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PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Social Science Book Solutions Civics Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

SST Guide for Class 8 PSEB Importance and Principles of Secularism Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Preamble of Constitution is also known as __________
essence of the constitution

Question 2.
The Rights are included in the constitution of India from Article to ________________

Question 3.
The word was added to the Preamble of the constitution by Amendment.
equality, fraternity

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 4.
To treat all religions equal is _______________

II. Put a tick against the Rights (✓) and a cross against the wrong (✗):

Question 1.
The Preamble begins with the word we, the people of India.

Question 2.
The word equality has not been included in the preamble.

Question 3.
Discrimination can be made on the basis of Religion, Caste, Sex, Race.

Question 4.
The Right to vote gives Political Justice.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 5.
The preamble appears at the end of the Constitution of India.

III. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
In which part of the constitution of India are the fundamental Rights included:
(A) Part-I
(B) Part-II
(C) Part-III
(D) Part-IV.
(C) Part-III.

Question 2.
Where are the rules for Ideals are included :
(A) In the Books of Law
(B) In the Preamble
(C) In the Constitution of India
(D) None of the Above.
(C) In the Constitution of India.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 3.
Which Article of the Constitution of India provides six kinds of freedom to the citizens :
(A) Article 18
(B) Article 14
(C) Article 19
(D) Article 17.
(B) Article 14.

IV. Answer the following questions in not more than 15 words :

Question 1.
Give the meaning of Secularism.
There is no religion of the government in the secular state. All religions are equal in the eyes of the state. All the citizens of the country have the right to propagate their religion and to obey their religion in their own way. State does not discriminate with any one on the basis of religion.

Question 2.
Give an example of secularism.
Different Presidents of India belong to different religions. In the same way people of different religions are there on higher posts in the country such as Prime Minister etc.

Question 3.
What is meant by including of rights in the Constiutiton?
Some fundamental aims and ideals of the Constitution are given in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. They are known as ideals of the Constitution. These ideals determine the form of the country.

Question 4.
How have the Ideals included in the preamble been achieved?
Ideals of the Constitution are implemented by giving them a legal form. For example, untouchability has been declared illegal to achieve ideal of equality.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 5.
What is Preamble?
Preamble of the Constitution is given in the beginning of the Constitution. Preamble is that document in which main objective and basic goals of the Constitution are given. It is the key of views of Law makers.

V. Answer the following questions in 50-60 words :

Question 1.
What do you mean by justice? How has this ideal been implemented?
The meaning of justice is that all the citizens of India should be given social, economic and political justice. That’s why it is necessary that every one should be given equal opportunities. So to achieve this aim, according to the Third Schedule of Constitution, discrimination on the basis of religion, race, colour, etc. is prohibited. All the citizens are also given equality of opportunity through fundamental rights. This equality is the guarantee of economic, social and political justice. Person will be punished who will try to break the related laws.

Question 2.
What is the Importance of Preamble of the Constitution?
The Preamble is given in the beginning of the Constitution. Actually it contains all the ideals incorporated in the Constitution. Preamble is essence of the Constitution and if any one wants to know anything about the Constitution, then he needs to look into the preamble first. Moreover, few ideals are given in the Constitution which reflect the working and functioning of the government.

Question 3.
What is meant by National Unity and Integration?
Meaning of National Unity and Integrity is that whole of India is a nation. People of all the classes, castes and religions of country form one nation. None of the unit of country is separate from it. Our Constitution makers were in favour of national unity. This goal is included in Preamble of the Constitution through 42nd constitutional amendment. Many laws have been made to achieve this goal. If any one tries to break these laws then he is given severe punishment. But some anti-social elements are trying to disintegrate the country. Some foreign powers are trying to do so. We should strictly deal with these elements and powers. We are hopeful that we could be able to achieve our objective. ”

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 4.
What is meant by Social, Economic and Political Justice?
The Social Justice says that there will be no discrimination with any one on the basis of caste, colour, race, gender etc. Economic justice provides equal opportunities to everyone to earn livelihood and equal pay for equal work, political justice provides many political rights to all the citizens like right to vote, right to contest elections, right to hold public offices, right to form political parties, right to criticise government etc. In this way, every type of justice is provided to all the citizens of country.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Guide Importance and Principles of Secularism Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Which article of the Indian Constitution does abolish untouchability?
(a) Article 17
(b) Article 15
(c) Article 18
(d) Article 16.
(a) Article 17.

Question 2.
Which amendment of the Constitution added the word ‘Secular’ in the Preamble?
(a) 44th Amendment
(b) 52nd Amendment
(c) 42nd Amendment
(d) 74th Amendment.
(c) 42nd Amendment.

Question 3.
Which of the following rights aims at making India a Secular State?
(a) Right to Freedom of Religion
(b) Right to Equality
(c) Right to Education
(d) Right to Freedom.
(a) Right to Freedom of Religion.

Question 4.
Under which articles right to equality is given?
(a) 14-18
(b) 19-22
(c) 23-24
(d) 25-28
(a) 14-18.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 5.
Under which articles Directive Principles of state policy is given?
(a) 12-35
(b) 36-51
(c) 1-13
(d) 52-151
(b) 36-51.

Fill in the Blanks :

Question 1.
Preamble is also known as __________ of the Constitution.

Question 2.
Fundamental Rights are given from to articles of the Indian Constitution.
14, 32

Question 3.
__________ and words were added in the Preamble through 42nd Constitutional Amendment.
Socialist, secular

Question 4.
It is our __________ to consider all the religions equal.

Tick the Right (✓) or Wrong (✗) Answer :

Question 1.
The Preamble starts with ‘We the People of India’.

Question 2.
Word equality is not added in the preamble.

Question 3.
Anyone can be discriminated on the basis of Caste, Colour, Sex, Race, Gender etc.

Question 4.
Right to vote give us political justice.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 5.
Preamble is written at the end of the Constitution.

Match the Following :

Question 1.

1. Beginning of the Constitution (i) Form of equality
2. An ideal of the Constitution (ii) Preamble
3. End of Untouchability (iii) Equal justice


1. Beginning of the Constitution (ii) Preamble
2. An ideal of the Constitution (iii) Equal justice
3. End of Untouchability (iii) Equal justice

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
On which ideology the constitutions of China, United States of America and India are based?
The Constitution of China is based on the Communist ideology and the Constitution of United States of America is based upon the Capitalist ideology. But the Indian Constitution is not based on any specific ideology.

Question 2.
What were the evil consequences of religious fundamentalism in India during the British rule? Give two consequences.

  1. Communal riots, on the basis of religion, broke out in the country which led to loss of lakhs of lives.
  2. Division of India took place in 1947 A.D.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 3.
What is the first goal (objective) of the Indian Constitution? Have we achieved this goal?
First goal of the Indian Constitution was to achieve internal and external freedom. We have achieved this goal because now we are not the slave of any foreign power. Today whole of the power lies in the hands of the people. We are also free in the foreign matters as well.

Question 4.
Explain the goal of independence of the Indian Constitution.
Freedom of expression, belief, etc. is given in the Preamble of the Constitution. Freedom has been given security in the form of fundamental rights. Citizens can take the help of Judiciary to get these rights.

Question 5.
Why we are not been able to achieve the goals of Constitution? Give two reasons.

  1. Even today, the people struggle with each other on the basis of caste, religion, race and region.
  2. Some states are trying to be separated from the country.

Question 6.
Write down in brief the importance of Secularism.
Secularism is an important ideal of state. People of all religions, in this type of country, can live with peace and harmony with each other. It can maintain unity and integrity of the country. Secularism become more important in the multi-religious country like India.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a note on the goal of ‘Fraternity’ of the Indian Constitution.
The main aim of the goal of Fraternity given in the Indian Constitution is to develop the sense of brotherhood among its citizens. People of different castes, colours and religions live over here in India. It is necessary to develop sense of brotherhood or fraternity among the people to maintain unity and integrity of the country. Communal harmony is necessary to maintain social harmony. That’s why discriminations on the basis of religion, colour, caste, race, sex has been eliminated through different schedules of the Constitution.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 25 Importance and Principles of Secularism

Question 2.
Why have these principles been included in the Constitution?
The Constitution determines the relation between the form of administration of the country, citizens and state. Some ideals are determined to make state a welfare state and to establish good relations with other countries. That’s why it is necessary that social and religious fraternity of the country could be maintained, all the classes could be given justice and unity and integrity of the country should remain intact. That’s why some goals are fixed to achieve this objective. These are known as the goals of Constitution because just after achieving these goals, India can be made an ideal state.

Question 3.
Why secularism has been included in our Constitution?
The main reason for including the goal of secularism in the Indian Constitution is the Indian occupation by the British. India remained the slave of the Britishers for around 200 years. The British tried to divide the country on a religious basis so that economic prosperity should not come in the country. Sometimes our country became the victim of Naxalite ideology. In this way atmosphere of religious fundamentalism occurred in the country and it led to the division of the country. Even religious riots occurred in the country. So it was necessary to make the state secular. That’s why the goal of secularism is included in the Indian Constitution.

Question 4.
Give in detail the meaning of the word Secularism.
The Indian Constitution is based upon the idea of secularism. A secular state is a that state which is completely impartial in religious matters. This type of state does not have its own religion and all religions are equal for it. All the citizens have the right to religious freedom and they are free to adopt any religion or to propagate their religion. No citizen is discriminated against on the basis of religion.

Question 5.
What do you mean by equality? Which equalities are included in the Constitution?
The meaning of Equality is that all the citizens of the country are equal irrespective of their religion, colour, or caste. The following equalities are given in the Constitution:

  • All the citizens are equal before the law.
  • Untouchability has been declared illegal so that social equality could be determined.
  • All the titles, except military and educational titles, have been abolished.
  • No religion, caste, race, or class is given special rights.
  • Judiciary has been given special rights to ensure equality in the country.

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