The Giving Tree Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 3 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree Question Answers

The Giving Tree Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

Swing (verb) trunk branches
business sail resource

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Read the following phrases. Find out their meaning by reading the story again. Write two meaningful sentences using each phrase.

1. climb up
(a) He climbed up a tall tree.
(b) We climbed up a hill.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

2. Cut off
(a) Our village was cut off from the city during rains.
(b) I cut off the spoiled part of the mango.

3. cut down
(a) He cut down the old neem tree.
(b) Many trees were cut down by the villagers

4. Stay away
(a) stay away from the bad people.
(b) I stay away from the crowd of people.

5. Take away
(a) Drinking took away his life.
(b) The thief took away my purse.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Read the story carefully and answer the following questions in “Yes”/“No’. For example :

Question : Did the boy love the tree when he was a child ?
Answer : Yes, he did.

Question 1.
Did the tree love the little boy ?
Yes, she did.

Question 2.
Did the tree have money to give the boy ?
No, she didn’t.

Question 3.
Did the boy want to go to a nearby village ?
No, he didn’t.

Question 4.
Did the boy get married ?
Yes, he did.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 5.
Did the tree allow the boy to sit down on the stump ?
Yes, she did.

Activity 4.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who would come and play with the tree ?.
वृक्ष के साथ कौन आकर खेलता था ?
A little boy would come and play with the tree.

Question 2.
Who was too big to climb and play ?
कौन इतना बड़ा था कि ऊपर चढ़ कर खेल नहीं सकता था ?
The boy was too big to climb up the tree and play.

Question 3.
Why did the boy want a boat ?
लड़के को नाव क्यों चाहिए थी ?
The boy wanted a boat to sail him away to another city.

Question 4.
Why did the boy want to go to another city ?
लड़का किसी दूसरे शहर क्यों जाना चाहता था ?
The boy wanted to go to another city for business.

Question 5.
What did the tree say in the end ?
अंत में वृक्ष ने क्या कहा ?
In the end the tree asked the boy to sit on her stump and rest.

Activity 5.

Fill in the blanks with the words given below. You can use each word twice, if necessary.
sailed, tree, stump, grew, happy, climb up, swing, house, tired, apples

1. Once there was a boy and a ……………….
2. The boy played with the ……………………
3. The tree asked the boy to …………………… and ………………….. from her branches.
4. The boy ………………….. older.
5. The tree asked the boy to sell-off …………………… to get money.
6. The boy cut off the branches to make a …….
7. The boy made a boat from the trunk of the tree and …………………. away.
8. The tree was not ……………
9. The boy came back to the tree. He said that he was
10. The boy sat on the ………………….. to rest.
1. tree
2. tree
3. climb up, swing
4. grew
5. apples
6. house
7. sailed
8. happy
9. tired
10. stump.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Activity 6.

Give opposites of the given words in the given space.

Word — Opposite
1. happy — sad
2. give — take
3. sell — buy
4. come — go
5. quiet — noisy
6. climb up — climb down

Activity 7.

Add ‘ed to the following words and write a meaningful sentence.
Example: Stay: I stayed in Jammu for a week.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree 1
1. want – He wanted to take rest.
2. climb – He climbed up a hill.
3. play – We played football,
4. sail – The ship sailed away to U.S.A.
5. rest – We rested under a tree.

Learning Language


A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.
Noun (संज्ञा) के स्थान पर प्रयोग होने वाला शब्द Pronoun (सर्वनाम) कहलाता है|
The words ‘they’ ; ‘she’; ‘her’; ‘he’; ‘it are used in place of nouns.
We call them Pronouns. There are three main kinds of pronouns :
Pronouns मुख्य रूप से तीन प्रकार के होते हैं —
1. Personal Pronoun
2. Demonstrative pronoun
3. Interrogative pronoun

1. Personal Pronoun :
Pronouns which are used in place of proper nouns to avoid repetition are called personal pronouns. ये Pronouns वाक्य में Proper Noun की बारम्बारता से बचने के लिए प्रयोग में लाये जाते हैं।
For example :
My mother is very tired because my mother has been working the whole day.
My mother is very tired because she has been working for the whole day.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

There are three kinds of personal pronouns.

1. Pronouns of the First Person
Singular — Plural
I, my, mine, me, myself — We, our, ours, us, ourselves

2. Pronouns of the Second Person
Singular — Plural
you, yours, yourselves, your — you, yours, yourself, your

3. Pronouns of the Third Person
Singular — Plural
he, she, it, him, her — them, their, theirs

Activity 8.

Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns.

Question 1.
……………. often reads until late at night.
(a) he
(b) Aman
(c) Meena
(d) they
(a) he

Question 2.
…………….. is running up and down the stairs.
(a) the cat
(b) she
(c) my brother
(d) you
(b) she

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree 2

Question 3.
……………….. is from Mumbai.
(a) Rosy
(b) my friend
(c) he
(d) this statue
(c) he

Question 4.
Have ……………….. got a dog, Meena ?
(a) anyone
(b) they
(c) someone
(d) it
(b) they

Question 5.
We enjoy the roses so much. ………………. really make the garden beautiful.
(a) they
(b) its
(c) someone
(d) flowers
(a) they

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 6.
Aman isn’t an architect. ……………. . is an engineer
(a) he
(b) they
(c) it
(d) she
(a) he

Question 7.
Are …………. friends or not ?
(a) he
(b) she
(c) we
(d) it
(c) we

Question 8.
My doctor was born in London. …. ………….. teaches language lessons in his spare time.
(a) they
(b) it
(c) she
(d) he
(d) he

Question 9.
All my teachers are from Europe. …………….. come from all over the continent.
(a) she
(b) we
(c) they
(d) them
(c) they

Question 10.
Our friends are athletes. All of ………………. are either strong, fast, or both.
(a) we
(b) they
(c) them
(d) you
(c) them

2. Demonstrative Pronoun

A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something within a sentence. These pronouns can indicate items in space or time and they can be either singular or plural.
TE Pronoun aice À force on ha ca as forgeim H GIRT GIGI ITE Singular Haal Plural fti
नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों में italicized शब्द Demonstrative Pronouns हैं : This was my mother’s purse. That looks like the car I used to drive. These are nice shoes, but they look uncomfortable. Those look like riper than the apples on my tree.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Activity 9.

Fill in the blanks using demonstrative pronouns. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Question 1.
……………… was such an interesting experience.
(a) that
(b) these
(c) those
(d) such
(a) that

Question 2.
Are ……………. your shoes ?
(a) that
(b) them
(c) those
(d) this
(c) those

Question 3.
You’ll have to get your own pen. ……… is mine.
(a) that
(b) those
(c) such
(d) this
(d) this

Question 4.
There is no end to ……..
(a) such
(b) those
(c) this
(d) none
(c) this

Question 5.
Because of their bad behaviour, ……….. ……… of the children were given allowances.
(a) none
(b) that
(c) those
(d) them
(a) none

Question 6.
………………. of them had seen it before.
(a) those
(b) neither
(c) such
(d) this
(b) neither

Question 7.
Is …………… yours ?
(a) this
(b) those
(c) these
(d) such
(a) this

Question 8.
Everyone ate early. When we arrived ……………… was left.
(a) that
(b) such
(c) none
(d) neither
(c) none

Question 9.
Please give me one of .
(a) that
(b) those
(c) this
(d) such
(b) those

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 10.
……………….. are nice looking.
(a) this
(b) that
(c) these
(d) such.
(c) these

3. Interrogative (प्रशनवाचक) Pronoun

An interrogative pronoun is used to make asking questions easy. There are just five interrogative pronouns. ये Pronoun प्रश्न पूछने के लिए प्रयोग किए जाते हैं और प्रायः प्रश्नवाचक शब्द से आरंभ होते हैं।

The five interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and whose.
What is used to ask questions about people or objects.
(लोगों तथा वस्तुओं के बारे में प्रश्न)
What do you want for dinner ?
What is your name ?

Which is used to ask questions about people or objects.
Which seat would you like?
Which of these ice cream flavours is you favourite ?

Who is used to ask questions about people.
(व्यकतियों के बारे में प्रशन)
Who is that man over there ?
Who is the strongest in the class ?

Whom is used to ask questions about people.
With whom did you go to the class ?

Whose is used to ask questions about people or objects, always related to possession.
Whose sweater is this?
I wonder whose dog is digging our lawn ?

Activity 10.

Fill in the blanks with an interrogative pronoun.

Question 1.
……………….. threw the football ?
(a) who
(b) what
(c) which
(d) whose
(a) who

Question 2.
…… Would you prefer, coffee or tea ?
(a) who
(b) whom
(c) which
(d) whose
(c) which

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 3.
………………. time do we need to be at the station?
(a) which
(b) what
(c) whose
(d) whom
(b) what

Question 4.
…………….. bike is that ?
(a) whom
(b) whose
(c) what
(d) who
(b) whose

Question 5.
……………. is your brother’s name?
(a) who
(b) whom
(c) what
(d) whose
(c) what

Question 6.
……………. did you tell ?
(a) whom
(b) what
(c) whose
(d) which
(b) what

Question 7.
……………. of these books have you read ?
(a) what
(b) whom
(c) whose
(d) which
(d) which

Question 8.
…………….. wants ice-cream ?
(a) what
(b) whom
(c) who
(d) whose
(c) who

Learning to Write

Activity 11.

Did you like the story ? Talk to your partner and discuss two things you liked and one thing you did not like in the story. After discussion, add another paragraph to change the ending of the story.
The boy sat there thinking. He thought of trees who give something to man all through their lives. They gift their all happily and become a stump. They give the message : “Real happiness lies in giving’. But it is a pity that man cuts down trees unwisely. He has no regard for their usefulness and selflessness.

Learning to Use Language

Activity 12.

Write a letter to your friend inviting him for the birthday party.

Kailash Colony
…………. City
March 12, 20…
My dear Vinod
You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on March 20. I am planning to celebrate it at home. There will be a programme of dance and music. A dinner will also be served. All our friends are coming to the party. I hope you will also join us. I am sure you will enjoy yourself.
Yours sincerely

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Learning to Listen

Activity 13.

The teacher will read the story to the students again. Listen to the story carefully. Write whether the statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’ in the given space.

1. The tree loved the little boy. — (True)
2. The tree liked the boy to swing from the branches of the tree. — (True)
3. The tree became sad whenever the boy came back. — (False)
4. The tree gave the boy a lot of money. — (False)
5. The tree asked the boy to cut off her branches and make a house. — (True)
6. The boy wanted a ship to go to another city. — (False)
7. The tree allowed the boy to cut down her trunk. — (True)
8. At last, the boy wanted a quiet place to sit and rest. — (True)
9. The tree refused the boy from sitting on her old stump. — (False)
10. The story shows that the boy is selfish. — (True)

Learning to Speak.

Activity 13 (Role Play)

The children will work in pairs.
Practise speaking the following sentences with your partner. One of you will become the tree and one will become the boy. After practice, all the pairs will speak in front of the class.
1. The tree: Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat apples and be happy.
2. The boy: I am too big to climb and play. I want some money to buy things and have fun. Can you give me some money ?
3. The tree: I have no money but you can take my apples and sell them in the city. Then you will have some money and you will be happy.
4. The tree: Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing. from my branches, eat apples and be happy.
5. The boy: I am too busy to climb trees. I want to get married. I need a house. Can you give me a house ?
6. The trees : You may cut off my branches. Build a house and be happy.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each.

(1) Once there was a tree and she loved a little boy. Every day the boy would come, eat applies and play with her. He would swing from her branches and eat apples. The boy loved the tree very much. And the tree was very happy.

The time went by. The boy grew older. The tree was often alone. One day the boy came to the tree. The tree said, “Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat apples and be happy.” “I am too big to climb and play,” said the boy. “I want some money to buy things and have fun. Can you give me some money ?” The tree said, “I have no money but you can take my apples and sell them in the city. Then you will have some money and you will be happy.” The boy did so and went away. The tree was happy.

(i) What made the tree very happy ?
वृक्ष को क्या बात बहुत अधिक खुशी देती थी ?

(ii) Why did the tree give the boy her apples ?
वृक्ष ने लड़के को अपने सेब क्यों दिए ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements.
(a) The boy grew younger.
(b) The boy wanted money to buy things for fun.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The tree was often ————
(b) The tree loved ————
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) alone go down
(b) climb lonely
go up

(i) The boy’s love for her made the tree very happy.
(ii) She gave the boy her apples to sell and get money.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) The tree was often alone.
(b) The tree loved a little boy.
(a) alone – lonely
(b) climb – go up

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

(2) The boy again stayed away for a long time. One day he came back. The tree was very happy and said, “Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat apples and be happy.” The boy said, “I am too sad to play. I want to go to another city for business.

Can you give me a boat that will take me away to another city.” The tree said, “Cut down my trunk and make a boat. Then you can sail away and be happy. The boy did so and sailed away. The tree was very happy, but not really.

After a long time, the boy who was now an old man came back again. “I am sorry, boy. I have nothing to give you,” said the tree. I wish I could give you something. I am just an old stump.” “I don’t need anything now. I just want a quiet place to sit and rest.

I am very tired,” said the boy. “Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down and rest.” The boy sat on the stump to rest. And the tree was very happy.

(i) Why was the boy sad ?
लड़का क्यों उदास था ?

(ii) What was the only thing that the boy wanted in the end ?
अंत में लड़का कौन-सी एक मात्र चीज़ चाहता था ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) The boy had grown old.
(b) He was too sad to play.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Cut down my trunk and ……………..
(b) An old stump is good for ……………
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) business calm
(b) quiet trade

(i) The boy was sad because he wanted to go to another city for business, but he had no boat.
(ii) In the end, he just wanted a quiet place to sit and rest.
(a) True
(b) True
(a) Cut down my trunk and make a boat.
(b) An old stump is good for sitting and resting.
(a) business – trade
(b) quiet – calm

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Swing (Verb)(move to and fro on a swing) –
The girls are swinging in the park.
लड़कियां पार्क में झूला झूल रही हैं।

2. Branches (off-shoots) –
A big tree has many branches.
बड़े वृक्ष की कई शाखाएं होती हैं।

3. Business (trade) –
He has gone out for a business.
वह व्यापार के लिए बाहर गया हुआ है।

4. Climb (go up) –
I can’t climb this wall,
मैं इस दीवार पर नहीं चढ़ सकता।

5. Stump (remaining part of a chopped tree) –
The stump of tree was very hard.
वृक्ष का ढूंठ बहुत ही कठोर था।

6. Another (one more). –
Please give me another pen.
कृपया मुझे एक और पेन दीजिए।

7. Build (make, construct) –
We are building a new house.
हम एक नया मकान बना रहे हैं। .

8. Carry away (take away) –
Carry away your books from here.
अपनी पुस्तकें यहां से ले जाओ।

Word Meanings

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree 3

The Giving Tree Summary in Hindi

Once there was ……………. tree was happy.

एक बार एक मादा वृक्ष था और वह एक छोटे से बच्चे को प्यार/दुलार करता था। बच्चा प्रतिदिन आता था, सेब खाता था और उसके साथ खेलता था। वह उसकी टहनियों पर झूलता था और सेब खाता था। बच्चा वृक्ष को बहुत प्यार करता था। इसलिए वृक्ष खुश था।

समय बीतता गया। बच्चा बड़ा हो गया। वृक्ष प्रायः अकेला रहता था। एक दिन बच्चा वृक्ष के पास आया। वृक्ष ने कहा, “आओ, बच्चे, आओ। मेरे तने पर चढ़ जाओ, मेरी टहनियों पर झूलो, सेब खाओ और खुश रहो।” बच्चे ने कहा, “मैं इतना बड़ा हो गया हूँ कि मैं चढ और खेल नहीं सकता।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

मुझे मनोरंजन के लिए कुछ चीजें खरीदने के लिए कुछ पैसे चाहिएं। क्या तुम मुझे कुछ पैसे दे सकते हो ?” वृक्ष ने कहा, “मेरे पास पैसे नहीं है परन्तु तुम मेरे सेब ले सकते हो और उन्हें ले जाकर शहर में बेच सकते हो तब तुम्हारे पास कुछ पैसा आ जायेगा और तुम खुश रहोगे।”

बच्चे ने वैसा ही किया और चला गया। वृक्ष खुश था। बच्चा लम्बे समय तक वापिस नहीं आया। वृक्ष उदास था। एक दिन बच्चा वापिस आया। वृक्ष ने खुशी से कहा, “आओ, बच्चे, आओ। मेरे तने पर चढ़ जाओ, मेरी टहनियों पर झूलो, सेब खाओ और खुश रहो।” बच्चे ने कहा, “मैं इतना व्यस्त हूँ कि मैं वृक्षों पर नहीं चढ़ सकता।

मैं शादी करना चाहता हूँ। मुझे एक घर चाहिए। क्या तुम मुझे एक घर दे सकते हो ?” वृक्ष ने कहा, “तुम मेरी शाखाओं को काट . सकते हो। घर बना लो और खुश रहो। “बच्चे ने उसकी शाखाओं को काटा और ले जाकर अपना घर बना लिया। वृक्ष खुश था।

The boy again ……… was very happy.

बच्चा फिर से एक लम्बे समय तक दूर रहा। एक दिन वह वापिस आया। वृक्ष बहुत खुश हुआ और कहा, “आओ, बच्चे, आओ। मेरे तने पर चढ़ जाओ, मेरी टहनियों पर झूलो, सेब खाओ और खुश रहो।” बच्चे ने कहा, “मैं इतना उदास हूँ कि मैं खेल नहीं सकता। मैं व्यापार के लिए दूसरे शहर जाना चाहता हूँ।

क्या तुम मुझे एक नाव दे सकते हो जो मुझे दूसरे शहर ले जाये ?” वृक्ष ने कहा, “मेरा तना काट लो और नाव बना लो। तब तुम नाव चला कर दूर जा सकते हो और खुश रह सकते हो।” बच्चे ने वही किया और नाव पर चला गया। वृक्ष खुश हो गया परन्तु वास्तव में वह खुश नहीं था।

बहुत समय बाद वह बच्चा जो अब बूढ़ा आदमी बन चुका था वापिस लौट आया। वृक्ष ने कहा, “बच्चे, मुझे खेद है, मेरे पास तुम्हें देने के लिए कुछ नहीं है। काश! मैं तुम्हें कुछ दे पाता। मैं केवल एक पुराना ढूंठ हूँ।” बालक (बूढ़ा आदमी) ने कहा, “मुझे अब कुछ नहीं चाहिए।

मैं तो केवल बैठने और आराम करने के लिए एक शांत जगह चाहता हूँ। मैं बहुत थक चुका हूँ।” “अच्छा, एक पुराना लूंठ बैठने और आराम करने के लिए अच्छी जगह है। आओ, बच्चे बैठ जाओ और आराम करो।” बालक आराम करने के लिए ढूंठ पर बैठ गया। इससे वृक्ष बहुत ही खुश हो गया।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. She loved a little boy.
वह एक छोटे से बालक से प्रेम करती थी।

2. The boy grew older.
लड़का बड़ा हो गया।

3. The tree was often alone.
वृक्ष प्राय: अकेला रहता था।

4. I am too big to climb and play.
मैं इतना बड़ा हो गया हूं कि चढ़ (ऊपर) और खेल नहीं सकता।

5. The tree was happy.
वृक्ष खुश था।

6. The boy did not come back for a long time.
लड़का लम्बे समय तक वापिस नहीं आया।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

7. I want to get married.
मैं शादी करना चाहता हूँ।

8. You may cut off my branches.
तुम मेरी शाखाएं काट सकते हो।

9. I want to go to another city for business.
मैं व्यापार के लिए किसी दूसरे शहर जाना चाहता

10. Cut down my trunk and make a boat.
मेरा तना काट कर नाव बना लो।

11. I wish I could give you something.
काश! मैं तुम्हें कुछ दें पाती/पाता।

12. I just want a quiet place to sit and rest.
मुझे केवल बैठने और आराम करने के लिए एक शांत जगह चाहिए।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

A Glass of Milk Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk Question Answers

A Glass of Milk Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the play (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Words that normally go with the given word. For example, ‘owe’ goes with ‘money’, ‘bank’, ‘debt’, ‘apology’, etc.
4. Spellings

complicated diagnose surgery
attention struggle discuss

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2

Find suffixes in the following words.
1. complicated
2. hesitatingly
3. warmly
4. stronger
5. goodness
1. -ated,
2. -ly,
3. ly,
4. -er,
5. ness.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Let us revise the prepositions besides’,’beside’, ‘between’ and ‘among’. ‘Besides’ means ‘in addition to’. “Beside’ means by the side of.,

1. What other sport do you play besides (के अतिरिक्त) hockey ?
2. She sat beside (के पास) her sick son all night.
‘Between (दो व्यक्तियों अथवा चीजों के बीच) is used for two people or things.
‘Among (दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों अथवा चीजों के बीच) is used for more than two people or things.

1. There is no love between the two brothers.
2. Distribute sweets among all the children.

Activity 3

Fill in the blanks choosing from the words given in the box.

beside besides between among

1. The two brothers distributed the sweets …………………. themselves.
2. Radha came and sat ……………….. her mother.
3. The four thieves quarrelled ………………. themselves.
4. I have three other pens …………..
5. this. ……….. advising them, he gave them money also.
6. A beggar was sitting ………………. the temple gate.
1. between
2. beside
3. among
4. besides
5. Besides
6. beside.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4

Read the play carefully and write the answers.


Question 1.
Count and write the number of characters in Scene 1 of the play.
नाटक के दृश्य 1 में पात्रों की संख्या गिनो और लिखो।

Question 2.
What are their names ?
उनके क्या नाम है?
Howard Kelly and Anita.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Question 3.
What is the time ?
समय क्या है ?
It is afternoon.

Question 4.
What does the boy say to himself ?
लड़का स्वयं से क्या कहता है ?
He says that he must sell two more books to pay his school fee and ask for some water too.

Question 5.
Why does he sell books ?
वह पुस्तकें क्यों बेचता है ?
He sells books to earn money for his school fee.

Question 6.
Why does he ring the bell ?
वह घंटी क्यों बजाता है ?
He rings the bell to get the door opened.

Question 7.
Who opens the door ?
दरवाज़ा कौन खोलता है ?
A lady opens the door.

Question 8.
What does he request the Lady for ?
वह औरत से किस चीज़ के लिए प्रार्थना करता है ?
He requests the lady for some water.

Question 9.
What does the Lady give him ?
औरत उसे क्या देती है ?
The lady gives him a glass of milk.

Question 10.
How much money does the Lady give the boy for the book ?
औरत लड़के को पुस्तक के कितने पैसे देती है ?
She gives him 5 pounds.


Question 1.
Count and write the number of characters in Scene 2 of the play.
नाटक के दृश्य 2 में पात्रों की संख्या गिनो और लिखो।

Question 2.
What is the profession of the characters of this scene ?”
इस दृश्य के पात्रों का क्या व्यवसाय है ?
They are doctors.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Question 3.
Why had the Lady come to this hospital ?
औरत इस अस्पताल में क्यों आई है ?
The lady had some complicated disease and had been referred to this hospital for treatment.

Question 4.
How did the Lady get ill ?.
औरत बीमार कैसे हुई ?
The lady got ill because of food poisoning

Question 5.
What kind of treatment did she need ?
उसे किस प्रकार के इलाज की ज़रूरत थी ?
She needed immediate surgery.


Question 1.
How much time did the patients get to pay the bill, as per the rules ?
नियमों के अनुसार मरीजों को बिल चुकाने के लिए कितना समय मिलता था ?
They got two days to pay the bill.

Question 2.
Why did the Lady get worried ?
औरत चिन्ता में क्यों पड़ गई ?
She got worried to see the heavy bill to pay within two days.

Question 3.
Why did the Lady have tears in her eyes ?
औरत की आँखों में आंसू क्यों आ गये थे ?
These were the tears of happiness as the bill had already been paid.

Question 4.
Why did she not have to pay the bill ?
उसे बिल क्यों नहीं चुकाना था ?
She did not have to pay the bill because Dr. Howard had already paid it.

Question 5.
Who had paid the bill ? Why ?
बिल किसने चुकाया था ? क्यों ?
Dr. Howard had paid the bill. He had paid it to repay the goodness of the lady in the form of a glass of milk.

Question 6.
Why was the Lady happy in the end ?
अन्त में औरत प्रसन्न क्यों थी ?
In the end, the lady was happy because her faith in God and goodness of people had become stronger.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Learning Language:
Degrees of Adjectives

Adjectives have three forms of comparison: Positive, Comparative and Superlative. Simple adjectives that make no comparisons are positive forms.
Most adjectives form the comparative by adding ‘-r’, ‘-er’, -ier’ and the superlative by adding ‘-st’, ‘-est’, ‘-iest to the positive.
Adjectives के तीन रूप (degrees) होते हैं। Positive degree आम विशेषता बताती है; जबकि Comparative तथा Superlative degrees का प्रयोग तुलना के लिए किया जाता है।
(i) अधिकतर adjectives के पीछे ‘-er’/’-ier’ तथा ‘-est’/’-iest’ जोड़ने से तथा आवश्यक परिवर्तन (विशेषकर अंतिम) करने से क्रमश: Comparative तथा Superlative degrees बनती हैं ; जैसे

Positive Comparative Superlative
quick quicker quickest
fine finer finest
nice nicer nicest
bold bolder boldest
clever cleverer cleverest
deep deeper deepest
dirty dirtier dirtiest
heavy heavier heaviest
happy happier happiest

(ii)Adverb “more” तथा “most” के प्रयोग से ; जैसे —

Positive Comparative Superlative
more beautiful
more courageous
more difficult
more satisfactory
more useful
most beautiful
most courageous
most difficult
most satisfactory
most useful

(iii) भिन्न – भिन्न शब्दों के प्रयोग से ; जैसे —

Positive Comparative Superlative
good\well better best
bad worse worst
little less least
far farther/further farthest/furthest
many more most

Activity 5

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct comparative form of the words given in the brackets :
1. Australia is the ………………. island in the world. (large, larger, largest)
2. The class test was ……………… than we had expected. (easy, easier, easiest)
3. The elephant has the …………….. trunk. (long, longer, longest)
4. Kilimanjaro in Africa is ………………. than Mont Blanc in Europe. (tall, taller, tallest)
5. The white dog was the ……………… of all. (greedy, greedier, greediest)
1. largest
2. easier
3. longest
4. talle
5. greediest.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Activity 6.

Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparison of the adjective. Use the adjective given in the brackets.

1. Shyam is …………… than Karan. Neil is the ……………….. of them all.
2. My room is …………….. than yours. (neat)
3. Pole star is the ………….. ….. star. (bright)
4. The sweets I ate at this sweetshop are ………………. than any other sweets I have ever eaten. (delicious)
5. Is the Prime Minister …………….. than the President ? (powerful)
1. healthier, healthiest
2. neater
3. brightest
4. more delicious
5. more powerful.

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Activity 7

Rewrite each sentence below using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives given in the brackets.
Example A : You are (tall) than me.
Answer A : You are taller than me.

Question 1.
The fish I caught is (big) than the one you caught.
The fish I caught is bigger than the one you caught.

Question 2.
That is the (small) umbrella I have ever seen!
That is the smallest umbrella I have ever seen.

Question 3.
She is the (pretty) girl I have ever seen.
She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

Question 4.
My friend is (fabulous) than yours.
My friend is more fabulous than yours.

Question 5.
That building is (large) than the one next to it.
That building is larger than the one next to it.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Question 6.
Who has the (easy) job in our family ?
Who has the easiest job in your family ?

Question 7.
Do you think a screwdriver is (useful) than a hammer ?
Do you think a screwdriver is more useful than a hammer?

Learning to Speak

Activity 8 (Think-Pair-Share)

Think about what do you want to do to help someone ? Think of a good human value such as :

1. sharing food
2. caring for an injured animal
3. giving new clothes to the needy, etc.
Sit facing your partner. Tell your partner about it. Each pair will take 5 minutes to speak and listen to each other.
After five minutes, say what have you learnt about your partner in front of the class)?
नोट-छात्र स्वयं करें।

Learning to Write

Activity 9

Do some people, who want to sell something, ring your door-bell in the afternoons ? Do they disturb you ? How do you react ? Are you polite to them ? Most people are rude to them. Write about the time when a salesman rang a bell when you were sleeping. You can use some of the following words/phrases.

afternoon, bell, fast asleep, woke up, salesman, selling books, pestered, offered water, angry, close the door

It was afternoon yesterday when a bell rang at our door. I was fast asleep. Suddenly I woke up and opened the door. A salesman with some books in his hand greeted me. He requested me to buy one. He asked for some water too. I gave him a glass of water and requested him to go away. But he stood there like a statue and went on speaking. I got irritated and angry and closed the door.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Learning to Use Language

Read the following paragraph on Blackpool :
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk 1
Blackpool is a beautiful town in England. Tourists love going to Blackpool. Blackpool is situated at the seaside. The seawater of Blackpool is very salty and visibly black. That is why the town is called Blackpool. It is a place that children love going to. There is a lot that children may find amusing. There is a tall tower in the middle of the town which is also black.

Activity 10.

Write a paragraph on your village/town/city or Amritsar/Jalandhar/Patiala/Ludhiana etc.
You may talk about :

  • where the place is located
  • what the place is famous for
  • what most people do when they visit the place.

Note : The teacher must help learners to get information about the city/ place they want to write about.
I live in Amritsar. It is one of the biggest cities of Punjab. It is holy place and a historical city as well. It is mainly known for the Sri Harmandir Sahib, the holiest shrine of the Sikhs. People from all over the world visit this place. They have a dip in the holy tank here. The Jallianwalla Bagh near this holy shrine reminds us of the martyrs of 1919. The Durgiana Mandir of Amritsar is also worth visiting.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the following passages carefully and aswers the questions that follow each :

(1) A small and a narrow street, afternoon time, a small boy selling things from door to door.
Boy (to himself): I must sell two more books ! How will I give my school fee if I don’t sell these books ? But it is a hot afternoon ! I am so hungry and thirstly ! I think I must ask for some water from the next house!
The boy sees a small house. He rings the bell. A lady opens the door.
Boy (tired and hungry): Good afternoon, Ma’am!
Lady (politely) : Good afternoon ! Do you want something ?
Boy : My name is Howard, Howard Kelly. I am selling these books. Will you buy one of my books?

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

1. What was the small boy doing ?
छोटा सा लड़का क्या कर रहा था ?

2. How was he feeling ?
वह कैसा महसूस कर रहा या?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The street was big and narrow.
(b) The boy’s name was Howard Kelly.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) I must ask for some water ……………….
(b) The boy was to pay his ………………

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) ask for softly
(b) politely demand

1. The small boy was selling books from door to door.
2. He was feeling very hungry, thirsty and tired.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) I must ask for some water from the next house .
(b) The boy was to pay his school fee.
(a) ask for — demand
(b) politely — softly.

(2) Lady : You are very small. You should be in school and not selling things !
Boy : Yes, Ma’am. I need to pay for my fee. For this reason, I go door to door selling books. And, ah (hesitatingly) Can I get some water, please ? I am very thirsty.
The lady looks at him and says :
Lady : Sure! Just a few minutes, child. (goes inside and comes back with a glass) Here you are ! Here’s some milk. You are so weak. It appears you haven’t eaten for days !
Boy (taking the glass from the lady and drinking it) : Thank you so much, Ma’am. You are very kind ! How much, ehm… How much do I, ah… owe you for the milk ?

1. Why had the boy to sell books ?
लड़के को किताबें क्यों बेचनी पड़ती थीं ?

2. What did the Lady give the boy to drink ?
औरत ने लड़के को पीने के लिए क्या दिया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The boy appeared to be hungry.
(b) The boy asked the lady for some milk.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The Lady went inside and came back
(b) You should be in school and ……………….

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) sure reluctantly
(b) hesitatingly smilingly

1. The boy had to sell books to earn money for his school fee.
2. The lady gave the boy a glass of milk to drink.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) The Lady went inside and came back with a glass.
(b) You should be in school and not selling things.
(a) sure — certainly
(b) hesitatingly – reluctantly.

(3) Dr. Brown (facing Dr Kelly) : She is from Blackpool. The doctors there advised her to come to this hospital as they could not understand her disease.
It started with food poisoning but got complicated. Perhaps, her liver has got affected.
Dr. Kelly : What ? From Blackpool ? That’s where I come from. Where is the lady ? (Dr Brown taking Dr Kelly to the hospital room)
Dr. Brown : There she is! She needs immediate surgery. I don’t think we can do much in this case even after surgery.
Dr. Kelly (peeps into the room and sees the sleeping woman, smiles) : We must do our best ! And, I’ll do my best to save her.
Dr. Brown : Sure doctor ! We’ll make all possible efforts to save her. Do you know her ? Dr Kelly smiles again.

1. What was the problem with the lady according to Dr. Brown ?
डॉ० ब्राउन के अनुसार औरत की क्या समस्या थी ?

2. What were the two doctors ready to do for the lady ?
दोनों डॉक्टर औरत के लिए क्या करने को तैयार थे ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The lady needed immediate surgery.
(b) The Lady’s problem had started with over eating.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The Lady was from …………………
(b) The doctors in Blackpool hospital …………. the Lady’s disease.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) efforts damaged
(b) affected attempts

1. According to Dr. Brown Lady’s liver was affected due to food poisoning.
2. The two doctors were ready to make all possible efforts to save the lady.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) The Lady was from Blackpool.
(b) The doctors in Blackpool hospital could not understand the Lady’s disease.
(a) efforts — attempts
(b) affected — damaged.

(4) Nurse (handing over the bill to the Lady) : Here is your medicine ! And, er… this is your bill. As per the hospital rules, you need to pay the bill in two days.
Lady (looking worried) : This hospital seems to be very expensive. Nurse : Yes, Madam. It is the most expensive hospital in London.
Lady (looks at the bill) : …It will take me a lifetime to pay the bill! It is signed by Dr Howard Kelly.
Nurse : Yes ! He’s very kind. He took special care of you. He’s from your city. Lady (looking interested) : Really ? Is he from Blackpool ?
Nurse : Yes, He is ! let me see your bill, Madam ! (takes the bill and looks at it, smiles) Yes, something is written on it. Did you see it?
Lady : No, let me see it again. (reads aloud with tears in her eyes). ‘Paid in full years ago with a glass of milk’. Dr Howard Kelly.

1. What were the hospital rules about payment of the bill ?
बिल चुकाने के बारे में अस्पताल के क्या नियम थे ?

2. What was written on the bill ?
बिल पर क्या लिखा था ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The bill was signed by the Nurse.
(b) Dr. Howard Kelly was from Blackpool.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) It is the ………………… in London.
(b) It will take me a lifetime …………..

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) expensive anxious
(b) worried interested

1. As per the hospital rules the bill was to be paid in two days.
2. ‘Paid in full years ago with a glass of milk.’
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) It is the most expensive hospital in London.
(b) It will take me a lifetime to pay the bill.
(a) expensive – costly
(b) worried – anxious.

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Understand (to know) —
I can’t understand what you want.
मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि तुम क्या चाहते हो।

2. Disease (ailment) —
Corona has spread a fatal disease.
कोरोना ने घातक बीमारी फैला दी है।

3. Complicated (complex) —
Your problem is very complicated.
तुम्हारी समस्या बहुत ही जटिल है।

4. Faith (trust) —
I have deep faith in God.
मेरा परमात्मा में गहरा विश्वास है।

5. Accept (take) —
I don’t accept money for any social service.
मैं किसी सामाजिक कार्य के लिए धन स्वीकार नहीं करता।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

6. Deed (act) —
Do a good deed daily.
प्रतिदिन एक अच्छा काम (कर्म) करो।

7. Hand over (to give) —
Do a good deed daily.
प्रतिदिन एक अच्छा काम (कर्म) करो

8. Discuss (exchange views) —
Let us discuss this problem.
आओ हम इस समस्या पर चर्चा/विचार-विमर्श करें।

9. Ask for (demand) —
He asked me for some money.
उसने मुझसे कुछ पैसे मांगे।

10. Expensive (costly) —
Your shirt is very expensive.
तुम्हारी कमीज़ बहुत कीमती है।

Word Meanings:
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk 2

A Glass of Milk Summary in Hindi

Scene 1…………………… and feels stronger.

समय : बाद दोपहर
स्थान : इंग्लैंड का एक छोटा सा शहर-ब्लैक पूल
पात्र : एक लड़का : हॉवर्ड केली
एक महिला : अनीता
दृश्य : एक छोटी और तंग गली, बाद दोपहर का समय, एक छोटा-सा लड़का एक दरवाज़े से दूसरे दरवाजे तक (घर-घर जाकर) सामान बेच रहा है।
लड़का (स्वयं से) : मुझे दो और किताबें अवश्य बेचनी पड़ेंगी। यदि मैं इन किताबों को नहीं बेचूंगा, तो मैं अपने
स्कूल की फीस कैसे भरूंगा। परन्तु दोपहर गर्म है। मैं बहुत प्यासा हूँ और मुझे तेज़ भूख भी लगी है। मैं सोचता हूँ कि मैं अगले घर से पानी माँग लूं।

लड़के को एक छोटा घर दिखाई देता है। वह घंटी (बैल) बजाता है। एक औरत दरवाजा खोलती है।
लड़का (थका हारा : गुड ऑफ्टरनून मैम !और भूखा)
औरत (विनम्रता से) : Good afternoon. तुम्हें कुछ चाहिए क्या ?
लड़का : मेरा नाम हॉवर्ड केली है। मैं ये पुस्तकें बेच रहा हूँ। क्या तुम मेरी कोई एक पुस्तक खरीदोगी।
औरत : तुम बहुत छोटे हो। तुम्हें स्कूल में होना चाहिए न कि कुछ बेचना चाहिए।
लड़का : हां ! मैम। मुझे अपनी फ़ीस भरनी है। इसी कारण मैं घर-घर जाकर किताबें बेचता हूँ। और, आह
(झिझकते हुए)। कृपया क्या मुझे कुछ पानी मिल सकता है ? मुझे बहुत प्यास लगी है। औरत उसकी ओर देखकर बोलती है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

औरत : अवश्य ! बच्चे ! कुछ क्षण (पल) रुको। (अंदर जाती है और एक गिलास लेकर वापिस आती है।) यह लो !
यह दूध है। तुम बहुत कमज़ोर हो। ऐसा लगता है तुमने कई दिनों से कुछ खाया नहीं है।
लड़का (औरत से : आपका बहुत-बहुत शुक्रिया मैम ! आप बहुत दयालु हैं। मुझे कितना ehm ………….. मुझे गिलास लेकर पीते हुए) कितना ah (आह) ………….. दूध के लिए मुझे कितना मूल्य चुकाना है? औरत (स्नेह से भरकर : कुछ भी नहीं ! तुम्हें मुझे कुछ भी नहीं देना। मेरी माँ ने मुझे सिखाया है कि किसी दयापूर्ण बोलते हुए) कार्य की कीमत नहीं लेनी चाहिए। मुझे तुमसे एक किताब खरीदनी है। इस पुस्तक का मूल्य
क्या है?

लड़का(मुस्कराते हुए) : धन्यवाद, मैम ! मैं इसे सदा याद रखूगा। इस पुस्तक का मूल्य 4 पौंड और 70 पैंस है। औरत पुस्तक ले लेती है और उस लड़के को 5 पौंड देकर शेष पैसे अपने पास रखने को कहती है। लड़का मुस्कराता है और उस घर से चल देता है। वह खुश है और उसे लगता है कि जैसे उसे और अधिक शक्ति मिल गई हो।

Scene 2 ………………………………….. smiles again.

दृश्य-2. (कई वर्षों के बाद)

समय : सुबह
स्थान : शहर का बड़ा अस्पताल
पात्र : डा० पीटर ब्राउन
डा० हॉवर्ड केली
(डा० ब्राउन और डा० केली एक केस पर विचार-विमर्श करते हुए)
डा० केली : डा० ब्राउन, क्या यह कठिन केस है?
डा० ब्राउन : हाँ, यह एक जटिल केस है। हम अभी तक इस समस्या को समझ नहीं पाये।
डा० केली (डा० ब्राउन : औरत कौन है? वह कहाँ से है? और वह इतनी बीमार कैसे हो गई?
के निकट आते हुए) डा० ब्राउन (डा० केली : वह ब्लैक पूल से है। वहाँ के डाक्टरों ने उसे इस अस्पताल में आने की सलाह दी है क्योंकि
की ओर वे उसकी बीमारी का पता नहीं लगा पाए। यह फूड पाइजनिंग (भोजन से जहर बन जाने) देखते हुए) से शुरू हुई लेकिन जटिल हो गयी। शायद उसका लीवर प्रभावित हो गया है।
डा० केली : क्या ? ब्लैक पूल से ? मैं भी तो वहीं से हूँ। कहाँ है औरत ?
(डा० ब्राउन डा० केली को अस्पताल के उस कमरे में ले जाते हुए)
डा० ब्राउन : यह रही, वह। इसे शीघ्र ही शल्य चिकित्सा (सर्जरी) की आवश्यकता है। मुझे नहीं लगता कि हम शल्य चिकित्सा के बाद भी इस केस में ज्यादा कुछ कर पाएं। डा० केली (कमरे में : हमें अपनी पूरी कोशिश करनी चाहिए। और मैं इसे बचाने के लिए अपना हर संभव सर्वश्रेष्ठ झांकता है और सोई हुई प्रयत्न करूंगा। महिला को देखकर मुस्कराता है) डा० ब्राउन : अवश्य, डॉक्टर ! हम इसे बचाने के लिए पूरा प्रयत्न करेंगे। क्या आप इसे जानते हो?
डा० केली फिर से मुस्कराते हैं।

Scene 3 ………………. become stronger today.


स्थान : अस्पताल का एक कमरा
पात्र : औरत
: एक नर्स
: एक व्यक्ति (बिल विभाग से)
(नर्स औरत को दवाई देने लगती है।)
व्यक्ति (नर्स को कुछ : क्या यह अच्छा महसूस कर रही है? यह भाग्यशाली है कि इसका केस डा० हॉवर्ड केली कागज़ देते हुए) ने अपने हाथ में लिया था। यह इनका बिल है। इन्हें दो दिन में बिल का भुगतान करना है।
इन्हें बिल दिखा दो। नर्स (व्यक्ति से : तुम ठीक कह रहे हो। यह भाग्यशाली है।
और हाँ, यह पहले से बहुत अच्छा महसूस कर बिल लेते हुए) रही है और स्वस्थ है।
(नर्स औरत को दवाई देती है।) नर्स (औरत को : यह आपकी दवाई है।
और हां, यह आपका बिल है। अस्पताल के नियमानुसार आपको बिल बिल देते हुए) का भुगतान दो दिन में करना है।
औरत (चिन्तित : यह अस्पताल बहुत महंगा लगता है। दिखाई देती है)
नर्स : हां मैडम! यह लंदन का सबसे महँगा अस्पताल है।
औरत (बिल देखते : इस बिल को भरने में मेरा पूरा जीवन लग जाएगा। इस पर डा० हॉवर्ड के हस्ताक्षर हैं। हुए)
नर्स : हां। वह बहुत दयालु हैं। उन्होंने आपका विशेष ध्यान रखा है। वह आपके शहर से ही हैं। औरत (रुचि : वास्तव में ? क्या वह ब्लैक पूल से हैं? दिखाते हुए)
नर्स : हां, वह वहीं से हैं। मुझे अपना बिल दिखाओ, मैडम ! (बिल लेती है और देखकर मुस्कराती – है) हां, इस पर कुछ लिखा है। क्या आपने देखा है?
औरत : नहीं, मुझे फिर से देखने दो। (आंखों में आंसू लिए ऊंची आवाज़ में पढ़ती है।) ‘वर्षों पहले एक गिलास दूध द्वारा पूरा बिल चुका दिया गया था।’ डॉ० हॉवर्ड केली।
औरत : भगवान हॉवर्ड का भला करे। मैं बहुत खुश हूँ। आज मेरा भगवान और आदमी की अच्छाई पर भरोसा और भी मज़बूत हो गया है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. I must sell two more books.
मुझे दो और किताबें अवश्य बेचनी पड़ेंगी।

2. I think I must ask for some water.
मैं सोचता हूँ कि मैं पानी माँग लूं।

3. I am selling these books.
मैं ये पुस्तकें बेच रहा हूँ।

4. You should be in school and not selling things.
तुम्हें स्कूल में होना चाहिए न कि कुछ बेचना चाहिए।

5. It appears you haven’t eaten for days.
ऐसा लगता है कि तुमने कई दिनों से कुछ नहीं खाया है।

6. My mother has taught me not to accept payment for a deed of kindness.
मेरी माता ने मुझे सिखाया है कि दयापूर्ण कार्य की कीमत नहीं लेनी चाहिए।

7. The boy smiles and leaves the house.
लड़का मुस्कराता है और उस घर से चल देता है।

8. We have not yet been able to diagnose the problem.
हम अभी तक इस बीमारी को समझ नहीं पाए।

9. The doctors there advised her to come to this hospital.
वहाँ के डाक्टरों ने उसे इस अस्पताल में आने की सलाह दी है।

10. She needs immediate surgery.
इसे शीघ्र ही शल्य चिकत्सा (सर्जरी) की आवश्यकता है।

11. We will make all possible efforts to save her.
हम इसे बचाने के लिए पूरा प्रयत्न करेंगे।

12. This is her bill.
यह इनका बिल है।

13. It is the most expensive hospital in London.
यह लंदन का सबसे महंगा अस्पताल है।

14. It will take me a lifetime to pay the bill.
इस बिल को भरने में मेरा पूरा जीवन लग जाएगा।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

15. Paid in full years ago with a glass milk.
वर्षों पहले एक गिलास दूध द्वारा पूरा बिल चुका दिया गया था।

16. My faith in God and goodness of people has become stronger today.
मेरा भगवान और आदमी की अच्छाई पर भरोसा और .भी मज़बूत हो गया है।

English Guide for Class 7 PSEB Prose

A Treasure Hunt Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 6 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt Question Answers

A Treasure Hunt Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1

Look up the following words/phrases in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.

1. Meaning of the word as used in the story (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

ancient treasure swept across huddled skilfully
mounted set off thrilling braved realized

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2

Question 1.
Choose suitable phrases from the box to write below each image a dense forest

a dense forest a galloping camel
craggy mountains a swimming turtle

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt 1
a dense forest
a craggy mountain
a galloping camel
a swimming turtle

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3

What is meant by the bold words in the following sentences? The first one has been done for you.

Question 1.
The eagle agreed and joined the two.
The word ‘two’ refers to the lion and Sagar.

Question 2.
The eagle watched every step they took with his sharp eyes.
The word ‘they’ refers to Sagar and the lion.

Question 3.
There, they met a sheep.
The word ‘they’ refers to Sagar, the lion and the eagle.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Question 4.
Will you join us in a treasure hunt and keep us warm when it’s cold ?
The word ‘you’ refers to the sheep.

Question 5.
You are called the ship of the desert.
The word ‘You’ refers to the camel.

Question 6.
The four finally reached the desert.
The word ‘four’ refers to Sagar, the lion, the eagle and the sheep.

Question 7.
The rough waves almost drowned them.
The word ‘them’ refers to Sagar, the lion, the eagle, the sheep and the camel.

Question 8.
Indeed, they had found the greatest treasure ever!
The word “they’ refers to Sagar, the lion, the eagle, the sheep, the camel and the turtle.

Activity 4

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Sagar find in the library ?
सागर को लाइब्रेरी में क्या मिला ?
Sagar found an ancient book in the library.

Question 2.
What did he plan to do ?
उसने क्या करने की योजना बनाई ?
He planned to go in search of the treasure.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Question 3.
Where did Sagar go first? Whom did he meet there?
सागर सबसे पहले कहां गया ? वहां वह किससे मिला ?
Sagar went to a forest first. He met a lion there.

Question 4.
Why did Sagar feel scared in the forest ?
वन में सागर डर क्यों गया था ?
Sagar felt scared because the forest was dense and dark.

Question 5.
Where did Sagar and the lion go from the forest ?
सागर तथा शेर वन से कहां गए ?
They went to a mountain from the forest.

Question 6.
What did Sagar ask the eagle to do ? Why ?
सागर ने गिद्ध से क्या करने को कहा ? क्यों ?
Sagar asked the eagle to alert them against the danger because the eagle had very good eyesight.

Question 7.
Who did they meet in the valley ?
घाटी में वे किससे मिले ?
In the valley, they met a sheep.

Question 8.
How would the sheep help Sagar and others ?
भेड़ सागर तथा उसके अन्य साथियों की सहायता कैसे कर सकती थी ?
The sheep would keep them warm in cold.

Question 9.
How did the camel help them ?
ऊँट ने उनकी सहायता कैसे की ?
The camel helped them cross the vast desert.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Question 10.
What did the turtle do to help them ?
कछुए ने उनकी सहायता करने के लिए क्या किया ?
The turtle took them across the ocean.

Activity 5

Discuss the following in groups and explain it in the given space. . “Congratulations ! You have found the treasure !” What did the owl want to tell Sagar and his companions ?
ऊपर दिया गया वाक्य कह कर उल्लू सागर तथा उसके साथियों को क्या बताना चाहता था ?
The owl wanted to tell them that friendship is a great blessing. It is the greatest treasure ever. They were lucky to find it.

Learning Language

Parts of Speech

Till now, we have done nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions etc. They are called Parts of Speech.

Activity 6

Read each sentence below and look carefully at the underlined words.

If the word names a person, place, thing or idea, it is a NOUN. Write N in the given space.
If the word shows an action, it is a VERB. Write V in the given space.
If the word describes a noun, it is an ADJECTIVE. Write A in the given space.
1. Maria picked a fresh rose from the garden for her aunt. — N
2. Does anyone have a rose garden? — A
3. The puppy rose and patted his mother for attention. — V
4. He will book a hotel room for you. — V
5. I bought a new book. — N
6. Do you know of a book club ? — A
7. Corner the mouse if you want to catch it. — V
8. Corners of my book were torn. — N
9. I live in the corner house. — A
10. Some paper yellow with age. — V
11. Diana needs yellow paint to make the painting. — A
12. Yellow is a nice colour. — N
13. I like baby pink colour. — A
14. The baby kept crying. — N
15. My grandmother likes to baby me. — V

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Learning to Listen Dictation

Activity 7

Your teacher will speak some words from the story. Listen carefully and write their spellings.
1. ancient
2. treasure
3. swept
4. huddled
5. mounted
6. thrilling
7. braved
8. realized
9. ocean
10. galloped.
नोट :-विद्यार्थी इन शब्दों की spellings याद करें और ये शब्द लिखने का अभ्यास करें।

Activity 8

Read the following poem with proper pronunciation. Put more STRESS on the bold words in each line. Remember poems are to be read and not sung like nursery rhymes.
(The teacher must help the students.)

I lay in sorrow, deep distressed
My grief a proud man heard
His looks were cold.
He gave me gold.
But not a kindly word.
My sorrow passed – I paid him back
The gold he gave to me.
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks
And blessed his charity.
I lay in want, in grief and pain.
A poor man passed my way.
He bound my head.
He gave me bread.
He watched me night and day.
How shall I pay him back again
For all, he did to me ?
Oh ! Gold is great. But greater far
Is heavenly sympathy ! -Charles Mackay

नोट :-अध्यापक की सहायता से स्वयं करें।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Learning to Write

Activity 9

Read the following messages that people write for their friends and family on their birthdays.
1. May your special day be filled with love, laughter and happiness. You deserve it.
2. Choose to celebrate your birthday, the way you like. May your birthday bring you the happiness and the good health you deserve.
3. Wishing you happiness and success in your lifelin the coming years.
4. It is always good to remember you, my friend, especially on your birthday. Enjoy! Make it unforgettable!
5. I am so sorry that I forgot your birthday. Belated Happy Birthday.
6. I can’t believe, I missed your birthday. I am so sorry. Wishing you a very happy birthday and success in everything you do.

Activity 10

You forgot to wish your friend on his or her birthday. Write a birthday message for your friend in the card given below.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt 2
You must :
1. say sorry to your friend for forgetting to wish him/her
2. give belated wishes to your friend in the message
3. wish your friend happiness, success in life and good health
Some useful words/phrases
1. apologise
2. forget
3. wish
4. deserve
5. celebrate
6. belated
7. many happy returns
8. happiness
9. sincerely
10. success/successful
11. future
12. good health

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt 4

You may begin your message with :

Dear/Dearest Anshu/Anshika
How forgetful I am to forget your birthday on May 22, 2020, So I failed to wish you. I am very sorry for this. However, nothing has gone wrong yet. I can still give you my heartly wishes, belated this may be. I always wish for your happiness and success in life. Enjoy good health always. I promise never to forget your birthday in future.
24 May, 2020

Learning to Use Language
Writing a story

Activity 11.

Write a short story (100 words) using the following words. An outline is given below.
Your story must have :
a beginning
a middle/ the main story
a conclusion
the sun and the wind–friends–one day-an argument—who is stronger-decided to test their strength—saw a man walking—the challenge—to remove the coat-using the strength wind used its strength blew hard-man caught hold of his coat-the wind grew tired—could not remove the coat—the sun’s turn-started shining very brightly-used its heat—man felt hot-removed his coat–the sun became the winner.
Once a dispute arose between the sun and the wind. The wind boasted that it was stronger than the sun. But it refused to accept the wind’s superiority. Just then they saw a passerby. He was wearing a coat. Both claimed that they would make the traveller remove his coat. First, it was the wind’s turn to try. It blew as hard as it could. The faster it blew, the tighter the man wrapped up his coat. The wind failed to make the man take off his coat.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Then it was the sun’s turn to show its strength. It started shining brightly. The man who was shivering with cold, felt relieved. Soon he started sweating all over and removed his coat. Thus the sun won the contest. The wind accpeted its defeat.
Moral : Gentleness is better than pride.
Pride hath a fall.

Comprehension Of Passages:

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) One day, Sagar went to a library. There, he found an ancient book. He flipped through the pages of the book. In the book, he saw a big sheet folded neatly. He opened the sheet and saw that it was a treasure map. “Hurray! I’m going to find this treasure and have some fun”, he said to himself. Sagar set off for the treasure hunt.

He walked and walked and finally reached a forest. In the forest, he met a lion. “You are strong and brave! I am going on a treasure hunt. Will you come with me ?” said Sagar to the lion. The lion agreed to go with him. They both went into the forest. The forest was dense and dark. Sagar was scared, but they crossed the forest easily because the lion was by his side.

1. What did Sagar see in the book ? What was it ?
सागर ने किताब में क्या देखा ? यह क्या था ?

2. Where did Sagar meet the lion ? How did he praise him ?
सागर को शेर कहां मिला ? उसने शेर की प्रशंसा कैसे की ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) Sagar found a new book in the library.
(b) Sagar became happy to see a treasure map.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The lion agreed to ……………
(b) Sagar crossed the forest easily because ……

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) hunt hurry
(b) scared search

1. Sagar saw a big sheet folded neatly. It was a treasure map.
2. Sagar met the lion in the forest. He praised him by saying that he was strong and brave.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) The lion agreed to go with them.
(b) Sagar crossed the forest easily because the lion was by his side.
(a) hunt — search
(b) scared — afraid

(2) Then the two of them reached a mountain. There, they met an eagle. “You have excellent eyesight and you can alert us to dangers! We are looking for treasure. Will you come with us?” said Sagar to the eagle. The eagle agreed and joined the two.

The mountains were tall and craggy. The lion slipped on the mountain but Sagar quickly caught him and gave him a hand. The lion thanked Sagar when he pulled him up. The eagle watched every step they took with his sharp eyes. Soon, they reached a valley.

There, they met a sheep. “Will you join us in a treasure hunt and keep us warm when it’s cold?” Sagar asked the sheep. The sheep agreed and joined the lion, the eagle and Sagar. A cold wind swept across the valley. They all huddled against the sheep who kept them warm and cosy.

1. What could the eagle do for Sagar and his companions ? How ?
गिद्ध सागर तथा उसके साथियों के लिए क्या कर सकता था ? कैसे ?

2. Who could keep them warm in cold ?
ठंड में उन्हें कौन गर्मी दे सकता या

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note-book.
(a) The mountains were tall and craggy.
(b) The lion had sharp eyes.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The eagle watched their every step with ……
(b) ……………. swept across the valley.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) swept crowded
(b) huddled blew

1. The eagle could alert them to dangers with his sharp eyes.
2. The sheep could keep them warm in cold.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) The eagle watched their every step with his sharp eyes.
(b) A cold wind swept across the valley.
(a) swept — blew
(b) huddled — crowded.

(3) The five finally reached the ocean where they met a turtle. “Can you help us to cross the ocean? We are on a treasure hunt!” said Sagar to the turtle. The turtle agreed and joined the lion, the eagle, the sheep, the camel and Sagar. The rough waves almost drowned them but the turtle swam skilfully and took them across the ocean.

The six of them met an owl on the other side. The old owl spoke from his ancient wisdom, “Congratulations! You have found the treasure!” “Where is it?” they all asked in surprise. “Together, you have crossed the forest, climbed the mountains, braved the desert and swum across the ocean.

You could never have done it without the help of one another!” said the owl. They all looked at one another and realized that the owl was right. They had found friendship! Indeed, they had found the greatest treasure ever !

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

1. What was going to drown them ? Who came to their help?
उन्हें क्या चीज़ डुबोने लगी थी ? उनकी सहायता के लिए कौन आगे आया ?

2. Who told them about the real treasure ? What was it ?
उन्हें सच्चे खजाने के बारे में किसने बताया ? यह क्या था ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note-book.
(a) They had crossed the forest and the ocean together.
(b) They were six before they met a turtle.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) They realized that the …………..
(b) They had found the ……………

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) skilfully adeptly
(b) finally in the beginning
in the end

1. The rough waves were going to drown them. The turtle came to their help.
2. The owl told them about the real treasure. It was ‘friendship’.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) They realized that the owl was right.
(b) They had found the greatest treasure ever!
(a) skilfully – adeptly
(b) finally – in the end.

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Neatly (clearly) —
Please write the letter neatly.
कृपया पत्र साफ़-साफ़ लिखें।

2. Folded (wrapped) —
He thanked me with folded hands.
उसने हाथ जोड़ कर मेरा धन्यवाद किया।

3. Give someone a hand (help) —
He gave me his hand while we were crossing the river.
उसने नदी पार करते समय मेरी सहायता की।

4. Realize (to feel) —
He realized his mistake.
उसने अपनी गलती महसूस की।

5. Galloping (running fast) —
The galloping horses were soon out of sight.
तेज़ दौड़ते घोड़ें जल्दी ही अदृश्य हो गए।

6. Braved (faced bravely) —
He braved the danger.
उसने खतरे का वीरतापूर्वक सामना किया।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

7. Set off (start) —
They set off on a long journey.
वे एक लंबी यात्रा पर चल पड़े।

8. Excellent (superb) —
He gave an excellent performance.
उसने बहुत ही शानदार प्रदर्शन किया।

Word Meanings

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt 3

A Treasure Hunt Summary in Hindi

One day, Sagar ……………..warm and cosy.

एक दिन सागर एक पुस्तकालय गया। वहाँ उसे एक प्राचीन पुस्तक मिली। उसने पुस्तक के पन्नों को पलटा। पुस्तक में उसने एक बड़ा सफ़ाई से मुड़ा हुआ कागज़ देखा। उसने उस कागज़ को खोला और देखा। वह एक ख़जाने का नक्शा (मानचित्र) था। उसने खुशी से चिल्लाते हुए अपने आप से कहा, “मैं खज़ाना ढूंढने जाऊंगा, कुछ मज़ा भी आएगा।” सागर खज़ाने की तलाश में निकल पड़ा। वह चलता गया और अन्ततः एक जंगल में पहुँच गया।

जंगल में वह एक शेर से मिला। सागर ने शेर से कहा, “तुम ताकतवर और बहादुर हो! मैं एक खजाने की तलाश में जा रहा हूँ। क्या तुम मेरे साथ चलोगे।” शेर उसके साथ चलने के लिए सहमत हो गया। दोनों जंगल में गए। जंगल घना तथा अंधेरा था। सागर डर गया, परन्तु उन्होंने आसानी से जंगल पार कर लिया क्योंकि शेर उसके साथ था। तब वे दोनों एक पहाड़ पर पहुँचे। वहां वे एक गिद्ध (Eagle) से मिले। सागर ने गिद्ध से कहा, “तुम्हारी दृष्टि बहुत ही शानदार है और तुम हमें आने वाले खतरों से सावधान कर सकते हो।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

हम खज़ाने की खोज पर हैं। क्या तुम हमारे साथ चलोगे ?” गिद्ध ने अपनी सहमति दी और उनके साथ शामिल हो गया। पहाड़ ऊँचे तथा असमतल थे। शेर पहाड़ पर फिसल गया परन्तु सागर ने शीघ्रता से उसे पकड़ लिया और उसे सहारा दिया। जैसे ही सागर ने शेर को खींचा उसने उसका धन्यवाद किया। गिद्ध उनके प्रत्येक कार्य को अपनी तीव्र दृष्टि से देखता रहा। शीघ्र ही वे एक घाटी में पहुँच गए। वे एक भेड़ से मिले ।

सागर ने भेड़ से पूछा, “क्या तुम खजाने की खोज में हमारे साथ चलोगी और ठंड में हमें गर्मी प्रदान करोगी ?” भेड़ सहमत हो गई और शेर, गिद्ध और सागर के साथ शामिल हो गई। घाटी में ठंडी हवा चल रही थी। वे सभी भेड़ के साथ जुड़ (चिपक) कर बैठ गए जिसने उनके शरीर को गर्मी दी और आराम पहुँचाया।

The four finally ……………. treasure ever !

चारों अन्ततः एक रेगिस्तान पहुँचे जहाँ उन्होंने एक ऊँट को देखा। सागर ने ऊँट से कहा, “तुम्हें रेगिस्तान का जहाज़ कहा जाता है! क्या तुम खज़ाना खोजने में हमारे साथ चलोगे और रेगिस्तान को पार करवाने में हमारी सहायता करोगे ?” ऊँट सहमत (मान) हो गया। शेर, भेड़ और सागर ऊँट पर सवार हो गए और खुशी-खुशी बड़े रेगिस्तान को पार करने के लिए चल पड़े। गिद्ध उनका मार्गदर्शन करता रहा। ऊँट सरपट दौड़ने लगा। ऊँट पर बैठ कर रेगिस्तान को पार करना रोमांचक (अनुभव) था।

पाँचों आखिरकार महासागर पर पहुँच गए जहाँ उन्हें एक कछुआ मिला। सागर ने कछुए से कहा, “क्या तुम महासागर को पार करने में हमारी मदद करोगे ? हम खजाने की खोज पर हैं।” कछुआ मान गया और शेर, गिद्ध, भेड़, ऊँट और सागर के साथ चल पड़ा। अशांत/कष्टदायक लहरों ने उन्हें लगभग डुबो ही दिया था, परन्तु कछुए ने कुशलतापूर्वक तैर कर उन्हें सागर पार करवा दिया।

सभी छ: को दूसरी ओर एक उल्लू मिला। बूढ़ा उल्लू अपनी प्राचीन बुद्धिमत्ता दिखाते हुए बोला, “बधाई हो! तुम्हें खजाना मिल गया।” उन सभी ने हैरानी से पूछा, “कहाँ है वह ?” उल्लू ने कहा, “तुम सबने एक साथ जंगल पार किया, पहाड़ पर चढ़े, बहादुरी से रेगिस्तान और तैरकर यह सागर पार किया है। तुम एक-दूसरे की मदद के बिना यह नहीं कर सकते थे।” उन सबने एक-दूसरे की ओर देखा और अनुभव किया कि उल्लू ठीक कह रहा है। उन्हें ‘मित्रता’ मिल गई थी। वास्तव में उन्हें अब तक का सबसे बड़ा खज़ाना मिल गया था।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 A Treasure Hunt

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. There he found an ancient book. — वहाँ उसे एक प्राचीन पुस्तक मिली।
2. I am going to find this treasure. — मैं इस खज़ाने को ढूंढने जा रहा हूँ।
3. Sagar set off for treasure hunt. — सागर खज़ाने की तलाश में निकल पड़ा।
4. They both went into the forest. — वे दोनों जंगल में गए।
5. You have excellent eyesight. — तुम्हारी दृष्टि बहुत ही अच्छी है।
6. The eagle agreed and joined the two. — गिद्ध सहमत हो गया और दोनों में शामिल हो गया।
7. A cold wind swept across the valley. — घाटी में शीत लहर चल रही थी।
8. You are called the ship of the desert. — तुम्हें रेगिस्तान का जहाज़ कहा जाता है।
9. You have found the treasure. — तुम्हें खज़ाना मिल गया है।
10. You could never have done it without the help of one another. — तुम एक-दूसरे की सहायता के बिना यह काम नहीं कर सकते थे।
11. They all huddled against the sheep. — वे सभी भेड़ के साथ चिपक कर बैठ गए।
12. The forest was dense and dark. — वन सघन और अंधेरा था।

English Guide for Class 7 PSEB Prose

Trains Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Poem Chapter 1 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Poem 1 Trains Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Poem Chapter 1 Trains Question Answers

Trains Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the poem (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct Pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

Passenger Precious mail freight
dusk dawn without fail

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains


Vocabulary Expansion

Trains are a very important means of land transport in India. India has a large network of trains.

Activity 2.

Given below are some more means of transport. Put them under the right box.

car aeroplane scooter helicopter boat auto
bus ship submarine train jeep bicycle
Land sky water

Activity 4

Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow : Through day and darkness, Through dusk and dawn.

Question 1.
What do the above lines refer to ?
The above lines refer to trains running day and night.

Question 2.
What do the day and darkness’ and dusk and dawn’ in the poem tell the readers ?
They tell us about the different times of the day. They also form pairs of opposite time.

Learning Language

Conjunctions : ‘so’, ‘because’. “although’. ‘and’, ‘yet
We use Conjunctions like ‘and, “or”, “but, “because’ and although’ to join two parts of sentences.
नोट:-वाक्य के दो या अधिक भागों को जोड़ने के लिए जिन शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है, उन्हें Conjunctions कहते हैं।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains

Activity 5

1 Complete the sentences given below with ‘so’ or ‘because’. Here are a few examples. Read them before you do the activity.
Examples :
1. Rajan is happy because he has stood first in the race.
2. It was raining, so I did not go to school.
3. I went to the cinema because it was a holiday.
We use ‘because‘ for giving reasons, and ‘so’ for talking about results or purposes.

1. My dog was hungry …………. it stole biscuits from the shelf.
2. I am feeling sleepy …………….. I am very tired.
3. Babli bought new clothes ………….. she wanted to wear them on Diwali.
4. It was raining, …………. my books got wet.
5. He did not study hard, …………… he failed the test.
6. I asked for directions ………….. I was lost.
7. I did not clean the room, ………… it became dirty.
8. I met with an accident …………….. I was driving fast.
9. Deepa went to the doctor …………… she was feeling sick.
10. Mohan did not help Sohan …………….. he was not well.
1. so
2. because
3. because
4. so
5. so
6. because
7. so
8. because
9. because
10. because.

Activity 6.

Combine the sentences given below using “although’ and ‘yet’. Write them in your notebook. Here are a few examples. Read them before you do the activity.

Examples :
1. Rajan did not win the race. Rajan was happy.
Although Rajan did not win the race, yet he was happy.

2. It was raining. I went to school.
Although it was raining, yet I went to school.

3. It was a holiday. I did not go to the cinema.
Although it was a holiday, yet I did not go to the cinema.
We use ‘although’ and ‘yet in the same sentence for unexpected or different information.

1. My dog was hungry. It did not eat biscuits.
2. He is very sleepy. He is watching a movie.
3. Babli wanted to wear new clothes on Diwali. Babli did not buy them.
4. It was raining. I did not take an umbrella.
5. He did not study hard. He passed the test.
6. I was lost. I did not ask for directions.
7. My room was dirty. I did not clean the room.
8. I was ill. I did not go to the doctor.
9. Mohan and Sohan were friends. Mohan did not help Sohan.
10. I went to the market. I did not buy anything.
1. Although my dog was hungry. yet it did not eat biscuits.
2. Although he is very sleepy. yet he is watching a movie.
3. Although Babli wanted to wear new clothes on Diwali, yet she did not buy them.
4. Although it was raining, yet I did not take an umbrella.
5. Although he did not study hard, yet he passed the test.
6. Although I was lost, yet I did not ask for directions.
7. Although my room was dirty, yet I did not clean it.
8. Although I was ill, yet I did not go to the doctor.
9. Although Mohan and Sohan were friends, yet Mohan did not help Sohan.
10. Although I went to the market, yet I did not buy anything.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains

Learning to Listen

Activity 7.

Listen to the teacher, recite the following poem and repeat after her/him.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains 1

White sheep. white sheep,
On a blue hill,
When the wind stops,
You all stand still.
When the wind blows.
You walk away slow,
White sheep,
white sheep
Where do you go?
नोट : विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

Learning to Speak

Activity 8

Speak the following pairs aloud. (ऊंची आवाज़ में बोलें)
1. mail — fail
2. dawn — lawn
3. plains — trains

Activity 9 (Pairwork)

Discuss with your partner about how you would like to travel. You can discuss the following questions with each other.
1. Do you like to travel by train/ship/plane ?
2. How would you like to travel if you have to go from Punjab to Mumbai ? Why ?
3. If you decide to go by train, what would you like to take with you ?

Learning to Write

Activity 10

Paragraph Writing:

पैराग्राफ़ किसी विषय की संक्षिप्त व्याख्या होती है। यह लगभग 100 शब्दों में लिखा जाता है। इसके पहले वाक्य में विषय का परिचय दिया जाता है, जबकि इसका अंतिम वाक्य विषय का निष्कर्ष होता है। पैराग्राफ़ के मध्य भाग में विषय से जुड़ी मुख्य बातों का वर्णन किया जाता है। ध्यान रहे कि यह पैराग्राफ़ एक ही विचार या बिन्दु पर केंद्रित हो।

A Journey by Bus I went to Jalandhar by bus last month. I hired an e-rickshaw and reached the bus stand. I went to the booking window. There was a great rush. I got the ticket on my turn. The bus came and I got into the bus. There was no room in the bus. Many people were standing.

I could not get any seat. It was very hot. I was sweating. Soon the conductor whistled. The bus started. I felt easy. Some passengers got down at Phagwara. Now I got a seat near the window. I looked out of the window. Greenfields looked very beautiful. Farmers were at their work. Cattle were grazing. Our bus crossed many bridges on the way. At last the bus reached Jalandhar. It took me three hours to reach there. I enjoyed the journey but I got tired.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains 2

Stanzas For Comprehension

Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) Over the mountains,
Over the plains,
Over the rivers,
Here come the trains.
Carrying passengers,
Carrying mail,
Bringing their precious loads
In without fail.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains

(i) Where do the trains move?
रेलगाड़ियां कहाँ चलती हैं ?

(ii) What do they carry ?
वे क्या उठाती है।?

(iii) Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम बताओ।
(i) The trains move over the mountains, plains and rivers.
(ii) They carry passengers, goods and precious loads.
(iii) The name of the poem is ‘Trains’ and that of the poet is James S. Trippett.

(2) Thousands of freight cars
All rushing on Through day and darkness,
Through dusk and dawn,
Over the mountains,
Over the plains,
Over the rivers,
Here come the trains.

(i) What is rushing on ?
क्या – क्या चीज़ दौड़ती रहती है ?

(ii) When do they rush on?
वे कब दौड़ती हैं?

(iii) What is the central idea of the poem?
कविता का केन्द्रीय भाव क्या है ?
(i) Thousands of freight cars are rushing on.
(ii) They rush on all through day and night.
(ii) Trains run day and night. They provide a great service to the country by carrying people and their costly load.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains

Word Meanings.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Trains 3

Trains Summary in Hindi

यह कविता रेलगाड़ियों के बारे में है। रेलगाड़ियाँ दिन-रात दौड़ती रहती हैं। वे कभी नहीं रुकतीं। वे पर्वत, नदियाँ, मैदान सब कुछ पार कर जाती हैं। वे डाक, यात्रियों तथा उनके कीमती सामान को लाद कर ले जाती हैं। वे माल (भारी सामान) को ढोती हैं। वे सुबह शाम कुछ नहीं देखतीं। वे दौड़ती ही रहती हैं।

My English Companion for Class 7 PSEB Solutions Poetry

The Lake of the Moon Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 2 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon Question Answers

The Lake of the Moon Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook. :
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective, Noun, Verb. etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

majestic tusker severe drought prevent
messenger reflect protection disturb to and fro

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Vocabulary Expansion

Some animals live or move together. The group of animals have different names. Elephants move in herds, rabbits live in colonies and birds flock together. ‘Herds’ and ‘colonies’ are collective nouns. Collective nouns are names for a ‘collection’ or a ‘number’ of people or things.

कुछ पशु एक साथ समूह में रहते हैं। पशुओं या वस्तुओं के समूह को विभिन्न नाम दिए जाते हैं, जैसे – Herd of elephants (हाथियों का झुंड), Colony of rabbits (खरगोशों की बस्ती), flock of birds (पक्षियों का समूह) Collective Nouns कहलाते हैं।

Let us look at some more collective nouns.

1. Collection of horses – team of horses
2. group of ants – army of ants
3. group of vultures – wake of vultures
4. group of cards – pack of cards
5. group of ladies – bevy of ladies
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 1

Activity 2.

Match the following things with their group name :
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 4
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 2
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 3

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Choose the correct option and put a tick :

Question 1.
What happened in the area where the elephants lived ?
(a) there were floods
(b) there was no water
(c) there was fire in the jungle.
(b) there was no water.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Question 2.
The elephant king told the elephant to go to :
(a) different lakes
(b) the moon
(c) different directions
(c) different directions

Question 3.
What was close to the lake ?
(a) a big forest
(b) a colony of rabbits
(c) the moon
(b) a colony of rabbits.

Question 4.
Why did rabbits panic ?
(a) thousands of rabbits died
(b) elephants would drink all the water in the lake
(c) the moon would get angry
(a) thousands of rabbits died.

Question 5.
What did the king of rabbits want other rabbits to find?
(a) water
(b) another place to go
(c) solution
(c) solution

Question 6.
What did one little rabbit say?
(a) fight the elephants
(b) hide till the elephants go away
(c) make him a messenger to the elephant king
(c) make him a messenger to the elephant king

Question 7.
What did the little rabbit climb?
(a) a mountain
(b) a huge rock
(c) on the back of the elephant king
(b) a huge rock

Question 8.
What did the little rabbit say to the Elephant King ?
(a) that he was the messenger of the Moon
(b) he ordered the king to leave their area
(c) that the elephants should be ready for a fight
(a) that he was the messenger of the Moon

Question 9.
What message does he give to the King?
(a) that the elephant herd had soiled the water of the holy lake
(b) rabbits, were under the special protection of the moon
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Question 10.
Where does the rabbit take the elephant king ?
(a) a lake
(b) another forest
(c) none of the above
(a) a lake.

Activity 4.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What happened to the place where the herd of elephants lived ?
उस स्थान को क्या हुआ जहां हाथियों का झुंड रहता था ?
There was a severe drought (भीषण सुखा) and there was no water.

Question 2.
Where was the water found ?
पानी कहां मिला था ?
The water was found in a lake in another jungle.

Question 3.
Who became the messenger ?
संदेशवाहक कौन बना?
A little rabbit became the messenger.

Question 4.
Why did the water move to and fro ?
पानी इधर-उधर क्यों हिलने लगा ?
The water moved to and fro because it was disturbed.

Question 5.
Why did the elephant king believe that the Moon had become angrier ?
राजा हाथी को इस बात का विश्वास क्यों हुआ कि चांद और अधिक क्रोधित हो उठा है ?
It was so because the Moon had started moving to and fro.

Learning Language

Noun : Gender

Gender is a type of noun. There are four types of Genders.

1. Masculine Gender : The names of all male persons or animals (सभी नर व्यक्तियों या पशुओं के नाम) are of Masculine Gender. Example : man, uncle, lion, prince, master, etc.

2. Feminine Gender :
The names of all female persons or animals (सभी मादा व्यक्तियों या पशुओं के नाम) are of Feminine Gender. Example : woman, daughter, queen, lioness, etc.

3. Neuter Gender :
Things that do not have life (सभी निर्जीव वस्तुएं) are neither male or female. They belong to the Neuter Gender. Example : knife, computer, tree, chair, table, cycle, etc.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

4. Common Gender :
Names that can be used for both males and females (वे नाम जिनका प्रयोग नर तथा मादा दोनों के लिए किया जा सकता है) are of Common Gender. Example : child, teacher, student, parent, leader, etc.

Change of Gender

Activity 5.

Sometimes the word is slightly changed and-ess is added. Some examples are given in the table.
Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table. (teacher must help] :
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 5

Activity 6.

Many nouns have different words for the Masculine and the Feminine. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table. [teacher must help] :
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 6

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Activity 7.

Sometimes half the word that shows gender gets changed. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table. [teacher must help] :
Masculine milkman
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 7

Activity 8.

Some words change but their patterns are different. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table. [teacher must help] :

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 8

नोट :-Magician वास्तव में Common gender है।

Activity 9.

Some words are common to both genders. These words can be used for both males and females. Such words are called Common Gender. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blanks in the table, [teacher must help]:

pilot friend
bird parent
baby teacher
doctor member
child candidate
president shopkeeper
artist enemy
pupil player

Activity 10.

Some words have no gender. Such words are called Neuter gender. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table, [teacher must help]:

Neuter Gender
chair mountain
paper fan
book computer
school camera
pencil photo
map table
scooter rickshaw

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Activity 11.

Fill in the blanks using the correct option:
aunt, cow, queen, uncle, pilot, man, lady, hen, cock, duck
1. A ………………. wears a crown.
2. A …………… flies an aeroplane.
3. My grandmother is an old ……………
4. My father is a very kind and caring ……….
5. A ………….. gives us milk.
6. A ………….. lays eggs.
7. My father’s brother is my ………….
8. My mother’s sister is my
9. A ……………. quacks all day long in the pond.
0. A ………… says cock-a-doodle-doo.
1. queen
2. pilot
3. lady
4. man
5. cow
6. hen
7. uncle
8. aunt
9. duck
10. cock

Activity 12

Write the opposite gender.
1. husband — wife
2. master — mistress
3. milkmaid — milkman
4. Peahen — peacock
5. nephew — niece
6. washer man — washer woman
7. president — president
8. queen — king
9. goose — gander
10. princess — prince

Reading a short passage

Activity 13

Read the story and do as directed :

The king was very angry. He ordered his guards to put his minister in prison. The minister had argued with the king on some law and order issue. The minister was put in prison. One day, the emperor went to the prison to see his minister. The king told him. “I will set you free on one condition. You must bring me a horse that is neither white nor black nor brown nor grey”.

The minister was surprised at this demand. However, he agreed to this condition. A week later, the minister came to the palace. “Have you found a horse ?” the King asked. “Yes, my lord”, the minister replied. “But I will show him to you only on a religious day.

The king agreed. Let me know the next religious day. The minister replied, “I will show you the horse on any day other than Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.”

The king started laughing. He was cleverly outsmarted by his minister. The minister was set free and promoted to the next higher position.

A. Write the meanings of :
(a) outsmart – outwit,पछाड़ देना
(b) issue – matter,मामला

B. Answer the following:

(a) Why was the King angry ?
The King was angry because his minister had argued with him on some law and order issue.

(b) Why was the minister surprised at King’s demand ?
The minister was surprised because there was no horse of the colour the king wanted.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Choose the right option.

Question 1.
The argument between the king and the minister was about
(a) law and order issue
(b) religious issue
(c) war issue.
(a) law and order issue.

Question 2.
The king ordered his guards to put his minister in prison because the minister had
(a) failed to reach the palace on time.
(b) not obeyed the king’s orders.
(c) argued with him on law and order issue.
(c) argued with him on law and order issue.

Question 3.
The minister was surprised at the king’s demand because
(a) all horses are either black or brown or grey or white.
(b) there were no horses in the kingdom.
(c) there was no time to find a horse that the king wanted.
(a) all horses are either black or brown or grey or white.

Activity 14(Pairwork):

Write as many words as you can think of that rhyme with the following words. One rhyming word is given for each word. And practise speaking them with your partner.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 9

नोट :- विद्यार्थी इन्हें बोलने का अभ्यास करें।

Learning to Write

Letter Writing (Informal)

Writing a letter is an art. It has a set format that must be followed. Given ahead is the format.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 10

नोट-विद्यार्थी पत्र लिखते समय इस Format का प्रयोग करें।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Activity 15

Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the beautiful gift he has sent to you.
28 Moti Nagar
March 29, 20….
My dear Uncle,
Last Monday was my birthday. I received many other gifts too. But your gift was the best one. The watch had a silver dial and a golden chain. All praised this beautiful watch. I felt proud of you. The watch will be very useful to me. It will make my life regular and punctual. I shall never be late for school now. I shall keep this watch with great care. After all, this is a token of your love for me. I celebrated it at home. A big cake was cut. Most of our near and dear ones were present. But you were absent. I missed you very much. However, you did not forget the day. You have sent me a gift.
With regards
Yours lovingly
Address :
Shri Manohar Lal
Prem Street
Joginder Nagar

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) A severe drought hit the area. There was no rain for some years. All the rivers and ponds dried up. Birds and animals started dying of thirst. The wild elephants suffered too due to lack of water. The king of elephants understood that many of them would die of thirst if they did not get water soon. He had to find water for his herd as quick as possible. He told the elephants to go in different directions to look for water.

One of them found a large lake full of water in another jungle far away. The king was happy. He ordered all the elephants to start moving towards the lake. It was a beautiful lake. However close to the lake was a colony of rabbits. The elephants had to pass through that colony. Thousands of rabbits were crushed to death and thousands more were injured. The rabbits were in a state of panic.

(i) What was the effect of drought on birds and animals ?
पशु-पक्षियों पर सूखे का क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ?

(ii) Who found water ? Where was it ?
पानी किसे मिला ? यह कहां था?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Close to the lake was a colony of rabbits.
(b) The elephants had to pass through the lake.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Thousands of rabbits were crushed ……….
(b) The …………. were in a panic.
Match the words with the meanings :

(a) panic wounded
(b) injured great fear

(i) The birds and animals started dying of thirst.
(ii) One of the elephants found water. It was in a large lake in another jungle far away.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) Thousands of rabbits were crushed to death.
(b) The rabbits were in a panic.
(a) panic — great fear
(b) injured — wounded.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

(2) The rabbits thought and thought. How could they stop the elephants ? One little rabbit stoop up. “Your Majesty,” he said, “if you send me as your messenger to the king of the elephants, I may be able to find a solution.” “Who said these words is not mentioned.”

The little rabbit hurried to the spot where elephants lived. He saw a group elephants returning from the lake. Right in the middle was the king of elephants. To get near him was impossible. “I will be crushed to death,” thought the rabbit. So he climbed up a huge rock.

“O king of the elephants,” he shouted, “Hear me, please.” The king heard his voice and turned towards him.“Who are you ?” he asked. “I am a messenger.” replied the rabbit. “A messenger ? From whom ?” “I am a messenger from the mighty Moon.”

(i) Why did the rabbit not go near the king of elephants ?
खरगोश हथियों के राजा के निकट क्यों न गया ?

(ii) What did he do instead ?
इसकी बजाय उसने क्या किया ?

(iii) Choose true. or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) The king did not hear the rabbit.
(b) The king of the elephants was in the middle of the group.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The king heard his voice and ……..
(b) I am a messenger from ………..
Match the words with the meanings :

(a) spot place/site
(b) huge far away
very big

(i) The rabbit did not go near the king of elephants lest he should be crushed to death.
(ii) He climbed up a huge rock.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) The king heard his voice and turned towards him.
(b) I am a messenger from the mighty Moon.
(a) spot — place/site
(b) huge – very big.

(3) “Sir, the Moon says,” said the little rabbit, “You, the king of the elephants, have brought your herd to my holy lake. You and your herd have soiled its water. You and your herd have killed thousands of rabbits on your way to the lake.

You must know that rabbits are under my special protection. Everyone knows that the king of the rabbits lives with me. I ask you not to kill any more rabbits. If you do not agree, something bad will happen to you and your herd.” The king of the elephants was shocked.

He looked at the little rabbit. “You are right,” he said. “We may have killed many rabbits on our way to the lake. I shall see that you do not suffer anymore. I shall request the Moon to forgive me for my sins. Please tell me what I should do.”

(i) What was the Moon’s message to the king of elephants ?
हाथियों के राजा के नाम चांद का क्या संदेश था ?

(ii) Who wanted the Moon to foregive him and for what ?
चांद से माफ़ी कौन चाहता था और किस बात के लिए ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) The elephants had killed thousands of rabbits.
(b) The king of the elephants was happy.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) If you do not agree something bad will happen to ………..
(b) I shall see that ……
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) protection punishment
(b) sins defence
bad deeds

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

(i) The Moon’s message was not to kill any more rabbits.
(ii) The king of elephants wanted the Moon to forgive him for his sins.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) If you do not agree something bad will happen to you and your herd.
(b) I shall see that you do not suffer anymore.
(a) protection – defence
(b) sins – bad deeds.

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Huge (very big) —
A palace is a huge building.
महल एक बहुत बड़ा भवन होता है। I

2. Due to (because of —
could not attend the meeting due to illness.
बीमारी के कारण मैं मीटिंग में न जा सका।

3. Look for (search) —
We are looking for our lost bal.
हम अपनी गुम हुई गेंद ढूंढ रहे हैं।

4. Disturb (interrupt) —
Don’t disturb me. I am doing my homework.
मेरे काम में बाधा मत डालो। मैं घर का काम कर रहा हूँ।

5. Severe (acute) —
I have severe pain in my body.
मेरे शरीर में बहुत अधिक दर्द है।

6. To and fro (here and there) —
The swing was moving to and fro.
झूला इधर-उधर आ जा रहा था।

7. Majestic (grand) —
The Taj Mahal is a majestic building.
ताजमहल एक शानदार इमारत है।

8. Prevent (stop) —
I could not prevent him to soil his clothes.
मैं उसे अपने कपड़े गंदे करने से न रोक सका।

9. Reflect (cast back/give back) —
Water reflects light.
पानी प्रकाश को परावर्तित करता है

10. Injured (wounded) —
Many people were injured in the accident.
दुर्घटना में कई लोग घायल हो गए।

11. Occur to (strike one’s mind) —
It did not occur to me that I was running into danger.
मैं यह न समझ सका कि मैं खतरे में पड़ रहा हूं।

Word Meanings 

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon 11

The Lake of the Moon Summary in Hindi

Once upon a time …………………………. state of panic.

एक समय की बात है, जंगल में हाथियों का एक बहुत बड़ा झुंड रहता था। उनका राजा एक बहुत बड़ा राजसी हाथी था जो अपने झुंड से बहुत प्यार करता था। उस क्षेत्र में भयंकर सूखा पड़ा। कुछ वर्षों से वहाँ वर्षा नहीं हुई थी। सभी नदियां तथा तालाब सूख गए। पक्षी और जानवर प्यास से मरने लगे।

जंगली हाथियों को भी पानी की कमी के कारण मुसीबत का सामना करना पड़ा। हाथियों का राजा समझ गया यदि उन्हें शीघ्र ही पानी नहीं मिला तो उनमें से बहुत से मर जाएंगे। उसे जल्दी से जल्दी अपने झुंड के लिए पानी की तलाश करनी होगी। उसने हाथियों को अलग-अलग दिशा में जाकर पानी ढूंढने के लिए कहा।

उनमें से एक को दूर किसी दूसरे जंगल में पानी से भरी एक बड़ी झील मिली। राजा खुश हुआ। उसने सभी हाथियों को उस झील की ओर चलने का आदेश दिया।झील सुन्दर थी। परन्तु झील के निकट खरगोशों की एक बस्ती थी। हाथियों को उस बस्ती में से होकर जाना पड़ता था। हजारों खरगोश मारे जाते थे और उससे भी कई हजार अधिक खरगोश घायल हो जाते थे। खरगोश आतंकित थे।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

Thinking …………..not mentioned.

उनके राजा ने एक सभा बुलाई। उसने कहा, “जंगली हाथियों का एक झुंड हमारी बस्ती में से निकलता है। उन्होंने हमें हजारों की संख्या में पहले ही मार डाला है और कई हजार घायल हो गए हैं। हमें शीघ्र ही जरूरी कदम उठा कर और अधिक मौतों को रोकना होगा। मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम सब अपनी जाति की सुरक्षा के लिए किसी तरीके पर विचार करो” खरगोशों ने बार-बार सोचा। हाथियों को कैसे रोका जाए? एक छोटा सा खरगोश उठ खड़ा हुआ। उसने कहा, “महाराज, यदि आप मुझे हाथियों के राजा के पास अपना दूत बनाकर भेजे तो मैं कोई समाधान निकाल पाऊँगा।”

The little Rabbit ………………………. I should do.”

छोटा खरगोश तेज़ी से उस स्थान की ओर गया जहाँ हाथी रहते थे। उसने हाथियों के एक समूह को झील से वापिस आते देखा। उनके बिल्कुल बीच हाथियों का राजा था। उसके पास पहुँचना असंभव था ( खरगोश ने सोचा, “मैं तो कुचलकर मारा जाऊँगा।” इसलिए वह एक बहुत बड़ी चट्टान पर चढ़ गया। वह चिल्लाया, ” ओ, हाथियों के राजा कृपया मेरी बात सुनें।” राजा ने आवाज़ सुनी और उसकी ओर मुड़ा। उसने कहा, “कौन हो तुम ?” खरगोश ने उत्तर दिया, “मैं एक दूत हूँ।” “एक दूत ? किसके यहाँ से ?” “मैं शक्तिशाली चंद्रमा का दूत हूँ।” “सच में ? तुम क्या चाहते हो? क्या मेरे लिए चंद्रमा का कोई संदेश है?”

“हाँ, हाँ महाराज, परन्तु तुम मुझसे क्रोधित मत होना। मैं तो केवल एक दूत हूँ। मैं तो केवल अपना कर्त्तव्य निभा रहा हूँ।” राजा हाथी ने कहा, “बिल्कुल ठीक, एक दूत को उसके कुछ भी कहने के लिए दण्डित नहीं किया जाता। तुम कहो जो भी कहने के लिए आए हो। मैं तुम्हें कोई हानि नहीं पहुँचाऊंगा। तुम तो केवल अपना कर्तव्य निभा रहे हो।” छोटे से खरगोश ने कहा, “श्री मानजी, चंद्रमा कहता है “हाथियों के राजा, तुम अपने झुंड को मेरी पवित्र झील पर लाए हो। तुमने और तुम्हारे झंड ने मेरे जल को गंदा कर दिया है। तुमने और तुम्हारे झंड ने झील की ओर जाते हुए हजारों खरगोशों को मार डाला है। तुम्हें पता होना चाहिए कि खरगोश मेरे विशेष संरक्षण में हैं। सभी जानते हैं कि खरगोशों का राजा मेरे साथ रहता है।

मैं तुम्हें कह रहा हूँ कि अव और खरगोशों को मत मारना। यदि तुम नहीं मानोगे तो तुम्हें और तुम्हारे झुंड के साथ कुछ बुरा होगा।” राजा को दुख पहुँचा। उसने छोटे से खरगोश की ओर देखा। “तुम ठीक कह रहे हो।” उसने कहा हो सकता है, “हमने झील के रास्ते में बहुत से खरगोशों को मार डाला हो। मैं इस बात का ध्यान रखूगा कि तुम्हें अब और अधिक कष्ट न उठाना पड़े। मैं चंद्रमा से निवेदन करूंगा कि वह मुझे मेरे पापों के लिए क्षमा कर दें। कृपया मुझे बताओ कि मुझे क्या करना चाहिए।”

“Come with me ………………….. fooled or befooled ?

खरगोश ने उत्तर दिया, “मेरे साथ अकेले आओ। आओ, मैं तुम्हें चंद्रमा के पास ले चलता हूँ।” छोटा खरगोश भारी भरकम हाथी को झील पर ले गया। वहाँ उन्होंने शांत (ठहरे हुए) जल में चांद का प्रतिबिंब (परछाईं) देखा। छोटे झील सुन्दर थी। परन्तु झील के निकट खरगोशों की एक बस्ती थी। हाथियों को उस बस्ती में से होकर जाना पड़ता था। हजारों खरगोश मारे जाते थे और उससे भी कई हजार अधिक खरगोश घायल हो जाते थे। खरगोश आतंकित थे।

Thinking …….. not mentioned.

उनके राजा ने एक सभा बुलाई। उसने कहा, “जंगली हाथियों का एक झुंड हमारी बस्ती में से निकलता है। उन्होंने हमें हजारों की संख्या में पहले ही मार डाला है और कई हजार घायल हो गए हैं। हमें शीघ्र ही जरूरी कदम उठा कर और अधिक मौतों को रोकना होगा। मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम सब अपनी जाति की सुरक्षा के लिए किसी तरीके पर विचार करो” खरगोशों ने बार-बार सोचा। हाथियों को कैसे रोका जाए? एक छोटा सा खरगोश उठ खड़ा हुआ। उसने कहा, “महाराज, यदि आप मुझे हाथियों के राजा के पास अपना दूत बनाकर भेजे तो मैं कोई समाधान निकाल पाऊँगा।”

The little Rabbit …………. ……………. I should do.

” छोटा खरगोश तेज़ी से उस स्थान की ओर गया जहाँ हाथी रहते थे। उसने हाथियों के एक समूह को झील से वापिस आते देखा। उनके बिल्कुल बीच हाथियों का राजा था। उसके पास पहुँचना असंभव था ( खरगोश ने सोचा, “मैं तो कुचलकर मारा जाऊँगा।” इसलिए वह एक बहुत बड़ी चट्टान पर चढ़ गया।

वह चिल्लाया, ” ओ, हाथियों के राजा कृपया मेरी बात सुनें।” राजा ने आवाज़ सुनी और उसकी ओर मुड़ा। उसने कहा, “कौन हो तुम ?” खरगोश ने उत्तर दिया, “मैं एक दूत हूँ।” “एक दूत ? किसके यहाँ से ?” “मैं शक्तिशाली चंद्रमा का दूत हूँ।” “सच में ? तुम क्या चाहते हो? क्या मेरे लिए चंद्रमा का कोई संदेश है?”

“हाँ, हाँ महाराज, परन्तु तुम मुझसे क्रोधित मत होना। मैं तो केवल एक दूत हूँ। मैं तो केवल अपना कर्त्तव्य निभा रहा हूँ।” राजा हाथी ने कहा, “बिल्कुल ठीक, एक दूत को उसके कुछ भी कहने के लिए दण्डित नहीं किया जाता। तुम कहो जो भी कहने के लिए आए हो। मैं तुम्हें कोई हानि नहीं पहुँचाऊंगा। तुम तो केवल अपना कर्तव्य निभा रहे हो।

” छोटे से खरगोश ने कहा, “श्री मानजी, चंद्रमा कहता है “हाथियों के राजा, तुम अपने झुंड को मेरी पवित्र झील पर लाए हो। तुमने और तुम्हारे झंड ने मेरे जल को गंदा कर दिया है। तुमने और तुम्हारे झंड ने झील की ओर जाते हुए हजारों खरगोशों को मार डाला है। तुम्हें पता होना चाहिए कि खरगोश मेरे विशेष संरक्षण में हैं।

सभी जानते हैं कि खरगोशों का राजा मेरे साथ रहता है। मैं तुम्हें कह रहा हूँ कि अव और खरगोशों को मत मारना। यदि तुम नहीं मानोगे तो तुम्हें और तुम्हारे झुंड के साथ कुछ बुरा होगा।” राजा को दुख पहुँचा। उसने छोटे से खरगोश की ओर देखा। “तुम ठीक कह रहे हो।” उसने कहा हो सकता है, “हमने झील के रास्ते में बहुत से खरगोशों को मार डाला हो। मैं इस बात का ध्यान रखूगा कि तुम्हें अब और अधिक कष्ट न उठाना पड़े। मैं चंद्रमा से निवेदन करूंगा कि वह मुझे मेरे पापों के लिए क्षमा कर दें। कृपया मुझे बताओ कि मुझे क्या करना चाहिए।”

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

“Come with me ………………….. fooled or befooled ?

खरगोश ने उत्तर दिया, “मेरे साथ अकेले आओ। आओ, मैं तुम्हें चंद्रमा के पास ले चलता हूँ।” छोटा खरगोश भारी भरकम हाथी को झील पर ले गया। वहाँ उन्होंने शांत (ठहरे हुए) जल में चांद का प्रतिबिंब (परछाईं) देखा। छोटे

खरगोश ने कहा, “महाराज, चांद से मिलें।” हाथी ने अपनी सूंड को जल में डुबोया और कहा, “कृपया मुझे चांद की पूजा करने दो।” जैसे ही पानी को छेड़ा गया पानी में चांद इधर-उधर हिलने लगा। खरगोश ने कहा, ” अब, चाँद पहले से भी अधिक क्रोधित है।” राजा हाथी ने पूछा, ” क्यों ? मैंने ऐसा क्या किया ?” खरगोश ने उत्तर दिया, “आपने झील के पवित्र जल को छुआ है।” हाथी ने अपना सिर झुका लिया।

“कृपया चंद्रमा से कहो मुझे माफ कर दें। हम आगे से कभी भी इस झील के पवित्र जल को नहीं छुएंगे न ही हम फिर कभी उन खरगोशों को हानि पहुँचाएंगे जो चांद के सबसे प्रिय हैं।” इस तरह राजा और उसका झुंड वहां से चले गए। शीघ्र ही वर्षा होने लगी और हाथी खुशी से रहने लगे। उन्हें यह कभी भी नहीं पता चला कि एक छोटे से खरगोश ने उन्हें मूर्ख बनाया है या चकमा दिया है।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. Once upon a time, a large herd of elephants lived in a jungle. .
एक समय की बात है जंगल में हाथियों का एक बहुत बड़ा झुंड रहता था।

2. There was no rain for some years.
कुछ वर्षों से वर्षा नहीं हुई थी।

3. The wild elephants suffered too due to lack of water.
जंगली हाथियों को भी पानी की कमी के कारण मुसीबत का सामना करना पड़ा।

4. He had to find water for his herd as quickly as possible.
उसे जल्दी से जल्दी अपने झुंड के लिए पानी की तलाश करनी थी।

5. It was a beautiful lake.
झील सुंदर थी।

6. The rabbits were in a state of panic.
खरगोश आतंकित/भयभीत थे।

7. They have already killed thousands of us.
उन्होंने हमें हजारों की संख्या में पहले ही मार डाला है।

8. The rabbits thought and thought.
खरगोशों ने बार-बार सोचा।

9. Who said these words is not mentioned.
ये शब्द किसने कहे इसका कोई पता नहीं।

10. I will be crushed to death..
मैं तो कुचल (रौंद) कर मारा जाऊँगा।

11. I am a messenger from mighty moon.
मैं शक्तिशाली चंद्रमा का दूत हूँ।

12. You and your herd have soiled its water.
तुमने और तुम्हारे झुंड ने इसके जल को गंदा कर दिया है।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Lake of the Moon

13. The king of the elephants was shocked.
हाथियों का राजा दुखी हो उठा।

14. Please ask the Moon to forgive me.
कृपया चद्रंमा से कहो कि वह मुझे माफ कर दें।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

There was a Naughty Boy Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 There was a Naughty Boy Question Answers

There was a Naughty Boy Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the poem (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

Scotland ground yard weighty fourscore wondered

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2

The naughty boy ran away to Scotland from England to see the people there. There, he found that things in Scotland were just the same as in England. To show that things were similar, the poet uses the word “as’. Write about the things that are similar in the space given. One example is given.

1. The naughty boy found that the ground in Scotland was as hard as in England
2. The naughty boy found that the yard in Scotland was as long as in England.
3. The naughty boy found that the song in Scotland was as merry as in the England.
4. The naughty boy found that the cherry in Scotland was as red as in England.
5. The naughty boy found that as weighty as in England.
6. The naughty boy found that the fourscore in Scotland was as eighty as in England.
7. The naughty boy found that the door in Scotland was as wooden as in England.

Activity 3.

Read the following lines from the poem.

That a door
Was as wooden
The door in the poem was ‘wooden’. Let us see some other things which are made of wood. Select the things in the box below that are made of wood and underline them.

table car mobile phone television
boat laptop bed cupboard

table, boat, bed, cupboard.

Activity 4.

Three words are given in each column. Fill in the blanks with the names of the material with which the things in each column are made of.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 1
stell, Wood, cloth, rubber.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 5.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where did the naughty boy run away from ?
शरारती लड़का कहाँ से भाग कर आया था ?
The naughty boy ran away from England.

Question 2.
Where did the naughty boy go?
शरारती लड़का कहाँ गया ?
He went to Scotland.

Question 3.
Why did he go there ?
वह वहाँ क्यों गया ?
He went there to see the people living there.

Question 4.
What different things did the boy see in Scotland ?
लड़के को स्काटलैंड में कौन-सी भिन्न चीजें देखीं ?
The boy saw nothing different in Scotland.

Question 5.
What did the boy wonder about ?
लड़के को किस बात की हैरानी हुई ?
He wondered that everything in Scotland was the same as it was in England. Learning Language

Activity 6.

The poem “There was a Naughty Boy’ is very interesting. It describes many things. To describe the things, the poet uses many adjectives. The title of the poem “There was a Naughty Boy’ also has an adjective to describe the boy. Find some more adjectives from the grid given below.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 2
Look at the following two sentences.
1. I am hungry.
2. I am starving.

What is the difference between ‘hungry’ and ‘starving’ here?
Here, sentence 2 tells the reader that ‘I am very hungry (starving). ‘Starving’ means “very hungry’. ‘Starving’, ‘therefore’, is the stronger adjective.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Activity 7.

Match the adjective in Column A with its stronger adjective in Column B. Column A

Column A
Column B
Stronger Adjective
hungry starving
tired beautiful
pretty enraged
nice exhausted
intelligent excellent
angry brilliant
clean spurious
bad hygienic
fake dreadful

Hungry — starving, tired – exhausted, pretty – beautiful, nice – excellent, intelligent – brilliant, angry – enraged, clean – hygienic, bad – dreadful, fake – spurious.

Learning to Listen (Class Activity)

Activity 8.

The teacher will speak clearly and give instructions to the students. Students will close their books and listen to the instructions and follow them.
Now repeat the same activity. The teacher will ask a student to come to the front and read the instructions to other students.

Learning to Speak (Pairwork)

Activity 9.

Read the following pairs of words aloud with proper stress.
1. hard, yard हाँअड्, याअड्)
2. long, song (लँग,साँग))
3. red, lead (रेड, लैड)
4. weighty, eighty (वेराटी, राअटी)
5. found, ground (फउंड, ग्राउंड)
नोट – विद्यार्थी स्वंय करें

Activity 10.

Discuss in your group what the naughty boy would like to see in Punjab if he came to India and what he would do here.
Some hints :
1. The Golden Temple
2. Vaisakhi Fair
3. Giddha
4. Bhangra
Punjab is a land of ten great Sikh Gurus, Gurudwaras and temples. People here are very brave, hard-working and cheerful. The naughty boy, therefore, would see, a scene totally different from England. He would visit the Golden Temple, Jallianwalla Bagh and famous Durgyana Temple. If he came in April, he would visit the Vaisakhi Fair. He would enjoy Giddha and Bhangra, the classical dances of the Punjab. He would also like to see the green and golden fields of wheat crop. Moreover, he would do heavy shopping and take back with him a number of symbols of the Punjabi Culture.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

Learning to Use Language (Group work)

Activity 11.

Discuss in your group which places would you like to see in London and why ? Here are some pictures.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 3
Buckingham Palace where the Queen of United Kingdom lives
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 4
Westminster Abbey and the Big Ben Clock Tower
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 5

London Eye – a giant wheel, riding on which you can see the whole of London
London, the capital of England is a beautiful city to visit. There are many places worth visiting. If I go to London. I would like to visit Buckingham Palace, the Westminster Abbey, the Big Ben Clock Tower and the London eye first.

The Buckingham Palace is a majestic building. It is the royal palace of the Queen of U.K. The Westminster Abbey is a huge royal church. It is situated in the centre of the city offering daily services for all. It is also – World Heritage cite.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

The Big Ben Tower is another building worth visiting. Big Ben is the nickname of the striking clock of the tower. The clock is known for it accuracy. The London Eye is a giant wheel. It is thrilling to have a ride on it. The ride enables you to see the whole of London.

Stanzas For Comprehension

Read the following stanzas carefully and answers the questions that follow each :

(1) There was a naughty boy,
And a naughty boy was he
He ran away to Scotland
The people there to see.

1. Why did the naughty boy run to Scotland ?
शरारती लड़का स्कॉटलैंड क्यों भाग गया ?

2. Why does the poet repeat the word ‘naughty’.
कवि लडके के लिए ‘naughty’ शब्द को क्यों देहराता है|

3. Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम लिखें।
1. The naughty boy ran to Scotland to see the people there.
2. The poet repeats the word ‘naughty’ to say that the boy was most mischievous or the naughties one.
3. The name of the poem is ‘There was a Naughty Boy’ and that of the poet is John Keats.

(2) Was as weighty,
That fourscore
Was as eighty,
That a door
Was as wooden,
As in England
So he stood in his shoes
And he wondered,
He wondered,
He stood in his shoes,
And he wondered.

1. What ‘similarity’ did he find about the ground, the door there ?
वहां धरती और दरवाजे के बारे में क्या (किस समानता का) पता चला ?

2. What wondered him ? What words show he surprise ?
उसे किस बात की हैरानी हुई ? कौन-से शब्द उसकी हैरानी को व्यक्त करते हैं ?

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy

3. What is the central idea of the poem ? कविता का केन्द्रीय भाव क्या है ?
1. He found that the ground was as hard and the door was as wooden as in England.
2. Similarity in everything in England and in the place where he was (Scotland) wondered him. The words ‘He stood in his shoes’ show his surprise.
3. The poem brings out that no places are different, no men are different in the world. Their way of life is the same. The things they use and the activities they are involved in are similar. :

Word Meanings

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 4 There was a Naughty Boy 7

There was a Naughty Boy Summary in Hindi

एक शरारती लड़का (इंग्लैंड) का था। वह यह देखने के लिए स्कॉटलैंड भाग गया कि वहां के लोग कैसे हैं। वह देख कर हैरान रह गया कि वहाँ की धरती इंग्लैंड की धरती की तरह सख्त है। वहां के गज़ की लम्बाई भी उतनी है जितनी कि इंग्लैंड में। स्कॉटलैंड तथा इंग्लैंड के गीतों, फलों तथा धातुओं के गुणों में भी समानता थी।

उदाहरण के लिए गीत आनन्द भरे थे, चैरी लाल थी तथा सीसा भारी था। वहां की गणना का मानक कोड़ी (20 वस्तुएं) भी एक जैसा था। वास्तव में यह सब कुछ हैरान कर देने वाला था।

My English Companion for Class 7 PSEB Solutions Poetry

The Princess Who Never Smiled Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 5 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled Question Answers

The Princess Who Never Smiled Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS note work.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the story (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings:

Princess amuse tricks clown mime
Journey scarce nervous appeared magician

Activity 2.

Rearrange the jumbled words given in capitals on the right side to mean the following.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled 1
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled 2

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

Activity 3.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
Why was the king worried about Tanya, the princess ?
राजकुमारी तान्या के बारे में राजा चिंतित क्यों था ?
The King was worried because Tanya never smiled.

Question 2.
What did he do to amuse his daughter ?
पुत्री को खुश करने के लिए उसने क्या किया ?
He called a magician and a clown to amuse her.

Question 3.
What did the magician do ?
जादूगर ने क्या किया ?
The magician showed the princess some tricks.

Question 4.
What did the clown do ?
मस्खरे (जोकर) ने क्या किया ?
The clown tried to make the princess laugh with a mime.

Question 5.
What did the king do when the princess did not smile ?
राजकुमारी के न मुस्कराने पर राजा ने क्या किया ?
At this, the king declared that anyone who made the princess laugh would get to marry her.

Question 6.
Who was Ivan ?
इवान कौन था ?
Ivan was a poor boy who worked for a farmer.

Question 7.
What did Ivan want to do?
इवान क्या करना चाहता था ?
Ivan wanted to take a chance to make the princess laugh.

Question 8.
Who all did he meet on his way to the palace ?
महल की ओर जाते हुए वह रास्ते में किस-किस से मिला ?
He met a fish, a mouse and a grass-hopper.

Question 9.
What did they want ?
वे क्या चाहते थे ?
They wanted to have a new home.

Question 10.
What did Ivan give each of them ?
इवान ने प्रत्येक को क्या दिया ?
Ivan gave a gold coin to each of them.

Question 11.
Where was the princess ?
राजकुमारी कहां थी ?
The Princess was standing by her window.

Question 12.
What was she doing ?
वह क्या कर रही थी ?
She was looking at Ivan.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

Question 13.
What happened when Ivan fell into a hole ?
जब इवान सुराख/बिल में गिरा तो क्या हुआ ?
The princess started laughing at this.

Question 14.
Why did she start laughing ?
वह हँसने क्यों लगी ?
She started laughing because it was the funniest thing she had ever seen.

Question 15.
What did the king do ?
राजा ने क्या किया ?
The king became very happy and started laughing.

Activity 4

Select the correct option and fill it in the given blank :

Question 1.
Princess Tanya was a pretty girl but she did not
(a) smile
(b) walk
(c) speak
(a) smile

Question 2.
The king called …….. to amuse her.
(a) a magician
(b) a clown
(c) a magician and a clown
(c) a magician and a clown

Question 3.
The farmer gave Ivan three ………. coins.
(a) silver
(b) copper
(c) gold
(c) gold

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled 3

Question 4.
Ivan met a ……….. first of all.
(a) mouse
(b) fish
(c) grass-hopper
(b) fish

Question 5.
Ivan gave .. …………. to the mouse.
(a) one coin
(b) two coins
(c) three coins
(a) one coin

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

Question 6.
The princess was standing by her ………..
(a) window
(b) garden
(c) tower
(a) window

Question 7.
Ivan fell into a ………
(a) river
(b) lake
(c) hole
(c) hole

Question 8.
The princess laughed on seeing the small animals the fish, the mouse and the grass hopper trying to ………………….. Ivan to save him.
(a) pull up
(b) push down
(c) push away
(a) pull up.

Learning Language

Tenses (verb)
हमें क्रिया का समय बताते हैं। यहां Present continuous Tense के बारे में बात की गई है। इस Tense के बारे में जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए Format का चयन करें


I am laughing (first form of the verb + -ing).
He/She/It/Singular Nouns is
We/You/They/Plural Nouns are


I am not
He/She/Singular Nouns is not watching (verb in its first a film
We/You/They/Plural Nouns are not form + ing).

Is/am/are + subject + first form of the verb + -ing ?

Activity 5

Complete the following sentences using Present Continuous Tense of the verb given in the brackets (Capitalize when needed).

1. My teacher………. talk on the phone right now.
2. …….. you ……………. (dance) ?
3. Cheeku ………………………… (do) his homework at the moment.
4. Shanti …………………………… (work) on a project nowdays.
5. My kids ………………………… (play) in the garden now.
6. Some people ………………. ……… (wait) to talk to you.
7. I ……………… (not go) for a walk today.
8 Leena ……………… (study) for his exam right now ?
9 Uma ……………… (play) the piano now ?
10. Mohan and I ……………… (paint) the fence today.
11. Amita ……………… (help) me at present.
12. My children ……………… (not listen) to the radio now.
13. Saira ……………… (not drink) tea now.
14. I ……………… (vacuum) the carpet right now.
15. My father ……………… (watch) TV now.
16. What she ……………… (eat) right now ?
17. ……. your dog ……… (hide) from me ?
18. Which book ………………………… you ……………….. (read) nowadays?
19. Thomas ………………………. (drive) me home now.
20. I …………………………. (wash) my hands at the moment.
1. is talking
2. Are, dancing
3. is doing
4. is working
5. are playing
6. are waiting
7. am not going
8. Is, studying
9. Is, playing
10. are painting.
11. is helping
12. are not listening
13. is not drinking
14. am vacuuming
15. is watching
16. is eating
17. Is, hiding
18. are, reading
19. is driving
20. am washing.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

Now Read the following :

Princess Tanya was watching everything from her window. She started laughing. It was the funniest thing she had ever seen. She laughed and laughed. She kept laughing. The King was passing by her room. He saw that the princess was laughing. The King became very happy. He also started laughing. Within no time, the queen was laughing, the ministers were laughing, the servants were laughing, the guards were laughing and all the people were laughing. Ivan was also laughing.

ऊपर के passage में past (बीते हुए समय की क्रिया, जो उस समय जारी थी) का प्रयोग किया गया है। यह Past Continuous Tense में है। इस Tense के Patterm का अध्ययन नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों में करें।
नोट : Interrogative Sentences में was/were + Subject + first form of the verb + ing ? का Pattern अपनाएं।


I/He/She/Singular Nouns was watching (verb in its first Torm + -ing). a film.
We/You/They/ Plural Nouns were


I/He/She/Singular Nouns was not watching (verb in its first form +-ing). a film.
We/You/They/ Plural Nouns were not

Activity 6

Supply the suitable forms of verbs given in the brackets. The first one is done for you.
1. I was shopping (shop) when you called.
2. Students …………………………… (play) happily when I reached the class.
3. I told him but he didn’t hear me as he ………………. (watch) the news.
4. Sheela and Khyati ………………………… (work) in the office when the boss walked in.
5. The Knight Riders ……………………… (warm-up) when the Mumbai Indians arrived at the stadium.
6. While Minesh was praying, Kiran ………………………. (bake) a cake.
7. I ……………………. (drive) when you called, so I couldn’t answer.
8. I saw Meena yesterday when she …………….. (walk) by the river.
9. My mother ……………. (cook) and my father …………………………. (dust) the house yesterday.
10. Shanti ……………………….. (boil) milk when Rita came.
2. were playing
3. was watching
4. were working
5. were warming up
6. was baking
7. was driving
8. was walking
9. was cooking, was dusting
10. was boiling.

Learning to Listen

Activity 7.

Let us play a game today. Get up from your seats. The name of the game is, “The Princess Says…. You will follow the commands of your teacher. She/he will give you commands to follow. Commands will begin with the phrase “The Princess Says …. If the teacher does not say “The Princess Says…….. before a command (i.e. hold your left ear); you will not follow the command. If you still follow the command, you will be out of the game. The last person left wins.

नोट: अपने teacher के साथ मिलकर स्वयं करें।

Learning to Speak (Pair work)

Activity 8

Imagine that you are talking to your friend on the phone. Tell each other about four things that you and your family members are doing. You can pick words from the following table.

wash dance cook pray dust jump
watch laugh clean make draw help

A: Hello, I am ………. X ……… (name) speaking ! Who is on the line ?
B: Hello, I am …….. Y …….. (name) speaking !
A: Oh! What are you doing?
B: I am watching T.V.
A: What is your mother doing ?
B: She is washing clothes. And, what is your mother doing ?
A: She is cooking food.
B: What is your younger brother doing?
A: He is drawing. He is making a dog.
B: What is your elder sister doing? And what about your father?
A: My younger sister is helping mother in the kitchen. My father is praying to God.
B: What is the noise about that is coming ?
A: My younger sister is jumping, dancing and laughing.
B: Good afternoon. Now I am putting the phone down.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

Learning to Write

Activity 9

A mind map of a story is given below. The name of the story is “The Three Pigs’. Using the mind map, write your story about the three pigs and the wolf . All the hints and useful words are given in the mind map.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled 4
The Three Pigs : Once there were three pigs. One lived in a straw house and one in a wooden. Their houses were not strong as they were quickly built. But the third one lived in a brick house that was very strong. One day a big bad wolf came there. It was hungry for pigs. It blew down the straw and the wooden houses easily and ate the pigs. But she could not break down the brick house. Therefore, it climbed down the chimney of the house. Soon she got buried by hot water and ran away crying.

Learning to use language

Activity 10

Read the dialogue between a dinosaur and a sparrow. Dinosaur is an extinct animal and sparrow is about to become extinct. Radiation from mobile phone towers has harmed sparrows and other birds.

Complete the dialogue by taking information from the given table.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled 5

1. First appeared 235 million years ago
2. Class Reptile
3. Size Different sizes, 20 inches to 39.7 meters
4. Height 59 feet (largest dinosaurs)
5. Life on Earth 150 million years
6. Extinction 66 million years ago
7. Cause of Extinction Asteroid hit on Earth
8. Result of the asteroid hit Mass extinction of most species on Earth


Sparrow : Hello, stranger! You are so huge. How can I help you ?
Dinosaur : Oh, hello! Actually I am not a stranger. I used to live here 66 million years ago.
Humans call us Dinosaurs. So I’m just exploring how much the planet has changed.
Sparrow : Oh, really! How much has it changed ?
Dinosaur : Oh, it has changed so much. I don’t like the change. There were no humans and buildings when I used to live no pollution, no global warming.
Sparrow : Oh, tell me more, Sir !
Dinosaur : There were trees all around. We were everywhere – on land, in the air and in water.
Sparrow : Oh, wow! What were they called ?
Dinosaur : Humans have named the flying Dinosaurs as PTERODACTYL.
Sparrow And what about the ones that lived in the water ?
Dinosaur : They have been named as SPINOSAURUS.
Sparrow : Mr Dinosaur, I have so many questions to ask you.
Dinosaur : Don’t worry, I know what is in your mind.
Here I am going to tell you all about me and our family.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled 6

We were reptiles. We appeared on earth 235 million years ago. We were of different sizes — from 20 inches to 39.7 meters. The largest member of our family was 59 feet tall. We lived about 150 million years on earth. But about 66 million years ago an asteroid hit the earth that caused our extinction. This incident also led to the extinction of most species of this planet.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow each.

(1) This is a very old story from Russia. There was a princess in Russia. Her name was Tanya. Tanya was very beautiful but she never smiled or laughed. Her father, the king, loved her very much but he kept worrying because she never smiled. Even the queen was worried.

King (said to himself): I must find a way to make my daughter happy. I want to see her smiling! And he had an idea. He called a magician to amuse his daughter. The magician showed the princess some tricks.

1. What kind of girl was Tanya ?
तान्या कैसी लड़की थी ?

2. What did Tanya’s father wish ?
तान्या के पिता की क्या इच्छा थी ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note-book.
(a) Tanya’s father was a king.
(b) Queen never got worried.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Tanya was a …………..
(b) The magician showed the princess …………..

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) worried entertain
(b) amuse anxious

1. Tanya was very beautiful but she never smiled or laughed.
2. Tanya’s father wished to see his daughter (Tanya) smiling.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) Tanya was a princess in Russia.
(b) The magician showed the princess some tricks.
(a) worried — anxious
(b) amuse — entertain

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

(2) Very far from the palace, there lived a poor boy. His name was Ivan. He worked for a farmer. When he heard about the king’s promise, he wanted to take a chance at making the princess laugh. He thought that he could make her laugh. The farmer gave the boy three gold coins for the journey.
On his way, he found a lake. In the lake, there was a fish. The fish called him.
Fish (to Ivan) : Oh ! Can you help me, please ?
Ivan (to the fish) : How can I help you, fish ?
Fish (to Ivan) : I have lived in this lake for a long time.
Now the water is getting dirty. I don’t want to live here anymore, but I am too poor to find a new house.
Ivan (to the fish): I am so sorry, Fish. I have three gold coins. I can give you one. I’ll still have two for my journey. I am going to meet the princess.

1. Who was Ivan ? Where did he live ?
इवान कौन था ? वह कहां रहता था ?

2. What did Ivan saw on his way?
रास्ते में उसे क्या दिखाई दिया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note-book.
(a) The fish had lived in the lake for a long time.
(b) The fish wanted the princess to help it.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The farmer gave the boy ………….. for the journey.
(b) I am too poor to

5. Match the words with their meanings.

promise saw
found made

1. Ivan was a poor boy who worked for a farmer. He lived very far from the king’s palace.
2. On his way, Ivan saw a lake with a fish in it.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) The farmer gave the boy three gold coins for the journey.
(b) I am too poor to find a new house.
(a) promise — word
(b) found — saw.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

(3) Ivan continued travelling. He was hungry and very tired. He had no money to buy food. He reached the palace. He saw the princess. She was standing by her window. She was looking at him. He became nervous because the princess was looking at him. He fell into a hole.
Ivan (shouting) : Help! Someone, help me!
Suddenly, the fish, the mouse and the grass-hopper appeared.
All three (fish, mouse and grasshopper) : Don’t worry! We will save you !
The three of them pulled the boy from the hole.

1. In what condition was Ivan when he reached the palace ?
महल तक पहुँचने पर इवान की क्या दशा थी ?

2. Why did he become nervous ?
वह घबरा क्यों गया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note-book.
(a) The princess was standing.
(b) The three of them pulled the boy.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The princess was standing …………………..
(b) The three of them pulled the boy …………..

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) nervous confused
(b) appeared became invisible
became visible

1. Ivan was very hungry and thirsty when he reached the palace.
2. He became nervous because the princess was looking at him.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) The princess was standing by her window.
(b) The three of them pulled the boy out from the hole.
(a) nervous — confused
(b) appeared — became visible

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

(4) Princess Tanya was watching everything from her window. She started laughing. It was the funniest thing she had ever seen. She laughed and laughed. She kept laughing. The king was passing by her room. He saw that the princess was laughing. The king became very happy. He also started laughing. Within no time, the queen was laughing, the ministers were laughing, the servants were laughing, the guards were laughing and all the people were laughing. Ivan was also laughing. The king kept his promise. The kingdom came to know that Ivan and the princess were getting married. They got married. Ivan became a prince. He went to the king.

1. How did the King feel ?
राजा ने कैसा महससू किया ?

2. Who were getting married ?
किसकी शादी हो रही थी ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note-book.
(a) The king did not keep his promise.
(b) Ivan became a prince.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Within …………….. the queen was laughing.
(b) The king saw that ………….

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) funniest smile
(b) watch most amusing

1. The king became very happy.
2. The princess and Ivan were getting married.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) Within no time the queen was laughing.
(b) The king saw that the princess was laughing.
(a) funniest — most amusing
(b) watch — see

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Amuse (entertain) –
Mother amused her child with toys.
माँ ने खिलौनों से अपने बच्चे का मनोरंजन किया।

2. Tricks. (feats) –
The tricks of the magician were funny.
जादूगर के करतब मज़ाकिया थे।

3. Nervous (confused) –
Why are you so nervous ?
आप इतने घबराए हुए क्यों हैं ?

4. Scarce (not enough, scanty) –
Water is getting scarce here.
यहां पानी की कमी होती जा रही है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

5. Worried (anxious) –
You look worried. What is the problem ?
तुम चिंतित दिखाई देते हो। क्या समस्या है ?

6. Journey (trip) –
We went on a long journey last year.
पिछले साल हम एक लंबी यात्रा पर गए।

7. Princess (royal maiden) –
The princess was married to a handsome prince.
राजकुमारी की शादी एक सुंदर राजकुमार से कर दी गई।

8. Appeared (came in front of) –
The thief appeared before the judge.
चोर जज के सामने आया।

9. Pulled (dragged) –
We pulled the heavy fish with a rope.
हमने भारी मछली को एक रस्सी से खींचा।

Word Meanings

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled 7

The Princess Who Never Smiled Summary in Hindi

This is very old …………………….. them could do it.

यह रूस की एक बहुत पुरानी कहानी है। रूस में एक राजकुमारी थी। उसका नाम तान्या था। तान्या बहुत सुंदर थी लेकिन वह कभी भी हंसती या मुस्कराती नहीं थी। उसके पिता राजा थे और उसे बहुत प्यार करते थे परन्तु वह चिंतित रहते थे क्योंकि वह कभी मुस्कराती नहीं थी। यहां तक कि रानी भी चिंतित थी। राजा (अपने आप से कहा) : मुझे कोई रास्ता ढूंढना चाहिए ताकि मैं अपनी बेटी को खुश कर सकू। मैं उसे मुस्कराते हुए देखना चाहता हूँ। और उसे एक विचार सूझा। उसने अपनी बेटी को बहलाने के लिए एक जादूगर को बुलाया। जादूगर ने राजकुमारी को कुछ कतरब दिखाए। राजा

(राजकुमारी से) : हा, हा, हा …… क्या यह मनोरंजक नहीं ?
राजकुमारी (राजा से) : हाँ, पिता जी। करतब अच्छे हैं परन्तु वे मेरे चेहरे पर मुस्कान नहीं ला सकते।
उन्होंने एक जोकर को भी बुलाया ताकि वह मुस्करा सके।
राजा (राजकुमारी से) : हा, हा, हा …… क्या यह मज़ेदार नहीं ?
राजकुमारी (राजा से) : हाँ पिता जी। जोकर मजाकिया है, परन्तु वह मुझे मुस्कराहट नहीं दे सकता।जोकर उसे हंसाने के लिए नकलें भी उतारता है।

राजा (राजकुमारी से) : हा, हा, हा ………. क्या यह मज़ाकिया नहीं है ?
राजकुमारी (राजा से) : वह अच्छा है परन्तु वह मेरी मुस्कराहट नहीं ला सकता।
अन्ततः उसने अपने देश के सभी लोगों को यह बताने का निर्णय लिया कि जो कोई भी राजकुमारी को हँसा देगा, उसका विवाह राजकुमारी से कर दिया जाएगा। रूस भर से लोग राजा के महल गए और उन्होंने राजकुमारी को हँसाने का प्रयत्न किया, परन्तु कोई भी ऐसा न कर सका।

Very far from ………………. meet the princess.

महल से बहुत दूर एक गरीब लड़का रहता था। उसका नाम इवान था। वह एक किसान के पास काम करता था। जब उसने राजा के वचन के बारे में सुना, तो उसने राजकुमारी को हँसाने का एक अवसर पाने की सोची। वह सोचता था वह उसे हँसा सकता है। किसान ने यात्रा के लिए लड़के को तीन स्वर्ण मुद्राएं दीं। रास्ते में उसे एक झील मिली। झील में एक मछली थी। मछली ने उसे पुकारा। मछली (इवान से) : ओह! कृपया आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं ?
इवान (मछली से) : मछली, मैं तुम्हारी क्या मदद कर सकता हूँ ?

मछली (इवान से) : मैं एक लम्बे समय से इस झील में रह रही हूँ। अब पानी गंदा हो रहा है। मैं यहाँ और
अधिक नहीं रहना चाहती, परंतु मैं इतनी गरीब हूँ कि अपने लिए नया घर नहीं ले
सकती। इवान (मछली से) : मछली, मैं माफी चाहता हूँ। मेरे पास तीन स्वर्ण मुद्राएं हैं। मैं एक तुम्हें दे सकता हूँ।
मेरे पास यात्रा के लिए फिर भी दो बच जाएंगी। मैं राजकुमारी से मिलने जा रहा हूँ।
मछली (इवान से) : मैं तुम्हारा धन्यवाद कैसे कर सकती हूँ ?

इवान (मछली से) : चिंता मत करो। मुझे तुम्हारी मदद करके खुशी हुई। मुझे आशा है कि तुम्हें एक नया और अच्छा घर मिल जाएगा। इवान ने अपनी यात्रा जारी रखी। उसने एक बड़ा सा खेत
देखा। खेत में एक चूहा था। चूहे ने उसे पुकारा। चूहा (इवान से) हैलो नवयुवक! क्या तुम मेरी सहायता कर सकते हो ?
इवान (चूहे से) : चूहे, मैं तुम्हारी मदद कैसे कर सकता हूँ?
चूहा (इवान से) : मैं लम्बे समय से इस खेत में रह रहा हूँ। अब यहां भोजन कम होता जा रहा है। मैं अब यहां और अधिक नहीं रहना चाहता, परन्तु मैं गरीब हूँ।

इवान (चूहे से) : चूहे, मैं माफी चाहता हूँ। मेरे पास दो स्वर्ण मुद्राएं हैं। मैं एक तुम्हें दे सकता हूँ। मेरे
पास यात्रा के लिए फिर भी एक रह जाएगी। मैं राजकुमारी से मिलने जा रहा हूँ।
चूहा (इवान से) : तुम बहुत दयालु हो। मैं किस प्रकार तुम्हारा आभार व्यक्त करूं?
इवान : चिंता मत करो। मैं तुम्हारी मदद करके खुश हूँ। मुझे आशा है कि तुम्हें एक अच्छा और नया घर मिल जाएगा।

Ivan continued ………………….. from the hole.

इवान ने यात्रा जारी रखी। वह एक जंगल में पहुंचा। जंगल में एक टिड्डा रहता था। टिड्डे ने उसे पुकारा।
टिड्डा (इवान से) : सुनिये! क्या तुम मेरी मदद कर सकते हो ?
इवान (टिड्डे से) : टिड्डे, मैं तुम्हारी क्या मदद कर सकता हूँ ?

टिड्डा (इवान से) : मैं लम्बे समय से इस जंगल में रह रहा हूँ। अब बहुत अधिक गर्मी होती जा रही है। मैं अब यहां नहीं रहना चाहता, परन्तु मैं गरीब हूँ।
इवान (टिड्डे से) : टिड्डे, मैं माफी चाहता हूँ। मेरे पास एक स्वर्ण मुद्रा है। मैं वह तुम्हें दे सकता हूँ। मैं अपना काम चला लूंगा। मैं राजकुमारी से मिलने जा रहा हूँ।

टिड्डा (इवान से) : तुम बहुत दयालु हो। मैं तुम्हारा आभार किस प्रकार व्यक्त करूं।
इवान (टिड्डे से) : चिंता मत करो। मैं तुम्हारी मदद करके खुश हूँ। मैं आशा करता हूँ कि तुम्हें एक अच्छा
और नया घर मिल जायेगा। इवान ने यात्रा जारी रखी। वह भूखा और बहुत थक चुका था। उसके पास भोजन के लिए पैसे नहीं थे। वह महल पहुंच गया। उसने राजकुमारी को देखा। वह अपनी खिड़की में खड़ी थी। वह उसे देख रही थी। वह घबरा गया क्योंकि राजकुमारी उसकी ओर ही देख रही थी। वह एक सुराख में जा गिरा।

इवान (चिल्लाया) : सहायता! कोई मेरी सहायता करो। अचानक ही मछली, चूहा तथा टिड्डा प्रकट हो गए।
तीनों मिलकर (मछली, : चिन्ता मत करो। हम तुम्हारी रक्षा करेंगे। चूहा तथा टिड्डा), तीनों ने मिलकर उसे सुराख से बाहर खींच लिया।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Princess Who Never Smiled

Princess Tanya ………….. People were smiling.

राजकुमारी तान्या यह सब कुछ अपनी खिड़की से देख रही थी। वह हँसने लगी। यह उसके लिए सबसे मनोरंजक बात थी, जो कुछ भी उसने अब तक देखा था। वह जोर से हँसने लगी और वह लगातार हँसती रही। राजा उसके कमरे के पास से गुजर रहा था। उसने देखा कि राजकुमारी हँस रही है। राजा बहुत खुश हुआ। वह भी हँसने लगा। तुरंत ही रानी हँसने लगी, मंत्री हँसने लगे, नौकर हँसने लगे, सुरक्षाकर्मी हँसने लगे और सभी लोग हँसने लगे। इवान भी हँसने लगा।
राजा ने अपना वचन निभाया। राज्य को पता चल गया कि इवान और राजकुमारी की शादी हो रही है। उनकी शादी हो गई। इवान राजकुमार बन गया। वह राजा के पास गया।

इवान (राजा से) : मुझे मेरे मित्र बहुत प्रिय हैं। मैं उन्हें महल में रख रहा हूँ।
राजा (इवान से) : मुझे कोई परेशानी नहीं है। उन्होंने भी राजकुमारी को हँसाया है।
उस दिन से महल एक खुशी भरा स्थान बन गया। चारों ओर हँसी और मुस्कराहटें बिखरी हुई थीं। इवान, राजकुमारी तान्या और उसके मित्र मुस्करा रहे थे, राजा मुस्करा रहा था, रानी मुस्करा रही थी, मंत्री मुस्करा रहे थे, नौकर मुस्करा रहे थे, सुरक्षाकर्मी मुस्करा रहे थे और सभी लोग मुस्करा रहे थे।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. There was a princess in Russia. — रूस में एक राजकुमारी थी।
2. Her father, the king loved her very much. — उसके पिता, राजा उसे बहुत प्यार करते थे।
3. Even the queen was worried. — यहां तक कि रानी भी चिंतित थी।
4. I want to see her smiling. — मैं उसे मुस्कराते हुए देखना चाहता हूं।
5. The magician showed the princess some tricks. — जादूगर ने राजकुमारी को कुछ करतब दिखाए।
6. He called a clown to make her smile.– उसने उसकी मुस्कराहट लाने के लिए एक जोकर (मस्खरे) को बुलाया।
7. He is good, but he does not make me smile.– यह अच्छा है, परन्तु यह मुझे मुस्कराहट प्रदान नहीं कर सकता।
8. People from all over the Russia went to the king’s palace. — रूस भर से लोग राजा के महल में गए।
9. He worked for a farmer. — वह किसान के पास काम करता था।
10. The farmer gave the boy three gold coins for the journey. — किसान ने यात्रा के लिए लड़के को तीन मुद्राएं दीं।
11. The king kept his promise. — राजा ने अपना वचन निभाया।
12. She kept laughing. — वह लगातार हँसती रही।
13. I am happy to help you. — मुझे तुम्हारी मदद करके खुशी हुई।
14. He was hungry and very tired. — वह भूखा था और बहुत थका हुआ था।
15. He fell into a hole. — वह एक सुराख में गिर गया।
16. Three of them pulled the boy from the hole. — तीनों ने मिलकर उसे सुराख से खींच लिया।
17. Princess Tanya was watching everything from her window. — राजकुमारी तान्या यह सब कुछ अपनी खिड़की से देख रही थी।

English Guide for Class 7 PSEB Prose

Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 8 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog Question Answers

Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the story (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct . pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

Akita neighborhood agriculture accompany
routine receive hemorrhage show up
beloved employees devoted museum

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Write antonyms of the following words.

1. respect — disrespect
2. affection — hatred/hate
3. usual — unusual
4. followed — led
5. lonely — crowded/populous
6. presence — absence
7. master — servant
8. loyalty — disloyalty

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Activity 3.

Look at the following words in the grid. Identify the base words and prefixes and suffixes added to them. Write the base word and the prefix/suffix in the space given for each.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog 1
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog 2

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4.

Answer the following questions based on the above story.

Question 1.
Who was Hachiko ?
हचीको कौन था ?
Hachiko was a very faithful and loyal dog. He was true companion.

Question 2.
What was his breed ?
उसकी प्रजाति (ब्रीड) कौन – सी थी?
His breed was Akita.

Question 3.
When was he born ?
वह कब पैदा हुआ ?
He was born on November 10, 1923.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Question 4.
Who adopted him ?
उसे किसने गोद लिया ?
Professor Hidesburo adopted him, first.

Question 5.
Where did Ueno teach ?
यूनो कहाँ पढ़ाते थे ?
Ueno tought in the Agriculture Department of the Tokyo Imperial University.

Question 6.
What was their routine ?
अनकी दिनचर्या क्या थी ?
Everyday morning they would walk to the Shibuya Railway Station. At 3 p.m. the professor would return and the dog would go to the railway station to accompaning him back home.

Question 7.
What happened to the Professor one day ?
एक दिन प्रोफैसर को क्या हुआ ?
One day the Professor died because of a sudden brain harmorrhage.

Question 8.
What did Hachiko do after Ueno died ?
हचीको ने यूनो की मृत्यु के बाद क्या किया ?
He would daily go to the railway station at 3 p.m. to receive his master.

Question 9.
Who adopted Hachiko after Ueno died ?
यूनो की मृत्य के बाद हचीको को किसने गोद लिया ?
After Ueno died his former gardener, kujaburo kobayashi adopted Hachiko.

Question 10.
Who went to see Hachiko after coming to know about his routine ?
हचीको की दिनचर्या का पता चलने पर कौन उसे देखने गया ?
Hirokichi Saito who was an expert on the Akita breed of dogs, went to see Hachiko.

Activity 5.

Choose the right answer and write in the given space.
1. Hachiko was a very loyal/disloyal dog — loyal
2. Shibuya is a place near/away from Tokyo — near
3. Ueno always came back on the 3/4pm train. — 3 p.m.
4. Hachiko would wait for Ueno at the station/home. — Station
5. Hachiko lived for 11/13 years. — Station

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Activity 6.

Discuss and answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why did people make statues of Hachiko ?
People made the statues of Hachiko to make him immortal for his loyalty and faithfulness.

Question 2.
Why do you think Saito wiped a tear from his cheek?
Saito was an expert of the Akita breed of dogs. He read the sad hard of Hachiko.

Learning Language

Conjugation of Verbs

Verb conjugation का अर्थ है कि कोई verb वाक्य में Person, Tense, Number या Mood में परिवर्तन के साथ कैसे बदलता है।


In English, we have six different persons -first-person singular (I), second-person singular (you), third-person singular (he/she/it/one), first-person plural (we), second-person plural (you), and third-person plural (they). We must conjugate a verb for each person. The verb to be is a particularly notable verb for conjugation because it is an irregular verb.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Conjugation of the verb ‘to be’ (is/am/are)

Person Tense
Past Present Future
I was am will be
you were arc will be
he /she/it was is will be
we were are will be
they were are will be

Tense के अनुसार भी Verb के रूप में बदलाव आता है। इसे समझने के लिए नीचे दी गई तालिका अध्ययन of करें इसमें Verb ‘walk’ के माध्यम से verb की Conjugation को समझाया गया है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog 3

Activity 7.

Select the correct form of the verb given in the options and fill it in the given blank.

Question 1.
Meena …………………_since morning.
(a) has been dancing
(b) is dancing
(c) dances
(a) has been dancing.

Question 2.
I ………….. in the garden when she came to my house.
(a) am working
(b) was working
(c) worked
(b) was working.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Question 3.
I ………………….. in the factory for two hours when Seema called.
(a) have been working
(b) was working
(c) had been working
(c) had been working.

Question 4.
I ……………… my exam this time next week.
(a) will be writing
(b) will write
(c) would be writing
(a) will be writing.

Question 5.
They had already left when I …………. home.
(a) reached
(b) have reached
(c) had reached
(a) reached.

Question 6.
If you are hungry, I ………….. ……. you something to eat.
(a) am getting
(b) will get
(c) will be getting
(b) will get.

Question 7.
Saavan ………….. songs.
(a) writes
(b) write
(c) written
(a) writes.

Question 8.
We …………. often go to the garden.
(a) don’t
(b) doesn’t
(c) haven’t
(a) don’t

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Question 9.
We …………… to Delhi last week.
(a) went
(b) have gone
(c) had gone.
(a) went.

Question 10.
The children …………………. a splendid performance.
(a) gives
(b) give
(c) gave.
(b) give.

Learning to Listen

Activity 8

Your teacher will read out a dialogue. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Which movie do these people plan to watch ?
(a) The Lion King
(b) The Two Towers
(c) Singham
(d) Mowgli
(d) Mowgli.

Question 2.
When do they plan to watch the movie ?
(a) on the weekend
(b) tomorrow
(c) today evening
(d) next Friday
(b) tomorrow.

Question 3.
Where do they plan to meet ?
(a) at the Subway close to the mall
(b) in front of the mall
(c) at the coffee shop close to the mall
(d) at home
(a) at the Subway close to the mall.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Question 4.
What time do they plan to meet ?
(a) at 7:30 pm
(b) at 12 noon
(c) at 1pm
(d) at 3:45 pm
(c) at 1pm.

Learning to Speak

Activity 9

Look at the picture given below and describe, in your own words, what is happening.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog 4
1. There are two furry dogs in the picture.
2. One dog is big, the other is small.
3. The big dog is white with a black shade in colour.
4. The small dog is also white but it has a shade of grey colour on his body.
5. Both the dogs have belt- round their necks. This suggests they are pet ones.
6. The colours of their belt is red and blue respectively.
7. The big dog looks furious. But the little one appears to be playful.
8. The little dog is carrying a twig in his mouth.

Learning to Write

Activity 10

Write a letter to your cousin telling her/him about the new pet (a dog or a cat) you have adopted.
You should write in the letter

what pet you have adopted
what you have named it
how you play with your pet
how it has changed your life or routine

15, New Colony,
14 March, 20…….
Dear Vipin,
You will be glad to know that I have adopted a day. It is a stray dog. I have named it Tommy. It is like a small toy. It takes milk, bread and meat. It plays with us. We throw the ball away and Tommy runs after it and return with the ball to us. As it gets up early in the morning, it has changed my life. We together go for a walk in the morning and in the evening. We run a race which I never win. I hope you will be happy to meet it.
Your loving brother,

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Learning to Use Language

Activity 11

Browse the following sites for more information and also to watch a film on Hachiko. After going through the sites, write all the new information you get on Hachiko
(The teacher must arrange the use of the Internet for students in the computer lab.)
नोट-अध्यापक की सहायता से स्वयं करें।

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the following passages carefully and answer the question that follow each.

(1) Hachiko, the dog was more than just a pet. He was a true companion. He was very loyal and faithful. Every day, Hachiko would greet his human friend, his master, a routine the faithful dog kept, even after his owner’s death. A golden-brown of Akita breed, Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923 in a farm in Japan. In 1924, Professor Hidesaburo Ueno adopted Hachiko and brought him to live with him in Shibuya, a small town in the neighbourhood of Tokyo.

Professor Hidesaburo Ueno taught in the Agriculture Department of Tokyo Imperial University. Every morning the professor would walk to the Shibuya railway station and Hachiko would also go with him to see his master take the train to work. After finishing the day’s classes, the professor would take the train back and return to the station at 3 pm.

1. Who was Hachiko ? Give his any two good qualities.
हचिको कौन था ? उसके कोई दो अच्छे गुण लिखो।

2. Where did Professor Ueno live ?
प्रोफैसर यूनो कौन था ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book. . .
(a) The dog followed his routine even after his master’s death.
(b) The professor returned to his home town at 3 p.m. daily.

4. Complete the sentence according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Professor Ueno taught in the ……………
(b) Hachiko, the dog was more than …….

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) faithful comeback
(b) return to take turn

1. Hachiko was a pet dog. He was a true companion. He was very loyal and faithful.
2. Professor Ueno lived in Shibuya, a small town in the neighbourhood of Tokyo.
(a) True
(b) True
(a) Professor Ueno tought in the Agriculture Department of Tokyo University.
(b) Hachiko the dog was more than just a pet.
(a) faithful-loyal
(b) return-come back.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

(2) The master and Hachiko kept this schedule until one sad day in May 1925 Professor Veno suffered a sudden brain hemorrhage while teaching and passed away. That day, Hachiko showed up at 3 pm as usual, but his beloved master never came back. Hachiko returned the next day at the same time, hoping that Veno would be there to meet him. Of course, the professor did not return, but his loyal Hachiko never gave up hope.

Hachiko was at Shibuya Station the next day again at 3 pm, then the day after, and the day after that. Soon, the lonely dog began to draw the attention of the other passengers.
At first, the station workers were not friendly with the dog, but after some time, people started looking out for him. Even the station employees would bring food and treats for the devoted dog and sometimes sit and keep him company.

1. How did Ueno die?
यूनो की मृत्यु कैसे हुई ?

2. What change did the dog bring about in the station workers ?
कुत्ते ने स्टेशन कर्मचारियों में क्या परिवर्तन लाया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The dog lost his hope as the days passed.
(b) Ueno died in May 1925.

4. Complete the sentence according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Hachiko showed up at …………… as usual to the dog.
(b) The station employees would bring …………. for the devoted dog.

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) devoted died
(b) passed away sincere

1. Ueno while teaching suffered a sudden brain haemorrhage and died.
2. The station workers who were not friendly with him, stated looking out for him. They started giving him food and their company.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) Hachiko showed up at 3pm as usual.
(b) The station employees would bring food and treats for the devoted dog.
(a) devoted — sincere
(b) Passed away — died.

3. One of Professor Ueno’s former students, Hirokichi Saito was an expert on the Akita breed of dogs. He came to know of Hachiko and his routine. He decided to take the train to Shibuya to see if Hachiko would still be waiting.

When Saito arrived at the station, he saw Hachiko there waiting for his master. He wiped a tear from his cheek. He waited for Hachiko to make the next move. After a long wait, Hachiko stood up and went from there. Saito followed the dog from the station to the home of Ueno’s former gardener, Kuzaburo Kobayashi who had adopted Hachiko but Hachiko waited only for Ueno.

For nearly a decade, after his master passed away, the dog continued to show up at the same spot every day until Hachiko died at the age of eleven on March 08, 1935. The dog became a symbol of loyalty in Japan – and now for the world.

1. Who was Hirokichi Saito ?
हीरोकीची सेंटो कौन था ?

2. He wiped a tear from his cheek ? What does this line show ?
उसने कुत्ते के गाल से एक आँसू पोंछा। यह पंक्ति क्या दर्शाती है? ।

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) After the death of Ueno his former gardner adopted Hachiko.
(b) Hachiko died at the age of thirty-five.

4. Complete the sentence according to the meaning of the passsage.
(a) After a long wait. Hachiko stood up and ………
(b) The dog become a ……………. in Japan.

5. Match the words with their meanings.

(a) decade took on
(b) adopted a period of ten years died.

1. Hirokichi Saito was a former student of professor Ueno. He was an expert on the Akita breed of dogs.
2. This line show that Hachiko was very sad at heart after his master’s death.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) After a long wait Hachiko Stood up and went from these.
(b) The dog became a symbol of loyalty in Japan.
(a) decade – a period of ten years
(b) adopted – took on

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Loyal (devoted, sincere) —
Should be loyal to the country.
हमें देश के प्रति निष्ठावान होना चाहिए।

2. Faithful (loyal, sincere) —
A dog is a faithful animal.

3. True (firm) —
He is true to his word promise.
वह अपने वचन का पक्का है। I

4. Recieve (to get) —
I received your letter yesterday.
मुझे कल तुम्हारा पत्र मिला।

5. Show up (to appear, to present) —
You must show up in the school ground at 9. am.
तुम्हें प्रातः 9 बजे स्कलू ग्राऊंड में पहुंच जाना चाहिए।

6. Passedaway (died) —
My grandmother passed away last month.
मेरी दादी पिछले महीने चल बसे।

7. Look out (take care) —
Look out ! The train has started.
देखो! रेलगाड़ी चल चुकी है।

8. Expert (specialist) —
My uncle is an Expert on birds.
मेरे चाचा जी पंछियों के माहिर हैं।

Word Meanings
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog 5

Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog Summary in Hindi

Hachiko, the dog ……….. passed away.

हचीको (Hachiko) नामक कुत्ता पालतू होने से कहीं अधिक महत्त्व रखता है। वह एक सच्चा साथी था। वह बहुत ही निष्ठावान तथा वफादार था। हचीको प्रतिदिन अपने मानव मित्र जो इसका मालिक था, का अभिवादन करता था। यही दिनचर्या वफादार कुत्ते ने अपने मालिक की मृत्यु के बाद भी जारी रखी।

सुनहरी भूरी, अकीता प्रजाति (Akita bread) के हचीको का जन्म 10 नवम्बर, 1923 को जापान के एक खेत में हुआ। 1924 में प्रोफेसर एजाबुरो यूनो (Professor Hidesaburo Ueno) ने हचीको को गोद ले लिया और उसे टोक्यो के एक छोटे से शहर शिबुआ (Shibuya) में ले आये। प्रोफ़ेसर एज़ाबुरो यूनो टोक्यो इम्पीरियल यूनिवर्सिटी के कृषि विभाग में पढ़ाते थे। प्रत्येक सुबह प्रोफ़ेसर शिबुआ स्टेशन तक टहलते हुए जाते थे और हचीको भी उनके साथ जाता था तकि वह अपने मालिक को काम पर जाते हुए ट्रेन पकड़ते देखे।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

अपने दिन की कक्षाओं को समाप्त करके प्रोफेसर वापिसी के लिए ट्रेन पकड़ते और 3 बजे स्टेशन पर पहुंचते। हचीको स्टेशन पर पहुंच जाता और प्रोफेसर का इंतजार करता और उनके साथ टहलता हुआ वापिस घर आता। जोड़ी की प्रतिदिन की यही दिनचर्या थी। हर रोज़ हचीको एक ही समय पर अपने मालिक को लेने पहुंच जाता। मालिक और हचीको ने अपना कार्यक्रम तब तक जारी रखा जब तक एक अशुभ दिन मई, 1925 को प्रोफेसर यूनो की अचानक ब्रेन हेमेज से मृत्यु नहीं हो गई।

That day …………. …….. still be waiting.

उस दिन, हचीको हमेशा की भांति 3 बजे आ गया, परन्तु उसका प्रिय मालिक कभी वापिस नहीं आया। हचीको अगले दिन उसी समय इस आशा के साथ वापिस आया कि यूनो उसे वहां मिलेंगे। निःसंदेह प्रोफेसर कभी वापिस नहीं आए, परन्तु उनके वफ़ादार हचीको ने कभी आशा नहीं छोड़ी।

दिन बीतते गए और हचीको प्रतिदिन 3 बजे शिबुआ स्टेशन पर आ जाता था। शीघ्र ही अन्य यात्रियों का ध्यान इस अकेले डॉग (कुत्ते) की ओर जाने लगा। पहले पहल स्टेशन के कर्मचारी कुत्ते के साथ मित्रवत् नहीं थे परन्तु कुछ समय के बाद उसकी ओर ध्यान देने लगे। यहाँ तक कि स्टेशन के कर्मचारी उस वफ़ादार कुत्ते के लिए भोजन खाने के लिए उसके मनचाहे पदार्थ लाने लगे। कभीकभी वे उसके पास बैठ कर उसका साथ देते। दिन हफ्तों में, फिर महीनों में, फिर सालों में बदलें और हचीको, हर रोज इंतजार करने आता। उसकी उपस्थिति ने शिबुआ के स्थानीय लोगों पर ऐसा प्रभाव छोड़ा कि वह उनके लिए निष्ठा और विश्वास का एक प्रतीक बन गया, जैसे वह उनका नायक हो।

प्रोफेसर यूनो का एक पुराना छात्र हिरोकिची सैटो (Hirokichi Saito), अकीता नस्ल के कुत्तों का विशेषज्ञ था। उसे हचीको और उसकी दिनचर्या का पता चला। उसने निर्णय किया कि वह ट्रेन से शिबुआ जाएगा और देखेगा कि क्या हचीको अभी भी इंतज़ार कर रहा है।

When Saito arrived ……………………. go to Japan.

जब सैटो स्टेशन पहुंचा तो उसने हचीको को अपने मालिक का इंतजार करते देखा। उसने उसके गाल पर एक आंसू को पोंछा। उसने हचीको के अगले कदम की प्रतीक्षा की। एक लम्बे इंतजार के बाद हचीको उठ खड़ा हुआ और वहाँ से चला गया। सैटो ने कुत्ते का स्टेशन से उस घर तक पीछा किया जो यूनो के पुराने माली कुजाबुरो कोबायशी (Kuzaburo Kobayashi) था जिसने हचीको को गोद ले लिया था।

परन्तु हचीको यूनो का ही इंतजार करता था।अपने मालिक की मृत्यु के बाद लगभग दस वर्ष तक हचीको (कुत्ता) उसी जगह पर प्रतिदिन दिखाई देता रहा, जब तक कि 11 वर्ष की आयु में 8 मार्च 1935 को उसकी मृत्यु नहीं हो गई। (कुत्ता) डॉग जापान में वफ़ादारी का प्रतीक बन गया और अब पूरे विश्व में बन गया है।डॉग के प्रति आदर और प्यार के कारण लोग हचीको को “चुकेन हचीको” (Chukan Hachiko) पुकारने लगे।

इसका अर्थ है-वफ़ादार कुत्ता हचीको। हचीको की याद में एक बुत्त बनाया गया है शिबुआ में तथा एक उस स्थान पर जहाँ वह अपने मालिक यूनो को काम से वापिस आने पर मिलता था। हचीको के मृत शरीर को (म्यूजियम) संग्रहालय में संरक्षित करके रखा गया है। हां, यदि आप जापान जाएं तो आप अब भी हचीको को मिल सकते हैं।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. He was a true companion.
वह एक सच्चा साथी था।

2. Hachiko wot his human friend his master.
हचीको अपने मानव मित्र अर्थात् अपने मालिक का अभिवादन करता था।

3. Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923.
हचीको का जन्म 10 नवम्बर 1923 को हुआ।

4. Every morning the professor would walk to the Shibuya railway station.
प्रत्येक सुबह प्रोफेसर शिबुआ स्टेशन तक टहलते हुए जाते थे।

5. Hachiko would also go with him.
हचीको भी उनके साथ जाता था।

6. The pair followed the same routine every day.
जोड़ी की प्रतिदिन की यही दिनचर्या थी।

7. But his beloved master never came back.
परन्तु उसका प्रिय मालिक कभी वापिस नहीं आया।

8. Even the station employees would bring food for the devoted dog.
यहाँ तक कि स्टेशन के कर्मचारी भी उस वफादार कुत्ते के लिए भोजन लाते थे।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Hachiko-The World’s Most Loyal Dog

9. His presence made a great impression on the local people of Shibuya.
उसकी उपस्थिति ने शिबुआ के स्थानीय लोगों को बहुत अधिक प्रभावित किया।

10. Yes, you can still meet Hachiko if you go to Japan
हां, यदि आप जापान जाएं तो आप अब भी हचीको से मिल सकते हैं।

English Guide for Class 7 PSEB Prose

Birbal’s Khichdi Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi Question Answers

Birbal’s Khichdi Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1

I Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the story (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation).
3. Words that normally go with the given word.
For example : ‘return’ does not take ‘back’ with it. It is not correct to say ‘I returned back from work’.
4. Spellings

glowing starving frozen extreme
deserve consider warmth brahmin

Activity 2

(Prefixes and Suffixes)

Look at the following words. Break them into smaller words and look up the meaning of the words if required.
Example : The word ‘uncooked’ can be broken as under.
un + cook + ed
In the example above, un – is a prefix to cook and -ed is a suffix.

Prefixes and suffixes : कुछ अक्षरों या शब्दांशों को किसी मुख्य शब्द के आगे या पीछे जोड़ने से उसका अर्थ बदल जाता है। ये शब्दांश Prefixes तथा Suffixes कहलाते हैं।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Prefixes : ये शब्दांश मुख्य शब्द के आगे जोड़े जाते हैं। इनसे प्रायः विपरीत शब्द बनाए जाते हैं, जैसे
un + happy = unhappy.
Prefixes with their meanings and examples :

Prefix Meaning Example
non-, un-, im-, in-, il-, ir- not, opposite nonsense, unhappy
re- again, back revisit, replay
mis- wrongly, not misunderstand
de- reverse, remove out of deactivate, dehydrate
CO- with, together coexist
dis-,di- separation, away, apart, two dislike, diacid

Suffixes : ये शब्दांश मुख्य शब्द के पीछे जोड़े जाते हैं। इनके प्रयोग से Nouns, Adjectives, Plural तथा Parts of Speech
जैसे – progress + ion = progression.

Suffixes with their meanings and examples :

Suffix Meaning Example
-er, -or one who; or showing a comparison teacher, faster
-able, -ible capable of being unforgettable, reversible
-d, -ed forming the past tense or having the quality of added, loved
-ing forming a gerund meaning an “act of” or the present participle singing
-ment the act, state or result of an action appointment, government
-ive having the quality of creative, divisive

Now let us look at some words from the story and see how we can break them. In the.. word ‘impossible’, im- is prefix and in the word ‘national’ – al is a suffix.
1. frozen
2. return
3. extremely
4. disappointed
5. shivering
6. wisest
7. realise
8. looking

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3

Write answers to the following questions :

Question 1.
What time of the year was it in the story ?
कहानी में साल के किस समय का वर्णन था ?
It was winter-January and February.

Question 2.
What had happened to the ponds and lakes ?
तालाबों तथा झीलों को क्या हुआ था ?
The ponds and lakes were all frozen.

Question 3.
What did Akbar want to know ?
अकबर क्या जानना चाहता था ?
Akbar wanted to know if a man would do anything for money.

Question 4.
Why did the brahmin accept Akbar’s challenge ?
बाहाण ने अकबर की चुनौती क्यों स्वीकार कर ली ?
The brahmin accepted Akbar’s challenge because he was poor and needed money to feed his family.

Question 5.
How much money did Akbar agree to give to the brahmin ?
अकबर ब्राह्मण को कितना धन देने पर सहमत हुआ ?
Akbar agreed to give two thousand gold coins to the brahmin.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Activity 4.

Who said to whom ? Write in the given space.

Question 1.
Stand inside the forzen pond all through the night without any clothes and I will give you two thousand gold coins.
Akbar to brahmin.

Question 2.
How could you stand in the forzen pond in such an extreme temperature ?
Akbar to brahmin.

Question 3.
Oh brahmin, you have cheated me.
Akbar to brahmin.

Question 4.
Your Majesty, it is impossible to get the warmth from the lights glowing so far away!
Birbal to Akbar

Question 5.
Birbal, I considered you to be the wisest in this country, but you have proved me wrong.
Akbar to Birbal.

Activity 5

What do you understand about Birbal in the story ? Write three to four sentences on Birbal.
Birbal was a courtier in Akbar’s court. He was very wise and witty. He solved the brahmin’s case very cleverly. He helped him get his reward. His plan of Khichdi forced ((विवश कर दिया)) Akbar to give the brahmin two thousand gold coins.

Learning Language
Adverbs :

Activity 6

Look at the following words. Notice what is common in them.

1. harshly
2. faintly
3. mainly
4. truly
5. frankly
The common thing about the words above is the use of the letters ‘ly’ at the end. The words can easily be divided into two parts. (word + ly).
For example : harsh + ly
Words that end with -ly are mostly Adverbs. Adverbs of Manner usually take -ly after a word.
‘ly’ खे समाप्त होने वाले शब्द मुख्यतः Adverbs होते है| ये मुख्यतः Adverbs of manner हेते है | समय को व्यक्त करने वाले Adverbs बारम्बरता को व्यक्त करते हैं

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

जैस —
1. The girls always get late for the party.
2. I usually do yoga every morning.
3. He is often late for work.
4. My dentist told me to brush my teeth twice daily.
Adverbs are of many types (कई प्रकार के) such as time, place, ‘manner, frequency etc.

Activity 7

Question 1
Divide the following words into two parts. The first has been done for you.
1. mainly — main + ly
2. generally — general + ly
3. aptly — apt + ly
4. sternly — stern + ly
5. normally — normal + ly
6. suddenly — sudden + ly
7. carefully — careful + ly
8. rarely — rare + ly

Activity 8

Fill in the blanks with appropriate -ly words given in the box.

truly, sternly, fairly, certainly, quietly

1. Akbar spoke ………………. with the brahmin.
2. The exam was …………….. easy.
3. Birbal was ………… wise.
4. You should …………. take leave from work.
5. The student sat …………… after the teacher scolded him.
1. sternly
2. truly
3. certainly
4. fairly
5. quietly.

Activity 9

The following exercise will help you to understand how Adverbs of Frequency work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Question 1.
I ……………. late on weekends.
(a) get up usually
(b) get usually up
(c) usually get up
(d) up get usually
(c) usually get up.

Question 2.
My father …………… late for work.
(a) never is
(b) is never
(c) are never
(d) were never
(b) is never

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Question 3.
How ……………… on weekends ?
(a) often do you travel
(b) do you often travel
(c) often you do travel
(d) often does you travel
(a) often do you travel

Question 4.
Tim …………. early for class.
(a) often is
(b) are often
(c) often are
(d) is often
(d) is often

Question 5.
When do you ………… go on vacation each year ?
(a) always
(b) never
(c) usually
(d) ever.
(c) usually

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Activity 10 (pairwork)

The following grid has some-ly words. You can find them either vertically or horizontally. Find them and write them in the blanks given below. (The teacher will explain how to do the activity.)
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi 1
1. Certainly
2. Costly
3. Endlessly
4. Flatly
5. Usually
6. Surely
7. Morally
8. Daily
9. Monthly
10. Happily

Learning to Speak

Activity 11

Three sets of dialogues are given below. Practise them in the class.

Note : The teacher must get the dialogues rehearsed one at a time in pairs and small groups. The best three groups in speaking for each set will present their dialogue in front of the class. The teacher must help the students to understand the text and speak as instructed in square brackets.

Set I (Pairwork)
Akbar (to Birbal) : Tell me one thing, Birbal! Do you think a man will do anything for money ? [question]
Birbal (to Akbar) : Yes, Your Majesty. [statement]
Akbar (to Birbal) : Alright, then prove it ! [order]

Set 2 (a group of 3)
Birbal (to Akbar) : Your Majesty, this brahmin is ready to do anything for the sake of money. [statement]
Akbar (to Birbal) : Will he do what I say, Birbal ? [question]
Birbal (to Akbar) : Yes, Your Majesty. [statement]
Birbal (to the brahmin): Are you ready to do anything that His Majesty asks you to ? [question]
Brahmin (to Akbar) : Anything, if I get some money to feed my family, Your Majesty. [statement)
Akbar (to the brahmin): Stand inside the frozen pond all through the night without any clothes. For this, I will give you two thousand gold coins. [order]

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Set 3 (a group of 3)
Akbar (to the brahmin) : Tell me, how could you stand in the frozen pond in such an extreme temperature ? [question] ·
The brahmin (to Akbar): It was very difficult. It was freezing. But I needed the money for my family. So I kept standing in the cold water. [statement]
Akbar (to the brahmin) : Was it due to money that you could stand in the water all night ? [question]
The brahmin (to Akbar) : Your Majesty, I could also see the faintly glowing lights of the palace.
The lights helped me. I kept looking at the lights and thinking about the food my family will get. [statement]
Akbar (angrily to the brahmin) : What ! Oh brahmin, you have cheated me! (exclamation]
The brahmin (to Akbar) : Your Majesty, I did as you said. I have not cheated. [statement]
Akbar (angrily to the brahmin) : You do not deserve the reward. You looked at the palace lights and got warmth from the lights. [statement]
The brahmin (pleadingly to Akbar) : Your Majesty, I have stood all night in the freezing waters of the pond. [statement]
Akbar (sternly to the brahmin): I will not give you any reward for this. If you say one more word, I will put you in jail for cheating. [order]
Birbal (to Akbar): Your majesty, it is impossible to get the warmth from the lights glowing so far away! (exclamation)

नोटः विद्यार्थी कक्षा में स्वयं अभ्यास करे

Learning to Write

Dialogue writing :

Writing a dialogue is a very interesting activity. If you already have a passage, converting it into dialogue form is very simple. You must remember :
कोई Dialogue (वार्तालाप) लिखते समय निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखा जाता है
1. You do not use words such as ‘said’, ‘asked’, ‘replied’, ‘told’, etc. Instead, you use ‘to’ at its place.
2. You use colon: after addressee put in round bracket.
3. You do not use inverted commas (” “) for what the speaker has to say.
Example :

Statements Birbal told the messenger, “Give my message to the emperor.” Birbal tells the messenger to go to the emperor and give him a message.
Process (विधि )
Step. 1 Remove ‘told’, comma and inverted commas. Remove ‘tells’
Step 2. Instead of ‘told’ use ‘to’ Remove ‘to’ after ‘messenger’. Use ‘to’ and remove ‘tells’.
Step 3. Put ‘to’ and ‘the messenger’ in round brackets after the name of the speaker.
Step 4. Add colon (:) the name of the speaker and the addressee as in Birbal
(to the messenger) :
Step 5. ……….. Make the first letter of the statement capital
Dialogue Birbal (to the messenger): Give my message to the emperor. Birbal (to the messenger): Go to the emperor and give him a message.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Activity 12 (pairwork)

Read the given statements and rewrite them as dialogues.

1. Statement : Akbar said, “Birbal. I considered you to be the wisest in this country, but you have proved me wrong.”
Dialogue :
Akbar (to Birbal) : I considered you to be the wisest in this country, but you have proved me wrong.
2. Statement : Birbal said, “Why, Your majesty ?”
Dialogue : Birbal (to Akbar) : Why, Your majesty ?
3. Statement : Akbar said, “How will the khichdi get cooked when it is one meter above the fire ? What is wrong with you Birbal ?” Dialogue :
Akbar (to Birbal) : How will the Khichdi get cooked when it is one meter above the fire ? What is wrong with you ?

Learning to Use Language

Activity 13 (Group Work)

Students will do this activity in a group of four or five.
Let us write a small paragraph. The topic is ‘A Visit to a Hill Station’. Read the questions given below and answer them in complete sentences.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi 2

Question 1.
Where did you go ?
I went to Shimla.

Question 2.
Who did you go with ?
I went with my uncle.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Question 3.
How did you reach there ?
I reached there by bus.

Question 4.
How long did it take ?
It took us three hours.

Question 5.
Where did you stay ?
I stayed at an inn.

Question 6.
What did you do during the day ?
During the day we visited touring spots.

Question 7.
What did you doʻat night ?
At night we slept early because we were tired.

Question 8.
How was your trip ?
We enjoyed the trip very much.

Now put all your answers together and write in a paragraph form in the following box.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi 3
नोटः विद्यार्थी इसे स्वयं करें

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) It was winter time. The ponds and lakes near Akbar’s palace were all frozen. At Akbar’s court :
Akbar asked Birbal, “Tell me one thing, Birbal ! Do you think a man will do anything for money ?”
Birbal replied, “Yes, Your Majesty”… Akbar ordered, “Alright, then prove it !”. The next day, Birbal came to the court along with a brahmin. He was extremely poor and his family was starving. He had no money to feed them.

Birbal said to the king, “This brahmin is ready to do anything for the sake of money”. Akbar asked, “Will he do what I say ?”.

“Anything, if I get some money to feed my family,” said the poor brahmin, before Birbal could reply.
The king said to the brahmin, “Stand inside the frozen pond all through the night without any clothes and I will give you two thousand gold coins.”

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

1. Why were ponds and lakes frozen ?
तालाब और झीलें क्यों जमी हुई थीं ?

2. What was the poor brahmin asked to do for money ?
धन के बदले ब्राह्मण से क्या करने को कहा गया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Birbal came to the court along with a brahmin.
(b) Birbal had no money to feed his family.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Birbal was asked to prove that …………..
(b) Brahmin was extremely poor and ………..

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) pond iced
(b) frozen empty

1. The ponds and lakes were frozen because it was winter time.
2. He was asked to stand inside the frozen pond all through the night without any clothes.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) Birbal was asked to prove that a man will would do anything for money.
(b) Brahmin was extremely poor and his family was starving.
(a) pond – pool
(b) frozen – iced.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

(2) In the morning, he returned to Akbar’s court to receive his reward of two thousand gold coins. The king asked the brahmin, “How could you stand in the frozen pond in such an extreme temperature ?” The innocent brahmin replied, “I could see faintly glowing lights of the palace a mile away and that was a ray of hope for me. I kept looking at the lights and thinking about my family that they will get food if I continue to stand in the pond.”

Akbar suddenly became very stern. He said harshly, “Oh brahmin, you have cheated me I will not give you any reward for this. You looked at the palace lights and got warmth from the lights. You do not deserve the reward.” Birbal said, “Your Majesty, it is impossible to get the warmth from the lights glowing so far away !”.

1. How much was the reward ?
ईनाम कितना था ?

2. Why did Akbar refuse to give brahmin his reward ?
अकबर ने ब्राह्मण को उसका ईनाम देने से क्यों इन्कार कर दिया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) The lights of the palace were glowing brightly.
(b) Akbar suddenly became very stern.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) You do not deserve ……
(b) You looked at the palace lights and ……..

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) warmth very serious
(b) stern heat
very cold

1. The reward was two thousand gold coins.
2. Akbar refused to give brahmin his reward because he thought that the brahmin had cheated him.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) You do not deserve the reward.
(b) You looked at the palace lights and got warmth from the lights.
(a) warmth — heat
(b) stern — very serious

(3) The next day, Birbal did not go to Akbar’s court. He sent a messenger to the emperor saying that he would come to the court only after his Khichdi gets cooked. Birbal did not turn up even after five days. The emperor himself went to Birbal’s house to see what he was doing. He saw that Birbal had lit the fire and kept the pot of uncooked khichdi one yard above the fire. Akbar said, “Birbal, I considered you to be the wisest in this country, but you have proved me wrong.”

1. What message did Birbal’s messenger bring ?
बीरबल का संदेशवाहक क्या संदेश लाया ?

2. Why did Akbar himself go to Birbal’s house ?
अकबर स्वयं बीरबल के घर क्यों गया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Birbal turned up after five days.
(b) Birbal had lit the fire to cook his khichdi.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Birbal had kept the pot of uncooked khichdi ………
(b) Akbar considered Birbal to be …………..

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) emperor foolish
(b) Uncooked king
not ready

1. He brought the message that Birbal would come to the court only after his Khichdi gets cooked.
2. Akbar went to Birbal’s house to see what he was doing.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) Birbal had kept the pot of uncooked khichdi one yard above the fire.
(b) Akbar considered Birbal to be the wisest in the country.
(a) emperor – king
(b) uncooked – not ready

(4) Birbal said, “Why, your majesty ?”
Akbar said, “How will the khichdi get cooked when it is one yard above the fire ? What is wrong with you, Birbal ?”
Birbal kept stirring the pot and replied, “Oh my Great Emperor, when it is possible for a person to receive warmth from the faintly glowing lights a mile away, then it should be possible for this khichdi, which is just a yard above the fire to get cooked.”

1. Who was cooking khichdi ?
खिचड़ी कौन पका रहा था ?

2. How was he cooking it ?
वह इसे कैसे पका रहा था ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Akbar started stirring the pot.
(b) Birbal’s khichdi was still uncooked.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) It is not possible for a person to get warmth from lights ………….
(b) It was not possible for Birbal’s khichdi to get …………..

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) glowing cooking
(b) receive bright

1. Birbal was cooking Khichdi.
2. He was cooking it by keeping the pot a yard above the fire.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) It is not possible for a person to get warmth from lights a mile away.
(b) It was not possible for Birbal’s khichdi to get cooked.
(a) glowing – bright
(b) receive – get

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Palace (mansion) —
Akbar lived in a beautiful palace.
अकबर एक शानदार महल में रहता था।

2. Frozen (Chilled) —
I was almost frozen with cold.
मैं ठंड से जम-सा गया।

3. Extremely (very, badly) —
It was extremely cold yesterday.
कल बहुत अधिक ठंड थी।

4. Glowing (shining) —
I saw many lights glowing in the park.
मैंने पार्क में बहुत सी बत्तियां चमकती देखीं।

5. Starving (dying of hunger) —
The poor beggar was starving for lack of food.
गरीब भिखारी भोजन न होने के कारण भूखा मर रहा था।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

6. Warmth (heat) —
We made a fire for warmth.
हमनें गर्मी पाने के लिए आग जलाई।

7. Deserve (to be worthy of) —
First deserve then desire.
किसी चीज़ की इच्छा रखने से पहले उसके अधिकारी बनो।

8. Extreme (to the last extent) —
In June, heat is at its extreme.
जून में गर्मी चरम पर होती है।

9. Consider (take for) —
I considered him to be a rich man.
मैं उसे एक अमीर आदमी समझता था।

10. Shiver (shake with cold) —
The old man was shivering with cold.
बूढ़ा आदमी ठंड से कांप रहा था।

11. Turn up (reach/come) —
I waited for my friend, but he did not turn up.
मैं अपने मित्र का इंतज़ार करता रहा, परंतु वह नहीं आया।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Word Meanings
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Birbal’s Khichdi Summary in Hindi

It was winter ……….. the night, shivering.

सर्दी का मौसम (समय) था। अकबर के महल के निकट सभी तालाब तथा झीलें जमी हुई थीं। अकबर के दरबार में : अकबर ने बीरबल से पूछा, “बीरबल, एक बात बताओ। तुम्हारे विचार में क्या कोई आदमी पैसे के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता है ?” बीरबल ने उत्तर दिया, “हाँ, महाराज।” अकबर ने आदेश दिया, “ठीक है, तो सिद्ध करो।”

अगले दिन, बीरबल अपने साथ एक ब्राह्मण को लेकर दरबार में आया। वह बहुत ही ग़रीब था और उसका परिवार भूख से मर रहा था। उसके पास परिवार को भोजन देने के लिए कोई धन नहीं था। बीरबल ने राजा से कहा, “यह ब्राह्मण धन के लिए कुछ भी करने के लिए तैयार है।” अकबर ने पूछा, “जो मैं कहूँगा क्या यह वही करेगा ?”

बीरबल के उत्तर देने से पहले ही ब्राह्मण बोला, “यदि मुझे अपने परिवार को पालने के लिए धन मिल जाए, तो मैं कुछ भी करूंगा।” राजा ने ब्राह्मण से कहा, “इस जमे हुए तालाब में बिना कपड़ों के पूरी रात खड़े रहो, तो मैं तुम्हें दो हज़ार स्वर्ण मुद्राएं दूंगा।” गरीब ब्राह्मण को धन की आवश्यकता थी। उसके पास कोई विकल्प नहीं था। वह ठंड से कांपते हुए पूरी रात उस जमे हुए तालाब में खड़ा रहा।

In the morning ………..listen to him.

सुबह वह अपने पुरस्कार की दो हज़ार स्वर्ण मुद्राएं लेने के लिए अकबर के दरबार में वापिस आया। राजा ने ब्राह्मण से पूछा, “तुम इतने चरम तापमान में इस जमे हुए तालाब में कैसे खड़े रहे ?” मासूम ब्राह्मण ने उत्तर दिया, “मुझे एक मील दूर स्थित महल की रोशनियों की मद्धम (धीमी) चमक दिखाई दे रही थी। वही मेरे लिए आशा की किरण थी। मैं लगातार रोशनी को देखता रहा और अपने परिवार के बारे में सोचता रहा कि यदि मैं इस तालाब में खड़ा रहा तो मेरे परिवार को भोजन मिल जायेगा।”

अकबर अचानक कठोर हो गए। उन्होंने कठोरता से कहा, “अरे ब्राह्मण, तुमने मुझे छला है। मैं तुम्हें इसके लिए कोई पुरस्कार नहीं दूंगा। तुम महल की रोशनियों को देखते रहे और उससे गर्मी लेते रहे। तुम पुरस्कार के अधिकारी नहीं हो।” बीरबल ने कहा, “महाराज, इतनी दूर चमकती रोशनी से गर्मी मिलना नामुमकिन है।” . अकबर ने उसकी एक न सुनी।

How could the poor ………… realise his mistake.

गरीब ब्राह्मण राजा से बहस कैसे कर सकता था ? वह अकबर के दरबार से निराश होकर तथा खाली हाथ वापिस लौट गया। अगले दिन, बीरबल अकबर के दरबार में नहीं गया। उसने राजा के पास यह संदेश देकर अपना एक संदेश-वाहक भेजा कि वह अपनी खिचड़ी पक जाने के बाद ही दरबार में उपस्थित होगा।

बीरबल पाँच दिन बाद भी नहीं पहुंचा। राजा स्वयं बीरबल के घर यह देखने के लिए गए कि वह क्या कर रहा है। उन्होंने देखा कि बीरबल ने आग जला रखी है और अपनी कच्ची खिचड़ी का बर्तन आग से एक गज़ ऊपर रखा हुआ है। अकबर ने कहा, “बीरबल, मैं तुम्हें देश का सबसे बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति मानता था, परन्तु तुमने मुझे गलत सिद्ध कर दिया

बीरबल ने कहा, “महाराज, क्यों ?” अकबर ने कहा, “खिचड़ी कैसे पकेगी जबकि यह आग से एक गज़ ऊपर है ? बीरबल, तुम्हें क्या हो गया है ?” बीरबल ने बर्तन को हिलाना जारी रखा और उत्तर दिया, “ओह मेरे महाराज ! जब एक मील दूर चमकती मंद रोशनी से एक व्यक्ति को गर्मी मिल सकती है तो इस खिचड़ी का पक जाना भी संभव है क्योंकि यह तो आग से केवल एक गज़ ही ऊपर है।”

अकबर को अपनी गलती का एहसास हो गया। उसने ग़रीब ब्राह्मण को बुलवाया और उसे दो हज़ार स्वर्ण मुद्राएं दीं। अकबर खुश था कि बीरबल ने उसे उसकी गलती का एहसास करवाकर उसकी मदद की है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 Birbal’s Khichdi

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. It was winter time.
सर्दी का मौसम (समय) था।

2. Do you think a man will do anything for money ?
तुम्हारे विचार में क्या कोई आदमी पैसे के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता है ?

3. He was extremely poor and his family was starving.
वह बहुत गरीब था और उसका परिवार भूख से मर रहा

4. I will give you two thousand gold coins.
मैं तुम्हें दो हज़ार स्वर्ण मुद्राएं दूंगा।

5. He stood in the frozen pond.
वह जमे हुए तालाब में खड़ा रहा।

6. I kept looking at the lights.
मैं लगातार रोशनी को देखता रहा।

7. He returned disappointed and bare-handed.
वह निराश होकर और खाली हाथ वापिस लौट गया।

8. Birbal did not turn up even after five days.
बीरबल पाँच दिन बाद भी नहीं पहुँचा।

9. He saw that Birbal had lit the fire.
उन्होंने देखा कि बीरबल ने आग जला रखी है।

10. I considered you to be the wisest in this country.
मैं तुम्हें देश का सबसे बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति मानता था।

11. What is the wrong with you ?
तुम्हें क्या हो गया है ?

12. Akbar realised his mistake.
अकबर को अपनी गलती का एहसास हो गया।

English Guide for Class 7 PSEB Prose

An Earthquake Question Answer Class 7 English Solutions Poem Chapter 3 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 7th English Solutions Poem Chapter 3 An Earthquake Question Answers

An Earthquake Class 7 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words/phrases in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the poem (adjective/noun/verb. etc).
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation
3. Spellings

trembling confirmed crashing down stood tall fragmented
crawls rubble debris cosy tombs

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Write five pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

1. awake-shake
2. fake-quake
3. tall-crawl
4. debris-trees
5. found-ground
6. shake-fake
7. down-town

Activity 3.

Have you ever experienced an earthquake? It may result in a disaster if the earthquake is big. There are two types of disasters-natural and man-made. Study the image below.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake 1

Look at the picture and make a list of all the natural as well as man-made disasters.

Natural Disasters — Man-made Disasters

1. Cyclones — Terrorism
2. Drought — Bomb explosion
3. Landslides — Industrial incidents
4. Earthquakes — Pollution
5. Floods — Epidemics
6. Famine — War

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is the poem about ?
कविता किसके बारे में है ?
The poem is about an earthquake and disaster caused by it.

Question 2.
What happened as the poet lay awake ?
‘जिस समय कवि जाग कर लेटा हुआ था उस समय क्या हुआ ?
His bed began to shake as there was an earthquake.

Question 3.
How did the poet come to know about the earthquake ?
कवि को भूकम्प का पता कैसे चला ?
The trembling fan told him about the earthquake.

Question 4.
What confirmed the poet’s fear about the quake ?
भूकम्प के बारे में कवि के भ्रम की पुष्टि किस बात ने की ?
The trembling fan confirmed his fear about the quake.

Question 5.
What happened after the quake ? Make a list.
भूचाल/भूकम्प के बाद क्या हुआ ? एक सूची बनाइए।
(a) The houses crashed down.
(b) Houses, roads, parks-everything broke into pieces.
(c) There were heaps of debris on the ground.
(d) People came out of their homes crying.

Read and Understand

Activity 5

Explain the meaning of the following lines from the poem.

Question 1.
Kissing and talking to the ground.
Everything lay flat on the ground.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

Question 2.
Some of which have now become tombs.
Some of them were now changed into tall heaps of debris.

Learning Language Prepositions

Read the following sentences.

1. Your pencils are in the box.
2. The woman sat on the bench.
3. The helicopter flew over the house.
4. The earthquake changed the houses into debris.
5. Simran felt the earth shaking beneath her feet.
इन वक्यो में in, on,over,into and beneath आदि शब्द दो nouns के बीच सम्बन्ध बताते है| इन्हें prepositions कहा जाता है।
इस प्रकार prepositions :
(a) nouns/pronouns का सम्बन्ध वाक्य में अन्य शब्दों से जोड़ती हैं।
(b) के बाद वाक्य में object का काम करने वाला कोई noun होता है।
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake 2

Activity 6.

Choose suitable prepositions from the box to fill in the given blanks. The first one is done for you.

on to by from in front of
with at into behind for

1. There are trees in front of our house.
2. Look ………….. the blackboard.
3. Keep the bags ……………. the table.
4. The boy is looking ……………. an answer.
5. We went ……………. bus to Amritsar.
6. He travelled with me ………… Chandigarh to Patiala.
7. The girl stood …………….. the bench.
8. Look …………….. the bags for our papers.
9. Go …………… Sameer to the market.
10. Run …………….. call the man.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake 3
2. at,
3. on
4. for
5. by
6. from
7. on
8. into
9. with
10. behind.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

Activity 7.

Using the words followed by preposition, make sentences of your own. The first one is done for you.

interfere with fit for confident of sorry for mix with
make fun of prays at acted upon bent on superior to

1. I do not let my music lessons interfere with my studies.
2. This water in not fit for drinking.
3. I am confident of my success.
4. I am sorry for this mistake.
5. Don’t mix with bad boys.
6. Never make fun of the poor.
7. She prays at home these days.
8. He acted upon his father’s advice.
9. The boy is bent on making a mischief.
10. Your box is superior to mine.

Activity 8.

Practise the following poem with your partner.

In a cold month
Under the cloudy sky
Near the dark forest
Beside the rumbling river
On the sandy bank
Under the green tree
Sat a twittering mynah. — Vandana Lunyal

Learning to Listen Dictation

Activity 9.

Listen to your teacher regarding an earthquake scene and fill in the blanks.

1. The ………………….. is creaking and rattling.
2. Books are ……………….. from the bookcase.
3. ………….. are swinging.
4. The bookcase …………………. on the floor.
5. The …………………. are rattling.
6. There are …………….. outside.
7. A car alarm ……………
8. Dogs are …………………..
9. A baby is ……………
10. …………….. are shouting.
11. The ……………… is making temple bells ring.
12. There are ………………. sounds from bricks falling to the ground.
13. Trees ………………….. are swaying.
14. Drop, take cover and …………………. on to an object.
15. Stay in the Drop, ………………… and Hold On position under your desk.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake 4
1. building
2. falling
3. Fans
4. falls
5. windows
6. noises
7. sounds
8. barking
9. crying
10. People
11. shaking
12. crashing
13. outside
14. hold
15. Cover.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

Learning to Speak (Pairwork)

Activity 10.

You have read a newspaper report on the Tsunami warning issued for Kanyakumari. Tell your partner about what you have read. Your partner will ask you questions on Tsunami. The given image will help you to understand what a Tsunami is.
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake 5
Manav : Ankit, do you know there is a Tsunami warning for Kanyakumari in the today’s paper ?
Ankit : Oh, no ! when is it expected ? What is Tsunami ?
Manav : It is expected any time between 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. today. A Tsunami is a huge sea wave rising about 25 feet high from the sea level. It is very dangerous as it brings a lot of death and destruction with it.
Ankit : How does it originate ?
Manav : It originates due to an earthquake in the sea-surface. Volcanic erruption under the sea also gives birth to a Tsunami.
Ankit : Are there any precautionary measures ?
Manav : People have been warned to go to land from the seashore. Fishermen have been warned against the danger. They are asked not to go for fishing for the day.
Ankit : What happens during Tsunami ?
Manav : It hits the sea-coast and washes away everything that comes in its way. It runs at a very high speed. Buildings crash down, electric poles and big trees are uprooted. Communication system is damaged. People and cattle near the sea-coast are washed
off. Nothing survives.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

Learning to Write (Group work)

Activity 11.

India and the whole world suffered an attack of novel coronavirus due to which everyone had to stay at home. It was done to stay away from other people who might be infected with the virus. It is called ‘SOCIAL DISTANCING’. Make a list of Do’s and Don’ts that the Government and the TV channels were telling us.’

Do’s Don’ts
1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds regularly many times a day.
2. Stay at home.
3. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask.
4. Keep social distancing.
5. Sanitise your hands if you touch something.
1. Don’t touch your mouth and nose time and again.
2. Never go out without a mask.
3. Don’t move on road without any purpose.
4. Don’t spit in the open.
5. Never use a used mask/mask used by anybody.

Learning to Use Language

Activity 12.

Study the following table and the picture. Take hints from the picture and write 5 points on how you saved yourself and your friend when an earthquake came when you were having lunch during your school break.

Your Location Do Don’t
Indoors drop, take cover under a strong table or desk and hold on. stand near the inner wall or sit by strong furniture and cover your head and neck with your arms. stay close to windows, fire places, appliances such as the fridge or TV. stay close to cupboards or furniture or any other object that may topple or fall.
Outdoors stay in an open area, away from any walls or trees. stay close to any walls or trees, electric poles, power lines, street lights, etc.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake 6

Last year in the month of April, my friend and I were sitting alone in our classroom. It was break time and we were having lunch. Suddenly, I saw the fan in our class shaking. I realized it was an earthquake. We got scared. We heard children screaming. I quickly dropped myself down and took cover under a strong table. My friend tried to peep out of a window.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

I asked my friend not to do this and cover his head and neck with his arms. Then we crawled out of the door. Now we came in the open. We kept ourselves away from the school walls and trees. But there was a power-pole near us. To avoid it we crawled to a place nothing heavy or dangerous near us. Soon the quake was over. We thanked God that we were safe.

Comprehension Of Stanzas

Read the following stanzas carefully and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) As I lay wide awake
My beds began to shake.
Was my fear real or fake ?
The trembling fan confirmed the quake.
The houses came crashing down
“Oh my God !” cried the whole town!

1. Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम बताओ।

2. What confirmed that there was an earthquake?
भूचाल आने की पुष्टि किसने की ?

3. What happened to the houses?
मकानों को क्या हुआ?
1. The name of the poem is ‘An Earthquake and that of the poet is Vandana Lunyal.
2. The trembling fan confirmed that there was an earthquake.
3. The houses crashed down.

(2) A moment ago, the town stood tall
Now fragmented, on the ground, it crawls.
Turned to rubble, Changed into debris
Houses, roads, parks and trees.
Everywhere, everything is found
Kissing and talking to the ground.
People out of their cosy homes
Some of which have now become tombs.

1. What has changed the scene of the town? How does it look now?
शहर का दृश्य किसने बदल दिया है ? अब शहर कैसा लगता है?

2. What has happened to the cosy houses?
शहर के आरामदायक घरों को क्या हुआ है ?

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

3. What is the central idea of the poem?
कविता का केंद्रीय भाव क्या है ?
1. An earthquake has changed the scene of the town. The town that stood tall is lying in broken pieces on the ground.
2. The cosy houses of the people become tombs of debris.
3. The poem is based on the idea that an earthquake brings death and disaster with it. Tall buildings, roads and poles get badly cracked and turn into pieces. There are heaps of debris all around. Cries of people render every heart.

Word Meanings

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake 7

An Earthquake Summary in Hindi

यह कविता एक भूकम्प और उससे होने वाले विनाश के बारे में है। कवि जाग गया था और अपने बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ था। अचानक उसका पलंग हिलने लगा। उसके मन में भूचाल का डर पैदा हुआ। उसी समय उसका पंखा कांपने लगा और कवि जान गया कि यह वास्तव में ही भूचाल है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake

सारे शहर में हाहाकार मच गया। लोग चीखते हुए अपने घरों से बाहर आ गये। ऊंचे-ऊंचे मकान नीचे आ गिरे। सड़कों, वृक्षों आदि के टुकड़े हो गए। सब कुछ सपाट हो गया। ऐसे लगता था कि पूरा शहर धरती पर लेट गया है। जगह-जगह मलबे के ऊँचे-ऊँचे ढेर लग गए। इस प्रकार भूचाल ने एक विनाशकारी दृश्य प्रस्तुत किया ।

My English Companion for Class 7 PSEB Solutions Poetry