PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the relationship of Political Science with other Social Sciences i. e. History, Economics, Sociology and Ethics.
Political Science is a social science and it is closely related to all other social sciences. Man is a social animal and his social life has various aspects like the political, religious, economic and moral etc. These various aspects are studied by different social sciences i.e., Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Ethics, Psychology etc.

Political Science is concerned with the study of political aspects of the social life of man. But the economic condition greatly influences the political condition of a man. In other words, various aspects of men’s life are closely related to one another. There all the social sciences cannot be completely separated from one another. Political Science being a social science is related to other social sciences such as History, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology etc.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 2.
Discuss the relation between Political Science and History.
Political Science and History are closely related to each other. According to Prof. Seeley:
“History without Political Science has no fruit,
Political Science without History has no root.”

Freeman also endorses the view-point when he says that, “History is past Politics and Politics is present History”. Explaining the intimate relationship between the two Burgess has remarked, “Separate them and the one becomes a cripple, if not a corpse, the other a will-o’-the-wisp.” According to Lord Acton, “The Science of Politics is one-science that is deposited by the stream of History like the grains of gold in the stands of a river.”

Points Of Mutuality:
1. Contribution of History to Political Science:
From the above-mentioned quotations it is clear that both the subjects are complementary and suplementary to each other. History is a collection of facts that happened in the past and therefore it acts as a laboratoy and library for the students of Political Science. History supplies useful knowledge and material to Political Science with regard to nature, development, growth and decay of State and other Political institutions.

For instance, for the formation of an ideal governmental system we must go deep into the past to get the record and facts on the basis of which an ideal system can be formed. If we are interested in knowing the nature of British monarchy today, we have to study the history of England. First, in England there was an absolute monarchy and the powers of the monarch were unlimited.

But during the 17th century struggle continued between the Parliament and the monarchy for supremacy. In 1688 ‘Glorious Revolution’ took place and with this limited monarchy an supremacy of the Parliament was established. Today, in England there is a limited monarchy and sovereignty of the Parliament, but to understand this nature we have to depend upon History.

Moreover, History is the laboratory for Political Science where conclusions are drawn and principles are determined, after experimenting on the principles of politics. History provides such facts from which the writers construct the principles of Political Science. If History does not guide us for the future, it becomes a useless record of the past facts and no person likes to read it.

History is a teacher of Political Science: History is a record of achievements and failures of a man.
History provides us with the causes and events of revolutions which occurred in the past and by studying them we can take measures to prevent the occurrence of revolution in the present and in the future. If we compare the rule of Akbar with that of Aurangzeb we conclude that a secular State is more progressive than a theocratic State.

In the end we can say that in the absence of History, the study of Political Science will only be imaginative and theoretical. Laski says, “As a priori Politics of any kind is bound to breakdown simply because we never start with a clean state.” Burns called History as the bibliography of ideals. Political Science without history would miss the grandeur and elevation and lose an important dimension. As Willoughby succinctly comments, “History gives us the third dimension to Political Science.” According to Bryce, “Political Science stands midway between History and Politics, between the past and the present. It has drawn its materials from the one, it has to apply them to the other.

2. Contribution of Political Science to History. Political Science has also contributed much to History. The present Politics will become the part of the History of tomorrow. It is correct that History is not only the record of political events but also of social, economic, political, religious and moral conditions of the past, History is also the record of the culture and civilization of the past, But political ideals influence all aspects of human life. Political ideals and political events give a new turn to the History. Indian History would have been different from as it is- now if Muslim League had not been organized in India in 1906.

The influence of Nationalism, Imperialism and Individualism in 17th century is also felt on the History of Europe. The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the French Revolution of 1789 are the result of political ideals and influences of that period. Marxism has influenced the history of the world. The two, World Wars were the result of the political deals of the rulers of Germany of tlje particular period.

If historians, while studying Indian History of the 20th century, ignore the imporance of the Congress party, Non-cooperation Movement, Swaraj Party, Quit India Movement of 1942, Cripps Plan, Cabinet Mission Plan, WavelTs Plan and Shimla Conference artition of India, Invasion of India by China and other political events the subject would lose all interest and it would jupt be a collection of few dates. Seeley has compared this type of History with a fruitless tree.

It is one of the tasks of the historian to comprehend the political implications of historical events. A historian, for instance may Write a history of contemporary Asia. But if he fails to realise the impact of nationalist upsurge on the contemporary Asian history, his record will be incomplete. The political scientist deals with the nature and forces of nationalism and helps the historian to identify the nationalist character of a movement.

Thus it is very clear that History depends on Political Science for understanding historical facts fully and thoroughly. Seeley aptly remarked, “History fades into mere literature when it loses sight of Political Science.” It means that Political Science elucidates the facts of History.

In the end, a writer has explained the dependence of History on Political Science in this way. If History is a philosophy providing guidance on the basis of experience the philosophy which it teaches is to a great extent Political Philosophy.

Points Of Difference:
Notwithstanding the close relationship between History and Political Science, both the subjects have points of difference beween them. In the words of Barker, “History and Poiltical Science march together for all the length of their frontiers but they are separate and independent studies.” Following are the differences between the two:
1. Scope of History is wider than that of Political Science:
It is difficult to agree with Freeman when he says that all History is past Politics and Politics is present History. In History every event is included. In History, the development of whole life of mankind is included. But Political Science is only the record of political life of the individual.

In History we study all types of social, political, economic, cultural, religious and moral aspects of man’s personality in various ages. But Political Science has nothing to do with all these aspects. For a political scientist that two World Wars are important because these wars were fought to save democracy in the world but for a historian each and every event of two World Wars is important. Thus the scope of History is wider.

2. Political Science is concerned with the past, present and future, while History is concerned with the past only:
In Political Science we study the past, present and future of the political institutions. What was State, what it is and what it ought to be? Answers to these three questions are available in Political .Science. But History is basically a study of the past and it has nothing to do with the present and the future.

3. History is descriptive, while Political Science is analytical:
Method which is adopted in Histoiy is descriptive. It describes data-wise all types of events whether good or bad, in a particular State. But the study of Politics is not descriptive, it is analytical. Political scientist uses historical facts to discover general laws and facts of History in order to extract the permanent principle of political life. For example, war took place between India and Pakistan in Dec. 1971. Historian’s function is only to narrate the event of the war. He is not concerned with how prisoners of war were treated, whether any international law was violated or not. But political scientist are also concerned with these problems.

Though there are some differences between History and Political Science, yet they are closely related to each other. In the words of Gamer, “As studies they are mutually contributory and supplementary. According to Seeley, “Politics are vulgar when not liberalised by History and History fades into mere literature when it loses sight of its relation to Politics.”

In the end we can say that the students of Political Science should not depend more on the study of History than it is required. Lord Bryce claims that, “Political Science stands midway between History and Politics, between the past and the present. It has drawn its material from the one, it has to apply them to others.” According to Barker, “History and Political Science march together for all the length of their frontiers but they are separate and independent studies.”

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 3.
Discuss the relation between Political Science and Economics.
There is a close relationship between Political Science and Economics. In the beginning, Economics was considered a part of Political Science. The Greek philosophers called Economics as Political Economy and they considered it an art for making money for the state. Chanakya, a famous writer of ancient India, has also made a reference about relationship between Political Science and Economics in his book ‘Arthshashtra’.

Adam Smith, the father of Economics, also makes a reference about intimate, relationship between Political Science and Economics, in his book ‘Wealth of Nations’. According to Senior, upto 18th century, Economics was considered an inseparable part of Political Science. Now-a-days, Economics is not, of course, considered a part of Political Science but it is said that the two subjects are very intimately related to each other.

What is Economics?
Economic is concerned with the economic activities. It studies human activities relating to production, consumption, distribution and exchange etc. According to Marshall, “Economics is a study of man in ordinary business of life, it enquires how he gets his income and how he uses it. Thus, it is on one side a study of wealth and on the other and more important side, a part of the study of man.”

1. Contribution of Economics to Political Science:
1. Economics is a science which deals with the economic needs of man and their satisfaction. A man can never feel happy and comfortable unless his economic condition is good. It is only a happy man that can be a gpod citizen. The state makes efforts to rise the standard of living of the people and this cannot be done without the help of Economics.

2. The economic organization of a state profoundly influences its power allocation:
Those who control the economic level are apt to exert pressure on the operation of the government machinery. Karl Marx is of the view that entire history of the nation is determined by economic factor. In Marx’s words, it is not the consciousness of men which determines the material conditions of life but these are the material conditions of life which determine their consciousness. Human history has, therefore, a material basis.

To Marx, politics, law and all else have their roots in the material conditions of human life. In Sabine’s words. “The most important part of Marx’s social philosophy was the theory that the system of economic production is a foundation on which the institutional and ideological superstrucutre of society is built.” In Marx’s words, the sum total of production relation forms the economic structurer of society, which serves as the foundation, on which legal and political system arises and which Marx character as ‘superstructure’.

According to Engles, “The ultimate causes of all social changes and political revolutions are to be sought not in the minds of men, in their increasing insight into eternal truth and justice, but in changes in the mode of production and exchange. They are to be sought not in the philosophy but in the economics of the period concerned.

3. The economic conditions of a country greatly affect its political conditions:
Whenever there is some remarkable change in the economic organisation of the country, it is bound to affect all other organisations exisiting in the State. The saying ‘Flag follows trade’ is an important proof of close relationship between the economic conditions and political conditions.

4. Political ideologies are influenced by economic conditions:
Individualism, communism, socialism, colonialism, imperialism etc. are main political ideologies, but they are mainly the product of economic conditions.

5. Systems of production and distribution also influence the policies of the government:
There are basic differences between Chinese and American systems of production and distribution and due to this policies of both the governments are also different. Right to property is a basic right in U.S.A. but in China this right is restricted very much.

6. Economic conditions of the country also influence the foreign policy of a country:
After Second World War many European countries depended upon America for economic help to improve their economic condition. Hence, foreign policies of these European countries were influenced by the politics of U.S.A. and in international sphere these countries became the members of American Bloc. Similarly, many countries of Eastern Europe had to take economic and technical help from Soviet Russia and their foreign policy was influenced by Russian politics. Today, there is a economic imperialism of America and Japan.

Influence of Political Science on Economics. Political Science helps a lot in the study of Economics. The political organizations affects greatly the economic condition of the country. If the administration is strong and stable, the economic condition of the people will be quite good. According to Nicholson, “ Economic history furnishes endless examples of injurious effects of bad government, production and distribution of wealth are affected by the regulation of the State.

An economic activity is carried on within the State on conditions laid down by the State through laws. Political movements on the other hand, are profoundly influenced by economic causes. Our economic life is conditioned by political institutions and ideas. Some of the important questions of present day political are at the same time question which vitally concern Economics: e.g,. questions relating to tariff laws, labour legislation, national planning and government ownership. All the political principles have their economic aspect also. It is why that all the political parties put forth before the public their economic programme. During elections there is instability in the Stock Market.

Points of difference:
Although the two sciences are closely related there are still some fundamantal differences between them.
1. Approach:
According to Ivor Brown, Economics is concerned with commodities whereas Political Science is concerned with human beings. Economics is concerned with the study of prices whereas Political Science is concerned with the study of moral values. Economic studies man in relation to production, distribution and consumption of wealth but Political Science also studies man in relation to his moral and spiritual advancement.

2. Method of study:
The real difference between Political Science and Economics lies in their methods of study. Economics can be studied in a more scientific way as compared with Political Science. The conclusions drawn in case of Economics are more accurate and correct. The main reason for this is Economics is mainly concerned with man’s needs and their satisfaction.

3. Economics fixes the prices of commodities while Political Science determines the moral values:
One writer has said that “An Economist is one who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.”

4. Economics is descriptive whereas Political Science is normative: Like Political Science, no ideal is put forward by Economics.

Inspite of differences the two subjects are closely related to each other. In the words of Lipson ‘Welfare state and planning have brought about a approachment between economics and political studies to the mutual benefit of both.’ According to William Esslinger. “The integration of Economics and Politics must be taught in the coures and in seminars.”

In 1952 in a conference convened by UNESCO, the scholars laid stress on this point. In the end we can say that, “They co-operate and yet maintain their autonomies.” Prof. Garner has rightly said that the solution of many economic problems must come through political action, while on the other hand some of the fundamental problems of government have their origin in economic conditions.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 4.
Discuss the relation between Political Science and Sociology.
Political Science and Sociology are closely related to each other. Sociology is considered the very basis of all the social sciences. Sociology is the science which deals with the origin, development, nature and form of the society. In Sociology all aspects of man’s life such as political, religious, economic etc., are studied while Political Science is a branch of Sociology. August Comte was quite right when he called Sociology the mother of all Social Sciences.

Points Of Mutuality:
Contribution of Sociology to Political Science:
Sociology serves as a foundation of Political Science and its principles help understanding the political theories. Without studying Sociology it is very difficult to understand principles of Political Science. According to F.H Giddings, “To teach the theory of the State to men who have not learned the first Principle of Sociology is like teaching Astronomy or Thermodynamics to men who have not learned Newton’s Law of Motion.”

The entire basis of Political Science rests on the idea that “Man is a social and political animal’. The state came into existence because of social nature of man. Therefore, in order to understand State and its various other organizations thoroughly well we must understand the social nature of man first of all. The state and all other organisations do not come into existence in isolation but their development is always influenced by the social forces.

Therefore, Political Science for its scientific study very much depends on Sociology. Sociology has contributed a lot in understanding the origin and development of the State. It has also helped a lot in understanding the formation of public opinion and political parties in the State. Political Sociology is coming up as a branch of Political Science, and it is a clear proof of the fact that the study of Sociology is most essential for understanding political facts.

In Sociology we study customs and traditions of the society and law of the state cannot succeed unless they are according to the customs of the society. If any law is opposed to the customs of the society people won’t obey it. In the words of Gettell, “Many of the changes that have taken place in political ideas in recent years have been along the lines marked out by Sociology, specially in the theory of law.”

According to G.N.Singh, “Sociology investigates into the origin and growth of groups, their forms, laws, customs, institutions, modes of life, thought and action and their contribution to human culutre and civilization, Sociology, therefore, supplies to Political Science (which deals with the most important association, the State) both valuable material and guidance in judging the worth of laws, customs and institutions.”

Contribution of Political Science to Sociology:
Just as Political Science is dependent on Sociology, in the same way Sociology is also to depend on Political Science for its conclusions. The special study of political life of the society is indispensable for the complete study of the society as a whole. Sociology studies society from various angles. Sociology is concerned with the individual who is social as well as a political animal.

While living in society, the individual and various other groups of individuals cannot escape the influnces of the exisiting political organisation of their time. It is most essential to understand the existing political systems in order to study the social phenomena, social events and social institutions politically. Sociology will not be able to make a thorough study of its subject matter without the help of Political Science. Modren age of welfare State and in such an age the study of Political Science is of utmost importance. Now-a- days the social life of man fully controlled by the State. State interference in the social life of man is increasing day by day. In the modem age the study of Political Science has become most essential for a sociologist.

Dr. Gamer has rightly pointed out, “Sociology derives from Political Science knowledge of the facts regarding the organisation and activities of the State.”
Differences between Political Science and Sociology:
Following are the differences between the two-
1. Different Subject-matter Sociology is the science of society:
Political Science studies man as a social being and as political organisation is a special kind of special organisation: Political Science is a more specialized science than Sociology.

2. The scope of Sociology is wider than that of Political Science:
The scope of Sociology is much wider than that of Political Science. Sociology is concerned with the study of all types of social relationship of man whereas Political Science is concerned only with the political relations of man. Political Science studies the State and government only whereas Sociology studies all the social institutions.

3. Sociology is general science, Political Science is a special science:
Political Organisation is a special kind of social organisation and that is why political Science is a special science while Sociology is general science.

4. Sociology is prior to political Science:
Sociology studies man even before the development of political consciousness. Sociology studies all periods of human existence with greater emphasis. But Political Science beings much later. It is pointed out that 90% of human existence had elapsed before human beings began to lead an organised political life.

5. Sociology is the study of both organized and unorganized communities:
Sociology is concerned with the study of organized as well as unorganized groups of human beings whereas Political Science is concerned only with the study of organized groups, Organization is not essential for society, whereas organization of people is essential for the formation of the state.

6. Difference regarding conscious and unconscious relations:
Sociology is concerned both with the conscious and unconscious activities of man whereas Political Science is concerned only with the conscious activities of man.

7. Political Science concentrates its attention on the analysis of the phenomena of the State and the mechanism by which the government enforces its control on its subject. Sociology is primarily concerned with tracing the origin and development of customs, manners, behaviour and institutions of mankind as such with a special reference to the remote past.

8. Sociology is concerned with the past, and present while Political Science is concerned with the past, present and future also.

9. Sociology is descriptive while Political Science is normative:
Sociology does not lay down ideals and principles. It is an impersonal study of human institutions as they had been and as they are. It is concerned only with what has happened and not with what ought to happen. Political Science is normative to some extent. It studies the State as it had been as it is, and as of ought to be. Political Science is very much concerned with what the State ought to be.

On studying the common grounds and the points of difference of both the sciences we can well conclude that there is very intimate relationship between Political Science and Sociology. Both are inter related and inter-dependent. With the development of the idea of welfare State the relationship between the two is on the increase. Dr. Garner is very right when he says: “The political Scientist, therefore, ought to be at some Sociology and vice versa.”

We fully agree with the views expressed by Dr. Garner regarding the relation between the two. According to him, “While their respective fields are largely separate and distinct, Political Science and Sociology are mutually contributory, the one to other. Sociology derives from Political Science knowledge of the facts regarding the organisation and activities of the state, while political science derives in large measure from Sociology its knowledge of the origin of political authority and the laws of social control. The Political scientists, therefore, ought to be at the same time a sociology and vice versa.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 5.
Discuss the relation between Political Science and Ethics.
Ethics is the science of moral order and Political Science is the science of political system. Ethics is also known as the science of character formation.
The relationship between Political Science and Ethics is as old as the study of the State. Plato has called Political Science as branch of Ethics. According to Plato, the aim of the State is moral development of the citizens. Aristotle does not consider Political Science as the branch of Ethics but he agrees with his master regarding the object of the State. In the modern age all the idealist philosophers and scholars of Political Science maintained the relationship between the two subjects. These scholars are, Rousseau, Kant, Hegal, Green, Bradley and Bosanquet etc. Mahatma Gandhi also considered Ethics as the basis of Political Science.

It will be wrong to conclude on the basis of above mentioned discussion that all the scholars of Political Science are of the opinion that there exists a close relationship between Political Science and Ethics. There is no small a number of scholars who think otherwise.

Machiavelli, a famous Italian scholar, is the first to say that there is no intimate relationship between the two subjects. Besides Machiavelli, so many other political thinkers like Bodin, Grotius, Hobbes and Locke are. also of the opinion , that there is no intimate relationship between Political Science and Ethics.

Now a days there are some scholars who keeping in view another object want to break the relationship between Political Science and Ethics. These scholars aim at making Political Science, a value-free Science. According to these writers the measuring rod aside on morality is an obstacle in bringing scientific objectivity in political analysis.

Some of the famous scholars who support this view-point are Max Weber, Lasswell and Jouvenel. This view- point is generally not accepted. Most of the scholars are of the opinion that “Politics divorced from Ethics rests on a foundation of shifting sand; Ethics divided from Politics is narrow and abstract.”

Common Grounds And Mutual Contribution:
Common grounds and mutual contribution between Political Science and Ethics can be studied in the following ways.
1. Common Object:
The object of both the subjects is man and both the subjects aim at advancing the welfare of man. The State is the central figure of Political Science. It is the State which finds out means for the welfare of the individual. According ro Aristotle, the State came into existence for the sake of life and continues to exist for the sake of good life. Political Science cannot turn a deaf ear to ethics. Fox has very rightly remarked, “If a thing is morally wrong, it can never be politically right.” Iyor Brown says, “Politics is but Ethics writ large.”

2. Common End:
Political Science is concerned not only with the present of the State, it is also ultimately concerned with the future of the State. Political Science is to think that what type of State ought to be. Lord Acton says, “The great question is to discover not what governments prescribe, but what they ought to prescribe. Ethics is also ultimately concerned with what ought to be.” This common end brings the two subjects quite closer to each other.

3. Common Development:
The mutual relationship between Political Science and Ethics can be explained on the basis of relationship between laws and morals. The beginning of laws and moral codes in social life took place in the form of customs and traditions. With the development of social life, the two aspects of individual life became separate from each other; these two aspects are:private life and public life. The customs and traditions which regulated social life came to be known as morality of moral codes and the customs and traditions which regulated public life came to be known as laws.

4. Mutual Contribution:
The subject matter of political Science is the State and the language of the State is the law. The subject matter of Ethics is morality and the language of morality are the moral codes. The relationship between the two can be explained in the following manner:

(i) The laws framed on moral principles are willingly obeyed by the citizens. If the laws are not based on moral principles there is possibility of their violation by the people. If a moral principle or a moral code is very much prevalent among the people, it is generally codified into a law.

(ii) Moral codes are the tounchstone of good and bad laws.

(iii) International law is also very much based on moral came. This law came into existence in order to save humanity from the courage of war. Some scholars call international law by the name of international morality.

(iv) The political ideal cannot be absolutely separated from ethical ideal. Laws should be formulated with a view to strengthening the moral ideas of the people. The actions of the government are to be justified on political ground and every action that violates the principle on morality is to be condemned.

(v) ‘It is in the State and State alone that a man becomes a moral being.” The justification of what the State does is to be sought in the moral values it helps us to realise.

Differences Between The Two:
Although the two sciences are closely related, there are still some fundamental differences between them.
1. Ethics is concerned with the study of moral life of an individual whereas Political Science is concerned with the whole life of man. Political Science studies all the aspects of social life.

2. Ethics deals both with the outward and innermost thoughts whereas Political Science is concerned only with the outward actions of man.

3. Ethics depends upon social sanction, whereas Political Science depends upon political sanction. For example, if any person disobeys the law of the state, he can be physically punished by the State. But a person, disobeying the moral laws cannot be punished by the State, though he can be morally condemned by the people.

4. Political Science takes Ethical discussion for granted whereas the discussion of various virtues forms the backbone of Ethics.

5. Emphasis on the study of ethics is on the individual whereas the emphasis on the whole life of man.

6. Political Science is a practical science whereas Ethics is theoretical science. According to Catlin, “From ethics statesman may learn those courses (among several) which are desirable and from political science those which are feasible.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the contribution of History, to Political Science

  • History supplies useful knowledge and material to poltical science with regard to nature, development, growth and decay of State and other political institutions.
  • History is the laboratory, for political science where conclusions are drawn and principles are determined after experimenting on the principles of politics.
  • History is a teacher of Political Science because history is a record of achievements and failures of a man.
  • In the absence of history, the study of political science will only be imaginative and theoretical.

Question 2.
‘History without Political Science has no fruit. Political Science without History has no root.’ Justify briefly.
Political Science and History are closely related to each other. Sir John Seelay has expressed the relation of History with political Science as trader:
History without Political Science has no fruit:
‘Political Science without History, has no root.’-
History supplies useful knowledge and material of Political Science with regard to nature, development, growth and decay of state and other Political Institutions. In the absence of History the study of Political Science will only be imaginative and theoretical.
Political ideals and political events give a new turn to the History. The influence of Nationalism and Individualism in the 17th century is also felt on the Hisotry of Europe. If historians, while studying Indian History of the 20th century, igonre the importance of the Congress Party, Non-co-operation Movement, Quit India Movement of 1942, Cripps Plan, Cabinet Mission Plan and other political events the subject would lose all interest. Seeley has compared this type of History with a fruitless tree.

Question 3.
Discuss the difference between History and political Science.
Not withstanding the. close relationship between History and Political Science, both the subjects have points of difference between them. Following are the difference between them:
1. Firstly, scope of History is wider than that of Political Science. In History every event is included. But Political Science is only the record of Political life of the individual.

2. Secondly, Political Science is concerned with the past, present and future, while History is concerned with the past only.

3. Thirdly, History is descriptive, while Political Science is analytical. Method which is adopted in History is descriptive. It describes data-wise all types of events whether good or bad, in a particular state. But the study of Political Science is not descriptive, it is analytical. Political Scientists uses historical facts to discover general laws and facts of history is order to extract the permanent principle of political life.

Question 4.
Discuss the contribution of Economics to Political Science.
1. The economic organisation of a state profoundly influences its power allocation. Those who control the economic forces are apt to exert pressure on the operation of government machinery. Karl Marx is of the view that entire history of nation is determined by economic factor.

2. The economic conditions of country greatly affect its political conditions.

3. Political ideologies are influenced by economic conditions.

4. System of production and distribution also influence the policies of the government.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 5.
Give four points of differences between the Political Science and Economics.
1. Approach:
According to Ivor Brown, Economics is concerned with commodities whereas political Science is concerned with human beings. Economics is concerned with the study of prices whereas Political Science is concerned with the study of moral values. Economics studies man in relation to production, distribution and consumption of wealth but Political Science also studies man in relation to his moral spiritual advancement.

2. Method of Study:
The real difference between Political Science and Economic lies in their method of study. Economics can be studied in a more scientific way as compared with Political Science.

3. Economic fixes the prices of commodities, while Political Science determines the moral values. One writer has said that “An Economist is one who knows the prices of everything but the value of nothing.”

4. Economic is descriptive whereas Political Science is normative. Like Political Science, no ideal is put forward by Economics.

Question 6.
Describe the contribution of Political Science to Economics.
Political Science helps a lot in the study of Economics:
The political organization affects greatly the economic condition of the country. If the administration is strong and stable, the -economic condition of the people will be quite good. An economic activity is carried on within the State on conditions laid down by the State through laws.

Political movements on the other hand, are profoundly influenced by economic causes. Our economic life is conditioned by political institutions and ideas. Some of the important Question s of present day politics are at the same time Question s which vitally concern Economics; e.g., Question s relating to tariff laws, labour legislation, national planning and government ownership. All the political principles have their economic aspect.

Question 7.
It is true that Sociology is the parent science of all social Sciences?
Political Science deals mainly with state, government and human beings. According to Gilchrist, “Sociology is that general science which deals with the fundamental fact of social life.” Sociology is considered the very basis of all the social sciences. Sociology is the science which deals with the origin, development, nature and form of the society. In sociology all aspects of man’s life such as Political, religious, economic, etc. are studied. Political Science is a branch of Sociology. August Comet was quite right when he called Sociology the mother of all Social Sciences.

Question 8.
Discuss the difference between Political Science and Sociology.

  1. The scope of Sociology is wider than the Political Science.
  2. Sociology is a general science. Political Science is a special science.
  3. Sociology is the study of both organised or unorganised communities, whereas Political Science is concerned only with the study of organised groups.
  4. Sociology studies all periods of human existence with greater emphasis. But political science begins much later.

Question 9.
Explain the contribution of Sociology to Political Science.
Sociology serves as a foundation of Political Science and its principles help in understanding the political theories. Without studying Sociology it is very difficult to understand principles of Political Science for its scientific study very much depends on Sociology.

Sociology has contributed a lot in understanding the origin and development of the State. It has also helped a lot in understanding the formation of public opinion and political parties in the State. Political Sociology is coming up as a branch of Political Science, and it is a clear proof of the fact that the study of Sociology is most essential for understanding political facts.

Question 10.
Discuss the contribution of Political Science to Sociology.
Just as Political Science is dependent on Sociology, in the same way Sociology is also to depend on Political Science for its conclusions. The special study of political life of the society is indispensable for the complete study of the society as a whole. Sociology studies society from various angles. Sociology is concerned with the individual who is social as well as a political animal.While living in society, the individual and various other groups of individuals cannot escape the influences of the existing political organisation of their time.

It is most essential to understand the existing political systems in order to study the social phenomenon, social events and social insitutions politically. Sociology will not be able to make a thorough study of its subject-matter without the help of political Science. Modern age of welfare State and in such an age the study of Political Science is of utmost importance. Now-a-days the social life of man is fully controlled by the state.’ State interference in the social life of man is increasing day-by-day.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 11.
Explain mutual constributions between Political Science and Ethics.
1. The laws framed on moral principles are willingly obeyed by the citizens. If the laws are not based on moral principles there is possibility of their violation by the people. If a moral principle is a very much prevalent among the people, it is generally codified into a law.

2. Moral codes are the touchstone of good and bad laws.

3. International law is also very much based on moral codes. Some scholars call international law by the name of international morality.

4. The political ideal cannot be absolutely separated from ethical ideal. Laws should be formulated with a view of strengthening the moral ideas of the people.

5. It is in the state and state alone that a man can become a moral being: The justification of what the state does is to be sought in the moral values helps us to realise.

Question 12.
Discuss the differences between the Ethics and Political Science.
Although the two sciences are closely related, there are still some fundamental differences between them.

  1. Ethics is concerned with the study of moral life of an individual whereas Political Science is concerned with the whole life of man. Political Science studies all the aspects of social life.
  2. Ethics deals both the outward and innermost thoughts whereas Political Science is concerned only with outward action of man.
  3. Ethics depends upon social sanction, whereas Political Science depends upon political sanction.
  4. Political Science takes Ethical discussions for granted whereas the discussion of various virtues forms the backbone of Ethics.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the contribution of History, to Political Science.

  1. History supplies useful knowledge and material to poltical science with regard to nature, development, growth and decay of State and other political institutions.
  2. History is the laboratory, for political science where conclusions are drawn and principles are determined after experimenting on the principles of politics.

Question 2.
‘History without Political Science has no fruit. Political Science without History has no root.’ Justify briefly.
History supplies useful knowledge and material of Political Science with regard to nature, development, growth and decay of state and other Political Institutions. In the absence of History the study of Political Science will only be imaginative and theoretical.

Political ideals and political events give a new turn to the History. The influence of Nationalism and Individualism in the 17th century, is also felt on the History of Europe.

Question 3.
Explain the difference between History and political Science.
Following are the difference between them:

  1. Firstly, scope of History is wider than that of Political Science. In History every\event is included. But Political Science is only the record of Political life of the individual.
  2. Secondly, Political Science is concerned with the past, present and future, while History is concerned with the past only.

Question 4.
Explain the contribution of Economics to Political Science.
1. The economic organisation of a state profoundly influences its power allocation. Those who control the economic forces are apt to exert pressure on the operation of government machinery. Karl Marx is of the view that entire history of nation is determined by economic factor.

2. The economic conditions of country greatly affect its political conditions.

Question 5.
Discuss two points of differences between the Political Science and Economics.
1. Economic fixes the prices of commodities, while Political Science determines the moral values.
One writer has said that “An Economist is one who knows the prices of everything but the value of nothing.”

2. Economic is descriptive whereas Political Science is normative. Like Political Science, no ideal is put forward by Economics.

Question 6.
Explain contribution of Political Science to Economics.
Political Science helps a lot in the study of Economics. The political organization affects greatly the economic condition of the country. If the administration is strong and stable, the economic condition of the people will be quite good. An economic activity is carried on within the State on conditions laid down by the State through laws. Political movements on the other hand, are profoundly influenced by economic causes.

Question 7.
It is true that Sociology is the parent science of all social Sciences?
Sociology is considered the very basis of all the social sciences. Sociology is the science which deals with the origin, development, nature and form of the society. In sociology all aspects of man’s life such as Political, religious, economic, etc. are studied. Political Science is a branch of Sociology. August Comet was quite right when he called Sociology the mother of all Social Sciences.

Question 8.
Discuss the difference between Political Science and Sociology.

  • The scope of Sociology is wider than the Political Science.
  • Sociology is a general science. Political Science is a special science.

Question 9.
Explain the contribution of Sociology to Political Science.
Sociology serves as a foundation of Political Science and its principles help in understanding the political theories. Without studying Sociology it is very difficult to understand principles of Political Science for its scientific study very much depends on Sociology. Sociology has contributed a lot in understanding the origin and development of the State.

Question 10.
Discuss the contribution of Political Science to Sociology.
Just as Political Science is dependent on Sociology, in the same way Sociology is also to depend on Political Science for its conclusions. The special study of political life of the society is indispensable for the complete study of the society as a whole. Sociology studies society from various angles. Sociology is concerned with the individual who is social as well as a political animal.

Question 11.
Explain mutual contributions between Political Science and Ethics.
1. The laws framed on moral principles are willingly obeyed by the citizens. If the laws are not based on moral principles there is possibility of their violation by the people. If a moral principle is a very much prevalent among the people, it is generally codified into a law.

2. Moral codes are the touchstone of good and bad laws.

Question 12.
Discuss the differences between the Ethics and Political Science.
Although the two sciences are closely related, there are still some fundamental differences between them.

  1. Ethics is concerned with the study of moral life of an individual whereas Political Science is concerned with the whole life of man. Political Science studies all the aspects of social life.
  2. Ethics deals both the outward and innermost thoughts whereas Political Science is concerned only with outward action of man.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Mention relation of Political Science with Sociology,
Sociology is like the foundation of Political Science and its principles are quite helpful in comprehending the principles of Political Science. Political Science has also a great impact on Sociology.

Question 2.
Write down any one difference between Political Science and Sociology.
Political Science is mainly concerned with State and Government whereas Sociology is mainly concerned with Society.

Question 3.
Give any one point of difference between Political Science and History.
Political Science is concerned with Past, Present and Future whereas History deals with only the past.

Question 4.
Mention any one similarity between Political Science and Ethics,
The objective of both the subjects is to make citizens ideal.

Question 5.
Write down any one difference between Political Science and Ethics.
Political Science is concerned with outer actions of individuals whereas Ethics is concerned with both outer activities and inner motives.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 6.
Write down any one difference between Political Science and Law.
Scope of Political Science is comprehensive rather than Law.

Question 7.
Who said, “History without Political Science has no fruit, and Political Science without History has no root?”

Question 8.
Who said, “History is Past Politics and Politics is Present History?”

Question 9.
Who called History as the bibliography of ideals?

Question 10.
Name the author of ‘Arthshashtra’.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Fill in the blanks:

1. “History is past politics and ………….. is present History.

2. History is the ………….. for Political Science.

3. Scope of History is ………….. than that of Political Science.

4. The Greek philosopers called ………….. as Political Economy.

5. System of ………….. and distribution also influence the Policies of the government.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

True Or False Statement:

1. Political Science helps a lot in the study of Economics.

2. Economics did not fix the prices of commodities.

3. Political Science and Sociology are closely related to each other.

4. Man is not a social and political animal.

5. Sociology is descriptive while Political Science is normative.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Which of the following is the parent of all social sciences:
(A) Sociology
(B) History
(C) Economics
(D) Political Science
(A) Sociology

Question 2.
Political Science is the branch of:
(A) Social Science
(B) Physical Science
(C) Natural Science
(D) Economics.
(A) Social Science

Question 3.
Who said “History gives us the third dimension to political science.”?
(A) Bryee
(B) Willoughby
(C) Laski
(D) Freeman.
(B) Willoughby

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Relations of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Question 4.
Who called, “Sociology, the mother of all social science”.
(A) Freeman
(B) Gettell
(C) August comte
(D) Laski
(C) August comte

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