolite
im + possible = impossible
im + proper = improper
dis + advantage = inadvantage
dis + agree = disagree
dis + appear = disappear
dis + arm = disarm
dis + honour = dishonour
dis + inherit = disinherit
dis + loyal = irloyal
dis + obedient = ofirobedient
dis + orderly = orderly
dis + place = displace
dis + please = displease.
un + able = unable
un + accustomed = unaccustomed
un + affected = unaffected
un + armed = unarmed
un + avoidable = unavoidable
un + certain = uncertain
un + chartered = unchartered
un + common = uncommon
ir + reparable = irreparable
ir + resolute = irresolute
ir + responsible = irresponsible
ir + resistible = irresistible
ir + reverent = – irreverent
ir + revocable = irrevocable
non + aggression = nonaggression
non + aligned = nonaligned
non + cooperate = noncooperate
non + conformist = nonconformist
non + contentious = noncontentious
non + payment = nonpayment
non + poisonous = nonpoisonous
non + political = nonpolitical
non + resident = nonresident
non + religious = nowreligious
non + sense = nonsense
non + smoker = nonsmoker
non + taxable = nontaxable
non + vegetarian = nonvegetarian
non + violence = nonviolence
de + centralize = decentralize
de + increase = decrease
de + inflate = deflate
de + ascend = descend
il + legal = illegal
il + legible = illegible
il + literate = illiterate
il + literacy = illiteracy
B- suffixes
favour + able = favourable
objection + able = objectionable
reason + able = reasonable
remark + able = remarkable
value + able = valueable
prefer + able = preferable
knowledge + able = knowledgeable
notice + able = noticeable
like + able = likeable.
accept + ance = acceptance
allow + ance = allowance
defy + ance = defiance
guide + ance = guidance
import + ance = importance
resist + ance = resistance
appear + ance = appearance
accept + ance = acceptance
perform + ance = performance.
fulfill + ment = fulfillment
agree + ment = agreement
attach + ment = attachment
fulfil + ment = fulfilment
pay + ment = payment
refresh + ment = refreshment
settle + ment = settlement
advertise + ment = advertisement
entertain + ment = entertainment
misplace + ment = misplacement
replace + ment = replacement
refresh + ment = refreshment
pay + ment = payment
law + ful = lawful
beauty + fill = beautiful
care + ful = careful
grace + fill = graceful
hope + fid = hopeful
use + ful = useful
success + fill = successful
power + fill = powerful
doubt + ful = doubtful
pain + fill = painful.
begin + er = beginner
build + er = builder
invade + er = invadeer
make + er = maker
command + er = commander
fast + er = faster
air + er = airer
act + er = acter
bike + er = biker
able + er = abler
old + er = older.
art + less = artless
hope + less = hopeless
noise + less = noiseless
taste + less = tasteless
weight + less = weightless
help + less = helpless
wire + less = wireless
need + less = needless
home + less = homeless
number + less = numberless
mother + less = motherless
driver + less = driverless
system + less = systemless
power + less = powerless
thank + less = thankless
pain + less = painless
fear + less = fearless.
cloud + y = cloudy
fault + y = faulty
sand + y = sandy
sleep + y = sleepy
rain + y = rainy
cream + y = creamy
noise + y = noisy.
bush + y = bushy
juice + y = juicy
snow + y = snowy
rock + y = rocky.
gold + en = golden
silk + en = silken
light + en = lighten
soft + en = soften
bright + en = brighten
straight + en = straighten
earth + en = earthen
wood + en = wooden
wool + en = woolen
dark + en = darken
sharp + en = sharpen
grace + ous = grancious
nerve + ous = nervous
courage + ous = courageous
mystery + ous = mysterious
danger + ous = dangerous
teacher + ous = teacherous
continue + ous = continuous
luxury + ous = luxurious
glory + ous = glorious