PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Water – Basis of Agriculture Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 118

Activity 1

Take a plastic bottle. Cut that from the bottom. Do not remove its lid. Make a hole in the lid. Now tie it with the stem of the tree keeping it upside down. Fill it with water from the top. You will see that the plant is being watered by the drops falling from the bottle.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

Textbook Page No. 119

Activity 2

Ask the old people, which crops were grown in the old days.
Do it yourself.

Textbook Page No. 121

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) In the first week of July is celebrated.
(ii) The chief crop of Rabi is
(iii) is the main crop of Kharif.
(iv) The production capacity of earth has increased by using
(v) are used for irrigation in Southern India.
(i) Van Mahotsav,
(ii) wheat,
(iii) Rice,
(iv) crop rotation,
(v) Ponds.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

Question 2.
Tick (✓) the right and cross (✗) the wrong sentences :
(i) Rainfall is the oldest source of irrigation.
(ii) Wheat is a Kharif crop.
(iii) Farming of Paddy is a sign of danger for Punjab.
(iv) Crops can be grown without water.
(v) Emphasis should be laid on variety of crops.
(i) T,
(ii) F,
(iii) T,
(iv) F,

Question 3.
Tick (✓) for the correct answers:
(i) In which month is Van Mahotsav celebrated?
(a) June
(b) July
(c) August
(b) July

(ii) Which one of the following is the ancient source of irrig ation?
(a) Tubewell
(b) Well
(c) Ponds
(b) Well

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

(iii) What is the main source of irrigation in Punjab?
(a) Tubewells
(b) Canals
(c) Ponds
(a) Tubewells

(iv) Which crop consumes much water?
(a) Jowar
(b) Bajra
(c) Paddy
(c) Paddy

(v) Which crop consumes less water?
(a) Sugarcane
(b) Gram
(c) Cotton
(b) Gram

Question 4.
Write the name of the ancient sources of irrigation.
Rain, well, canals, rivers.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

Textbook Page No. 122

Question 5.
Write the names of modern sources of irrigation.
Tubewells, ponds, canals, drip system, fountain system.

Question 6.
Write the name of two types of crops on the basis of seasons.
Rabi crops – wheat, oats, gram, mustard.
Kharif crops- rice, jawar, bajra, jute, cotton.

Question 7.
Write the names of much water consuming crops.
Rice, sugarcane.

Question 8.
Write the names of less water consuming crops.
Gram (chick pea), bajra (pearl millet), Guar (cluster bean) etc.

Question 9.
What will happen without water? –
Water is very essential for life. Without water human beings, animals, plants etc. all forms of life will come to an end.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

Question 10.
What are the reasons of groundwater depletion?
Following are the reasons of lowering of the water table :

  • A large increase in the number of tubewells.
  • Misuse and wastage of water.
  • Deforestation causes less rain.
  • All the Kutcha ground is being covered by cement, marble etc. So rain water cannot seep into the ground.
  • Use of polythene which is preventing rain water to go into the ground.

Question 11.
What are the suggestions to control the groundwater depletion?

  • We should grow crops which consume less water.
  • We should use less wood for buildings and furniture in its place use other materials.
  • We should plant more trees.
  • We should adopt Rain water harvesting system.
  • More emphasis should be laid on the crop rotation
  • Good habits should be developed to use water wisely.
  • The people should be made aware not to waste water.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Water – Basis of Agriculture Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Tick (✓) the correct option :

(i) is not Rabi crop :
(a) Wheat
(b) Oats
(c) Maize
(d) Mustard.
(c) Maize

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

(ii) Kharif crop is :
(a) Jowar
(b) Maize
(c) Jute
(d) All
(d) All

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
Name ancient methods of irrigation.
Wells, rivers, canals etc.

Question 2.
Name modern methods of irrigation.
Tubewell, pond, canal, drip and fountain system.

Question 3.
Name rabi crops.
Wheat, mustard, oat, gram.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

Question 4.
Name kharif crops.
Rice, maize, jute, cotton etc.

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Van Mahotsava is celebrated in every year.
(ii) Plants are also
(iii) is used to draw water from under the ground.
(iv) We should adopt system and fountain system of irrigation.
(i) July,
(ii) living,
(iii) Tubewell,
(iv) drip.

4. True/False

(i) Drip system is used to save water.
(ii) There are four types of crops according to season.
(iii) Wheat is a kharif crop.
(iv) Rabi crop is grown in Nove-mber.
(i) T
(ii) F
(iii) F
(iv) T.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

Question 5.
Match the following column :
(A) – (B)
(i) Wheat – (a) Kharif
(ii) Maize – (b) Rabi
(iii) Ancient methods of irrigation – (c) Drip irrigation
(iv) Modem methods of irrigation – (d) well
(i) (b)
(ii) (a)
(iii) (d)
(iv) (c)

6. Mind Map :

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture 1
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture 2

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 18 Water – Basis of Agriculture

7. Answer in five/six lines :

Question 1.
What are the effects of ground water depletion?

  • There will be dearth of drinking water.
  • There will be drought and forests will dry up.
  • Crops will not grow and there will be famine.
  • Water sources will dry up and animals will die of thirst.

Question 2.
Why is cultivation of paddy, alarming bell for Punjab?
Paddy crop needs a lot of water, and we are using more and more of underground water. The water table under the ground is going down. That is why cultivation of paddy is alarming bell for Punjab.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Water – A Valuable Natural Source Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 110

Question 1.
What are the three forms of water?
Solid, liquid, gas.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

Question 2.
Which gases mix to form water?
Oxygen and Hydrogen.

Activity 1

Take a piece of used cloth. Wet it with water. Wipe the floor with this wet piece of cloth. Leave the floor as it is. After a while, you will see that the wet floor has dried. Think, where the water has gone from the floor.
Water evaporated.

Activity 2

Take a glass of water and put some cubes of ice in it. After sometime you will notice that drops of water appear on the outer surface of glass. Can you tell where these drops of water have come from.
Water vapours present in air condense after touching the cold outer surface of the glass and form drops of water on the outer surface of glass.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

Textbook Page No. 111

Activity 3

Take a glass of water in a pan. Mix two spoons of salt in it. Now separate the salt from water.
Heat this water in a frying pan or in a china dish, when water completely evaporates salt is left in the container. We can also get salt if we place the container in sun for sorne days.

Textbook Page No. 113

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks : (three, blue, cloud, ice)
(i) Water has forms.
(ii) Evaporated water becomes a
(iii) Because of water, earth is called a planet.
(iv) Solid form of water is called
(i) three,
(ii) cloud,
(iii) blue,
(iV) ice.

Question 2.
Tick (✓) the correct and cross (✗) the wrong sentences :
(i) Condensed water changes into vapour.
(ii) Pure water has no colour.
(iii) In old days many people were not allowed to get water due to caste-based discrimination.
(iv) Water cycle goes on continuously.
(i) F,
(ii) T,
(iii) T,
(iv) T.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

Question 3.
Tick (✓) the correct answers :
(i) At what temperature does water turn into ice?
(a) 40°C
(b) o°c
(c) 100°C
(b) o°c

(ii) What is the %age of water on earth?
(a) 60%
(b) 50%
(c) 70%
(c) 70%

(iii) What dissolves into water?
(a) Salt
(b) Sand
(c) Stones
(a) Salt

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

(iv) What does not sink into water 7
(a) Iron
(b) Stones
(c) Wood
(c) Wood

(v) Which gas mixes with oxygen to form water?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Hydrogen
(c) Hydrogen

Question 4.
Write the name of three things that sink into water.
Stone, iron, sand.

Textbook Page No. 114

Question 5.
Write the name of three things that float on water.
Plastic, wood, thermocol.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

Question 6.
Write the names of three things that dissolve into water.
Salt, sugar, milk.

Question 7.
List the properties of pure water.

  • Pure water has no colour .
  • It has no taste.
  • It has no smell, no shape.

Question 8.
What is water cycle? Explain with a figure.
All the water sources like sea, rivers, lakes, etc. get heated and water evaporates and vapours make clouds. When clouds become heavy, rain or snowfall begins. Water again reaches into the rivers etc. and finally into the sea.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source 3

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

Textbook Page No. 115

Question 9.
How can the dissolved salt be separated from water?
Heat the solution and boil it, continue heating till all the water evaporates and only salt remains in the container.

Question 10.
What is evaporation? Give some examples.
When water is left open, tiny ‘ particles of water evaporate in air, this process is called evaporation, e.g. when we wipe out floor using a wet cloth, the floor dries soon due to evaporation.

Question 11.
When does a thing float on water?
When things or objects displace more water than their weight, things float on water.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Water – A Valuable Natural Source Important Questions and Answers

1. Tick the correct option :

(i) Properties of water are :
(a) colourless
(b) odourless
(c) shapeless
(d) all correct.
(d) all correct.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

(ii) Water in compound formed by joining oxygen and
(a) nitrogen
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) helium
(d) hydrogen
(b) carbon dioxide

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
What is water recharging?
When land dug deeply and rain water filled in it. This water went in to land. This process is called water recharging.

Question 2.
Water is cooled upto zero degree cckius, what change will take place?
(From Board M.QuestionP.)
Water is cooled upto zero degree celcius than it will change into ice.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) On heating, water changes into ………………………….
(ii) Solid form of water is ………………………….
(iii) Vapours condense to form ………………………….
(i) vapour,
(ii) ice,
(iii) drops.

4. Truc/False :

(i) Pure water has no colour.
(ii) Water has four forms.
(iii) Stone is insoluble in water.
(iv) Fish, like crocodile can live on ground also.
(v) In olden days many people were not allowed to drink water due to caste based discrimination.
(i) T
(ii) F
(iii) T
(iv) F
(v) T.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

5. Match the following column :

(i) ice – (a) 100°C
(ii) clouds – (b) cooling
(iii) evaporation – (c) 0°C
(iV) boiling water – (d) steam.
(i) (c)
(ii) (d)
(iii) (b)
(iv) (a)

6. Mind Map

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source 1
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source 2

7. Answer in five/six lines :

Question 1.
What do you know about condensation of water ?
Air always have water vapours in it. When temperature decreases these vapours condense into water droplets. This process of conversion of water vapours into water droplets is known as condensation. We can see water droplets on the outer side of a glass filled with cold water. Dew drops seen on the surface of leaves in winter is also example of condensation of water.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 17 Water – A Valuable Natural Source

Question 2.
In your class, your teacher added ice pieces in a glass half-filled with water. After some time we see small drops of water outside the glass, from where these drops come?
Ice water becomes colder than the surrounding air. Water vapours present in air come in contact with glass surface and get condensed to become water drops.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Community and Comfort Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 103

Question 1.
Describe an incident when your neighbours helped you in a particular situation or you helped them.
An old lady lives alone in our neighbourhood. All the people in street call her Nani (grandmother). One day she had fallen ill. My parents called the doctor, who checked the old lady and gave treatment to her. My parents stayed with her in her house and took care of her. They prepared meals for her, gave* her fruits, and prepared tea for her. In two days she became fit to do her daily jobs.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

Question 2.
What are the benefits of staying in a society?
People stay together in a society and help each other in case of any problem or danger. It is also secure to live together.

Question 3.
Among your neighbours which family do you like the most and why?
A couple lived in our neighbourhood, they both are teachers in a school. They help each and every person. They are soft-spoken. They help the poor by giving them money. They teach all the children of the society free of cost. They give food to beggars.

Question 4.
Name the community places in your locality and for what purpose are these used? (for e.g. Dharmsala, religious place, marriage palaces etc.)
There is a Marriage palace in our village. People use it for functions related to marriages and other related functions.

Textbook Page No. 107

Activity 1

Ask your parents, if they have faced any natural disaster and then who helped them.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

Textbook Page No. 108

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks :
(alone, heat and cold, Kutcha, Ambulance, Diseases)
(i) Man cannot live
(ii) houses can fall during rainy season.
(iii) is used to shift patients to hospital.
(iv) spread after floods.
(v) Houses protect us from
(i) alone,
(ii) Kutcha,
(iii) Ambulance,
(iv) Diseases,
(v) heat and cold.

Question 6.
Tick (✓) the right and cross (✗) the wrong sentences :
(i) We do not feel secure in community.
(ii) Community buildings are constructed for social functions.
(iii) Neighbours help us when we are in need.
(iv) Honey bees live in colonies,
(i) ✗
(ii) ✓
(iii) ✓
(iv) ✓

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

Question 7.
What problems are faced by people during floods?
Kutcha houses fall down. Cattles die, crops get destroyed. There is a scarcity of medicines. People have to live in tents or at higher places till water receds.

Question 8.
Why do men make houses to stay?
House provides security and safety to man. It saves him from rain, hot and cold weather. Man is a social animal. He likes to stay together with other people. He lives in house in towns, villages, cities etc.

Question 9.
Which insects live in colonies?
Ants, termites, honey bees, wasps etc.

Question 10.
What is an ambulance?
It is vehical similar to van. It runs on petrol. First aid facility and some simple medical facilities are available in it. It is used to carry patients and accident victims to hospitals.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Community and Comfort Important Questions and Answers

1. Tick the correct option :

(i) Man is a animal.
(a) social ( )
(b) not an ( )
(c) cruel ( )
(d) None. ( )
(b) not an

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

(ii) Choose the correct statement.
(a) Living together is safe ( )
(b) Worker bees collect nectar from different flowers ( )
(c) Crops are destroyed when there is flood. ( )
(d) All correct. ( )
(d) All correct.

(iii) If a child is ill, he should be given treatment from:
(a) postman ( )
(b) teacher ( )
(c) cobbler ( )
(d) doctor. ( )
(d) doctor.

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
Why did not Amandeep come to school?
Because his grandfather expired.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

Question 2.
How many kinds of bees are there?
There are three kinds of bees.

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Amandeep did not come to school because his grandfather ………………….
(ii) Man is a …………………. animal.
(iii) Living among your own people is ………………….
(iv) …………………. bee and drones are only for reproduction.
(v) Insects like honey bees live in ………………….
(i) expired,
(ii) social,
(iii) beneficial,
(iv) queen,
(v) colonies.

4. True/False :

(i) Termites live in colonies.
(ii) Living together is beneficial.
(iii) A bee sacrifices its life to protect its hive.
(i) T,
(ii) T,
(iii) T.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

5. Match the following column.:

(A) – (B)
(i) Hospital – (a) Destruction of Building
(ii) Natural Calmity (b) Safety
(iii) Earthquake (c) Ambulance
(iv) House (d) Flood.
(i) (c),
(ii) (d),
(iii) (a),
(iv) (b).

6. Mind Map

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort 1
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort 2

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 16 Community and Comfort

7. Answer in five/six lines :

Question 1.
What do you know about Honey bees?
Honey bees live in colonies. These are of three types – queen bee, some male drones and workers. Worker bees do different type of works. They collect nectar from flowers, make hives and cover it with wax. Queen bee and drones are only there for reproduction. In case of danger, worker bees sting the enemyand may sacrifice their life.

Question 2.
Name the community places in your locality and for what purpose are they used?

Community places Purpose for which used


Community places Purpose for which used
Hospital For treating patients
School Children study
Bus stand For moving to other places
Park Children play

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Different Types of Houses Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 96

Question 1.
Where can we find the houses with sloping roofs?
Such type of houses are seen in hilly areas. In these areas rainfall and snowfall is plenty. Such houses are seen in Shimla and Manali.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

Question 2.
In which areas are igloos built?
These are built in areas where snow is available all the time. These are seen in polar regions of earth.

Textbook Page No. 97-98

Question 3.
What do you call to the houses which float on water?
Such houses are known as boat houses.

Question 4.
Which kind of people use tents to live?
Army men, mountaineers or those who take part in some camp, use tent houses.

Activity 1
Make a name plate of your house on a drawing book/sheet and also mention the type of the house.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

Textbook Page No. 99

Activity 2
Make a list of the materials used in building your house. Ask your elders for help.
Do it yourself.

Textbook Page No. 100

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks :
(sloping, panels, Name-plates, temporary, trees.)
(ii) are used to find the houses.
(ii) In hilly areas, houses of roofs are built.
(iii) Tents are houses.
(iv) Tree houses are built on
(v) Wood is now replaced with iron for making
(i) Name-plates,
(ii) sloping,
(iii) temporary,
(iv) trees,
(v) panels.

Question 2.
Tick (✓) the correct and cross (✗) the wrong sentences :
(i) Brick houses are made of mud and soil.
(ii) Caravans are moving houses.
(iii) Igloos are made of snow.
(iv) Brick houses are built in deserts.
(v) Tree houses are built over water.
(i) ✗
(ii) ✓
(iii) ✓
(iv) ✗
(v) ✗

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

Question 3.
Match the Columns :
A – B
(i) Polar regions – (a) Multistorey buildings
(ii) Lakes – (b) Straw roofs
(iii) Metropolitan cities – (c) Igloo
(iv) Desert – (d) Bamboo houses
(v) Assam – (e) House boat
(i) (c),
(ii) (e),
(iii) (a),
(iv) (b),
(v) (d).

Question 4.
Use tick (✓) for the correct answers :
(i) What do we call the houses built in multistorey buildings?
(a) Caravan
(b) Flats
(c) Plots
(b) Flats (✓)

(ii) Who uses tents?
(a) Soliders
(b) Doctors
(c) Eskimos
(a) Soldiers (✓)

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

(iii) Boat houses are mostly seen in
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Chandigarh
(c) Srinagar
(c) Srinagar (✓)

(iv) In what kind of houses do Eskimos live?
(a) Igloo
(b) Caravan
(c) Tree houses
(a) Igloo (✓)

(v) Which is the latest material among the followings houses? to make
(a) Wood
(b) Stone
(c) Aluminium
(c) Aluminium (✓)

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

Textbook Page No. 101

Question 5.
Which material is used to make mud houses?
Soil, mud, dung, wood, husk.

Question 6.
Which material is used to make brick houses?
Bricks, cement, sand, stones, wood, iron rods etc.

Question 7.
Where do the people live in metropolitan cities?
In metropolitan cities, the people live in multistorey buildings (Flats).

Question 8.
What do we call the houses made of snow?
These are called as Igloo.

Question 9.
Where are the tree houses built?
These are built in forests and are built over the trees.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

Question 10.
What is the basis for different kinds of houses?
The basis for different kinds of houses are economic conditions, climatic conditions, physical conditions, availability of material.

Question 11.
Why do people of Assam make bamboo houses?
Bamboos are found in large quantity in Assam. This region also faces heavy rainfall and floods. Therefore, the people of Assam make bamboo houses.

Question 12.
Write about the modern materials used to construct houses.
Aluminium, Iron, Glass, P.V.C sheets and fibre sheets, large blocks of cement in place of bricks etc.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Different Types of Houses Important Questions and Answers

1. Tick the correct option :

(i) Correct statement is :
(a) Less people live in multi-storeyed buildings ( )
(b) Boat houses are mainly found in Punjab ( )
(c) Houses is hilly area have slopy roofs ( )
(d) All correct. ( )
(c) Houses is hilly area have slopy roofs

(ii) is not a permanent house.
(a) Pucca house ( )
(b) flat ( )
(c) tent ( )
(d) none. ( )
(c) tent

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
Which skin is used by eskimos on the floor to sit?
They use skin of Reindeer.

Question 2.
What is melting point of ice?
It is 0°C.

Question 3.
Who stays in boat house?
Tourists stay in boat houses.

Question 4.
Which material is used to make tent?
Tent is made up of strong canvas cloth.

Question 5.
Houses built on road sides using tarpaulin, wood, husk etc. are known as. (From Board M.Question P.)
These are known as huts.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) In Pucca house there is ………………….. on the roof.
(ii) Roof of Kutcha room is made up of …………………..
(iii) People who live in ………………….. are called Eskimos.
(iv) ………………….. are those materials from which heat cannot pass.
(v) In ………………….. area roofs are made from slate stone.
(i) lintel,
(ii) bamboos,
(iii) Igloo,
(iv) Non-conductors,
(v) hilly.

4. True/False :

(i) Boat houses are found in lakes of Kerala.
(ii) More people can live in multis¬toreyed buildings.
(iii) Huts are made up of mud and straw,
(iv) Eskimos use skin of reindeer on the floor to sit.
(i) T,
(ii) T,
(iii) T,
(iv) T.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

5. Match the following column :

(A) – (B)
(i) Kutcha houses – (a) hilly area
(ii) flats – (b) snow house
(iii) Igloo – (c) in lakes
(iv) slopy roofs – (d) cities
(v) boat house – (e) Rajasthan.
(i) (e),
(ii) (d),
(iii) (b),
(iv) (a),
(v) (c).

6. Mind Map :

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses 1
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses 2

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses

7. Answer in five/six lines :

Question 1.
Why are there kutcha houses in Rajasthan?
Kutcha houses are cooler than Pucca houses. There is less rain in deserts therefore there is less chance of falling the houses due to rain or flood. Therefore kutcha houses are found in Rajasthan.

Question 2.
Write the name of the pictures :
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 15 Different Types of Houses 3
Tree house, Karvan, Tent House, Boat House.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 Forests and Life

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Forests and Life Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 54

Activity 1

You must have seen the Bamboo tree. Draw or paste a picture.

What do we get from bamboo tree? Collect the information from your grandparents and teachers.

  • ………………………………………..
  • ………………………………………..
  • ………………………………………..
  • ………………………………………..

Discuss about the flowers and roots of bamboo with your teachers and your grandparents. Talk to your teachers and your grandparents about date palm tree too.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life 2

  • Bamboo belongs to grass family.
  • It can be 100 feet long. Some species of bamboo grow over 90 cm in height in a day.
  • Bamboo is used in construction work, in furniture, in paper making etc.
  • Some parts of bamboo can be eaten e.g. bamboo pickle.

Roots. Root system of bamboo prevents soil erosion even after harvesting.

Flowers. Many species of bamboo only flower at intervals of 65 to 120 years.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

Textbook Page No. 56

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks :
(Adivaasi, soil, 70, habitats)

(i) people live in the forests.
(ii) About % of earth’s vegetation and animals live and grow in the forests.
(iii) The roots of trees hold the
(iv) Cutting of trees destroy of wild animals.
(i) Adivassi,
(ii) 70,
(iii) soil,
(iv) habitats.

Question 2.
Tick (✓) right and cross (✗) the wrong sentence :
(i) There are many forests in Punjab.
(ii) We should not cut the forests.
(iii) The adivaasi people cure diseases with herbs and shrubs.
(iv) Water cycle is disturbed with cutting of trees.
(v) Saffeda tree needs a lot of water for its growth.
(i) ✗
(ii) ✓
(iii) ✓
(iv) ✓
(v) ✓

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

Textbook Page No. 57

Question 3.
Match the following :
A – B
State – Adivassi Tribe
1. Assam – (a)Munda
2. Rajasthan – (b) Bheel
3. Madhya Pradesh – (c) Bodoz
4. Jharkhand – (d) Gond
1. (c),
2. (b),
3. (d),
4. (a).

Question 4.
What do you mean by forests?
It is a large area of land covered with trees or woody vegetation. Various kinds of plants, trees, bushes, shrubs, herbs and animals are found there. Some tribes also live in forests.

Question 5.
Who are Adivaasi People?
Those people who live in and depend on forests are called Adivaasi.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

Question 6.
What efforts can we make to cover up the loss of forests in Punjab?

  • We can plant trees on the waste land and on the sides of fields.
  • We should use less paper and recycle the waste paper.
  • Avoid things prepared from wood and use other materials instead.

Question 7.
What things should be insured before planting a tree?

  • We should use waste land for planting trees.
  • Trees should be planted according to environment of the area.
  • Plants should be chosen in such a way that they can be beneficial for the people.

Question 8.
What can we do to save the forests?
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life 1

  • We should reuse the paper as paper is made from paper pulp.
  • We should use wood in a judicious way.
  • We should not cut trees for increasing land area for residences and factories.
  • We should not waste eatables.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Forests and Life Important Questions and Answers

1. Tick the correct option :

(i) Gondej live in :
(a) Manipur ( )
(b) Assam ( )
(c) Madhya Pradesh ( )
(d) Rajasthan ( )
(c) Madhya Pradesh

(ii) Big forests are found in :
(a) Manipur ( )
(b) Odisha ( )
(c) Bihar ( )
(d) All ( )
(d) All

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
How do plants prevent soil erosion?
Plant roots hold the soil and thus prevent soil erosion.

Question 2.
What is the origin of Saffeda?
It originally belongs to Australia.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Bodoz is an adivassi tribe in ……………………………………
(ii) We should plant trees on ……………………………………
(iii) Saffeda has nearly …………………………………… species.
(iv) Saffeda can be planted in …………………………………… areas.
(i) Assam,
(ii) waste lands,
(iii) 700,
(iv) waterlogged.

4. True/False :

(i) Adivasi tribe Bheel lives in Rajasthan.
(ii) Saffeda is harmful for Punjab.
(iii) Munda tribe is found in Jharkhand.
(i) T,
(ii) F,
(iii) T.

5. Match the following :

(A) – (B)
(i) Manipur – (a) Bheel
(ii) Assam – (b) Munda
(iii) Rajasthan – (c) Marma and Cheeru
(iv) Jharkhand – (d) Bodoz
(i) (c)
(ii) (d)
(iii) (a)
(iv) (b)

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

6. Mind Map :
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life 3
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life 4

7. Answer in five/six lines :

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 9 Forests and Life

Question What do you know about adivaasi people?
These people have a deep relation with forests. They depend on forests for the treatment of their diseases. They use herbs and shrubs for it. They also get their food from the forests. They use crowbars, arrows etc. for hunting. They also meet their economic needs from forests.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Deficiency Diseases Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 85

Question 1.
Name the disease that is caused by the deficiency of blood in the body.

Question 2.
Write the name of deficiency disease found in the children, if they are weaned from mother’s milk in infancy.
Protein-energy malnutrition ; Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

Textbook Page No. 84

Activity 1

Collect the information related to any famine from your grandfather and share this with your teacher and friends.
Do it yourself.

Activity 2

Ask the children to make a list of food items they eat for a week.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases 1
Do it yourself.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

Question 3.
Tick (✓) the right and cross (✗) the wrong sentences :
(i) Night blindness is caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin A. ( )
(ii) Deficiency of Iron causes anaemia. ( )
(iii) The citrus fruits contain vitamin D. ( )
(iv) Swelling legs occurs due to Goitre. ( )
(v) Mother’s milk is a complete diet for a child. ( )
(i) ✓
(ii) ✓
(iii) ✗
(iv) ✗
(v) ✓

Question 4.
Fill in the blanks :
(sea food, iodine, vitamin C, milk)
(i) Bleeding of gums occurs due to deficiency of …………………..
(ii) Deficiency of iodine can be prevented by taking …………………. .
(iii) Deficiency of ………………….. causes goitre.
(iv) ………………….. is a balanced diet.
(i) vitamin C,
(ii) sea food,
(iii) iodine,
(iv) Milk.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

Question 5.
What are deficiency diseases?
Diseases caused due to deficiency of some necessary nutrients in the body is known as deficiency disease. Example, anemia is caused due to the deficiency of iron in the body.

Textbook Page No. 86

Question 6.
Name all the nutrients present in a balanced diet.
Balanced diet contains all the nutrients like fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.

Question 7.
White patches over nails are a symptom of which disease?

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

Question 8.
Complete the following columns based on the information about deficiency diseases read in this lesson.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases 2

Name of Disease Due to deficiency of which nutrient Symptoms
Goiter Iodine lower part of throat swollen
Anemia iron white patches over nails
Marasmus Protein-energy weak body
Rickets Vitamin D, Calcium Weak teeth and bones
Scurvy Vitamin C Swollen gums and bleeding gums.
Night blindness Vitamin A Weak eyesight

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Deficiency Diseases Important Questions and Answers

1. Tick the correct option :
(i) White patches over the nails is a symptom, of:
(a) anaemia ( )
(b) Goitre ( )
(c) Scurvy ( )
(d) Marasmus. ( )
(a) anaemia

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

(ii) Deficiency of vitamin A causes problem in :
(a) teeth ( )
(b) eyesight ( )
(c) bones ( )
(d) None. ( )
(b) eyesight

(iii) A child had weak and bow legs.
He has a disease :
(a) Goiter ( )
(b) Anaemia ( )
(c) Rickets ( )
(d) Scurvy. ( )
(c) Rickets

(iv) Which statement is wrong :
(a) Vitamins protect us from diseases ( )
(b) Milk is complete food ( )
(c) Vitamins are found in rice and wheat ( )
(d) Sugar and starch are main carbohydrates. ( )
(c) Vitamins are found in rice and wheat

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

(v) Which vitamin is related with sunlight?
(a) A ( )
(b) B ( )
(c) C ( )
(d) D. ( )
(d) D
(i) (a),
(ii) (b)

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
What is symptom of deficiency of Iron?
White patches over nails.

Question 2.
For anaemic person what is adviced by doctor.
Iron and folic acid tablets two times a week after the meals.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

Question 3.
If children have problems in teeth and bone, what may be the deficiency?
It may be due to deficiency of vitamin D, Calcium and phosphorus.

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Oral doses of ………………….. during 9 months to 5 years of age are given to save eyesight.
(ii) ………………….. is a protein-energy malnutrition disease.
(iii) If one sits in sunlight, one gets protection from deficiency of …………………..
(iv) Deficiency of vitamin C causes …………………..
(v) ………………….. is caused due to deficiency of Iodine.
(i) vitamin A,
(ii) Marasmus and Kwashiorkor,
(iii) vitamin D,
(iv) Scurvy,
(v) goitre.

4. True/False :

(i) If one is anaemic, it means deficiency of Iodine.
(ii) Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C.
(iii) Deficiency of iron causes anaemia.
(iv) Vitamin A is related with eyesight.
(i) F,
(ii) T,
(iii) T,
(iv) T.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

5. Match the following column :

(A) – (B)
(i) vitamin A – (a) Goitre
(ii) Iron – (b) Marasmus
(iii) Protein energy – (c) eye sight
(iv) Iodine – (d) anaemia
(v) Vitamin D – (d) bones.
(i) (c),
(ii) (d)
(iii) (b),
(iv) (a),

6. Mind Map :

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases 3
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases 4

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 13 Deficiency Diseases

7. Answer in five/six lines :

Question 1.
Draw a table showing name of five deficiency diseases and their cause.

Disease Cause
Night blindness deficiency of vitamin A
lower part of throat swollen deficiency of Iodine
Scurvy Vitamin C
Rickets Vitamin D
Anemia Iron

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Eat and Digest Food Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 74-75

Activity 1

Children ! chew the pieces of orange or mousambi as long as the juice is not extracted completely. Examine the fiber remained in the mouth. This fiber is called roughage.
Do it yourself.

Activity 2

Write the names of food eaten at different times that are rich in proteins.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food 1

Breakfast milk, egg, yogurt
Lunch peas, pulses, soybean, chane.
Dinner pulses, meat, paneer.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks :
(Energy, Vitamin D, Minerals, Protein, Water)

(i) ………………. is a body-building nutrient.
(ii) ………………. help in the formation of teeth, bones and blood.
(iii) Fats give ………………. to our body,
(iv) ………………. keeps our body temperature in balance.
(v) We get ………………. from the sunlight.
(i) Protein,
(ii) Minerals,
(iii) Energy,
(iv) Water,
(v) Vitamin D.

Question 2.
Tick (✓) the right and cross (✗) the wrong sentences :
(i) Rice, wheat and potatoes keep vitamins. [ ]
(ii) Water controls the temperature of body. [ ]
(iii) Sugar and starch are rich in carbohydrates. [ ]
(iv) Vitamins save us from diseases. [ ]
(v) Milk is a complete diet. [ ]
(i) ✗
(ii) ✓
(iii) ✓
(iv) ✓
(v) ✓

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

Question 3.
Why do we eat food?
Food gives energy to our body. It is also necessary for the growth of the body and also saves us from getting ill.

Question 4.
Name energy-giving nutrients.
Carbohydrates and fat.

Question 5.
Name the various sources, of foods that grow our body.
Eggs, milk, fish, meat, paneer, peas, pulses, etc. are the main sources of protein which are necessary in the growth of our body.

Textbook Page No. 77

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

Activity 3

By tasting with tongue, write the name of food and its taste.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food 2

Name of food Taste
Jalebi, Sugar, Barfi, Banana, Apple, Kheer Sweet
Pakoda, Cooked vegetables, Samosa Salty
Chilly Pickel Bitter
Lime, Tamarind Sour
Orange, Amla Sour-Sweet

Activity 4

Write the parts of the digestive system in a serial order.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food 3
1. Mouth
2. Stomach
3. Pancreas
4. Small Intestine
5. Large Intestine
6. Gall Bladder
7. Liver
8. Kidney.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

Textbook Page No. 78

Question 6.
Why should we eat food slowly?
Saliva is secreted by salivary glands which are present in mouth. When we chew food slowly, saliva is mixed with food and helps in the digestion of food.

Question 7.
Tick (✓) the correct answer :
(ii) With which organ can we sense taste?
(1) Tongue ( )
(2) Teeth ( )
(3) Nose ( )
(4) Mouth ( )
(1) Tongue (✓)

(b) Which substance in the mouth makes the food sweet?
(1) Tongue ( )
(2) Saliva ( )
(3) Pood pipe ( )
(4) Teeth ( )
(2) Saliva (✓)

(iii) From which organ does food start digesting?
(1) Stomach ( )
(2) Large intestine ( )
(3) Small intestine ( )
(4) Mouth ( )
(4) Mouth (✓)

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

(iv) Which nutrients are present in a balanced diet?
(1) Proteins ( )
(2) Carbohydrates ( )
(3) Minerals ( )
(4) All ( )
(4) All (✓)

(v) What do the players eat to get instant energy?
(1) Ghee ( )
(2) Butter ( )
(3) Glucose ( )
(4) Meat ( )
(3) Glucose (✓)

Question 8.
Tick (✓) the right and cross (✗) the wrong sentences :
(i) We get more energy from fats than carbohydrates.
(ii) We should eat food slowly by chewing it.
(iii) Undigested food is extracted from the body through anus.
(iv) We should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.
(v) Saliva, inside the mouth, makes the food hard.
(i) ✓
(ii) ✓
(iii) ✓
(iv) ✓
(v) ✗

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Eat and Digest Food Important Questions and Answers

1. Tick the correct option :

(i) acid is formed in stomach.
(a) Acetic
(b) Hydrochloric
(c) Sulphuric
(d) none.

(ii) Nutrients in food are :
(a) corbohydrates
(b) proteins
(c) minerals
(d) all.

(iii) Fat provides more energy than
(a) carbohydrates –
(b) proteins
(c) minerals
(d) none.
(i) (b),
(ii) (d),
(iii) (a).

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
How much water should we take daily?
8-10 glasses of water.

Question 2.
How many nutrients are their in food?

Question 3.
Which nutrients provide energy?
Carbohydrates, fats.

Question 4.
Which nutrients are used to build body?

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Food is necessary for our
(ii) Food contains five
(iii) We should take 8-10 glass daily.
(iv) acid is formed in the stomach.
(v) It is to digest food eaten quickly.
(i) life,
(ii) nutrients,
(iii) water,
(iv) Hydrochloric,
(v) difficult.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

4. True/False :

(i) There are salivary glands in mouth.
(ii) Food is also digested in the stomach.
(iii) Vitamins and minerals are protective foods.
(i) T,
(ii) T,
(iii) T.

5. Match the following column :

(i) Energy giving foods – (a) Fruits, vegetables
(ii) Body building food – (b) Energy
(iii) Vitamin – (c) Fat
(iv) Glucose – (d) Protein
(i) (c),
(ii) (d),
(iii) (a),
(iv) (b).

Question 6.
Mind Map :
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food 4
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food 5

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food

Question 7.
Label the diagram :
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food 6
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 12 Eat and Digest Food 7

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB Changing Trends of Food Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 65

Activity 1

Collect information about the various works of the farmers of your village and write below.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food 1
Do it yourself.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

Textbook Page No. 66

Activity 2

Try to know from your father about the facilities provided by the cooperative societies.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food 2
Do it yourself

Textbook Page No. 67-68

Question 1.
From where do the farmers get information about the new seeds?
From television.

Question 2.
Name the subordinate professions of agriculture.
Selling milk, pickle making, selling chatni, cattle rearing, fish farming, mushroom farming, bee keeping etc.

Question 3.
What jobs are done by women?
They take care of the cattles. They prepare chutnies, spices and murabba for selling purposes.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

Question 4.
What do the farmers of the other states do to earn bread for their family, when their crops are damaged?
They come to our state or go to other states and start doing agriculture based jobs and earn their livelihood.

Activity 3

Talk to the farmers of your neighbourhood and come to know which problems they have to face in agriculture.
Do it yourself.

Textbook Page No. 71

Question 5.
Which type of food should be taken to keep healthy?
We should take .milk, ghee, butter, almonds, curd, cereals, etc. to maintain our health.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

Question 6.
Collect an information about the food habits of your friends and what they eat?
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food 3
Do it yourself.

Activity 4

What did your father used to eat in childhood and what does he eat now? Collect information about it and write.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food 4
Do it yourself

Activity 5

What do the different members of your family like to eat? Collect information from them and make a list.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food 5

Members of family Name Favourite food
Brother Rahul Chocolate
Sister Sanya Ice cream
Father Resham Kheer
Mother Kavita Pakore
Grandfather Ramnath Gajarela
Grandmother Keshari Golgappe

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Changing Trends of Food Important Questions and Answers

Tick the correct option :

(i) In olden days people used to take :
(a) milk ( )
(b) almonds ( )
(c) butter ( )
(d) all. ( )

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

(ii) Now-a-days children like to take :
(a) candies ( )
(b) chips ( )
(c) ice cream ( )
Gurjeet’s father has this habit.

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
How did dadaji know Gurjeet want ice cream?
Because Gurjeet asked his dadaji to take ice cream.

Question 2.
Who has the habit of eating gur after every meal?
Gurjeet’s father has this habit.

Question 3.
Why candies are not good to eat?
Excessive sugar present in candies decays the teeth.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Farmers have very ……………………. land for cultivation.
(ii) In India there are ……………………. states.
(iii) It is not good to ……………………. food.
(iv) In ……………………. people take food by putting it on leaves.
(i) less,
(ii) 29,
(iii) waste,
(iv) south.

4. True/False :

(i) There are salivary glands in the mouth.
(ii) Digestion of food also takes place in stomach.
(iii) Excessive sugar in candies decays the teeth.
(i) T,
(ii) T,
(iii) T.

5. Match the following :

(A) – (B)
(i) Healthy food – (a) not good for health
(ii) Chewing food – (b) bad habit
(iii) Fast food – (c) milk
(iv) Leaving food in plate – (d) helps in digestion
(i) (c),
(ii) (d),
(iii) (a),
(iv) (b).

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

6. Mind Map :
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food 6
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food 7

7. Answer in five/six lines :

Question What did grandfather tell to Gurjit about the situation of agriculture in our country?
Grandfather told that Punjab is an agriculture-based state and it is very easy do farming here. Modern tools and implements used in farming, sources of irrigation and fertile land of Punjab make it easy to do farming.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 11 Changing Trends of Food

Whereas in other states the land is not suitable for farming. In states like Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh the crop gets ruined due to floods and sometimes due to lack of rain.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class EVS Book Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

EVS Guide for Class 5 PSEB 10 Storage and Preservation of Food Textbook Questions and Answers

Textbook Page No. 58

Activity 1

Students will collect the samples of different food products such as, bread, chapatti, pulses, wheat and vegetables. They will keep them in the open. After 5-6 days they will observe them and discuss, and write about them.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

Textbook Page No. 59-60

Question 1.
Which kind of food products decay soon?
Bread, chapatti, vegetables.

Question 2.
Which kind of food products do not decay soon?
Pulses, wheat.

Activity 1 (a)

Methods of food storage and preservation.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food 4
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food 5
1. Cooling
2. Salting
3. Adding Sugar
4. Pickle
5. Canning
6. Drying.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

Activity 2

Ask your mother about the methods used for food preservation and write them in the following manner.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food 1

Food  Methods of Preservation
1. Wheat  using insecticides, neem leaves
2. Pulses  drying in sun
3. Fruits Vegetables  keeping in refrigerator, making jams, murabba
4. Pickle  keeping in oil
5. Milk  by boiling

Question 3.
Why is it necessary to boil milk?
There are some bacteria in the milk which gets killed by boiling and milk can be stored for some time.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

Activity 3

Textbook Page No. 61

Question 4.
What kinds of murabbas have you eaten?
Amla, Apple, Carrot murabba.

Question 5.
How can the decaying of food be assessed?
When we see change in colour of the food item and a bad smell is felt we come to know that food is not fit for eating.

Question 6.
What kind of food is kept in the fridge for preservation?
Milk, green vegetables, fruits, meat, bread etc.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

Activity 3

Collect and write about the information regarding packed food or medicines from the market. Note the date of packing, expiry date and time for consumption.
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food 6
Do it yourself.

Textbook Page No. 64

Question 7.
Various methods of storing the grains are discussed in the chapter. Write about the method you liked the most.
I liked the method in which grains are dried in sun and stored in drum.

Question 8.
Why is the use of poisons harmful to preserve the pulses?
Pulses contain proteins and proteins absorb the poison quickly. Thus, insecticides used for storing pulses are more harmful.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

Question 9.
Why are fruits and vegetables kept in cold stores?
Cold stores are like very huge refrigerators and also temperature is much below than the normal fridge temperature. At low temperatures, fruits and vegetables remain fresh for long time. Therefore, we store vegetables in a cold store.

Question 10.
Match the following :
A – B
1. Milk (a) Drying
2. Pickle of Lemon (b) Adding Sugar
3. Peppermint leaves (c) Refrigerating
4. Jamun and Grapes (d) Boiling
5. Murabba of Amla (e) Oiling
1. (d),
2. (e),
3. (a),
4. (c),
5. (b).

PSEB 5th Class EVS Guide Storage and Preservation of Food Important Questions and Answers

1. Tick the correct option :

(i) Grains can be stored :
(a) in drums after drying ( )
(b) in gunny bags in stores ( )
(c) both true ( )
(d) none. ( )
(c) both true

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

(ii) Milk can be prevented from spoiling by :
(a) placing it in sunlight ( )
(b) boiling ( )
(c) keeping in fridge ( )
(d) Both (b) and (c) ( )
(d) Both (b) and (c)

2. Answer in one/two lines :

Question 1.
How do we know that wheat grains are dry?
When broken with teeth, grains make a cracking sound.

Question 2.
Which preservatives are used in pickles?
Oil and vinegar can be used to preserve pickles.

3. Fill in the blanks :

(i) In warehouses …………………. killing tablets are kept.
(ii) Milk is …………………. to prevent it from spoiling.
(iii) Vegetables are kept at …………………. temperature to prevent rotting.
(iv) Oil is used to …………………. pickle.
(i) rat
(ii) boiled
(iii) low
(iv) preserve.

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

4. True/False :

(i) Pesticide tablets are used to store wheat in drums.
(ii) Gunny bags are kept close to walls in the stores.
(iii) Farmers can become prosperous by growing new high-yield varieties of crops.
(i) T,
(ii) F,
(iii) T.

5. Match the following :

(A) – (B)
(i) Boiling (a) Fig
(ii) Adding oil (b) Murrabba
(Hi) Drying (c) Milk
(iv) Adding lot of Sugar (d) Mango pickle.
(i) (c)
(ii) (d)
(iii) (a)
(iv) (b)

6. Mind Map :
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food 2
PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food 3

PSEB 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 10 Storage and Preservation of Food

7. Answer in five/six lines :

Question 1.
What do you know about pasteurization?
This is a method in which milk is heated upto high temperature and then it is cooled immediately and is packed into sealed packets or bottels. This milk can be used for many days and it becomes easy to transport from one place to other. In Punjab, Verka Milk plant is selling pasteurized milk at large scale.

Question 2.
Write down the methods used for food preservation?

Food Methods of preservation


Food Methods of preservation
Milk by boiling it
Amla by preparing murabba
Methi by drying it
Wheat by drying and putting it in drum and by putting neem leaves in it

PSEB 5th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 11 पैट्रन

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 11 पैट्रन MCQ Questions and Answers.

PSEB 5th Class Maths Chapter 11 पैट्रन MCQ Questions

प्रश्न 1.
रिक्त डिब्बे के लिए सही डिब्बा चुनें।
PSEB 5th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 11 पैट्रन 1
PSEB 5th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 11 पैट्रन 2
PSEB 5th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 11 पैट्रन 3

PSEB 5th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 11 पैट्रन

प्रश्न 2.
एक चौथाई घुमा कर दोहराएं।
PSEB 5th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 11 पैट्रन 4
PSEB 5th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 11 पैट्रन 5

प्रश्न 3.
रिक्त स्थान भरें।
9 × 9 + 7 = 88
98 × 9 + 6 = 888
987 × 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 × 9 + 4 = _____
(क) 8888
(ख) 88888
(ग) 888888
(घ) 888.
(ख) 88888.