PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलते समय निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन किए जाते हैं-

(1) Direct Speech में प्रयोग किए गए inverted commas हटा दिए जाते हैं।

(2) Reporting Verb के बाद लगा हुआ comma हटा दिया जाता है।

(3) यदि आवश्यकता हो तो Reporting Verb के बाद that, if अथवा whether का प्रयोग एक जोड़क
शब्द (linking word) के रूप में किया जाता है।

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(4) Pronouns के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित नियम याद रखिए
(i) Reported Speech में जो First Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन्हें Reporting Verb के Subject (कर्ता) के Person में बदला जाता है।
(ii) Reported Speech में जो Second Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन्हें Reporting Verb के Object (कर्म) के Person में बदला जाता है।
(iii) Reported Speech में जो Third Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन के Person में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है।
(iv) Pronouns को एक Person से दूसरे Person में बदलने के लिए नीचे दिया गया चार्ट याद रखिए-

First Person Second Person Third Person
I you he, she
my your his, her
me you him, her
we you they
our your their
us you them

(5) Tenses अथवा Verbs के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित नियम याद रखिए-
(i) Reporting Verb का Tense कभी भी बदला नहीं जाता है।
(ii) Reporting Verb में said to के स्थान पर told, asked, requested, ordered, exclaimed आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है, परन्तु इसका Tense वही रहता है।
(iii) Reporting Verb यदि Present Tense अथवा Future Tense में हो, तो Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।

(iv) Reporting Verb यदि Past Tense में हो, तो Reported Speech के Verb का Tense नीचे दिए नियमों के अनुसार बदला जाता है*
V1 को V2 में बदल दो।
V2 को had + V3 में बदल दो।

(v) Reported Speech में यदि किसी Universal Truth, Habit, Fact अथवा किसी Historical Truth का वर्णन हो, तो इसे Indirect में बदलते समय इसके Tense में
कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है, यद्यपि Reporting Verb का Tense कुछ भी हो।।

(vi) यदि Reported Speech में दो क्रियाएं एक ही समय पर हो रही हों (two actions taking place at the same time), तो इसे Indirect में बदलते समय इसके Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है, यद्यपि Reporting Verb का Tense कुछ भी हो।

(vii) Reported Speech में दिया गया वाक्य यदि साधारण (Assertive) हो, तो जोड़क के रूप में that का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

(viii) Reported Speech में दिया गया वाक्य यदि प्रश्न-वाचक हो, तो जोड़क के रूप में if या whether का प्रयोग किया जाता है। परन्तु यदि प्रश्न-वाचक वाक्य What, When, Where, Why, Which, Who, How आदि प्रश्न-वाचक शब्दों से आरम्भ हुआ हो, तो किसी भी जोड़क का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। वाक्य के आरम्भ में लगा हुआ प्रश्न-वाचक शब्द ही जोड़क का काम करता है। प्रश्न-वाचक वाक्य को indirect में बदलने के बाद उस वाक्य को साधारण (Assertive) बना दिया जाता है।

(ix) Reported Speech में दिया हुआ वाक्य यदि Imperative हो, तो Indirect में बदलते समय नीचे दिए परिवर्तन किए जाते हैं-
Reporting Verb में दिए गए said to के स्थान पर ordered, asked, requested, begged, advised आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
* Imperative Verb के आगे to लगाकर उसे Infinitive बना दिया जाता है।

(6) Adverbs के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित तालिका याद रखिए- .

Direct Indirect
Now Then
This That
These Those
Here There
Ago Before
Today That day
The next day Tomorrow
The previous day Yesterday
The previous night Last night
The following month Next month

किन्तु ये परिवर्तन नहीं किए जाते हैं यदि समय अथवा स्थान की दूरी का भाव क्रिया के रूप से ही स्पष्ट हो जाता हो।

Solved Examples

(1) Change of Pronouns (First Person)

Direct Indirect
1. I say, “I am ill.” I say that I am ill.
2. You say, “I am ill.” You say that you are ill.
3. She says, “I am ill.” She says that she is ill.
4. He says, “I am ill.” He says that he is ill.
5. They will say, “We are ill.” They will say that they are ill.

(Second Person)

Direct Indirect
1. He says to me, “You have done your duty.” He tells me that I have done my duty.
2. He says to us, “You have done your duty.” He tells us that we have done our duty.
3. He says to you, “You have done your duty.” He tells you that you have done your duty.
4. He says to him, “You have done your duty.” He tells him that he has done his duty.
5. He says to her, “You have done your duty.” He tells her that she has done her duty.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(Third Person)

Direct Indirect
1. I say, “He is an honest man.” I say that he is an honest man.
2. She will say, “They have done their work.” She will say that they have done their work.

(2) Change Of Tenses

Direct Indirect
1. I said to the teacher, “I am sorry.” I told the teacher that I was sorry.
2. I said to the teacher, “I am working hard.” I told the teacher that I was working hard.
3. I said, “I have been ill since Monday.” I said that I had been ill since Monday.
4. I said to him, “I was doing my duty.” I told him that I had been doing my duty.
5. He said to me, “You have done well.”  He told me that I had done well.
6. He said, “I shall go there.” He said that he would go there.
7. She said to me, “You will miss the train.” She told me that I would miss the train.

(3) Universal Truths

Direct Indirect
1. He said, “God is great.” He said that God is great.
2. The boy said, “I take exercise daily.” The boy said that he takes exercise daily.
3. The teacher said, “The First Battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.” The teacher said that the First Battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.”
4. “Gandhiji believed in non-violence, said the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister said that Gandhiji  believed in non-violence.

(4) Interrogative Sentences

Direct Indirect
1. The teacher said to me, “Are you feeling well today?” The teacher asked me if I was feeling well  that day.
2. The traveller said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The traveller asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn.
3. Hari said to his father, “May I go picture that night. Hari asked his father if he might go to the to the picture tonight?”
4. I said to her, “Do you want my help?” I asked her if she wanted my help.
5. She said, “Kamla, do you like this book ?” She asked Kamla if she liked that book.
6. He said to the old man, “What do you want He asked the old man what he wanted.
7. The teacher said to Hari, “Why haven’t you done your homework ?” The teacher asked Hari why he hadn’t done his homework.
8. Sohan said to her, “If you fail, what will you do ?” Sohan asked her what she would do if she failed.

(5) Imperative Sentences

Direct Indirect
1. The teacher said to the boy, “Shut the door.” The teacher asked the boy to shut the door.
2. Mohan said to Rajan, “Please go to the station with me.” Mohan requested Rajan to go to the station with him.
3. He said to me, “Trust in God and do the right.” He advised me to trust in God and to do the right.
4. The boy said, “Papa ! Forgive me that time. The boy begged his papa to forgive him this time.”
5. I said to my teacher, “Pardon me, sir.” I respectfully begged my teacher to pardon me.
6. He said to his friends, “Please let me study.” He requested his friends to let him study.

(6) Exclamatory Sentences

Direct Indirect
1. She said, “May you succeed, my son !” She prayed for the success of her son.
2. He said, “What a great misery !” He exclaimed with sorrow that it was a great misery.
3. The merchant said, “Alas ! I am ruined.” The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
4. The captain said, “Hurrah ! We have won.” The captain exclaimed with joy that they had won.
5. Sita said, “Goodbye, my friend.” Sita bade her friend goodbye.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on Textual Sentences)

(1) Change the narration of the following.

1. Barb shouted, “Malcolm, hold on. I’m going for help.”
2. Barb said, “I loved Malcolm before the accident and I will always love him.”
3. The grandmother said, “I am not going to waste any more time talking to you.”
4. The boy said to the girl, “Aren’t you happy to see me ?”
5. “I see,” said the Colonel, “you don’t know how to return a salute.”
6. I asked him, “Where do you come from?”
7. The old woman said, “May you live long !”
8. The policeman said to the driver, “Show me your licence.”
9. An elderly gentleman said to Sudha, “Do you know why we said lady candidates need not apply ?”
10. He said to Mr. JRD Tata, “Sudha is the first woman to work on the Telco’s shop floor.”
1. Barb urged Malcolm to hold on and said that she was going for help.
2. Barb said that she had loved Malcolm before the accident and declared that she would always love him.
3. The grandmother said that she was not going to waste any more time talking to them.
4. The’boy asked the girl if she was not happy to see him.
5. The Colonel told me that he could see that I did not know how to return a salute.
6. I asked him where he came from.
7. The old woman wished for my long life.
8. The policeman asked the driver to show him his licence.
9. An elderly gentleman asked Sudha if she knew why they had said lady candidates need not apply.
10. He told Mr. JRD Tata that Sudha was the first woman to work on the Telco’s shop floor.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(2) Change the narration of the following.

1. Sudha said to the panel, “You must start somewhere, otherwise no woman will ever be able to work in you factories.”
2. The Sergeant Major said to the author, “Always remember, discipline begins with the officers !”
3. Dr. Kalam said to girl, “What is your goal in life ?”
4. The teacher will say, “Gita is performing on the stage.”
5. She said, “If I were rich, I would help him.”
6. “Oh, Tom,” she said, “I am so ashamed of you !”
7. The lawyer asked Bob, “Do you still deny the charges ?”
8. The principal said, “Virtue is its own reward.”
9. The girl said to Dr. Kalam, “I want to live in a developed India.”
10. Mr. Tinaikar said to Dr. Kalam, “In America, every dog owner himself has to clean the droppings of his pet.”
1. Sudha told the panel that they must start somewhere, otherwise no woman would ever be able to work in their factories.
2. The Sergeant Major asked the author to remember always that discipline begins with the officers.
3. Dr. Kalam asked the girl what her goal in life was.
4. The teacher will say that Gita is performing on the stage.
5. She said that if she had been rich, she would have helped him.
6. She rebuked Tom saying she was very much ashamed of him.
7. The lawyer asked Bob if he still denied the charges.
8. The principal said that virtue is its own reward.
9. The girl told Dr. Kalam that she wanted to live in a developed India.
10. Mr. Tinaikar told Dr. Kalam that in America, every dog owner himself has to clean the droppings of his pet.

(3) Change the narration of the following.

1. Mr. Tinaikar said to Dr. Kalam, “Will the Indian citizen behave in a responsible manner in his own country ?”
2. Major Som Nath informed Brigade HQ, “I shall not withdraw an inch, but will fight to our last man and our last round.”
3. Kalam says, “India has made a wonderful success in many fields.”
4. “Gandhiji believed in non-violence,” said the Prime Minister.
5. Rita said to me, “Trust in God and do the right.”
6. “Don’t run away, Hughie,” said he.
7. “What an amazing model !” shouted Trevor.
8. Major Som Nath sent a message to Brigade HQ, “The enemies are only 50 yards from us.”
9. C.V. Raman says, “Water is the true elixir of life.”
10. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “Leave these photographs with me. I want to show them to General MacArthur.”
1. Mr. Tinaikar asked Dr. Kalam if the Indian citizen would behave in a responsible manner in his own country.
2. Major Som Nath informed Brigade HQ that he would not withdraw an inch, but would fight to their last man and their last round.
3. Kalam says that India has made a wonderful success in many fields.
4. The Prime Minister said that Gandhiji believed in non-violence.
5. Rita advised me to trust in God and do the right.
6. He asked Hughie not to run away.
7. Trevor shouted that it was an amazing model.
8. Major Som Nath informed Brigade HQ that the enemies were only 50 yards from them.
9. C.V. Raman says that water is the true elixir of life.
10. Colonel Sams asked Junod to leave those photographs with him. He further said that he wanted to show them to General MacArthur.

(4) Change the narration of the following.

1. C.V. Raman says, “Water in a landscape may be compared to the eyes in a human face.”
2. General Fitch said to Marcel Junod, “What do you want from us?”
3. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “It is not possible for the United States Army to organize any direct relief action.”
4. Barb shouted, “Malcolm, hold on. I am going for help.”
5. I said, “What a mean act !”
6. “Most of you will be leaving school within six months,” said the teacher to his pupils.
7. I asked my guest, “Did you have a bad night ?”
8. She said, “I sold my car myself.”
9. He said to Junod, “General MacArthur is willing to let you have fifteen tons of medicaments and hospital material.”
10. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “A commission of inquiry is leaving for Hiroshima tomorrow.”
1. C.V. Raman says that water in a landscape may be compared to the eyes in a human face.
2. General Fitch asked Marcel Junod what he wanted from them.
3. Colonel Sams told Junod that it was not possible for the United States Army to organize any direct relief action.
4. Barb shouted to Malcolm to hold on. She further told him that she was going for help.
5. I exclaimed that the act was very mean.
6. The teacher told his pupils that most of them would be leaving school within six months.
7. I asked my guest if he had a bad night.
8. She said that she had sold her car herself.
9. He told Junod that General MacArthur was willing to let them have fifteen tons of medicaments and hospital material.
10. Colonel Sams told Junod that a commission of inquiry was leaving for Hiroshima the next day.

(5) Change the narration of the following.

1. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “Medicaments and hospital material can be distributed under the control of the Red Cross.”
2. Junod said to the American officers, “A rescue expedition should be organised at once.”
3. The surgeon said to Barb, “Restoring Malcolm’s face was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.’
4. Malcolm’s friends said to Barb, “He simply can’t believe you still love him.”
5. Barb said, “Handicaps should be accepted in life.”
6. The old woman said to Rahim Khan, “Your wife has gone to her brother at Nurpur.”
7. “Poor old chap !” said Hughie. “How miserable he looks !”
8. “What a duffer the Baron must think me !” said Hughie.
9. “Has your son again been arrested for revenue arrears ?” said Rahim Khan to the old woman.
10. The host said to the poor peasant, “I cannot find drink for everyone who comes here.”
1. Colonel Sams told Junod that medicaments and hospital material could be distributed under the control of the Red Cross.
2. Junod suggested to the American officers that a rescue expedition should be organised at once.
3. The surgeon told Barb that restoring Malcolm’s face had been like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.
4. Malcolm’s friends told Barb that he simply couldn’t believe that she still loved him.
5. Barb said that handicaps should be accepted in life.
6. The old woman told Rahim Khan that his wife had gone to her brother at Nurpur.
7. Hughie pitied the old beggar and remarked that he looked very miserable.
8. Hugie felt upset thinking that Baron would consider him a duffer.
9. Rahim Khan asked the old woman if her son had again been arrested for revenue arrears.
10. The host told the poor peasant that he could not find drink for everyone who came there.

(6) Change the narration of the following.

1. The journalist said to Junod, “By the evening, the fire began to die down and then it went out.”
2. General MacArthur said, “Force is not a solution to man’s problems.”
3. Malcolm said, “Barb, are you okay?”
4. Gordy Peyto said to Malcolm, “I always end up looking after you, man.”
5. Malcolm said to Gordy Peyto, “My wrist is broken.”
6. General MacArthur said to Junod and his delegation, “A new war would leave nothing worthy of mention.”
7. Rahim Khan shouted, “Why are you running away ? I am not going to beat you.”
8. “Why don’t you speak, woman?” Rahim Khan said to the old woman.
9. Hughie said, “Well Alan ! Did you get the picture finished all right ?”
10. The doctors said, “Well Malcolm, you shall look fine after the grafts are finished.”
1. The journalist told Junod that by the evening, the fire had begun to die down and then it had gone out.
2 General MacArthur said that force is not a solution to man’s problems.
3. Malcolm asked Barb if she was okay.
4. Gordy Peyto told Malcolm jokingly that he always ended up looking after him.
5. Malcolm told Gordy Peyto that his wrist was broken.”
6. General MacArthur told Junod and his delegation that a new war would leave nothing worthy of mention.
7. Rahim Khan shouted to the children why they were running away. He assured them that he was not going to beat them.
8. Rahim Khan asked the old woman why she did not speak.
9. Hughie asked Alan if he had got the picture finished all right.
10. The doctors told Malcolm that he would look fine after the grafts were finished.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(7) Change the narration of the following.

1. Brigadier General Baker said to Junod, “General MacArthur wishes to receive the delegation of the International Red Cross.”
2. General MacArthur said to the delegation, “I thank you for the work you have done on behalf of the imprisoned Americans.”
3. He said, “The supreme value of human life and human blood has been forgotten.”
4. Malcolm said to his friends, “How can Barb love a freak like me ?”
5. Barb said, “Scars don’t change the person.”
6. “Shall I come too, father?” said Tembu.
7. Rahim Khan asked the old woman, “Has your daughter-in-law delivered another baby?”
8. The peasants said, “Poor fellow, he has gone mad. We shall send for his wife to look after him.”
9. The astrologer said to his client, “A knife was passed through you once.”
10. The astrologer said to Guru, “You were pushed into a well and left for dead.”
1. Brigadier General Baker told Junod that General MacArthur wished to receive the delegation of the International Red Cross.
2. General MacArthur thanked the delegation for the work they had done on behalf of the imprisoned Americans.
3. He said that the supreme value of human life and human blood had been forgotten.
4. Malcolm asked his friends how Barb could love á freak like him.
5. Barb said that scars don’t change the person.
6. Tembu asked his father if he too should come.
7. Rahim Khan asked the old woman if her daughter in-law had delivered another baby.
8. The peasants sympathised with him and said that he had gone mad. They added that they would send for his wife to look after him.
9. The astrologer told his client that a knife had passed through him once.
10. The astrologer told Guru that he had been pushed into a well and left for dead.

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Change the narration.

1. She said to me, “I will go to Delhi next week.”
2. Rajan said to him, “I returned your book yesterday.”
3. My sister said to me, “I have to finish my work before 5 o’clock today.”
4. The teacher said to the students, “You must attend your classes regularly.”
5. The stranger said to me, “I belong to Rajasthan.”
6. The captain said to the players, “In case of rain, we will cancel the match.”
7. My friend said to me, “You can take my book if you want to study.”
8. My neighbour said to me, “Someone has stolen my scooter.”
9. His brother said to him, “I am going to watch a movie.”
10. Riya said to me, “I shall go to Chennai next week.”
1. She told me that she would go to Delhi the following week.
2. Rajan told him that he had returned his book the previous day.
3. My sister told me that she had to finish her work by 5 o’clock that day.
4. The teacher impressed upon the students that they had to attend their classes regularly.
5. The stranger told me that he belonged to Rajasthan.
6. The captain told the players that in case of rain, they would cancel the match.
7. My friend told me that I could take his book if I wanted to study.
8. My neighbour told me that someone had stolen his scooter.
9. His brother told him that he was going to watch a movie.
10. Riya told me that she would go to Chennai the following week.

Exercise 2
Change the narration.

1. The shopkeeper said to the boy, “What do you want to buy?”
2. The student said to the teacher, “Can you explain the sum again ?”
3. The father said to his son, “Where have you kept my spectacles ?”
4. The teacher said to the student, “Why have you come late today ?”
5. I said to him, “When are you shifting to your new house ?”
6. My father said to my sister, “Why have you not prepared your lessons ?”
7. He said to his guest, “Shall I make you a cup of tea ?”
8. The secretary said to the visitor, “Whom do you want to see ?”
9. He said to me, “Are you building a new house ?”
10. My uncle said to me, “When does the postman come every day?”.
1. The shopkeeper asked the boy what he wanted to buy.
2. The student asked the teacher if he could explain the sum again.
3. The father asked his son where he (the son) had kept his spectacles.
4. The teacher asked the student why he had come late that day.
5. I asked him when he was shifting to his new house.
6. My father asked my sister why she had not prepared her lessons.
7. He asked his guest if he should make him a cup of tea.
8. The secretary asked the visitor whom he wanted to see.
9. He asked me if I was building a new house.
10. My uncle asked me when the postman came every day.

Exercise 3
Change the narration.

1. The teacher said to the students, “Don’t make a noise.”
2. She said to her father, “Let me marry the boy I want to.”
3. The Principal said to the boys, “Work hard if you want to succeed.”
4. My mother said to me, “Clean your room and arrange your books.”
5. The beggar said, “Please give me a rupee.”
6. The leader said to his followers, “Let’s do something for our motherland.”
7. He said to his son, “Never tell a lie.”
8. The Principal said to the peon, “Bring that file to me.”
9. The captain said to the soldiers, “Fire at the enemy.”
10. My friend said to me, “Let’s play cricket.”
1. The teacher asked the students not to make a noise.
2. She requested her father to let her marry the boy she wanted to.
3. The Principal advised the boys to work hard if they wanted to succeed.
4. My mother asked me to clean my room and arrange my books.
5. The beggar begged me to give him a rupee.
6. The leader proposed to his followers that they should do something for their motherland.
7. He advised his son never to tell a lie.
8. The Principal ordered 1 commanded the peon to bring that file to him.
9. The captain commanded the soldiers to fire at the enemy.
10. My friend proposed to me that we should play cricket.

Exercise 4
Change the narration.

1. My brother said, “Hurrah ! I have got the first rank in my class.”
2. He said, “Alas ! I have lost my son.”
3. She said to me, “Good Heavens ! You have come again.”
4. He said to the boy, “Pooh ! Pooh! What a dirty fellow you are !”
5. The students said, “How difficult the question paper is !”
6. She said to her son, “Hush ! The baby is sleeping.”
7. My friend said to me, “How nice of you to have come.”
8. She said, “Hurrah ! My brother has won a lottery prize.”
9. The boy said, “Oh ! I have forgotten my book at home.”
10. I said, “What a tongue-twister !”
1. My brother exclaimed with joy that he had got the first rank in his class.
2. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his son.
3. She exclaimed with surprise that I had come again.
4. He exclaimed disdainfully that the boy was a very dirty fellow.
5. The students exclaimed despairingly that the question paper was very difficult.
6. She asked her son to remain quiet as the baby was sleeping.
7. My friend praised me saying that it was very nice of me to have come.
8. She exclaimed with joy that her brother had won a lottery prize.
9. The boy exclaimed with sorrow that he had forgotten his book at home.
10. Taken aback, I exclaimed that it was a great tongue-twister.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 5
Change the narration.

1. I said to my friend, “May you get well soon.”
2. My friend said to me, “Good luck to you !”
3. John said, “O for a house to live in.”
4. He said, “I wish I were the Prime Minister.”
5. My mother said to me, “May you get all the success in life.”
6. The blind man said, “May God bless you !”
7. I said to my parents, “Goodnight !”
8. The teacher said to the students, “May you all fare well in your examination.”
9. She said to her friend, “May you recover soon !”
10. He said, “O for a cup of tea !”
1. I wished for my friend that he might get well soon.
2. My friend wished me good luck.
3. John desired strongly for a house to live in.
4. He wished that he had been the Prime Minister.
5. My mother wished that I might get all the success in life.
6. The blind man wished that God might bless me.
7. I wished my parents goodnight.
8. The teacher wished that all the students might fare well in their examination.
9. She wished that her friend might recover soon.
10. He strongly desired for a cup of tea.

Exercise 6
Change the narration.

1. He said to me, “You can go now.”
2. Radha said, “I bought these books yesterday.”
3. Priyanka said to me, “I lost my book last night.”
4. He said, “I have found a gold coin today.”
5. She said to me, “I will wait fou you here.”
6. Pratibha said to her friend, “I should go back home now.”
7. The servant says to his master, “The dinner is ready.”
8. Nehru said, “The Ganga has been a symbol of India’s culture.”
9. The teacher said to the students, “You should obey your parents.”
10. He said to the doctor, “There is no hope for him unless you treat him.”
1. He told me that I could go then.
2. Radha said that she had bought those books the previous day.
3. Priyanka told me that she had lost her book the previous night.
4. He said that he had found a gold coin that day.
5. She told me that she would wait for me there.
6. Pratibha told her friend that she should go back home then.
7. The servant tells his master that the dinner is ready.
8. Nehru said that the Ganga had been a symbol of India’s culture.
9. The teacher advised the students that they should obey their parents.
10. He told the doctor that there was no hope for him unless he (the doctor) treated him.

Exercise 7
Change the narration.

1. The tourist said to the guide, “How long does it take to reach Manali ?”
2. He said to me, “Shall I help you ?”
3. I said to him, “When are you coming to my home ?”
4. The daughter said to her mother, “What have you prepared in lunch ?”
5. He said to his neighbour, “Who has spoiled my garden?”
6. She said to me, “Do you know the way to railway station ?”
7. I said to him, “What have you got as your birthday gift ?”
8. She said to me, “Why did you hurt my brother ?”
9. My friend said to me, “Are you looking for a new job ?”
10. Amit said to his brother, “How did you fare in your final examination ?”
1. The tourist asked the guide how long it took to reach Manali.
2. He asked me if he should help me.
3. I asked him when he was coming to my home.
4. The daughter asked her mother what she had prepared in lunch.
5. He asked his neighbour who had spoiled his garden.
6. She asked me whether I knew the way to railway station.
7. I asked him what he had got as his birthday gift.
8. She enquired of me why I had hurt her brother.
9. My friend asked me whether I was looking for a new job.
10. Amit enquired of his brother how he had fared in his final examination.

Exercise 8
Change the narration.

1. He said to me, “You have no liking for poetry.”
2. She said, “May God bless the newborn baby.”
3. I said to him, “Did you go to school today?”
4. The boys screamed, “Bravo ! It is a big hit.”
5. The boy said to his mother, “Let me play for some time.”
6. He said to her, “Are you well ?”
7. She said, “You mustn’t break your promise.”
8. The officer said to his men, “Attack the enemy.”
9. The teacher asked her why she was late.
10. He said to me, “Let him play cunningly, he will not be able to defeat you.”
1. He remarked that I had no liking for poetry.
2. She wished that God might bless the newborn baby.
3. I asked him whether he had gone to school that day.
4. The boys applauded loudly saying that it was a big hit.
5. The boy requested his mother to let him play for some time.
6. He asked her if she was well.
7. She impressed upon me that I mustn’t break my promise.
8. The officer ordered his men to attack the enemy.
9. The teacher said to her, “Why are you late ?”
10. He assured me that even if he played cunningly, he would not be able to defeat me.

Exercise 9
Change the narration.

1. Mother said, “Go ahead and do well in life.”
2. He said, “Do it at once.”
3. You said to us, “Why were they quarrelling at night ?”
4. Her sister said, “How stupid you are !”
5. He said, “I must win the prize.”
6. Sonam said to her mother, “Where are the keys ?”
7. We wished them success in life.
8. The fox said, “How clever I am !”
9. The Principal said to the students, “You should always respect your teachers.”
10. “What a lovely flower !” I said.
1. Mother encouraged me to go ahead and do well in life.
2. He ordered me to do that at once.
3. You asked us why they had been quarrelling at night.
4. Her sister said disdainfully that she was very stupid.
5. He resolved that he had to win the prize. 6. Sonam asked her mother where the keys were.
7. We said to them, “May you succeed in life.”
8. The fox boasted that he was very clever.
9. The Principal advised the students that they should always respect their teachers.
10. I exclaimed in wonder that that was a very lovely flower.

Exercise 10
Change the narration.

1. I said to her, “Are you comfortable now ?”
2. He said to me, “You can trust me.”
3. He said to Sonam, “Whose car is that ?”
4. Money said to Simmy, “I am going to Jaipur tomorrow.”
5. Manav said to Hari, “Please lend me some money.”
6. I said to him, “Let us go to the cinema tonight.”
7. He said to me, “Let me know if I can do something for you.”
8. The officer said, “March forward, boys.”
9. The Guru said, “Do good and expect nothing in return,”
10. He said, “If he were a king!”.
1. I asked her if she was comfortable then.
2. He assured me that I could trust him.
3. He asked Sonam whose car that was.
4. Money told Simmy that she was going to Jaipur the next day.
5. Manav requested Hari to lend him some money.
6. I proposed to him that we should go to the cimema that night.
7. He told me to let him know if he could do something for me.
8. Calling his men as boys, the officer ordered them to march forward.
9. The Guru advised them to do good and expect nothing in return.
10. He strongly desired him to become a king.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 11
Change the narration.

1. She said to him, “Where are you staying ?”
2. I said to my secretary, “Don’t disturb me.”
3. Mother said to her, “Why don’t you finish your meals fast ?”
4. He said to the teacher, “Don’t blame me, sir.”
5. I said, “Goodbye, friends.”
6. “You are a coward,” said the girl.
7. Yoga teacher said, “Take a deep breath.”
8. The manager said to the waiter, “Shut up.”
9. “Alas ! I have no money,” said the gambler.
10. She said, “May I go home, sir ?”
1. She asked him where he was staying.
2. I asked my secretary not to disturb me.
3. Mother asked her why she didn’t finish her meals fast.
4. Respectfully, he requested his teacher not to blame him.
5. I bade my friends goodbye.
6. The girl remarked that he was a coward.
7. The yoga teacher asked his pupils to take a deep breath.
8. The manager ordered the waiter to shut up.
9. The gambler exclaimed in sorrow that he had no money.
10. She asked respectfully whether she could go home.

Exercise 12
Change the narration.

1. I said to her, “Does that book belong to you ?”
2. He said to me, “When is your last paper ?”
3. I said to her, “Have you learnt your lesson ?”
4. She said to me, “I can help you in studies.”
5. His friend said to him, “You must work hard for success.”
6. I asked her where she had been missing.
7. The old woman said, “God be with you, my child.”
8. Children said to him, “Good morning, madam.”
9. His wife said to him, “Goodnight darling, I am going to sleep now.”
10. She said to me, “Let’s not run after the wealth.”
1. I asked her if that book belonged to her.
2. He asked me when my last paper was.
3. I asked her whether she had learnt her lesson.
4. She assured me that she could help me in studies.
5. His friend impressed upon him that he had to work hard for success.
6. I said to her, “Where have you been missing ?”
7. Calling him as my child’, the old woman wished that God might be with him.
8. Addressing their teacher as madam, the children wished her good morning.
9. Very lovingly, his wife wished him goodnight and added that she was going to sleep then.
10. She impressed upon me that we should not run after the wealth.

Exercise 13
Change the narration.

1. The teacher said to the boys, “Are you ready for the test ?”
2. She said to her friend, “Where should I wait for you ?”
3. The bus conductor said, “Come inside, sir.”
4. I said, “Hurrah ! My buddy has won.”
5. The officer said, “Get ready for a long race.”
6. She said, “I wish I were the Prime Minister of India.”
7. Bose said to the volunteers, “Give me blood and I will get you freedom.”
8. He said to his boss, “Forgive my mistakes, sir.”
9. I said to the boy, “Get me a glass of water.”
10. The old man said, “Farewell, my son.”
1. The teacher asked the boys whether they were ready for the test.
2. She asked her friend where she should wait for her.
3. Respectfully, the bus conductor asked the passenger to come inside.
4. I exclaimed with joy that my buddy had won.
5. The officer advised his men to get ready for a long race.
6. She strongly desired to become the Prime Minister of India.
7. Bose asked the volunteers to give him blood and assured them that he would get them freedom.
8. Respectfully, he asked his boss to forgive his mistakes.
9. I asked the boy to get me a glass of water.
10. The old man bade farewell to his son.

Exercise 14
Change the narration.

1. Rosy said to her mother, “I will come on Monday.”
2. She said to the peon, “Do you know when the Principal will come ?”
3. Surubhi said to her niece, “I am busy today.”
4. Prabhjot said to the child, “You better see the doctor now.”
5. I said, “Will you be quiet for some time ?”
6. Farzana said, “I must go soon.”
7. Anurag said, “I like this story.”
8. Bindu said, “I wish I could help you.”
9. Varinder said, “Did she like the movie ?”
10. Deepak said, “It’s a great idea to see the play today.”
1. Rosy assured her mother that she would come on Monday.
2. She asked the peon if he knew when the Principal would come.
3. Surubhi told her niece that she was busy that day.
4. Prabhjot advised the child that she better saw the doctor then.
5. I asked the students if they would be quiet for some time.
6. Farzana insisted that she had to go soon.
7. Anurag said that he liked that story.
8. Bindu said that it was her wish that she could help her.
9. Varinder wanted to know if she had liked the movie.
10. Deepak said that it would be a great idea to see the movie that day.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 15
Change the narration.

1. Sachin said, “I don’t want to play anymore.”
2. “What is going on in your mind ?” Geeta said to her brother.
3. He reminded me that we would meet me the next day.
4. She says, “I will be a lawyer when I grow up.”
5. Pardeep said, “If I were rich, I would travel a lot.”
6. She remarked, “I needn’t hurry now.”
7. Samay said, “Do you know French ?”
8. He said, “My coffee is too cold.”
9. Her teacher said, “Don’t talk so fast.”
10. The teacher asked me where I had been.
1. Sachin said that he didn’t want to play anymore.
2. Geeta asked her brother what was going on in his mind.
3. He said to me, “Remember that we will meet tomorrow.”
4. She says that she will be a lawyer when she grows up.
5. Pardeep exclaimed that if he were rich, he would travel a lot.
6. She remarked that she needed not hurry then.
7. Samay asked me if I knew French.
8. He said that his coffee was very cold.
9. Her teacher advised her not to talk that fast.
10. The teacher said to me, “Where have you been ?”

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