Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Question Answer Class 12 English Book Poem Chapter 5 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Poem 5 Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 12th English Book Poem Chapter 5 Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Question Answers

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Class 12 Questions and Answers

1. I think we are too ready with complaint
In this fair world of God. Had we no hope
Indeed beyond the zenith and this slope
Of yon gray and blank of sky, we might grow faint.
To muse upon eternity’s constraint
Round our aspirant souls.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Cheerfulness Taught By Reason

Word-Notes :
Too ready-always ready. Fair world-beautiful world. Zenith-the highest point that the sun or moon reaches in the sky, directly above you. Faintunconscious, very weak.

The poetess says that we are always ready to have some complaint in this beautiful world made by God. If we had no hope to see the vast sky between the highest point over our heads and the slope, then we may have reason to feel upset or even very much disturbed. We might feel weak or upset thinking of the restraint imposed by eternity on man. But this is not so.

कवयित्री कहती है कि हम परमात्मा द्वारा बनाई गई दुनिया के विरुद्ध कोई न कोई शिकवा या शिकायत रखते हैं। यदि हमें चरम बिन्दु (पराकाष्ठा) और ढाल के बीच विस्तृत आकाश नज़र न आये तो हो सकता है हम भीरु या कमजोर बन जायें। शायद हम भविष्य द्वारा मनुष्य पर लगाये प्रतिबंध के बारे में सोच कर कमज़ोर और परेशान हो जायें। लेकिन ऐसा नहीं होता।

2. To muse upon eternity’s constraint
Round our aspirant souls, but since the scope
Must widen early, is it well to droop,
For a few days consumed in loss and taint ?

Word-Notes :
Muse upon-think of. Eternity-future life, everlasting period. Scopeability for improvement.

Here the poetess says that one should be optimistic in life. If we have no hope to see the vast sky between the highest point above our heads and the slope, we might grow upset or weak. We might start thinking over the restrictions imposed by the future on our ambition of aspiring souls. We should not go on thinking of some loss. We have vast scope for improvement. We should not be pessimistic. It does not help us at all if we are worried about our loss for a few days.

यहां कवयित्री कहती है कि हमें जीवन में आशावादी होना चाहिए। यदि हमें चरम बिंदु (पराकाष्ठा) और ढाल के बीच विस्तृत आकाश नज़र न आये तो हो सकता है हम भीरू या कमज़ोर बन जायें। हो सकता है कि हम उन प्रतिबन्धों के बारे सोचना शुरू कर दें जो भविष्य द्वारा हम पर लागू किये गये हैं। हमें किसी प्रकार की हानि के बारे सोचते नहीं रहना चाहिये। सुधार के लिए हमारे पास विस्तृत क्षेत्र है। हमें निराश नहीं होना चाहिये। इससे हमें रत्ती भर भी सहायता नहीं मिलती यदि हम कुछ दिनों की अपनी हानि के बारे चिन्तित रहें।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Cheerfulness Taught By Reason

3. O Pusillanimous Heart, be comforted
And, like cheerful traveller, take the road
Singing beside the hedge. What if thy bread
Be bitter in thine inn, and thou unshod
To meet the flints ? At least it may be said
Because the way is short, I thank thee, God.

Word-Notes :
Pusillanimous—cowardly. Beside—by the side of. Hedge—a group of bushes or small trees planted along the edge of a field or road. Inn—hotel or house. Thine-your. Unshod-without shoes. Thee-you. Flints-very hard grey stones.

The poetess addresses a man with a cowardly heart. She tells the person to feel comfortable and at ease. He should undertake his journey like a cheerful traveller. He should walk along the road and go on singing happily. It does not matter if the food in his house or hotel is bitter and he is without shoes to walk on the stony road. He should be thankful to God that he has to cover a short distance to reach his destination.

कवयित्री एक कमज़ोर दिल वाले व्यक्ति को संबोधित करती है। वह कहती है कि उसे निश्चिन्त महसूस करना चाहिए और उसे ब्रेफिक्र होना चाहिए। उसे एक प्रसन्नचित्त यात्री की तरह अपनी यात्रा करनी चाहिए। उसे प्रसन्नता से सड़क पर गाते हुए चलना चाहिये। उसे इस बात की बिल्कुल परवाह नहीं करनी चाहिये कि उसके घर या होटल का भोजन कड़वा है और पथरीली सड़क पर चलने के लिए उसके पाँव में जूते नहीं हैं। उसको परमात्मा का धन्यवादी होना चाहिए क्योंकि गन्तव्य पर पहुँचने के लिए उसको थोड़े फासले पर ही चलना है।

Comprehension Of Stanzas

1. I think we are too ready with complaint.
In this fair world of God’s.
Had we no hope Indeed beyond the zenith and the slope
Of yon gray blank of sky, we might grow faint
To muse upon eternity’s constraint
Round our aspirant souls.

Questions :
(a) According to the poet, what are we too ready to do ?
(b) How should man conduct himself in his life ?
(c) Why should we hope beyond the zenith and the slope of yon gray blank of sky?
(d) Write the rhyme scheme followed by the poet in the first four lines of the stanza.
Answers :
(a) We are ready to complain about this beautiful world created by God.
(b) He should have an optimistic outlook in life.
(c) We should hope beyond the zenith and the slope of yon gray blank of sky in order to avoid disappointment.
(d) The rhyme scheme is : ab ba.

2. But since the scope
Must widen early, is it well to droop
For a few days consumed in loss and taint ?

Questions :
(a) Name the poem and the poet.
(b) Explain : Is it well to droop
For a few days consumed in loss and taint ?
(c) What lesson does the poetess seek to give in these lines ?
(d) Explain : The scope must widen early.
Answers :
(a) The name of the poem is ‘Cheerfulness Taught by Reason’ written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
(b) It is not wise to feel disappointed and depressed if we have a few setbacks through loss and damage. We must have a cheerful outlook on life.
(c) We should learn to take temporary setbacks and failures in our stride.
(d) We must believe that every midnight has a budding morrow. (Raat Bhar ka hai mehman andhera Kiske rokay ruka hai savera)

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Cheerfulness Taught By Reason

3. O Pusillanimous Heart, be comforted
And, like cheerful traveller, take the road
Singing beside the hedge.

Questions :
(a) Name the poet and the poem.
(b) Which figure of speech is used in the above lines ?
(c) Pusillanimous Heart is :
(i) the heart that is enjoying life.
(ii) the heart that is frightened to take risks.
(iii) the heart that is ready to take risks.
(d) In which manner should one move on a journey ?
Answers :
(a) The name of the poet is Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the name of the poem is Cheerfulness Taught by Reason.
(b) Pusillanimous Heart ………. Personification.
And, like cheerful traveller, take the road ……………. simile.

(c) Pusillanimous Heart is the heart that is frightened to take risks.
One must go on a journey in a cheerful manner.

4. What if the bread
Be bitter in thine inn, and thou unshod
To meet the flints ? At least it may be said,
‘Because the way is short, I thank thee, God.

Questions :
(a) What are the two complaints in the above lines ?
(b) The poet asks us to be …………. in life. (careful, alert, optimistic)
(c) …………….. and thou unshod to meet the flints ?
(i) Meeting people during the journey.
(ii) Walking on a stony path without shoes.
(d) Why should we thank God ?
Answers :
(a) The two complaints are :
(i) The bread in our inn iş bitter.
(ii) We have to walk on a stony path without shoes.
(b) optimistic
(c) walking on a stony path without shoes.
(d) We should thank God because we have to walk a very short distance.

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Summary in English

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Introduction:

It is a short poem. But it has a big idea. It tells man to be optimistic in life. It is no use complaining about what we do not have. We should be thankful to God for what we have. One should have a brave heart to accept things as they are. We should not go on complaining that our path is full of stones. We should be thankful to God that the path is short.

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Summary in English:

The poetess tells us to learn to be optimistic in life. It is no use complaining about what you do not have. The best thing would be to be thankful for what we have. In this beautiful world made by God, most of us are always ready to complain about what we do not possess. We are likely to be deprived of so many things in our life. We may not be able to reach the highest point in the sky.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Cheerfulness Taught By Reason

We may become unconscious thinking that there is some restriction put on our soul to reach the sky. It is not wise to keep on feeling sad or depressed if we cannot reach such a distant destination. Our weak heart should feel strong. It must go on marching on the road singing in a cheerful mood. We should not complain that the road to our destination is full of stones. We should be thankful to God that we have to cover only a very short distance.

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Summary in Hindi

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Introduction:

यह एक छोटी-सी कविता है। लेकिन इसकी एक बड़ी धारणा है। यह मनुष्य को कहती है कि उसे अपने जीवन में आशावादी होना चाहिए। जो चीज़ हमारे पास नहीं है उसके बारे में हमें कोई शिकवा या शिकायत नहीं होनी चाहिए। जो कुछ हमारे पास है उसके लिए हमें भगवान का धन्यवादी होना चाहिए। चीजें जैसे भी हैं, उन्हें हमें दलेर दिल से स्वीकार कर लेना चाहिए। हमें यह शिकायत नहीं करते रहना चाहिए कि हमारे रास्ते में पत्थर हैं। हमें परमात्मा का धन्यवादी होना चाहिए क्योंकि हमारा रास्ता छोटा-सा है।

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Summary in Hindi:

कवयित्री हमें कहती है कि जीवन में हमें आशावादी होना चाहिए। जो कुछ हमारे पास नहीं होता उसके बारे शिकायत करने का कोई लाभ नहीं होता। सर्वोत्तम तो वही बात होती है कि जो कुछ हमारे पास है उसके लिए हमें धन्यवादी होना चाहिए। अपने जीवन में हमें कई चीजों से वंचित रहना पड़ता है। हम में से बहुत से ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो हमेशा शिकायत करने के लिए तैयार रहते हैं यदि उनके पास कोई वस्तु न हो। हमें अपने जीवन में कई चीजों से वंचित होना पड़ता है।

हम आकाश में सबसे ऊँचे बिन्दु पर पहुँचने के योग्य नहीं हो सकते। हमें उदास या निराश बिल्कुल नहीं होना चाहिए यदि हम किसी दूर स्थित गन्तव्य पर नहीं पहुंच पाते। हमें अपने कमज़ोर हृदय को मजबूत बनाना चाहिए। इसे पथ पर चलते रहना चाहिए और खुशी का गीत गाते जाना चाहिए। हमें यह शिकायत नहीं करनी चाहिए कि हमारे गन्तव्य का मार्ग अड़चनों से भरा पड़ा है। हमें परमात्मा का शुक्राना करना चाहिए क्योंकि हमारी मंजिल थोड़ी सी दूरी पर है।

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Central Idea

This is a small poem with a big idea. It calls upon the readers to be optimistic in life. It is no use grumbling and whining about what we do not possess. We should rather be thankful for what we have. We should have a brave heart. We should not be cowardly. We should take things in our stride. We should stop grumbling if there are difficulties in our way or if our path is full of stones. We should be thankful to God that the way is short and destination is about to come.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Cheerfulness Taught By Reason

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason Central Idea In Hindi

यह एक छोटी कविता है जो बड़े विचार को व्यक्त करती है। यह पाठकों से अनुरोध करती है कि उन्हें जीवन में आशावादी होना चाहिये। जो चीज़ हमारे पास नहीं है उसके बारे रोने-धोने का कोई लाभ नहीं है। हमें उस चीज़ के लिए धन्यवादी होना चाहिये जो हमारे पास है। हमारा दिल दलेर होना चाहिए। हमें भीरु या बुज़दिल नहीं बनना चाहिए। हमें चीज़ों को या स्थिति को सहज में लेना चाहिये। यदि हमारे रास्ते में कठिनाईयाँ हों या यदि हमारे रास्ते में पत्थर हों तो हमें बुड़-बुड़ नहीं करना चाहिये। हमें परमात्मा का धन्यवादी होना चाहिये कि हमारा रास्ता छोटा है और हमारा गन्तव्य आने ही वाला है।

A Rainbow of English 12 Class Solutions PSEB Poetry

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