PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Determiners Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

A word qualifying a head word is known as a determiner. Words like a, an, the, that, his, her, my and some are determiners. In grammar, a determiner is a word that is used before a noun to select which instance of the noun you are talking about or to identify it. Determiners are fixing words that determine precisely the meaning of the nouns with which they are used. See the table:

अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में कुछ शब्द ऐसे हैं जिन्हें संज्ञाओं से पहले लगाया जाता है। ये शब्द संज्ञाओं को निश्चित व निर्धारित करने के लिए लगाए जाते हैं। इन शब्दों को Determiners कहते हैं। ये सोलह शब्द हैं-
Determiners तानी डाला हित मतिरे सवर उत निठां ? Nouns 3 पग्लिा प्लाष्टिका मांसा चै । प्टिव ਸ਼ਬਦ Nouns ਨੂੰ ਨਿਸਚਿਤ ਤੇ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਿਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਲਾਏ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ । ਇਹ ਸੋਲਾਂ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਹਨ-
this, these, that, those, my, your, his, her, its, our, there, some, any, a, an, the.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners 1

Articles. Articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ can also be used as Determiners.
Determiners are of various kinds:
1. Demonstratives – this, that, these, those.
2. Possessives – my, our, your, his, her, its, their, Mohan’s, one’s.
3. Determiners of Quantity – much, more, some, any.
4. Articles – a, an, the are also determiners.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

1. Demonstrative Determiners – This, that, these, those.

  • This house is Gopal’s.
  • That clinic is Dr. Raman’s.
  • These books will be sent to the library.
  • Those flats will be allotted to us.

2. Possessive Determiners.

  • My brother is a pilot.
  • Our leaders work for their own kith and kin.
  • Your performance is very good.
  • His room is very dirty.
  • Swami’s father forbade Swami to wander in the sun.
  • His house is spacious.
  • My coat is black in colour.
  • Its pocket is torn.

3. Determiners of Quantity (“some” and “any”).
Some has positive and any has negative implications. Questions with negative implications also have “any”. But questions with positive implications take “some”.

  • Have you any money ?
  • No, I don’t have any.
  • Will you take some more milk ?
  • Yes, I will.

4. Articles a, an and the are also used as determiners.

  • Here was a possibility.
  • What is the matter ?
  • He did not know the necessary symptoms.
  • He wanted to hold the tooth in reserve.

Note : Our readers should note that all textual exercises on the grammatical items prescribed in the syllabus have been solved at the appropriate places in MBD Guide.

Exercise 1

Fill up the blanks with determiners:

1. ………… watch is broken.
2. ………… of the boys will get a prize.
3. I have not ………… time.
4. There are ………… books on the table.
5. Please give me ………… milk.
6. I do not have ………… money these days.
7. Did not she give you ………… biscuits ?
8. ………… girl will top the list this year also.
9. ………… boys will do well.
10. ………… businessmen make a lot of money.
11. Send ………… student to get the stamps.
12. ………… boy of this class can read it.
13. Give me ………… more juice.
14. There are ………… good books in our library.
1. This
2. Each
3. much
4. some
5. some
6. any
7. some
8. Some
9. Some
10. Some
11. any
12. Any
13. some
14. some.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 2

Fill up the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. ………… egg on the table was thrown away.
2. He has not ………… pen to give you.
3. ………… men are not equal.
4. There is ………… sugar in the tin. You may use it.
5. I have told you ………… hundred times not to come here.
6. There are not ………… buses because the drivers have gone on a strike.
7. Would you like to have ………… coffee ?
8. As ………… patients came into the room, he switched on the fan.
9. He has not eaten ………… food since morning.
10. John refused to give his brother ………… more money.
11. Can you see ………… ants moving on the flower ?
12. ………… teacher can tell you that learning English is not an easy job.
13. Is there ………… food left in the plate ?
14. He has not ………… time to spare.
15. Have you had ………… attacks of malaria ?
16. We can expect ………… more mosquitoes after continued falls of rain.
17. I have not read all the books, but I have read …………
18. Not ………… people like being advised by others.
19. Now the school has ………… pupils than ever before.
20. I exhibited ………… brute in me.
1. The
2. a
3. All
4. some
5. a
6. any
7. some
8. more
9. any
10. any.
11. some
12. The
13. any
14. much
15. any
16. some
17. some
18 many
19. more
20. the.

Exercise 3

Fill up the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. ………… road leads to Amritsar.
2. ………… infant cannot look after itself.
3. The beggar was grateful for ………… bread Rani gave him.
4. ………… dinner served at the wedding was not delicious.
5. ………… crow and the owl belong to the same family of birds.
6. He bought ………… mangoes.
7. There are not ………… flowers in the garden now.
8. If you have ………… doubts, please ask your teacher.
9. Will you bring ………… fruit for me ?
10. My elder son first went to ………… school when he was four.
11. He was sent to ………… prison for murdering a man.
12. Do you need ………… help again ?
13. I have ………… pen and a pencil.
14. Moscow is ………… capital of Russia.
15. Rohit has a radio and ………… TV.
16. He has read it in ………… magazine or the other.
17. A good quality is called ………… virtue.
18. It is a very bad mistake to use ‘a’ with ………… plural noun.
1. This
2. An
3. the
4. The
5. The
6. some
7. any
8. any
9. any
10. the.
11. the
12. a little
13. a
14. the
15. a
16. some
17. a
18. a.

Exercise 4 (Textual)

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. I have ………… friends in the city.
2. ………… umbrella is ………… useful thing.
3. ………… a man has died of cholera.
4. ………… children go to school everyday.
5. Did you see ………… elephants in the forest ?
6. She is proud of ………… beauty.
7. ………… plant is dying.
8. ………… the girls are present today.
9. She did not send me ………… reply.
10. ………… man is expected to do his best.
1. many
2. An, a
3. Many
4. These
5. any
6. her
7. That
8. All
9. any
10. Every.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 5

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. He has got ………… bread.
2. How ………… milk do you take daily ?
3. ………… knowledge is a dangerous thing.
4. There is ………… sugar in stock.
5. He gave away ………… money he had in charity.
6. He has broken ………… slate that you bought yesterday.
7. ………… the students are present in the class.
8. I do not have ………… spare pen.
9. ………… body must have his own book.
10. ………… houses are newly built.
1. some
2. much
3. A little
4. much
5. the little
6. the
7. All
8. any
9. Every
10. These.

Exercise 6

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Keep to ………… left.
2. Where shall I send ………… fare ?
3. I need ………… money.
4. Can you catch ………… butterfly ?
5. How ………… experience have you got ?
6. He is ………… best boy in the class.
7. Kindly show me ………… pens.
8. I did not buy ………… trousers from the market.
9. There are shady trees on ………… side of the road.
10. How ………… ink is there in the bottle ?
1. the
2. the
3. some
4. this
5. much
6. the
7. some
8. any
9. either
10. much.

Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. He did not make ………… mistakes in his essay.
2. I have lost appetite, so I did not eat ………… bananas.
3. I must sign ………… will.
4. When I think of India, I think of ………… things.
5. ………… of people go without food in India everyday.
6. She said, ………… pen is mightier than the sword.”
7. ………… book you want is not with me.
8. ………… houses were damaged in the cyclone.
9. I shall return this book in ………… days.
10. I had put in ………… hard work.
1. any
2. any
3. the
4. many
5. A lot
6. The
7. The
8. Many
9. a few
10. much.

Exercise 8

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. It did not hurt ………… a bit.
2. I covered ………… face and wept.
3. I want ………… title of first Admiral.
4. Who is ………… head of your family ?
5. ………… Ganga is a sacred river.
6. How ………… girls are there in your class ?
7. She toiled up ………… hill.
8. It seemed ………… endless time.
9. Always speak ………… truth.
10. I dismissed him ………… some money.
1. me
2. my
3. the
4. the
5. The
6. many
7. the
8. an
9. the
10. with.

Exercise 9

Use suitable determiners in the blanks:

1. I saw ………… girls swimming in the pool.
2. I did not see ………… film last week.
3. He failed to answer ………… questions.
4. Do you have ………… difficulty ?
5. Meet me ………… time you like.
6. Will you make ………… tea for me ?
7. He gave me ………… money.
8. Did he give you ………… information ?
9. ………… cheerleaders were dressed in swimming dresses.
10. ………… women can keep a secret.
1. some
2. any
3. some
4. any
5. any
6. some
7. some
8. any
9. The
10. Few.

Exercise 10

Use suitable determiners in the blanks:

1. Can you bring me ………… water to drink ?
2. I am in possession of ………… money in my bank.
3. He has ………… enemies.
4. Did you make ………… mistake in the letter ?
5. ………… a lady is present in the hall.
6. ………… ladies are present in the hall.
7. ………… of what you say is trash.
8. Gayatri is a polyglot because she knows ………… languages.
9. I had to face ………… music.
10. This room has ………… doors.
1. some
2. little
3. no
4. any
5. Many
6. Many
7. Much
8. many
9. the
10. two.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 11

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. How ………… money do you want ?
2. All ………… books are lying at sixes and sevens.
3. He lost ………… friends he had.
4. There is ………… milk in the jug.
5. I have ………… work to do.
6. ………… people paid homage to the departed leader.
7. ………… grapes are sweet and juicy.
8. He related ………… interesting story.
9. Jaspreet is ………… taller of them both.
10. Both ………… sons are thieves.
1. much
2. the
3. the few
4. little
5. much
6. Several
7. These
8. an
9. the
10. his.

Exercise 12

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. ………… member of the party was garlanded.
2. Is there ………… news ?
3. ………… father was a famous physician.
4. ………… horse runs very fast.
5. ………… books lie scattered in the room.
6. Please lend me ………… money.
7. She has ………… daughters.
8. Consult your doctor in case of ………… difficulty.
9. ………… girls are still writing the answer.
10. Only ………… persons came to witness the match.
1. Every
2. any
3. My
4. That
5. Her
6. some
7. two
8. any
9. Some
10. a few.

Exercise 13

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Do you have ………… doubt in your mind ?
2. God has created ………… universe.
3. I have ………… good books.
4. Ujwal Puri is going out with ………… Chinese girl.
5. I never have ………… luck with the lottery.
6. Have you got ………… money ?
7. How ………… milk do you need ?
8. ………… time has passed now.
9. I have ………… expectations from anyone.
10. ………… list of new books has been released.
11. ………… road leads to Ajnala.
12. Singing is ………… passion.
13. He tore away ………… resignation letter.
14. She threw her arms around ………… baby.
15. She wrote ………… letter quickly.
1. any
2. the
3. many
4. a
5. any
6. any
7. much
8. much
9. no
10. a
11. This
12. my
13. his
14. her
15. a.

Exercise 14

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Have you got ………… Pakistani friends ?
2. No, I haven’t got ………… Pakistani friends ?
3. He has ………… riend at all.
4. She has ………… best friend. They spend all their time together.
5. I have hardly ………… money left.
6. Have you got ………… money ?
7. Would you like ………… more orange juice ?
8. He lives ………… where in London. It does not matter to us.
9. I’m not looking for ………… in particular.
10. There are ………… animals in this zoo.
11. Is there ………… message for me ?
1. any
2. any
3. no
4. a
5. any
6. some
7. some
8. some
9. anyone
10. many
11. any.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 15

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Where shall I send ………… packet ?
2. He sat on ………… seat beside his bed.
3. Shobha knows ………… languages.
4. Hassan lost ………… little sympathy the teacher had for him.
5. How ………… money does he need ?
6. ………… the papers were lying on the floor.
7. There was hardly ………… effort by Hassan to overcome his bad habits.
8. We have ………… things to finish before we go.
9. I had to take ………… responsibility.
10. The big hall has ………… windows.
1. this
2. the
3. many
4. the
5. the
6. any
7. many
8. many
9. the
10. many

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