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PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Book Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Agriculture Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Agriculture Guide for Class 9 PSEB Dairy Farming Textbook Questions and Answers

(A) Answer in 1 -2 words:

Question 1.
Give the number of cows and buffaloes in Punjab.
17 lakh cows and 50 lakh buffaloes.

Question 2.
Give the name of the best cow breed.
Sahiwal is the best Indian milk breed.

Question 3.
How much milk is required for a healthy person daily?
250 gram.

Question 4.
How much milk is produced by Red Sindhi?
1800 kg per lactation.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Question 5.
What is the optimum dry-off period of a pregnant cow?
60 days before the expected date of calving.

Question 6.
Give daily green fodder requirement for 400 kg heavy cow or buffalo?
35 kg green fodder.

Question 7.
At what age bodyweight of heifer is 300 kg?
At the age of 18 months.

Question 8.
What is the average lactation milk yield of Murrah buffalo?
Average 1700-1800 kg.

Question 9.
Where one should contact for dairy farming training?
Deputy Director (Dairy Development), Krishi Vigyan Kendra of concerned District, GADVASU Ludhiana.

Question 10.
Name the buffalo breeds in Punjab.
Murrah, Nili Ravi.

(B) Answer in 1-2 sentences:

Question 1.
Give characteristics of the Sahiwal breed.
Characteristics of Sahiwal breed :

Characteristics Details
Native It belongs to Montgomery (Pakistan)
Body size Body size medium to large
Colour Light red to red color
Bullocks Lethargic and slow in work
Milk yield Average lactation milk yield in 1800 kg
Fat in milk 5%

Question 2.
What do you know about Holstein Friesian Breed?
Characteristics of Holstein Friesian :

Characteristics Details
Native Holland, now available in almost all countries.
Colour Black-white or red.
Body size These are the heaviest animals giving highest milk yield. Long body with large udder.
Average lactation milk yield 5500-6500 kg.
Fat in milk 3.5-4%.

Question 3.
How a best cow can be selected?

  • 305 days lactation milk yield should be 4000 kg.
  • Peak yield should be 19-20 kg.
  • First time calving age should be 30 months.
  • Service period should be 2-4 months.
  • Dry off period before calving should be 2 months.

Question 4.
Give management aspect of cow after calving.
Animal should be offered one bucket of warm water with 50 gm of common salt after calving. Give the following twice for 4 days-cooked ground wheat dalia in 54 kg jaggery. Milk the cow within 2 hours of calving. High yielder cow should not be milked completely for the first 2-3 days after calving.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Question 5.
Give the characteristics of a good floor in animal shed.
An animal requires 5-7 feet (150-210 cm) long and 4 feet (120 cm) wide space for standing. There should be proper slope from manger towards gutter for effective drainage of water. Floor should be pucca made of bricks and cement but it should be non- slippery. There should Jbe corrugations in the floor. If there is open space it should be brick laden.

Question 6.
What is a concentrate ?
Concentrate is a mixture. It consists of cereals, oil seed cakes and other biproducts of cereals. It provides energy and protein to the animals. These can be prepared in two ways. One is leguminous fodder consists of berseem, lucerne, cowpeas, which contain 13-15% of protein. The other contains 16-18% protein which is prepared from non-leguminous fodder e.g. maize, oats, bajra etc.

Question 7.
How cow dung should be managed ?
Remove the cow dung daily and take it away from the shed to put it in a pit. The pit should be of the size 20 x 14 x 4 feet. Start filling it from one side and cover the filled part with soil. This prevents wastage of nutrients from the dung. Use well rotten prepared farm yard manure for the fields.

Question 8.
How milk utensils can be cleaned ?
Wash the utensils 2-3 times with fresh water. Disinfect the utensils using suitable chemicals. Steaming for 2-3 minutes also disinfects the utensils. Sodium and Calcium hypochloride can also be used for disinfection. Wash the utensils with fresh water again to remove any traces of chemicals left in the utentsils after disinfection.

Question 9.
Give detail of management of calves.
Calf should be cleaned using a clean dry cloth. Naval cord should be cut after keeping 4 inches using sterlized scissor. Till the sheding off of the Naval cord, it should be dressed with tincture of Iodine or Dettol for 2-3 times everyday. Feed the calf within 2 hours of birth on colostrum. In case its mother is dead, feed the calf with warm mixture of one litre cow milk, 5 ml castor oil, 5 ml cod liver oil and one egg. Feeding of calf starter should be started when it is 15 days of age and then start feeding on succulent green fodder daily.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Question 10.
Give precautions during milking.

  • Milking should be done in a separate room.
  • Milking should be done in a clean and calm place.
  • Wash the teats with Dettol or potassium permanganate before milking.
  • Milking should be done by full hand method and avoid the use of thumb for milking.

(C) Answer in 5-6 sentences:

Question 1.
Write a note oir management of dairy animals.
1. Space Requirement: There is a need of 120-140 square feet space for every adult animal. Out of which 42 sQuestion feet should be covered and 85 sQuestion feet should be open.

2. Floor and Drainage: An animal requires 5-7 feet (150-210 cm) long and 4 feet (120 cm) wide space for standing. There should be proper slope from manger towards gutter for effective drainage of water. Floor should be pucca made of bricks and cement but it should be non-slippery. There should be corrugations Tn the floor. If there is open space it should be brick laden. ’

3. Walls: There should be wall all around the shed.

4. Roof: There should be roof at a height of 10 feet. It can be made from brick and wooden battons. Roof can be covered with plastic sheets to avoid leakage during rains. ‘

5. Water Manger: Water manger height should be 2 feet for adult animals and 1 feet for young calves.

6. Silo pit. It is a pit for silage making: It should be near chaff cutter at higher elevation than ground level to prevent rain water entering into it.

7. Management of Cow Dung: Cow dung should be removed from the shed on daily basis and fill it in a pit. Cover the pit with solid after filling it with cow dung.

8. Disinfecting shed: Disinfect the shed by using 4% phenyl solution. Wash the walls and floor where phenyl was sprayed after six hours with water.

9. Summer and Winter Management: Plant trees around the shed and give bath to animals for 3-4 times in a day in summer. Install fans and cooler in the shed.

Keep animals under the roof in winter and give more energetic ration during winter.

Question 2.
Give important tips for feeding of dairy animals.

  1. Feed them according to their need and only that much which is necessary.
  2. Feed should be given at proper time, concentrate should be given to them before milking or during milking in equal quantity.
  3. There should be no sudden change in concentrate.
  4. Feed, if it is grains it should be in the form of dalia.
  5. Give chopped fodder of Napier bajra, Bajra, Maize etc.
  6. One kg dry fodder can replace 5-6 kg of fresh green fodder. Good quality green fodder can save concentrate.
  7. Excess feeding can result in bloat and indigestion.
  8. Mix some amount of chopped wheat straw in lush green legume or green fodder to avoid bloat and indigestion.
  9. Feed silage after milking otherwise a bad smell will appear in the milk.

Question 3.
Write a note on management of fresh milk.
1. Handling of fresh milk. Take out the milk from the milk parlour immediately after milking to avoid mixing of smell of the shed in the milk. Also remove the animals from the milk parlour so that it may remain clean. Strain the milk using iron or plastic sieve or muslin cloth. This is done to remove any unwanted material like hairs, dust, insects, straw or fodder particles from the milk. After every straining, wash the sieve and disinfect it with suitable substance. This will decrease bacterial load in the milk. And milk can be preserved for a long time.

2. Cold Storage. Store the milk below 5°C to prevent the growth of bacteria. If milk is not stored at such temperature, it will clot and is of no use. Milk should reach the milk collection centre with in 2-3 hours of milking.

Question 4.
Write a note on disbudding of calves.
Disbudding gives a beautiful look to the animal. This also avoids hurting during any fight between two animals. Animals need
less space if disbudded and can be kept in loose housing system. Disbudding should be done at the age of 15-20 days and 7-10 days in case of cow calves and buffalo calves respectively. Disbudding is done with red hot iron method. Apply antiseptic cream on the wound till complete healing.

Question 5.
Give details about purchase of a dairy animal.
Before purchasing a dairy animal it should be milked regularly for three times. It should have a wedge shaped body from top, front and hind side, its skin should be thin. Udder must shrink after milking and there should be no hard lumps present in the udder. Purchase animal after second or third lactation. It is better if it has female calf.

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is the age of good quality breed of buffalo for first lactation?
36-40 months.

Question 2.
What is the gap between two lactation for a good breed buffalo?
15-16 months.

Question 3.
What is average lactation milk yield in case of Hariana breed?
1000 kg.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Question 4.
What is the average lactation milk yield in case of Tharparkar breed?
1400 kg.

Question 5.
Within how many hours cow should be milked after calving?
Within 2 hours.

Question 6.
How much extra concentrate should be given to milch animals which is less than five years of age?
0.5 to 1.0 kg.

Question 7.
How much should-be the height of the water manger for young chives?
1 to 1.5 feet.

Question 8.
Write native place of Nili Ravi?
Montgomeri (Pakistan).

Question 9.
How much is the 305 days lactation milk yield?
It is 2500 kg for buffalo and 4000 kg for cow.

Question 10.
What should be the age of buffalo at first lactation?
36 months.

Question 11.
What should be the age of cow at first lactation?
30 months.

Question 12.
Which breed of cow is used for cross breeding?

Question 13.
After how many milkings a dairy animal should be purchased?
After 3 regular milkings.

Question 14.
Write about size of horns and udder of Sahiwal.
Horns are short and udder is large.

Question 15.
How much is average lactation milk yield and fat per cent for Hariana breed?
Average lactation milk yield is 1000 kg and fat is 4%.

Question 16.
How much is average lactation milk yield and fat per cent for Sahiwal?
1800 kg., fat 5%.

Question 17.
Where does Red Sindhi belong?
Sindh (Pakistan)

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Question 18.
Name the cow breed which belongs to Kutch (Gujarat)?

Question 19.
Write about average lactation milk yield dhd fat for Holstein-Friesian breed.
5500-6500 kg., fat 3.5-4%.

Question 20.
Where does Jersey breed of cow belong?
Jersey in England.

Question 21.
Write about average lactation milk yield and fat for Jersey.
3000-5000, fat 5%.

Question 22.
In dairy animals 8% energy requirement is met from what?

Question 23.
When should disbudding be done in buffalo calves?
At the age of 7-10 days.

Question 24.
When should disbudding be done in cow calves?
At the age of 15-20 days.

Question 25.
Vaccination is done in calves to prevent which diseases?
Foot and mouth diseases, hemorrhagic septicemia etc.

Question 26.
How much time is required to complete milking?
For one animal it is 6-8 minutes.

Question 27.
What should be the direction of cow shed?

Question 28.
How much space is required by adult animal.
120-140 square feet.

Question 29.
What is average lactation milk yield in case of buffalo in India?
500 kg.

Question 30.
What is average lactation milk yield in case of buffalo in Punjab?
1500 kg.

Question 31.
What is average lactation milk yield for Murrah and fat% in milk?
1700-1800 kg, 7% fat.

Question 32.
How much milk yield is obtained from dairy animals annually?
94 lakh tonnes.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming

Question 33.
How much per capita milk is produced in Punjab?
937 gram per capita per day.

Question 34.
How much milk is produced by indigenous breeds of cows?
The average lactation milk yield is 1000 to 1800 kg.

Question 35.
What is fat percent in milk produced by Hariana, Sahiwal and Red Sindhi breeds?
Hariana-4%, Sahiwal-5%, Red Sindhi-5%.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What could be done to increase milk production?
This can be done by increasing the number of milk giving animals and by making them able to produce more milk. For producing high milk yielding animals, cross breeding is done and exotic bulls are used.

Question 2.
For economical farming, write qualities which dairy animals should have?

Quality parameter Cow Buffalo
Lactation milk yield for 305 days in kg 4000 2500
Peak yield in kg 19—20 12—13
Age at first calving in months 30 36
Any off period before calving in months 2 2

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write details about an exotic breed of cow (Jersey)?

Characteristics Details
Native place England (Jersey)
Colour brown to brownish red colour
Body short statured
Average milk yield 3000-5000 kg
Fat 5%

Question 2.
Write about two breeds of buffaloes found in Punjab.

  • Murrah: It basically belongs to Rohtak (Hariana). Its horns ’ are curled. Its colour is black. Switch of tail may be black. Its neck and head are slim, udder is large and teats are long. Its weight may be 430 kg. Average lactation milk yield is 1700-1800 kg with 7% fat.
  • Nili Ravi: This breed belongs originally to Montgomery (Pakistan). It is of black colour but forehead is white. Its legs are white under knees, tail is white also. It is known as Panj-Kaliani. It is medium statured breed with short horns which are curled and it also has blue eyes. Average lactation milk yield is 1600-1800 kg.

Question 3.
Write characteristics of indigeneous breeds of cows.

Characteristics Hariana Red Sindh Tharparkar
Native Rohtak, Hisar, Karnal, Gurgaon in Hariana Sindh (Pakistan) Sindh (Pakistan) Kutch (Gujarat), Jodhpur, Jaisimer in Rajasthan
Size and Colour White to light grey, medium size with long legs, compact body, tight skin medium size, dark red, corn- pact body, short legs, loose skin medium size white or greyish colour compact body, short legs, large udder
Males good and strong Medium size helpful in farming, strong
Average milk yield 1000 kg 1800 kg 1400 kg
Fat 4% 5%

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Guide Dairy Farming Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Gap between two lactations for a good breed buffalo is :
(a) 15-16 month
(b) 24-25 month
(c) 4-5 month
(d) 6-7 month
(a) 15-16 month

2. Native place of Jersey breed is :
(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) England
(d) Sindh
(c) England

3. First time calving age should be :
(a) 30 month
(b) 10 month
(c) 50 month
(d) 100 month
(a) 30 month

4. Daily green fodder requirement for 400 kg heavy cow or buffalo is :
(a) 50 kg
(b) 400 kg
(c) 35 kg
(d) 100 kg
(c) 35 kg

5. Milk requirement for a healthy person on daily basis is :
(a) 250 gram
(b) 500 gram
(c) 100 gram
(d) 700 gram
(a) 250 gram

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 6 Dairy Farming


1. Nearly 70% population in Punjab lives in villages.

2. Dual purpose breeds are Tharparkar and Hariana.

3. Indigeneous breeds of cows have average lactation milk yield varying from 1000 kg to 1700 kg.

4. There are 17 lakh cbws and 10 lakh buffaloes in Punjab.

5. Holstein-Friesian is highest milk giving exotic breed of cow.

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Feed milk to calf and avoid …………….

2. Milking should be complete in ……………. with full hand method.
6-8 minutes

3. Preserve the milk at 5°C. It prevents the growth of …………….

4. Average lactation milk yield of Indian breeds of buffalo is ……………. at National level.
500 kg

5. Clean the milk ……………. properly.

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