PSEB 8th Class English Dialogue Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Dialogue Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class English Dialogue Writing

1. Imagine you went on tour during the holidays. A friend of yours wanted to know all about your tour. Both of you will ask and answer the questions asked during die conversation. The beginning of the Conversation is given. You will start with the given conversation ami then continue.

1. Friend : When did you go on the true ?
You : I went on the tour on Monday.
2. Friend : How may boys were you ?
You : We were ‘twenty boys.
3. Friend : Who was the incharge of the tour ?
You : Sh. Sohan Singh was the incharge of the tour.
4. Friend : …………………
You : We left for Delhi by train.
5. Friend : …………………
You : We stayed there for two days.
6. Friend : …………………
You : Yes, there are many places worth-seeing in Delhi.
7. Friend : …………………
You : We went to see The Taj at Agra.
8. Friend : …………………
You : It was built by Shah Jahan.
9. Friend : …………………
You : It is considered one of the wonders of the world.
10. Friend : …………………
You : Shah Jahan built it in the memory of his wifi.
1. When did you go on the tour ?
2. How many boys were you ?
3. Who was the incharge of the tour ?
4. How did you leave for Delhi ?
5. How long did you stay there ?
6. Are there any places worth seeing in Delhi ?
7. Why did you go to Agra ?
8. Who built it ?
9. Why is the Taj so famous ?
10. In whose memory did Shah Jahan build the Taj ?

PSEB 8th Class English Dialogue Writing

2. Imagine you went to the railway station to see off a friend. Your brother wanted to know what you saw there. Both of you wilrask and answer the question during the conversation. Now write the dialogue between you and your brother.

1. Brother : …………………
You : I went to see offz friend.
2. Brother : …………………
You : We went there in a tonga.
3. Brother : …………………
You : There was a great rush at the booking-window.
4. Brother : …………………
You : There was a great rush at the platform also.
5. Brother : …………………
You : People were walking up and doum the platform.
6. Brother : …………………
You : The porters were moving to and fro.
7. Brother : …………………
You : Wehad to wait for only ten minutes.
8. Brother : …………………
You : The train arrived in time.
9. Brother : …………………
You : My friend got a seat near the window.
10. Brother : …………………
You : I came back after the departure of the train.
1. Why did you go to the railway station ?
2. How did you go there ?
3. Where was a great rush?
4. Where else was a great rush ?
5. What were the people doing there ?
6. What were the porters doing ?
7. How long had you to wait ?
8. When did the train arrive ?
9. Where did your friend get a seat ?
10. When did you come back ?

3. Imagine you attended the prize distribution function of your school. Your mother wants to know about it. Write your conversation with your mother in dialogue format.
1. Mother : …………………
You : The prize distribution function started at 2 p.m.
2. Mother : …………………
You : The Education Minister presided over the function.
3. Mother : …………………
You : He was received at the gate.
4. Mother : …………………
You : Some students sang a welcome song.
5. Mother : …………………
You : Yes, the pandal was full.
6. Mother : …………………
You : At first, the Headmaster read out the annual report.
7. Mother : …………………
You : The Education Minister gave away the prizes.
8. Mother : …………………
You : The Education Minister made a short speech.
9. Mother : …………………
You : He congratulated the prize-winners.
10. Mother : …………………
You : I got four prizes.
1. When did the prize distribution function start ?
2. Who presided over the function ?
3. Where was he received ?
4. Who sang a welcome song ?
5. Was the pandal full ?
6. What did the Headmaster do first ?
7. Who gave away the prizes ?
8. What did the Education Minister do ?
9. Who did he congratulate ?
10. How many prizes did you get ?

PSEB 8th Class English Dialogue Writing

4. Suppose you were Mohit and you had to appear before the Principal of a college for interview. The beginning of the conversation is given. You will start with the given conversation and then continue.

1. Principal : What is your name?
Mohit : My name is Mohit.
2. Principal : …………………
Mohit : I am seventeen years old.
3. Principal : …………………
Mohit : I passed my Matriculation Examination in April 1986.
4. Principal : …………………
Mohit : I passed my Matriculation Examination from R.S. Model High School.
5. Principal : …………………
Mohit : I got 725 marks.
6. Principal : …………………
Mohit : My hobby is stamp-collecting.
7. Principal : …………….
Mohit : Yes, I know typewriting.
8. Principal : …………….
Mohit : I can type thirty words a minute.
9. Principal : …………….
Mohit : No, I have no experience.
10. Principal : …………….
Mohit : I shall learn my job in a few days.
1. What is your name ?
2. How old are you ?
3. When did you pass your Matriculation Examination ?
4. From which school did you pass your Matriculation Examination ?
5. How many marks did you get ?
6. What is your hobby ?
7. Do you know typewrit¬ing ?
8. What is your typing speed ?
9. Do you have any experience ?
10. How will you do your job then ?

5. Imagine you have failed in the examination. Your father wants to know the reason of your failure. Now Complete the dialogue, writing the questions answers during your conversation.

1. Father : …………….?
You : The papers were very difficult.
2. Father : …………….?
You : Yes, I worked very hard for the examination.
3. Father : …………….?
You : I have failed only in one paper.
4. Father : …………….?
You : Yes, I have been a very regular student.
5. Father : …………….?
You : I shall appear again.
6. Father : …………….?
You : I hope to get good marks.
7. Father : …………….?
You : I am in the good books of my teachers.
8. Father : …………….?
You : English is a difficult subject for me.
9. Father : …………….?
You : No, I shall prepare it myself.
10. Father : …………….?
You : I may need the help of my teacher.
1. Why did you fail in the examination ?
2. Did you work hard for the examination ?
3. In how many papers have you failed ?
4. Have you been a regular student ?
5. What will you do now ?
6. How many marks do you hope to get ?
7. What is the opinion of your teachers about you ?
8. Which subject is difficult for you ?
9. Will you engage a tutor ?
10. Whose help will you need ?

PSEB 8th Class English Dialogue Writing

6. Imagine you remained absent from school for a week, lour class-teacher wants to know the reason of your absence. Write the dialogue between you and your teacher. Your – beginning of the Conversation is given. You will start with given Conversation and then continue.

1. Teacher : Why were you absent for a week ?
You : Sir, I wa§ suffering from fever.
2. Teacher : Did you send any application ?
You : No, I did not send an application.
3. Teacher : ………………..
You : Because no student comes from my locality.
4. Teacher : ……………….
You : I consulted Dr. R. Nagpal.
5. Teacher : ……………….
You : He advised me to take full rest for ten days.
6. Teacher : ……………….
You : Now I am feeling all right.
7. Teacher : ………………
1. Why were you absent for a week ?
2. Did you send any application ?
3. Why did you not send the application ?
4. Which doctor did you consult ?
5. What did he advise ?
6. How are you feeling now ?
7. Will you be able to learn your lessons ?

7. Imagine you bought a book from a book-seller. When you reached home, you found some pages missing. In the evening you went to the shop again. Write the dialogue between you and the book-seller.

1. Shopkeeper : Shopkeeper.
You : No, I don’t want to buy any book.
2. Shopkeeper : …………………….
You : I want only to change this book.
3. Shopkeeper : …………………….
You : I bought it yesterday evening.
4. Shopkeeper : …………………….
You : Your salesman gave it to me.
5. Shopkeeper : …………………….
You : I paid twenty five rupees for it.
6. Shopkeeper : …………………….
You : Yes, I got a cash memo from the salesman.
7. Shopkeeper : …………………….
You : No, I can’t wait for three days.
1 .Do you want to buy some book ?
2. What do you want then ?
3. When did you buy it ?
4. Who gave it to you ?
5. How much did you pay for it ?
6. Did you get the cash memo from the salesman ?
7. Can you wait for three days ?

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Note-Making

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Composition Note-Making Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Note-Making

किसी दिए Passage को आसानी से समझने के लिए उसे Short Notes का रूप दिया जा सकता है। ऐसे Notes तैयार करना एक कला है। इसके लिए विद्यार्थी में Passage के मुख्य बिन्दुओं को छांटने की क्षमता होनी चाहिए। उसे पता होना चाहिए कि Passage में क्या छोड़ा जा सकता है और किन बिन्दुओं को Highlight करना ज़रूरी है। उसे Passage के आरम्भ और अंत को ध्यान से पढ़ना चाहिए। इसी से Passage के मूल भाव को समझा जा सकता है। इसे Skimming कहा जाता है।

Note-Making की कई विधियां हैं। Passage को शीर्षकों तथा उप-शीर्षकों में बदला जा सकता है। इसे Flowchacts का रूप दिया जा सकता है। कुल मिला कर विद्यार्थी को Notes लिखते समय निम्नलिखित बिन्दुओं पर अपना ध्यान केंद्रित करना चाहिए।

  1. Passage का कोई उचित-शीर्षक लिखें। यह बहुत लम्बा न हो।
  2. यदि Passage लम्बा हो, तो उसके मुख्य बिन्दुओं तथा उप-बिन्दुओं को लिख लें।
  3. विद्यार्थी इन बिन्दुओं को संक्षिप्त तथा सांकेतिक शब्दों द्वारा भी नोट कर सकता हैं, जैसे-लाभ-हानियां, विशेषताएं आदि।.
  4. जहां तक संभव हो लम्बे वाक्यों का प्रयोग मत करें। मुख्य बिन्दुओं को कम से कम शब्दों में सीमित करें।
  5. प्रचलित Abbreviations (शब्दों का संक्षिप्त रूप) का प्रयोग करें। आप अपनी निजी Abreviations भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं; जैसे tomer = tomorrow; cong = conclusion इत्यादि। परन्तु ऐसे संक्षिप्त रूप तभी प्रयोग करें जब Notes अपने निजी प्रयोग के लिए बनाए गए हों।

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Note-Making

संकेत-अक्षर किसी भी विषय के हो सकते हैं। जैसे-
3 <4; 4 > 3
three is smaller than 4; ∴ therefore
4 is greater than 3 ∴ because
because A/c Account number etc.

1. Read the following passage and write the main points:

There are three types of American rice. Long grain is slender and the grains remain : separate when cooked. It is suited to main dishes, salads and soups. Medium grain is plumper than long grain and more tender when cooked. Short grain is almost round; the grains stick together when cooked.

Rice is also classified according to the ways it is processed. Brown rice retains the bran and germ (and therefore more nutrient); Parboiled or converted rice is soaked, steamed, and dried before milling. It retains more nutrients than white rice but takes 5 to 10 minutes longer to cook. Precooked white rice is cooked and dehydrated after milling and needs little cooking.

Main Points (Notes):
Classification of American rice
(a) How it looks:

  1. long grain- slender, remains, separate when cooked.
  2. medium grain- plumper, more tender when cooked.
  3. short grain- almost round, stick together when cooked.

(b) How it is processed:

  1. Brown rice-bran, germ-more nutrient.
  2. Parboiled/Converted rice-soaked, steamed and dried, retains, nutrients, take longer to cook
  3. Precooked white rice-already cooked and dehyrated, needs litde cooking.

2. Read the passage carefully and write the main points in the space provided.

According to the Union Transport Ministry, although buses constitute only 1.2% of India’s vehicles. In 2002 they were responsible for more than 11% of road accidents and 13% deaths. Around 85,000 people die every year from road accidents in India and the social cost of all this is a staggering Rs. 55,000 crores. In India, as in Asia, the driver is the main culprit. 78% of accidents are attributed to the drivers fault. And although there are programmes for teaching road safety, only a very few drivers attend it. Indeed, Dr. Sanjay K. Singh, of IIT, Kanpur and a transport subject expert argues that bus safety in India will not improve unless drivers are better off economically, and not overworked in addition, he says road infrastructure must improve with special lanes for cyclists and handcarts and proper footpaths for pedestrians.

Main Points:
I. Report on Road Accidents from Transport Ministry (2002):

  1. No. of road accidents each year : Around 85,000
  2. % accidents by bus drivers : 78%
  3. % deaths caused by these accidents : 13%
  4. Money spent on problems related to accidents : Rs. 55,000 crores

II. Solution:

  1. training drivers : road safety classes few drivers attend-problems:
  2. condition of drivers : well off economically, not to be overworked.
  3. better roads : how ?

Improvement in road infrastructure-special lanes for cyclists, handcarts- proper footpaths.

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Note-Making

3. Read the passage and Write the main points (Notes):

The Interim Test Range (ITR) was established in 1989 as a dedicated range for launching missiles, rockets and flight test vehicles. A number of missiles of different class including the multi-role Trishul, multi-target capable Akash, the anti-tank Nag missile, the surface-to-surface missile Prithvi, and long range technology demonstrator Agni, have been test fired from the ITR Brah Mos, the Indiaft Russian joint venture, set up to develop supersonic cruise missiles has also been tested at this range. The ITR has also supported a number of other missions such as testing of the multi-barrel rocket launcher Pinaka and pilodess aircraft Lakshya. The ITR has also been made capable for testing airborne weapons and systems with the help of sophisticated instrumentation.

Main Points (Notes)

  1. Interim Test Range (ITR) established in 1989 for launching missile rockets and flight test vehicles.
  2. Number of misssiles launched.
    Trishul, Akash, Nag, Prithvi, Agni
  3. Brah Mos : Indian-Russian joint venture
  4. Other missions supported : Pinaka (Multi-barrel rocket launcher); Lakshya (pilotless aircraft).

4. Read the passage given below and make notes:

Books are by far the most lasting products of human efforts. Temples crumble into ruin, pictures and states decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors minds ages ago. What was then thought and said still speaks to us as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift and throw out the bad products : for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good. Books introduce us into the best society, they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have lived. We hear what they said; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathise with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them, their experience becomes ours; and we feel as if we were actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

Title : Permanent Value of Books
Main Points
A. (i) Books most lasting products. No effect of time other things come to the dust
(ii) thoughts in books become brighter and fresher.
B. Printed pages always speak.
C. Only good can survive bad products disappear.
D. Company of great minds of post-joys, grieves, experiences become wars.
E. Conclusion : Mirror of the past and present society.

5. Read the passage given below and make notes:

If the young students in schools and colleges do not learn discipline, they will never be able to extract obedience from others in society. In fact, society will never accept them as persons fit for any responsible position in life. A school or college without discipline can never impart suitable education to students. Such a school or college is no better than a factory to turn out imperfect men and women. Sense of discipline plays a very important part in the playground and the battle field. A disciplined team is likely to win the match in spite of its weakness but a very good team may not fare well for want of discipline. The rule of discipline equally applies to soldiers in the battle field

Title : Students and Discipline.
Main Points
(A) Dis. in Society

  1. needed is all fields
  2. Source of extracting obedience
  3. Not accepted responsible persons

(B) Schools and Colleges without Dis.

  1. No dis. -no suitable education
  2. prepare only imperfect men and woman.

Play ground and battle field

  1. disciplined team wins
  2. good team may lose
  3. sure victory for disciplined soldiers. (Abb. Dis. Discipline)

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Note-Making

6. Read the passage given below and make notes:

Games, though essential should not become the be-all and end-all of student life. Generally, the sportsmen waste too much time on them, and fail in their examinations. One must never devote more then an hour to sports. Again if a player plays a game rashly, there is every danger of breaking bones. If, it is the played without the spirit of sportsmanship. It can lead to bad blood and quarrels. In some of the colleges, there is a tradition that if the visiting team is winning a match, the home team plays foul, picks a quarrel and break the bones of the visitors. But in spite of all these minor defects. Sports are very useful in keeping the students busy and in developing their personalities.

Title. Advantages and Disadvantages of Games

Main Points
A. Games and Student Life.
(1) Essential but not everything

  • To much time given
  • fail

B. Spirit of Sportsmanship

  1. foul play by home team.
  2. quarrels violence.

C. Conclusion

  1. minor defects
  2. keep busy a develop personality.

7. Read the passage given below and make notes:

Computers have become an integral part of our day to day life. It is very difficult to imagine our lives without computers. They are affecting every sphere of human life and bringing about many changes in Industry, Government, Education, Medicine, Scientific Research, Law and Social Services and even in arts like music and printing. The areas of applications of computers are confined only by limitations on human creativity and imagination.

Computers can no longer be termed as a mere invention they are a revolution. And the way we live now is an evidence of this revolution so much that it is hard to imagine a world without them. There is no area in the field of work, learning, play or leisure, that has remained untouched by computers Realising the importance of Computers Punjab Government has introduced Computer Education in a big way. Let us hope that a wind of change will blow in the tied of education in Punjab.

Title : Computers in Day to Day Life

Main Points
A. Integral Part of Human Life

  1. role is every sphere.
  2. changes in industry
  3. Education, art, source, medicine-no sphere untouched

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Note-Making

B. Areas of application confined only by human limitation.

C. Computers-A Revolution.
(1) has become a revolution

  • Punjab government encouraging
  • Introduction of computer education in schools

D. Conclusion
Bright future-popularity.

PSEB 8th Class English Story Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Story Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class English Story Writing

1. God Mercury and the Woodcutter
Honesty is the Best Policy

Outline : Once a woodcutter — cutting a tree — axe fell into the water — God Mercury — golden axe — again dived — silver adxe — at last iron axe — woodcutter happy — god pleased — all the axes — Moral.

Story: Once there was a woodcutter. One day he was cutting a tree on the bank of a river. By chance, his axe fell into the water. He began to weep.

God Mercury came there. He asked him why he was weeping. The woodcutter told him his whole story. The god dived into the water. He brought out a golden axe. But the woodcutter said, “This is not mine.” The god dived again. This time he brought out a silver axe. But the woodcutter did not take that axe also. At last, the god brought out an iron axe. The woodcutter was happy to see it. He said, “This is my axe.” The god was pleased at his honesty. He gave him all the three axes.

Moral : Honesty is the best policy.

एक बार एक लकड़हारा था। एक दिन वह नदी के तट पर एक वृक्ष काट रहा था। अचानक उसकी कुल्हाड़ी पानी में गिर गई। वह रोने लगा।

जल देवता वहां आया। उसने लकड़हारे से पूछा कि वह क्यों रो रहा है। लकड़हारे ने उसे अपनी सारी कहानी सुनाई। देवता ने पानी में डुबकी लगाई। वह सोने की एक कुल्हाड़ी निकाल लाया। परन्तु लकड़हारे ने कहा, “यह मेरी नहीं है।” देवता ने एक बार फिर डुबकी लगाई। इस बार वह चांदी की कुल्हाड़ी निकाल लाया। परन्तु लकड़हारे ने यह कुल्हाड़ी भी नहीं ली। अन्त में जल-देवता लोहे की कुल्हाड़ी निकाल लाया। लकड़हारा इसे देखकर प्रसन्न हुआ। उसने कहा, “यह मेरी कुल्हाड़ी है।” देवता उसकी ईमानदारी पर प्रसन्न हुआ। उसने लकड़हारे को तीनों कुल्हाड़ियां दे दी। शिक्षा-ईमानदारी सबसे उत्तम नीति है।

Word – Meanings : Woodcutter = लकड़हारा, Axe = कुल्हाड़ी, Dived = डुबकी लगाई, Pleased = प्रसन्न हुआ।

PSEB 8th Class English Story Writing

2. Union is Strength
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Outline : An old farmer — his sons always quarrel — sends for them — gives them a bundle of sticks to break — sons unable to do so — asks them to untie the bundle — sticks broken one by one — Moral.

Story : Once there was an old farmer. He had four sons. They always quarrelled with one another. The farmer was very sad. He advised them not to quarrel but in vain.

One day, the farmer fell ill. His end was near. He thought of a plan. He called his sons. He gave them a bundle of sticks. He asked them to break it. But they failed to do so. Now the bundle was untied. The farmer asked his sons to break the sticks one by one. Each son broke the sticks easily. At this the father said, “Be united like the bundle. If you are united, none will harm you.” The sons learnt a lesson. They never quarrelled again.

Moral : Union is Strength.

एक बार एक वृद्ध किसान था। उसके चार पुत्र थे। वे सदा एक दूसरे के साथ झगड़ते रहते थे। किसान बड़ा दुखी था। उसने उन्हें झगड़ा न करने की शिक्षा दी, परन्तु व्यर्थ।

एक दिन किसान बीमार हो गया। उसका अन्त निकट था। उसे एक युक्ति सूझी। उसने अपने पुत्रों को बुलाया। उसने उन्हें लकड़ियों का एक गट्ठा दिया। उसने उन्हें इसको तोड़ने के लिए कहा। परन्तु वे इसे तोड़ न सके। अब गट्टे को खोल दिया गया। किसान ने अपने पुत्रों से कहा कि वे एक-एक लकड़ी को तोड़ें। प्रत्येक पुत्र ने लकड़ियों को आसानी से तोड़ दिया। इस पर पिता ने कहा, “लकड़ी के गट्टे की भांति इकट्ठे रहो। यदि इकट्ठे रहोगे, तो तुम्हें कोई हानि नहीं पहुंचा पायेगा।” पुत्रों ने इससे शिक्षा प्राप्त की। वे फिर कभी नहीं झगड़े। शिक्षा-एकता में बल है।

Word-Meanings : Quarrelled = झगड़ते थे, Sad = दुःखी, In vain = व्यर्थ, Fell ill = बीमार पड़ गया, End = अन्त, Plan = योजना, Untied = खोल दिया गया।

3. The Dove and the Bee
Do Good, Have Good
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Kindness Never Goes Unrewarded Outline

A bee — falls into a stream — a dove sees — flies to a tree — plucks a leaf — drops it near the bee — the bee gets on to it and flies away — A hunter aims at the dove — the bee stings — the dove is saved — Moral.

Story : Once a bee felt thirsty. It went to the river. It began to drink water. By chance it fell into the water. Its life was in danger. A dove saw all this. She plucked a leaf. She dropped it near the bee. The bee got on to it. It dried its wings and flew away.

One day, the bee saw a hunter. He aimed at the dove. The bee flew to the hunter. It stung him hard on the hand. The gun fell down from his hands. The dove heard the noise. She flew away. She was thankful to the bee for its timely help.

Moral : Do good, have good.

एक बार एक मधुमक्खी को प्यास लगी। वह एक नदी पर गई। वह पानी पीने लगी। अचानक वह पानी में गिर गई। उसका जीवन खतरे में था। एक फ़ाख्ता ने यह सब कुछ देखा। उसने एक पत्ता तोड़ा। उसने इसे मधुमक्खी के पास गिरा दिया। मधुमक्खी उस पर चढ़ गई। उसने अपने पंख सुखाए और उड़ गई।

एक दिन मधुमक्खी ने एक शिकारी को देखा। वह फ़ाख्ता पर निशाना बांध रहा था। मधुमक्खी उड़कर शिकारी की ओर गई। उसने उसके हाथ पर ज़ोर से डंक मारा। बंदूक उसके हाथों से नीचे जा गिरी। फाख्ता ने शोर सुना। वह उड़ गई। वह सामयिक सहायता के लिए मधुमक्खी की आभारी थी।

शिक्षा-कर भला, हो भला।

Word-Meanings : Plucked = तोड़ा, Leaf = पत्ता, Threw = गिरा दिया, Wings = पंख, Hunter = शिकारी, Aimed at = निशाना बांधा, Stung = डंक मारा, Thankful = आभारी, Timely = समय पर।

PSEB 8th Class English Story Writing

4. The Hare and the Tortoise
Pride Hath a Fall
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Outline : A hare laughs at slow tortoise — both agree to run a race – the hare runs fast — sleeps on the way — tortoise moves on slowly — wins — Moral.

Story : Once a hare lived in a jungle. A tortoise also lived there. They became friends. The hare was proud of his speed. He laughed at the tortoise for his slow speed. The tortoise could not bear this. He asked the hare to run a race. The hare at once agreed.

A goal was fixed. The race began. The hare ran fast. He looked back. There was no tortoise. So he thought of taking rest. He lay down under a tree. He fell fast asleep.

The tortoise walked slowly. He did not stop on the way. He passed by the sleeping hare. He reached the goal. The hare woke up at sunset. He ran fast. He found the tortoise already there. He felt very small.

Moral : Slow and steady wins the race.

एक बार एक जंगल में एक ख़रगोश रहता था। वहां एक कछुआ भी रहता था। वे मित्र बन गए। ख़रगोश को अपनी गति पर गर्व था। वह कछुए की धीमी गति के लिए उसका मज़ाक उड़ाता था। कछुआ इसे सहन न कर सका। उसने खरगोश को एक दौड़ लगाने के लिए कहा। ख़रगोश तुरन्त सहमत हो गया।

एक लक्ष्य स्थान निश्चित किया गया। दौड़ आरम्भ हुई। ख़रगोश तेज़ दौड़ा। उसने पीछे मुड़ कर देखा। कछुए का कहीं पता न था। इसलिए उसने विश्राम करने की सोची। वह एक वृक्ष के नीचे लेट गया। वह गहरी नींद सो गया।

कछुआ धीरे-धीरे चलता गया। वह रास्ते में नहीं रुका। वह सोए हुए ख़रगोश के पास से गुज़र गया। वह लक्ष्य स्थान पर पहुंच गया। खरगोश सूर्यास्त के समय जागा। वह तेज़ दौड़ा। उसने कछुए को पहले ही वहां पाया। वह बड़ा लज्जित हुआ। शिक्षा-सहज पके सो मीठा होय।

Word-Meanings : Tortoise = कछुआ, Small = तुच्छ, Bear = सहन करना, Agree = सहमत होना, Woke up = जागा, Sunset = सूर्यास्त।

5. The Hidden Treasure
No Pains, No Gains

Outline : An old man — has four sons — lazy — father dying — sends for them — tells them of a treasure hidden in the field — dies — they dig the field – – no treasure – – wheat –good crop — Moral.

Story : Once there was a farmer. He had four sons. They were lazy. He advised them to work hard, but all in vain.

One day, the farmer fell ill. His end was near. He wanted to teach his sons a lesson. He called them to his bed-side. He said, “I have hidden a treasure in the field. You may dig it out after my death.”

The farmer died after a few days. The sons went to the field. They dug it deep. But there was no treasure. They were very sad. A wise man passed that way. He advised them to sow wheat. They did so. They had a good crop. They learnt a lesson. They began to work hard. They became very rich.”

Moral : No pains, no gains.

एक बार एक किसान था। उसके चार पुत्र थे। वे सुस्त थे। उसने उन्हें परिश्रम करने का उपदेश दिया, परन्तु सब व्यर्थ।

एक दिन किसान बीमार पड़ गया। उसका अन्त निकट था। वह अपने पुत्रों को शिक्षा देना चाहता था। उसने उन्हें अपनी रोग-शैय्या के समीप बुलाया। वह कहने लगा, “मैंने खेत में खज़ाना गाड़ रखा है। मेरी मृत्यु के पश्चात् तुम इसे खोद निकालना।”

किसान कुछ दिनों के बाद मर गया। पुत्र खेत में गये। उन्होंने इसे गहरा खोदा। परन्तु उनके हाथ खज़ाना न लगा। वे बड़े, दुःखी हुए। एक बुद्धिमान पुरुष वहां से गुज़रा। उसने उन्हें गेहूं बोने के लिए कहा। उन्होंने वैसा ही किया। उनकी अच्छी फसल हुई। उन्होंने शिक्षा ग्रहण कर ली। उन्होंने परिश्रम करना आरम्भ कर दिया। वे बहुत धनी बन गए।

शिक्षा-सेवा बिन मेवा नहीं।

Word-Meanings : Lazy = सुस्त, In vain = व्यर्थ, Hidden = छिपा हुआ, Treasure = खज़ाना, Dig = खोदना, Sow = बोना, Crop = फ़सल।

6. Two Friends And The Bear
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Outline : Two friends — go to a fair — see a bear — one climbs up a tree — the other lies down — the bear smells him and goes away — the first friend asked what the bear said — Beware of a false friend — Moral.

Story : Ram and Sham were two friends. Ram was a true friend. But Sham was selfish. One day, they went to a fair. They passed through a jungle. They saw a bear. It was coming towards them. Both were afraid. Sham at once climbed up a tree. He did not care for Ram. Ram lay down on the ground. He held his breath. The bear came and smelt him. He took Ram for dead. So he went away. Sham came down. He went to Ram and said, “What did the bear say in your ear?” Ram replied, “The bear advised me to beware of a false friend.”

Moral : Beware of selfish friends. (Or) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

राम और शाम दो मित्र थे। राम एक सच्चा मित्र था। परन्तु शाम स्वार्थी था। एक दिन वे मेले में गये। वे एक जंगल में से गुजरे। उन्होंने एक रीछ देखा। वह उनकी ओर आ रहा था। दोनों डर गये। शाम तुरन्त एक वृक्ष पर चढ़ गया। उसने राम की परवाह नहीं की। राम भूमि पर लेट गया। उसने अपना सांस रोक लिया। रीछ ने आकर उसे सूंघा। उसने राम को मृत समझा। इसलिए वह वहां से चला गया। शाम नीचे उतरा। उसने राम के पास जाकर कहा, “रीछ ने तुम्हारे कान में क्या कहा ?” राम ने उत्तर दिया, “रीछ ने मुझे उपदेश दिया कि झूठे मित्र से सावधान रहो।”
शिक्षा-स्वार्थी मित्रों से सावधान.रहो अथवा मित्र वह जो विपत्ति में काम आये।

Word-Meanings : Selfish = स्वार्थी, Fair = मेला, Passed through = में से गुज़रे, Afraid = डरे हुए, Care for = परवाह करना, Lay down = लेट गया, Held = रोक लिया।

PSEB 8th Class English Story Writing

7. The Wolf and the Lamb
Might is Right

Outline : A wolf drinking water at a river — sees a lamb drinking water lower down — wishes to eat it up — makes lame excuses — kills the lamb – – eats it up – – Moral..

Story : Once there was a wolf. He was very thirsty. He went to a river. He began to drink water. A lamb was also drinking water. The wolf saw it. His mouth watered. He wanted to eat it up. He thought of a plan. He said to the lamb, “Why are you making the water muddy ?” The lamb replied, “Sir, the water is flowing from you to me. How can I make it muddy ?”

The wolf was very cunning. He again said, “Why did you abuse me last year?” The lamb replied that it was not even born then. At this, the wolf said, “Then it must be your father. I must kill you.” Saying this he killed the lamb and ate it up.

Moral : Might is Right.

एक बार एक भेड़िया था। वह बहुत प्यासा था। वह एक नदी पर गया। वह पानी पीने लगा। एक मेमना भी वहां पानी पी रहा था। भेडिए ने उसे देखा। उसके मुंह में पानी भर आया। वह उसे खा जाना चाहता था। उसे एक योजना सूझी। वह मेमने से बोला, “तुम पानी गन्दला क्यों कर रहे हो ?” मेमने ने उत्तर दिया, “श्रीमान्, पानी आप की ओर से मेरी तरफ़ बह रहा है। मैं इसे कैसे गंदला कर सकता हूं ?”

भेड़िया बड़ा मक्कार था। वह पुनः बोला, “तुमने पिछले वर्ष मुझे गालियां क्यों दी थीं ?” मेमने ने उत्तर दिया कि वह तब पैदा भी नहीं हुआ था। इस पर भेड़िया बोला, “तब वह अवश्य ही तुम्हारा बाप होगा। मुझे तुम्हें अवश्य मार देना चाहिए।” ऐसा कहते हुए उसने मेमने को मार डाला और खा गया।

शिक्षा-जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस।

Word-Meaning : Lamb = मेमना, Muddy = गंदला, Cunning = मक्कार, Abuse = गाली देना, Replied = उत्तर दिया, Killed = मार डाला।

8. The Thirsty Crow
Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way

Outline : A hot summer day — a thirsty crow — in search of water — sees a jug — puts small stones into the jug — water comes up — drinks it — flies away — Moral.

Story : Once there was a crow. He was very thirsty. He flew. here and there in search of water. But he did not find water anywhere. At last he reached a garden.

There he saw a jug of water. But the water was very low. His beak could not reach it. He saw some small stones near the jug. He thought of a plan. He picked them up one by one and put them into the jug. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.

Moral : Where there is a will, there is a way.

एक बार एक कौआ था। वह बहुत प्यासा था। वह पानी की खोज में इधर-उधर उड़ता रहा। परन्तु उसे पानी कहीं भी न मिला। अन्त में वह एक बाग़ में पहुंचा।

वहां उसने पानी का एक जग देखा। परन्तु उसमें पानी बहुत कम था। उसकी चोंच पानी तक न पहुंच सकी। उसने जग के समीप कुछ छोटे-छोटे पत्थर देखे। उसे एक युक्ति सूझी। उसने एक-एक करके पत्थर उठाये और उन्हें जग में डाला। पानी ऊपर चढ़ आया। उसने पानी पिया और उड़ गया।

शिक्षा-जहां चाह, वहां राह।

Word-Meanings : In search of = की खोज में Low = नीचे, Beak = चोंच, Thought of a plan = युक्ति सूझी, Picked = उठाया।

9. The Tailor And The Elephant
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap
Tit For Tat Outline : An elephant — passes by a tailor’s shop — tailor angry — pricks a needle — fills trunk with dirty water — throws on clothes — Moral.

Story : Once there was a king. He had an elephant. The elephant was taken to a river daily. There was a tailor’s shop on the way. The tailor used to give the elephant something to eat. They became fast friends.

One day, the tailor was in a bad mood. The elephant came there as before. He put his trurik inside the window. The tailor pricked his trunk with a needle. The elephant got angry. But he went away.

He went to the river. After the bath he filled his trunk with dirty water. He came back. He threw the dirty water on the tailor’s new clothes. The tailor was very sad. But it was too late.

Moral : Tit for tat.

एक बार एक राजा था। उसके पास एक हाथी था। हाथी को प्रतिदिन नदी पर ले जाया जाता था। मार्ग में एक दर्जी की दुकान थी। दर्जी खाने की कुछ चीजें हाथी को दिया करता था। वे पक्के मित्र बन गये।

एक दिन दर्जी का मूड ठीक नहीं था। हाथी पहले की भांति वहां आया। उसने अपनी सूंड को खिड़की के अन्दर डाल दिया। दर्जी ने उसकी सूंड में सुई चुभो दी। हाथी को क्रोध आ गया। परन्तु वह चला गया।

वह नदी पर गया। नहाने के पश्चात् उसने अपनी सूंड में गन्दा पानी भर लिया। वह वापस आया। उसने गन्दे पानी को दर्जी के नये कपड़ों पर फेंक दिया। दर्जी बहुत दुःखी हुआ। परन्तु बहुत देर हो चुकी थी।

शिक्षा-जैसे को तैसा।

Word-Meanings : On the way = मार्ग में, Fast = पक्के, Trunk = सूंड, Pricked = चुभो दी, Filled = भर लिया, Sad = दुःखी।

PSEB 8th Class English Story Writing

10. The Vain Stag
Pride Hath a Fall Outline : A stag drinking at a pool — admires his horns — hates his legs — hunter and bounds — stag runs fast — horns caught in a bush — stag caught — killed — Moral.

Story : Once there was a stag. He was drinking water at a pool. He saw his reflection in the water. He saw his horns. They looked beautiful. He was very happy. Then he looked at his legs. They were ugly. So he became very sad.

Just then, he saw some hounds. He ran away. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Soon his horns were caught in a bush. He tried to free them but in vain. The hounds caught him. They tore him to pieces. His ugly legs tried to save his life. But his beautiful horns brought about his death.

Moral : Pride hath a fall.
All that glitters is not gold.

एक बार एक बारहसिंगा था। वह एक तालाब पर पानी पी रहा था। उसने पानी में अपनी परछाईं देखी। उसने अपने सींग देखे। वे सुन्दर लगते थे। वह बहुत प्रसन्न हो गया। तब उसने अपनी टांगें देखीं। वे कुरूप थीं। इसलिए वह बहुत उदास हो गया। ।

उसी समय, उसने कुछ शिकारी कुत्ते देखे। वह भाग गया। वह इतना तेज़ दौड़ा जितना उसकी टांगें उसे ले जा सकती थीं। शीघ्र ही उसके सींग एक झाड़ी में उलझ गए। उसने उन्हें छुड़ाने का प्रयास किया परन्तु व्यर्थ। शिकारी कुत्तों ने उसे पकड़ लिया। उन्होंने उसके टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर डाले। उसकी कुरूप टांगों ने उसके प्राण बचाने का प्रयास किया। परन्तु उसके सुन्दर सींग उसकी मौत का कारण बन गये।

शिक्षा-अभिमान का सिर नीचा।
हाथी के दांत खाने के और दिखाने के और।

Word Meanings : Stag = बारहसिंगा, Pool = तालाब, Reflection = परछाईं, Horns = सींग, Ugly = भद्दी, Hounds = शिकारी कुत्ते, Save = बचाना।

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

1. 10 Killed in a Hosiery Godown Fire.
Explanation – A fire broke out in a Hosiery Godown in Ludhiana last night. 10 people were killed.

2. 14 Girls Killed in a Bus Collision.
Explanation – A school bus collided against a truck yesterday. 14 girls were killed on the spot.

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

3. Residents Get I – Cards Full of Errors.
Explanation – I – cards issued to the residents of Rajiv colony are full of errors.

4. RM. Leaves for Moscow.
Explanation – The Prime Minister has left for Moscow.

5. Earthquake Rocks Village in H.P. Hundreds Killed.
Explanation – An earthquake rocked a village in Himachal Pradesh. Hundreds of people were killed in it.

6. Hero Cycle Strike : Deadlock Continues.
Explanation – The deadlock between the Management and the striking workers of the Hero Cycle Factory continues.

7. Cell Phones at Cheaper Rates.
Explanation – Nokia Mobiles has introduced a range of mobiles at cheaper rates.

8. Mahila Wing Demands 14 Seats.
Explanation – The Mahila Wing of Punjab is demanding 14 seats in the State Assembly.

9. People Educated on Road Safety.
Explanation – The traffic police educated about two thousand people on road safety during the Road Safety Week.

10. Indo – Pak Ties Ahead to be Improved.
Explanation – Mr. Singh has said that Indo-Pak ties need to be improved for peace in South Asia.

11. Six Held for Stealing Vehicles.
Explanation – The Punjab police have held six persons in Khanna for stealing vehicles.

12. Officer Held for Cheating Finance Companies.
Explanation – The police have held an officer of the Forest Department for cheating various finance companies.

13. Jawans Escape Avalanche.
Explanation – Around 40 Jawans had a narrow escape when a fresh avalanche struck the Jawahar tunnel.

14. Kidnapped Boy Found Dead.
Explanation – Abhi Verma, a 16-year old boy of Hoshiarpur was found dead. His dead body was lying in a field.

15. Landslides Block J & K Highway Again.
Explanation – Fresh landslides forced the closure of the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway again on Monday.

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

16. New Grades for School Teachers.
Explanation – The school teachers in the state have been given new grades.

17. Australia Beat India in the Opening Match.
Explanation – Australia defeated India in the opening match between the two countries.

18. Terrorists Strike CRPF Camp in Jammu-Two Jawans Killed.
Explanation – In a terrorist attack on a CRPF camp in Jammu, two jawans were killed.

19. Bullion (gold or silver) Rises Further.
Explanation – The gold/silver prices in the market have registered an increase.

20. Husband, In – laws Booked in Dowry Case.
Explanation – In a dowry case filed by a woman, her husband and in-laws have been arrested.

21. Modi Calls For Reforms in Education.
Explanation – Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed the view that the education system needs to be reformed.

22. Suicide Bid Foiled by People.
Explanation – Some people foiled an attempt by a person to end his life.

23. Taj Visit in Moonlight to be Cosdier.
Explanation – Watching the Taj in moonlight is going to be costlier.

24. Film Stars Come Forward for Tsunami Victims.
Explanation – Amitabh Bachan and his party walked the ramp in Chandigarh to raise funds for Tsunami victims.

25. Held for Smoking at the Railway Station.
Explanation – The Railway Police Force held 8 people, who were found smoking at Amritsar Railway Station.

26. Sania Creates History.
Explanation – Sania Mirza created history by winning the Hyderabad open on Saturday

27. Sachin Hits Hundred.
Explanation – Sachin hit an unbeaten century

28. Harbhajan’s Hat-trick helps India Win.
Explanation – Harbhajan Singh took three wickets on the last three balls of the match against Australia. India won the match.

29. Militants Killed in J & K.
Explanation – Three militants were killed in an encounter in Poonch district on Sunday night.

30. 12 Caught Copying.
Explanation – 12 students were caught copying on the first day of the Senior Secondary examination.

31. Railway Fare Remains Untouched.
Explanation – There is no increase in the railway fare in the budget presented by the Finance Minister.

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

32. Man Gets RI for Throwing a Boy out of Train.
Explanation – The man who threw a school boy out of the train last year has got RI for five years.

33. Party Workers Shine Shoes to Collect Relief Fund.
Explanation – Workers of the A.B. Party shone shoes on the footpath to collect relief fund for Tsunami victims.

34. In – laws Held in Dowry Case.
Explanation – In – laws of a newly wedded girl were held for demanding more dowry.

35. Army Man Saves 11 From Tsunami Waves.
Explanation – An army man has saved 11 people from being washed away by Tsunami waves.

36. Youth Shoots Dead His Uncle.
Explanation – A youth in Apra has shot his uncle dead in a property dispute.

37. Govt. Abolishes 300 Posts of Clerks.
Explanation – Thd Govt, has abolished 300 posts of clerks on account of financial crisis.

38. Aid Not Reaching Earthquake Hit People.
Explanation – Aid is not reaching the earthquake hit people in Gujarat due to the strike of the truck owners.

39. Prime Minister for Research on Quake Prediction.
Explanation – The Prime Minister has urged the scientists of the country to develop a quake prediction system.

40. The Party Leader Asks Voters to Give his Party a Chance.
Explanation – The leader of the X party has asked the voters to give his party a chance for all-round development of the state.

41. COVID – 19 (Corona) Spreads havoc.
Explanation – COVID-19 has spread havoc in the world. Lakhs of poeple have died.

42. P.M. declares Lockdown.
Explanation – As a safety measure from COVID-19, P.M. has declared Lockdown for 14 days and asked people to stay at home.

43. Government Fill 300 Posts of Teachers.
Explanation – The Punjab Government has filled 300 posts of teachers lying vacant.

44. Tsunami Hits Japan.
Explanation – A very high Tsunami hit the sea coast of Japan near Honshu Island. There was a great loss of life.

PSEB 8th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

45. Senior Party Member Quits.
Explanation – Mr. Brar a senior most Akali leader quit the party in his protest against party policies.

46. Husband gets RI in Dowry Case.
Explanation – The husband got 10 years RI for beating his wife mercilessly and throwing her out of the house for not meeting his demands of dowry.

47. Defence Minister Reaches Moscow.
Explanation – Defence Minister reached Moscow on Monday night. A deal on aircraft will be struck.

48. 14 year old claims to have cured COVID.
Explanation – A lad of 14 year infected by COVID-19 last week claims to have been fully cured.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2

1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of y?
21y5 is a multiple of 9 (given)
∴ Sum of digits of 21y5 = 2 + 1 + y + 5
= 8 + y
Therefore, (8 + y) should be 0, 9, 18, …, etc.
8 + y = 0 is not possible ∴ 8 + y = 9
∴ y = 9 – 8 = 1
Thus, the value of y is 1.

21y5 = 2115 (∵ y = 1)
∴ Sum of digits of 2115 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 9 (9 ÷ 9 = 1, remainder = 0)
∴ 2115 is divisible by 9.
(Note: Here, verification is given to explain you.]

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2

2. If 31z5 is a multiple of 9, where z is a digit, what is the value of z? You will find that there are two answers for the last problem. Why is this so?
31z5 is a multiple of 9. (given)
∴ Sum of digits of 31z5 = 3 + 1 + z + 5
= z + 9
Therefore, (z + 9) should be 0, 9, 18, …, etc.
Since, z is a digit, it should be either 0 or 9.
Hence, z = 0 or 9.

31z5 = 3105 (∵ z = 0)
∴ Sum of digits of 3105
= 3 + 1 + 0 + 5 = 9
(9 ÷ 9 = 1, remainder = 0)
∴ 3105 is divisible by 9.
31z5 = 3195 (∵ z = 9)
∴ Sum of digits of 3195
= 3 + 1 + 9 + 5 = 18
(18 ÷ 9 = 2, remainder = 0)
∴ 3195 is divisible by 9.

3. If 24x is a multiple of 3, where x is a digit, what is the value of x? (Since 24x is a multiple of 3, its sum of digits 6 + x is a multiple of 3; so 6 + x is one of these numbers: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 …………. But since x is a digit, it can only be that 6 + x = 6 or 9 or 12 or 15. Therefore, x = 0 or 3 or 6 or 9. Thus, x can have any of four different values.)
24x is a multiple of 3. (given)
∴ Sum of digits of 24x = 2 + 4 + x = 6 + x
Therefore, 6 + x should be 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, …, etc.
Since, 6 + x is a multiple of 3.
∴ 6 + x = 0, 6 + x = 3, 6 + x = 6, 6 + x = 9, 6 + x = 12, 6 + x = 15, 6 + x = 18, ……….
∴ x = -6, x = -3, x = 0, x = 3, x = 6, x = 9, x = 12, ……………..
Here, x = 0, 3, 6, 9 are possible.
Thus, the value of x can be 0 or 3 or 6 or 9.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2

4. If 31z5 is a multiple of 3, where z is a digit, what might be the values of z?
31z5 is a multiple of 3. (given)
∴ 31z5 is divisible by 3.
Sum of digits of 31z5 = 3 + 1 + z + 5
= 9 + z
∴ 9 + z is divisible by 3.
∴ Value of 9 + z should be 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18.
Since, z is a multiple of 3.
If 9 + z = 0,
∴ z = – 9 which is impossible.
9 + z = 3,
∴ z = – 6 which is impossible.
9 + z = 6,
∴ z = – 3 which is impossible.
9 + z = 9,
∴ z = 0 which is possible.
9 + z = 12,
∴ z = 3 which is possible.
9 + z = 15,
∴ z = 6 which is possible.
9 + z = 18,
∴ z = 9 which is possible.
9 + z = 21,
∴ z = 12 which is impossible.
Thus, the value of z can be 0 or 3 or 6 or 9.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2

Question 1.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2 1
Sum of all the exterior angles of a polygon = 360°.
∴ x + 125° + 125° = 360°
∴ x + 250° = 360°
∴ x = 360° – 250° (Transposing 250° to RHS)
∴ x = 110°

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2 2
In this figure, two exterior angles are of 90° each. (one interior angle is 90°)
Sum of all exterior angles of a polygon = 360°.
∴ x + 90° + 60° + 90° + 70° = 360°
∴ x + 310° = 360°
∴ x = 360° – 310° (Transposing 310° to RHS)
∴ x = 50°

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2

Question 2.
Find the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon of (i) 9 sides (ii) 15 sides
(i) Number of sides (n) = 9
∴ Number of exterior angles = 9
The sum of all exterior angles = 360°.
The given polygon is a regular polygon.
∴ All the exterior angles are equal.
∴ Measure of an exterior angle = \(\frac{360^{\circ}}{9}\).
= 40°

(ii) Number of sides of regular polygon = 15
∴ Number of exterior angles = 15
The sum of all the exterior angles = 360°
The given polygon is a regular polygon.
∴ All the exterior angles are equal.
∴ The measure of each exterior angle = \(\frac{360^{\circ}}{15}\) = 24°

Question 3.
How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an exterior angle is 24° ?
Regular polygon is equiangular.
Sum of all the exterior angles = 360°
Measure of an exterior angle = 24°
∴ Number of sides = \(\frac{360^{\circ}}{24^{\circ}}\)
The polygon has 15 sides.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2

Question 4.
How many sides does a regular polygon have if each of its interior angles is 165° ?
The given polygon is regular polygon.
Each interior angle = 165°
∴ Each exterior angle = 180° – 165° = 15°
∴ Number of sides = \(\frac{360^{\circ}}{15^{\circ}}\) = 24
The polygon has 24 sides.

Question 5.
(a) Is it possible to have a regular polygon with measure of each exterior angle as 22° ?
Each exterior angle = 22°
∴ Number of sides = \(\frac{360^{\circ}}{22^{\circ}}=\frac{180^{\circ}}{11^{\circ}}\)
The number of sides of a regular polygon must be a whole number.
But, \(\frac {180}{11}\) is not a whole number.
∴ No, exterior angle of a regular polygon cannot be of measure 22°.

(b) Can it be an interior angle of a regular polygon ? Why ?
If the measure of an interior angle of a polygon is 22°, then the measure of its exterior angle = 180° – 22° = 158°.
∴ Number of sides = \(\frac{360^{\circ}}{158^{\circ}}=\frac{180^{\circ}}{79^{\circ}}\)
\(\frac {180}{79}\)is not a whole number.
∴ No, 22° cannot be an interior angle of a regular polygon.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Ex 3.2

Question 6.
(a) What is the minimum interior angle possible for a regular polygon? Why ?
The minimum number of sides of a polygon = 3
The regular polygon of 3-sides is an equilateral triangle.
Each interior angle of an equilateral triangle = 60°.
Hence, the minimum possible interior angle of a polygon = 60°.

(b) What is the maximum exterior angle possible for a regular polygon ?
The sum of an exterior angle and its corresponding interior angle is 180°. (Linear pair)
And minimum interior angle of a regular polygon = 60°.
∴ The maximum exterior angle of a regular polygon = 180° – 60° = 120°.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved:

Question 1.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 1
Here, we have two letters A and B, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 2
By observing the ones column, we have A + 5 and we get 2 from this.
1. e., a number whose ones digit is 2, for this A has to be 7.
∴ A + 5 = 7 + 5 = 12

Now, for the sum in tens column, we have 1 + 3 + 2 = B
∴ B = 6
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 3
Thus, A = 7 and B = 6

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Question 2.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 4
Here, we have three letters A, B and C, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 5
By observing the ones column, we have A + 8 and we get 3 from this.
i. e., a number whose ones digit is 3, for this A has to be 5.
∴ A + 8 = 5 + 8 = 13
Now, for the sum in tens column, we have 1 + 4 + 9 = CB
∴ CB = 14
Here, B = 4 and C = 1
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 6
Thus, A = 5, B = 4 and C = 1

Question 3.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 7
Here, we have A, whose value is to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 8
Since, product of ones digit
A × A = A, so it must be 1, 5 or 6.
When A = 1, then 1 1 But, the product is 9 A, so A = 1 is not possible.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 9
When A = 5, then
But, the product is 9 A, so A = 5 is not possible.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 10
When A = 6, then
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 11
Thus, A = 6

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Question 4.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 12
Here, we have two letters A and B, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 13
By observing the ones column, we have B + 7 and we get A from this, i. e., a number whose ones digit is A.
Now, for the sum in tens column, we have A + 3 and we get 6 from this. Therefore, the value of A must be 2. (Keeping in mind that carry over 1 is to be considered.)
If A = 2, then
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 14
Then B + 7 gives 2, so B + 37 must be 5 and sum in tens 6 2 column is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, so it is correct.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 15

Question 5.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 16
Here, we have three letters A, B and C, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 17
Units digit of 3 × B is B, so B must be either 0 or 5.

When B = 0, then
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 18

When B = 5, then
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 19

Now, units digit of 3 × A is A. So A must be either 0 or 5, but A cannot be 0, because if A = 0, then AB becomes one-digit number. So A must be 5 and multiplication is either 55 × 3 or 50 × 3.
55 × 3 = 165, here A = 6, so this is not possible.
∴ 50 × 3 = 150
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 20
Thus, A = 5, B = 0 and C = 6

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Question 6.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 21
Here, we have three letters A, B and C, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 22
Units digit B × 5 = B, so B must be either 0 or 5.
When B = 0, then
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 23

When B = 5, then
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 24

Now, units digit of 5 × A = A, so A must be either 0 or 5.
There are three letters as a product. So A ≠ 0, but A = 5.
So multiplication is either 50 × 5 or 55 × 5.
50 × 5 = 250 and 55 × 5 = 275, so 55 × 5 is not correct.
So 50 × 5 = 250
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 25
Thus, A = 5, B = 0 and C = 2.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Question 7.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 26
Here, we have two letters A and B, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 27
Units digit B × 6 = B, so B must be 2, 4, 6 or 8.
∴ Possible values of product BBB are 222, 444, 666 or 888.
If we divide these numbers by 6, then quotient should be A2, A4, A6 or A8.
Now, 222 ÷ 6 = 37, remainder = 0
But, the quotient is not as A2, so B = 2 is not possible.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 28
Thus, A = 7 and B = 4

Question 8.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 28
Here, we have two letters A and B, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 30
By observing the sum in unit column, we have 1 + B = 0. So here is a number whose unit digit is 0, so B must be 9.
Now, for sum in tens column, we have 1 + A + 1 = 9.
So A must be 7.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 31
Thus, A = 7 and B = 9

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Question 9.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 32
Here, we have two letters A and B, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 33
By observing the sum in units column, we have B + 1 = 8.
∴ B must be 7.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 34
By observing the sum in tens digit column, we have A + 7 = 1, i.e., whose unit’s digit is 1, so A must be 4.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 35
Thus, A = 4 and B = 7

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1

Question 10.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 36
Here, we have two letters A and B, whose values are to be found.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 37
By observing the sum in tens column, we have 2 + A = 0, so A must be 8.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 38
Now, by observing the sum in units column, we have 8 + B = 9, so B must be 1.
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.1 39
Thus, A = 8 and B = 1.

PSEB 8th Class English Letter/Application Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Letter/Application Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class English Letter/Application Writing

पत्र लिखना एक कला है। एक अच्छा पत्र लिख कर आप शत्रु का दिल भी जीत सकते हैं। पत्र मुख्यतः तीन प्रकार के होते हैं-व्यक्तिगत, व्यावसायिक अथवा अधिकारियों को लिखे गए पत्र।

व्यक्तिगत पत्र (Personal Letters)-व्यक्तिगत पत्र वे पत्र होते हैं जो हम अपने मित्रों या सगे-सम्बन्धियों को लिखते हैं। ऐसे पत्र प्रायः समाचारों से भरे होते हैं। इन पत्रों में हम अपने घर, परिवार, स्कूल या किसी अनुभव का वर्णन करते हैं। ये पत्र एक विशेष विधि द्वारा लिखे जाते हैं। इन्हें ऐसे लिखा जाता है जैसे कि आप किसी व्यक्ति से बातचीत कर रहे हों। पते के अतिरिक्त इन पत्रों के छ: भाग होते हैं।

  1. लिखने वाले का पता (The address of the sender)
  2. तिथि (Date)
  3. सम्बोधन या अभिवादन (The salutation or greeting)
  4. विषय-वस्तु (The body of letter)
  5. विधिवत् अन्त (The subscription or complimentary close)
  6. हस्ताक्षर (Signature)

PSEB 8th Class English Letter/Application Writing

प्रत्येक भाग को लिखने की अपनी अलग विधि होती है। आओ हम एक-एक करके इनका अध्ययन करें-
1. The Address of the Sender. पहले पत्र भेजने वाले का पता पृष्ठ पर सबसे ऊपर दायें कोने में लिखा जाता था। प्रत्येक लाइन में अन्त में Comma और आखिरी लाइन के अन्त में Full Stop लगाया जाता था।

परन्तु अब पता लिखते समय विराम चिन्ह लगाने की विधि में अन्तर आ गया है। अब पंक्तियों के अन्त में Commas और Full Stop का प्रयोग नहीं होता। इसके अतिरिक्त अब Sender’s Address दाहिने कोने की बजाये बाएं कोने में लिखा जाता है।

15 Model Town
2. Date. तिथि लिखने वाले के पते के बिल्कुल नीचे लिखी जाती है। तिथि लिखने की कई विधियां हैं, जैसे-
15 Model Town
March 12, 20……
12th March 20…..
12 March 20……
3. The Salutation or Greeting. (i) मित्र को पत्र लिखते समय उसे उसके नाम से सम्बोधित कीजिए; जैसे-Dear Mohan, जहां तक हो सके मित्र को उसी नाम (संक्षिप्त) से संबोधित कीजिए जिस नाम से आप बातचीत करते समय उसे सम्बोधित करते हैं; जैसे,
Dear Monu
Dear Sonu

(ii) माता-पिता, भाइयों, बहनों अथवा घनिष्ठ सगे सम्बन्धियों को आप यूं सम्बोधित कर सकते हैं-
My dear Father or Daddy/Dad
My dear Mother or Mamma/Mom
My dear Brother My dear Gopal
My dear Kamla
नोट-यदि आप Address में विराम चिन्ह नहीं लगाते तो आप सम्बोधन में भी इनका प्रयोग न करें।

4. The Body of the Letter-यह पत्र का सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण भाग है। एक अच्छा पत्र वह माना जाता है जो सरल हो और जिसमें पाठक की रुचि बनी रहे। पत्र की प्रत्येक पंक्ति अर्थपूर्ण एवं रोचक हो। पत्र ऐसे लिखना चाहिए मानो आपका सम्बन्धी आपके सामने बैठा हो और आप से बातें कर रहा हो। पत्र का यह भाग लिखते समय विराम चिन्हों और Grammar के अन्य सभी नियमों का पूरा पालन करें।

5. The Subscription or Complimentary Close-(i) मित्र को लिखे गए पत्र का अन्त इस प्रकार करें
Yours sincerely
Your sincere friend

(ii) सगे-सम्बन्धियों को लिखे गये पत्रों का अन्त इस प्रकार करें-
Yours affectionately

(iii) निम्नलिखित phrases के साथ भी व्यक्तिगत पत्रों का अन्त किया जा सकता है- . Ever sincerely yours
Your loving son/Love
Lovingly yours
नोट-यदि आपने सम्बोधन के समय comma नहीं लगाया तो आप पत्र का अन्त करने वाले phrase के साथ भी comma न लगायें।

6. Signature-व्यक्तिगत पत्र में आप को अपने पूरे हस्ताक्षर नहीं करने चाहिएं। आपको या तो नाम का पहला हिस्सा लिखना चाहिए या फिर वह नाम लिखें जिस नाम से आप अपने सगे-सम्बन्धियों या मित्रों द्वारा पुकारे जाते हैं। जैसे-
Sonu आप Sohan Lal Gupta अर्थात् पूरा नाम न लिखें।

Salutation and Subscription at a Glance
PSEB 8th Class English Letter Application Writing 1
Official Letters या Business Letters.
(i) ऐसे पत्रों में कोई विशेष अन्तर तो नहीं होता। अन्तर केवल इतना है कि इन पत्रों के प्राय: छ: की बजाए सात भाग होते हैं।

(ii) ऐसे पत्रों में पत्र लिखने वाले का पता और तिथि व्यक्तिगत पत्रों की तरह ही लिखे जाते हैं।’

(iii) ऐसे पत्रों में उस फर्म (Firm) या व्यक्ति का पूरा पता भी पत्र में लिखा जाता है जिसे पत्र लिखा जा रहा हो, जैसे-
Messrs Malhotra Book Depot
(Producers of Quality Books)
Railway Road
Jalandhar City

(iv) ऐसे पत्रों में सम्बोधन की विधि इस प्रकार होती है
Dear Sir
Dear Sirs
नोट-यदि व्यक्ति आप से परिचित है तो आप उसे यूं भी सम्बोधित कर सकते हैं-
Dear Mr. Sharma

(v) ऐसे पत्रों की विषय-वस्तु संक्षिप्त, स्पष्ट और विनम्र-भाषी होनी चाहिए।

(vi) ऐसे पत्रों का अन्त यूं करना चाहिए
Yours truly
Yours faithfully

PSEB 8th Class English Letter/Application Writing

(vii) आप माननीय व्यक्तियों अथवा उच्च पद पर आसीन व्यक्तियों को पत्र लिखते हुए Yours respectfully या Yours obediently का प्रयोग भी कर सकते हैं। नाम से सम्बोधित पत्रों का अन्त Yours sincerely से ही करना चाहिए।

(viii) ऐसे पत्रों में हस्ताक्षर पूरे होने चाहिएं और हस्ताक्षर के पश्चात् लिखने वाले का नाम या पद लिखा जाना चाहिए, जैसे-
Yours faithfully
Mohan Lal Sharma

Important Applications and Letters

1. Application for Marriage Leave
Write an application to the Headmistress of your school for marriage leave.

The Headmistress
Khalsa Public School

I beg to say that the marriage of my elder brother/sister takes place next week. I am to help my parents in making marriage arrangements. So I cannot come to school. Kindly grant me leave for five days. I shall be very thankful to you for this.

Yours obediently
Jaspinder Kaur
Roll No. 25
23. VIII A
March 15, 20 ………….

Word-Meanings-Marriage = विवाह, Takes place = होगी, Arrangements = व्यवस्थाएं, Much = अधिक.

2. Leave for Urgent Work
Write an application to the Principal of your school for leave for a day.

The Principal
A.B. Sen. Sec. School
Patiala Sir

I beg to say that I have an urgent piece of work at home. So I cannot come to school. Kindly grant me leave for today. I shall be thankful to you for this.

Yours obediently
Roll No. 25
February 5, 20 ……

Word-Meanings-Urgent piece of work = आवश्यक कार्य, Grant = प्रदान करो

3. Application for a Testimonial
Imagine you are Kavita, a student of Govt. Sen. Sec School, Ludhiana. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to send a testimonial as you are applying for the post of a clerk.

11 Happy House
Model Town
The Principal
Govt. Sen. Sec. School

I beg to say that I am an old student of your school. I have to apply for the post of a clerk in a bank. I need a testimonial from you for that. I am writing down the following details for reference.

I passed my Sen. Sec. Examination in 2001 with 600 marks. I stood first in the district. I was a member of the school hockey team. I took part in the debates also and won many trophies and cups for the school. I was in the good books of my teachers.

Kindly send me the testimonial as soon as possible and oblige.

Yours obediently
March 14, 20……

Word-Meanings-Testimonial = अचरण पत्र, In the good books of = नजरों में अच्छा, Oblige = कृतार्थ करें।

4. Application for Change of Section
Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to change your section.

The Principal
Govt. Sen. Sec. School

I am a student of VIII B of your school. I live in Main Bazaar. All my friends are in VIII A Section of the school. So I feel very lonely in VIII B.

Besides, I have to do my home task alone at home. Whenever I am unable to attend the school, I cannot do my homework. There is none to tell me about the homework given by the class teacher. The boys of my street can help me in other ways also. I hope you will appreciate my problem and change my section.
Thanking you

Yours obediently
Kirpal Singh
Roll No. 46
March 15, 20……

Word-Meanings- Feel = अनुभव करना, Ways = ढंग, Lonely = अकेला, Appreciate = समझना।

5. For Admission to the Next Class
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for admission to the next class.

The Headmaster
Govt. High School

I beg to say that I am a student of 7th class of your school. I fell ill in March. Still I appeared in the annual examination. I failed but my class-fellows went to the next class.

I am a good student. I got first division in the half-yearly examination. Kindly give me a test on any day and admit me to the 8th class. I assure you that I shall get first division in Middle Standard Examination.
Thanking you

Yours obediently
Mohan Lal
March 5, 20…….

Word-Meanings- Annual = वार्षिक, Division = श्रेणी.

PSEB 8th Class English Letter/Application Writing

6. Application for Late Fee
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to permit you to pay your fee for the month late by ten days.

The Headmaster
Govt. High School

I beg to say that I am a student of VIII A of your school. Tomorrow is fee day and I am unable to pay it. My father has gone to Delhi. He will come back in ten days. Kindly allow me to pay my fee late by ten days.

Thanking you

Yours obediently
Sohan Lal
March 9, 20……..

Word-Meanings- Unable = असमर्थ, Allow = अनुमति देना

7. Permission to take part in Games
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to permit you to take part in the evening games.

The Headmaster
A.B.C. High School

I am a student of VIII D of your school. Our school is preparing for the Distt. Sports Meet. There are regular games in the school in the evening. I am also fond of games. I am a good player of football. Last year I was a member of the school football team. But this year my name is not in the players’ list because I could not perform well in the final trial. I request you to give me another chance and permit me to take part in the evening games. I assure you that I will try my best to improve my performance.
Thanking you

Yours obediently
Vijay Kumar
Roll No. 25
Dated : March 9, 20…………

Word Meanings-Take part = भाग लेना, Permit = अनुमति देना, Assure = विश्वास दिलाना।

8. Permission to go on a Historical Tour
Write an application to your Principal requesting him/her to permit you to go on a historical tour.

The Principal
Govt. Sen. Sec. School

We, the students of class VIII, beg to seek your permission for a historical tour. The school will close for the summer vacation next week. We want to see the Taj Mahal. We also want to go to Fatehpur Sikri. On our way back, we want to visit Delhi. The trip will be very useful for us. It will give us first hand knowledge of History. The trip will cost two hundred rupees per head. Our teacher of History has agreed to take us to these places. We are 30 girls in all. I hope you will arrange this trip.
Thanking you

Yours obediently
Manjit Kaur
April 30, 20……

Word-Meanings- Summer = गर्मी, Trip = भ्रमण, Useful = उपयोगी, Knowledge = ज्ञान

11. On Recovery From Illness
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his recovery from long illness.

135 New Road
March 18, 20…..
Dear Mohan

I am glad to know that you have recovered from long illness. I congratulate you on your recovery. You worked very hard. So you fell ill. Now please take care of your health.

Take long walks in the morning. Drink milk and eat fruit. All this will make you healthy soon.
With best wishes.

Yours sincerely

Word-Meanings-Glad = प्रसन्न, Recovered = ठीक हो गये हो, Take care of = ध्यान रखो, Congratulate = बधाई देना

12. Invitation on Brother’s Marriage
Write a letter to your friend inviting him to your brother’s marriage.

Govt. High School
March 4, 20………
My dear Kamlesh

You will be glad to know that the marriage of my elder brother comes off on March 9, 20……. The marriage party will leave Amritsar for Delhi the same day. We invite you to join us in our joys.

You know that Delhi is a historical city. There are many buildings worth-seeing. You will see the Red Fort, the Qutab Minar and Jantar Mantar. Rina and Tina have also been invited. They will reach here on Sunday. We will have good time together.
I hope you will reach in time.

Yours sincerely
Kumari Kamlesh
45 Mall Road

Word-Meanings-Comes off = पड़ती है, Marriage party = बारात, Worth-seeing = दर्शनीय

13. Inviting a Friend to the Birthday Party
Suppose you are Harish. You live at 38 Manavta Park, Hoshiarpur. Invite your friend to come to your birthday party.

38 Manavta Park
February 22, 20……
My dear Surinder

You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on next Monday. There will be a tea party in the evening. I have invited all my friends to the party. I cannot forget you on this day. Please reach here on Sunday evening. We will have a good time together.
Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Word-Meanings-Falls on = पड़ता है, Invited = आमन्त्रित किया है, Forget = भूलना।

14. To Uncle for a Birthday Gift
Suppose you are Poonam. You live at 232, Phase IX, Mohali. Your uncle has sent you a wrist-watch on your birthday. Write a letter of thanks to your uncle.

232 Phase
IX Mohali
March 8, 20……
My dear Uncle

It is very kind of you to remember me on my birthday. You have sent me a beautiful wrist-watch as a gift. It shows your love for me. I received many gifts that day but I liked your gift the most. Everybody praised it.

The watch will help me a lot. It will make my life regular. I shall never be late for school now. I thank you for this lovely gift. I assure you thar I shall keep this watch with great care.

With regards
Yours lovingly
Address :
Shri Manohar Singh
Joginder Nagar

Word-Meanings-Gift = उपहार, The most = सबसे बढ़कर, Praised = प्रशंसा की, A lot = बहुत ज्यादा, Regular = नियमित, Care = ध्यान.

PSEB 8th Class English Letter/Application Writing

15. To Younger Brother to Take Interest in Studies
Write a letter to your younger brother/sister scolding him/her for neglecting studies.

18 Mohan Nagar
February 18, 20…….
My dear Suman

I received your progress report yesterday. You have failed in all the subjects. You are not working hard. You are neglecting your studies. It is very bad. Final examinations are drawing near. Be careful. Do not waste your time. Work hard. Finish your syllabus in time.
I hope you will act upon my advice.

Yours affectionately

Word-Meanings Subjects = विषय, Neglecting = उपेक्षा कार रहे, Waste = नष्ट करना, Avoid = दूर रहना, Act upon = अमल करना।

16. Invitation for Summer Vacation
Write a letter to your friend asking him to spend a part of his summer vacation with you.

1407 Green Avenue
February 18, 20 ……
My dear Gopal

Your school has closed for the summer vacation. You are free now. I invite you to come to Amritsar. Amritsar is a holy city. Here are many places worth-seeing. You will see Sri Harmandar Sahib, the Durgayana Mandir, the Jallianwala Bagh and other important places.

We shall also study together. I hope you will reach here soon.

Yours sincerely

Word-Meanings-Invite = बुलाना, Holy = पठित्र, Worth-seeing = देखने योग्य।

17. To a Friend on his Failure
Write a letter to your friend who has failed in the examination, asking him not to lose heart but try again.

15 New Colony
March 18, 20 ……
Dear Raman

Your result is out today. It is very sad that you have failed. It is your own fault. You never worked hard. You moved in a bad company. The result is before you.

Please act upon my advice. Don’t lose heart. Give up bad company and work hard. You will pass next time.

Yours sincerely
Mr. Raman
370 Nai Basti

Word-Meaning-Moved = घूमते रहे, Act upon = अमल करना, Lose heart = धैर्य छोड़ना।

18. Condolence Letter.
Suppose you are Satish. You live at 6 Soni Street, Khanna. Your friend has lost his mother. Write a letter of condolence to him.

6 Soni Street
Feb. 20, 20 ……
My dear X

I got your letter yesterday. I was shocked to read it. The sudden death of your mother is. a great loss. I share your sorrow.

I met your mother last month. She looked healthy. Her death is untimely. It is the will of God. We must bow before His will. Please have courage.

Yours sincerely
Mr. X
15-New Chowk

Word Meanings-Shocked = आघात पहुंचा, Sudden = आकस्मिक, Great loss = बहुत बड़ी क्षति, Share = बांटना, Sorrow – दुःख, Untimely death = अकाल मृत्यु, Will = इच्छा।

19. To Avoid Bad Company
Write a letter to your younger brother, advising him to avoid bad company. Examination Hall

March 15, 20…….
My dear Mukesh

I received a letter from your headmaster. I gather that you move in a bad company. Ramesh and Dinesh are your friends these days. Both of them smoke. They go to pictures everyday. You, too, have started smoking in their company. You have become a film-fan. Your headmaster is worried about you.

Dear brother, we have high hopes on you. You are the light of our home. The examinations are drawing near. Please give up your bad company.
I hope you will act upon my advice.

With love
Yours affectionately
Mr. Mukesh Verma
Boys’ Hostel
A.B.C. Sen. Sec. School
…….. City

Word-Meaning-Film-fan = फिल्म देखने के शौकीन, Draw near = निकट आना, Act upon = अमल करना।

20. To Father about Your Success in the Examination
You have passed the Middle Standard Examination. Write a letter to your father telling him about your good result.

36 Raj Nagar
July 3, 20 ……
My dear Father

Our result was out yesterday. You will be glad to know that I have stood second in the state. I have secured 85% marks. My teacher and headmaster came to our house in the morning. They blessed and patted me. They congratulated the mother. All missed you badly on the occasion. When are you coming home?

Your loving son

Word-Meanings-Secure = प्राप्त करना, Missed = याद आई, Occasion = अवसर।

21. Letter about Hostel Life
You are Anil, a student of class VIII. You are residing in hostel. Write a letter to your mother about your hostel life.

Boys’ Hostel
A.B.C. Sen. Sec. School
My dear Mother

Our new session has started. I have got a good room in the school hostel. My hostel life is well disciplined. There are fixed hours for study, meals and games. We get up in time and go to bed in time. Our hostel warden is kind as well as strict to us. He does not allow us to go out of the hostel after the main gate is closed.
Dear Mother, I miss you very badly. I wish I got wings to fly home.

With regards
Yours lovingly

Word-Meanings- Session = सत्र, Disciplined = अनुशासित, Fixed = निरिचत, Strict = सख्त

PSEB 8th Class English Letter/Application Writing

22. To Father About Your Papers
You are appearing in the Middle Standard Examination. Write a letter to your father telling him about your progress in the examination.

8 The Mall
Jalandhar Cantt
March 18, 20…….
My dear Father

I am taking my Middle Standard Examination these days. The English paper was very easy. I hope to get 80 marks in it. The paper in Mathematics was a little tough. But I did all the sums.

Punjabi and Social Studies are easy subjects. I hope to do well in them. I am sure that I shall get good marks. I may win a scholarship.
With regards to dear mother

Your loving son
Arun Kumar

Word-Meanings- Taking = दे रहा हृं, Over = समाप्त, Tough = कठिन, Do well = अच्छ करना

23. To Father for Change of School
Write a letter to your father asking him to allow you to change school.

512 Naya Nagar
…….. City
March 10, 20……..
My dear Father

I feel sad to tell you about my school. Once it was a great school. It was considered one of the best schools in the town. Now it is not. We have no Principal these days. We have no English teacher even. So I do not feel good at studies. I want to change my school. Jain High School is a good school. Kindly allow me to join it.

Your loving son
Raj Kumar
Mr. Mohan Lal Sharma
1 New Road

Word Meanings-Considered = समझा जाता था, Feel good = मन लगना, Allow = अनुमति देना।

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Sentence and its Types Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

A sentence is a well arranged group of words which makes complete sense.
शब्दों का वह सुव्यवस्थित समूह जिससे पूरा अर्थ निकले कहलाता है, जैसे-

  1. Lakhi Mal was very rich.
  2. Where does the koel sit ?
  3. Please bring him milk and fruit now.
  4. Hurrah ! We have won the match.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

Kinds of Sentence

वाक्य पांच प्रकार के होते हैं-

  1. Assertive Sentences (साधारण वाक्य)
  2. Interrogative Şentences (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)
  3. Imperative Sentences (आजसयक वाक्य )
  4. Exclamatory Sentences (विस्मया दिसूचक वाक्य)
  5. Optative Sentences (इच्छासूचक वाक्य)

Parts of a Sentence

वाक्य के दो भाग होते है-

  1. Subject (उद्देश्थ)
  2. Predicate (विधेय)

1. वाक्य में जिस व्यक्ति पशु स्थान अथवा वस्तु के बारे में कुछ कहा जाता है उसे Subject कहते हैं।
2. Predicate. Subject के बारे में जो कुछ कहा जाता है उसे Predicate कहते हैं।

Sentence Subject Predicate
1. Amar lives in Allahabad. Amar lives in Allahabad.
2. How does a fish swim ? a fish How does swim.
3. May you live long ! you May live long.
4. Mr. Verma is my teacher. Mr. Verma is my teacher.

विशेष- Imperative Sentences का Subject प्राय लुप्त रहता है जैसे-

  1. Thank you. (I thank you.)
  2. Come in. (You come in.)

Simple and Complex Sentences

What is a Simple Sentence?
(साधारण वाक्य की परिभाषा)

जिस वाक्य में केवल एक Finite Verb हो, वह Simple Sentence कहलाता है। साधारण वाक्य में एक Subject (उद्देश्य) और एक Predicate (विधेय). होता है; जैसे,-

  1. Mohan loves his country.
  2. Ram plays hockey.
  3. Dogs bark.

Note. 1. जिस क्रिया का अपना subject (उद्देश्य) हो, वह Finite Verb (परिमित क्रिया) कहलाती है।
2. ऊपर के प्रत्येक वाक्य में एक-एक Finite Verb (loves, plays, bark) है।
3. प्रत्येक का अपना Subject (Mohan, Ram, Dogs) है और अपना Predicate (loves his country, plays hockey, bark) है।

What is a Complex Sentence?
(मिश्रित वाक्य की परिभाषा)

Complex Sentencé को जानने से पहले Clauses (उप-वाक्य) को समझ लेना आवश्यक है, क्योंकि Clauses के मेल से ही Complex Sentence बनता है।

Clause. शब्दों के ऐसे समूह को Clause (उप-वाक्य) कहते हैं जिसका अपना Subject तथा अपना Predicate हो और साथ में किसी अन्य वाक्य का उप-भाग भी हो।

Kinds of Clauses. Clauses के प्रकार को समझने के लिए हमें नीचे लिखे वाक्य को ध्यान से पढ़ना चाहिए-
I like him because he is brave.
नोट-1. इस वाक्य के दो भाग हैं।
2. प्रत्येक भाग में Subject और Predicate दोनों हैं। इसलिए दोनों ही clause हैं।

पहली Clause (I like him). पहली clause का पूरा अर्थ निकलता है। इसका अर्थ समझने के लिए दूसरी clause की आवश्यकता नहीं है। ऐसी clause को Principal Clause या Main Clause (प्रधान उप-वाक्य) कहते हैं।

दूसरी Clause (because he is brave). दूसरी clause का पूरा अर्थ नहीं निकलता। पूरा अर्थ देने के लिए यह Principal Clause पर depend (आश्रित) है। इसलिए इसे Dependent या Subordinate Clause (आश्रित उप-वाक्य) कहते हैं।

Complex Sentence की परिभाषा-जिस वाक्य में एक Principal Clause (प्रधान उप-वाक्य) तथा एक या एक से अधिक Subordinate Clauses (आश्रित उप-वाक्य) हों, उसे Complex Sentence कहते हैं।

Exercise (With Hints)

Pick out the complex sentences:
1. Rani is a nice girl.
2. I know that Mohan is a good boy.
3. He is the boy whom I saw in the market.
4. The man (who was) on the platform was my brother.
5. I met the girl with blue eyes.
6. I met the old man who had grey hair.
7. I went wherever he went.
8. I want to know where you found my watch.
9. He is the teacher of my choice.
10. Those whom the gods love, die young.
2. I know that Mohan is a good boy.
3. He is the boy whom I saw in the market.
4. The man (who was) on the platform was my brother.
6. I met the old man who had grey hair.
7. I went wherever he went.
8. I want to know where you found my watch.
10. Those whom the gods love, die young.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

Change of Sentences

A–Affirmative to Negative
नियम- (1) साधारणतया निर्षधात्मक (Negative) वाक्य बनाते समय not का प्रयोग होता है: जैसे-

Affirmative Negative
1. I am a girl. 1. I am not a girl.
2. We are farmers. 2. We are not farmers.
3. You are a student. 3. You are not a student.
4. He was tall. 4. He was not tall.
5. They were proud. 5. They were not proud.
6. Radha was a fat girl. 6. Radha was not a fat girl.
7. I shall write a letter. 7. I shall not write a letter.
8. You will help me. 8. You will not help me.
9. I am reading a book. 9. I am not reading a book.
10. You are weeping. 10. You are not weeping.
11. I was buying a pen. 11. I was not buying a pen.
12. We were playing cards. 12. We were not playing cards.
13. He was swimming. 13. He was not swimming.
14. She had gone there before. 14. She hadn’t gone there before.
She had not gone there before.
15. We should finish this job. 15. We should not finish this job.

(ii) Present Indefinite (पहली फार्म) में do not/does not + पहली फार्म तथा Past Indefinite (दूसरी फार्म) में did not + पहली फार्म का प्रयोग होता है: जैसे-

Affirmative Negative
1. I like mangoes 1. I do not like mangoes.
2. We play hockey. 2. We do not play hockey.
3. You take exercise. 3. You do not take exercise.
4. She speaks the truth. 4. She does not speak the truth.
5. I do it. 5. I do not do it.
6. I took tea. 6. I did not take tea.
7. He read the book. 7. He did not read the book.
8. He sold milk. 8. He did not sell milk.
9. She lived in Delhi. 9. She did not live in Delhi.

(iii) Has, have, had यदि अधिकार (possession) अर्थात् किसी चीज़ का होना व्यक्त करते हों तो प्रायः negative sentences में ‘no’ का प्रयोग होता हैै परन्तु यदि संख्या दी हो तो not का प्रयोग होता है।

1. He has a coat.
He has no coat.

2. He had a book
He had no book.

3. Ram has three books.
Ram has not three books.

विशेष नोट-1. Negative बनाने के लिए isnt, wasn’t, haven’t, shan’t आदि का भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। इन छोटे रूपों का अध्ययन इस प्रकार करें
PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types 1

2. Can का Negative cannot में किया जाता है। cannot एक शब्द के रूप में लिखा जाता है।

3. Not का प्रयोग पहले शब्द के तुरन्त बाद करना चाहिए, जैसे, shall have been = shall not have been तथा shall be = shall not be.

4. Everybody का Negative nobody तथा either का neither होता है। जैसे,
Affirmative. Everybody is coming.
Negative. Nobody is coming.
Affirmative. Either he or his friend is coming.
Negative. Neither he nor his friend is coming.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

मिश्चित वाक्य (Mixed Sentences)

Affirmative Negative
1. He is a player. He is not a player.
2. They were happy. They were not happy.
3. He has many books. He does not have many books.
4. We have four toys. We do not have four toys.
5. The boys had a garland. The boys had no garland.
6. I read a book. I do not read a book.
7. He writes a letter. He does not write a letter.
8. He does his work. He does not do his work.
9. He went there. He did not go there.
10. Mohan will tell a lie. Mohan will not tell a lie.

B-Assertive to Interrogative

Assertive Interrogative
1. I do my duty. Do I do my duty ?
2. He can help you. Can he help you?
3. They laughed at us. Did they laugh at us ?
4. She is a girl. Is she a girl ?
5. You are late. Are you late ?
6. He was happy. Was he happy?
7. We shall come soon. Shall we come soon?
8. We built a house there. Did we build a house there?
9. It may rain today. May it rain today?
10. We must go there Must we go there?
11. She does her work. Does she do her work?

Exercise for Practice

Change the following sentences into Interrogative:
1. They can swim.
2. She has a gold ring.
3. These birds are pretty.
4. We have seen the Taj.
5. She helped me in my work.
6. The carpenter makes furniture.
7. This pen costs ten rupees.
8. The child fell from a tree.
9. He was brushing his teeth.
10. Our soldiers fought bravely.

C-Exclamatory to Assertive

Exclamatory Assertive
1. What a lovely flower! It is a very lovely flower.
2. Long live our king! We wish that our king may live long.
3. Alas ! I shall never be able to meet her again. It is very sad that I shall never be able to meet her again.
4. Hurrah ! I have won a scholarship. I am very happy that I have won a scholarship.
5. What a pity you have lost everything! It is very sad that you have lost everything.
6. Fie ! A soldier and afraid of death! It is shameful for a soldier to be afraid of death.
7. How cold it is today! It is very cold today. I am very glad to see you.
8. How glad I am to see you! It is a very shameful act on your part.
9. What a shameful act on your part ! The traitors must be punished with death.
10. Death to the traitors! Assertive

Exercise for Practice

I. Change the following Exclamatory sentences into Assertive sentences:
1. Bravo ! You have killed the enemy.
2. Alas ! I am undone.
3. How sweet the child is!
4. Alas ! How stupid I had been !
5. What a terrible noise !
6. How difficult the paper is !
7. May God bless you with a son!
8. What a beautiful wrist-watch!
9. Splendid ! You have won the day!
10. Alas! You have failed.

II. Change the following Affirmative (Declarative) sentences into Interrogative sentences (Questions):

1. He is clever.
2. He was simple.
3. Ram was feeling tired.
4. Sita was angry.
5. They were good friends.
6. I have two books.
7. She has three pencils.
8. We had a good time there.
9. I have to do it.
10. Sohan had finished his work.
11. I shall go there tomorrow.
12. He will play a match.
13. I can do it.
14. He may help you.
15. You could write.
16. The sun does not shine at night.
17. He beats his donkey with a stick.
18. He sees another dog.
19. The horse runs very fast.
20. They play a match.
21. He waited here for an hour.
22. The train started at ten.
23. He never lost heart.
24. I did not find him there.
25. The rose smelt sweet.
1. Is he clever ?
2. Was he simple ?
3. Was Ram feeling tired ?
4. Was Sita angry?
5. Were they good friends ?
6. Have I two books ?
7. Has she three pencils ?
8. Had we a good time there ?
9. Have I to do it?
10. Had Sohan finished his work ?
11. Shall I go there tomorrow?
12. Will he play a match ?
13. Can I do it?
14. May he help you ?
15. Could you write ?
16. Does the sun not shine at night ?
17. Does he beat his donkey with a stick ?
18. Does he see another dog?
19. Does the horse run very fast ?
20. Do they play a match ?
21. Did he wait here for an hour ?
22. Did the train start at ten ?
23. Did he ever lose heart?
24. Did I not find him there ?
25. Did the rose smell sweet?

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

III. Convert the following Interrogative sentences into Assertive (Declarative) sentences:

1. Are you on leave today?
2. Was the train late ?
3. Were the boys not lazy ?
4. Am I strong?
5. Is your sister ill?
6. Has it been raining since morning ?
7. Have you fulfilled your promise ?
8. Had he a pen?
9. Have you a horse ?
10. Has she a lovely voice ?
11. Should I stick to my promise ?
12. Does your father like you?
13. Did she not sing a sweet song?
14. Did he paint the door blue?
15. Can you help me ?
16. Does she sing well ?
17. Do we love our country?
18. Did you have a nice holiday ?
19. Do birds build nests ?
1. You are on leave today.
2. The train was late.
3. The boys were not lazy.
4. I am.. strong.
5. Your sister is ill.
6. It has been raining since morning.
7. You have fulfilled your promise.
8. He had a pen.
9. You have a horse.
10. She has a lovely voice.
11. I should stick to my promise.
12. Your father likes you.
13. She did not sing a sweet song.
14. He painted the door blue.
15. You can help me.
16. She sings well.
17. We love our country.
18. You had a nice holiday.
19. Birds build nests.

IV (a) Change the following Positive sentences into their Negative form:

1. Lotus is a very lovely flower.
2. His neighbour was quite well yesterday.
3. Sham has a garland of flowers in his hand.
4. I have a horse.
5. You had corrected me.
6. The cattle graze in the pasture.
7. I get up early in the morning.
8. We saw a snake in the grass.
9. Sit down.
10. Let him die.
1. Lotus is not a very lovely flower.
2. His neighbour was not quite well yesterday.
3. Sham has not a garland of flowers in his hand.
4. I do not have a horse.
5. You had not corrected me.
6. The cattle do not graze in the pasture.
7. I do not get up early in the morning.
8. We did not see a snake in the grass.
9. Do not sit down.
10. Let him not die. (Or) Do not let him die.

(b) Change the following Negative sentences into their Positive form:

1. Sohan is not an idle boy.
2. We had not a book.
3. I do not have an umbrella with me.
4. He may not play well today.
5. She cannot tell a lie.
6. Do not bring me a second book of Hindi.
7. Do not let him go there.
8. Do not touch my chair.
9. I did not take the test.
10. You did not attend the class.
1. Sohan is an idle boy.
2. We had a book.
3. I have an umbrella with me.
4. He may play well today.
5. She can tell a lie.
6. Bring me a second book of Hindi.
7. Let him go there.
8. Touch my chair.
9. I took the test.
10. You attended the class.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

V. Change the following Exclamatory sentences into Assertive sentences:

1. Bravo! You have done well.
2. Alas! I have failed.
3. How beautiful the scenery is!
4. Alas! How foolish I had been!
5. What a disaster the earthquake is!
6. How stiff the paper is!
7. May God reward this act of yours!
8. What a terrible storm it is!
9. Wonderful! I have never seen the like of it earlier.
10. May God pardon this sinner!
1. You have done very well.
2. It is very sad that I have failed
3. The scenery is very beautiful.
4. It is very sad that I had been very foolish.
5. The earthquake is a terrible disaster.
6. The paper is very stiff.
7. It is prayed that God may reward this act of yours.
8. It is a very terrible storm.
9. It is surprising that I have never seen the like of it earlier. (or) I wonder if I have ever seen the like of it.
10. It is prayed that God may pardon this sinner.

VI. Pick out the Subject and the Predicate in the following sentences:

1. The sun shines brightly.
2. You speak very hastily.
3. He plays cricket.
4. The rose smells sweet.
5. Children take after their parents.
6. Send it at once.
7. Tell me a story.
8. The old man was listening to the wireless.
9. Slow and steady wins the race:
10. Time and tide wait for nobody.
11. He did his work efficiently.
12. Barking dogs seldom bite.

Subject Predicate
1. The sun shines brightly.
2. You speak very hastily.
3. He plays cricket.
4. The rose smells sweet.
5. Children take after their parents.
6. You send it at once.
7. You tell me a story.
8. The old man was listening to the wireless.
9. Slow and steady wins the race.
10. Time and tide wait for nobody.
11. He did his work efficiently.
12. Barking dogs seldom bite.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.

1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (adjective/noun/verb. etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or a mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings.

merchant adventurous explorer caravan fascinated
grandness luxury spy translated inspired

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Make sentences of the idioms you have studied. (Teachers must help students make sentences.)

English idioms, proverbs and expressions are an important part of everyday English. Idioms are a group of words established by usage and have a different meaning than is apparent from the words, e.g. over the moon, see the light. They come up all the time in both written and spoken English. Let us look at some idioms and their meanings.

S.No Idiom Meaning
1. beat about the bush avoiding the main topic, not speaking directly about the problem
2. every cloud has a silver lining be positive, even difficult times will lead to better days
3. actions speak louder than words people’s intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say
4. add insult to injury to further add to a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavourable situation
5. the ball is in your court it is up to you to take the next decision or step
6. blessing in disguise something good that isn’t recognized at first
7. cry over spilt milk when you complain about a loss from the past
8. kill two birds with one stone to achieve two things with one action
9. once in a blue moon happens very rare
10. turn over a new leaf to change one’s behaviour usually in a positive way

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Sentences :

1. Don’t beat about the bush; come to the point.
2. Don’t be upset. Every cloud has a silver lining in it.
3. We must show our talent in actions. Actions speak louder than words.
4. Don’t hurt his feelings more by adding insult to his injury.
5. Now it is you to save the situation. The ball is in your court.
English education proved blessing in disguise for the Indians:
7. It is foolish to cry over spilt milk. You yourself wasted the money.
8. He killed two birds with one stone by selling his old car at high price.
9. Such achievements are won once in a blue moon.
10. His sudden success turned a new leaf in his life.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Read the lesson and answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who was Marco Polo ?
मार्को पोलो कौन था ?
Marco Polo was a merchant and an adventurer of Italy.

Question 2.
When and where was Marco Polo born?
मार्को पोलो का जन्म कब और कहां हुआ ?
Marco Polo was born in 1524 in Venice.

Question 3.
Why did Marco Polo visit so many cities?
मार्को पोलो ने इतने सारे शहरों की यात्रा क्यों की ?
Marco visited so many cities because he wanted to learn about people, their food habits and their culture there.

Question 4.
Who accompanied Marco Polo during his visits ?
मार्को पोलो की यात्राओं में कौन उसके साथ घुमने गया ?
His father Niccolo and his uncle Maffeo accompanied Marco Polo during his visits.

Question 5.
Which features of the Chinese cities impressed Marco Polo ?
मार्को पोलो को चीन की किन विशेषताओं ने प्रभावित किया ?
The grandness and greatness of the Chinese cities impressed him.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Question 6.
How did he serve the Chinese Emperor ?
उसने चीन के शासक की सेवा किस प्रकार की ?
He served the Chinese Emperor as a messenger and as a spy.

Question 7.
After how many years did Marco Pole return to Venice ?
कितने वर्षों के बाद मार्को पोलो वेनिस वापिस लौटा ?
Marco Pole returned Venice after 24 years.

Question 8.
What was the effect of the war between Venice and Genoa upon Marco Polo ?
वेनिस और जेनोआ के युद्ध का मार्को पोलो पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ?
Marco Polo was captured and put behind the bars in Genoa prison.

Question 9.
Name the book that contains detailed stories about Marco’s journeys.
मार्को पोलो की यात्राओं के विवरण संबंधी पुस्तक का नाम बताओ।
The name of the book is ‘The Travels of Marco Polo.’

Question 10.
Who carried the book, ‘The Travels of Marco Polo’ along with him on his travels ? Why?
‘ट्रैवलज़ ऑफ मार्को पोलो’ नामक पुस्तक को कौन अपनी यात्रा पर साथ ले गया और क्यों ?
Christopher Columbus carried this book with him because he was greatly inspired by the book.

Activity 4

Read the story and fill in the blanks.
(a) Marco Polo set out on his first voyage at the age of …….
(b) He visited the holy city of …………….
(c) He was released from the prison in …………..
(d) He was married to ……
(e) Marco Polo passed away on ………….. at the age of …………….
(a) 17
(b) Jerusalem
(c) 1299
(d) Donata Badoer,
(e) 8 January, 70.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Activity 5

Imagine that you are a traveller. Write the experiences of your visit to any place in five sentences.
Visit to a Jaipur It was Sunday. I with my friend visited Jaipur. We all arrived at Jaipur around 11 a.m. We went straight to a hotel Amer on M.I. Road. After a light breakfast we went to Amber fort. We had a ride on the elephant. It was fantastic! Then we saw the Jantar Mantar. It was brilliant. Around 1 p.m. we came out and went to the hotel. Had our lunch. In the evening we all went to Hawa Mahal and Ram Bagh Place. We meant to Chowkhi Dhani and had an experience of Rajasthan over the years. In this chapter we will do Active and Passive Voice of the Continuous and Prefect form of all the tenses i.e.
(a) Present Continuous Tense
(b) Past Continuous Tense
(c) Present Prefect Tense
(d) Past Perfect Tense
(e) Future Perfect

Tense Present Continuous Tense

Rule : is/am/are + being + 3rd form of the verb
Examples :
Active : He is telling a story.
Passive : A story is being told by him.
Active : She is not reading a book.
Passive : A book is not being read by her.

Activity 6.

Change the voice of the following sentences :

(a) The leader is making a speech.
A speech is being made by the leader.

(b) They are playing hockey.
Hockey is being played by them.

(c) Sudhir is telling a story.
A story is being told by Sudhir

(d) Randhir is cleaning his kitchen.
His kitchen is being cleaned by Randhir.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(e) The girls are making chairs.
Chairs are being made by the girls.

(f) The workers are not repairing the road.
The road is not being repaired by the workers.

(g) We are not taking orders.
Orders are not taken by us.

(h) I am not favouring you.
You are not being favoured by me.

(i) Are they knocking at the door?
Is the door being knocked at by them?

(j) Is he serving his country ?
Is his country being served by him ?

Past Continuous Tense

Rule : was/werel + being + 3rd form of the verb
Examples :
Active : The boys were playing football.
Passive : Football was being played by the boys.
Active : The men were not repairing the road.
Passive : The road was not being repaired by the men.
Active : Was Meera singing a song ?
Passive : Was a song being sung by Meera ?

Activity 7.

Change the voice of the following sentences.

(a) They were chasing the thief.
The thief was being chased by them.

(b) The boys were making a noise.
A noise was being made by the boys.

(c) I was preparing my lesson.
My lesson was being prepared by me.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(d) We were helping the poor.
The poor were being helped by us.

(e) She purchased a book named “The Patriot’.
A book named ‘The Patriot’ was purchased by her.

(f) The children were not reading books.
Books were not being read by the children.

(g) He was not closing his shop.
His shop was not being closed by him.

(h) The servant was not cleaning the room.
The room was not being cleaned by the servant.

(i) They were stealing our books.
Our books were being stolen by them.

(j) Who was insulting the beggar?
By whom was the beggar being insulted ?

Future Continuous Tense

Note : Sentences belonging to this tense cannot be changed into Passive Voice.

Present Perfect Tense
Rule : has/have + been +3rd form of the verb

Examples :
Active : I have won the match.
Passive : The match has been won by me.
Active : He has not spoken the truth.
Passive : The truth has not been spoken by him.
Active : Has she read the letter?
Passive : Has the letter been read by her ?

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Activity 8.

Change the voice of the following sentences.

(a) She has torn my book.
My book has been torn by her.

(b) You have cheated everybody.
Everybody has been cheated by you.

(c) We have said our prayers.
Our prayers have been said by us.

(d) Seema has written a poem.
A poem has been written by Seema.

(e) Kavita has missed the bus.
The bus has been missed by Kavita.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(f) She has not stolen my camera.
My camera has not been stolen by her.

(j) The teacher has not scolded us.
We have not been scolded by the teacher.

(h) I have not told the entire story.
The entire story has not been told by me.

(i) Have you seen a zoo ?
Has a zoo been seen by you?

(j) Has the teacher marked you absent ?
Have you been marked absent by the teacher ?

Past Perfect Tense

Rule : had + been + 3rd form of the verb

Examples :

Active : The gardener had watered the plants.
Passive : The plants had been watered by the gardener.
Active : She had not told a lie.
Passive : A lie had not been told by her.
Active : Had our team won the match ?
Passive : Had the match been won by our team ?

Activity 9.

Change the voice of the following sentences.

(a) Abdul had lost his bag.
His bag had been lost by Abdul.

(b) He had posted the letter.
The letter had been posted by him.

(c) She had made a frock.
A frock had been made by her.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(d) I had learnt my lesson.
My lesson had been learnt by me.

(e) The gardener had watered the plants.
The plants had been watered by the gardener.

(f) We had not plucked the flowers.
The flowers had not been plucked by us.

(g) He had not killed the snake.
The snake had not been killed by him.

(h) I had not seen a lion before.
A lion had not been seen before by me.

(i) Had you hidden the books ?
Had the books been hidden by you ?

(j) Had our team won the match ?
Had the match been won by our team?

Future Perfect Tense

Rule : will/shall + have + been +3rd form of the verb.

Examples :

Active : They will have taken their lunch.
Passive : Their lunch will have been taken by them.
Active : I shall not have finished my work.
Passive : My work will not have been finished by me.
Active : Who will have done this?
Passive : By whom will this have been done?

Activity 10.

Change the voice of the following sentences.

(a) Radha will have said her prayers.
Her prayers will have been said by Radha.

(b) You will have bought a new house.
A new house will have been bought by you.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(c) Gurpreet will have painted the doors.
The doors will have been painted by Gurpreet.

(d) They will have caught the train.
The train will have been caught by them.

(e) Nobody will have betrayed you.
You will have been betrayed by nobody.

(f) The tiger will not have killed the deer
The deer will not have been killed by the tiger.

(g) I shall have taken my lunch.
My lunch will have been taken by me.

(h) Will the letter have been posted by him?
Will he have posted the letter?

(i) Will they have checked the accounts ?
Will the accounts have been checked by them ?

(j) Will you have received the money?
Will the money have been received by you ?

Let’s have a quick revision of Active and Passive voice rules using the table given below.

From Active to Passive 

Tense Rule Active Voice Passive Voice
is/am/are +V3 My mother bakes cakes. Cakes are baked by my brother.
Present Continuous is/am/are + being + V3 My mother is baking cakes. Cakes are being baked by my mother.
Present Perfect has/have + been + V3 My mother has baked cakes. Cakes have been baked by my mother.
Past Indefinite was/were + V3 My mother baked cakes. Cakes were baked by my mother.
Past Continuous was/were + being + V3 My mother was baking cakes. Cakes were being baked by my mother.
Past Perfect had + been + V3 My mother had baked cakes. Cakes had been baked by my mother.
Future Indefinite will/shall + be + V3 My mother will bake cakes. Cakes will be baked by my mother.
Future Perfect will/shall + have + been + V3 My mother will have baked cakes. Cakes will have been baked by my mother.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Learning to Listen

Activity 11.

Listen to the announcements being made on a railway station and fill in the given blanks.

Announcement 1

The announcement was to inform the travellers going to …………… that the ……………. Express departing from …………. will now …………. from platform number …………… at …………… pm and not from platform number …………..
1. Jammu
2. Patna Jammu
3. New Delhi
4. depart
5. 13
6.5: 23 pm
7. 10

Announcement 2

(a) What is the announcement about ?
It is about the safety of travellers going to Jammu from New Delhi.

(b) How is safety ensured ?
It is secured through 24 hour CCTV recording.

(c) Why are the travellers asked not to leave their luggage unattended ?
They are advised to do this because unattended luggage may cause disorder and scare.

(d) What will the security service staff do with the unattended luggage ?
They will remove it without warning or destroy it.

(e) What are the travellers advised to do on finding a suspicious item ?
They are asked to call the staff of the Indian Railways.

(f) What are the train passengers asked to do whilst waiting for the train?
They are asked to stand back behind the yellow line.

Learning to Speak (Role Play – Pairwork)

Activity 12

Scene : You are Aryan. Your mother needs money and asks you to get the money from an ATM. She gives you the security PIN along with the ATM card. When you reach the ATM, you forget the PIN. You try to take out the money using the wrong PIN. Your ATM card gets sucked by the machine.

One of you will be Aryan and one will be a bank employee. Aryan will complain to the bank employee regarding the sucked ATM card and request the bank employee to return the card to him. You may use the following words/phrases

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(a) wanted to withdraw money
(b) inserted the card
(c) forgot the PIN
(d) account holder
(e) computerized machine
(f) block
(g) my mother’s account
(h) sucked the card
(i) how long
(j) registered address
(k) two weeks Book

Employee : What is your problem ? How can I help you ?

Aryan : The ATM machine has sucked my ATM card.
Book Employee : What did you do there?
Aryan : I wanted to withdraw some money from my mother’s account. I inserted the card in the hole. But I forgot PIN and used a wrong code. Soon my card was sucked up. Book
Employee : When did all this happen?
Aryan : Only 30 mintues before.
Book Employee : It is computerized machine. But don’t worry. Give your complaint in written. Write your registered mobile number and registered address on it. If it is not a fraud case, your card will be back within two weeks.

Learning to Write

Activity 13.

Study the figure below. It is a conversation between a travel agent and his client. Read all the sentences given in the bubbles and mark them with numbers from 1 to 18 in the order they should occur in a conversation.
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PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Learning to Use the Language

In our everyday communication the most important element is asking/framing and answering questions. Asking questions is a skill that must be practised all the time. · Look at the table below to understand how questions are framed grammatically.
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Activity 14.

You are the monitor of your class and you have to introduce your new teacher to your class fellows. Make a list of questions that you will ask your teacher before you introduce him/her to the class. You can ask questions based on the given hints.

  • name of the teacher
  • place she/he comes from
  • subject she/he teaches
  • why she/he was interested in that subject
  • what her/his other interests are
  • what her/his views are regarding environment/global warming
  • what she/he would like to do about it
  • what she/he would like to do in the future

You must work in groups and prepare a written list of the questions. Also think of possible answers to the questions. After you have done that, you must practise the interview questions by playing the roles of the monitor and the new teacher and students.

  • The monitor will introduce the teacher.
  • The students will ask questions from the teacher.
  • The teacher will answer the questions.

विधार्थी स्वयं करें

List of Questions Monitor

  • What is your good name sir/madam?
  • Where do you come from?
  • Which subjects do you teach?
  • What makes you interested in these subjects?
  • Would you tell us about some of your other interests?
  • What are your views about the burning problems of environmental pollution and global warming?
  • How can you help solve these problems?
  • What are your future plans about your career?

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

New Teacher.
Your questions are worth asking. My answers to these questions are.

  • My name is Vineete Sharma.
  • I am from Ludhiana.
  • I have mastery over spoken English and English grammar.
  • I am also interested in poetry and writing skill.
  • I am also a good speaker and a hockey player.
  • Global warming is mainly the result of increasing environmetal pollution.
  • It is a big threat to life on our planet.
  • I would start a drive to check the problem.
  • I would awaken the people too.
  • As regards my future plans, I have no clear-cut vision.

Monitor : Dear class-fellows, you can see that you are going to have a great teacher. I hope he can mould us into true citizens and can serve the cause of education a great deal.
Students : Thank you, madam. We promise to fully cooperate with you.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the following passages and answer the questions given below each :

Marco Polo was a merchant and an adventurer. He travelled with his father and uncle from Venice (Italy) to China. Marco Polo spent 17 years in China before returning to Venice. Let us read and learn more about this adventurous explorer.

Long, long ago when there were no planes and trains, no cars and buses, people had to travel to other countries by ship or caravan. Marco Polo was one such traveller who went to many countries because he wanted to learn about the people, their food habits and their culture.

1. Who accompanied Marco Polo on his travels ?
मार्को पोलो की यात्राओं पर उसके साथ कौन गया ?

2. What did he want to learn during his travels ?
वह अपनी यात्राओं के दौरान क्या सीखना चाहता था ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) Marco spent on travelling 17 years in Europe.
(b) Marco Polo was an adventurous explorer.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Marco Polo was one such traveller …….. countries.
(b) Long ago people travelled to other countries by ………….

Match the words with their meaning :

(i) travels go along
(ii) accompany journeys

1. His father and uncle accompany Marco on his travels.
2. He wanted to learn about the people, their food habits and their culture.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) Marco Polo was one such traveller who went to many countries.
(b) Long ago people travelled to other countries by ship or caravan.
(i) travels — journeys
(ii) accompany — go along

(2) The wealth and luxury of the Chinese cities impressed Marco Polo. He was fascinated by the grandness and the greatness of Kublai Khan’s court. It was nothing like he had experienced in Europe. The capital city of Kinsay was large but well organised and clean. The roads were wide. All this was well beyond anything he had experienced in Venice.

Everything from the food to the people to the animals, like orangutans and rhinos, were new and interesting. Marco Polo lived in China for many years and learnt to speak the local language. He travelled throughout China. He served as a messenger and spy for the emperor. He visited a lot of countries in Western Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe.

1. What fascinated Marco Polo ?
मार्को पोलो को किस चीज़ ने आकर्षित किया ?

2. Mention any two features of the capital city of Kinsay.
किनजे की राजधानी शहर की कोई दो विशेषताएं बताएं।

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your ansewr-book :
(a) Foods to the people and animals were new and interesting.
(b) Marco Polo lived in China for a few years.

4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Marco Polo learnt to speak the local language of China for …
(b) He served as messenger and spy for …………..

Match the words with their meaning :

(i) spy comfort
(ii) luxury messenger

1. The grandness and greatness of Kublai Khan’s court fascinated Marco Polo.
(a) It was large and well-organised.
(b) It was clean.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) Marco Polo learnt to speak local language of China for many years.
(b) He served as messenger and spy for the Emperor.
(i) spy — detective
(ii) luxury — comfort.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(3) After travelling for twenty-four years, Marco along with his father and uncle decided to return to Venice. They had left home in 1271 and finally returned in 1295. A few years after returning home, Venice fought a war with the city of Genoa.

Marco was captured and put in a Genoese prison. He was released from prison in 1299. He became a wealthy merchant. He married a lady named Donata Badoer and had three children. He died on 8 January 1324 at the age of 70 and was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Venice.

1. When did Marco and his party return home?
मार्को और उसका दल वापिस कब आया ?

2. Where was Marco buried ?
मार्को को कहां दफ़नाया गया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your ansewr-book :
(a) Marco died in 1295.
(b) He was released from prison in 1299.

4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) He married a lady named ……….
(b) Venice fought a war with ………….
Write the meanings of the following words in English : (Any two) finally, wealthy, captured
1. Marco and his party returned home in 1295.
2. Marco was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Venice.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) He married a lady named Donata Badoer.
(b) Venice fought a war with the city of Genoa.
in the end, rich and prosperous, arrested.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

(4) It was in the prison that Marco met a well-known story writer. Marco narrated detailed stories of his journeys to the writer, who wrote all the stories in a book called The Travels of Marco Polo. It became a very popular book. It was translated into many languages and read throughout Europe. It is said that Christopher Columbus, another explorer was greatly inspired by the book. It is believed that he carried it along with him on his travels.

1. Who did Marco meet when he was in prison ?
जब मार्को जेल में था, तो वह किससे मिला ?
2. Which book did Columbus carry along with him on his travels ?
अपनी यात्राओं पर कोलम्बस कौन-सी पुस्तक साथ ले गया ?
3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) Christopher Columbus was a story writer.
(b) “The Travels of Marco Polo’ was translated into many languages.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) The book ‘The Travels of Marco Polo’ was read …………..
(b) Marco narrated …………………. to a writer.
Match the words with their meaning :

(i) well-known unidentified
(ii) inspired encouraged

1. In prison, Marco met a well-known story-writer.
2. On his travels, Columbus carried along famous book called ‘The Travels of Marco
(a) False
(b) True
(a) The book “The Travels of Marco Polo’ was read throughout Europe.
(b) Marco narrated detailed stories of his journey to a writer.
(i) well-known — famous
(ii) inspired — encouraged

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

Use Of Words And Phrases In Sentences

1. Explorer – (discoverer) – Many explorers lost their lives during third dangerous travels.
2. Culture – (society/civilization) – We love Indian culture and its values.
3. Adventures – (daring deeds) – The adventures of our soldiers are well known.
4. Wealth – (money, property) – He gathered a huge wealth by working hard.
5. Merchant – (trader) – His father is a big cloth merchant.
6. Finally – in the end) – Finally he left his studies and started a business.
7. Prison – (jail) – Gandhiji was put in prison many a time.
8. Captured – (arrested) – The culprit was captured and punished.
9. Inspired – (encouraged) – Inspired by his father he earned a lot of money.
10. Beyond – (out of reach) – To buy this car is beyond my sources.

Word Meanings
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Marco Polo Summary in Hindi

Marco Polo was ………….. many adventures.

मार्को पोलो एक व्यापारी और साहसिक पुरुष था। उसने अपने पिता और चाचा के साथ वेनिस (इटली) से चीन की यात्रा की। वेनिस लौटने से पहले मार्को पोलो 17 वर्ष तक चीन में रहा। आओ हम इस साहसिक खोजों के बारे में पढ़ें और उसकी अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें।

बहुत समय पहले जब हवाई जहाज, रेलगाड़ियां, कारें तथा बसें कुछ भी नहीं था तो लोगों को दूसरे देशों के लिए समुद्री जहाज़ अथवा काफ़िलों में यात्रा करनी पड़ती थी। मार्को पोलो उन यात्रियों में से एक था जिन्होंने बहुत सारे देशों की यात्रा इसलिए की थी, क्योंकि वे वहां के लोगों, उनके खाने की आदतों और उनके रीति-रिवाजों को जानने के इच्छुक थे।

मार्को पोलो का जन्म 1254 में वेनिस में हुआ। जब वह 17 वर्ष का हुआ तो वह अपनी पहली यात्रा पर अपने पिता निकोलो (Niccolo) और अपने चाचा माफो (Maffeo) के साथ निकला। वह चीन की यात्रा करना चाहता था ताकि उस देश और उसके लोगों के बारे में जानकारी जुटा सके। यात्रा के दौरान वह बहुत से जाने-माने शहरों में गया और उसने येरूशलम के पवित्र शहर सहित बहुत से स्थल देखे। उसने हिंदु-कुश पर्वत, प्रशा और गो-मरुस्थल भी देखे। वह भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के लोगों से मिला और उसने बहुत से साहसिक कार्य किए।

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Marco Polo

The wealth and luxury…… …………… ever seen before.

चीनी शहरों की धन संपत्ति और विलासता ने मार्को पोलो को बहुत प्रभावित किया। वह कुबलई खां के दरबार की भव्यता और महानता से बहुत अधिक आकर्षित हुआ। यूरोप में प्राप्त उसके अनुभव के मुकाबले यह कुछ भी नहीं था। राजधानी शहर किनसे (Kinsay) न केवल बहुत ही बड़ा था, बल्कि साफ़-सुथरा और पूर्ण रूप से व्यवस्थित था। – सड़कें चौड़ी थीं। यह सब कुछ तो उसके वेनिस के अनुभव से कहीं अधिक अच्छा था।

लोगों तथा जानवरों जैसे आरंगुटान (गुरिल्ला) और राइनो (गेंडा) को मिलने वाले भोजन तक हर चीज़ नई और रोचक थी। … मार्को पोलो चीन में बहुत वर्षों तक रहा और वहां उसने स्थानीय भाषा को बोलना सीखा। उसने पूरे चीन की यात्रा की। उसने सम्राट का दूत और जासूस बन कर कार्य किया।

उसने पश्चिमी एशिया, उत्तरी अफ्रीका तथा दक्षिणी यूरोप के बहुत से देशों की यात्रा की। – इन यात्राओं के दौरान उसने भिन्न-भिन्न संस्कृतियों, भोजनों और लोगों के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त की। उसने ऐसे बहुत से स्थानों और बहुत-सी चीजों को देखा जो इससे पहले यूरोप में आए किसी भी यात्री ने नहीं देखा।

After travelling ………….. on his travels.

मार्को पोलो ने अपने पिता और अंकल के साथ चौबीस (24) वर्षों की यात्रा के बाद वेनिस वापिस लौटने का फैसला किया। उन्होंने 1271 में अपना घर छोड़ा था और अंततः 1295 में वापिस पहंचे। घर पहुंचने के कुछ ही वर्षों बाद वेनिस का जेनोआ (Ogenoa) के साथ युद्ध छिड़ गया। मार्को को बंदी बना लिया गया और जेनोआ को जेल में डाल दिया गया। उसे 1299 में जेल से रिहा किया गया। वह एक धनी व्यापारी बन गया।

उसने Donata Badoer नाम की स्त्री से विवाह किया और उनके तीन बच्चे हुए। उसका देहांत 8 जनवरी, 1324 को 70 वर्ष की आयु में हुआ और उसे वेनिस की चर्च San Lorenzo में दफ़नाया गया। – जेल में मार्को एक प्रसिद्ध कहानी लेखक से मिला। मार्को ने अपनी यात्राओं की विस्तृत जानकारी लेखक को बताई जिसने “ट्रैवल्स ऑफ़ मार्को पोलो” नामक पुस्तक में सभी कहानियां लिखीं। यह पुस्तक बहुत ही लोकप्रिय हुई।

इसका अनुवाद बहुत-सी भाषाओं में किया गया और यह सारे यूरोप में पढ़ी गईं। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि एक अन्य खोजी क्रिसटोफर कोलम्बस भी इस पुस्तक से बहुत प्रभावित हुआ। ऐसा विश्वास किया जाता है कि वह यह पुस्तक अपनी यात्राओं पर साथ ले गया था।

Translation From English To Hindi

1. Marco Polo was a merchant and an adventurer. — मार्को पोलो एक व्यापारी और साहसिक पुरुष था।
2. He wanted to learn about the people, their food habits and their culture. — वह लोगों के बारे में, उनके खाने की आदतों और उनके रीति-रिवाजों को जानने का इच्छुक था।
3. Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254.– मार्को पोलो का जन्म 1254 में वेनिस में हुआ।
4. He wanted to visit China. — वह चीन की यात्रा करना चाहता था।
5. He also saw the mountains of Hindu Kush. — उसने हिंदु कुश के पर्वत भी देखे। .
6. He met a lot of different poeple. — वह भिन्न प्रकार के लोगों को मिला।
7. It was nothing like he had experienced in Europe. — यूरोप में प्राप्त उसके अनुभव के मुकाबले यह कुछ भी नहीं था।
8. The roads were wide.– सड़कें चौड़ी थीं।
9. Marco Polo lived China for many years. — मार्को पोलो चीन में बहुत वर्षों तक रहा |
10. They had left home in 1271. — उन्होंने 1271 में अपना घर छोड़ा या
11. He was released from prison in 1299. — उसे 1299 में जेल से रिहा किया गया |
12. It became a very popular book. यह पुस्तक बहुत ही लोकप्रिय हुई।
13. It was translated into many languages. — इसका अनुवाद बहुत – सी भाषाओ में किया गया
14. Marco met a well-known story writer.– मार्को एक प्रसिद्ध कहानी लेखक से मिला