Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain! Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Class 6th English Solutions Poem Chapter 2 How Beautiful is the Rain! Question Answers
How Beautiful is the Rain! Class 6 Questions and Answers
Activity 1.
Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your words note book.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb etc.)
2. Pronunciation (the teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings
fiery | lane | clatter | gushes | tramp |
hoofs | swift | overflowing | spout |
Vocabulary Expansion
Activity 2.
Pick up words from the text that match the rhyme of the following words.
1. rain – lane
2. heat – street
3. roofs – hoofs
4. out – spout
5. lane – rain/window-pane
6. pours – roars
7. wide – tide
Learning to Read and Comprehend
Activity 3.
Read the poem and write answers to the following :
Question 1.
Why does the poet say that the rain is beautiful ?
कवि क्यों कहता है कि वर्षा सुंदर होती है ?
The rain is beautiful as it presents a lovely sight. Its flow and sounds are lovely to watch and hear.
Question 2.
Which are the places where the rain falls ?
वर्षा कौन-कौन से स्थानों पर गिरती है ?
The rain falls on street, lane, roof, window-pane etc.
Question 3.
Why does the poet repeat the first line ?
कवि पहली पंक्ति को क्यों दोहराता है ?
The poet repeats the first line to lay stress on his point that the rain is beautiful.
Question 4.
What gushes and struggles out ?
क्या चीज तेजी से संघर्ष करती हुई बाहर निकलती है ?
The rain gushes and struggles out.
Question 5.
Why is the rain like a tramp of hoofs ?
वर्षा खुरों के पुलिंदे जैसी क्यों लगती हैं ?
The clattering sound of the rain on roofs makes it so.
Activity 4.
Read the words in the following table and do as directed.
S. No. | Word | I know the word. Write the meaning. | I don’t know, put a cross (x) | Give yourself 1 mark if you know the meaning. |
1. | Beautiful | lovely | X | 1 |
2. | Dust | fine earth particles | X | 1 |
3. | Fiery | burning | X | 1 |
4. | Street | lane | X | 1 |
5. | Lane | street | X | 1 |
6. | Clatters | clanks | X | 1 |
7. | Tramp of hoofs | a group of hoofs | X | 1 |
8. | Gushes | rushes | X | -1. |
9. | Overflowing | running over the banks | X | 1 |
10. | Swift | fast | X | 1 |
Learning to Listen
Activity 5.
The teacher will read the following passage once. Students must complete the following blanks.
Rain …….1…… as a …..2….. relief after …..3…….. and dust of the ….4…… . Rain is a wonderful …..5……. of nature to all …..6………. If there is no ……7……. crops will not ….8……. . All vegetation will wither …….9……. We can not ……10…… of life in this … 11….. without ….12…..
1. comes
2. great
3. heat
4. summer
5. gift
6. creatures
7. rain
8. grow
9. away
10. think
11. season
12. rain.
Learning to Speak
Activity 6 (Think Pair Share)
Students will work in pairs to do the following activity. You may take notes of what your partner says. Just write points.
1. Do you like the rain ? Why ? Why not ? Tell your partner about it.
2. Why is the rain like ‘tramp of hoofs’ ? Discuss with your partner.
Note : Do it yourself.
Learning to write
Activity 7.
What words would you use to describe the rain ? Make a list.
Beautiful, lovely, welcome, pouring, heavy, flooding, gushling, roaring, cooling, overflowing, clattering etc. Learning language Punctuation
Punctuation means putting full stops, commas, question marks etc. at the right places in a piece of writing. Punctuation helps to separate one sentence from another sentence, or one part of a sentence from another.
The important marks of punctuation are :
कुछ लिखते समय कुछ विशेष विराम चिन्हों का प्रयोग किया जाता है, इनके बिना अर्थ स्पष्ट नहीं होता। इन चिन्हों के प्रयोग को अंग्रेज़ी में Punctuation कहते हैं। इसके मुख्य विराम चिन्ह निम्नलिखित हैं।
Capital Letters (A, B, C ……..)
Full stop (.)
Comma (,)
Question Mark (?)
Exclamation Mark (!) etc.
In this lesson, we will concentrate on Capital Letters only.
इस पाठ में हम केवल Capital Letters के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करेंगे
There are different uses of capitals. We use capitals with :
1. The first word in a sentence :
(वाक्य का पहला अक्षर)
Examples :
(a) She was late for the film.
(b) She came back soon.
2. The word ‘I’ and people’s names :
(शब्द ‘I’ तथा लोगों के नाम)
Examples :
(a) Radhika likes to drive slow but I like to drive fast.
(b) Sheena likes apples.
3. The name of places, institutions and languages.
(स्थानों, संस्थाओं तया भाषाओं के नाम)
Examples :
(a) I studied in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Amritsar.
(B) Most people in the world speak Spanish language.
4. Product names :
Examples :
(a) I use Lux soap
(6) My Samsung phone was stolen.
5. Calendar items :
(जत्री से जुड़े नाम)
Examples :
(a) I sent my friend a Diwali card while she sent me a Christmas Card.
(b) Seema does not like going to the office on Monday.
(c) My birthday falls in March.
However, the names of seasons are not written with a capital :
(ऋतुओं के नार्मों को बड़े अक्षर से शुरू करना ज़रूरी नहीं है।)
(d) Like cricket, baseball is played in summer.
6. Main words in titles :
(उपाधियों/ शीर्षकों के मुख्य शब्द)
Examples :
(a) The name of my doctor is Dr. Aggarwal.
(b) My favourite book is Five Run Away Together by Enid Blyton.
Activity 8.
Use Capital letters where needed in the following sentences.
1. she is a good singer.
2. are you a good singer ?
3. does pratima live in mumbai ?
4. saurabh lives in delhi but i live in chandigarh.
5. i went to the library to borrow books written by premchand.
6. do you have a samsung phone ?
7. why is february 29 important ?
8. albert einstein was a famous scientist.
9. jagdeesh chander bose was an indian scientist.
10. i will buy sony televesion from delhi.
1. She is a good singer.
2. Are you a good singer ?
3. Does Pratima live in Mumbai ?
4. Saurabh lives in Delhi but I live in Chandigarh.
5. I went to the library to borrow books written by Premchand.
6. Do you have a Samsung phone ?
7. Why is February 29 important ?
8. Albert Einstein was a famous scientist.
9. Jagdeesh Chander Bose was an Indian scientist.
10. I will buy Sony television from Delhi.
Activity 9.
Look at the following sentences carefully and do as directed.
1. Ram plays like Dhoni.
2. Ram runs like a horse.
3. Ram eats like a sparrow.
4. Ram bats like Tendulkar.
5. Ram looks like his father.
What is common in these sentences ? ‘Ram’ is like someone else.
“Ram’ is like Dhoni, horse, sparrow. Tendulkar, his father. The qualities of these people are there in Ram.
ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में राम को किसी ‘अन्य’ की तरह बताया गया है। वास्तव में इन वाक्यों में राम के गुणों की तुलना अन्य लोगों से की गई है।
‘Like’ is used to compare two different people/things.
दो अलग-अलग लोगों या वस्तुओं की तुलना करने के लिए ‘Like’ शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Examples.
1. Like the tramp of hoofs (rain sounds like)
2. Like a river down the gutter roars
Read the sentences given below and underline the two things that have the same quality. Also encircle the quality. For Example. (एक समान गुणों वाली दो चीज़ों को रेखांकित करें। गुण पर दायरा लगाएं।)
Comprehension Of Stanzas
Read stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each :
(1) How beautiful is the rain !
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,
How beautiful is the rain !
How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs.
1. What is beautiful ?
क्या चीज़ सुंदर लगती है
2. When is the rain welcome ?
वर्षा छतों पर किस प्रकार खटखटाति है।
3. How does it clatter along the roofs ?
वर्षा छतों पर किस प्रकार खटखटाती हैं ?
4. Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम लिखें।
Write two pairs of rhyming words.
लय वाले शब्दों के दो जोड़े लिखें।
1. The rain is beautiful.
2. The rain is welcome after the dust and heat.
3. It clatters like the tramp of hoofs along the roofs.
4. The name of the poem is ‘How Beautiful is the Rain !’ Its poet is H.W. Longfellow.
(2) How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout !
Across the window-pane
It pours and pours ;
And swift and wide,
With a muddy tide,
Like a river down the gutter roars
The rain, the welcome rain !
1. Write down the rhyming words in the stanza.
पद्य में से लयात्मक शब्द लिखें।
2. How does the rain fall across the window-pane ?
खिड़की के शीशे पर वर्षा कैसे पड़ती है ?
3. What is the rain compared to ?
वर्षा की तुलना किससे की गई है ?
4. When does it produce a roaring sound ?
यह गरजती हुई आवाज़ कब निकालती है ?
Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम लिखें।
1. Out-spout; pane-rain, pours-roars; wide-tide.
2. It pours and pours across the window-pane.
3. The rain is compared to a river.
4. It produces a roaring sound while going down a gutter.
The name of the poem is ‘How Beautiful is the Rain !’ and its poet is H.W. Longfellow.
Word Meanings
How Beautiful is the Rain Poem Summary in English
How Beautiful is the Rain Summary in English
The rain, with its sounds and sights, is very beautiful. It is most welcome after the dust and heat of the summer. It flows down the baked streets and presents a lovely sight. The rain clatters along the roofs like a group of hoofs. It struggles to drain out of the pipe and fell down.
It strikes the window-panes briskly and strongly. It becomes like a muddy river when it reaches the ground. It falls into some gutter producing a roaring sound. On the whole everybody welcomes, the summer rain.
How Beautiful is the Rain Summary in Hindi
कवि कहता है कि गर्मियों की वर्षा बहुत ही सुंदर और सुहावनी होती है। यह सुंदर तथा दर्शनीय दृश्य प्रस्तुत करती है। धूल-मिटी के मौसम के बाद इसका पानी तपती हुई तंग तथा चौड़ी गलियों में बहने लगता है। वर्षा छतों पर खटखट की आवाज़ पैदा करती है। ऐसे लगता है जैसे बहुत से जानवर अपने खुर नीचे पटक रहे हों।
वर्षा का पानी तेज़ गति से संघर्ष करता हुआ छत की पाईप में से निकलता है। यह खिड़की के शीशों पर बड़ी ऊंची लहर की तरह नीचे की ओर बहता है। गड्ढों में से यह मटमैला होकर शोर करता (गरजता) हुआ निकलता है। ऐसे लगता है, जैसे कोई नदी की तेज़ धारा बह रही हो। ऐसी वर्षा स्वागत योग्य है।
Class 6th English Book Solutions PSEB Poetry