Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Class 6th English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 I am Happy with Who I am Question Answers
I am Happy with Who I am Class 6 Questions and Answers
Activity 1.
Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings
mirror | index finger | confident |
precious | being | matter |
Activity 2.
Pick up words from the text that match the rhyme of the following words.
1. me, see, be
2. mirror, finger, matter, better, colour.
Activity 3.
Read the following words and use them in meaningful sentences.
1. Precious Life is precious.
2. Confident-I am confident of me.
Learning to Read and Comprehend
Activity 4.
Read the poem and answer the following question :
What does the poet see in the mirror ?
कवि शीशे में क्या देखता है ?
She sees herself
(a) looking back at her.
(b) showing the index finger.
(c) saying no one can be like her.
Activity 5.
Make a list of the things that the poet says about herself.
कवि द्वारा अपने बारे में कही गई बातों की सूची बनाओ।
(a) I believe in myself, my being, my size, my shape, my colour.
(b) I am happy with who I am.
(c) I am unique and precious.
Activity 6.
Use of ‘is’, ‘am’, ‘are’. Look at these sentences :
1. I am honest.
2. They are working hard.
3. He is reading a newspaper.
4. You are very intelligent.
The words in bold – ‘is’, ‘am’ ‘are’, are helping verbs.
is, am, are here found
1. ‘am’ is used with ‘I’.
I am doing my work.
2. ‘is’ is used with singular subjects.
She is my best friend
Rohit is singing a song.
3. “are’ is used with ‘you’ and plural subjects.
You are very beautiful.
Anu and Neha are good friends.
Learning to Listen
Activity 7 (Pair Work)
The teacher will choose simple pictures of trees, flowers, hut, etc. for the students. Sit with your partner facing another side. Your partner will describe a picture. The sister will give one student a simple photograph and the other a blank piece of paper. The first student will describe in detail the photograph, while the second student will try to draw it on the paper :
Students can use phrases as
1. I am going to describe a/an….
2. It is red/blue/green ….
3. The __ is very big/small/shady/tall ….
The teacher will collect all the photos and the drawings and select the drawing that is closest to the verbal description. The teacher will show the photo to the students and tell them why she/ he has chosen that picture.
Learning to Speak
Note : Do it yourself in the classsroom with help of your teacher.
Activity 8.
Our parents love us. They say the best things to us. Do we love ourselves ? Do you think we should believe in ourselves ? Yes ! We must if we want to give our best to other people, we must think that we are good. We must think that we can do it. Now, look at the chart given below. Read it carefully. Animal parents also love their children. Now get into pairs. Say all the sentences in the chart to your partner, Take turns in speaking. When you have finished saying to your partner, say all the sentences to yourself. Remember to add YES before each sentence.
Positive Things To Say To Myself
1. Yes, I love myself
2. Yes, I mother
3. Yes.
Learning to Write
Activity 9.
Write a short paragraph on ‘What I like about myself’. You may use the sentences given in the chart for guidance.
“What I like about myself
60-70 words. I am a precious gift of God to my parents. God has given me many positive things. I am strong. I am smart. I have a kind heart. I am helpful. I am loving and caring. I keep going because I believe in myself. My confidence is great. I face every difficulty boldly. On the whole, I am a good person. I am unique as no one is there like me. The whole world needs me because I can make it better. Thus, I am special. I will not change myself for anyone. |
Learning to Use Language
Activity 10.
Complete the following worksheet.
My Name : X
My age : 10 years
My height : 5 feet
My colour : fair
My hair : black and curly
My hobby : painting
My favourite Book : Grandma stories
My favourite Sport : hockey
My dream : to become a scientist
Share your sheet with your partner. Are your answers the same ? Are they different ? In what ways are you both different from each other ? The beginning is given :
Our names are different. My name is X. His/her name is Y. Our age is different. My age is 10 years. His/her age is 11 years. Our heights are different. My height is 5 feet. His/her height is 5 feet 2 inches. Our colours are different. My colour is fair. His/her colour is little brown. Our hair are different. My hair is black and curly. His/her hair is black and plain. Our hobbies are different. My hobby is painting. His/her hobby is reading books. Our favourite books are also different. My favourite book is ‘Grandma Stories’ whereas his/her favourite book is ‘Animal Stories’. We like to play different games. My favourite game is hockey. But his/her favourite game is Kabaddi.
Comprehension Of Stanzas
Read stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each :
(1) I often look into the mirror
And I like what I see,
I see myself looking back at me
Showing the index finger.
Saying no one can be like me.
1. What does the poet often look into ?
कवि प्रायः किस चीज़ में देखता है ?
2. What does he/she see in it ?
इसमें वह क्या देखता/देखती है ?
3. Which finger does the figure show ?
आकृति में कौन सी उंगली दिखती है ?
What does it tell the poet ?
वह कवि को क्या बताती है ?
Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम बताएं।
1. He/she often looks into the mirror.
2. He/she sees himself/herself looking back at him/her.
3. The figure shows the index finger. (astant)
4. It tells the poet that none can be like him/her.
The name of the poem ‘I’m happy with who I am and that of the poet is Vandana Lunyal.
(2) I’m unique, the mirror tells me
I’m precious, I matter
The world has a need of me
If I smile and make it better
Saying no one can be like me.
1. What does the mirror tell the poet ? Mention any two things.
शीशा कवि को क्या बताता है ? कोई दो बातें लिखें।
2. Who needs him/her ?
उसकी ज़रूरत किसे है ?
3. How can he/she make the world better?
वह संसार को कैसे बेहतर बना सकता/सकती है ?
4. Pick out the word from the stanza that means ‘no one can be like me’.
Which word in the stanza rhymes with ‘matter’?
1. The mirror tells the poet that he/she is precious and that he/she matters.
2. The world needs him/her.
3. He/she can make the world better with his/her smiles.
4. ‘unique’
(3) Be confident, says the mirror
Whatever you are, be happy.
I believe in myself, my being
My size, my shape, my colour
I’m happy with who I am !
1. What does the mirror say to the poet ?
शीशा कवि से क्या कहता है ?
2. Name two things he/she believes in ?
उसे अपनी किन चीज़ों में विश्वास है ? कोई दो लिखें।
3. What is the poet happy with ?
कवि किस बात से खुश (संतुष्ट) है ?
4. Name the poem and the poet ?
कविता तथा कवि का नाम बताएं।
Complete the given sentence :
I ………….myself.
1. The mirror asks the poet to be confident. He/she should be happy with whatever he/she is.
2. He/She believes in his/her shape and size.
3. The poet is happy with who he/she is.
4. The name of the poem is ‘I’m Happy with who I am. Its poet is Vandana Lunyal.
I believe in myself.
Word Meanings
I am Happy with Who I am Poem Summary in English
I am Happy with Who I am Summary in English
This three stanza poem gives us a lot of a self confidence. It inspires us to believe firmly in what we are. The poet sees into mirror and sees his/her reflection. It tells him/her that he/she is unique. No one is like him/her in the world.
To he/she is precious because the world needs him/her. He/she should be proud of his/her size, colour shape and everything of his/hers. He/She should be happy of whatever he/she is, His/her smiles can makes the world better place to live in.
I am Happy with Who I am Summary in Hindi
कविता यह संदेश देती है कि व्यक्ति जैसा भी हो उसे उसी में खुश रहना चाहिए। कवि को शीशे में अपना चेहरा देखना अच्छा लगता है। उसका चेहरा उसकी ओर देख रहा होता है और अपनी तर्जनी से इशारा करते हुए कहता है कि कवि जैसा और कोई नहीं हो सकता। वह कवि को बताता है कि वह अद्वितीय है और संसार के लिए मूल्यवान है।
वह अपनी मुस्कान से संसार को बेहतर बना सकता है। शीशा कवि से कहता है कि वह अपने आप पर विश्वास रखे और जैसा है, उसी में खुश रहे। कवि उत्साहित होकर कहता है कि उसे स्वयं में विश्वास है। उसे अपने आकार, आकृति तथा रंग पर मान है। इसलिए वह जैसा भी है, उसी में खुश है।
Class 6th English Book Solutions PSEB Poetry