PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Equality? Discuss its important kinds.
Like liberty equality also has its importance for the individual. Both liberty and equality are very closely related to each other. There can be no liberty in the absence of equality. From the very beginning the individuals have tried to attain the right to equality. In ancient times the system of slavery was considered natural and it is quite clear from this thing that the individuals were not considered equal and they were not entitled to all the rights.

There were many struggles for the attainment of the right to equality. In the American Declaration of Independence (1776) it was declared that all the individuals are equal. In the French Declaration of Rights it was said that “Men are born and, always continue, free and equal in respect of their rights.” In the 19th and 20th centuries almost all the States recognized the right to equality. Russian constitution declared all individuals as equal and gave equal rights to all the citizens. In India also the right to equality is an important part of fundamental rights.

Meaning Of Equality:
Equality does not mean that all persons may be treated equal in all respects. Nor does equality imply that all persons should be given identical treatment irrespective of their capacity and temperament. Equality also does not mean ‘the identity of reward’ for efforts that are undesirable. The popular meaning of equality is that all men are equal, that all should get equal incomes and equal treatment. But this is a misconception of the principle of equality.

All men are never equal. Nature has endowed different men with different capacities. One individual is bom with the genius of the poet, another with that of the musician, a third with that of an engineer. The vast majority do not possess special aptitude of any kind. Men are not bom equal. In the words of Elton Trueblood, “Physically some men are three or four times as strong as others, able to perform many times as much work.

Intellectually the contrast is still greater, as may be realised when we compare an average person with a man like Sir Winston Churchill If intellectual in equality is more marked than physical inequality, moral inequality is still more so. The contrast between self-centred and cruel persons on the one hand, and the saints and heroes on the other, is really incalculable.”

All that is necessary to ensure the principle of equality is that special privileges of all kinds should be abolished. The State should grant equal civil and political rights to all people, making no discrimination on the ground of race, colour or income. All persons should be regarded as equal before the eyes of law.

Like liberty, equality has also a positive connotation. Not only all special privileges should be abolished, but all men should be given adequate opportunities to develop their abilities. This does not mean that all should get equal opportunities or that the State should make equal arrangements for everybody. All that is necessary to ensure equality is that the State should provide suitable opportunities for everybody.

If a citizen feels that he has the making of a good doctor in him, nothing stands in the way of his joining a good medical institution. He should be enabled to develop his abilities with the help of the State. The principle of equality is satisfied when the State provides its citizens with adequate opportunities for developing their abilities.

Thus there should be adequate and suitable facilities in the State for everyone to develop his own genius. The State should pass such laws that everyone in the State should be given full chances of development. The State should actively promote the welfare of all citizens.

Definitions of Equality:

  1. According to Laski, “Whatever rights inhere in another by virtue of his being a citizen must inhere and to the same extent in me also.”
  2. According to Barker, “The principle of equality accordingly means that whatever conditions are guaranteed to me in the form of rights shall also and in the same measure be guaranteed to others and that whatever rights are given to others shall also be given to me.”
  3. According to Laski, “Equality means, first of all the absence of special privileges and in the second place it means that adequate opportunities are laid upon to all.”

Characteristics of Equality:
On the basis of the above-mentioned facts we come to know about the following features of equality:
1. Absence of Special Privileges:
An important feature of equality is that no individual or section of people is given special privileges in society. Nobody is given special privileges on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood. All the members of the State and society should get equal opportunities on equal basis. The principle of equality cannot enjoy special privileges.

2. Provision for Adequate Opportunities of Development:
Equality means that every man in the State should get adequate opportunities for realizing his best self. Nature has not made all men equal. But it is not proper for the State to follow the law of Nature. On the other hand, the State through its laws should not increase this natural inequality. Rather it should pass such laws that no one in the State should be denied the opportunity of developing his own genius.

No one can be deprived of the opportunity to make progress on the basis of caste colour, creed and religion. The right to vote and the right to be elected should be given to all equally so that everybody gets the chance to participate in the administration, merit should be the main criterion to enter government service. Evferybody should be governed by the same law of the land and all should be equal in the eyes of law.

3. Provision for Minimum Standard of Living for every Individual:
Another important feature of equality is that all the basic needs of every individual should be satisfied in the society. The things without which life is meaningless must be accessible to all. “The urgent claims of all must be met before we can meet the particular claims of some.”

All the individuals in society cannot have the same amount of income. Every individual earns money according to his capacity and ability but everyone should have reasonable income so that he can make his both ends meet. Nobody should die of starvation. There should not exist gross inequalities of wealth among the members of society.

Kinds Of Equality:
Equality can be classified under the following heads:

  • Natural Equality.
  • Social Equality.
  • Civil Equality.
  • Economic Equality.
  • Political Equality.
  • National Equality.

1. Natural Equality:
Natural Equality has been explained differently by different writers. Some thinkers hold the opinion that Nature has created all the people equal and all persons should be given identical treatment irrespective of then- capacity and temperament. But the fact is that the Nature has not created all people equal.

People differ in colour, health, temperament and ability. Nature has not willed that all men should be equal. On the other hand, they are endowed with unequal abilities from their very birth. Natural equality may mean that all the individuals are basically equal and they should be treated equally. No individual can be sacrificed at the cost of the development of personality of another individual.

2. Social Equality:
Social equality implies that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of their riches, race, colour, religion, sex, class or caste. It implies that all members of the society are equal and no man is recognised as socially superior or inferior to other member of the community.

It also means that all persons should be treated as equal regardless of wealth, colour, caste and creed. If the society is divided into different castes or classes, that shows absence of social equality<197>that an untouchable should hold the same status in society as a Brahmin and a lord should not be considered superior to an ordinary citizen. But unfortunately that is not so in any State of the world except perhaps in Russia and that to a very limited extent. It will be nice if the sense of social inequality is uprooted and men are considered socially equal.

3. Civil Equality:
Civil equality means that everyone in the State enjoys the same status in the sphere of private law. It also sometimes implies the rule of law: It means that no person in the State should enjoy any special privileges. Fair justice is not possible in the absence of civil equality. This means that civil rights and liberties are enjoyed equally by all citizens irrespective of creed, colour and caste.

4. Economic Equality:
The aim of economic equality is to make all individuals equal in respect of wealth and income. This is the socialist idea.

Laski defines economic equality in a limited sense as consisting in equal opportunities for everyone to develop his natural faculties and power. Bryce considers that economic equality should not be an idea of democracy which is only a form of Government and should not disturb the foundations of social and economic order.

Nevertheless it should be the aim of democracy to reduce great inequalities in wealth. The concentration of property in the hands of a few is fatal to the purposes of the State and the socialist is right in his insistence that either the State must dominate property or property will dominate the State.

A very poor or starving man, having no economic opportunities has absolutely no use for the concept of equality. Therefore, economic equality has to be. given an important place in a State. Economic equality can exist, when all people have reasonable economic opportunities to develop themselves. Adequate scope for employment, reasonable wages, adequate leisure and other economic rights create economic equality.

5. Political Equality:
Political equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere. According to Laski, by political equality is meant equal access of everyone to the avenue of authority. All the citizens should get equal political rights.

Every citizen should get the right to vote, right to contest elections, right to get Government job, right to criticise the Government and the right to address petitions and nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood. Certain qualifications can be laid down for getting the right to vote but these conditions should not be laid down on the basis of caste, colour, creed and religion.

6. National Equality:
National equality means that all nations of the world are equal while dealing with other nations of the world.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 2.
Discuss the relationship between Equality and Liberty.
‘Liberty is meaningless without equality.’ Do you agree with this view? Give reasons for your answer.
‘The passion for equality has made vain the hope of liberty.’ Do you agree with this view?
Are Liberty and Equality opposed to each other? Discuss.
Why do you think equality is a pre-condition of enjoying liberty in a democratic set-up? Comment.
Both Liberty and Equality are the two basic principles of democracy. Since time immemorial people have struggled hard to attain them. Human life cannot develop fully without the attainment of liberty and equality. Now-a-days almost in all the States the citizens enjoy the right to liberty and equality.

Relation between Liberty and Equality:
Political thinkers differ among themselves on the exact relationship between liberty and equality. Some thinkers are of the opinion that the concept of equality is only a Utopia and not a reality. They say that both liberty and equality are opposed to each other and they are complementary terms. Both liberty and equality cannot go together. There are thinkers also who say that liberty and equality are closely related to each other and one cannot exist without the other. Liberty in the absence of equality is meaningless.

Liberty and Equality are opposed to each other:
There is a viewpoint that both liberty and equality are opposed to each other and they cannot go side by side. The main advocates of this viewpoint are De Tocqueville and Lord Acton. According to Lord Acton, “The passion for equality has made vain the hope for liberty.”

Equality curtails individual liberty. If everybody is considered equal in the eyes of law and equality is established in economic sphere then everybody’s liberty will be curtailed. Nobody will have the liberty to earn money according to his own sweet will. If equality is established then the intelligent and hard-working people will riot be able to develop their personality to the full. These thinkers say that liberty and equality are opposed to each other on the following grounds.

1. Natural Inequality:
People are of the opinion that Nature has not created all the people equal. Nature has created all the people unequal and all of them do not possess the same qualities. From their very birth some people are intelligent, some are fools, some are weak some are strong, some are active and others are lazy. Therefore, all these people cannot be considered equal. If all these people are treated equally, it will be unjust and irrational.

2. One Destroys the Other:
On the basis of the principles of individualism some people consider that both these concepts are opposed to each other. The individualists say that the individual should be left alone in the economic sphere and there should be free trade and competition. This will greatly help in the development of individual personality and the individual will live in a free atmosphere.

If the State establishes economic equalty then intelligent and hard-working people will not be able to make the best use of ability and capacity. If the individuals are left to themselves every individual will earn money according to themselves every individual will earn money according to his ability and capacity. It will result in gross inequalties of wealth and hence the end of equality. If the Government controls production and fixes the wages of the labourers* it will also result in the curtailment of liberty and the difference between the capable and incapable will come to an end.

3. Checks the Progress:
It is great injustice to treat the capable and incapable, the intelligent and the fool equally. This neither enhances the liberty of the people, nor it helps in the promotion of public welfare. The labourers, doctors, engineers, scholars, scientists, traders and artists, all cannot be treated on equal footing. This way equality is such a concept which is far away from reality.

Liberty and Equality are not opposed to each other. Most of the thinkers do not accept the viewpoint that liberty and equality are opposed to each other. In the modern age nobody would like to accept this viewpoint. Now-a-days the viewpoint that liberty and equality are closely related to each other is accepted at all hands. It is said that liberty in the absence of equality is meaningless.

Prof. Laski, Prof, Towny, Pollard and Maclver are the thinkers who support this viewpoint. According to Prof. Towny, “A large measure of equality, so far from being inimical to liberty is essential to it.” According to Pollard, “There is only one solution of problem of liberty. It lies in equality.”

Those who think that liberty and equality are opposed to each other misunderstand the meaning of these words. If liberty means unrestricted and unrestrained liberty and equality means equal wages and equal work then these people are right. But liberty does not mean unrestricted and absolute liberty. Nobody can be allowed to do things arbitrarily while living in society. Certain restrictions will certainly be imposed on the actions of every individual.

These restrictions should, of course, be reasonable, just and logical. The imposition of reasonable and moral restrictions instead of unjust and immoral restrictions on the actions of man is called liberty. The aim of liberty is to create comfortable atmos¬phere which can be conducive to the development of individual personality.

The people also misunderstand the meaning of equality. Equality does not mean that all the people are bom equal and all are entitled to get equal wages and equal work. This is not the real meaning of equality. All the people are not bom equal and, therefore, they are not entitled to get equal income and equal work.

Equality means that nobody should enjoy special privileges in the State and everybody should be entitled to get equal opportunities in life. Equality means reasonable distribution of wealth and not equal distribution of wealth among the members of the society.

Thus equality instead of being opposed to liberty is an essential condition of it. It is only when equal opportunities are provided to all that a man can be really free to develop his personality and powers according to his choice. In a society where social privileges and differences in income are the rule, there can be hardly any liberty for those placed in a position of inferiority.

Thus properly understood the two terms are not opposed to each other but rather complementary to each other. Laski rightly says, “De Tocquevile and Lord Acton misunderstood the meaning of the term equality They wrongly thought that equality means the identity of treatment of all or identity of reward of all and, therefore, it is incompatible with liberty, which means freedom for everybody to develop his or her personality according to his or her nature.”

According to Prof. Ashrivatham, “The French Revolutionists were neither mad nor stupid when they made their way cry Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.”

It is quite clear from the above discussion that both liberty and equality go together. They are not opposed to each other. One cannot be had without the other. Both are consistent and the progress of man is impossible till he can enjoy political liberty and economic equality. Both of them are compatible and complimentary. They must be enjoyed together to bring about maximum individual and social welfare. Both must exist side by side and in the absence of one we cannot have the other.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is implied by the term ‘Equality’?
Give the meaning of Equality. .
Equality does not mean that all persons may be treated euqal in all respects. Equality stands for the absence or removal of special privileges available to some and denied to others. The state should grant equal civil and political rights to all people, making no discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or income. All persons should be regarded as equal before the eyes of law. Equality also means that all men should be given adequate opportunities to develop their abilities. The state should provide suitable opportunities for everyone to develop his own genius.

Question 2.
Define Equality.
Some of the important definitions of equality are as under:
According to Barker, “The principle of equality accordingly means that whatever conditions are guaranteed to me, in the form of rights, shall also, and in the same measure be guaranteed to me and that whatever rights are given to others shall also be given to me.” .

Accroding to Prof. Laski, “Undoubtedly, it implies fundamentally a certain levelling process. It means that no man shall be so placed in society that he can over-reach his neighbour to the extent which constitutes a denial of the latter’s citizenship”.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 3.
What do you understand by equal opportunities for all?
Equality means that every man in the state should get equal and adequate opportunities for realizing his best self. The state should pass such laws that no one in the state should be denied the opportunity of developing his own geinius. No one should be deprived of the opportunity to make progress on the basis of caste, colour, creed and religion. Everybody should be governed by the same law of the land and all should be equal in the eyes of law.

Question 4.
What is the meaning of Economic Equality?
Properly understood economic equality implies the elimination of excessive inequalities of material resources. Economic Equality does not mean that everybody should have equal income. But it does mean that every citizen should enjoy equal opportunities for earnining his livelihood. All the citizens should have the means to meet their needs. Economic equality also implies the absence of exploitation of man by man or of one class by another.’

Question 5.
What is Political Equality?
Political Equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere. According to Laski, by political equality is meant equal access of everyone to the avenue of authority. All the citizens should get equal political rights. Every citizen should get the right to vote, right to contest election, right to get government job, rigtht to criticise the Government and right to address petitions.

Nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood. Certain qualifications can be laid down for getting the right to vote but these conditions should not be laid down on the basis of caste, colour, creed and religion.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 6.
Explain four types of Equality.
Four types of Equality are as follows:

  1. Civil Equality: Civil Equality means that every one in the state enjoys the same status in the sphere of private law.
  2. Social Equality: Social equality means that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of their riches, race class or caste.
  3. Political Equality: Political equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere.
  4. Economic Equality: Economic equality means that there should be minimum inequality in the society and everyone should have equal opportunities to develop his natural faculties and power.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the meaning of Equality.
Equality does not mean that all persons may be treated euqal in all respects. Equality stands for the absence or removal of special privileges available to some and denied to others. The state should grant equal civil and political rights to all people, making no discrimination on the grounds- of race, colour or income.

Question 2.
What is the meaning of Economie Equality?
Properly understood economic equality implies the elimination of excessive inequalities of material resources. Every citizen should enjoy equal opportunities for eamining his livelihood. All the citizens should have the means to meet their needs.

Question 3.
What do you understand by Political equality?
Political Equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere. Every citizen should get the right to vote, right to contest election, right to get government job, rigtht to criticise the Government and right to address petitions. Nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 4.
Mention any two kinds of Equality.

  1. Social Equality: Social equality implies that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of race, class, caste, sex, religion etc.
  2. Economic Equality: Economic equality can exist when all people have reasonable economic opportunities to develop themselves.

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by Equality ?
Every individualmust get equal facilities so that he may grow and develop in accordance with his ability.

Question 2.
Write down any one definition of Equality.
According to Laski,“Equality means first of all the absence of special privileges. In the second place, it means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all.”

Question 3.
Mention any one feature of Equality.
The main feature of equality is that no individual or class enjoys special rights.

Question 4.
Describe different kinds of Equality.

  • Natural Equality
  • Civil Equality
  • Social Equality
  • Political Equality
  • Economic Equality.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 5.
What is the meaning of Natural Equality?
Natural Equality means that nature has made all individuals equal. So all the individuals should be equally treated.

Question 6.
What is Civil Equality?
Civil Equality means that all individuals should get equal rights. In other words, all men are equal before law.

Question 7.
What is meant by Social Equality?
Social equality means that all individuals should be considered equal. They should not be discriminated on the basis of religion, caste, colour, sex and money.

Question 8.
What is meant by Political Equality?
Political Equality means that all citizens, without any discrimination, should have the right to vote, to be elected, to petition and to hold any public office.

Question 9.
What is the meaning of Economic Equality?
Economic inequality should be minimum in society. Every individual must get salary sufficient enough to fulfil his basic needs.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 10.
Liberty and Equality are opposed to each other. Discuss.
Because of an open competition in the economic field, the rich will become more rich. It will increase economic inequality.

Question 11.
Liberty and Equality are not opposed to each other. Elucidate.
The objective of both Liberty and Equality is the same. It is to provide facilities for the development of individual so that every individual may develop his personality.

Fill in the blanks

1. Justice is that state in which a ……………… can lead a well-set and disciplined life.

2. The word justice has been derived from ……………… word.

3. According to ……………… “justice means to give every individual his due share.”

4. Truth is the basic postulate of ……………… .

5. All citizens should equal before ……………… .

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

True or False statement

1. Justice and freedom are co-related.

2. Social justice is extremely popular in modem age.

3. Social justice -and Economic justice are not related to each other.

4. Men and women should get equal wages for equal work.

5. It is not the state responsbility to establish economic justice.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Justice require:
(A) Committed judiciary
(B) Fearful judges
(C) Independent judiciary
(D) Dishonest judges.
(C) Independent judiciary

Question 2.
People get proper justice in:
(A) Dictatorship
(B) Totalitarian state
(C) Monarchy
(D) Democracy.
(D) Democracy.

Question 3.
Which one of the following Is not the fundamental postulate of justice:
(A) Truth
(B) Equality before law
(C) Freedom
(D) Property.
(D) Property.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 4.
Justice la administered by:
(A) Executive
(B) Judiciary
(C) Legislature
(D) Political Parties
(B) Judiciary

Question 5.
Justice Is essentially a:
(A) Legäl concept
(B) Moral concept
(C) Socia) concept
(D) All of the Above.
(D) All of the Above.

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