PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Social Science Book Solutions Civics Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

SST Guide for Class 6 PSEB Community Meet Human Needs Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions in brief :

Question 1.
Why is human being called a social animal.?
Man is a social being by nature. He cannot live alone. He needs someone to fulfil his needs. It is so because Man is the only living being in the world who can think. It is so because of the intellectual power of man. He needs someone to live with. That is why a human being is called a social animal.

Question 2.
Which is the basic unit of society?
Family is the basic unit of society.

Question 3.
How was human life in ancient times?
Human life in ancient time was very hard but simple. The man wandered in forests. He used to make both ends meet by hunting wild animals and birds. Gradually, he learnt agriculture and began to live at one place. His needs were minimum. He took water from nearby wells, rivers or ponds. He ate whatever was grown in his fields. He collected grass, twigs, leaves, mud and wood and built his house.

Question 4.
What is the difference between tribal and city life?
Tribal life is not stable. Tribal people do not live permanently in one place and move from place to place. Their life is simple and their needs are minimal.

City life, on the other hand, is stable. Life of people is very complex and their needs go on increasing day by day. These people enjoy all amenities of life.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 5.
How are human beings different from other living things?
Human beings are like other living things but they are also different from them. Human beings are the only creatures on earth who possess a developed brain and who can think. All other living beings on earth do not have this power. It is only this intellectual power that differentiates human beings from other living things.

Question 6.
Why is society essential for man?
Society is an essential institution. No man can live without it. His needs and nature compel him to live in society. Man lives in society due to the following reasons :

  • It provides protection and shelter to man.
  • It fulfils his needs of food, clothing, housing, education, etc.
  • It enables him to exchange his ideas and knowledge with others and thus further develops culture and civilization.
  • It provides him an opportunity to develop values and virtues by his personal experiences.

Question 7.
Why we are proud of our Indian community?
India is a land of diversities. A large number of diversities such as geographical diversities, social diversities, economic diversities, religious diversities, regional diversities and political diversities, exist in India. There are a lot of differences in climate, weather, people’s residences, food, dress, traditions, habits, folk lores and folk dances and many other things. But unity appears, out of these diversities. This is the unity of emotions, feelings and sentiments. All the people of India consider themselves as one and they give an important contribution to the progress of the country. This is the reason why we are proud of our Indian community.

Question 8.
Why and how has urbanisation developed in society?
The interdependence of various social gropus led to the urbanisation of society. With the passage of time, village population increased. For administrative purposes, towns came into existence. With industrialisation, the towns developed into cities. With the increase in village population, demand for goods raised. In order to fiilfil the deand, manual labour was replaced by machines. Big factories were established, around which large cities were set up. A large number of villagers moved to cities in search of employment. Consequently, urbanisation developed.

Question 9.
Write a short note on the change of community from natural to man-made.
In the beginning, man lived in the jungle and he was dependent upon nature. He started his life as a hunter. Agriculture made his life stable. It also minimised his dependence upon nature. He began to exchange his goods with other people. It started trade. Human thinking gave birth to various occupations. These included carpentry, smithy and shoe-making. Expansion of occupations made essential the things like organisation, law and order and administration etc. Thus man left the natural environment and entered the man-made environment.

Question 10.
Write a note on the development of Indian civilization.
It took hundreds of years for Indian civilization to develop. People of diverse origins came to India from time to time and stayed here. All those people ultimately made it their home. Their way of life and ideas were accepted and adopted by the people living here. So many diverse cultures got assimilated into one another. As a result, Indian civilization became a mixture of many colours and shades.

II. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
In ancient time people were living in _________

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 2.
Urban population is _________ day by day.

Question 3.
Community is called _________ of families.

Question 4.
The main occupation of early man was _________

Question 5.
Man is the only living creature with a power of

IV. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ in the brackets given after each statement :

Question 1.
India is known as ‘Country with Unity in Diversity’.

Question 2.
Gidha is folk dance of Rajasthan.

Question 3.
Every human being is an important part of his commumity.

Question 4.
Man can live in isolation.

IV. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Which is the primary social unit of a society? ‘
(a) Family
(b) City
(a) Family.

Question 2.
Why is man a social animal?
(a) Because a man can live alone.
(b) Because a man cannot live alone.
(b) Because a man cannot live alone.

Question 3.
Which spirit is created by the cultural brotherhood?
(a) Spirit of Patriotism
(b) Spirit of Communalism.
(a) Spirit of Patriotism.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 4.
First of all which material was used by a man to make weapons in the ancient period?
(а) Stone
(b) Copper.
(a) Stone.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Guide Community Meet Human Needs Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
_________ is a system where people live together and interest with each other.
(A) Society
(B) Community
(C) Association
(D) Organisation.
(A) Society.

Question 2.
Who said that, “Society is the web of social relationship”?
(A) Weber
(B) Maclver
(C) Kare Marx
(D) Durkheim
(B) Maclver.

Question 3.
_________ is a group of people who have definite features and who live at a particular place or district or country.
(A) Society
(B) Association
(C) Community
(D) Organisation.
(C) Community.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 4.
Who said that ‘Man is a social animal’?
(A) Weber
(B) Aristotle
(C) Karl Marx
(D) Durkheim.
(B) Aristotle.

Question 5.
_________ is a country with great unity in diversity.
(A) India
(C) Australia
(D) Canada.
(A) India.

Question 6.
Man in Primitive times was a
(A) Hunter
(B) Food gathers
(C) Nomad
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 7.
Why do humans need society?
(A) For Protection
(B) To fulfill his needs
(C) To exchange ideas
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 8.
Which metal greatly helped in the development of mankind?
(A) Iron
(B) Gold
(C) Silver
(D) Tin.
(A) Iron.

Question 9.
An organised society is called a _________
(A) Society
(B) State
(C) Institution
(D) Community.
(B) State.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 10.
Which of these is our duty towards society?
(A) Loyalty
(B) Honesty
(C) To give sacrifice
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why does man live in society?
Man lives in society because of his nature and needs.

Question 2.
What is the first basic society for the child?
Family is the first basic society for the child.

Question 3.
What type of qualities does a child acquire from family?
A child acquires various types of qualities like affection, sympathy, sacrifice, respect and brotherhood, etc. from family.

Question 4.
What is the world community?
Many nations of the world together make a human society. This human society is known as a world community.

Question 5.
Name the metal which played a very important role in the development of mankind

Question 6.
When did an organised and stable community life come into existence?
An organised and stable community life came into existence when man began to grow crops.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 7.
Why were family and society created? ‘
Family and society were created to fulfil the common goals of the people.

Question 8.
What are the basic qualities of social life?
Discipline, co-operation, respect, tolerance and vigilance, etc. are the basic qualities of social life.

Question 9.
What led to the urbanisation of society?
The interdependence of various social groups led to the urbanisation of society.

Question 10.
When was society needed to be organised?
Society was needed to be organised when groups of families became larger due to increase in population.

Question 11.
What is an organised society called?
An organised society is called a state.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 12.
What is the main basis of social organisation?
Co-operation among people is the main basis of social organisation.

Question 13.
What is meant by Society?
A system where people live together in organised way and interact with each other is known as society.

Question 14.
What is Community?
A group of people who have definite features and who live in a place, district or country is called community.

Question 15.
How can you say that India is a country with unity in diversity? ‘
India is a country with unity in diversity because large scale social,physical, religious, economic, political and regional diversities are found here. Even then there is emotional unity among people.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why is family called the first basic unit of social life?
Family is the only first basic unit of social life.-It is only in the family that a child learns affection, co-operation, sense of service, tolerance, sacrifice, obedience, respect and discipline. By taking interest in the family decisions taken by parents, the child learns how to take part in the decisions taken by the country’s government. All these qualities contribute to the formation of a good nation.

Question 2.
How are various institutions helping the modern man?
Various institutions help a lot in making the modem man civilised. Family which is the primary school for civic qualities, teaches us mutual co-operation, sense of service, tolerance, sacrifice, renunciation and discipline. Similarly, school and society also teach us the same qualities, which result in making us good citizens.

Question 3.
What are our duties towards society?
Our duties towards society are as follows :

  • We must be loyal towards society and obey the rules formed by it.
  • We must pay honestly the taxes levied by our government so that our country can make progress.
  • We must be prepared to make every sacrifice for the defence of our country.
  • We must live in mutual love, peace and brotherhood with our fellow beings.
  • We must protect our social and natural environment from being polluted.

Question 4.
Why is man called a social being?
Man is called a social being because he cannot live alone. His nature and needs compel him to live in society. Isolation bores him, and he loves to live with his fellow beings. Besides, he has to depend upon society for the fulfilment of his needs. Therefore, man is a social being.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 5.
Why is India called a sub-continent?
India stands as a sub-continent in South Asia. The natural frontiers of India provide an isolated character to the vast Indian landmass. The Himalayas in the north, the Indian Ocean in the south, dense forests in the east and Thar desert in the west separate it from the main continent. That is why India is called a sub-continent.

Question 6.
What type of qualities do you acquire from your school community?
We acquire several qualities from our school community. We acquire discipline, obedience and sportsmanship, besides reading and learning.

Question 7.
Why and how has urbanisation developed in the society?
The interdependence of various social gropus led to the urbanisation of society. With the passage of time, village population increased. For administrative purpose, towns came into existence. With industrialisation, the towns developed into cities. With increase in village population, demand for goods raised. In order to fiilfil the deand, manual labour was replaced by machines. Big factories were established, around which large cities were set up. A large number of villagers moved to cities in search of employment. Consequently, urbanisation developed.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the institutions which teach a man how to lead a civilised civic life.
A man comes in contact with various institutions in his life, which teach him how to lead a civilised civic life.

Following is the description of a few such institutions :

  • Family: Family is the primary unit of social life. Social life begins at home. Family is the first and foremost institution where a man learns the first lesson of citizenship and civic virtues. It is only in the family that he adopts the virtues of love, co-operation, service, sacrifice, obedience, respect and discipline.
  • School: After family, school plays an important role in the formation of civic life. School acts as a centre of primary education. A sense of discipline, as well as a sense of obedience, is learnt by a man in school.
  • Village or City: People of a village or city make collective efforts to solve their problems. These collective efforts are called a local government. The local government plays an important role in civic life.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

Question 2.
Write a note on Unity in Diversity in India.
Our country India is known for its unity in diversity. This unity is of feelings and emotions. We cannot find any other country with such diverse physical and cultural conditions. Every citizen of India is proud of its unity. People of different origins, cultures, and religions came over here and settled here. All these people ultimately became a part of Indian society. Their culture was mixed with Indian culture. As a result, Indian culture is a mixture of many colours and shades just like a rainbow. Geographical conditions are also very much different from one region to the other. We can find deserts, mountains, fertile plains, rocky plains, frozen zones over here. In this way, we can say that Unity in Diversity exists in India.