Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala Tree Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
PSEB Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 6 Kabuliwala
Activity 1.
Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.
2. Pronunciation. (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings
worried |
quieten |
conversation |
lively |
clouds |
crime |
recognise |
ceremonies |
terror |
chatterbox |
sack |
tenderly |
chatter |
expenses |

Vocabulary Expansion
Activity 2.
In the following table, you will see some words with their meanings. Make one sentence of each word.
S.No. |
Word |
Meaning |
Sentence |
1. |
chatting (v) |
talking in a friendly way |
My friend and I sat on a bench chatting for hours. |
2. |
conversation (n) |
talk between people |
The two friends were lost in a funny conversation. |
3. |
lively (adj) |
full of life |
Plants look lively after the rain. |
4. |
crime (n) |
an act for which you can be punished by law |
Stealing is a crime. |
5. |
ceremony (n) |
an important religious or social event-wedding, birthdays, etc. |
Ceremonies of his wedding were going on. |
6. |
afford (v) |
to have enough money to pay for something |
I can’t afford a new car. |
Activity 3.
Choose the correct option to answer the following questions :
Question 1.
Why was Mini afraid of the Kabuliwala ?
मिनी काबुलीवाला से क्यों डरती थी ?
(a) Kabuliwala looked very horrible.
(b) She had heard that Kabuliwala caught the children.
(b) She had heard that the Kabuliwala caught the children.
Question 2.
What was Kabuliwala’s name?
काबुलीवाला का क्या नाम था ?
(a) Rehman.
(b) Armaan.
(a) Rehman.

Question 3.
Why was the Kabuliwala arrested ?
काबुलीवाला को क्यों गिरफ्तार किया गया ?
(a) He had stolen money from Mini’s house.
(b) He had stabbed a man.
(b) He had stabbed a man.
Question 4.
What did Mini’s father give to the Kabuliwala ?
मिनी के पिता ने काबुलीवाला को क्या दिया ?
(a) Some clothes and food
(b) Some money
(b) Some money
Question 5.
Mini’s father could not afford the military band on her marriage. Why?
मिनी के पिता उसकी शादी पर मिल्ट्री बैंड की व्यवस्था न कर सके। क्यों ?
(a) Because he had given some money to the Kabuliwala.
(b) Because he had suffered a huge loss in his business.
(a) Because he had given some money to the Kabuliwala.
Activity 4
Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) against each sentence :
1. Little Mini was three years old. — (✗)
2. Rehman was a big bearded pathan. — (✓)
3. The Kabuliwala was hanged to death. — (✗)
4. Mini could not forget the Kabuliwala. — (✗)
5. Mini’s father helped Rehman with some money. — (✓)
Activity 5.
Complete the following sentences :
1. Mini could not live…………
2. The Kabuliwala and Mini would sit and………
3. There was a terrible……………..
4. Mini had grown……………. .
5. Mini’s father had to cut down…………….
1. without chatting
2. chat for hours
3. noise in the street
4. into a beautiful woman
5. the expenses on the wedding.

Learning Language Conjunction
A conjunction is a word which joins two words, phrases or sentences.
दो शब्दों, शब्द-समूहों या वाक्यों को आपस में जोड़ने वाला शब्द conjunction कहलाता है। Some common conjunctions are : and, but, so, because. Let us see how they are used.
1. I missed the train.
I was late.
We can combine these two sentences by using ‘because’
I missed the train because I was late.
2. She wants coffee.
I want tea.
We can combine these two sentences by using ‘but’.
She wants coffee but I want tea.
Activity 6.
Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences :
1. Slow and steady wins the race.
2. Caesar and Pebble are friendly dogs.
3. I went out and had ice-cream.
4. I missed my flight because I was late.
5. Yesterday, it rained but today it is sunny.
6. I remember his name but not his mobile number.
7. He bought a book because he loves reading.
8. They went to the restaurant and had dinner.
1. and
2. and
3. and
4. because
5. but
6. but
7. because
8 and.
Activity 7.
Fill in the blanks with but/and/so.
1. I can read _____ write English.
2. Nisha can swim _____ Rani can’t.
3. Tom _____ Lucy came to my house.
4. He didn’t work hard _____ he failed.
5. I have a bat, _____ I don’t have a ball.
6. It was a holiday _____ we did not go to school.
1. and
2. but
3. and
4. so
5. but
6. so.

Activity 8.
Match the Columns to make meaningful sentences.
Column A ___ Column B
1. He worked hard — but not tea.
2. Amrit likes coffee — so he passed.
3. I went to see my mother — because she was ill.
4. Run fast — and rested for a while.
5. Tanu and Manu came home — or you will miss the bus.
1. He worked hard so he passed.
2. Amrit likes coffee but not tea.
3. I went to see my mother because she was ill.
4. Run fast or you will miss the bus.
5. Tanu and Manu came home and rested for a while.
Activity 9.
Look at the bar graph chart below. It is about 4 cereals that children like. Read and understand the number of votes each cereal has got.

Answer the following questions :
Question 1.
What are the names of 4 cereals that children like in the bar graph ?
Names of four cereals are : Corn Flakes, Cherries, Life and Kix.
Question 2.
Which cereal is the most favourite of children ?
Life is the most favourite cereal of children.
Question 3.
How many votes has it got ?
Six votes.

Question 4.
How many votes has Corn flakes got ?
Four votes.
Question 5.
How many votes has Kix got ?
Kix has got three votes.
Question 6.
Which cereal has got the least number of votes ?
Cherries has got the least number of votes.
Learning to Listen
Activity 10.
Your teacher will tell you a story. Listen to the story carefully and put the sentences given below in the correct order i.e. as they happen in the story. Write the numbers in the given bracktes. The first is done for you.
1. One day, he told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. ___ ( 6 )
2. The father gave the bundle to each one of his sons. ___ ( 7 )
3. The sons tried to break the bundle of sticks. ___ ( 8 )
4. He failed to make them understand. ___ ( 4 )
5. The sons always fought with one another. ___ ( 2 )
6. The father advised them to live in peace. ___ ( 3 )
7. He thought of using another way. ___ ( 5 )
8. The sons could not break the bundle. ___ ( 9 )
9. He opened the bundle and separated the sticks. ___ ( 10 )
10. Within no time the sons broke the separated sticks. ___ ( 12 )
11. One by one he gave the sticks to his sons. ___ ( 11 )
12. The father then told his sons the importance of standing with one another. ___ ( 13 )
13. A father had three sons. ___ ( 1 )
Activity 11.
Get into pairs and tell each other a joke or a short story in English. After listening to the story, you must ask each other some questions. The questions will be on something that you do not understand in the story. You must write those questions in the space given below for your teacher to check. You will also write the answers your partner gives you.

1. Once there was a wise crow. He was very thirsty. He flew in search of water. But he could not get water anywhere. At last he reached a garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. But the water was very low. His beak could not reach it. He saw some small stones near the pitcher. He put them into the pitcher. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.
Moral : Where there is a will, there is a way.
2. Once a fox was very hungry. It went here and there in search of food. But it did not get food anywhere. At last it reached a garden. There it saw a crow sitting in a tree. The crow had a piece of cheese in his beak.
The fox said to the crow, “Your voice is very sweet. Please sing me a song.” The crow was happy. He opened his beak to sing. The piece of cheese fell down. The fox ate it up and went away.
Moral : Beware of flatterers.
My Questions
1. The crow is a wise bird. Then why did he opened his beak ?
2. How did the fox know the art of flattery and its power ?
My Partner’s answers
1. The words of flattery are more powerful.
2. It knew this as she is a very clever animal.
Activity 12.
Look at the following words. Learn to pronounce them by repeating after the teacher.
1. quieten — क्वाइटन
2. conversation — कन्वसेशन
3. lively — लिवलि
4. clouds — क्लाउड्स
5. crime — काइम
6. recognise — रैकाग्नाइज़
7. ceremonies — सेरेमनीज़
8. terror — टेरर
9. chatterbox — चैटरबाक्स
10. tenderly — टेंड्अली
Comprehension Of Passages
Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each.
(1) Little Mini was five years old and a great chatterbox. She simply could not live without chatting all the time. Her mother was often worried about this non-stop chatter of Mini and tried to quieten her. But no one could think of Mini being quiet.
(i) How old was Mini ?
मिनी की कितनी आयु थी ?
(ii) Who was worried about her non-stop talking ?
उसके लगातार बोलते जाने से कौन चिन्तित था ?
(ii) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Mini was a great ……….
(b) No one could think of Mini

(iv) Choose ‘True’ and ‘False’ statements :
(a) Mini could not live without chatting
(b) No one could try to question Mini.
Match the words in column A with their opposites in column B.
Column A — Column B
(a) quiet — start
(b) stop — loud
(i) Mini was five years old.
(ii) Mini’s mother was worried about her non-stop talking.
(a) Mini was a great chatterbox.
(b) No one could think of Mini being quiet.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) quiet — loud
(b) stop — start
(2) Mini called out to the Kabuliwala but when he looked at her, she was in terror and ran to her father. She had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children, put them in their sacks and took them away. The Kabuliwala came to Mini’s house and her father made sure that Mini came out and met him.
(i) Who did Mini call out to ?
मिनी ने किसको पुकारा ?
(ii) Why did she run to her father in terror ?
वह आतंकित होकर अपने पिता के पास क्यों भाग गई ?
(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) The Kabuliwala did not come to Mini’s house.
(b) In terror Mini ran to her father.
(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Mini had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children ………..
(b) Mini’s father wanted to make sure that …………..
Write the meanings of the following words in English :
(a) terror
(b) sack
(i) Mini called out to the Kabuliwala.
(ii) She had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children, put them in their sacks and took them away.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) Mini had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children, put them in their sacks and took them away.
(b) Mini’s father wanted to make sure that Man come out and met him.
(a) great fear
(b) bag

(3) Mini’s father could not control his tears. He realised that the poor Kabuliwala was also a father. He called Mini who came out dressed as a bride. The Kabuliwala was shocked to see that Mini, the little girl he had known, had grown into a beautiful woman. He suddenly realised that his own daughter would have grown up too and broke into tears.
(i) Why could Mini’s father not control his tears ?
मिनी का पिता अपने आंसू क्यों न रोक सका ?
(ii) How was Mini dressed ?
मिनी ने कैसी पोशाक पहन रखी थी ?
(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) Mini’s father laughed at the Kabuliwala’s plight.
(b) The Kabuliwala was shocked to see Mini.
(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) He realized that his own daughter would have grown up ….
(b) Mini had grown …..
Match the words with their meanings :
(a) dressed — felt
(b) realised — clothed/clad
(i) Because he realized that the Kabuliwala was also a father.
(ii) Mini was dressed as a bride.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) He realized that his own daughter would have grown up too and broke into tears.
(b) Mini had grown into a beautiful woman.
(a) dressed — clothed/ clad felt
(b) realised — felt
Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences
1. Chatting (v): (talking in a friendly manner) —
They were chatting and laughing.
वे बातें कर रहे थे और हंस रहे थे।
2. Worried (v) : (to be anxious) —
Why do you seem worried ?
तुम परेशान क्यों दिख रहे हो ?
3. Lively (adj.): (full of life) —
She sang a lively song.
उसने रोचक गाना गाया।
4. Terror (n) : (great fear) —
The people ran in terror to see a lion.
लोग शेर को देखकर डर से भागे।

5. Owe (v) : (to be indebted) —
I owe him twenty rupees.
मैंने उसे बीस रुपये ऋण में दिए।
6. Crime (n) : (a punishable act) —
Killing people is a crime.
लोगों को मारना जुर्म है।
7. Recognize (n) : (to be able to identify) —
I recognized my old friend when I met him after 25 years.
मैंने अपने पुराने मित्र को पहचान लिया जब मैं उसे 25 वर्षों बाद मिला |
8. Ceremonies (n) : (rituals/religious events) —
The wedding ceremomies are going on.
विवाह के रीति-रिवाज चल रहे हैं।
9. Afford (v): (to be able to have) —
We can’t afford a car.
हम कार नहीं रख सकते।
Word Meanings

Kabuliwala Summary in Hindi
Little Mini ……………………….. five-year-old.
छोटी मिनी पाँच वर्ष की थी और बड़ी बातूनी थी। उसका हर समय बात किए बिना गुजारा नहीं था। उसकी माँ प्राय: मिनी की कभी न रुकने वाली बातों से परेशान रहती थी और उसे चुप कराने का प्रयास करती थी। परंतु कोई सोच भी नहीं सकता था कि मिनी चुप हो जाएगी। अपने पिता जी के साथ उसकी बातचीत सदा बहुत ही सजीव होती थी।
एक दिन मिनी दौड़ती हुई अपने पिता के अध्ययन कक्ष में आई। वह अपने पिता को बाजुओं में भरकर बोली, “पिता जी, आप क्या सोचते हैं ? भोला कहता है कि बादलों में एक हाथी है जो अपनी सूंड से पानी बिखेरता है, इसलिए वर्षा होती है।” इससे पहले कि उसके पिता उत्तर देते वह “ए काबुलीवाला ए काबुलीवाला” चिल्लाते हुई खिड़की की ओर दौड़ी।
मिनी ने काबुलीवाला को आवाज़ दी, परंतु जब उसने (काबुलीवाला ने) उसकी ओर देखा तो वह डर गई और दौड़ कर अपने पिता के पास चली आई। उसने सुन रखा था कि काबुलीवाले बच्चों को पकड़ लेते हैं और उन्हें अपने थैले में डाल कर ले जाते है। काबुलीवाला मिनी के घर आया। मिनी का पिता इस बात से विश्वस्त होना चाहता था कि मिनी बाहर जा कर उससे मिले। शीघ्र ही मिनी को उसका डर जाता रहा। उन्हें लम्बी दाढ़ी वाले बड़े पठान को पांच वर्षीय बच्ची से मीठी-मीठी बातें करते देख बहुत खुशी हो रही थी।

The Kabuliwala was…………………..dors long ego.
काबुलीवाला अब हर रोज़ मिनी के घर आने लगा। वे कई घंटे बातें करते और एक-दूसरे के साथ मज़ाक करते। “काबुलीवाला, ओ काबुलीवाला ! तुम्हारे थैले में क्या है ?” मिनी पूछती। “एक हाथी,” काबुलीवाला उत्तर देता और दोनों ठहाका मार कर हंसने लगते। वर्ष में एक बार रहमान जो काबुलीवाले का नाम था, अपने देश वापिस चला जाता था। जाने से पहले वह लोगों से उधार के पैसे इकट्ठे करता था। यद्यपि रहमान व्यस्त रहता था, फिर भी वह मिनी से मिलने के लिए सदा समय निकाल लेता।
एक दिन गली में बहुत अधिक शोर मच गया। रहमान ने एक आदमी को जिसने उसके पैसे देने थे, छुरा मार दिया था। इस अपराध में उसे जेल भेज दिया गया। समय गुजरता गया और मिनी शीघ्र ही अपने पुराने मित्र, काबुलीवाला को भूल गई। वह एक बहुत ही सुन्दर स्त्री के रूप में बड़ी हो रही थी।
उसके पिता ने मिनी के विवाह का प्रबन्ध किया। मिनी का उस रात विवाह हो रहा था। जब उसके पिता अपने अध्ययन कक्ष में बैठे थे, एक आदमी आया और उसने उनको आदरपूर्वक सलाम किया। पहले तो वह उस व्यक्ति को पहचान नहीं पाये। शीघ्र ही उन्हें यह महसूस हुआ कि वह काबुलीवाला रहमान है। मिनी के पिता ने उसे बताया कि घर में कुछ रस्में चल रही हैं, इसलिए वह किसी और दिन आए।
जाते-जाते वह मुड़ा और बोला, ” श्रीमान् जी, क्या मैं छोटी बच्ची से मिल सकता हूँ ?” . वह अब भी मिनी को छोटी-सी बच्ची समझ रहा था जो “काबुलीवाला, ओ काबुलीवाला” पुकारती हुई उसके पास दौड़ी चली आती थी। वह सोच रहा था कि वह बहुत पहले की तरह बातें करेंगे और हंसेंगें।
Mini’s father told him …………….. once again.
मिनी के पिता ने एक बार फिर उसे बताया कि घर में रस्में चल रही हैं। तब काबुलीवाले ने उन्हें मिनी के लिए सूखी किशमिश, अखरोट और बादामों का एक छोटा-सा पैकेट देते हुए कहा, “ये छोटी बच्ची को दे दें। मेरी भी उस जैसी एक बच्ची है, मैं उसके बारे में सोच कर आपके पास ये मेवे लाया हूँ।”
मिनी के पिता अपने आंसू न रोक पाए। उन्होंने महसूस किया कि गरीब काबुलीवाला भी पिता है। उन्होंने मिनी को बुलाया जो दुल्हन की पोशाक में बाहर आई। काबुलीवाला यह देख कर स्तब्ध रह गया कि वह जि छोटी सी मिनी को जानता था वह बड़ी हो कर एक सुन्दर स्त्री बन गई है।

अचानक उसने महसूस किया कि उसकी अपनी पुत्री भी बड़ी हो गई होगी और वह रोने लगा। मिनी के पिता ने कुछ पैसे निकाले और रहमान को देते हुए बोले, “जाओ, जाकर अपनी पुत्री से मिलो। भगवान करे तुम्हें हर खुशी प्राप्त हो।” मिनी के पिता को विवाह के खर्चे घटाने पड़े। वह अब मिल्ट्री बैंड या बिजली की व्यवस्था नहीं कर सकते थे परन्तु उन्हें इस बात की प्रसन्नता थी कि उनके धन से बहुत समय पहले अपनी इकलौती बच्ची से जुदा हुआ पिता पुनः उससे मिल जाएगा।
Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences
1. Little Mini was five years old. — छोटी मिनी पांच साल की थी।
2. What do you think father ? — पिता जी आप क्या सोचते हैं ?
3. She ran to the window. — वह खिड़की की ओर दौड़ी।
4. She was in terror. — वह बहुत भयभीत थी।
5. They would sit and talk for hours. — वे बैठकर घंटों तक बातें करते रहते थे।
6. What have you got in your bag ? — तुमने थैले में क्या रखा हुआ है ?
7. Mini was getting married that night.– उस रात मिनी की शादी हो रही थी।
8. Give these to the little ones. — ये छोटे बच्चों को दे देना।
9. Mini’s father took out some money. — मिनी के पिता ने कुछ पैसे बाहर निकाले।
10. Mini soon forgot her old friend.– मिनी शीघ्र ही अपने पुराने मित्र को भूल गई।