PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 धूल का फूल

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 2 धूल का फूल Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 2 धूल का फूल

Hindi Guide for Class 7 PSEB धूल का फूल Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) भाषा-बोध

1. शब्दार्थ

सरपट – तेज़ चाल से
खलिहान = कटी हुई फसल रखने का स्थान
विपन्नता = गरीबी
मजूरी = मज़दूरी
व्यर्थ = बेकार
मुटियार = नवयुवती
उत्थान = उन्नति, बढ़ती
जन्नत = स्वर्ग
निहारते = देखते
प्रांगण = आंगन
पुष्प-गुच्छ = फूलों का गुलदस्ता
गुंजायमान = गूंजता हुआ

2. इन मुहावरों के अर्थ लिखते हुए वाक्य प्रयोग करें:

खुशी के आँसू छलकना ________________ ___________________________
मन बल्लियों उछलना _____________ _________________________
नाम रोशन करना __________________ ______________________
गले लगाना ________________ _______________________
फूले न समाना _______________ __________________________
खुशी के आँसू छलकना (बहुत अधिक प्रसन्न होना) – परीक्षा में प्रथम आने का समाचार मिलते ही नीलम की आँखों में खुशी के आँसू छलकने लगे।
मन बल्लियों उछलना(बहुत प्रसन्न होना) – बहुत दिनों बाद गाँव जाते हुए प्रशांत का मन बल्लियों उछलने लगा।
नाम रोशन करना (प्रसिद्धि मिलना) – कलक्टर बन कर प्रशांत ने अपने माता-पिता का नाम रोशन कर दिया।
गले लगना (प्रेम से भेंटना)  -माता ने पुत्र को आशीर्वाद देते हुए बाँहों में भरकर गले लगा लिया।
फूले न समना (बहुत प्रसन्न होना) – एशिया-कप हॉकी में विजय प्राप्त कर भारतीय खिलाड़ी फूले न समा रहे थे।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 धूल का फूल

3. विपरीत शब्द लिखें: 

मौन = ……………..
ऊबड़-खाबड़ = ……………
ज़रूरी = ……………..
शहर = …………….
सुनसान = ……………….
मजदूर = ……………..
आमदन = ………………
उत्थान = ……………
शब्द विपरीत शब्द
मौन = मुखर
ऊबड़-खाबड़ = सीधी-सपाट
ज़रूरी = गैर-ज़रूरी
शहर = गाँव
सुनसान = आबाद
मजदूर = मालिक
आमदन = खर्च
उत्थान = पतन

4. दो-दो पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखें :

तरक्की = ……………
शिक्षा = ……………
अध्यापक = ……………
मेहनत = …………….
शिष्य = …………….
शब्द पर्यायवाची शब्द
तरक्की = वृद्धि, बढ़ती
शिक्षा = परामर्श, सलाह, तालीम, सबक
अध्यापक = शिक्षक, गुरु
मेहनत = परिश्रम, श्रम
शिष्य = चेला, विद्यार्थी

प्रयोगात्मक व्याकरण

गुरु की शरण = गुरुशरण
माँ और बाप = माँ-बाप

उपर्युक्त पदों में गुरु की शरण को गुरुशरण तथा माँ और बाप को माँ-बाप रूप में संक्षेप में लिख सकते हैं। इस प्रकार शब्दों के मेल से नए शब्द बन जाते हैं।
अतः परस्पर सम्बन्ध रखने वाले दो या दो से अधिक शब्दों के मेल से जब कोई नया सार्थक शब्द बनता है तो उस मेल को समास कहते हैं।

समास करने के बाद जो शब्द बनता है उसे समस्तपद कहते हैं। समस्तपद को इसके शब्द खण्डों में अलग-अलग करने की विधि को विग्रह कहते हैं। जैसे :

गुरुशरण (समस्त पद) = गुरु की शरण (विग्रह)

समस्त पद के दो पद होते हैं- पूर्व पद और उत्तर पद। पहले पद को पूर्व पद तथा बाद को उत्तर पद कहते हैं। जैसे-गुरु (पूर्व पद), शरण (उत्तर पद)

पदों की प्रधानता के आधार पर समास के चार भेद होते हैं :

  1. अव्ययीभाव समास
  2. तत्पुरुष समास
  3. द्वंद्व समास
  4. बहुब्रीहि समास
(क) समस्त पद विग्रह जिस अर्थ में अव्यय यहाँ प्रयुक्त हुआ
(1) बेरोज़गार रोज़गार के बिना ‘बे’ का प्रयोग के बिना’ अर्थ में हुआ है।
(2) आजीवन जीवन तक ‘आ’ का प्रयोग तक के अर्थ में हुआ है।
(3) यथानियम नियम के अनुसार ‘यथा’ का प्रयोग ‘अनुसार’ के अर्थ में हुआ है।

यहाँ समस्त पद में ‘बे’, ‘आ’ तथा ‘यथा’ अव्यय हैं तथा इसके मेल से पूर्ण पद ही अव्यय बन गया है।

अतएव जिस समस्त पद में पूर्वपद प्रधान हो और अव्यय हो और समास होने पर पूर्ण पद ही अव्यय बन जाए, वह अव्ययी भाव समास कहलाता है।
अन्य उदाहरण-आमरण-मरने तक, निडर-डर के बिना, भरपेट-पेट भर कर, आजन्म-जन्म भर, प्रति पल-हर पल, बेखबर-बिना खबर के, अनजान-जाने बिना आदि।
तत्पुरुष समास को समझने के लिए कारक का ज्ञान अपेक्षित है। अत: पहले कारकों को समझते हैं।

हमें साहब ने रहने के लिए घर दिया।

यदि इस वाक्य को इस ढंग से लिखें-‘हमें साहब रहने घर दिया’ तो वाक्य में आए शब्दों का एक-दूसरे से सम्बन्ध नहीं प्रकट होता और न ही अर्थ स्पष्ट होता है।
इसलिए वाक्य में आए ने, के लिए चिह्न वाक्य के अन्य शब्दों का परस्पर सम्बन्ध जोड़ते हैं।

अतएव संज्ञा या सर्वनाम के जिस रूप से उनका सम्बन्ध क्रिया तथा वाक्य के दूसरे शब्दों में जाना जाए, उसे कारक कहते हैं।

विशेष :- वाक्य में प्रयुक्त ‘के, ने, से, के लिए’ कारक चिह्नों को परसर्ग भी कहते हैं।

(1) शरण ने क्षमा माँगी।
इस वाक्य में क्षमा माँगने का काम शरण ने किया अर्थात् कर्ता शरण है। अतः शरण ने में कर्ता कारक है।

(2) प्रशांत उच्च पद को प्राप्त हुआ।
इस वाक्य में प्राप्त हुआ क्रिया है, प्रशांत कर्ता है तथा क्रिया का फल पद पर पड़ रहा है। अतः पद को में कर्म कारक है।

अतएव वाक्य में जिस संज्ञा या सर्वनाम पर क्रिया का फल पड़ता है, उसे कर्म कारक कहते हैं।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 धूल का फूल

(3) प्रशांत गाड़ी से गाँव आया।
इस वाक्य में गया क्रिया का साधन गाड़ी है। अतः गाड़ी से में करण कारक है।

अतएव कर्ता जिस साधन की मदद से क्रिया सम्पन्न करता है, उसे करण कारक कहते हैं।

(4) हम पढ़ने के लिए विद्यालय जाते थे।
इस वाक्य में जाना क्रिया का कार्य पढ़ने के लिए है, अतः यहाँ सम्प्रदान कारक है।

अतएव जिस संज्ञा या सर्वनाम के लिए कुछ किया जाए उसे सम्प्रदान कारक कहते हैं।

(5) हमारा पूरा परिवार गाँव से शहर आ गया।
इस वाक्य में गाँव से पद से अलग होने का अर्थ स्पष्ट हो रहा है, इसलिए यहाँ अपादान कारक है।

अतः जिस संज्ञा से पृथक्ता अर्थात् अलग होने का भाव प्रकट हो, उसे अपादान कारक कहते हैं।

इसके अतिरिक्त किसी से सीखने, लगाने, डरने, बचाने, तुलना करने, माँगने, निकलने तथा दूरी का भाव दर्शाने में भी अपादान कारक होता है।

(6) नसीब का लड़का कलक्टर बन गया।
इस वाक्य में नसीब का लड़का से पिता-पुत्र का सम्बन्ध प्रकट हो रहा है अतः यहाँ सम्बन्ध कारक है।

अतएव जहाँ दो संज्ञाओं या सर्वनामों का आपस में सम्बन्ध प्रकट हो, वहाँ सम्बन्ध कारक होता है।

(7) प्रशांत पहले गाँव में रहता था।
इस वाक्य में गाँव में पद में रहना क्रिया के आधार का पता चलता है, यहाँ अधिकरण कारक है।

अतएव जहाँ संज्ञा या सर्वनाम शब्द के आधार का पता चले उसे अधिकरण कारक कहते हैं।

(8) अरे शरण गाड़ी जल्दी चलाओ।
इस वाक्य में अरे शरण ! को सम्बोधन किया गया है, इसलिए यहाँ सम्बोधन कारक है।

अतएव संज्ञा या सर्वनाम के जिस रूप से किसी को पुकारने, बुलाने, सुनाने या सावधान करने का भाव प्रकट हो, वहाँ सम्बोधन कारक होता है। आइए, अब तत्पुरुष समास को समझते हैं।

(ख) समस्त पद विग्रह
पदप्राप्त पद को प्राप्त

उपर्युक्त समास में समस्त पद बनाते समय पूर्वपद (पद) के साथ आए परसर्ग (को) का लोप हो गया है। इसके उत्तरपद (प्राप्त) प्रधान है।
अतएव जिस समास में उत्तर पद प्रधान हो उसे तत्पुरुष समास कहते हैं। पद बनाते समय पूर्वपद के साथ आने वाले परसर्ग का लोप हो जाता है।

अन्य उदाहरण

समस्त पद = विग्रह
यशप्राप्त = यश को प्राप्त
समस्त पद = विग्रह
भावविह्वल = भाव से विह्वल
पाठशाला = पढ़ने के लिए शाला
धनहीन = धन से हीन
विद्याभ्यास = विद्या का अभ्यास
सिरदर्द = सिर में दर्द

(ख) विचार-बोध

1. प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक या दो वाक्यों में लिखें:

प्रश्न 1.
प्रशान्त का मन बल्लियों क्यों उछल रहा था ?
प्रशान्त का मन बल्लियों इसलिए उछल रहा था क्योंकि वह कई वर्षों के बाद अपने गाँव जा रहा था।

प्रश्न 2.
गाँव की ओर जाते हुए उसे किन-किन लोगों की याद आने लगी ?
गाँव की ओर जाते हुए पंच जी के खेत, दीनू ग्वाले की गाय-भैंसें, सब्बू कुम्हार के चाक की याद आने लगी।

प्रश्न 3.
उसके अध्यापक का क्या नाम था ?
उस के अध्यापक का नाम मास्टर आदित्य प्रकाश था।

प्रश्न 4.
हर माँ-बाप का क्या सपना होता है ?
हर माँ-बाप का यह सपना होता है कि उसकी संतान पढ़-लिखकर कुछ बन जाए।

प्रश्न 5.
प्रशान्त का क्या सपना था? यह सपना उसने कैसे पूरा किया ?
प्रशान्त का सपना था कि एक दिन ज़रूर वह कुछ बनेगा। यह सपना उस ने खूब पढ़ कर पूरा किया।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 धूल का फूल

प्रश्न 6.
लड़कियों की शिक्षा के सम्बन्ध में उसके क्या विचार थे ?
लड़कियों की शिक्षा के सम्बन्ध में उसके विचार थे कि लड़कियाँ घर का श्रृंगार होती हैं। उन्हें खूब पढ़ाना चाहिए, क्योंकि वे परिवार का आधार होती हैं।

प्रश्न 7.
प्रशान्त गाँव में क्यों आया था ?
प्रशान्त गाँव में गाँव की पाठशाला का दर्जा बढ़ाने का आदेश लेकर आया था।

2. इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर चार-पाँच वाक्यों में लिखें:

प्रश्न 1.
गरीबी में रहते हुए भी प्रशान्त ने अपने लक्ष्य को कैसे प्राप्त किया?
प्रशान्त गरीबी में रहते हुए भी पढ़ाई की तरफ बहुत ध्यान देता था। वह मास्टर आदित्य प्रकाश जी की बातें सुनकर धन्य हो जाता था। पढ़ाई का खर्च चलाने के लिए वह छुट्टियों में छोटा-मोटा आमदनी वाला काम कर लेता था। वह खूब पढ़ कर अफसर बनना चाहता था। उसे विश्वास था कि बड़े बनने की कुंजी विद्या है। इसलिए वह मेहनत से पढ़ता था और कर्म को पूजा मानता था। इस प्रकार परिश्रमपूर्वक पढ़-लिख कर उसने अपना लक्ष्य प्राप्त किया और कलक्टर बन गया।

प्रश्न 2.
आपका क्या लक्ष्य है ? अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए आप क्या करेंगे?
मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य आदर्श अध्यापक बनना है, जो अपने विद्यार्थियों को विद्या के प्रति सच्ची लगन पैदा करके उन्हें भावी भारत का सच्चा एवं अनुशासित नागरिक बना सके। इसके लिए मैं खूब मेहनत से पढंगा। बी०ए० करने के बाद अध्यापक के प्रशिक्षण के लिए बी०एड्० की परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करके किसी अच्छे विद्यालय में शिक्षक का पद ग्रहण कर विद्यार्थियों को सर्वगुण सम्पन्न बनाने का प्रयास करूँगा।

3. इस कहानी में कई बिन्दुओं को छुआ गया है जैसे :

…………………… गाँवों से शहर की ओर पलायन
…………………… ग्रामीण लोगों की दशा/गरीबी/यथास्थिति
…………………… लक्ष्य प्राप्त करना
…………………… लड़कियों की शिक्षा के प्रति सोच
…………………… गाँव के प्रति प्यार
…………………… सम्बन्धों की आत्मीयता
…………………… अध्यापकों का सम्मान
…………………… इन बिंदुओं पर विचार-विमर्श करें।
विद्यार्थी आपस में विचार-विमर्श करें।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Guide धूल का फूल Important Questions and Answers

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर उचित विकल्प चुनकर लिखिए

प्रश्न 1.
‘धूल का फूल’ किसकी कहानी है ?
(क) खेत मज़दूर के पुत्र की
(ख) खेत की
(ग) खेत मजदूर की पुत्री की
(घ) नाले की
(क) खेत मज़दूर के पुत्र की

प्रश्न 2.
खेत मजदूर का लड़का पढ़-लिखकर क्या बनता है ?
(क) चपड़ासी
(ख) कलक्टर
(ग) अध्यापक
(घ) पुलिस कप्तान
(ख) कलक्टर

प्रश्न 3.
गाड़ी चलाते हुए कौन सोच रहा था ?
(क) करण
(ख) गुरचरण
(ग) गुरशरण
(घ) गौरव
(ग) गुरशरण

प्रश्न 4.
कुम्हार का क्या नाम था ?
(क) सब्बू
(ख) चौधरी
(ग) कब्बू
(घ) चेतन
(क) सब्बू

प्रश्न 5.
बड़ा बनने की कुंजी क्या है ?
(क) शरीर की ताकत
(ख) ज़मीन
(ग) धन
(घ) विद्या
(घ) विद्या

प्रश्न 6.
कलक्टर प्रशांत क्या आदेश लेकर आया था?
(क) गाँव खाली कराने का
(ख) गाँव के विद्यालय का दर्जा बढ़ाने का
(ग) ज़मीन लेने का
(घ) ज़मीन देने का
(ख) गाँव के विद्यालय का दर्जा बढ़ाने का

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 धूल का फूल

निम्नलिखित रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति उचित विकल्पों से कीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
कलक्टर के चाचा का नाम ………… था ।
(क) चरण सिंह
(ख) विक्रम सिंह
(ग) करण सिंह
(घ) चेतन सिंह
(क) चरण सिंह

प्रश्न 2.
कलक्टर का नाम …………… था।
(क) अविरल
(ख) प्रशांत
(ग) चहल
(घ) वेदांत
(ख) प्रशांत

प्रश्न 3.
प्रशांत के पिता का नाम …………. था ।
(क) अब्दुल्ला
(ख) कासिम
(ग) सुजान सिंह
(घ) नसीब
(घ) नसीब

प्रश्न 4.
प्रशांत के मास्टर का नाम ………… था ।
(क) आदित्य
(ख) विश्वास
(ग) विवेक शर्मा
(घ) कर्म सिंह
(क) आदित्य

दिए गए शब्दों का सही अर्थ मिलान कीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
साँप का पेट
सिर का पेट
तेज चाल से
तेज़ चाल से

प्रश्न 2.
पराग का कण

प्रश्न 3.

प्रश्न 4.

धूल का फूल Summary

धूल का फूल पाठ का सार

‘धूल का फूल’ एक ऐसे खेत-मज़दूर गरीब पिता के पुत्र की कहानी है, जो अपने परिश्रम तथा इच्छा शक्ति के बल पर पढ़-लिखकर कलक्टर बन जाता है। ऊबड़-खाबड़ सड़क पर गाड़ी चलाते हुए गुरशरण सोच रहा था कि न मालूम क्यों साहब इधर दौरे पर आए हैं ? जब उसने साहब से पूछा कि अभी और कितनी दूर जाना है तो साहब ने उसे चलते रहने को कहा।

साहब का मन बहुत प्रसन्न था। वे बरसों बाद अपने गाँव जा रहे थे। वे बीस-पच्चीस साल पहले के पंच जी के खेत, दीनू ग्वाले की गाय-भैंसें, सब्बू कुम्हार के चाक आदि की बातें सोच कर भाव-विभोर हो रहे थे। उन्हें गन्ने का रस पीना, गर्म गुड़ खाना, ऊधम मचाना, ककड़ियाँ-खरबूजे खाना, पाठशाला में आदित्य मास्टर जी से पढ़ना आदि याद आ रहा था। उसके पिता दूसरों के खेतों में मजदूरी करते थे तथा माँ के साथ वह खेतों पर खाना ले जाता था। उसके पिता को शहर में चपरासी की नौकरी मिली तो सारा परिवार गाँव से शहर आ गया। जहाँ आकर गाड़ी में बैठे अफसर को देखकर उसका मन भी उन जैसा बनने की इच्छा करता और वह सोचता कि जब लाल बहादुर शास्त्री, लिंकन, एडीसन जैसे बड़े बन सकते हैं, तो वह क्यों नहीं?

सरकारी स्कूल दूर थे फिर भी वह पढ़ता गया क्योंकि उसे विश्वास था कि बड़े बनने की कुंजी विद्या ही है और विद्याधन मेहनत के बिना नहीं मिलता। वह कर्म को पूजा मानने लगा। वह शरण को गाड़ी धीरे चलाने के लिए कहता है और शरण से यह जान कर कि उसका लड़का तो पढ़ने जाता है परन्तु वह अपनी लड़की को स्कूल नहीं भेजता तो उसे समझाता है कि लड़की को भी पढ़ाओ क्योंकि लड़कियाँ घर का श्रृंगार होती हैं, वे ही परिवार का आधार हैं। उसने गाड़ी की खिड़की से मुटियारों को सिर पर बोझ लेकर जाते, खेतों में कम्बाइन चलाते तथा स्त्रियों-बच्चों को झोला लिए अनाज की बालियाँ चुनते देखा तो सोचने लगा कि आजादी के इतने सालों बाद भी गरीब की वही दशा है जो उस के ज़माने में थी। तभी उसे एक बुजुर्ग दिखाई दिए। उस ने गाड़ी रुकवाई और उनके पैर स्पर्श किए। वे चाचा चरण सिंह थे।

उन्होंने उसे नहीं पहचाना तो उसने स्वयं ही अपना परिचय दिया कि वह उनका प्रशांत है। चाचा को भी याद आया नसीब का पुत्र प्रशांत। वह आज यहाँ गाँव के विद्यालय का दर्जा बढ़ाने का आदेश लेकर आया था। पाठशाला रंगोली, रंग-बिरंगी झंडियों से सजी हुई थी। पुष्प-गुच्छों से उसका स्वागत हुआ। अपने प्रिय अध्यापक आदित्य प्रकाश के पैरों को स्पर्श करने के लिए जैसे ही प्रशांत झुका कि उन्होंने उसे बाँहों में भरकर गले लगा लिया और वे फूले नहीं समा रहे थे कि उनका गरीब प्रशांत कलक्टर प्रशांत बन गया है। वही सरकार की ओर से पाठशाला का दर्जा बढ़ाने का आदेश लाया है।

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4

1. An rectangular park is 80 m long and 65 in wide. A path of 5 m width is constructed outside the park. Find the area of path.
Let ABCD be a rectangular park.
Length of the park = 80 m
Breadth of the park = 65 m
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 1
Area of the rectangular park
ABCD = Length × Breadth
= 80 m × 65 m
= 5200 m2
Length of rectangular garden EFGH (including park)
= 80 + 5 + 5
= 90 m
Breadth = 65 + 5 + 5
= 75 m
Area of rectangular path EFGH = 90 × 75
= 6750 m2
Area of the path = Area of rectangular park EFGH – Area of rectangle ABCD
= 6750 – 5200
= 1550 m2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4

2. A rectangular garden is 110 m long and 72 m broad. A path of uniform width 8 m has to be constructed around it. Find the cost of gravelling the path at ₹ 11.50 per m2.
Let ABCD represents the rectangular garden and the shaded region represents the path of width 8 m around the garden.
Length of rectangular garden l = 110 m
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 2
Breadth of rectangular garden b = 72 m
Area of rectangular garden ABCD = (110 × 72) m2
= 7920 m2
Length of rectangular garden including path = 110 m + (8m + 8m)
= 126 m
Breadth of rectangular garden including path = 72m + (8m + 8m) = 88 m
Area of garden including path = (126 × 88) m2
= 11088 m2
Area of path = Area of garden including path – Area of garden
Area of path = (11088 – 7920) m2
= 3168 m2
Cost of gravelling 1 m2 of path = ₹ 11.50
Cost of gravelling 2928 m2 of path = ₹ 3168 × 11.50
= ₹ 36432

3. A room is 12 m long and 8 m broad. It is surrounded by a verandah, which is 3 m wide all around it. Find the cost of flooring the verandah with marble at ₹ 275 per m2.
Let ABCD. represents the rectangular floor of room and shaded region represents the verandah 3 m wide all along the outside of a room.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 3
PQ = (3 + 12 + 3) m
= 18 m
PS = (3 + 8 + 3) m
= 14 m
Area of rectangle ABCD = 1 × b
= AB × AD
= 12 m × 8m
= 96 m2
Area of recangle PQRS = 1 × b
= PQ × PS
= 18 m × 14 m
= 252 m2
Area of verandah = [Area of rectangle PQRS] – [Area of rectangle ABCD]
= (252 – 96) m2
= 156 m2
(Rate of flooting the verandha with marble verandah = ₹ 275 per m2)
Cost of flooring verandah with moble.
= ₹ (156 × 275)
= ₹ 42900.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4

4. A sheet of paper measures 30 cm × 24 cm. A strip of 4 cm width is cut from it, all around. Find the area of remaining sheet and also the area of cut out strip.
Let ABCD represent the sheet of 30 cm × 24 cm and shaded region represents the 4 cm width to be cut
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 4
PQ = (30 – 4 – 4) cm
= 22 cm
PS = (24 – 4 – 4) cm
= 16 cm

(i) remaining sheet
[Area of rectangle ABCD] – [Area of rectangle PQRS]
= (30 × 24 – 22 × 16)
= (720 – 352 = 368) cm2
Area of the cut our strip i.e. area of rectangle PQRS = 22 × 16 cm2
= 352 cm2

5. A path of 2 m wide is built along the border inside a square garden of side 40 m. Find :

Question (i).
The Area of path.
Let ABCD be the square park of side 40 m and the shaded region represents the path 2 m wide
EF = 40 m – (2 + 2) m
= 36 m
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 5
Area of square park ABCD = (Side)2
= 40 × 40
= 1600 m2
Area of EFGH = (Side)2
= 36 × 36
= 1296 m2
Area of path = Area of square park ABCD – Area of EFGH
= (1600 – 1296) m2
= 304 m2

Question (ii).
The cost of planting grass in the remaining portion of the garden at the rate of ₹ 50 per m2.
Cost of planting grass = 50 per m2
Cost of planting grass 1m2 = ₹ 50
Cost of 1296 m2 = 1296 × 50
= ₹ 64800

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4

6. A nursery school play ground is 150 m long and 75 m wide. A portion of 75 m × 75 m is kept for see-saw slides and other park equipments. In the remaining portion 3 m wide path parallel to its width and parallel to remaining length (as shown in fig). The remaining area is covered by grass. Find the area covered by grass.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 6
Area of school ground
= 150 m × 75 m = 11250 m2
Area kept for see-saw slides and other equipments
= 75 × 75
= 5625 m2
Area of path parallel to width of ground = 75 × 3
= 225 m2
Area common to both paths = 3 × 3
= 9 m2
Total area covered by path
= (225 + 225 – 9)
= 441 m2
Area covered by grass = Area of ground – (Area kept for see-saw slides + area covered by paths)
= 11250 – (5625 + 441)
= (11250 – 6066) m2
= 5184 m2

7. Two cross roads each of width 8 m cut at right angle through the centre of a rectangular park of length 480 m and breadth 250 m and parallel to its sides. Find the area of roads. Also, find the area of park excluding cross roads.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 7
ABCD represent the rectangular park of length AB = 480 m and breadth BC = 250 m. Area of shaded portion i.e. area of rectangle EFGH and PQRS represent the area of cross roads, but the area of square KLMN is taken twice, So it will be subtracted.
Now EF = 480, FG = 8 m, PQ = 250 m, QR = 8 m, KL = 8 m.
Area covered by roads = Area of rectangle EFGH + area of rectangle PQRS – Area of square KLMN
= (EF × FG) + (PQ × QR) – (KL)2
= (480 × 8) + (250 × 8) – (8 × 8)
= 3840 + 2000 – 64
Area of the road = 5776 m2
Area of park excluding cross roads = 250 × 480 – (250 × 8 + 480 × 8 – 8 × 8)
= 114224 m2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4

8. In a rectangular field of length 92 m and breadth 70 m, two roads are constructed which are parallel to the sides and cut each other at right angles through the centre of field. If the width of each road is 4 m, find.
(i) The area covered by roads.
(ii) The cost of constructing the roads at the rate of ₹ 150 per m2.
Let ABCD represents the rectangular field of length ; AB = 92 m and breadth; AD = 70 m. Let the area of shaded portion
i. e. area of the rectangle PQRS and the area of rectangle EFGH represents the area of cross roads.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 8
But in doing this, area of square KLMN is taken twice which is to be subtracted.
Now PQ = 4 m, PS = 70 m
and EH = 4 m, EF = 92 m
and KL = 4 m, KN = 4 m
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 9
= PQ × PS + EF × EH – KL × KN
= [(4 × 70) + (92 × 4) – (4 × 4)] m2
= (280 + 368 – 16) m2
= (648 – 16) m2
= 632 m2

(ii) Cost of constructing 1 m2 of roads = ₹ 150
Therefore cost of constructing 632 m2 of roads = ₹ (150 × 632)
= ₹ 94800.

9. Find the area of shaded region in each of the following figures.

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 10
Length of rectangle ABDC
= 3m + 15m + 3m
= 21 m
Breadth of rectangle ABDC
= 2m + 12m + 2m
= 16 m
Area of rectangle ABDC
= length × breadth
= 21 × 16 m2
= 336 m2
Length of rectangle PQRS = 15 m
Breadth of rectangle PQRS = 12 m
Area of rectangle PQRS = 15 × 12 m2
= 180 m2
Area of shaded region = Area of rectangle ABCD – Area of rectangle PQRS
= 336 m2 – 180 m2
= 156 m2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 11
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.4 12
SR = PQ = 2.5 m
EH = FG = 4 m
KL = 2.5 m
LM = 4 m
Area of shaded region = [Area of rectangle PQRS] + [Area of rectangle EFGH] – Area of rectangle KLMN
= 40 × 2.5 + 80 × 4 – 2.5 × 4
= 100 + 320 – 10
= 420 – 10
= 410 m2

PSEB 7th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 10 Practical Geometry

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry MCQ Questions with Answers.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Chapter 10 Practical Geometry MCQ Questions

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Number of parallel lines that can be drawn passing through a point not lying on the given line is :
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3.
(b) 1

Question 2.
The sum of three angles of a Δ is :
(a) 90°
(b) 180°
(c) 360°
(d) None
(b) 180°

Question 3.
A triangle can be constructed by taking its sides of these :
(a) 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm
(b) 4 cm, 5 cm, 9 cm
(c) 4 cm, 3 cm, 8 cm
(d) 3 cm, 2 cm, 5 cm.
(a) 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm

Question 4.
Two angles of a triangle are 40° and 50°. Third angle is :
(a) 40°
(b) 50°
(c) 90°
(d) 60°
(c) 90°

Question 5.
The angles of a triangle are 30° and 50°, third angle is :
(a) 100°
(b) 60°
(c) 80°
(d) 50°.
(a) 100°

PSEB 7th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 10 Practical Geometry

Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
Sum of lengths of any two sides of a triangle is …………….
greater than third side

Question 2.
In right angled triangle.
(Hypotenuse)2 = (…………….)2 + (…………….)2
Base, Perpendicular

Question 3.
SAS stands for …………….
Side, angle, Side

Question 4.
RHS stands for …………….
Right angle hypotenuse side

Question 5.
ASA stands for …………….
Angle, side, angle.

PSEB 7th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 10 Practical Geometry

Write True or False

Question 1.
Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of opposite interior angles. (True/False)

Question 2.
The lengths of three sides can be used to construct a triangle. (True/False)

Question 3.
The sum of the three angles of a triangle is 160°. (True/False)

Question 4.
Construction of a triangle is possible when some of too angle is 180°. (True/False)

Question 5.
Each angle of equilateral triangle is 60°. (True/False)

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5

1. Construct a right angled triangle ABC with ∠C = 90°, AB = 5 cm and BC = 3 cm.
Given : Two sides of ΔABC as
AB = 5 cm,
BC = 3 cm
and ∠C = 90°.
To construct : A triangle with these two sides and one right angle.
Steps of Construction :
Step 1. We first draw a rough sketch of the triangle ABC and indicate the measure of these two sides and mark the right angle.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 1
Step 2. Draw BC of length 3 cm.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 2
Step 3. At C, draw CX ⊥ BC. (A should be somewhere on this perpendicular).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 3
Step 4. With B as centre, draw an arc of radius 5 cm. (A must be on this arc since it is at a distance of 5 cm from B).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 4
Step 5. A has to be on the perpendicular line CX as well as on the arc drawn with centre C.
∴ A is the meeting point of these two.
ΔABC is now obtained.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 5

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5

2. Construct an isosceles right angled triangle DEF where ∠E = 90° and EF = 6 cm.
Given : An isoscele right angled ΔDEF where ∠E = 90° and EF = 6 cm.
To Construct: A right angled triangle with one side.
Steps of Construction:
Steps 1. Draw a rough sketch of given measures.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 6
Step 2. Draw a line segment EF = 6 cm.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 7
Step 3. With the help of compass taking E as centre, draw a ray EX making an angle of 90° with EF.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 8
Step 4. With E as centre and radius 6 cm (= DE) draw an arc intersecting EX at D.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 9
Step 5. Join D and F. Therefore ΔDEF is required isosceles right triangle.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 10

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5

3. Construct a right-angled triangle PQR in which :
∠Q= 90°, PQ = 3.6 cm and PR = 8.5 cm
Given : Right triangle be PQR; right-angled at Q
i. e. ∠Q = 90°
and PQ = 3.6 cm,
PR = 8.5 cm
To construct : A triangle with these two sides and one right angle.
Steps of Construction :
Step 1. We first draw a rough sketch of the triangle PQR and indicate the measure of these two sides and mark the right angle.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 11
Step 2. Draw PQ of length 3.6 cm.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 12
Step 3. At Q, draw QX ⊥ PQ.
(R should be somewhere on this perpendicular).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 13
Step 4. With P as centre, draw arc of radius
(R must be on this arc, since it is at a distance of 8.5 cm from P).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 14
Step 5. R has to be on the perpendicular line QX as well as on the arc drawn with centre P.
∴ R is the meeting point of these two.
ΔPQR is now obtained.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5 15

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.5

4. Question (i).
Which of the following is a pythagorian triplet ?
(a) 1, 2, 3
(b) 2, 3, 4
(c) 4, 5, 6
(d) 12, 13, 5
(d) 12, 13, 5

Question (ii).
Construction of unique triangle is not possible when :
(a) Three sides are given.
(b) Two sides and an included angle are given.
(c) Three angles are given.
(d) Two angles & included side are given.
(c) Three angles are given.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

1. Estimate the area of the following figures by counting unit squares.

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 1
In the given figure, number of squares covered completely = 135
Area of a square = 1 sq. unit
Area of (135 square) figure = 135 sq. units, (approx.)

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 2
In the given figure number of square covered completely = 114
Area of one square = 1 unit
∴ Area of 114 squares = 114 sq units approx
Thus area of given figure = 114 sq units approx.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

2. In the following figures find the area of 

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 3
Given length of rectangle = 15 cm
Breadth of rectangle = 8 cm
The diagonal AC divides the rectangle into two triangles ΔABC and ΔADC
So, area of ΔABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Area of rectangle ABCD
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × length × breadth
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 15 × 8
= 60 cm2

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 4
Given side of square = 6 cm
The diagonals AC and BD divides the square into four equal posses (triangles)
So, area of ΔCOD = \(\frac {1}{4}\) × Area of square
= \(\frac {1}{4}\) × 6 × 6
= 9 cm2

3. Find the area of following parallelograms.

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 5
Given base of parallelogram = 9 cm
Height of parallelogram = 6 cm
Area of parallelogram = Base × height
= 9 × 6
= 54 cm2

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 6
Given base of parallelogram = 6.5 cm
Height of parallelogram= 8.4 cm
Area of parallelogram = Base × height
= 6.5 × 8.4
= 54.6 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

4. Find the value of x in the following parallelograms.

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 7
Given base (AD) of parallelogram = 5.6 cm
Corresponding height of parallelogram = 9 cm
Area of parallelogram = 5.6 × 9 cm2 ….(1)
Also in the paralleogram, base (AB) = x
Corresponding height of parallelogram = 7 cm
Area of parallelogram will be = x × 7 ….(2)
From (1) and (2), we get
x × 7 = 5.6 × 9
x = \(\frac{5.6 \times 9}{7}\)
= 7.2

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 8
Given base (AB) of parallelogram = 15 cm
Corresponding height = 6 cm
Area of parallelogram =15 × 6 cm2 ….(1)
Also Base (AD || BC) of parallelogram = 9 cm
Corresponding height = x
So area of parallelogram = 9 × x ….(2)
From (1) and (2)
9 × x = 15 × 6
x = \(\frac{15 \times 6}{9}\)
= 10 cm.

5. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 28 cm and 45 cm and the altitude on longer side is 18 cm. Find the area of parallelogram.
Given base of the parallelogram = 45 cm
Corresponding height = 18 cm
Area of parallelogram = Base × Height
= 45 × 18
= 810 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

6. ABCD is a parallelogram given in figure. DN and DM are the altitudes on side AB and CB respectively. If area of the parallelogram is 1225 cm2, AB = 35 cm and CB = 25 cm, find DN and DM.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 9
In the given parallelogram ABCD
Base (AB) = 35 cm
Let height (DN) = x cm
So area of parallelogram = 35 × x cm2
But given area of parallelogram (ABCD) = 1225 cm2
Therefore 35x = 1225
x = \(\frac {1225}{35}\)
= 35 cm
Similarly, for base (BC) and height (DM)
1225 = BC × DM
\(\frac{1225}{\mathrm{BC}}\) = DM
or DM = \(\frac {1225}{25}\)
= 49 cm.

7. Find the area of the following triangles.

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 10
Given base of triangle = 7 cm
Height of triangle = 4.8 cm
Area of triangle = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × Height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 7 × 4.8
= 16.8 cm2.

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 11
Given base of triangle =6 cm
Height of triangle = 9 cm
Area of triangle = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × Height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 6 × 9
= 27 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

8. Find the value of x in the following triangles.

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 12
In ΔABC, BC = 8 cm, AC = 15 cm
Area of triangle ABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × BC × AC
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 8 × 15
= 60 cm2 …(1)
Also, in ΔABC, AB = 20 cm
height = x
Area of triangle ABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × Height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 20 × x ….(2)
From (1) and (2)
\(\frac {1}{2}\) × 20 × x = 60
x = \(\frac{60 \times 2}{20}\)
x = 6 cm.

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 13
In ΔABC, base (AC) = 25 cm
height = 14 cm
Area of triangle ABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × height
\(\frac {1}{2}\) × 14 × 25 ….(1)
Also, in ΔABC, base AB = x cm
height = 20 cm
So, area of ΔABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × Height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × x × 20 ….(2)
From (1) and (2) we get
\(\frac {1}{2}\) × x × 20 = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 14 × 25
x = 17.5 cm

9. ABCD is a square, M is a point on AB such that AM = 9 cm and area of ΔDAM is 171 cm2. What is the area of the square ?
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 14
Given area of ΔDAM = 171 cm2
Base of triangle = 9 cm
As, area of triangle ΔDAM = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × base × height
171 = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 9 × (DA)
Hence height (DA) = \(\frac{171 \times 2}{9}\)
= 18 cm
Hence side of square (DA) = 18 cm
Therefore area of square = (side)2
= (18)2
= 324 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

10. ΔABC is right angled at A as shown in figure. AD is perpendicular to BC, if AB = 9 cm, BC = 15 cm and AC = 12 cm. Find the area of ΔABC, also find file length of AD.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 15
Given AB = 9 cm
BC = 15 cm
AC = 12 cm
Let AD = x cm
Area of triangle = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 12 × 9 cm2.
= 54 cm2 ….(1)
Since, AD is perpendicular to BC
So, area of triangle = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × BC × AD
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 15 × AD ….(2)
From (1) and (2) we get
\(\frac {1}{2}\) × 15 × AD = 54
AD = \(\frac{54 \times 2}{15}\)
AD = 7.2 cm

11. ΔABC is isosceles with AB = AC = 9 cm, BC = 12 cm and the height AD from A to BC is 4.5 cm. Find the area of ΔABC. What will be the height from B to AC i.e. BN ?
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2 16
In triangle ABC, Base (BC) = 12 cm
AD = 4.5 cm
AD is perpendicular to BC
So, Area of ΔABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × base × height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 12 × 4.5 cm
= 27 cm ….(1)
Also, in ΔABC, Base (AC) = 9 cm
Let corresponding height (BN) = x
So area of ΔABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × base × height
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 9 × BN ….(2)
From (1) and (2)
\(\frac {1}{2}\) × 9 × BN = 27
BN = \(\frac{27 \times 2}{9}\)
= 6 cm.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

12. Multiple choice questions :

Question (i).
Find the height of a parallelogram whose area is 246 cm2 and base is 20 cm.
(a) 1.23 cm2
(b) 13.2 cm2
(c) 12.3 cm2
(d) 1.32 cm2
(c) 12.3 cm2

Question (ii).
One of the side and the corresponding height of a parallelogram are 7 cm and 3.5 cm respectively. Find the area of the parallelogram.
(a) 21 cm2
(b) 24.5 cm2
(c) 21.5 cm2
(d) 24 cm2
(b) 24.5 cm2

Question (iii).
The height of a triangle whose base is 13 cm and area is 65 cm2 is :
(a) 12 cm
(b) 15 cm
(c) 10 cm
(d) 20 cm
(c) 10 cm

Question (iv).
Find the area of an isosceles right angled triangle, whose equal sides are of length 40 cm each.
(a) 400 cm2
(b) 200 cm2
(c) 600 cm2
(d) 800 cm2
(d) 800 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.2

Question (v).
If the sides of a parallelogram are increased to twice of its original length, how much will be the perimeter of the new parallelogram ?
(a) 1.5 times
(b) 2 times
(c) 3 times
(d) 4 times
(b) 2 times

Question (vi).
In a right angled triangle one leg is double the other and area is 64 cm2 find the smaller leg.
(a) 8 cm
(b) 16 cm
(c) 24 cm
(d) 32 cm.
(a) 8 cm

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1

1. Find the perimeter and the area of a rectangle having :
(i) Length = 28 cm, Breadth = 15 cm
(ii) Length = 9.4 cm Breadth = 2.5 cm
(i) Given length of rectangle = 28 cm
Breadth of rectangle = 15 cm
Perimeter of rectangle = 2 [length + Breadth]
= 2 [28 + 15]
= 2 × 43
= 86 cm

Area of rectangle = length × Breadth
= 28 × 15
= 420 cm2

(ii) Perimeter of rectangle = 2 [9.4 + 2.5]
= 2 × 11.9
= 23.8 cm
Area of rectangle = 9.4 × 2.5
= 23.5 cm2

2. Find the perimeter and the area of a square whose side measures
(i) 29 cm
(ii) 8.3 cm
(i) Given side of square = 29 cm
Perimeter of square = 4 × side
= 4 × 29
= 116 cm
Area of square = (side)2
= (29)2
= 841 cm2

(ii) Perimeter of square = 4 × 8.3
= 33.2 cm
Area of square = 8.3 × 8.3
= 68.89 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1

3. The perimeter of a square park is 148 m. Find its area.
Given the perimeter of square park = 148 m
Side of the square park = \(\frac{perimeter}{4}\)
= \(\frac {148}{4}\)
Area of the square park = (side)2
= (37)2
= 1369 m2

4. The area of a rectangle is 580 cm2. Its length is 29 cm. Find its breadth and also, the perimeter.
Given area of rectangle = 580 cm2
Length of the rectangle = 29 cm
Let breadth of the rectangle = b cm
Area of the rectangle = length × breadth
580 = 29 × b
\(\frac {580}{29}\) = b
b = 20 cm
Perimeter of rectangle = 2 [length + breadth]
= 2 [29 + 20]
= 2 × 49
= 98 cm

5. A wire is in the shape of a rectangle. Its length is 48 cm and breadth is 32 cm. If the same wire is rebent into the shape of a square, what will be the measure of each side. Also, find which shape encloses more area and by how much ?
Given length of the rectangle = 48 cm
Breadth of the rectangle = 32 cm
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2 [length + breadth]
= 2 [48 + 32]
= 2 × 80
= 160 cm
Let side of square = a cm
Perimeter of the square = 4 × a
Since wire is rebent into the shape of a square
Perimeter of square = Perimeter of rectangle
4 a = 160
Therefore, a = \(\frac {160}{4}\)
= 40 cm
Area of square = (side)2
= 40 × 40
= 1600 cm2
Area of rectangle = length × breadth
= 48 × 32
= 1536 cm2
∴ Square encloses more area by 64 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1

6. The area of a square park is the same as that of a rectangular park. If the side of the square park is 75 m and the length of the rectangular park is 125 m, find the breadth of the rectangular park. Also, find the perimeter of rectangular park.
Given side of square park = 75 m
Area of square park = (75)2
= 75 × 75
= 5625 m2
Length of rectangular park = 125 m
Let breadth of rectangular park = b m
Area of rectangular park = length × breadth
= 125 × b m2
Given that
Area of rectangular park = Area of square park
125 × b = 5625
= 45 m
Perimeter of rectangular park = 2 [length + breadth]
= 2 [125 + 45]
= 2 × 170
= 340 m

7. A door of length 2.5 m and breadth 1.5 m is fitted in a wall. The length of wall, is 9 m and breadth is 6 m. Find the cost of painting the wall, if the rate of painting the wall is ₹ 30 per m2.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1 1
Length of door = 2.5 m
Breadth of door = 1.5 m
Area of door = length × breadth
= 2.5 × 1.5
= 3.75 m2
Area of wall = 9 × 6
= 54 m2
Area of wall painting = Area of wall including door – Area of door
= 54 – 3.75
= 50.25 m2
Cost of painting 1 m2 of wall = ₹ 30
Cost of painting 50.25 m2 of wall = ₹ 50.25 × 30
= ₹ 1507.50

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1

8. A door of dimensions 3 m × 2 m and a window of dimensions 2.5 m × 1.5 m is fitted in a wall. The length of the wall is 7.8 m and breadth is 3.9 m. Find the cost of painting the wall, if the rate of painting the wall is ₹ 25 per m2.
Area of door = 3 × 2 = 6 m2
Area of window = 2.5 m × 1.5 m
= 3.75 m2
Area of wall = 7.8 m × 3.9 m
= 30.42 m2
Area of painting the wall = Area of wall – Area of door – Area of window
= 30.42 – 6 – 3.75
= 20.67 m2
Cost of painting the wall = ₹ 25 × 20.67
= ₹ 516.75

9. Find the area and the perimeter of the following figures.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1 2
(i) Perimeter of the given figure
= AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FG + GH + HA
= 2 + 3.5 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 3.5 + 10 + 9
= 38 cm2
Area of the figure = Area of rectangle ABCJ + Area of rectangle JDEI + Area of rectangle IFGH
= 2 × 3.5 + 5 × 2 + 10 × 3.5
= 7 + 10 + 35
= 52 cm2

(ii) Perimeter of the given figure
= 8cm + 5 cm + 1.5 cm + 2.5 cm + 2.5 cm + 1.5 cm + 1.5 cm + 1.5 cm + 2.5 cm + 1.5 cm
= 29 cm
Area of the given figure = Area of rectangle I + Area of rectangle II + Area of rectangle III
= 8 cm × 1.5 cm + 3.5 cm × 1.5 cm + 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm
= 12 cm2 + 5.25 cm2 + 2.25 cm
= 19.5 cm2

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Ex 11.1

10. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question (i).
What is the area of a rectangle of dimensions 12 cm × 10 cm ?
(a) 44 cm2
(b) 120 cm2
(c) 1200 cm2
(d) 1440 cm2
(b) 120 cm2

Question (ii).
Find the breadth of a rectangle whose length is 12 cm and perimeter is 36 cm.
(a) 6 cm
(b) 3 cm
(c) 9 cm
(d) 12 cm
(a) 6 cm

Question (iii).
If each side of a square is 1 m then its area is ?
(a) 10 cm2
(b) 100 cm2
(c) 1000 cm2
(d) 10000 cm2
(d) 10000 cm2

Question (iv).
Find the area of a square whose perimeter is 96 cm.
(a) 576 cm2
(b) 626 cm2
(c) 726 cm2
(d) 748 cm2.
(a) 576 cm2

Question (v).
The area of a rectangular sheet is 500 cm2. If the length of the sheet is 25 cm, what is its breadth ?
(a) 30 cm
(b) 40 cm
(c) 20 cm
(d) 25 cm.
(c) 20 cm

Question (vi).
What happens to the area of a square, if its side is doubled ?
(a) The area becomes 4 times, the area of original square.
(b) The area becomes \(\frac {1}{4}\) times, the area of original square.
(c) The area becomes 16 times, the area of original square.
(d) The area becomes \(\frac {1}{6}\) times, 6 the area of original square.
(a) The area becomes 4 times, the area of original square.

PSEB 7th Class English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based

Read the following conversation carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. Akbar : Birbal make me a painting. Use your imagination in it.
Birbal : I am not an artist, how can I paint ?
Akbar : If I don’t get a good painting, you shall be punished.
Birbal : (Next day) I am here with the painting.
Akbar : I am happy to see that you obeyed me. Please show me the painting.
Birbal : Huzoor, have a look. I am opening the covered frame.
Akbar : This painting is nothing but only ground and sky. There is a little grass on the ground. What is this?
Birbal : A cow eating grass, Huzoor!
Akbar : Where is the cow and grass ?
Birbal : I used my imagination. The cow ate the grass and returned to its shed.

Question 1.
The given conversation is between ……………
(a) Birbal and Begum
(b) Birbal and his Son
(c) Akbar and his Son
(d) Akbar and Birbal.
(d) Akbar and Birbal.

PSEB 7th Class English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based

Question 2.
What did Akbar want Birbal to make for him?
(a) a cake
(b) a painting
(c) a dish
(d) all of the above.
(b) a painting.

Question 3.
Who ate the grass ?
(a) cow
(b) cat
(c) camel
(d) goat.
(a) cow.

Question 4.
What was in the painting ?
(a) ground and sky
(b) boy and sky
(c) girl and kite
(d) cat and dog.
(a) ground and sky.

Question 5.
Birbal carried a ……………. with him.
(a) covered glass
(b) covered frame
(c) covered bowl
(d) covered box.
(b) covered frame.

2. Sadab : Good afternoon.
Ritu : Good afternoon.
Sadab : So, where are you going now?
Ritu : I am going to meet my friend Garima in Kolkata Market.
Sadab : Oh, so nice, I have to buy a new school uniform.
Ritu : Will you accompany me ?
Sadab : Yes, it will be great fun for me.
Ritu : So, can we move now so that we can reach on time.
Sadab : Sure.

Question 1.
This conversation is between ………..
(a) Sadab and Garima
(b) Ritu and Garima
(c) Ritu and Sadab
(d) Garima and Kolkata Market.
(c) Ritu and Sadab.

Question 2.
Where is Ritu going ?
(a) to meet her sister Garima
(b) to meet her friend Garima
(c) to meet her teacher
(d) to buy a school uniform.
(b) to meet her friend Garima.

Question 3.
Garima will be found ……………
(a) in Kolkata market
(b) in Bombay market
(c) in Kolkata street
(d) in Sadab market.
(a) in Kolkata market.

Question 4.
What does Sadab want to buy ?
(a) some new books
(b) a new mobile phone
(c) a new school uniform
(d) new shoes.
(c) a new school uniform.

Question 5.
What was the time of conversation ?
(a) early morning
(b) afternoon
(c) late evening
(d) night.
(b) afternoon.

3. Headman Ant asked, “What happened ? Why are you running ?” Rabbit said, “We’re running for our lives. I heard the news of Tsunami, very high sea waves.”

Headman Ant asked everyone to stay calm and explained that they were just testing the warning system. It didn’t happen for real. Let us all be prepared to deal with disasters.

Next day at the village meeting, everyone gave their ideas.

Elephant : “We should always follow news carefully.”
Butterfly : “I have already put my valuable things away in a safe place.”
Rats : “I have prepared survival bag which will always be close to me. I have kept a bottle of water, medicines, dried food, some beans, the radio for news and a family photo.”
Mother Frog : “My kids will not go out to play by themselves in hazardous places.”
Mother Goat : “We must run to higher grounds or to the safe areas. I shall make a map of the village.
Headman Ant : “Why didn’t you run like asked Grandpa others ?
OX : ……..
Grandpa OX : “We are too old. We don’t want to be a burden to anyone.”
Headman Ant : (said politely) “No one is a burden. What would your grandchildren do without you ??

Question 1.
Rabbit was running for life because he had heard the news of ……………
(a) Earthquake
(b) Tsunami
(c) Flash flood
(d) Land slide.
(b) Tsunami.

PSEB 7th Class English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based

Question 2.
What did the Headman Ant tell the animals about the news ?
(a) It was real
(b) It was to create panic only
(c) It was not real
(d) It was to entertain the old people.
(c) It was not real.

Question 3.
Who is most careful about news ?
(a) Grandpa Ox
(6) Rabbit
(c) Elephant
(d) Frog.
(c) Elephant.

Question 4.
Which one of the following is not true according to the conversation ?
(a) The elephant was not present at the meeting
(6) Grandpa Ox does not want to be a burden to anyone
(c) Mother Goat wants to run to the higher places
(d) Rats have prepared survival bags.
(a) The elephant was not present at the meeting.

Question 5.
Tsunami is a ……………..
(a) safe place from high sea wave
(b) very high sea wave
(c) cool breeze coming from sea
(d) dry wind blowing towards sea.
(b) very high sea wave.

4. Ali : Hello ! I’m Ali. What’s your name?
Ravi : Hello ! My name’s Ravi. I’m ten years old.
Ali . : I’m ten, too. Do you play cricket ?
Ravi : Not very well. I’m fond of football.
Ali : Oh, good ! Will you help me with my homework?
Ravi : Of course, I will. Come to me during the break.
Ali : Thanks. I’ll help you play cricket.
Ravi : That will be great. Thank you !
Ali : : Where do you live ?
Ravi : I live near the school and Ali, where do you live?
Ali : I live in the school hostel.

Question 1.
What is common between Ali and Ravi ?
(a) both are ten years old
(b) both play cricket very well
(c) both live in the school hostel
(d) both are fond of playing football.
(a) both are ten years old.

Question 2.
Where does Ali live ?
(a) near the school
(b) in the school hostel
(c) near the football club
(d) near the cricket club.
(b) in the school hostel.

Question 3.
Ali will help Ravi ……………
(a) play football
(b) do his homework
(c) play cricket
(d) all the above.
(c) play cricket.

Question 4.
Ravi will help Ali ………
(a) play cricket
(b) play football
(c) do his homework
(d) none of these.
(c) do his homework.

Question 5.
When will Ravi help Ali with his homework?
(a) after playing cricket
(b) after playing football
(c) when the school starts
(d) during the break.
(d) during the break.

PSEB 7th Class English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based

5. Ravi : Do you know what time it is now, please ?
Aman : No, I’m really very sorry, I don’t have a watch.
Rama : Could you tell me the time, please ?
Radha : It’s about eleven-thirty.
Rama : Thanks a lot.
Radha : At what time do you come to school ?
Rama : At 8:30 in the morning.
Radha : At what time does the school get over ?
Rama : At 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
Ajay : What time is the next bus, please ?
Anil : It leaves at 5:30 p.m.
Ajay : Is there any bus after 10 p.m. ?
Anil : The last bus leaves at 10:30 p.m.
Ajay : Thanks a lot for the information.

Question 1.
The main point in this conversation is …………… .
(a) bus
(b) time
(c) watch
(d) school.
(b) time.

Question 2.
Aman is unable to tell Ravi time because …………….
(a) he is in a hurry
(b) he is very sorry
(c) he has no watch
(d) he has no clock.
(c) he has no watch.

Question 3.
When does Rama go to school ?
(a) at 8:30
(b) at 3 o’clock
(c) at 11:30
(d) at 10 o’clock.
(a) at 8:30.

Question 4.
What does Ajay want to know ?
(a) times about school
(b) times about buses
(c) time by Aman’s watch
(d) none of these.
(b) times about buses.

Question 5.
Who tells Ajay time for last bus ?
(a) Rama
(b) Anil
(c) Radha
(d) Aman.
(b) Anil.

6. Raj : Could you help me, please ?
Shopkeeper : Certainly.
Raj : Thank you.
Shopkeeper : What can I get you ?
Raj : A black shoe polish.
Rani : Excuse me please, where are the pens ?
Shopkeeper : They are in the second row. Let me help you.
Rani : How much do the two pens cost ?
Shopkeeper : The price is written on them. They cost Rs. 10 each.
Rani : Thank you.

Question 1.
Whose help does Raj ask for ?
(a) Rani’s
(b) shopkeeper’s
(c) nobody’s
(d) his own.
(b) shopkeeper’s.

Question 2.
Raj wants to buy a ……………..
(a) brown shoe polish
(b) black shoe polish
(c) some pens and a polish
(d) none of these.
(b) black shoe polish.

Question 3.
The pens are lying
(a) in a box
(b) in the first row
(c) in the second row
(d) on the upmost shelf.
(c) in the second row.

PSEB 7th Class English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based

Question 4.
How many pens does Rani want to buy ?
(a) two
(b) three
(c) one.
(d) four.
(a) two.

Question 5.
How much do the two pens cost ?
(a) Rs. 20
(6) Rs. 10
(c) Rs. 30
(d) Rs. 15.
(a) Rs. 20.

7. Aryan : Why are you wearing this funny dress, Praveen ?
Praveen : Aryan, what is funny about it?
Aryan : Look at your clothes ! They look so tight, and your shoes have wheels. And what’s that you have on your head ?
Praveen : (laughs) Oh, are you talking about this dress ? I’m going for my skating class and this is my helmet to save me from injuries.
Aryan : Skating ?
Praveen : Yes, skating. That’s why I’m wearing these roller skating shoes.
Aryan : Where are you going for your skating class ?
Praveen : I’m going to the ‘Roller Mall’. It has a skating rink.
Aryan : Could I come with you to see what you do there?
Praveen : Sure, come along. (They reach the skating rink.) Aryan (amazed) Oh, so many people moving on the wheels !
Praveen : They’re all skaters moving on roller skates.
Aryan : Look ! How they all are gliding on the floor. I wish I could do the same. Will you teach me how to skate ?
Praveen : Oh yes, whenever you are ready.
Aryan : Thanks.

Question 1.
Praveen’s dress looks funny to Aryan. Why?
(a) It is very tight.
(b) His shoes have wheels.
(c) There is a, helmet on his head.
(d) all these.
(d) all these.

Question 2.
Praveen is going to …………
(a) his school to take part in a drama
(b) a park for a picnic
(c) perform a magic show
(d) his skating class.
(d) his skating class.

Question 3.
A helmet saves us from …………
(a) foot injuries
(b) severe cold on ice
(c) head injuries
(d) all the above.
(c) head injuries.

Question 4.
What does Aryan want to learn ?
(a) skating
(b) use of wheeled shoes
(c) using a helmet
(d) wearing a tight dress.
(a) skating.

PSEB 7th Class English Reading Comprehension Conversation / Dialogue Based

Question 5.
Who will teach Aryan how to skate ?
(a) skating teacher
(b) his elder brother
(c) Praveen
(d) class teacher.
(c) Praveen.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2

1. Construct ΔABC in which AB = 3.5 cm, BC = 5 cm and CA = 7 cm.
Given : Three sides of a triangle as AB = 3.5 cm, BC = 5 cm and CA = 7 cm.
To construct : A triangle with these three sides.
Step 1. We first draw a rough sketch of the triangle ABC and indicate the lengths of the three sides.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 1
Step 2. Draw a line segment BC = 5 cm.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 2
Step 3 : From B; point A is at a distance 3.5 cm. So, with B as centre, draw an arc of radius
3.5 cm (Now point A will be some where on this arc. Our job is to find where exactly A is.)
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 3
Step 4. From C, point A is at a distance of 7 cm. So, with C as centre; draw an arc of radius 7 cm. (A will be some where on this arc. We have to fix it).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 4
Step 5. A has to be on both the arcs drawn. So it is the point of intersection of arcs.
Mark the point of intersection of arcs as A. Join AB and AC.
Thus we obtain ΔABC.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 5

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2

2. Construct a triangle ABC in which AB = BC = 6.5 cm and CA = 4 cm. Also name the kind of triangle drawn.
Given : Three sides of triangle as AB = BC = 6.5 cm. and CA = 4 cm.
To construct : A triangle with these three sides.
Steps of Construction :
Step 1. We first draw a rough sketch of the triangle ABC and indicate the lengths of the three sides.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 6
Step 2. Draw a line segment AC = 4 cm.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 7
Step 3. From A; point B is at a distance of 6.5 cm. So, with A as centre, draw an arc of radius 6.5 cm. (Now point B will be somewhere on this arc. Our job is to find where exactly A is.)
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 8
Step 4. From C; point B is at a distance of 6.5 cm. So; with C as centre; draw an arc of radius 6.5 cm. (B will be some where on this arc. We have to fix it.)
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 9
Step 5. B has to be on both the arcs drawn. So it is the point of intersection of arcs. Mark the point of intersection of arcs as B. Join AB and BC.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 10
We observe that AB = BC = 6.5 cm.
Since two sides are of equal length. Thus we obtain an isosceles ΔABC.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2

3. Construct a triangle XYZ such that length of each side is 5 cm. Also name the kind of triangle drawn.
Given : A triangle XYZ in which XY = YZ = ZX = 5 cm..
To Construct. A triangle XYZ with each side 5 cm.
Steps of Construction :
Step 1. We first draw a rough sketch of the triangle XYZ and indicate the lengths of the three sides.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 11
Step 2. Draw a line segment YZ = 5 cm.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 12
Step 3. From Y; point X is at a distance of 5 cm. So, with Y as centre, draw an arc of radius 5 cm. (Now point X will be somewhere on this arc. Our job is to find where exactly X is.)
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 13
Step 4. From Z, point X is at a distance of 5 cm. So, with Z as centre, draw an arc of radius 5 cm. (X will be somewhere oh this arc. We have to fix it.)
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 14
Step 5. Point X has to be on both the arcs drawn. So, it is the point of intersection of arcs.
Mark the point of intersection of arcs as X. Join XY and XZ.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 15
Thus we obtain an equilateral ΔXYZ each of whose side is 5 cm.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2

4. Construct a triangle PQR such that PQ = 2.5 cm, QR = 6 cm and RP = 6.5 cm. Measure ∠PQR and also name the kind of triangle drawn.
Given. Three sides of triangle as PQ = 2.5 cm, QR = 6 cm and RP = 6.5 cm.
To construct. A triangle with these three sides.
Steps of Construction :
Step 1. We first draw a rough sketch of the triangle PQR and indicate the lengths of the three sides.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 16
Step 2. Draw a line segment QR of length 6 cm.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 17
Step 3. From Q; point P is at a distance of 2.5 cm. So, with Q as centre, draw an arc of radius 2.5 cm. (Now point P will be some where on this arc. Our job is to find where exactly P is.)
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 18
Step 4. From R; point P is at a distance of 6.5 cm. So; with R as centre; draw an arc of radius 6.5 cm. (P will be somewhere on this arc. We have to fix it.)
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 19
Step 5. Point P has to be on both the arcs drawn. So, it is the point of intersection of arcs. Mark a point of intersection of arcs as P. Join PQ and PR.
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2 20
Thus we obtain ΔPQR; on measuring ∠PQR, we observe that ∠PQR = 90° so it is a right angled triangle.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Ex 10.2

5. Construct a triangle ABC, in which AB = 6 cm, BC = 2 cm, CA = 3 cm. (If possible). If not possible give the reason.
Since AB = 6 cm, BC = 2 cm, CA = 3 cm
Here BC + CA = 2 cm + 3 cm
= 5 cm < 6 cm < AB
Which is not possible because the sum of two sides of a triangle is always greater than third side of the triangle.

6. Question (i).
Which of the following can be used to construct a triangle ?
(a) The lengths of the three sides
(b) The perimeter of the triangle
(c) The measures of three angles
(d) The name of three vertices
(a) The lengths of the three sides

Question (ii).
A triangle can be constructed by taking its sides as :
(a) 1.8 cm, 2.6 cm, 4.4 cm
(b) 3 cm, 4 cm, 8 cm
(c) 4 cm, 7 cm, 2 cm
(d) 5 cm, 4 cm, 4 cm.
(d) 5 cm, 4 cm, 4 cm.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the play (adjective/noun/verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Words that normally go with the given word. For example, ‘owe’ goes with ‘money’, ‘bank’, ‘debt’, ‘apology’, etc.
4. Spellings

complicated diagnose surgery
attention struggle discuss

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2

Find suffixes in the following words.
1. complicated
2. hesitatingly
3. warmly
4. stronger
5. goodness
1. -ated,
2. -ly,
3. ly,
4. -er,
5. ness.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Let us revise the prepositions besides’,’beside’, ‘between’ and ‘among’. ‘Besides’ means ‘in addition to’. “Beside’ means by the side of.,

1. What other sport do you play besides (के अतिरिक्त) hockey ?
2. She sat beside (के पास) her sick son all night.
‘Between (दो व्यक्तियों अथवा चीजों के बीच) is used for two people or things.
‘Among (दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों अथवा चीजों के बीच) is used for more than two people or things.

1. There is no love between the two brothers.
2. Distribute sweets among all the children.

Activity 3

Fill in the blanks choosing from the words given in the box.

beside besides between among

1. The two brothers distributed the sweets …………………. themselves.
2. Radha came and sat ……………….. her mother.
3. The four thieves quarrelled ………………. themselves.
4. I have three other pens …………..
5. this. ……….. advising them, he gave them money also.
6. A beggar was sitting ………………. the temple gate.
1. between
2. beside
3. among
4. besides
5. Besides
6. beside.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4

Read the play carefully and write the answers.


Question 1.
Count and write the number of characters in Scene 1 of the play.
नाटक के दृश्य 1 में पात्रों की संख्या गिनो और लिखो।

Question 2.
What are their names ?
उनके क्या नाम है?
Howard Kelly and Anita.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Question 3.
What is the time ?
समय क्या है ?
It is afternoon.

Question 4.
What does the boy say to himself ?
लड़का स्वयं से क्या कहता है ?
He says that he must sell two more books to pay his school fee and ask for some water too.

Question 5.
Why does he sell books ?
वह पुस्तकें क्यों बेचता है ?
He sells books to earn money for his school fee.

Question 6.
Why does he ring the bell ?
वह घंटी क्यों बजाता है ?
He rings the bell to get the door opened.

Question 7.
Who opens the door ?
दरवाज़ा कौन खोलता है ?
A lady opens the door.

Question 8.
What does he request the Lady for ?
वह औरत से किस चीज़ के लिए प्रार्थना करता है ?
He requests the lady for some water.

Question 9.
What does the Lady give him ?
औरत उसे क्या देती है ?
The lady gives him a glass of milk.

Question 10.
How much money does the Lady give the boy for the book ?
औरत लड़के को पुस्तक के कितने पैसे देती है ?
She gives him 5 pounds.


Question 1.
Count and write the number of characters in Scene 2 of the play.
नाटक के दृश्य 2 में पात्रों की संख्या गिनो और लिखो।

Question 2.
What is the profession of the characters of this scene ?”
इस दृश्य के पात्रों का क्या व्यवसाय है ?
They are doctors.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Question 3.
Why had the Lady come to this hospital ?
औरत इस अस्पताल में क्यों आई है ?
The lady had some complicated disease and had been referred to this hospital for treatment.

Question 4.
How did the Lady get ill ?.
औरत बीमार कैसे हुई ?
The lady got ill because of food poisoning

Question 5.
What kind of treatment did she need ?
उसे किस प्रकार के इलाज की ज़रूरत थी ?
She needed immediate surgery.


Question 1.
How much time did the patients get to pay the bill, as per the rules ?
नियमों के अनुसार मरीजों को बिल चुकाने के लिए कितना समय मिलता था ?
They got two days to pay the bill.

Question 2.
Why did the Lady get worried ?
औरत चिन्ता में क्यों पड़ गई ?
She got worried to see the heavy bill to pay within two days.

Question 3.
Why did the Lady have tears in her eyes ?
औरत की आँखों में आंसू क्यों आ गये थे ?
These were the tears of happiness as the bill had already been paid.

Question 4.
Why did she not have to pay the bill ?
उसे बिल क्यों नहीं चुकाना था ?
She did not have to pay the bill because Dr. Howard had already paid it.

Question 5.
Who had paid the bill ? Why ?
बिल किसने चुकाया था ? क्यों ?
Dr. Howard had paid the bill. He had paid it to repay the goodness of the lady in the form of a glass of milk.

Question 6.
Why was the Lady happy in the end ?
अन्त में औरत प्रसन्न क्यों थी ?
In the end, the lady was happy because her faith in God and goodness of people had become stronger.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Learning Language:
Degrees of Adjectives

Adjectives have three forms of comparison: Positive, Comparative and Superlative. Simple adjectives that make no comparisons are positive forms.
Most adjectives form the comparative by adding ‘-r’, ‘-er’, -ier’ and the superlative by adding ‘-st’, ‘-est’, ‘-iest to the positive.
Adjectives के तीन रूप (degrees) होते हैं। Positive degree आम विशेषता बताती है; जबकि Comparative तथा Superlative degrees का प्रयोग तुलना के लिए किया जाता है।
(i) अधिकतर adjectives के पीछे ‘-er’/’-ier’ तथा ‘-est’/’-iest’ जोड़ने से तथा आवश्यक परिवर्तन (विशेषकर अंतिम) करने से क्रमश: Comparative तथा Superlative degrees बनती हैं ; जैसे

Positive Comparative Superlative
quick quicker quickest
fine finer finest
nice nicer nicest
bold bolder boldest
clever cleverer cleverest
deep deeper deepest
dirty dirtier dirtiest
heavy heavier heaviest
happy happier happiest

(ii)Adverb “more” तथा “most” के प्रयोग से ; जैसे —

Positive Comparative Superlative
more beautiful
more courageous
more difficult
more satisfactory
more useful
most beautiful
most courageous
most difficult
most satisfactory
most useful

(iii) भिन्न – भिन्न शब्दों के प्रयोग से ; जैसे —

Positive Comparative Superlative
good\well better best
bad worse worst
little less least
far farther/further farthest/furthest
many more most

Activity 5

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct comparative form of the words given in the brackets :
1. Australia is the ………………. island in the world. (large, larger, largest)
2. The class test was ……………… than we had expected. (easy, easier, easiest)
3. The elephant has the …………….. trunk. (long, longer, longest)
4. Kilimanjaro in Africa is ………………. than Mont Blanc in Europe. (tall, taller, tallest)
5. The white dog was the ……………… of all. (greedy, greedier, greediest)
1. largest
2. easier
3. longest
4. talle
5. greediest.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Activity 6.

Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparison of the adjective. Use the adjective given in the brackets.

1. Shyam is …………… than Karan. Neil is the ……………….. of them all.
2. My room is …………….. than yours. (neat)
3. Pole star is the ………….. ….. star. (bright)
4. The sweets I ate at this sweetshop are ………………. than any other sweets I have ever eaten. (delicious)
5. Is the Prime Minister …………….. than the President ? (powerful)
1. healthier, healthiest
2. neater
3. brightest
4. more delicious
5. more powerful.

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Activity 7

Rewrite each sentence below using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives given in the brackets.
Example A : You are (tall) than me.
Answer A : You are taller than me.

Question 1.
The fish I caught is (big) than the one you caught.
The fish I caught is bigger than the one you caught.

Question 2.
That is the (small) umbrella I have ever seen!
That is the smallest umbrella I have ever seen.

Question 3.
She is the (pretty) girl I have ever seen.
She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

Question 4.
My friend is (fabulous) than yours.
My friend is more fabulous than yours.

Question 5.
That building is (large) than the one next to it.
That building is larger than the one next to it.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Question 6.
Who has the (easy) job in our family ?
Who has the easiest job in your family ?

Question 7.
Do you think a screwdriver is (useful) than a hammer ?
Do you think a screwdriver is more useful than a hammer?

Learning to Speak

Activity 8 (Think-Pair-Share)

Think about what do you want to do to help someone ? Think of a good human value such as :

1. sharing food
2. caring for an injured animal
3. giving new clothes to the needy, etc.
Sit facing your partner. Tell your partner about it. Each pair will take 5 minutes to speak and listen to each other.
After five minutes, say what have you learnt about your partner in front of the class)?
नोट-छात्र स्वयं करें।

Learning to Write

Activity 9

Do some people, who want to sell something, ring your door-bell in the afternoons ? Do they disturb you ? How do you react ? Are you polite to them ? Most people are rude to them. Write about the time when a salesman rang a bell when you were sleeping. You can use some of the following words/phrases.

afternoon, bell, fast asleep, woke up, salesman, selling books, pestered, offered water, angry, close the door

It was afternoon yesterday when a bell rang at our door. I was fast asleep. Suddenly I woke up and opened the door. A salesman with some books in his hand greeted me. He requested me to buy one. He asked for some water too. I gave him a glass of water and requested him to go away. But he stood there like a statue and went on speaking. I got irritated and angry and closed the door.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Learning to Use Language

Read the following paragraph on Blackpool :
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk 1
Blackpool is a beautiful town in England. Tourists love going to Blackpool. Blackpool is situated at the seaside. The seawater of Blackpool is very salty and visibly black. That is why the town is called Blackpool. It is a place that children love going to. There is a lot that children may find amusing. There is a tall tower in the middle of the town which is also black.

Activity 10.

Write a paragraph on your village/town/city or Amritsar/Jalandhar/Patiala/Ludhiana etc.
You may talk about :

  • where the place is located
  • what the place is famous for
  • what most people do when they visit the place.

Note : The teacher must help learners to get information about the city/ place they want to write about.
I live in Amritsar. It is one of the biggest cities of Punjab. It is holy place and a historical city as well. It is mainly known for the Sri Harmandir Sahib, the holiest shrine of the Sikhs. People from all over the world visit this place. They have a dip in the holy tank here. The Jallianwalla Bagh near this holy shrine reminds us of the martyrs of 1919. The Durgiana Mandir of Amritsar is also worth visiting.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the following passages carefully and aswers the questions that follow each :

(1) A small and a narrow street, afternoon time, a small boy selling things from door to door.
Boy (to himself): I must sell two more books ! How will I give my school fee if I don’t sell these books ? But it is a hot afternoon ! I am so hungry and thirstly ! I think I must ask for some water from the next house!
The boy sees a small house. He rings the bell. A lady opens the door.
Boy (tired and hungry): Good afternoon, Ma’am!
Lady (politely) : Good afternoon ! Do you want something ?
Boy : My name is Howard, Howard Kelly. I am selling these books. Will you buy one of my books?

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

1. What was the small boy doing ?
छोटा सा लड़का क्या कर रहा था ?

2. How was he feeling ?
वह कैसा महसूस कर रहा या?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The street was big and narrow.
(b) The boy’s name was Howard Kelly.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) I must ask for some water ……………….
(b) The boy was to pay his ………………

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) ask for softly
(b) politely demand

1. The small boy was selling books from door to door.
2. He was feeling very hungry, thirsty and tired.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) I must ask for some water from the next house .
(b) The boy was to pay his school fee.
(a) ask for — demand
(b) politely — softly.

(2) Lady : You are very small. You should be in school and not selling things !
Boy : Yes, Ma’am. I need to pay for my fee. For this reason, I go door to door selling books. And, ah (hesitatingly) Can I get some water, please ? I am very thirsty.
The lady looks at him and says :
Lady : Sure! Just a few minutes, child. (goes inside and comes back with a glass) Here you are ! Here’s some milk. You are so weak. It appears you haven’t eaten for days !
Boy (taking the glass from the lady and drinking it) : Thank you so much, Ma’am. You are very kind ! How much, ehm… How much do I, ah… owe you for the milk ?

1. Why had the boy to sell books ?
लड़के को किताबें क्यों बेचनी पड़ती थीं ?

2. What did the Lady give the boy to drink ?
औरत ने लड़के को पीने के लिए क्या दिया ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The boy appeared to be hungry.
(b) The boy asked the lady for some milk.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The Lady went inside and came back
(b) You should be in school and ……………….

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) sure reluctantly
(b) hesitatingly smilingly

1. The boy had to sell books to earn money for his school fee.
2. The lady gave the boy a glass of milk to drink.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) The Lady went inside and came back with a glass.
(b) You should be in school and not selling things.
(a) sure — certainly
(b) hesitatingly – reluctantly.

(3) Dr. Brown (facing Dr Kelly) : She is from Blackpool. The doctors there advised her to come to this hospital as they could not understand her disease.
It started with food poisoning but got complicated. Perhaps, her liver has got affected.
Dr. Kelly : What ? From Blackpool ? That’s where I come from. Where is the lady ? (Dr Brown taking Dr Kelly to the hospital room)
Dr. Brown : There she is! She needs immediate surgery. I don’t think we can do much in this case even after surgery.
Dr. Kelly (peeps into the room and sees the sleeping woman, smiles) : We must do our best ! And, I’ll do my best to save her.
Dr. Brown : Sure doctor ! We’ll make all possible efforts to save her. Do you know her ? Dr Kelly smiles again.

1. What was the problem with the lady according to Dr. Brown ?
डॉ० ब्राउन के अनुसार औरत की क्या समस्या थी ?

2. What were the two doctors ready to do for the lady ?
दोनों डॉक्टर औरत के लिए क्या करने को तैयार थे ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The lady needed immediate surgery.
(b) The Lady’s problem had started with over eating.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The Lady was from …………………
(b) The doctors in Blackpool hospital …………. the Lady’s disease.

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) efforts damaged
(b) affected attempts

1. According to Dr. Brown Lady’s liver was affected due to food poisoning.
2. The two doctors were ready to make all possible efforts to save the lady.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) The Lady was from Blackpool.
(b) The doctors in Blackpool hospital could not understand the Lady’s disease.
(a) efforts — attempts
(b) affected — damaged.

(4) Nurse (handing over the bill to the Lady) : Here is your medicine ! And, er… this is your bill. As per the hospital rules, you need to pay the bill in two days.
Lady (looking worried) : This hospital seems to be very expensive. Nurse : Yes, Madam. It is the most expensive hospital in London.
Lady (looks at the bill) : …It will take me a lifetime to pay the bill! It is signed by Dr Howard Kelly.
Nurse : Yes ! He’s very kind. He took special care of you. He’s from your city. Lady (looking interested) : Really ? Is he from Blackpool ?
Nurse : Yes, He is ! let me see your bill, Madam ! (takes the bill and looks at it, smiles) Yes, something is written on it. Did you see it?
Lady : No, let me see it again. (reads aloud with tears in her eyes). ‘Paid in full years ago with a glass of milk’. Dr Howard Kelly.

1. What were the hospital rules about payment of the bill ?
बिल चुकाने के बारे में अस्पताल के क्या नियम थे ?

2. What was written on the bill ?
बिल पर क्या लिखा था ?

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your note book.
(a) The bill was signed by the Nurse.
(b) Dr. Howard Kelly was from Blackpool.

4. Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) It is the ………………… in London.
(b) It will take me a lifetime …………..

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

5. Match the words with their meanings :

(a) expensive anxious
(b) worried interested

1. As per the hospital rules the bill was to be paid in two days.
2. ‘Paid in full years ago with a glass of milk.’
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) It is the most expensive hospital in London.
(b) It will take me a lifetime to pay the bill.
(a) expensive – costly
(b) worried – anxious.

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Understand (to know) —
I can’t understand what you want.
मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि तुम क्या चाहते हो।

2. Disease (ailment) —
Corona has spread a fatal disease.
कोरोना ने घातक बीमारी फैला दी है।

3. Complicated (complex) —
Your problem is very complicated.
तुम्हारी समस्या बहुत ही जटिल है।

4. Faith (trust) —
I have deep faith in God.
मेरा परमात्मा में गहरा विश्वास है।

5. Accept (take) —
I don’t accept money for any social service.
मैं किसी सामाजिक कार्य के लिए धन स्वीकार नहीं करता।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

6. Deed (act) —
Do a good deed daily.
प्रतिदिन एक अच्छा काम (कर्म) करो।

7. Hand over (to give) —
Do a good deed daily.
प्रतिदिन एक अच्छा काम (कर्म) करो

8. Discuss (exchange views) —
Let us discuss this problem.
आओ हम इस समस्या पर चर्चा/विचार-विमर्श करें।

9. Ask for (demand) —
He asked me for some money.
उसने मुझसे कुछ पैसे मांगे।

10. Expensive (costly) —
Your shirt is very expensive.
तुम्हारी कमीज़ बहुत कीमती है।

Word Meanings:
PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk 2

A Glass of Milk Summary in Hindi

Scene 1…………………… and feels stronger.

समय : बाद दोपहर
स्थान : इंग्लैंड का एक छोटा सा शहर-ब्लैक पूल
पात्र : एक लड़का : हॉवर्ड केली
एक महिला : अनीता
दृश्य : एक छोटी और तंग गली, बाद दोपहर का समय, एक छोटा-सा लड़का एक दरवाज़े से दूसरे दरवाजे तक (घर-घर जाकर) सामान बेच रहा है।
लड़का (स्वयं से) : मुझे दो और किताबें अवश्य बेचनी पड़ेंगी। यदि मैं इन किताबों को नहीं बेचूंगा, तो मैं अपने
स्कूल की फीस कैसे भरूंगा। परन्तु दोपहर गर्म है। मैं बहुत प्यासा हूँ और मुझे तेज़ भूख भी लगी है। मैं सोचता हूँ कि मैं अगले घर से पानी माँग लूं।

लड़के को एक छोटा घर दिखाई देता है। वह घंटी (बैल) बजाता है। एक औरत दरवाजा खोलती है।
लड़का (थका हारा : गुड ऑफ्टरनून मैम !और भूखा)
औरत (विनम्रता से) : Good afternoon. तुम्हें कुछ चाहिए क्या ?
लड़का : मेरा नाम हॉवर्ड केली है। मैं ये पुस्तकें बेच रहा हूँ। क्या तुम मेरी कोई एक पुस्तक खरीदोगी।
औरत : तुम बहुत छोटे हो। तुम्हें स्कूल में होना चाहिए न कि कुछ बेचना चाहिए।
लड़का : हां ! मैम। मुझे अपनी फ़ीस भरनी है। इसी कारण मैं घर-घर जाकर किताबें बेचता हूँ। और, आह
(झिझकते हुए)। कृपया क्या मुझे कुछ पानी मिल सकता है ? मुझे बहुत प्यास लगी है। औरत उसकी ओर देखकर बोलती है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

औरत : अवश्य ! बच्चे ! कुछ क्षण (पल) रुको। (अंदर जाती है और एक गिलास लेकर वापिस आती है।) यह लो !
यह दूध है। तुम बहुत कमज़ोर हो। ऐसा लगता है तुमने कई दिनों से कुछ खाया नहीं है।
लड़का (औरत से : आपका बहुत-बहुत शुक्रिया मैम ! आप बहुत दयालु हैं। मुझे कितना ehm ………….. मुझे गिलास लेकर पीते हुए) कितना ah (आह) ………….. दूध के लिए मुझे कितना मूल्य चुकाना है? औरत (स्नेह से भरकर : कुछ भी नहीं ! तुम्हें मुझे कुछ भी नहीं देना। मेरी माँ ने मुझे सिखाया है कि किसी दयापूर्ण बोलते हुए) कार्य की कीमत नहीं लेनी चाहिए। मुझे तुमसे एक किताब खरीदनी है। इस पुस्तक का मूल्य
क्या है?

लड़का(मुस्कराते हुए) : धन्यवाद, मैम ! मैं इसे सदा याद रखूगा। इस पुस्तक का मूल्य 4 पौंड और 70 पैंस है। औरत पुस्तक ले लेती है और उस लड़के को 5 पौंड देकर शेष पैसे अपने पास रखने को कहती है। लड़का मुस्कराता है और उस घर से चल देता है। वह खुश है और उसे लगता है कि जैसे उसे और अधिक शक्ति मिल गई हो।

Scene 2 ………………………………….. smiles again.

दृश्य-2. (कई वर्षों के बाद)

समय : सुबह
स्थान : शहर का बड़ा अस्पताल
पात्र : डा० पीटर ब्राउन
डा० हॉवर्ड केली
(डा० ब्राउन और डा० केली एक केस पर विचार-विमर्श करते हुए)
डा० केली : डा० ब्राउन, क्या यह कठिन केस है?
डा० ब्राउन : हाँ, यह एक जटिल केस है। हम अभी तक इस समस्या को समझ नहीं पाये।
डा० केली (डा० ब्राउन : औरत कौन है? वह कहाँ से है? और वह इतनी बीमार कैसे हो गई?
के निकट आते हुए) डा० ब्राउन (डा० केली : वह ब्लैक पूल से है। वहाँ के डाक्टरों ने उसे इस अस्पताल में आने की सलाह दी है क्योंकि
की ओर वे उसकी बीमारी का पता नहीं लगा पाए। यह फूड पाइजनिंग (भोजन से जहर बन जाने) देखते हुए) से शुरू हुई लेकिन जटिल हो गयी। शायद उसका लीवर प्रभावित हो गया है।
डा० केली : क्या ? ब्लैक पूल से ? मैं भी तो वहीं से हूँ। कहाँ है औरत ?
(डा० ब्राउन डा० केली को अस्पताल के उस कमरे में ले जाते हुए)
डा० ब्राउन : यह रही, वह। इसे शीघ्र ही शल्य चिकित्सा (सर्जरी) की आवश्यकता है। मुझे नहीं लगता कि हम शल्य चिकित्सा के बाद भी इस केस में ज्यादा कुछ कर पाएं। डा० केली (कमरे में : हमें अपनी पूरी कोशिश करनी चाहिए। और मैं इसे बचाने के लिए अपना हर संभव सर्वश्रेष्ठ झांकता है और सोई हुई प्रयत्न करूंगा। महिला को देखकर मुस्कराता है) डा० ब्राउन : अवश्य, डॉक्टर ! हम इसे बचाने के लिए पूरा प्रयत्न करेंगे। क्या आप इसे जानते हो?
डा० केली फिर से मुस्कराते हैं।

Scene 3 ………………. become stronger today.


स्थान : अस्पताल का एक कमरा
पात्र : औरत
: एक नर्स
: एक व्यक्ति (बिल विभाग से)
(नर्स औरत को दवाई देने लगती है।)
व्यक्ति (नर्स को कुछ : क्या यह अच्छा महसूस कर रही है? यह भाग्यशाली है कि इसका केस डा० हॉवर्ड केली कागज़ देते हुए) ने अपने हाथ में लिया था। यह इनका बिल है। इन्हें दो दिन में बिल का भुगतान करना है।
इन्हें बिल दिखा दो। नर्स (व्यक्ति से : तुम ठीक कह रहे हो। यह भाग्यशाली है।
और हाँ, यह पहले से बहुत अच्छा महसूस कर बिल लेते हुए) रही है और स्वस्थ है।
(नर्स औरत को दवाई देती है।) नर्स (औरत को : यह आपकी दवाई है।
और हां, यह आपका बिल है। अस्पताल के नियमानुसार आपको बिल बिल देते हुए) का भुगतान दो दिन में करना है।
औरत (चिन्तित : यह अस्पताल बहुत महंगा लगता है। दिखाई देती है)
नर्स : हां मैडम! यह लंदन का सबसे महँगा अस्पताल है।
औरत (बिल देखते : इस बिल को भरने में मेरा पूरा जीवन लग जाएगा। इस पर डा० हॉवर्ड के हस्ताक्षर हैं। हुए)
नर्स : हां। वह बहुत दयालु हैं। उन्होंने आपका विशेष ध्यान रखा है। वह आपके शहर से ही हैं। औरत (रुचि : वास्तव में ? क्या वह ब्लैक पूल से हैं? दिखाते हुए)
नर्स : हां, वह वहीं से हैं। मुझे अपना बिल दिखाओ, मैडम ! (बिल लेती है और देखकर मुस्कराती – है) हां, इस पर कुछ लिखा है। क्या आपने देखा है?
औरत : नहीं, मुझे फिर से देखने दो। (आंखों में आंसू लिए ऊंची आवाज़ में पढ़ती है।) ‘वर्षों पहले एक गिलास दूध द्वारा पूरा बिल चुका दिया गया था।’ डॉ० हॉवर्ड केली।
औरत : भगवान हॉवर्ड का भला करे। मैं बहुत खुश हूँ। आज मेरा भगवान और आदमी की अच्छाई पर भरोसा और भी मज़बूत हो गया है।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. I must sell two more books.
मुझे दो और किताबें अवश्य बेचनी पड़ेंगी।

2. I think I must ask for some water.
मैं सोचता हूँ कि मैं पानी माँग लूं।

3. I am selling these books.
मैं ये पुस्तकें बेच रहा हूँ।

4. You should be in school and not selling things.
तुम्हें स्कूल में होना चाहिए न कि कुछ बेचना चाहिए।

5. It appears you haven’t eaten for days.
ऐसा लगता है कि तुमने कई दिनों से कुछ नहीं खाया है।

6. My mother has taught me not to accept payment for a deed of kindness.
मेरी माता ने मुझे सिखाया है कि दयापूर्ण कार्य की कीमत नहीं लेनी चाहिए।

7. The boy smiles and leaves the house.
लड़का मुस्कराता है और उस घर से चल देता है।

8. We have not yet been able to diagnose the problem.
हम अभी तक इस बीमारी को समझ नहीं पाए।

9. The doctors there advised her to come to this hospital.
वहाँ के डाक्टरों ने उसे इस अस्पताल में आने की सलाह दी है।

10. She needs immediate surgery.
इसे शीघ्र ही शल्य चिकत्सा (सर्जरी) की आवश्यकता है।

11. We will make all possible efforts to save her.
हम इसे बचाने के लिए पूरा प्रयत्न करेंगे।

12. This is her bill.
यह इनका बिल है।

13. It is the most expensive hospital in London.
यह लंदन का सबसे महंगा अस्पताल है।

14. It will take me a lifetime to pay the bill.
इस बिल को भरने में मेरा पूरा जीवन लग जाएगा।

PSEB 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 A Glass of Milk

15. Paid in full years ago with a glass milk.
वर्षों पहले एक गिलास दूध द्वारा पूरा बिल चुका दिया गया था।

16. My faith in God and goodness of people has become stronger today.
मेरा भगवान और आदमी की अच्छाई पर भरोसा और .भी मज़बूत हो गया है।

PSEB 7th Class English Notice Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions English Notice Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class English Notice Writing

Notice लोगों को किसी घटना की जानकारी देने का संदेश अथवा समाचार होता है। उदाहरण के लिए किसी स्कूल के Notice-board पर विद्यार्थियों को स्कूल की विभिन्न गतिविधियों की जानकारी दी जा सकती है। Notice लिखते समय अग्रलिखित बातों का उल्लेख अवश्य करें:

  1. शीर्षक-इसमें स्पष्ट किया जाना चाहिए कि Notice किसके लिए है।
  2. Notice लिखे जाने की तिथि
  3. संबंधित घटना का दिन, समय तथा स्थान
  4. Notice के नीचे लिखने वाले का नाम, पद, पता आदि।
  5. शब्द-सीमा लगभग 30 शब्दों तक।

PSEB 7th Class English Notice Writing

1. You are the PTI of your school. Write a notice asking the students to enrol for free yoga classes.

Free Yoga Classes


20 March 20 ……

All students interested in attending free yoga classes from 10th April every. morning from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. should contact the undersigned before 7th April.

B.S. Bedi

2. You are the librarian of your school. Write a notice asking the students to return borrowed books before the school closes down.


10 March 20…….

The school is going to be closed down for the summer vacation next week. All students who have borrowed any book from the library must return it before the school closes down.

Raman Kumar

3. You are Anupam, the editor of the school magazine, and want to hold an interclass competiton to collect poems and cartoons for the magazine before Sept. 9. Draft a notice for the students ‘Notice-board inviting entires.

Interesting Contest, Amazing Prizes

We are going to hold an inter-class compition to collet poems and cartoons for the school magazine. Entries for the same are invited to reach the under signed befors 9th September. The result of the contest will be declared on 15th. The best poem and cartoon shall win a free school blazer. There will be some consolation prizes to.

4. You are Sangeets, the secretary of the school quiz club. You want to hold an inter-class competition to decide on entires for an inter-school competition 2 weeks from now. Draft a notice for the students notice-board inviting participants.

Prizes Through Quizzes

An inter-school quiz-competition is going to be held two weeks from now. In order to decide entreis for the same, we have decided to hold on inter-class competition on Monday, the 15th. All those who desire to participets schould give their name to the undersigned by tomorrow. The three best participants shall be awarded free school blazers Sangeeta.

(Secretary, School Quiz Club.)

PSEB 7th Class English Notice Writing

5. You are Kulbir Singh of Class VII. You have lost your new water bottle. Write the notice that you would like to put up on the school notice-board.

Lost ! Lost ! Lost !

12 March 20……..

I have lost my new water bottle somewhere in the school garden. The bottle is of Eagle make with blue colour. The finder is requested to return it to me or deposit it with the school office.

Kulbir Singh
Roll No. 2

6. You are the Sarpanch of your village. Write a notice inviting adults to donate blood at the blood donation camp to be held at the community centre.

Blood Donation Camp

8 March 20 ………

The village Panchayat is going to organise a blood donation camp in the community centre on 8th April from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. All the adults of the village should come forward and donate blood to save lives of many.

Balwan Singh
Village Sarpanch.

7. You have misplaced a library book ‘Panchtantra Tales’. Write a notice that you would like to put up in the classroom.

Book Misplaced

10 March 20 …….

I have misplaced my book “Panchtantra Tales’ somewhere in the classroom. I borrowed it from the library yesterday. The finder is requested to return it to me or deposit it with the class teacher.

Roll No. 5

PSEB 7th Class English Notice Writing

8. You are the sports captain of your school. Write a notice to all participants to submit their names and event in which they are taking part.

Attention ! Sports Participants

02 May 20 …….

All the participants in the school sports are requested to submit their names with the undersigned before Sunday, the 6th May. They must mention the event they are taking part in.

Geeta Sharma
Sports Captain
Khalsa Girls High School, Moga.