PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Paryayvachi ya Samanarthak Shabd पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Grammar पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

अंग = शरीर, काया, अवयव, वपु, तनु, कलेवर, देह।
अग्नि = हुताशन, वह्नि, अनल, पावक, शिखी, दहन, ज्वाला।
अनुपम = अद्भुत, अद्वितीय, अनोखा, अपूर्व, अनूठा।
अपमान = अनादर, उपेक्षा, तिरस्कार, निरादर।
अथ = आरम्भ, प्रारम्भ, श्रीगणेश।
अमृत = सुधा, पीयूष, अमिय, सोम।
अरण्य = जंगल, वन, विपिन, कान्तार; गहन, कानन, अटवी।
अच्छा = सुष्ठू, शुभ, श्रेष्ठ, शोभन, सुन्दर।।
असुर = राक्षस, दैत्य, सुररिपु, दानव, दनुज, इन्द्रारि, निशाचर।
अन्धकार = तम, तिमिर, तमिस, तमर, अन्धेरा।
अश्व = घोड़ा, वाहन, हत, बाजी, घोटक, सैन्धव, तुरंग, गन्धर्व।
आयुध = हथियार, शस्त्र, अस्त्र।
आनन्द = मोद, प्रमोद, हर्ष, आमोद, सुख, विहार, प्रसन्नता।
आँख = नेत्र, चक्षु, नयन, लोचन, अक्षि।
आकाश = व्योम, गगन, अम्बर, नभ, आसमान, अनन्त ।
आभूषण = अलंकार, भूषण, आभरण, गहना।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

आम = आम्र, रसाल, फलराज।
इनाम = पुरस्कार, पारितोषिक, प्रीतिकर, आनन्दकर।
इच्छा = अभिलाषा, चाह, मनोरथ, कामना, लिप्सा, लालसा।
इन्द्र = देवेन्द्र, सुरेन्द्र, सुरपति, पुरन्दर, देवराज, शचीपति।
ईश्वर = ईश, परमात्मा, परमेश्वर, प्रभु, भगवान्, जगदीश।
ऊषा = प्रभात, सवेरा, अरुणोदय, निशान्त।
उदर = पेट, जठर।
उत्पन्न = पैदा, उद्भूत, आविर्भाव, प्रार्भूत।
उन्नति = उदय, वृद्धि, उत्कर्ष, उत्थान ।
उद्यम = प्रयास, प्रयत्न, यत्न, पुरुषार्थ, उद्योग।
उद्देश्य = मकसद, लक्ष्य, ध्येय, इष्ट, तात्पर्य।
उपकार = हित, भलाई, नेकी, भला।
कंचन = सोना, स्वर्ण, कुन्दन, हेम।
कपड़ा = वस्त्र, अम्बर, पट, वसन, परिधान।
कमल = अरविन्द, जलज, नलिन, पंकिज, सरोज, नीरज।
कान = कर्ण, श्रोत, श्रवण।
किनारा = तट, तीर, कूल, पुलिन।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

किरण = रश्मि, अंशु, मरीची, मयूख, कर।
केश = बाल, अलक, कच, कुन्तल।
कत्ता = कुक्कर, श्वान, सारमेय।
कोयल = पिक, कोकिल, परभृत।
कृपा = अनुग्रह, दया, अनुकम्पा।
कृष्ण = वासुदेव, गोपाल, गिरधर, केशव, कंसारि।
क्रोध = गुस्सा, रोष, कोष आमर्ष ।
खून = रक्त, रुधिर, लहू।
गणेश = गणपति, भालचन्द्र, लम्बोदर, गजानन।
गंगा = भागीरथी, देवनदी, सुरसरी, मन्दाकिनी, नदीश्वरी।
गौ = गाय, सुरभि, धेनु।
घर = गृह, सदन, निकेतन, भवन, आवास, आलय, शाला।
घन = बादल, मेघ, अभ्र।
चन्द्रमा = शशि, चन्द्र, राकेश, इन्दु, चाँद, सोम, सुधाकर।
चांदनी = ज्योत्सना, चन्द्रिका, कौमुदी, चन्द्रमरीची।
जल = वारि, नीर, पानी, पय, रस, जीवन।
जीभ = जिह्वा, रसना, रसज्ञा, रसा।
जूता = चरणदास, जूता, जोड़ा, पदत्र, पादत्राण।
तलवार = खड्ग, कृपाण, असि, शमशीर, करवाल।
तरंग = लहर, ऊर्मि, वीचि, हिलोर।
तालाब = सर, सरोवर, तड़ाग, जलाशय, ताल, पोखर।
तारा = नक्षत्र, तारक, ऋक्ष, नखत।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

तीर = बाण, शर, सायक, शिलीमुख।
दन्त = दांत, दशन, रद्, द्विज, दश।
दास = भृत्य, नौकर, सेवक, अनुचर, परिचारक।
दिवस = दिन, वार, वासर, अह्न।
देवता = सुर, अमर, देव, निर्जर, गीर्वाण, आदित्य।
दुःख = पीड़ा, कष्ट, व्यथा, विषाद, यातना, वेदना।
दुनिया = विश्व, संसार, जगत्, जग, भूमण्डल।
दूध = दुग्ध, पय, गोरस, स्तन्य।
धनुष = धनु, कोदण्ड, चाप, कमान, शरासन।
धन = द्रव्य, अर्थ, वित्त, सम्पत्ति, लक्ष्मी।
नदी = सरिता, तरंगिणी, जलमाला, तटिनी।।
नारी = स्त्री, कामिनी, महिला, अबला, वनिता, भामिनी, ललना।
नमस्कार = प्रणाम, अभिवादन, वंदन।
निपुण = चतुर, कुशाल, पटु, प्रवीण, चालाक।
निर्धन = ग़रीब, दरिद्र, रंक।
नौका = नाव, तरिणी, जलयान, बेड़ा, पतंग, तरी।
पण्डित = विद्वान्, प्राज्ञ, बुद्धिमान्, धीमान्, धीर, सुधी।
पवन = हवा, वायु, समीर, अनिल, प्रकम्पन।
पक्षी = खग, नभचर, विहग, विहंगम, खेचर।
पत्नी = वधू, गृहिणी, स्त्री, प्राणप्रिया, अर्धांगिनी, भार्या।
पति = स्वामी, नाथ, वर, कान्त, प्राणनाथ, आर्य, ईश।
पराग = पुष्पराज, कुसुमराज, पुष्पधूलि।
पर्वत = गिरी, पहाड़, शैल, अचल, नग।
पिता = जनक, बाप, तात।
पुत्र = सुत, बेटा, लड़का, पूत, तनय।
पुत्री = सुता, बेटी, लड़की, नन्दिनी, तनया।
पुरुष = आदमी, मनुष्य, नर।
पत्थर = पाषाण, वज्र, पाहन, उपल, शिला।
पुष्प = कुसुम, सुमन, फूल, मंजरी, प्रसून।
प्रसिद्ध = मशहूर, प्रख्यात, विख्यात।
पृथ्वी = भू, भूमि, धरणी, वसुधा, धरिनी।
प्रकाश = उजाला, ज्योति, प्रभाष, विभा, आलोक।
बसन्त = मधु, ऋतुराज, कुसुमाकर, मधुमास।
बन्धु = सखा, मित्र, साथी।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

बाग = बगीचा, वाटिका, उपवन, उद्यान, आराम।
बादल = मेघ, घन, जलद, नीरद।
बिजली = विद्युत्, तड़ित, दामिनी, चपला।
बन्दर = कपि, वानर, शाखामृग, हरि।
भिक्षा = भीख, याचना, माँगना, खैरात।
भूख = क्षुधा, बुभुक्षा, अन्न-लिप्सा।
भौंरा = भुंग, भ्रमर, मधुकर, मधुप, अलि।
भूषण = गहना, जेवर, आभूषण, मंडन।
मछली = अंडज, मीन, मत्स्य, जलचर।
मदिरा = शराब, सुरा, मद्य, वारुणी।
माता = जननी, माँ, मात, मैया, अम्बा।
मुख = मुँह, आनन, वदन, चेहरा।
मृत्यु = निधन, देहान्त, अन्त, मौत।
मनुष्य = मनुज, नर, आदमी, मानव, पुरुष।
महादेव = शिव, चन्द्रशेखर, भूमिपति, शंकर, भव।
यौवन = जवानी, युवावस्था, शिरोमणि, तरुणाई।
युद्ध = रण, लड़ाई, समर, संग्राम।
युवक = जवान, युवा, तरुण।
राजा = नृप, भूपति, भूप, नरेश, सम्राट्, नरेन्द्र, नरपति।
रात = रजनी, निशा, रात्रि, यामिनी, शर्वरी।।
लक्ष्मी = रमा, कमला, श्री, चंचला, इन्दिरा, हरिप्रिया।
वायु = पवन, समीर, हवा, अनिल, समीरण।
वृक्ष = पेड़, तरु, पादप, द्रुम, विपट।
वात्सल्य = प्रेम, ममत्व, स्नेह, प्यार।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

विष्णु = रमापति, गरुड़ध्वज, चक्रपाणि, जलशायी।
विष = ज़हर, गरल, हलाहल, कालकूट।
शत्रु = दुश्मन, अरि, रिपु, वैरी।
सरल = सहज, आसान, सुकर।
समुद्र = जलधि, सिन्धु, सागर।
साधु = महात्मा, सन्त, सज्जन, संन्यासी।
साँप = सर्प, विषधर, भुजंग, व्याल, नाग।
सूर्य = दिनकर, रवि, दिनेश, भानु।
सुगन्ध = सुरभि, सुवास, सौरभ, खुशबू।
हाथ = कर, पाणि, हस्त।
समाज = समूह, समुदाय।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran अशुद्ध-शुद्ध

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Ashuddh-Shuddh अशुद्ध-शुद्ध Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Grammar अशुद्ध-शुद्ध

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran अशुद्ध-शुद्ध 1

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran अशुद्ध-शुद्ध

वाक्यों की अशुद्धियाँ

1. अशुद्ध – गुरु जी ने छात्रों को आशीर्वाद प्रदान किया।
शुद्ध – गुरु जी ने छात्रों को आशीर्वाद दिया।

2. अशुद्ध – प्रत्येक छात्रों को पुरस्कार मिलेगा।
शुद्ध – प्रत्येक छात्र को पुरस्कार मिलेगा।

3. अशुद्ध – माँ सारी रात भर जागती रही।
शुद्ध – माँ रात भर जागती रही।

4. अशुद्ध – महादेवी जी बहुत विद्वान् हैं।
शुद्ध – महादेवी जी बड़ी विदुषी हैं।

5. अशुद्ध – वहाँ एक विधवा स्त्री रहती है।
शुद्ध – वहाँ एक विधवा रहती है।

6. अशुद्ध – महात्मा बुद्ध ने लोगों को अहिंसा का संदेश दिया।
शुद्ध – महात्मा बुद्ध ने लोगों को अहिंसा का उपदेश दिया।

7. अशुद्ध – सुरेश की आयु उस समय पाँच वर्ष की थी।
शुद्ध – सुरेश उस समय पाँच वर्ष का था।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran अशुद्ध-शुद्ध

8. अशुद्ध – चिड़ियाघर वाली शेरनी बुढ़िया हो गई है।
शुद्ध – चिड़ियाघर की शेरनी बूढ़ी हो गई है।

9. अशुद्ध – आप यहाँ से चले जाओ।
शुद्ध – आप यहाँ से चले जाइए।

10. अशुद्ध -मुझे शोक है कि मैं आपके पत्र का उत्तर न दे सका।
शुद्ध – मुझे खेद है कि मैं आपके पत्र का उत्तर न दे सका।

11. अशुद्ध – आज मेरी प्रीक्षा है।
शुद्ध – आज मेरी परीक्षा है।

12. अशुद्ध – विद्यारथी शरीरिक काम से डरते हैं।
शद्ध – विद्यार्थी शारीरिक काम से डरते हैं।

13. अशुद्ध – आज विग्यान का युग है।
शुद्ध – आज विज्ञान का युग है।

14. अशुद्ध – सरदार भगत सिंह क्रांतीकारि थे।
शुद्ध – सरदार भगत सिंह क्रान्तिकारी थे।

15. अशुद्ध-कृपा करके चार दिन की छुट्टी दो।
शुद्ध-कृपा करके चार दिन की छुट्टी दीजिए।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran अशुद्ध-शुद्ध

16. अशुद्ध – मैं घर गया और पिता जी को पत्र लिखा।
शुद्ध – मैं घर गया और मैंने पिता जी को पत्र लिखा।

17. अशुद्ध – वह केवल हिन्दी मात्र जानता है।
शुद्ध – वह केवल हिन्दी जानता है।

18. अशुद्ध – वह प्रातः काल के समय यहाँ आया था।
शुद्ध – वह प्रातः काल यहाँ आया था।

19. अशुद्ध – बहुत दिनों से आपका दर्शन नहीं हुआ।
शुद्ध – बहुत दिनों से आपके दर्शन नहीं हुए।

20. अशुद्ध – आजकल आप कहाँ रहता है ?
शुद्ध – आजकल आप कहाँ रहते हैं ?

21. अशुद्ध-प्रत्येक काम नियत समय पर करो।
शुद्ध-प्रत्येक काम समय पर करो।

22. अशुद्ध – बापू जी की मृत्यु पर मुझे बड़ा कष्ट हुआ।
शुद्ध – बापू जी की मृत्यु पर मुझे बड़ा दुःख हुआ।

23. अशुद्ध – पाँव पर चोट लगने से मुझे बड़ा दुःख हुआ।
शुद्ध – पाँव पर चोट लगने से मुझे बड़ा कष्ट हुआ।

24. अशुद्ध – मेरा रमेश के साथ घोर सम्बन्ध रहा है।
शुद्ध – मेरा रमेश के साथ घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध रहा है।

PSEB 8th Class Hindi Vyakaran अशुद्ध-शुद्ध

25. अशुद्ध – आगामी सम्बन्ध आपके रुख पर निर्भर है।
शुद्ध – भावी सम्बन्ध आपके रुख पर निर्भर है।

26. अशुद्ध – निर्धनतापूर्ण जीवन का कोई महत्त्व नहीं।
शुद्ध – निर्धनतापूर्ण जीवन का कुछ महत्त्व नहीं।

27. अशुद्ध – जीवन की कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण घटना सुनाओ।
शुद्ध – जीवन की कोई महत्त्वपूर्ण घटना सुनाओ।

28. अशुद्ध – उस पर घड़ों पानी गिर गया।
शुद्ध – उस पर घड़ों पानी पड़ गया।

29. अशुद्ध – सिपाही को देखकर चोर सात चार ग्यारह हो गया।
शुद्ध – सिपाही को देखकर चोर नौ दो ग्यारह हो गया।

30. अशुद्ध – गोद में उठा लिया उसने अपने बच्चे को।
शुद्ध – उसने अपने बच्चे को गोद में उठा लिया।

31. अशुद्ध – आप के पिता सज्जन पुरुष हैं।
शुद्ध – आप के पिता सज्जन हैं।

32. अशुद्ध – आप बेफिजूल बोलते हैं।
शुद्ध – आप फिजूल बोलते हैं।

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 English Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Activity – 1

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them- in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the poem (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or a mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings.

single-use lasts forever
oceans tangles travel

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Given below is a table in which you will find one word for a statement or group of words/phrases. We substitute a group of words with only one word and that is why it is called one-word substitution.

S.No. Group of words/phrases Word
1. a disease that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time epidemic
2. a body of persons appointed to hear evidence or judge and give their verdict (decision) jury
3. a game in which no one wins draw
4. a list of books available in a library catalogue
5. a man who does not know how to read or write illiterate
6. an authors handwritten or typed text that has not yet been published manuscript
7. something is written by an unknown person anonymous
8. a person who can speak many languages polyglot
9. a person who does not take alcoholic drinks teetotaller
10. a person interested in reading books and doing nothing else bookworm
11. a person who pays a visit to sacred place pilgrim
12. a woman whose husband is dead widow
13. a thing likely to be broken easily brittle
14. one who practises one of the fine arts artist
15. a person who eats too much glutton
16. a place where clothes are kept wardrobe
17. one who loves or supports one’s country deeply patriot
18. one who is unable to pay one’s debt bankrupt
19. something that can be heard audible
20. the art of beautiful handwriting calligraphy

Activity 3.

Choose any ten words from the table above and write their meaningful sentences in your notebook. Sentences

1. Covid-19 is a dangerous epidemic.
2. The jury has given its decision.
3. The match ended in a draw.
4. I want to borrow a book. Please show me catalogue.
5. He is an illiterate. He can’t even write his name.
6. There are many mistakes in the manuscript.
7. The writer of this story is anonymous.
8. My brother is a polyglot. He can speak five languages.
9. A teetotaller does drink alcohol.
10. His younger brother is a book-worm. He is always reading something.
11. Many pilgrims are going to Haridwar.
12. A widow feels lonely after her husband’s death.
13. Glass is brittle.
14. My brother is a fine artist. He prints beautifully.
15. He eats like a glutton.
16. Please remove your clothes from my wardrobe.
17. Gandhiji was a great patriot.
18. He was declared a bankrupt after he suffered a big loss.
19. Your voice is not audible.
20. He is a master of calligraphy. He write very beautifully.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4.

Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who is ‘you’ in the first line?
It is the reader.

Question 2.
What does the Earth want from human beings?
पृथ्वी मानव से क्या चाहती है ?
The earth wants from human beings to change their ways, and thus, change the face of the earth.

Question 3.
What difference can you and I make to save the Earth?
आप और मैं धरती को बचाने के लिए क्या अंतर ला सकते हैं ?
We can check pollution and change ways causing pollution.

Question 4.
What are some single-use plastic things that we buy and use ?
हम ‘single-use plastic’ की कौन – कौन सी चीजें खरीदते हैं और प्रयोग में लाते है
Bags boxes, plate, spoons and many other things are made of single-use plastic.

Question 5.
But it’s not very clever’. What according to the poet is not very clever ?
‘But it is not very clever’. कवि के अनुसार क्या clever नहीं है ?
Using single-use plastic is not very clever. It may be cheap and may last almost forever.

Question 6.
What happens to the single-use plastic after it is thrown ? When does it end up ?
फेंकने के बाद ‘single – use plastic’ का क्या होता है? यह कहां समाप्त होती है?
It flows to oceans, rivers and seas and becomes a part of their water. Sometimes it is caught in trees.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Question 7.
What harm does it do to the oceans, rivers and trees ?
यह महासागरों, नदियों तथा वृक्षों को क्या हानि पहुंचाती है ?
It poisons their act in the water and hinders the flow of wind.

Question 8.
Does it stay where you throw it? Why?
क्या यह वहीं ठहरी रहती है, जहां इसे फैंका जाता है ? क्यों ?
No, it does not. It travels around with the wind.

Question 9.
What does the poet want you to cut down?
कवि हमें किस चीज़ को कम करने के लिए कहता है ?
The poet wants us to cut down the use of such things (single-use plastic) as are harmful for our Earth.

Activity 5

Think together and make a list of things that ‘you’ and ‘I can do to make a difference to save the Earth in the space given below. You must write complete sentences.

S.No. Things we must do every day to make a change to save the Earth
1. We must save water. We must not waste it.
2. We must not cut down trees unwisely.
3. We should plant new trees.
4. We should check soil pollution.
5. We should say ‘No’ to poly-bags.
6. We should use paper bags.

Learning Language

Revision of Parts of Speech

Let we revise parts of speech in this chapter. Look at the following table wherein you will find eight parts of speech with their functions and examples. Read and understand them carefully.

Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech Functions Sentences
Nouns name people, place, things, and ideas/concepts Meena loves flowers.
The girl decided to buy a car. I believe in democracy.
Pronouns substitute/replace nouns Why are you pushing me? I gave her a book.
Get me a glass of water.
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns I saw an excellent film.
The girl in the red frock is happy. I plan to go on a long holiday.
Verbs express a physical action or a state I play basketball.
I am a girl.
Do your homework.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs She walked slowly.
They are extremely rich. I ran fast.
Prepositions show relationships of words and phrases The book is on the table. The stone sank in the lake. I jumped into the water.
Conjunctions join words, phrases and clauses She is tall and slim.

I will wait untill she arrives. Jim is sick so he can’t come.

Interjections or Exclamations show strong feelings such as surprise or happiness Wow ! that’s beautiful. Ouch ! that hurts.
Oh ! That’s wonderful.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Activity 6.

Given below are some words. Categorize them as nouns, pronouns, adjective, verbs, adverbs, preposition, conjunction or exclamations
PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You 1


Pronouns Adjectives Verbs
I, they
have to be
Adverbs Preposition Conjections


over, of, in, for,
with, from, beneath
and, but,
therefore, yet, so

Activity 7.

Given below is a chart. Write three sentences for each part of speech in the given space. You must also underline the word that represents its category.
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PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Learning to Listen (Pairwork)

Activity 8

You will listen to your teacher. She will speak some words. You will write the words in the circles on the side. Spell the words correctly. Once you have written all the words, think about the word that should go in the middle cirele, read the followers. nurse, doctor, operation, medicine, X-ray, rooms, wards hospital Here the word ‘hospital will go in the middle and other words in the side circles because hospitals have nurses, doctors, operations, medicines, X-ray rooms and wards. You may say that ‘hospital is the head word.
PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You 5
PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You 6

Learning to Speak (Groupwork)

Activity 9

You are a group of news reporters and you have to speak about people who have lost their homes due to an earthquake in a village where government help has not yet reached.
PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Safety Chapter 7 Safety While Driving 5

Work in groups for five minutes and make notes on what you would want to speak. All members of your group will speak at least one sentence on the topic. You may talk about their problems such as

  • no help has yet. reached from the government.
  • non-availability of hospitals for the injured.
  • no money in their pockets.
  • no place to sleep in winters.
  • nothing much to eat.
  • help available from gurudwaras and temples.
  • some people whose houses were not destroyed by the quake are providing food.

Note :

  • The earthquake has made them homeless.
  • The nights are very cold. People have no place to pass the chilly nights.
  • They have lost almost their everything. They have no food to eat.
  • Their pockets are empty, not a single penny in their pockets.
  • Only some gurudwaras and temples have come to their help. They are running ‘langars for the hungry people.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Learning to Write

Letter Writing

Write a letter to your friend informing him about your brother’s marriage and inviting him.
F2401 Bollywood
Greens Sector 113
SAS Nagar
May 1, 20 — —
Dear Sunil
I am extremely happy to inform you that my brother is getting married on May 10, 20……… . The functions will start from May 8, 20……… . I am inviting you to all the functions with your parents and sister. You all must come. My father is booking rooms for all the guests. I have asked him to book two rooms for you. I will be there at the station to receive you. I will send you the card soon.
Waiting to see you on May 8, 2020.
Yours sincerely

Activity 10.

Write a letter to your friend telling him why it is important to stop using single-use plastic.

B2555 Indian Blues.
Sector 25
April 13, 2020.
Dear Manmeet
I am going to tell you about a national rather international problem. It is world-wide use of single-use plastic. It is increasing day by day, A large quantity of single-use plastic is thrown out everyday. It chokes our drainage system. As it is not bio-degradable, it keeps lying in heaps here and there. Stray animals eat it up and die. It emits poisonous gases that pollute the air, water and soil. If we have to save our earth, we must stop the use of this plastic without delay. The government should ban its production immediately. I hope you fully agree with me.
Yours sincerely

Comprehension Of Stanzas

Read the following stanzas (extracts) and answer the questions given below each :

(1) The Earth needs you
To change your ways,
Month by month
And day by day

The changes are easy
Just look and you’ll see
The differences that can be made
By you and by me.

1. Why does the Earth need us?
धरती को हमारी ज़रूरत क्यों है ?

2. What should we think of ?
हमें क्या बात सोचनी चाहिए?

3. Name the poem and its poet.
कविता और इसके कवि का नाम लिखें।
1. The Earth needs us to changes our ways regularly to save our earth.
2. We should think of differences that can be made.
3. The name of the poem is ‘The Earth Needs You’. Its poet is anonymous.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

(2) Single-use plastic
Lasts almost forever.
It might be cheap
But it’s not very clever.

It can end up in oceans, rivers and seas.
The wind sometimes carries it.
And it tangles in trees.

1. Why do most people use single-use plastic ?
अधिकतर लोग Single -Use plastic का प्रयोग क्यों करते हैं?

2. How is it harmful ? Mention only two points ?
यह किस प्रकार हानिकारक है ? कोई दो बिन्दु लिखिए।

3. Name the poem and its poet.
कविता और इसके कवि का नाम लिखें।
1. Most people use single-use plastic because it is cheap and lasts long.
2. It does not break down and stays where it is. It chokes the flow of waters in rivers, seas and oceans.
3. The name of the poem is ‘The Earth Needs You’. It is written by some anonymous poet.

(3) When people drop it on the ground,
This is not where it stays,
It travels around.

If people used less,
The better place the world would be,
The future is in your hands :
Cut down and you’ll see.

1. What is it’ in the first stanza ? How does it spread ?
पहले stanza में it क्या है ? यह कैसी फैलती है ?

2. What can make the world better place ?
संसार को बेहतर स्थान क्या बात बना सकती है ?
3. Give the central idea of that poem.
कविता का मूल भाव लिखिए। .
1. It’ in the first stanza is single-use plastic. It spreads as it does not stay at one place. It travels around.
2. Less use of single use plastic can make the world a better place.
3. इसके लिए कृप्या Topic-C Central Idea of the Poem पढ़ें।

Word Meanings

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Safety Chapter 7 Safety While Driving 6

The Earth Needs You Poem Summary in English

The Earth Needs You Summary in English

The single-use plastic is a demon. Its increasing use can gulp down our earth any time. It may be cheap. But it does not decay easily. It travels from place to place and flows down to the seas, oceans and rivers. If gets tangled in trees. Thus marine life and the life on earth gets choked. It we want to save our Earth, we must lower the use of single-use plastic, otherwise, we will be heading toward a dark future.

The Earth Needs You Summary in Hindi

Single-use plastic एक राक्षस है। इसका बढ़ता हुआ प्रयोग हमारी धरती को किसी भी समय निगल सकता है। यह सस्ती हो सकती है, परन्तु यह आसानी से समाप्त नहीं होती। यह जगह-जगह जाती रहती है और समुद्रों, महासागरों तथा नदियों में पहुंच जाती है। यह वृक्षों में जाकर फंस जाती है। इस प्रकार जल-जीवन के साथ-साथ पृथ्वी का गला भी घुट जाता है अर्थात् सांस नहीं ले पाता। यदि हमें अपनी पृथ्वी को बचाना है तो हमें Single-use plastic का प्रयोग कम करना होगा। वरना हम अन्धकारमय भविष्य की ओर बढ़ते रहेंगे।

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 1 The Earth Needs You

Central idea of the poem

Our Earth is facing the danger of losing life on it. It is due to pollution mainly through the use of single-use plastic. Though cheap, it has choked the flow of life on Earth. The Earth is looking towards us for her survival. The earlier we stop the use of this plastic, the better it will be.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 English Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Learning New Words

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.

1. Meaning of the word as used in the poem (adjective/noun/verb. etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or a mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings. familiar timeless.

familiar timeless refrain
verse companions nourish

Activity 2.

Pick up the rhyming words from the poem and make a list.
(a) away — stay
(b) down — gone
(c) again — refrain
(d) me — be/free

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Activity 3.

Match the words with their correct synonyms.

S.No. Word Synonym
1. moment nutrition
2. modern high
3. clever time
4. upset intelligent
5. nourishment new
6. wealthy lift
7. garbage big
8. infant story
9. tall old
10. large unhappy
11. companion bowl
12. secure friend
13. thief known
14. dish trash
15. ancient burglar
16. timeless rich
17. familiar safe
18.  raise permanent
19. tale baby
20. joy happiness

1. moment – time
2. modren – new
3. clever – intelligent
4. upset – unhappy
5. nourishment – nutrition
6. wealthy – rich
7. garbage – trash
8. infant – baby
9. tall – high
10. large – big
11. companion – friend
12. secure – safe
13. thief – burglar
14. dish – bowl
15. ancient – old
16. timeless – permanent
17. familiar – known
18. raise – lift
19. tale – story
20. joy – happiness.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4.

Read the following stanzas and answer the questions.

A. Some books I’ll never give away.
Though old and worn, their binding torn,
Upon my shelves they’ll always stay,
Alive, still read, still fresh each dawn,
Their magic moments never gone.

(a) Name the poem and the poet.
The name of the poem is ‘We Who Love Books and that of the poet is Ruskin Bond.

(b) The poet doesn’t want to part with some books. Where does he keep them?
The poet keeps them on his shelves.

(c) What is the condition of the books ?
They are old and worn. Their binding is torn.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

B. Familiar friends, these timeless tales
Have been with me since I was ten,
And as I turn their pages once again
I feel and love their old refrain.

(a) The poet calls his books ‘familiar friends”. Why does he call them ‘familiar’ ?
The poet calls his books ‘familiar friends’ because they have been his friends since he was ten.

(b) What do you understand by the phrase ‘timeless tales’ ?
‘Timeless tales’ means untouched by time. They are as fresh today as they  were years ago.

(c) How does the poet feel when he touches and feels the pages of his books ?
The poet’s love for their old refrains.

C. Great verse, great thoughts, still stand the test
Of time that’s passing by so fast.
These good companions never fail
To give me joy, to nourish me.
We who love books will always be
The lucky ones’ our minds set free.

(a) According to the poet, what still stand the test of time ?
According to the poet great verse and great thoughts still stand the test of time.

(b) What do you think the poet will always get from his good companions ?
The poet will always get joy and nourishment from his good friends.

(c) Who according to the poet will always be the lucky ones ?
According to the poet, those who love books will always be lucky ones.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Activity 5.
Books have been described using many names and adjectives. In the given table, list all the names and adjectives used by the poet to describe books.

Nouns used for books Adjectives used for describing books
binding some
friends old
tales worn
refrains torn
verse fresh, alive, familiar
companions timeless, great, good

Learning Language

Tenses Tense is the form of a verb used to show the time of an action or a state. The three main tenses are :

  • the Present tense
  • the Past tense
  • the Future tense

Look at the following sentences :

1. I go to school everyday.
2. I went to school yesterday.
3. I shall go to school tomorrow.

  • In sentence 1, the verb ‘go’ refers to the present time and is therefore said to be in the present tense.
  • In sentence 2, the verb ‘went’ refers to an action that happened in the past time and is therefore said to be in the past tense.
  • In sentence 3, the word ‘shall go’ refers to the future time and is therefore said to be in the future tense.

1. Present Tense
Read the following sentences.

  • I help my mother every day.
  • I am helping my mother.
  • I have helped my mother.
  • I have been helping my mother since morning.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

All the four sentences above refer to the present time and therefore are all in the Present Tense. But there is a distinction in the ways in which the action is taking place.

In Sentence 1, the action is mentioned simply. There is no reference to the completeness or incompleteness of the action. The verb ‘help’ is therefore said to be in the Simple Present Tense or the Present Indefinite Tense.

In Sentence 2, the action mentioned is incomplete. It is still going on. The verb ‘am helping’ is said to be in the Present Continuous Tense.

In Sentence 3, the action is mentioned as finished, complete or perfect. The verb ‘have helped’ is said to be in the Present Perfect Tense.

In Sentence 4, the action is mentioned as having been going on continuously but not completed at the present moment.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

The verb ‘have been helping’ is said to be in the Present Perfect Continuous tense. So, the present tense has four forms :

  • Simple Present, or Present Indefinite
  • Present Continuous or Present Progressive
  • Present Perfect
  • Present Perfect Continuous

2. Past Tense
Just as the present tense has four forms, the past tense also has the following four forms :

1. I helped my mother yesterday. (Simple Past or Past Indefinite)
2. I was helping my mother. (Past Continuous or Past Progressive)
3. I had helped my mother. (Past Perfect)
4. I had been helping my mother. (Past Perfect Continuous)

3. Future Tense
Similarly, the future tense has the following four forms :

1. I shall call. (Simple Future or Future Indefinite)
2. I shall be calling. (Future Continuous or Future Progressive)
3. I shall have called. (Future Perfect)
4. I shall have been calling. (Future Perfect Continuous)

Look at the following chart for understanding forms of Tenses :

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books 1

Continuous Present Indefinite (Simple Present)

1. to express what is actually taking place now, for example :

  • Here comes the bride.
  • There goes the bus.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

2. to express a habitual action, for example :

  • He gets up early in the morning.
  • He takes exercise everyday.
  • I go to school by bus.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books 2

3. to express some universal truth, for example :

  • The earth moves round the sun.
  • The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  • The soul is immortal.

4. to express a situation or a fact that is permanent, for example :

  • My house faces the east.
  • This road runs from Ludhiana to Delhi.

5. to express a future action, when the futurity is indicated by them, for example :

  • The college reopens next week.
  • We leave by the 8.30 a.m. train.

Look at the tables below to understand how the present tense works.

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PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books 5

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

When we talk about singular subjects, we add-s/es to the verb. For example ‘he’, ‘she’ ‘iť and other singular subjects such as ‘this toy’, ‘the table etc.
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PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books 6

More examples :
(a) He drives to work.
(b) She works in an office.
(c) The bank opens at 9:00 a.m.
We do not use ‘be’ verb with the main verb in the simple present tense.
For example :
He works at a bank. (Correct)
He is work at a bank. (Incorrect)

Activity 6.

Underline the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.
1. Priya love/loves her work.
2. He study/studies agriculture.
3. A salesperson sell/sells products for a company.
4. Sunita work/works in a bank.
5. Nurses help/helps people.
6. We write/writes English books.
7. Your office close/closes at 5:00 p.m.
8. She teach/teaches in a school.
9. I walk/walks to work everyday.
10. I start/starts work at 8:00 a.m. every morning.
1. loves
2. studies
3. sells
4. works
5. help
6. write
7. closes
8. teaches
9. walk
10. start.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Present Continuous

It is used to express an action going on at the time of speaking. It is often associated with adverbs and adverb phrases, of present time, such as ‘now’, ‘at present, ‘at this moment’, etc.
For example :

  • What are you doing now?
  • Mohan is singing a song now.

This tense is sometimes used to mark an action that will happen in the future. For example :

  • We are leaving for London tomorrow.
  • She’s coming to meet me next week.

Activity 7.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb, Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I ……………… (not/belong) to Delhi.
2. Hurry! The bus …………….. (come).
3. Seema is a vegetarian. She ……………. (not/eat) meat
4. I ……………. (look) for a maid.
5. Jayati ……………. (eat) oranges.
6. At the moment, we ……………. (make) a video of the party.
7. I ……………… (know) what Mr Sharma wants to buy.
8. I …………….. (apply) for a job in a school but I don’t know if I will be successful.
9. Vanita ……………. (do) some research in the library.
10. She always ……………… (remember) my birthday.
11. Mr Brown …………… (work) in a supermarket.
12. Look! It ……………. (snow).
13. Do you …………… (know) Helen?
14. Look! That woman ……………. (try) to steal that man’s wallet.
15. The Ganges ……………. (flow) into the Bay of Bengal.
1. do not belong
2. is coming
3. does not eat
4. am looking
5. eats
6. are making
7. know
8. am applying
9. is doing
10. remembers
11. works
12. is snowing
13. know
14. is trying
15. flows.

Present Perfect

This tense is used :

1. to express an action that has just been completed, for example :

  • The sun has set.
  • We have just arrived.

2. to express a past action the results of which still continue, for example:

  • I have lived in Mumbai for ten years. (the speaker is still living in Mumbai)
  • We have known each other for the past two years.

3. to express a Future Perfect when such words as ‘when’, ‘before’, ‘as soon as’, ’till, ‘after are used before it, for example :

  • I shall go there after I have done my work. (as soon as I finish my work)

Present Perfect Continuous

It shows the action that began in the past and is continuing up to the present time, for example :

  • I have been standing here for two hours.
  • It has been raining since morning.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Note : In the Present Perfect Continuous tense, ‘since’ and ‘for are used to indicate point of time and period of time respectively, for example :

  • We have been living here since 1955.
  • Meena has been dancing since morning.
  • The girls have been playing for three hours.
  • It has been snowing for two hours.

Activity 8.

Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

(a) Someone …………… the window. (break).
(b) Reeta …………….. her pen. (lose)
(c) We ……………. many medals. (win)
(d) I …………… for a house for two months. (search)
(e) The train ………….. just …………… at the platform. (arrive)
(f) ……………. he …………….. a beard ? (grow)
(g) …………….. you …………….. the Gita ? (read)
(h) I …………….. my uncle for months. (not visit)
(i) She …………….. to Paris twice. (be)
(j) We ……………. already …………. Our breakfast. (have)
(a) has broken
(b) has lost
(c) have won
(d) have been searching
(e) has arrived
(f) Has, grown
(g) Have, read
(h) have not visited
(i) has been
(j) have, had.

Learning to Listen (Pairwork)

Activity 9.

Your teacher will tell you a story. Listen to it carefully and fill in the blanks with the words from the story. For the last paragraph, you will write all the words. The teacher will read the passage twice and the last part of the story will be read three times. Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who bought a …………. of sheep. He also had ……… who helped him to …………… his sheep. When the sheep grew up a little, the ………4…. realised that these sheep just …………….. not stop bleating. All day long, the sheep bleated-”Baaah baaah.” What a deafening sound they made; and they just ignored the ……………. commands. He used all the ……………. he could to get the sheep to listen to him and to his dog, but the …………….. didn’t care. Finally, seeing as the sheep wouldn’t stop …………….. the shepherd decided to at least have some ……10……. with it. He bought an enormous ear and transported it out to his fields on the ……..11….. of his wagon.
1. flock
2. dog
3. control
4. shepherd
5. would
6. shepherd’s
7. means
8. sheep
9. bleating
10. fun
11. back

Learning to Speak (Pairwork)

Activity 10.

Take a currency note of any value. Describe the currency note to your partner. You must talk about various things that are there on the note and their colour, size, number, location
(where on the note) etc.
Your partner will write/draw all the items that you describe on the currency note. You will take turns in describing. The teacher will look at the notes made by your partner to check whether the description matches with the drawing/writing.

Currency Note : ₹500

  • Issued By : Reserve Bank of India
  • Guaranteed by : The Central Government
  • Colour : Stone grey
  • Number : 3 NC 7…… 7
  • Size : 63 mm x 150 mm
  • Shape : Rectangular

Special feature (Design Elements)

  • Picture of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Picture of Red Fort (Historical Building)
  • Picture of National Emblem
  • Symbol of Swachh Bharat

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Learning to write (Pairwork)

Activity 11.

Look at the picture below. The pictures are in a sequence. Work together and write a short story based on the pictures.
PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books 10
It was winter. The days were snowy. There was a thick sheet of snow on the earth. Trees was bare. Birds got no shelter, no food. Little Minni and her father came to their help. They took some cardboard and gum. They made a small hut for the birds. They put some food grains in it also. Now the little birds were happy.

Learning to Use the Language (Pairwork)

Read the following poster very carefully.
PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books 11

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Activity 12.

Write the dialogue using the hints given in the poster on page

Partner 1 : Engage in a dialogue with your friend to invite him/her over to your home for dinner.
Partner 2 : Decline the invitation after asking questions about the day, time, occasion, etc.
Partner 1 : Hi Ramesh ! You are back to India. I am going to arrange a dinner party tonight. Would you like to come over for that ?
Partner 2 : What is the time? Where are you going to arrange it ? Is this some special occasion ?
Partner 1 : Tonight at 9 p.m. at hotel Sun. Forgot ! It is my birthday today.
Partner 2 : I’d love to come. But I’m afraid I am busy tonight.

Comprehension Of Stanzas

Read the following stanza (extract) and answer the questions given below each :

1. Some books I’ll never give away,
Though old and worn, their binding torn,
Upon my shelves they’ll always stay,
Alive, still read, still fresh each dawn,
Their magic moments never gone.

1. What shows the poet’s love for books ?
क्या बात पुस्तकों के प्रति कवि के प्रेम को व्यक्त करती है ?

2. What do the words ‘Their magic moments’ suggest ?
“Their Magic Moments” शब्द क्या सुझाव देते है?

3. Write in three or four sentences, the central idea of the poem.
तीन या चार पंक्तियों में कविता का केंद्रीय भाव लिखें।
1. Some of the poet’s books are old and torn. Still he enjoys reading them everyday.
He keeps them on his shelves.
2. “Their magic moments’ means time for the poet to read his books. He reads them every morning.
3. Read C- ‘Central Idea of the poem.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

नोट : अन्य Comprehension Stanzas के लिए Textual Exercises में दिए गए Comprehension का अध्ययन करें।

Word Meanings
PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books 9

We Who Love Books Poem Summary in English

We Who Love Books Summary in English

Books have timeless value. They never become old. They are as fresh today as they were long ago. They are a big source of joy and information. The poet has great love for books. He loves reading books since he was ten. He keeps them on his shelves. Though the binding of some books is torn yet he never parts with them. He still reads them with the same interest. He calls them familiar and good friends.The poet says that great thoughts and great verse never lose their charm. They always stand the test of time. Lucky are those who love books.

We Who Love Books Summary in Hindi

पुस्तकों के महत्त्व की कोई समय सीमा नहीं होती। वे आज भी उतनी ही ताज़ा लगती हैं, जितनी वे बहुत समय पहले थीं। वे खुशी तथा जानकारी का बहुत बड़ा साधन हैं। कवि को पुस्तकों से बहुत अधिक प्रेम है। उसे दस साल की आयु से पुस्तकें पढ़ने से प्रेम है। वह उन्हें अपनी शेल्वज़ पर रखता है। यद्यपि उनमें से कुछ पुस्तकों की सिलाई खुल चुकी है, तो भी वह उन्हें वहां से कभी नहीं हटाता। वह अब भी उन्हें पूरी रुचि के साथ पढ़ता है। वह उन्हें जाने-पहचाने और अच्छे मित्र कह कर बुलाता है। कवि कहता है कि महान् विचारों तथा महान् काव्यांश का आकर्षण कभी समाप्त नहीं होता। वे समय की कसौटी पर खरे उतरते हैं। वे लोग भाग्यशाली हैं, जिन्हें पुस्तकों से प्रेम है।

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Poem 3 We Who Love Books

Central Idea Of The Poem

The poem brings out the pleasure of reading. Love for books is a great blessing. It is a joy for ever. The books have everlasting value. The great thoughts of books are always fresh and stand the test of time. Therefore lucky are those who love books and enjoy books.

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

1. Carry out the following divisions:

Question (i)
28x4 ÷ 56x
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 1

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (ii)
– 36y3 ÷ 9y2
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 2

Question (iii)
66pq2r3 ÷ 11qr2
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 3

Question (iv)
34x3y3z3 ÷ 51 xy2z3
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 4

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (v)
12a8b8 ÷ (- 6a6b4)
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 5

2. Divide the given polynomial by the given monomial:

Question (i)
(5x2 – 6x) ÷ 3x
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 6

Question (ii)
(3y8 – 4y6 + 5y4) ÷ y4
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 7

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (iii)
8 (x3y2z2 + x2y3z2 ÷ 4 x2y2z2)
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 8

Question (iv)
(x3 + 2x2 + 3x) ÷ 2x
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 9

Question (v)
(P3 q6 – p6 q3) ÷ p3 q3
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 10

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

3. Work out the following divisions:

Question (i)
(10x – 25) ÷ 5
= \(\frac{10 x-25}{5}\)
= \(\frac{5(2 x-5)}{5}\)
= 2x – 5

Question (ii)
(10x-25) ÷ (2x – 5)
= \(\frac{10 x-25}{2 x-5}\)
= \(\frac{5(2 x-5)}{(2 x-5)}\)
= 5

Question (iii)
10y (6y + 21) ÷ 5 (2y + 7)
= \(\frac{10 y(6 y+21)}{5(2 y+7)}\)
= \(\frac{2 \times 5 \times y \times 3 \times(2 y+7)}{5(2 y+7)}\)
= 2 × y × 3
= 6y

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (iv)
9x2y2(3z – 24) ÷ 27xy (z – 8)
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 11

Question (v)
96 abc (3a – 12) (5b – 30) ÷ 144 (a – 4)(b – 6)
= \(\frac{96 a b c(3 a-12)(5 b-30)}{144(a-4)(b-6)}\)
= \(\frac{2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times a \times b \times c \times 3 \times(a-4) \times 5 \times(b-6)}{2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 3 \times(a-4) \times(b-6)}\)
= 2 × 5 × a × b × c
= 10 abc

4. Divide as directed:

Question (i)
5 (2x + 1) (3x + 5) ÷ (2x + 1)
= \(\frac{5(2 x+1)(3 x+5)}{(2 x+1)}\)
= \(\frac{5 \times(3 x+5)}{1}\)
= 5(3x + 5)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (ii)
26xy (x + 5) (y – 4) ÷ 13x (y – 4)
= \(\frac{26 x y(x+5)(y-4)}{13 x(y-4)}\)
= \(\frac{2 \times 13 \times x \times y(x+5)(y-4)}{13 x(y-4)}\)
= 2y(x + 5)

Question (iii)
52pqr (p + q) (q + r) (r + p) ÷ 104pq (q + r) (r + p)
= \(\frac{52 p q r(p+q)(q+r)(r+p)}{104 p q(q+r)(r+p)}\)
= \(\frac{52 \times p \times q \times r \times(p+q)(q+r)(r+p)}{2 \times 52 \times p \times q \times(q+r)(r+p)}\)
= \(\frac{r \times(p+q)}{2}\)
= \(\frac {1}{2}\)r (p + q)

Question (iv)
20 (y + 4) (y2 + 5y + 3) ÷ 5 (y + 4)
= \(\frac{20(y+4)\left(y^{2}+5 y+3\right)}{5(y+4)}\)
= \(\frac{2 \times 2 \times 5 \times(y+4)\left(y^{2}+5 y+3\right)}{5(y+4)}\)
= 2 × 2 × (y2 + 5y + 3)
= 4(y2 + 5y + 3)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (v)
x (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3) ÷ x (x + 1)
= \(\frac{x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)}{x(x+1)}\)
= \(\frac{(x+2)(x+3)}{1}\)
= (x + 2)(x + 3)

5. Factorise the expressions and divide them as directed:

Question (i)
(y2 + 7y + 10) ÷ (y + 5)
First we factorise
y2 + 7y + 10
= y2 + 5y + 2y + 10
= y (y + 5) + 2 (y + 5)
= (y + 5) (y + 2)
∴ (y2 + 7y + 10) ÷ (y + 5)
= \(\frac{(y+5)(y+2)}{(y+5)}\)
= y + 2

Question (ii)
(m2 – 14m – 32) ÷ (m + 2)
First we factorise
m2 – 14m – 32
= m2 – 16m + 2m – 32
= m (m – 16) + 2 (m – 16)
= (m – 16) (m + 2)
∴ (m2 – 14m – 32) ÷ (m + 2)
= \(\frac{(m-16)(m+2)}{m+2}\)
= m – 16

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (iii)
(5p2 – 25p + 20) ÷ (p – 1)
First we factorise
5p2 – 25p + 20
= 5 (p2 – 5p + 4)
= 5 (p2 – 4p – p + 4)
= 5 [p (p – 4) – 1 (p – 4)]
= 5 (p – 4) (p – 1)
∴ (5p2 – 25p + 20) ÷ (p – 1)
= \(\frac{5(p-4)(p-1)}{p-1}\)
= 5 (p – 4)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (iv)
4yz (z2 + 6z – 16) ÷ 2y (z + 8)
= \(\frac{4 y z\left(z^{2}+6 z-16\right)}{2 y(z+8)}\)
= \(\frac{2 z\left(z^{2}+6 z-16\right)}{z+8}\)
Now, factorise
z2 + 6z – 16
= z2 + 8z – 2z – 16
= z (z + 8) – 2 (z + 8)
= (z + 8) (z – 2)
∴ 4yz (z2 + 6z – 16) ÷ 2y (z + 8)
= \(\frac{2 z(z+8)(z-2)}{z+8}\)
= 2z (z – 2)

Question (v)
5pq (p2 – q2) ÷ 2p(p + q)
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 12

Question (vi)
12xy (9x2 – 16y2) ÷ 4xy (3x + 4y)
= \(\frac{12 x y\left(9 x^{2}-16 y^{2}\right)}{4 x y(3 x+4 y)}\)
= \(\frac{12 x y(3 x-4 y)(3 x+4 y)}{4 x y(3 x+4 y)}\)
= 3 (3x – 4y)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3

Question (vii)
39y3 (50y2 – 98) ÷ 26y2 (5y + 7)
PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.3 13

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

1. Factorise the following expressions:

Question (i)
a2 + 8a + 16
= (a)2 + 2 (a)(4) + (4)2
= (a + 4)2

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Question (ii)
p2 – 10p + 25
= (p)2 – 2 (p)(5) + (5)2
= (P – 5)2

Question (iii)
25m2 + 30m + 9
= (5m)2 + 2 (5m) (3) + (3)2
= (5m + 3)2

Question (iv)
49y2 + 84yz + 36z2
= (7y)2 + 2 (7y)(6z) + (6z)2
= (7y + 6z)2

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Question (v)
4x2 – 8x + 4
= 4(x2 – 2x + 1)
= 4 [(x)2 – 2 (x)(1) + (1)2]
= 4 (x – 1)2

Question (vi)
121b2 – 88bc + 16c2
= (11b)2 – 2 (11b)(4c) + (4c)2
= (11b – 4c)2

Question (vii)
(l + m)2 – 4lm [Hint: Expand (1 + m)2 first]
= l2 + 2lm + m2 – 4lm
= l2 + 2lm – 4lm + m2
= l2 – 2lm + m2
= (l)2 – 2 (l) (m) + (m)2
= (l – m)2

Question (viii)
a4 + 2a2b2 + b4
= (a2)2 + 2 (a2)(b2) + (b2)2
= (a2 + b2)2

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

2. Factorise:

Question (i)
4p2 – 9q2
= (2p)2 – (3q)2
= (2p – 3q) (2p + 3q)

Question (ii)
63a2 – 112b2
= 7 (9a2 – 16b2)
= 7 [(3a)2 -(4b)2]
= 7 (3a – 4b) (3a + 4b)

Question (iii)
49x2 – 36
= (7x)2 – (6)2
= (7x – 6) (7x + 6)

Question (iv)
16x5 – 144x3
= 16x3(x2 – 9)
= 16x3 [(x)2 – (3)2]
= 16x3 (x-3) (x + 3)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Question (v)
(l + m)2 – (l – m)2
=[(l + m) + (l – m)] [(l + m) – (l – m)]
= [l + m + l – m] [l + m – l + m]
= (2l) (2m)
= 4lm

Question (vi)
9x2y2 – 16
= (3xy)2 – (4)2
= (3xy – 4) (3xy + 4)

Question (vii)
(x2 – 2xy + y2) – z2
= (x – y)2 – (z)2
= [(x – y) – z] [(x – y) + z]
= (x – y – z) (x – y + z)

Question (viii)
25a2 – 4b2 + 28bc – 49c2
= (25a2) – (4b2 – 28bc + 49c2)
= (5a)2 – (2b – 7c)2
= [(5a) – (2b – 7c)] [(5a) + (2b – 7c)]
= (5a – 2b + 7c) (5a + 2b – 7c)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

3. Factorise the expressions:

Question (i)
ax2 + bx
= x (ax + b)

Question (ii)
7p2 + 21q2
= 7 (p2 + 3q2)

Question (iii)
2x3 + 2xy2 + 2xz2
= 2x(x2 + y2 + z2)

Question (iv)
am2 + bm2 + bn2 + an2
= am2 + bm2 + an2 + bn2
= m2 (a + b) + n2(a + b)
= (a + b) (m2 + n2)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Question (v)
(lm + l) + m + 1
= l (m + 1) + 1 (m + 1)
= (m + 1) (l + 1)

Question (vi)
y(y + z) + 9(y + z)
= (y + z)(y + 9)

Question (vii)
5y2 – 20y – 8z + 2yz
= 5y2 – 20y + 2yz – 8z
= 5y (y – 4) + 2z (y – 4)
= (y- 4) (5y + 2z)

Question (viii)
10ab + 4a + 5b + 2
= 2a (5b + 2) + 1 (5b + 2)
= (5b + 2) (2a + 1)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Question (ix)
6xy – 4y + 6 – 9x
= 6xy – 4y – 9x + 6
= 2y (3x-2)-3(3x-2)
= (3x-2) (2y – 3)

4. Factorise:

Question (i)
a4 – b4
= (a2)2 – (b2)2
= (a2 – b2) (a2 + b2)
= ((a)2 – (b2)] (a2 + b2)
= (a – b) (a + b) (a2 + b2)

Question (ii)
p4 – 81
= (p2)2 – (9)2
= (p2 – 9) (p2 + 9)
= ((p)2 – (3)2] (p2 + 9)
= (p – 3)(p + 3)(p2 + 9)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Question (iii)
x4 – (y + z)4
= (x2)2 – (a2)2 (∵ y + z = a)
= (x2 – a2) (x2 + a2)
= (x – a) (x + a) (x2 + a2)
= [x – (y + z)] [x + (y + z)] [x2 + (y + z)2] (∵ a = y + z)
= (x – y – z) (x + y + z) [x2 + (y + z)2]

Question (iv)
x4 – (x – z)4
= (x2)2 – [(x – z)2]2
= [x2 – (x – z)2] [x2 + (x – z)2]
= [x2 – (x2 – 2xz + z2)] [x2 + (x2 – 2xz + z2)]
= (x2 – x2 + 2xz – z2) (x2 + x2 – 2xz + z2)
= (2xz – z2) (2x2 – 2xz + z2)
= z (2x – z) (2x2 – 2xz + z2)

Question (v)
a4 – 2a2b2 + b4
= (a2)2 – 2(a2)(b2) + (b2)2
= (a2 – b2)2
= (a2 – b2) (a2 – b2)
= (a – b) (a + b) (a – b) (a + b)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

5. Factorise the following expressions:

Question (i)
p2 + 6p + 8
= p2 + 6p + 9 – 1
= (p2 + 6p + 9) – (1)
= (p + 3)2 – (1)2
= (p + 3 + 1) (p + 3 – 1)
= (P + 4) (p + 2)
Here, last term is 8.
∴ 9 – 1 = 8.

p2 + 6p + 8
Here, ab = 8 and a + b = 6
On solving equations, a = 4, b = 2
Now, p2 + 6p + 8
= p2 + 4p + 2p + 8
= p (p + 4) + 2 (p + 4)
= (p + 4) (p + 2)

Question (ii)
q2 – 10q + 21
= q2 – 10q + 25 – 4
= (q2 – 10q + 25) – (4)
= (q – 5)2 – (2)2
= (q – 5 + 2) (q – 5 – 2)
= (q – 3) (q – 7)
Here, last term is 21.
∴ 25 – 4 = 21.

q2 – 10q + 21
Here, ab = 21 and a + b = (- 10)
Possible values of a = 7 or (-7)
b = 3 or (- 3)
Let us check, 7 + 3 = 10 ≠ (- 10)
∴ a = – 7, b = – 3
Now, q2 – 10q + 21
= q2 – 7q – 3q + 21
= q (q – 7) – 3 (q – 7)
= (q – 7) (q – 3)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.2

Question (iii)
p2 + 6p – 16
= p2 + 6p + 9 – 25
= (P2 + 6p + 9) – (25)
= (p + 3)2 – (5)2
= (p + 3 – 5) (p + 3 + 5)
= (p – 2) (p + 8)
Here, last term is (-16).
∴ (-25) + 9 = (-16)


p2 + 6p – 16
Here, ab = – 16 and a + b = 6
Possible values of a = 8 or (-8) b = 2 or (-2)
Let us check, 8 + 2 = 10 ≠ 6
(- 8) + 2 = (-6) ≠ 6
8 + (-2) = 8 – 2 = 6
Now, p2 + 6p – 16
= p2 + 8p – 2p – 16
= P (P + 8) – 2 (p + 8)
= (p + 8) (p – 2)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

1. Find the common factors of the given terms:

Question (i)
12x, 36
12x = 2 × 2 × 3 × x
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
∴ Common factors of 12x and 36 = 2 × 2 × 3
= 12

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

Question (ii)
2y, 22xy
2y = 2 xy
22xy = 2 × 11 × x × y
∴ Common factors of 2y and 22xy
= 2 × y = 2y

Question (iii)
14pq, 28p2q2
14pq = 2 × 7 × p × q
28p2q2 = 2 × 2 × 7 × p × p × q × q
∴ Common factors of 14pq and 28p2q2
= 2 × 7 × p × q = 14pq

Question (iv)
2x, 3x2, 4
2x = 2 × x
3x2 = 3 × x × x
4 = 2 × 2
∴ Common factors of 2x, 3x2 and 4 = 1 [Note: 1 is a factor of each term.]

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

Question (v)
6abc, 24ab2, 12a2b
6abc = 2 × 3 × a × b × c
24ab2 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × a × b × b
12a2b = 2 × 2 × 3 × a × a × b
∴ Common factors of 6abc, 24ab2 and 12a2b
= 2 × 3 × a × b
= 6ab

Question (vi)
16x3, – 4x2, 32x
16x3 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × x × x × x
– 4x2 = (-1) × 2 × 2 × x × x
32x = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × x
∴ Common factors of 16x3, – 4x2 and 32x = 2 × 2 × x = 4x

Question (vii)
10pq, 20qr, 30rp
10pq = 2 × 5 × p × q
20qr = 2 × 2 × 5 × q × r
30rp = 2 × 3 × 5 × r × p
∴ Common factors of 10pq, 20qr and 30rp = 2 × 5 = 10

Question (viii)
3x2y3, 10x3y2, 6x2y2z
3x2y3 = 3 × x × x × y × y × y
10x3y2 = 2 × 5 × x × x × x × y × y
6x2y2z = 2 × 3 × x × x × y × y × z
∴ Common factors of 3x2y3, 10x3y2 and 6x2y2z
= x × x × y × y = x2y2

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

2. Factorise the following expressions:

Question (i)
7x – 42
7x = 7 × x
42 = 2 × 3 × 7
∴ 7 is common in both terms.
7x – 42 = 7 (x – 6)

Question (ii)
6p – 12q
6p = 2 × 3 × p
12q = 2 × 2 × 3 × q
∴ 2 × 3 = 6 is common in both terms.
6p – 12q = 6 (p – 2q)

Question (iii)
7a2 + 14a
7a2 = 7 × a × a
14a = 2 × 7 × a
∴ 7 × a = 7a is common in both terms.
∴ 7a2 + 14a = 7a (a + 2)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

Question (iv)
– 16z + 20z3
– 16z = -2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × z
20z3 = 2 × 2 × 5 × z × z × z
∴ 2 × 2 × z = 4z is common in both terms.
∴ – 16z + 20z3 = 4z (- 4 + 5z2)

Question (v)
20l2m + 30alm
= 2 × 2 × 5 × l × l × m + 2 × 3 × 5 × a × l × m
= 10lm (2l + 3a)

Question (vi)
5x2y – 15xy2
= 5xy (x – 3y)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

Question (vii)
10a2 – 15b2 + 20c2
= 5 (2a2 – 3b2 + 4c2)

Question (viii)
– 4a2 + 4ab – 4ca
= 4a (- a + b – c)

Question (ix)
x2yz + xy2z + xyz2
= xyz (x + y + z)

Question (x)
ax2y + bxy2 + cxyz
= xy (ax + by + cz)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

3. Factorise:

Question (i)
x2 + xy + 8x + 8y
= x (x + y) + 8 (x + y)
= (x + y) (x + 8)

Question (ii)
15xy – 6x + 5y – 2
= 3x (5y – 2) + 1 (5y – 2)
= (5y – 2) (3x + 1)

Question (iii)
ax + bx- ay – by
= x (a + b) – y (a + b)
= (a+ b) (x- y)

PSEB 8th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 14 Factorization Ex 14.1

Question (iv)
15pq + 15 + 9q + 25p
= 15pq + 9q + 25p + 15
= 3q (5p + 3) + 5 (5p + 3)
= (5p + 3) (3q + 5)

Question (v)
z – 7 + 7xy – xyz
= z – 7 – xyz + 7xy
= 1 (z – 7) – xy (z – 7)
= (z – 7) (1 – xy)