PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Computer Book Solutions Chapter 3 Basics of Working with Computers Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Computer Science Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

Computer Guide for Class 6 PSEB Basics Of Working With Computers Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Screen appeared after login of Computer is called:
(a) Start Menu
(b) Desktop
(c) Taskbar
(d) None of these.
(b) Desktop

Question 2.
All the Deleted files go to?
(a) My Computer
(b) Network
(c) Recycle bin
(d) All of above.
(c) Recycle bin

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

Question 3.
Which part of window remains visible all the time when we use other applications?
(a) Recycle bin
(b) Desktop
(c) Taskbar
(d) None of these.
(c) Taskbar

Question 4.
Which one is an example of Operating System?
(a) Windows
(b) Android.
(c) DOS
(d) Ail of above.
(d) All of adove

Question 5.
To open a file we can double click on:
(a) File itself
(b) Shortcut of file
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.
(c) Both (a) and (b).

2. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the name of any three window applications.
The three window based applications are:

  1. Notepad
  2. Wordpad
  3. Calculator.

Question 2.
Write the name of any three Icons.
The names of three icons are:

  1. My computer
  2. Network
  3. Recycle Bin

Question 3.
Write the names of components of a Desktop.
The Components of Desktop are icon, taskbar and wallpaper.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

Question 4.
What is Desktop?
Desktop is a screen which is displayed on the monitor after the user logs in to the computer. It is just like the dashboard of the computer. It may contain an icon on Taskbar and wallpaper.

3. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Operating System? Explain different types of Operating Systems.
Operating system is a system software without which a computer cannot work. IT acts as an interface between the hardware and the user. Each computer has an operating system installed on it. Operating system is displayed in the form of screens, menus, dialogue box, icons and widgets etc.

Definition of Operating System:
An Operating System is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. It makes computer hardware work by controlling all the internal processes of the computer. There are many types of operating system. Each operating system is developed for different types of machines. Each operating system has a different set of commands and it understands the machine architecture very well.

1. Windows:
Windows is an operating system developed by Microsoft. It. is a graphical user interface. It means it is easy to work with pointing devices such as mice in windows. Most of the computers in this world are using windows operating systems. Everything is displayed in a rectangular frame on the screen in this operating system. That is by which operating system is named as windows. It is the most popular operating system in the world.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

2. DOS:
DOS stands for Disc Operating System. This operating system is also developed by Microsoft. It is a character user interface operating system. This operating system is not very powerful. The user types commands to instruct the computer. This operating system was used on computers with small memory and low speed hardware. The user has to remember a lot of commands to work in it. That is why it was difficult to work in this operating system. Also the user cannot do a variety of work simultaneously in this operating system.

3. Android:
The Android operating system is one of the latest operating systems in digital word. It is the operating system which is used in mobile phones. This operating system was developed by Google. This operating system is developed for devices which have touchscreen in them. It provides a very beautiful and convenient interface which can be used by finger touch. The user can do the tasks like pinching, swiping and typing. Now the Android operating system is also used in televisions, cars, wrist watches and many other digital devices. Each of these devices have different user interfaces.

Question 2.
What is a Taskbar ? Explain the functions of its parts.
Taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen. This bar is a part of the Operating System. It allows us to start a program using the Start menu. This bar always remains visible during working in any application. We can navigate through Active programs using the taskbar. The area on the right side of the taskbar is called “Notification Area”. This area allows us to check date and time, items running in the background etc.

The taskbar was first introduced with Microsoft Windows 95 and is found in all subsequent versions of Windows. We can have a look of taskbar and its all parts as under :
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All these parts of the taskbar are having their own functions. Let’s discuss the use of each one of them. It. has a logo of windows on it. It is the first item on Taskbar. Its icon is :

  • Start Button : We can start any application and program with the help of the Start button.
  • Quick Launch Bar : This section of the taskbar enables us to launch programs without locating them from the Start menu. It is located next to the Start button.
  • System Tray : It is located at the right side of Taskbar. It contains miniature icons for easy access to system functions such as fax, printer, modem, volume etc.
  • Notification Area : This area is a part of the taskbar that provides notifications and status of devices. It can also be used to display icons for system and program features that are not on the desktop.
  • Clock : At the end of taskbar, Clock is displayed where Current Time and Date can be seen. We can change Time and Date by clicking on it. It requires Administration access to change the Time or Date.
  • Active Programs : This area of taskbar is between quick access bar and System Tray area. In this area of taskbar, all the active programs appeared as an icon and we can easily navigate among them.

Question 3.
What do you mean by Icon ? Explain any three Desktop Icons.
Icons are the small pictures on the desktop. These icons represent a file or a program or folder on the computer. The user has to click on this icon to open.dat file or program. The following types of icons are available on Windows desktop.

1. My Computer:
This icon is used to assess the hard disc of the computer. This icon opens a window on the computer screen which displays all the hard disks attached to the computer and other removable media such as pen drives or CDs. The user can work in this window, no

2. Network:
This icon is used to connect to the network location attached to this computer system. This icon is used when the computer is connected to a local area. This icon displays icons of all the computer systems which are connected to users’ computers through Local area networks. The user can go to the other computer and work on files.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

3. Recycle Bin:
Recycle Bin is a folder which works like a dustbin. In this folder contains all the deleted files folder icons on the computer. When anything is not required on the computer system the user can delete that item. That item is shifted to the recycle bin folder. If the user deletes an item accidentally he can restore that item from the recycle bin.

Question 4.
Explain the different options of shutting down a Computer System. ’
Windows provide following shutting down options:
1. Sleep:
Sleep means letting the computer system to sleep without shutting it down. This option menu can be used when we want to leave a computer for some time. During this mode, the power of Monitor/LCD gets OFF and all your data is kept safe. When we put a computer into sleep mode then its power remains ON and its power light starts blinking. This blinking Red-Colour LED on the CPU shows that the computer is in sleep Mode. We can press the power button to resume the computer from this mode.

2. Shut Down:
Shut down means stopping all the processes which the computer is running.This option of Power menu can be used when we have finished all our work. When we shut-down a computer, all parts of computer systems are turned off and no power remains active in the Computer System. We can switch off the main power-supply of the computer when it is shut down. This process can take some time and we must wait till it is over. This process may take time according to the size of data being used and number of programs currently running.

3. Log Off:
Logging off means the process of disconnecting the current user from working and taking the user to the login screen. Windows 7 allows us to access a computer differently among users. We can keep our data secure from other users with the help of user accounts in it. If we have finished our work and want to leave a computer but another user is there to access the same computer for own work in a different user account then we can use the Log-off option of Power Menu.

4. Restart:
Restart means shutting down the computer and then starting it again by the computer itself. This option of power menu can be used when any new program is installed or any updation in the system is done. Sometimes when a new device or hardware is attached to the computer, it is required to restart our computer. In such a case, we can use the restart option of the Power menu to shut down our computer and start it again. When the restart button is pressed then the computer automatically gets started after being shut-down.

Name the Following Icons:
PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers - 1

  1. Notepad
  2. MS Paint
  3. Calculator
  4. My Computer
  5. Network
  6. Recycle bin
  7. Start button.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Guide Basics of Working with Computers Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
The Primary screen (first to open) of computer is called
(a) My Network
(b) Icon
(c) Desktop
(d) Recycle Bin.
(c) Desktop

Question 2.
The bar lying at the bottom of the desktop is called
(a) Title Bar
(b) Status Bar
(c) Task Bar
(d) Scroll Bar.
(c) Task Bar

Question 3.
The bar present at the top of the window is called
(a) Title Bar
(b) Status Bar
(c) Task Bar
(d) Scroll Bar.
(a) Title Bar

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

Question 4.
Deleted files go to
(a) My Network
(b) My Documents
(c) My Computer
(d) Recycle Bin.
(d) Recycle Bin

Question 5.
button is used to close the window.
(a) Minimize
(b) Maximize
(c) Close
(d) Start.
(c) Close.

2. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is operating system ?
Operating system is an interface between user and computer.

Question 2.
What is windows ?
Windows is an operating system of Microsoft company.

Question 3.
What is Windows Desktop ?
The basic screen of computer is called desktop. It is seen after booting of windows. All the programs in windows are run with the help of desktop. The on-screen work area on which windows, icons, menus, and dialog boxes appear.

Question 4.
What are Icons ? Name any three types of Icons.
A small image displayed on the screen to represent an object that can be manipulated by the user. Icons serve as visual mnemonics and allow the user to control certain computer actions without having to remember commands or type them at the keyboard.

Three Types if Icons are:

  • My Computer
  • My Document
  • Recycle Bin

Question 5.
Name different components of windows.

  1. Title Bar
  2. Menu Bar
  3. Scroll Bar
  4. Minimize Button
  5. Maximize Button
  6. Close Button.

Question 6.
Write down about Show Desktop button on Taskbar.
Desktop is the first screen displayed when you start your computer. Icons, menus, dialog boxes, start button and taskbar are the part of desktop screen.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain Taskbar.
Taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen. This bar is a part of the Operating System. It allows us to start a program using the Start menu. This bar always remains visible during working in any application. We can navigate through Active programs using the taskbar. The area on the right side of the taskbar is called “Notification Area”. This area allows us to check date and time, items running in the background etc.

The taskbar was first introduced with Microsoft Windows 95 and is found in all subsequent versions of Windows. We can have a look of taskbar and it’s all parts as under:
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All these parts of the taskbar are having their own functions. Let’s discuss the use of each one of them. It has a logo of windows on it. It is the first item on Taskbar. Its icon is :

(i) Start Button : We can start any application and program with the help of the Start button.

(ii) Quick Launch Bar : This section of the taskbar enables us to launch
programs without locating them from the Start menu. It is located next to the Start button. –

(iii) System Tray : It is located at the right side of Taskbar. It contains miniature icons for easy access to system functions such as fax, printer,
modem, volume etc.

(iv) Notification Area : This area is a part of the taskbar that provides notifications and status of devices. It can also be used to display icons for system and program features that are not on the desktop.

(v) Clock : At the end of taskbar, Clock is displayed where Current Time and Date can be seen. We can change Time and Date by clicking on it. It requires Administration access to change the Time or Date.

(vi) Active Programs : This area of taskbar is between quick access bar and System Tray area. In this area of taskbar, all the active programs appeared as an icon and we can easily navigate among them.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Basics Of Working With Computers

Question 2.
What do you mean by Recycle Bin ?
Icons are the small pictures on the desktop. These icons represent a file or a program or folder on the computer. The user has to click on this icon to open.dat file or program. The following types of icons are available on Windows desktop.

1. My Computer : This icon is used to assess the hard disc of the computer. This icon opens a window on the computer screen which displays all the hard disks attached to the computer and other removable media such as pen drives or CDs. The user can work in this window.
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2. Network : This icon is used to connect to the network location attached to this computer system. This icon is used when the computer is connected to a local area. This icon displays icons of all the computer systems which are connected to users’ computers through Local area networks. The user can go to the other computer and work on files.
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3. Recycle Bin : Recycle Bin is a folder which works like a dustbin. In this folder contains all the deleted files, folder, icons on the computer. When anything is not required on the computer system the user can delete that item. That item is shifted to the recycle bin folder. If the user deletes an item accidentally he can restore that item from the recycle bin.
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4. Users File : This icon is used to assess the current user data. Thus it can hold all the default locations for the different types of files. It may include my documents, my pictures, my videos desktop etc. The name of this icon changes as per the user logged in.
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PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Computer Book Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Computer Science Chapter 2 Computer Components

Computer Guide for Class 6 PSEB Computer Components Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Which part of the computer system accepts input from the user?
(a) Input Unit
(b) Output Unit
(c) Control Unit
(d) None of these
(a) Input Unit

Question 2.
Which is a part of the CPU?
(a) Control Unit
(b) Memory Unit
(c) ALU
(d) All of above
(d) All of above

Question 3.
Which memory stores permanent data in computer system ?
(a) Primary Memory
(b) RAM
(c) Secondary Memory
(d) All of above.
(c) Secondary Memory

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components

Question 4.
Which is a most powerful type of computer ?
(a) Mainframe Computer
(b) Mini Computer
(c) Micro Computer
(d) Super Computer.
(d) Super Computer

Question 5.
Which part of computer system gives result as an output to the user ? ‘
(a) Memory
(b) Input Unit
(c) Control Unit
(d) Output Unit.
(d) Output Unit.

2. Write the Full Forms

Question 1.
ALU – Arithmetic and LgicaI Unit.

Question 2.
CPU – Central Processing Unit

Question 3.
LCD – liquid Crystal Display

Question 4.
RAM – Randoni Access Memory

Question 5.
ROM – Read Only Memory

Question 6.
CU – Central Unit

Question 7.
MU – Memory Unit

Question 8.
IPO – Input Processing Output.

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the name of parts of CPU.
The names of three parts of CPU are :

  • Input Unit
  • Processing Unit
  • Output Unit.

Question 2.
What are the types of memories ?
The types of memories are :

  1. Primary Memory
  2. Secondary Memory

Question 3.
What are Secondary Storage Devices ?
Secondary storage devices are the devices which are not directly accessible by CPU. These are used to store the data and instructions for a long time. These devices are magnetic and optical in nature. The storage capacity of these devices is more than primary memory. They have less cost and speed than primary memory.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components

Question 4.
What is the function of ALU ?
The functions of ALU are to perform arithmetic and logical units. All the calculations are done by this part of the CPU. This part is also responsible for making comparisons.

Question 5.
What is Micro-Computer?
Micro computers are used computers which use microprocessors as CPU. Micro or personal computers are the most common computers. These are the computers which are used in homes, schools and offices. These computers are small in size and the cost of this computer is very less.

Question 6.
What are different categories of Computers ?
The different categories of computers are:

  1. Microcomputer
  2. Mini Computer
  3. Mainframe Computer
  4. Supercomputer

4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by Block Diagram of Computer ? Define its Components.
Block Diagram of Computer is a Graphical representation of various steps involved in working of computers. The main parts shown in this block diagram are Input Unit, Processing Unit and Output Unit. The Processing Unit is divided into three parts namely Memory Unit, Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit.
The Central Processing Unit of a computer system is divided into three parts.

  1. Memory Unit
  2. Control Unit
  3. Arithmetic and Logical Unit

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1. Memory Unit:
This unit is also known as storage unit. This unit holds the data and instruction in it. It can store data and instruction temporary and permanently. Many types of memories are used in this unit for special purposes. These memories vary in size, storage capacity, nature of operation, speed and cost.

2. Control Unit:
Control Unit is meant for controlling all the activities of the computer. This unit works as the brain of a computer. It performs all the operations given in the form of instructions. It also controls the functioning of other components of the computer. It controls both input and output units also.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components

3. Arithmetic and Logical Unit:
This is the third part of the Central Processing Unit. This unit is related to performing all the arithmetic and logical operations. A lot of calculations are done by computer in each type of work. All these calculations are done by this unit of CPU. Part of Central Processing Unit is integrated within the processor.

Question 2.
How Computer Works ? Explain each term in detail.
The process of processing the data is called the processing cycle of a computer. It is the way of processing within a computer system. Three Steps are Involved in this cycle.

1. Input:
This part is related with input of data and instruction. Computers cannot work without proper input. To enter the necessary data and instructions in the computer input unit is required. Man can enter the data and instruction in its own language and that is converted into computer languages by this input unit. There are many types of input devices used for input. Keyboard is the most common input device used to enter textual data. The second common device for input is the mouse. This device is used to point a special part on the screen or to select a command with mouse pointer. The Other common devices which are used for input are microphone, touch screen, scanner etc.

2. Processing :
Processing is the process of acting according to given instructions. This is the main task done by computer as it gets instructions from the computer. The main aim of Computer is to work as per the given instructions. This task is done by the processor of the computer. The processor is just like the brain of a human being. This processor is also known as the Central Processing Unit.

3. Output :
After processing, the data is converted into some information. The user of the computer needs that information from the computer as its result. This result is shown to the user using output devices. The most common output device is a monitor. The other output devices are speaker, printer and plotters.


Write the given Items in their respective Category :

  1. RAM
  2. Keyboard
  3. Mouse
  4. ROM
  5. Hard Disk Drive
  6. Printer
  7. Microphone
  8. Speaker
  9. USB Pen Drive
  10. Monitor/LCD.

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PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components - 3

PSEB 6th Class Computer Guide Computer Components Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
…………… is the process of entering data and instructions to the computer.
(a) Input Devices
(b) Output Devices
(c) CPU
(d) None of these.
(a) Input Devices

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components

Question 2.
The process of saving data and instructions permanently is known as ……………….
(a) Memory
(b) Storage
(c) Processing
(d) Output.
(a) Memory

Question 3.
The process of producing results from the data for getting useful information is called ………………
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Processing
(d) None of these.
(c) Processing

Question 4.
Primary storage is also known as …………….. Memory.
(a) Secondary
(b) Main
(c) Auxiliary
(d) All of these.
(b) Main

Question 5.
Secondary storage is also called ……………. storage.
(a) Secondary
(b) Main
(c) Auxiliary
(d) All of these.
(c) Auxiliary.

2. Write the Full Forms
1. I/O
2. IPO
1. I/O – input/Output
2. IPO – input Processing Output

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Draw the diagram of basic functions of a Computer.
The five important functions/operations performed by computer are :

  1. Take Input: Computer receives data and instructions from user.
  2. Save : Computer save the information.
  3. Processing : Computer processes the data.
  4. Output: Computer gives output after processing.
  5. Control: Computer controls different parts and all operations.

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Question 2.
Name the parts of CPU Unit.
The three parts of CPU Unit are:

  1. Arithmetic logic unit.
  2. Main Memory unit.
  3. Control unit.

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Question 3.
What is Memory ? Name two types of memory.
The storage capacity of computer is called memory.

Memory are of two types:
1. RAM – Random Access Memory:
The primary storage is referred to as random access memory (RAM) because it is possible to randomly select and use any location of the memory directly store and retrieve data. It takes some time to any address of the memory as the first address. It is also called read/write memory.
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2. ROM:
ROM is an acronym for Read-Only Memory. It refers to computer memory chips containing permanent or semi-permanent data. Unlike RAM, ROM is non-volatile; even after you turn off your computer, the contents of ROM will remain.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components

Question 4.
Describe about Laptop.
Laptop is a portable personal computer. It is light in weight and small enough. It is very easy to operate in a person’s lap. It has its own battery and can be charged easily as required. It can be carried while travelling.
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Question 5.
What is Tablet ?
Tablet is very thin portable computer. It is usually battery powered. It has a touch screen as the primary interface of an input device. It has no keyboard and mouse.
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4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss about Primary Memory.
Primary memory is also known as main memory of Computer System. It is directly accessible memory by Microprocessor which is a control unit of CPU. All the instructions and data must be present in primary memory before processing. This memory is also known as main memory of computer. There are two types of primary memories used within the computer.

RAM (Random Access Memory):
This primary memory is the main memory of computer. It is very fast memory of computer. All instructions and data are stored here during processing. This memory is volatile in nature i.e. all contents stored in this memory are lost when power goes off. This device cannot hold data permanently.

ROM (Read Only Memory):
This memory is a permanent memory attached on the motherboard of computer system. Content stored in it cannot be changed as it is read only memory. This memory hold instructions and data required for computer system to start. No write operation is allowed on this memory.

Question 2.
Discuss about Secondary Memory.
Secondary Memory
Secondary storage is called auxiliary storage. It is a permanent memory of computer system. As we studied earlier, primary memory RAM is not permanent and ROM do not allow user to store any data on it. So, to provide permanent storage in computer, we use secondary storage devices. This memory is not directly accessible by the processor. It is for storing data not in active use. So it is called non-volatile memory. In a personal computer, secondary storage typically consists of hard disk drive and many removable media like CD, DVD or USB Pen Drive etc.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Computer Components

Question 3.
Explain Control Unit.
Central Processing Unit of a computer system can be divided into three parts:-

  1.  Memory Unit (MU)
  2. Control Unit (CU)
  3. Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU)

1. Memory Unit:
Memory Unit of a computer system is also known as “Storage Unit”. It holds data and instructions in computer system. There are several types of memories. Each of them is having its different role to perform. Their size, storage capacity, nature of operation and speed make them different from each other.

2. Control Unit:
The control unit is the brain of computer. It performs all the operations given in the form of input instructions or programs. It also controls the functioning of all other components of computer. It accepts all the instruction from input unit and generates series of control signals according to the input instructions given. These Control Signals then operate the other parts of the computer. This is the main function of Control unit.

3. Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU):
This is a core component of computer CPU. As per its name, it performs all the arithmetic and logic related tasks during processing. In digital computer, all the operations are performed logically and contain a lot of calculations to be processed. Processing of arithmetic operations and all logical operations like AND, OR, NOT etc. are done by this part of CPU. This part of computer system is integrated within the “Microprocessor”.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Computer Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Computer Science Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Computer Guide for Class 6 PSEB Introduction To Computer Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Computer is a/an ……………
(a) Electronic Machine
(b) Mechanical Machine
(c) Magnetic Machine
(d) All of above.
(a) Electronic Machine

Question 2.
Computers can do ……………
(a) Calculations
(b) Accept data and instructions
(c) Storage
(d) All of above
(d) All of above

PSEB 6th Class Computer Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 3.
Computer performs its operations with high ……………
(a) Speed
(b) Accuracy
(c) Efficiency
(d) All of above.
(d) All of above

Question 4.
In banks, computer is used for ……………
(a) Keeping the bank safe
(b) Keeping Account records.
(c) Keeping bank clean
(d) None of these.
(b) Keeping Account records

Question 5.
Time taken by computer to do a work can be measured in ……………
(a) Minutes
(b) Hours
(c) Milliseconds
(d) Days.
(c) Milliseconds

Question 6.
In Education, a computer is used for ……………
(a) Preparing Notes
(b) Preparing results
(c) Preparing Reports
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these

PSEB 6th Class Computer Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 7.
Which one of these is a limitation of Computer
(a) Speed
(b) Accuracy
(c) No IQ
(d) Diligence.
(c) No IQ.

2. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define Computer.
Computer is an electronic device which gets the data and instructions from the user. It processes the data as per given instructions and gives the result in the desired form. Computer can be defined as :
A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data as input from the user and processes the data under the control of a set of instructions and gives the result as an output.

Question 2.
Explain the uses of computer in Education Field.
Students and teachers are using computers in their education. Teachers use computers to teach the students and students use computers to prepare their notes, making drawing and making projects etc. The internet is used to search study material. Results, time-table and various reports are prepared using the computer. Computers are also used for record keeping online data processing etc.

Question 3.
Write the name of any three Portable Computing Devices.
The name of three portable computing devices are:

  • Mobile phone
  • Palmtop computer
  • Tablets

3. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the characteristics of computer ?
The main characteristics of computers are as given below :
1. Speed : Computer is a very fast machine. It can do calculation in milliseconds. It can complete days work in seconds. That is why it has reduced human effort.

2. Accuracy : Computer is an accurate machine. It never makes any mistakes. If a mistake is performed in any calculation that is
always due to human error. A computer can do any task repeatedly for thousands of times without any error.

3. Reliability : Reliability means the ability of being trusted. A computer is a reliable machine. We cannot doubt the results given by computers because they are always correct. There is no need of rechecking the results. It gives the same result every time.

4. Diligence : Computer never gets tired. It can do work for many days or even for years. During this time its efficiency does not decrease and neither it commits errors after long working. In fact, a computer is a hardworking machine.

5. Automation : Automation means to do the work automatically. Computers can be instructed to do the work without any interaction. He can be given the instructions and the computer can do work without asking anything. We just need to start the computer and ask him to do the particular work. After that it will do the whole work without asking anything.

6. Storage : The storage capacity of computers is very large. It can attach many storage devices such as hard disk, pen drive at 17 to it. it can store any type of data such as text, audio, video animation in it. We can also store the storage capacity of computers. Computers store data for a very long time.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 2.
Define any five applications of Computer.
Computers are used in many areas. Some of the application areas of Computer are given below :
1. Education: Students and teachers are using computers in their education. Teachers use computers to teach the students and students use computers to prepare their notes-making, drawing and making projects etc. The internet is used to search study material, results time-table and various reports are prepared using the computer. Computers are also used for record keeping, online data processing etc. Punjab Education Department is using computer on their web portal like,

2. Entertainment: Computers are a good source of entertainment also. The user can watch movies, listen song and camp. Beautiful presentations can be made on the computer. All the films made these days use computers for their special effects.

3. Sports : Computers are also used in the sports field. They are used to improve the performance of players to keep data and to evaluate the performance and to display information about various tournaments which will happen in future. Digital scoreboards are also a part of games today. The players can improve their games by analysing their record.

4. Communication : Computers have given new ways of communication. The user can make video calls, audio calls, chat using computer data and send email to their friends and relatives. Any type of data can be shared using smartphone, tablet, laptop and computers.

5. Shops : Shopkeepers are also using computers for their various works. They are using computers to manage their stock to generate purchase orders to generate bills to advertise their shop. The use of computers in shops saves a lot of time for the shopkeeper and the customer.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 3.
What are the limitations of Computer ?
The main limitations of computer are as under:

  • A computer cannot take decisions by itself.
  • A computer cannot correct wrong instructions.
  • Computer cannot do any work without instruction from the user.
  • It does not have feelings or IQ (Intelligence Quotient).
  • It does not have knowledge and experience like a human being.
  • Computer can not start work until asked.

Question 4.
What do you mean by Portable Computing Devices ? Explain any three of them.
Portable devices are those devices which can be easily carried from one place to another. Technology has given us many portable devices. Some of them are explained below :
1. Mobile Phone or Smart Phone :
It is the most common portable computing device used in these days. Each one is using their mobile phones these days. Smart phones can do a lot of calculation work and processing. Their speed is also very fast. Modern mobile phones are equipped with camera, large storage capacity and high processing speed. They can be used in education, business trading, entertainment, gaming etc. Mobile phones are very small devices. It can be carried in our pockets. There are a lot of mobile phones available in the market with different features.

2. Tablet Computer :
It is a small computer. It is mainly known as a tablet. If the battery is used in this tablet. It has a touch screen which is used to give input and get the output. Tablets can be used for many purposes. Most of the students are using tablets in their education at home as well as at their schools.

3. Palmtop Computer :
Palmtop computer is a small size computer which can be placed on our palm. This computer has a small screen and small keyboard. It is just like a mobile phone having a keyboard. These computers are not very popular these days. These computers were used for limited purposes only.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 5.
Explain the uses of Computer.
The applications of Computer are :

  1. We can do mathematical calculations on the computer.
  2. We can play games on the computer.
  3. We can draw pictures on the computer.
  4. We can listen to songs and watch films on the computer.
  5. We can use computers to print books and newspapers.
  6. We can use computers to book our tickets to travel in trains, buses and airplanes.
  7. We can check the arrival and departure time of trains, buses and airplanes with the help of a computer.
  8. We can check the weather conditions of any place before travelling.
  9. We can print reports, results of our school or time-table.
  10. We can store our data into a computer for future use.

PSEB 6th Class Computer Guide Introduction To Computer Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
…………… is an electronic machine.
(a) TV
(b) Typewriter
(c) Computer
(d) All of these.
(c) Computer

Question 2.
The speed of computer is …………..
(a) Fast
(b) Slow
(c) Medium
(d) None of these.
(a) Fast

PSEB 6th Class Computer Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 3.
Computer has very large ……………
(a) Speed
(b) Memory
(c) Display
(d) Keyboard.
(b) Memory

Question 4.
In business computers are used to prepare …………….
(a) Cash
(b) Tickets
(c) Books of accounts
(d) None of these.
(c) Books of Accounts

Question 5.
Computers are used in Education by………… and ………….
(a) Teachers, Students
(b) Businessman, Banker
(c) Parents, Children
(d) All of these.
(a) Teachers, Students.

2. True or False

Question 1.
Computer can perform Mathematical Calculations.

Question 2.
Computer cannot take decision itself.

Question 3.
Computer doesn’t have storage capacity.

Question 4.
A computer cannot correct wrong instructions.

Question 5.
Computer is an electronic machine which receives input, processes it and gives output.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is a computer ?
A computer is an electronic device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output.
Computers are not very intelligent devices, but they handle instructions flowlessly and fast. They must follow explicit directions from both the user and computer programmer. Computers are really nothing more than a very powerful calculator with some great accessories.

Question 2.
Give definition of computer.
The computer is a digital electronic machine that processes data to give information. A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that concept data, manipulate the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store the results for further use.

Question 3.
What can we do on a computer ?
A computer accepts input, processes data, stores data and produces output. Computer can perform the following functions :

  • Mathematical calculation
  • Desktop Publication
  • Play Games
  • Drawing
  • Multimedia
  • Booking of Railway and Airplane Tickets
  • In Banks
  • In Medicine etc.
  • Libraries Automation
  • Shops Automation
  • Domestic work.

Question 4.
How a Computer is helpful in Health and Medicine?
Computers are necessary in every area of health and medicine, The following are the important tasks in health and medicine where computer is used:

For maintaining patient history and records.
As an aid in operation theatre.
Also used for patient monitoring and diagnosis of diseases.
For taking appointment of doctor.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 5.
How a computer is helpful in Banks?
In bank, computers are used to maintain records of loans, customers, credits and also used in ATM’s.

4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write down about the fields where a Computer can be used ?
Following are the uses of computer in Modern Times:

  • We can do mathematical calculations on the computer.
  • We can play games on the computer.
  • We can draw pictures on the computer.
  • We can listen to songs and watch films on the computer.
  • We can use computers to print books and newspapers.
  • We can use computers to book our tickets to travel in trains, buses and airplanes.
  • We can check the arrival and departure time of trains. buses and airplanes
  • with the help of a computer.
  • We can check the weather conditions of any place before travelling.
  • We can print reports, results of our school or time
  • We can store our data into a computer for future use.

Question 2.
Write down characteristics of a Computer.
PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer - 1
Speed : Computer is a very fast machine. It can do calculation in milliseconds. It can complete days work in seconds. That is why it has reduced human effort.

Accuracy : Computer is an accurate machine. It never makes any mistakes. Ifa mistake is performed in any calculation that is always due to human
error. A computer can do any task repeatedly for thousands of times without any error.

Reliability: Reliability means the ability of being trusted. A computer is a reliable machine. We cannot doubt the results given by computers because they are always correct. There is no need of rechecking the results. It gives the same result every time.

Diligence : Computer never gets tired. It can to do work for many days or even for years. During this time its efficiency does not decrease and neither it commits errors after long working. In fact, a computer is a hardworking machine.

Automation : Automation means to do the work automatically. Computers can be instructed to do the work without any interaction. He can be given the instructions and the computer can do work without asking anything. We just need to start the computer and ask him to do the particular work. After that it will do the whole work without asking anything.

Storage : The storage capacity of computers is very large. It can attach many storage devices such as hard disk, pen drive at 17 to it. It can store any type of data such as text. audio, video, animation in it. We can also store the storage capacity of computers. Computers store data for a very long time.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer

Question 3.
Write down the limitations of a Computer.
PSEB 6th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer - 2
Computers are capable of doing a lot of work. But, after all this is a machine and unable to do some tasks. These kinds of tasks are considered as limitations of computers.

Some of the main limitations of computer are as under:

  • A computer cannot take decisions by itself.
  • A computer cannot correct wrong instructions.
  • Computer cannot do any work without instruction from the user.
  • It does not have feelings or IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
  • It does not have knowledge and experience like a human being.
  • Computer can not start work until asked.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Social Science Book Solutions History Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

SST Guide for Class 6 PSEB The Mauryas and The Sungas Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What do you know about Alexander?
Alexander was the son of Emperor Philip of Macedonia. He became the ruler of Macedonia after his father’s death. He desired to conquer the whole world. Therefore, as soon as he was enthroned, he began to conquer the world. For the first two years, he conquered the territories surrounding Macedorfla. Then he started with a large army to conquer Persia. He also conquered Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and Afghanistan. In 326 B.C., he invaded India and defeated several kings of the northwest in Punjab up to the river Beas. He first defeated Ambhi, the king of Taxila and then the ruler of the territory between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab, namely Porus. Porus faced Alexander bravely. Soldiers of Alexander got scared of the resistance they received in Punjab. They were also tired of long journey and warfare. Therefore, Alexander had to go back from the Beas. But he was not able to reach his country. On the way he suffered from fever and died.

Question 2.
Write a note about Kautilya.
Kautilya is also known as Chanakya. He was a great scholar and teacher at the Taxila University. Chandragupta Maurya considered him as his teacher. It was only with the help of Kautilya that Chandragupta Maurya was able to overthrow the Nanda /nasty and establish the Mauryan Empire. When Chandragupta became the emperor, Kautilya became the Prime Minister of the Mauryan Empire. Kautilya was also a great writer. His book ‘Arthasastra’ tells us about the Mauryan administration.

Question 3.
Why is Ashoka called ‘the great’?
Ashoka was the only king in the history of the world who stopped war after victory. Throughout his life he worked for the good of the people. He treated all religions alike. He looked after his subjects as a father cares for his children. Every individual was the most important person of the state. He treated everybody alike and gave money and help to all religions regardless of their beliefs. He discarded caste system. His faith in universal brotherhood of mankind uplifted him and he became a god on earth. Boundaries of any country were not his limit. He adopted Buddhism and sent preachers to preach it to many countries of the world like Sri Lanka, China, Afghanistan and Nepal. He held a vast empire in those ancient times above everything. There was no rebellion against him inspite of his policy of peace and non-violence. He was the first ruler who gave the world the concept of a welfare state and religious tolerance. That is why Ashoka holds an important position in the history of the world and is called ‘the great’.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 4.
What do you know about Mauryan art?
The Mauryan rulers were lovers of art and they gave an important contribution to the field of art. This contribution of theirs is described as under:

  1. Chandragupta constructed a big palace. This palace was very beautiful and stood erected on several pillars. Ashoka’s palace was also magnificent.
  2. Chandragupta Maurya constructed a big lake, named Sudarshana, in Gujarat.
  3. Ashoka constructed a large number of Stupas. The Stupa of Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh is very famous.
  4. Ashoka built two cities, namely Srinagar and Lalit Patan.
  5. Ashoka got some beautiful caves built in the hills of Barabar and Nagarjuni in Bihar for the monks and Nirgranthas.
  6. Ashoka got constructed huge pillars of sand stone from Chunar. These pillars were 34 feet high. They have a fine polish on them which shines like a mirror. Ashoka got his inscriptions engraved on these pillars.
  7. Ashoka’s pillars had sculptures of animals like bull, elephant, lion, etc. One such sculpture of four lions seated back to back was on the top of the pillar at Samath (Uttar Pradesh). It is our National Emblem now.
  8. Some beautiful sculptures of Yakshas and Yakshis were also made in the Mauryan Age. One such sculpture has been found as Didarganj near Patna. This sculpture is of a Yakshi who w carrying a Chauri (fly-whisk) on her shoulder.

II. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
Alexander’s soldiers got scared of the _________ they received in Punjab.

Question 2.
Chandragupta ruled till _________ B.C.

Question 3.
Megasthenes was a Greek ambassador of _________

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 4.
Kautilya’s _________ and Megasthenes’s _________ tell us about Mauryan administration.
Arthasastra, Indica

Question 5.
In Madhya Pradesh the stupa of _________ is very famous.

III. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ in the brackets given after each statement :

Question 1.
Seleucus defeated Chandragupta Maurya.

Question 2.
Ashoka built great pillars of iron.

Question 3.
Mahamatra was officer of Alexander.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 4.
Ashoka adopted Buddhism after Kalinga War. Chandragupta constructed Sudarshana Lake.

Question 5.
In Madhya Pradesh the stupa of . is very famous.

IV. Match the columns:

Question 1.

(1) Megasthenes (a) Arthasastra
(2) Kautilya (b) Stupa
(3) Sanchi (c) Minister
(4) Amatya (d) Indica


(1) Megasthenes (d) Indica
(2) Kautilya (a) Arthasastra
(3) Sanchi (b) Stupa
(4) Amatya (c) Minister

V. Activity (Something To Do):

Question 1.
Collect pictures of monuments built by Ashoka and paste them in your scrap book.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Guide The Mauryas and The Sungas Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Dhamma is a word of _________ language.
(A) Prakrit
(B) Hindi
(C) Devnagri
(D) Sanskrit.
(A) Prakrit.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 2.
Dhamma means _________
(A) Wealth
(B) Dharma
(C) Kingdom
(D) State.
(B) Dharma.

Question 3.
People lived in Mauryan Empire were engaged in _________ occupation.
(A) Merchants
(B) Crafts persons
(C) Officials
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 4.
Officials collected _________ from the area under the direct control of the ruler.
(A) Gold
(B) Silver
(C) Taxes
(D) Food grains.
(C) Taxes.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 5.
Royal princes often went to the provinces as
(A) Governors
(B) Rulers
(C) Generals
(D) Tax collectors.
(A) Governors.

Question 6.
The Mauryans rulers tried to control this which was important for transport.
(A) Roads
(B) Rivers
(C) Both a+b
(D) None of these.
(C) Both a+b.

Question 7.
People in forested regions provided” the Mauryan officials.
(A) Timber
(B) Wax
(C) Honey
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 8.
Most of the Ashoka inscriptions are in the script.
(A) Brahmi
(B) Devnagri
(C) Gurumukhi
(D) Persian
(A) Brahmi.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 9.
Which problem Ashoka wanted to solve by introducing dhamma?
(A) Different people followed different religions.
(B) In some religions, animal sacrifice was a ritual.
(C) Most of the masters ill treated their servants and slaves
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 10.
Which of these means was adopted by Ashoka to spread the message of dhamma?
(A) He appointed dhamma mahamatta to spread teachings.
(B) He got his messages inscribed on rocks and pillars.
(C) He sent his messengers to other lands.
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 11.
Who was the Prime Minister of Chandra Gupta Maurya?
(A) Chanakya
(B) Ashoka
(C) Bimbisara
(D) Ajatasatru.
(A) Chanakya.

Question 12.
Chanakya wrote
(A) Kamasutra
(B) Arthashastra
(C) Upnishada
(D) Manu Smriti.
(B) Arthashastra.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 13.
_________ was an ambassador of Selecus Nicator who was sent to the court of Chandragupta Maurya?
(A) Megasthenes
(B) Ashoka
(C) Bimbisara
(D) Chanakya.
(A) Megasthenes.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
When did Alexander invade India?
Alexander invaded India in 326 B.C.

Question 2.
Who was ruling over the Punjab when Chandragupta Maurya became the king?
The Greek General Seleucus Nikator was ruling over the Punjab when Chandragupta Maurya became the king.

Question 3.
What was the extent of the Mauryan Empire under Chandragupta Maurya?
Chandragupta Maurya’s empire extended from Afghanistan in the north-west to Karnataka in the south and from Assam in the east to Gujarat in the west.

Question 4.
Name the areas added to the Mauryan Empire by Bindusara.
Bindusara added some of the southern parts of India to the Mauryan Empire.

Question 5.
Why were the Nanda kings unpopular?
The Nanda kings had collected huge wealth and led a luxurious life. They were not efficient rulers.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 6.
Who was Ashoka?
Ashoka was the most famous of the Mauryan kings and one of the greatest rulers India has ever had.

Question 7.
Where were Ashoka’s edicts inscribed?
Ashoka’s edicts were inscribed on rocks and on tall pillars made of sandstone.

Question 8.
What was the capital city of Ashoka?
Patliputra (Patna) was the capital city of Ashoka.

Question 9.
Whom did Ashoka send to Sri Lanka and why?
Ashoka sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka to preach the message of Buddhism.

Question 10.
According to Ashoka, how should a king treat his subjects?
According to Ashoka, a king should treat his subjects as a father treats his children.

Question 11.
Name some of the officers of the Mauryan administration.
Some of the officers of the Mauryan administration were Rajuka, Mahamatra, Yukta, etc.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 12.
Name the great centres of learning during the Mauryan rule.
Taxila, Patliputra and Varanasi were the great centres of learning during the Mauryan rule.

Question 13.
How much was land revenue on agriculture levied during the Mauryan rule?
The land revenue on agriculture was generally 1/6th of the produce.

Question 14.
Who constructed Sudarshana Lake,’and where?
Chandragupta Maurya constructed Sudarshana Lake in Gujarat.

Question 15.
When did the Mauryan Empire start breaking up?
The Mauryan Empire started breaking up after the death of Ashoka.

Question 16.
Who was Alexandar?
Alexander was a great Greek conqueror from Macedonia. He invaded India in 326 B.C. and defeated Porus. On his way back to Greece, he died midway.

Question 17.
Who was Chanakya?
Chanakya was the Prime Minister and advisor of Chandragupta Maurya. He was a great teacher and scholar who wrote a book called Arthasastra.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 18.
What is meant by Dhamma?
Dhamma was a code of morality given by Ashoka for his people to lead virtuous and peaceful life.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What role did Chanakya play in the formation of the Mauryan Empire?
Chanakya played the most significant role in the formation of the Mauryan Empire. Without his help and guidance it would not have been possible to establish the mighty Mauryan Empire by Chandragupta Maurya. Once the Nanda king insulted Chanakya. Chanakya left his empire and took a vow to take revenge from him. Due to this reason he helped Chandragupta in establishing the Mauryan Empire.

Question 2.
What do you know about Arthasastra?
Arthasastra is a famous book written by Kautilya. In this book, Kautilya explains how a good government should be organised. It gives vital elements of good administration. It gives detailed instructions on the control of the state, the organisation of national economy and the conduct of war. It is a very precious source of information about many aspects of ancient Indian life.

Question 3.
What is Indica?
Indica is a book written by Megasthenes, the Greek Ambassador of Seleucus Nikator who lived in the court of Chandragupta Maurya for five years. In this book, Megasthenes describes the social, economic and political conditions of India during Chandragupta Maurya’s reign.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 4.
What was Ashoka’s Dhamma?
Dhamma is the Prakrit form of the Sanskrit word Dharma, meaning religion. It included the best in every religion. It was a set of moral principles, such as :

  • One should respect one’s elders.
  • Proper treatment should be given to youngsters.
  • One should not slaughter animals and should observe ahimsa (non-violence).
  • One should practise tolerance and respect other religions.
  • One should observe truthfulness.
  • One should lead a pure life, etc.

Question 5.
What did Ashoka do to spread his ideas about Dhamma?
Ashoka took the following steps to spread his ideas about Dhamma :

  • He himself lived an ideal life and set an example before his people.
  • He inscribed his ideas on rocks and pillars in all corners of his empire.
  • He used Prakrit, the common language of the people, in his edicts.
  • He appointed Dharmamahamatras to persuade the people to live according to his ideals of the Dhamma.
  • He sent monks to preach Buddhism in other countries. Even his own son Mahendra and his daughter Sanghamitra went to Sri Lanka.

Question 6.
From where have we got the design of our National Emblem?
We have got the design of our National Emblem from the pillar at Sarnath. It was made by Ashoka and had four lions carved on the top. When India became independent in 1947, it was decided to use this design of four lions as the National Emblem of India.

Question 7.
Write a note about the Sungas.
The Sunga dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra Sunga in 184 B.C. Pushyamitra Sunga was the commander-in-chief of the Mauryan army. He murdered the last Mauryan king Brihadratha and himself became the king. He was a powerful ruler and made several conquests. He s6nt his grandson Vasumitra to fight with the Greek invader Menander. Vasumitra defeated the invader on the banks of the river Indus. Pushyamitra performed two horse- sacrifices. He built -the Stupa of Bharhut in Madhya Pradesh. After Pushyamitra his son Agnimitra became the king. The Sunga dynasty collapsed soon after the Scythians, Parthians and Kushanas began to invade India.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the Mauryan administration.
The Mauryan administration was a very well organised and vast system.
1. The King: The king was the head of the state and very powerful. He led his army in war, imparted justice, looked after the welfare of his people and levied taxes.

2. Council of Ministers: The king had council of ministers to help him. The ministers were known as mantris or Amatyas.

3. Officers: There were high officers like the crown prince, treasurer, collector-general of taxes, accountant-general and several directors of separate departments like forests, mines, foreign travellers, etc.

4. Provinces: The empire was divided into provinces and generally royal princes were appointed their governors. There were several officers like Rajuka, Mahamatra, Yukta, etc. in provinces.

5. Army: The Mauryan army was very strong and comprised of infantry, horses, elephants and chariots. It had naval force also.

6. Spy System: The spy system of the Mauryas was also very strong. Spies were sent to get the news of enemies and to keep an eye on people’s activities.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

Question 2.
What were the causes of the decline of the Mauryan Empire?
The Mauryan Empire lasted a little over a hundred years and after the death of Ashoka, it began to break up. Several causes were responsible for the decline of this great empire.

These causes were as follows:

  • The successors of Ashoka were weak and incapable. They became careless and could not control such a big empire like that of the Mauryan mighty rulers like Chandragupta, Bindusara, and Ashoka.
  • Due to weak administration, the officers became corrupt and autocratic. The income of the state was badly affected. It became difficult to maintain a strong and large army.
  • Due to an unstable Government, the Mauryan Empire broke into pieces.
  • The network of roads was neglected. This disrupted trade and contact between regions. The large army could not be maintained without the regular flow of revenue.
  • The Greek rulers invaded Punjab and further weakened the decaying administration of the Mauryas.
  • Pushyamitra Sunga murdered the last Mauryan king Brihadratha and became the ruler of Patliputra.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Components of Food

Science Guide for Class 6 PSEB Components of Food Intext Questions and Answers

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 12)

Question 1.
What happens when we add few drops of iodine solution to raw potato?
The colour of potato turns blue-black on addition of Iodine drops.

Question 2.
What is the colour of Iodine solution?

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question 3.
Besides raw potato which other food items can be used for testing of starch?
Boiled rice, wheat flour, sweet potato and sugar cane.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 13)

Question 1.
Name the chemicals used to test the presence of proteins in food.
Copper Sulphate (CUSO4) solution and Caustic Soda (NaOH) solution.

Question 2.
Name any two food items containing protein.
Boiled egg and peas.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 15)

Question 1.
Why paper becomes translucent when we crush cashew on it?
Paper becomes translucent due to presence of oily patch.

Question 2.
Name any two food items that contain fats.
Cashew, groundnut, mustard seeds.

PSEB 6th Class Science Guide Components of Food Textbook Questions and Answers

Exercise – 1

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(a) We use ………………. solution to test the presence of starch.

(b) Potato, rice and wheat are rich sources of …………………
carbohydrates (starch)

(c) Citrus fruits mainly contain vitamin ……………….

(d) Anaemia is caused by deficiency of ………………

(e) Goitre is caused by deficiency of …………………..

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

2. Write True or False:

(a) Vitamin-D is synthesized when body is exposed to sunlight.

(b) We get calcium from milk and milk products.

(c) Pulses are chief sources of fats.

(d) Rice alone can provide all necessary nutrients to body.

(e) Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of vitamin A.

3. Match the Column A with Column B:

Column A Column B
1. Protein deficiency (a) Rickets
2. Vitamin A (b) Beri-Beri
3. Vitamin B (c) Scurvy
4. Vitamin C (d) Night blindness
5. Vitamin D (e) Kwashiorkor


Column A Column B
1. Protein deficiency (e) Kwashiorkor
2. Vitamin A (d) Night blindness
3. Vitamin B (b) Beri-Beri
4. Vitamin C (c) Scurvy
5. Vitamin D (a) Rickets

4. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Which of the following is rich source of Protein?
(a) Potato
(b) Mango
(c) Rice
(d) Moong Dal.
(d) Moong Dal

Question (ii)
Which of the following is essential for normal functioning of thyroid gland?
(a) Vitamin D
(b) Calcium
(c) Iodine
(d) Iron
(c) Iodine

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question (iii)
Anaemia is caused due to deficiency of :
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Calcium
(c) Iron
(d) Iodine
(c) Iron

Exercise – 2

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
What is balanced diet?
The diet that contains adequate amount of all the essential nutrients, roughage and water for proper growth and development of body is called Balanced diet.

Question (ii)
What are the chief sources of carbohydrates?
Bajra, jowar, rice, wheat, jaggery, mango, banana, potato, etc.

Question (iii)
Why are the proteins called body building foods?
Proteins are essential for growth and repair of body cells so foods rich in protein content are called body building foods.

Question (iv)
What is the importance of roughage for human body?
Roughage helps our body to get rid of indigestible food and prevents constipation. It also helps to retain water in food and growth of good bacteria in stomach.

Question (v)
Name any two food items containing fats.
Meat, eggs, fish, milk and milk products like butter, ghee etc.

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Why is water essential for life?
Water is essential for life because it helps us in absorption of nutrients from food. It also helps us to get rid of wastes from body in the form of urine and sweat.

Question (ii)
Name five types of nutrients that our body need.
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question (iii)
From where do we get vitamin C ? What can happen to human body due to the deficiency of vitamin C?
We get vitamin C from citrus fruits (Lemon, Orange), amla, tomato, broccoli, etc. Due to deficiency of vitamin see we suffer from a disease called scurvy. The main symptoms of this disease are bleeding gums.

Question (iv)
Fats and carbohydrates are called energy giving foods. Explain Why ?
These are called energy giving foods because these when digested release large amounts of energy needed for doing various activities.

7. Long Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
What are deficiency diseases? Write briefly about the diseases caused by deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates in human body.
The diseases caused due to shortage of nutrients in our diet for long time are called deficiency diseases. In other words, deficiency of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals results in certain diseases called deficiency diseases.

(1) Disease caused by deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates both is Marasmus. The main symptoms are dry skin, sunken eyes, prominent ribs, body becomes very lean, thin and weak enough that child may not be able to move.

(2) Disease caused by deficiency of proteins is Kwashiorkor. The main symptoms are stunted growth, swelling of face, dry skin, retention of water in body, discolouration of hair.

Question (ii)
Discuss the importance of minerals for human body.
Minerals are the components of food that we need for good health and proper growth of body. These do not provide energy to body. These are needed in very small quantities. Iron, Calcium, Iodine and Phosphorus are important minerals for our body. Their deficiency can cause some disease.

It is important mineral needed by our body for formation of haemoglobin in body. Main sources of iron are leafy vegetables, fruits, jaggery, etc. Its deficiency can cause anaemia.

It is important mineral needed by our body for formation of bones. Main sources of calcium are Milk and milk products, eggs, etc. Its deficiency can cause weak bones and tooth decay.

It is important mineral needed by our body for providing strength to bones and teeth. Main sources of phosphorus are milk, cheese, banana, bajra, nuts, etc. Its deficiency can cause weak bones and tooth decay.

It is important mineral needed by our body for normal functioning of thyroid gland. Main sources of iodine are iodised Salt, Sea food, Green leafy vegetables, etc. Its deficiency can cause goitre disease. The main symptom of this disease is enlargement of gland in neck (Thyroid).

Question (iii)
What are vitamins? Discuss the importance of different types of vitamins for human body.
Vitamins are essential for proper functioning of our body. Like minerals they are also required in very small quantity and also do not provide any energy to body. We need many vitamins like A, B, C, D, E and K.

Vitamin A.
The main sources are eggs, meat, milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, carrots, papya, etc. It is needed for maintaining healthy eyes and skin. Its deficiency can cause night blindness.

Vitamin B.
The main sources are milk, green vegetables, peas, eggs, cereals, mushrooms etc. It is needed for normal growth and functioning of central nervous system, digestive system. Its deficiency can cause beri-beri disease.

Vitamin C.
The main sources are milk, citrus fruits (lemon, orange), amla, tomato, broccoli, etc. It helps us to increase our immunity and fight against different diseases. Its deficiency can cause scurvy or bleeding gums disease.

Vitamin D.
The main sources are dairy products, fish liver oil, exposure to sunlight, etc. It is required for healthy bones and teeth. Its deficiency can cause rickets disease.

Vitamin E.
The main sources are nuts such as almonds, peanut, vegetable oils such as sunflower and soybean oils, leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, etc. It protects cells from damage, and help in lowering a variety of health problems.

Vitamin K.
The main sources are green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, turnip, mustard, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage), fish, meat, eggs, and cereals (contain smaller amounts), etc. It is needed for blood clotting.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

PSEB 6th Class Science Guide Components of Food Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Number of important nutrients of food needed by our body is :
(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Ten.
(c) Five

Question 2.
Which is not an energy giving food
(a) Water
(b) Roughage
(c) Vitamins
(d) All
(d) All

Question 3.
It is needed for testing protein in a food material :
(a) A solution of Copper Sulphate and Caustic soda
(b) Nitric acid
(c) Iodine
(d) All of these
(a) A solution of Copper Sulphate and Caustic soda

Question 4.
Iodine is used for testing :
(a) Carbohydrates (sugar)
(b) Protein
(c) Vitamin
(d) Water
(a) Carbohydrates (sugar)

Question 5.
Milk Contains nutrients :
(a) Water
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Proteins
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these

Question 6.
Lime, Amla are source of :
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Minerals
(c) Proteins
(d) Vitamin-C.
(d) Vitamin-C

Question 7.
Fats are tested by :
(a) Salt
(b) Taste
(c) Rubbing on paper
(d) Using iodine solution.
(c) Rubbing on paper

Question 8.
Deficiency of Vitamin D causes :
(a) Scurvy
(b) Beri-Beri
(c) Rickets
(d) Goitre.
(c) Rickets

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question 9.
Weak eye sight is symptom of :
(a) Scurvy
(b) Anaemia
(c) Rickets
(d) Night blindness.
(d) Night blindness

Question 10.
Food which contains all the nutrients in proper amounts is known as :
(a) Good diet
(b) Complete diet
(c) Balanced diet
(d) Healthy diet.
(c) Balanced diet

Question 11.
Play role in protecting body against diseases.
(a) Minerals
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Fats
(d) Vitamins.
(d) Vitamins.

Fill in the Blanks:

(a) The components of food needed by our body are called ……………….

(b) The fibrous indigestible material present in food is termed as ……………….

(c) Simple tests can be done for presence of …………….., …………… and …………………
carbohydrates, fats, proteins

(d) To conduct test some chemicals like …………….., ……………..and caustic soda are needed.
iodine solution, copper sulphate

(e) ……………… and …………….. are the carbohydrates found in food.
starch, sugar

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

(f) Carbohydrates and fats provide ……………. to the body.

(g) …………… …………….. help in protecting the body against diseases.

(h) Proteins are body ……………… foods.

(i) Different types of vitamins are …………….., ………….. ,………………. ,……………. and …………..
A, B, C, D, E, K

(j) Besides different nutrients, water and ………….. are also needed by the body.
Dietary fibres

(k) Roughage / dietary fibres helps body to get rid of …………….. food.

(l) Diseases caused by …………….. of a nutrient is called deficiency disease.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

(m) Vitamin C gets easily destroyed by …………… during cooking.

Write (T) against True and (F) against False statement:

(a) We need only three important nutrients in our food.

(b) Iodine in a food item cannot be easily tested.

(c) Copper sulphate is used for testing proteins in the food.

(d) Fatty substances leave patchy marks on the surfaces on which they are kept or wrapped.

(e) Proteins protect the body from diseases.

(f) Only a single vitamin B is present in the body.

(g) Leafy vegetables are source of roughage.

(h) Milk and eggs are source of minerals.

(i) Goitre is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin C.

(j) Rickets is a disease in which teeth decay quickly.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

(k) Anaemia is a disease in which body weakens up due to lack of Iron.

(l) Lack of vitamin B is cause of Beri-Beri.

(m) Kwashiorkar is caused due to deficiency of vitamin A.


Match the following items given in column A with that in column B :

Column A Diseases caused Column B Deficiency of
(1) PEM Vitamin A
(2) Beri-Beri Vitamin D
(3) Scurvy Vitamin B
(4) Goitre Roughage
(5) Rickets Proteins
(6) Night blindness Vitamin C
(7) Constipation Iodine

(1) PEM – Proteins
(2) Beri-Beri – Vitamin B
(3) Scurvy – Vitamin C
(4) Goitre – Iodine
(5) Rickets – Vitamin D
(6) Night Blindness – Vitamin A
(7) Constipation – Roughage.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which are the important nutrients required for providing energy to our body for doing various activities?
Carbohydrates and fats.

Question 2.
Which nutrient of food is body building?
Protein is body building nutrient of food.

Question 3.
Which nutrients act as protective food?
Vitamins and minerals.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question 4.
Which is more energy rich nutrient – fat or carbohydrates?

Question 5.
Name diseases caused due to deficiency of vitamin ‘C’ and vitamin ‘D”.
Vitamin ‘C’ – Scurvy, Vitamin ‘D’ – Rickets

Question 6.
Which foods are rich in fats?
Oil, butter, ghee etc.

Question 7.
Which nutrient is present in Sugar, Potato and cereals?

Question 8.
What is effect of excess water in food material?
Excess water helps in dissolving minerals.

Question 9.
Why should we not wash rice and dais repeatedly?
This will cause loss of vitamins and minerals.

Question 10.
Which chemical is used for Testing Starch in food?
Iodine solution.

Question 11.
What happens when copper sulphate solution and sodium hydroxide solution are added to a food material containing proteins ?
Appearance of violet colour.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question 12.
How are deficiency diseases prevented?
By taking balanced diet.

Question 13.
What is the cause of kwashiorkar and marasmus?
Deficiency of protein causes kwashiorkar whereas deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates both causes marasmus.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
List few sources of proteins and carbohydrates.
(i) Sources of Proteins :
(a) Plant sources : Peas, Soyabean, Grains.
(b) Animal sources : Milk, Fish, Meat.

(ii) Sources of Carbohydrates : Sugarcane, Potato, Beetroots, Mango, Papaya, Banana, Maize.

Question 2.
List few sources of vitamins and fats.
(i) Sources of Vitamins : milk, liver, grains, fruit, butter, egg, leafy vegetables.
(ii) Sources of Fats : Ghee, Butter, Oil, Cream.

Question 3.
What are deficiency diseases?
Deficiency disease. Diseases that occur due to deficiency of one or more nutrients over a long period are called deficiency diseases. Anaemia, Rickets, Scurvy and Goitre are examples of deficiency diseases.

Question 4.
How will you test carbohydrates, and proteins present in the food?
We can test carbohydrate by using iodine solution test. Here we observe that the colour of carbohydrate turns blue-black on addition of Iodine drops.
We can test presence of protein by adding two drops of Copper Sulphate (CUSO4) and 10 drops of Caustic Soda (NaOH) solution to the test tube.

Question 5.
Why is roughage important for us ?
Roughage is important for us because it

  1. regulates the process of digestion.
  2. controls the bowel movements.
  3. increases the bulk of bowels.
  4. prevents constipation.

Question 6.
We must take foods that provide us vitamins, why ?
We must take foods that provide us vitamins because these

  1. help to digest food.
  2. keep the skin healthy.
  3. keep teeth, joints and gums healthy.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question 7.
Why are proteins better known as body building food ?
Proteins. These are known as a body building food as they help in growth, repair and maintenance of the body.

Question 8.
What are different types of carbohydrates ?
We have two types of carbohydrates. These are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, etc. are examples of simple carbohydrates. Starch, cellulose, etc. are examples of complex carbohydrates

Question 9.
Proteins are very important for us. Justify the statement.
Proteins are very important for us because these play very important roles like proper growth and repair in our body. If we do not have enough protein in our diet then we may suffer from problems like kwashiorkor and marasmus.

Question 10.
Why vitamins are essential for our body ?
Need of vitamins for human body. Vitamins are essential because :

  1. They help to digest food.
  2. They keep the skin and mouth healthy.
  3. They keep teeth, gums and joints healthy.

Question 11.
What are the main sources of vitamin C and vitamin D ?
Sources of vitamins. Vitamin C is found in all citrus fruits and many fresh vegetables. Vitamin D is found in fish, oil, eggs, milk and milk products.

Question 12.
Write the main difference between Vitamins and Minerals.
Differences between Vitamins and Minerals.

Vitamins Minerals
1. Vitamins are compounds which are present in our diet. 1. Minerals are inorganic salts which are present in our diet.
2. For example : Wheat, Rice, Milk, Citrus, fruit etc. are the sources of vitamins. 2. For example : Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Iodine etc.

Question 13.
What are carbohydrates ?
These are the main constituents of almost all our diets and our food components. Carbohydrates are energy food. They provide energy to our body to do work and play. In addition carbohydrates add flavour to our food. Many processed foods including breads, pizzas, burgers, noodles, jams etc. are rich in carbohydrates. Sugar and starch are pure carbohydrate.

Question 14.
What are the effects of fat in diet ?
Effects of excess fat in diet :

  • Obesity. Excessive deposition of fat on the tissues.
  • Digestive disturbances particularly in children.
  • Cholesterol accumulation/deposition around blood-vessel causing a disease arteriosclerosis and finally heart disease.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 2 Components of Food

Question 15.
What disease is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C ?
Deficiency of vitamin C causes Scurvy.
Example : A guinea pig has a disease of scurvy due to deficiency of vitamin C but when this vitamin was added to its diet, it became healthy and normal.

Question 16.
What is roughage ?
Roughage and its role.
Roughage is mainly a plant food. Flour, cereals, potatoes, fresh fruits and raw or cooked vegetables provide roughage in our body. Dried beans and peas are also good sources of fibres.

Question 17.
What happens to a person if the diet is deficient in both carbohydrates and proteins for a longer period of time ?
The growth may stop completely. Such a person becomes very lean, thin and so weak that he may not even be able to move.

Question 18.
Name three foods each rich in :
(i) Starch
(ii) Dietary Fibre
(iii) Fats and oils
(iv) Protein
(v) Sugar.
(i) Starch : Rice, wheat, bajra.
(ii) Dietary fibre : Spinach, cabbage, lady finger.
(iii) Fats and oils : Ghee, butter, groundnut, cheese.
(iv) Protein : Milk, meat, fish, egg.
(v) Sugar : Milk, banana, sugarcane.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain ‘balanced diet’.
Balanced diet.
A diet is said to be balanced when it provides the proper amount and proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, roughage and water to maintain a healthy body. A balanced diet should have the following three qualities :

  • It should be rich in various essential nutrients like minerals and vitamins.
  • It should provide just enough raw material needed for the growth, development, repair and replacement of tissues of the body.
  • It should provide proper energy required by the body.

Question 2.
Write the important functions of water in our body.
Important functions of water. The human body contains about 70% water. Water performs the following functions in our body :

  1. It transports food materials within the body.
  2. It helps in the formation of urine and faeces.
  3. It regulates our body temperature.
  4. It is essential part of blood and digestive juices.

Question 3.
Draw a table showing diseases / disorders caused by deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
Diseases / disorders caused by deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin/ Mineral Deficiency disease/disorder Symptoms
Vitamin A Loss of vision Poor vision, loss of vision in darkness (night), sometimes complete loss of vision.
Vitamin B Beri-beri Weak muscles and very little energy to work.
Vitamin C Scurvy Bleeding gums, wounds take a longer time to heal.
Vitamin D Rickets Bones become soft and bent.
Calcium Bone and tooth-decay Weak bones, tooth decay.
Iodine Goiter Glands in the neck appear swollen, mental disability in children.
Iron Anaemia Weakness

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development – Local Self Government

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Social Science Book Solutions Civics Chapter 21 Urban Development – Local Self Government Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 21 Urban Development – Local Self Government

SST Guide for Class 6 PSEB Rural Development and Local Self Government Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions in brief :

Question 1.
Write a short note on urban development after Independence.
After India’s Independence in 1947, urban areas in the country were developed at a fast pace, due to an increase in population. There was a shortage of agricultural land due to the increase in population in rural areas. Consequently, the villagers began to move cities for seeking employment. Besides, the lack of amenities like education and health also compelled the village people to go to urban areas. Modern means of transport and communication have also acted as a bridge between villages and cities. As a result, the village population in India has come down from 90% to 75%.

Due to the fast increasing population in urban areas, cities require more houses, much electricity, much clean drinking water, more means of transport, cleanliness, and disposal of garbage. So special attention is paid to urban development. This is the reason why there is an increase in the number of urban local institutions, viz., Nagar Panchayats, Municipal Committees and Municipal Corporations in India.

Question 2.
Name the urban Local Self-Institutions.
There are three urban local self-institutions.

They are :

  • Nagar Panchayat,
  • Municipal Committee (Council)
  • Municipal Corporation.

Question 3.
Why is city divided into wards on the basis of population?
Number of members of urban local institutions is fixed on the basis of population. Therefore, the whole city is divided, on the basis of almost equal population, into wards and one member is elected from each ward.

Question 4.
What age is required for the candidate to be a councillor?
The age of 21 years is required for the candidate to be a councillor.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 5.
What is town’s Local Self-Institution known as?
Local self-institution in a town is known as Nagar Panchayat or Nagar Council.

Question 6.
Name four officials of Municipal Corporation.
Four officials of Municipal Corporation are Commissioner, Health Officer, Education Officer and Chief Engineer.

Question 5.
Name any two sources of income of (urban) Local Self-Government.
Taxes, fees, government grants and loans are the four sources of income of (urban) local self-government.

Question 6.
What are your duties towards city Local Self-Government?
Our duties towards city local self-government are as follows:

  • We should help the local self-government of our city in its functioning.
  • We should make a proper use of the facilities like electricity and drinking water, provided by it.
  • We should help it in keeping the city clean. We should not spread rubbish in the city.
  • We should keep the environment neat and clean and also protect it.

Question 7.
Give two functions of Municipal Cpuncil or Corporation.
The following are two functions of Municipal Council or Corporation :
1. Compulsory Functions.

  • It sets up local hospitals and dispensaries.
  • It immunizes.children against smallpox, polio, tuberculosis, cholera, diptheria, etc.
  • It takes care of sanitation and cleanliness of the city. It maintains sewage system and removes rubbish and garbage.
  • It provides good roads and streets in its area and maintains them in good condition.
  • It provides primary schools and opens libraries, reading rooms, museums and adult education centres, etc.
  • It provides safety against fire.

2. Optional Functions:

  • It develops parks, gardens and playgrounds, etc.
  • It provides cheap and efficient bus service.
  • It maintains rest houses, children homes and senior citizen homes, etc.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 8.
Give two functions of District Administration.
Two functions of District Administration are given below :

  1. It maintains law and order in the district with help of the police.
  2. It maintains all the land records in the district and collects land revenue from the farmers.

II. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
Nagar Panchayat is set in a _______

Question 2.
Urban local self-government functions are looked after by _______
the State Government

Question 3.
To be a councillor, the candidate should be of _______ years of age.
21, 18

Question 4.
In each district, there are _______ types of courts.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 5.
An area changing from village to town is known as _______
transitional area.

III. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ in the brackets given after each statement :

Question 1.
A foreigner can cast his vote in the election of Municipal Corporation of your city.

Question 2.
There are 9 Municipal Corporations in Punjab.

Question 3.
The President of the Municipal Corporation is known as Mayor in Punjab.

Question 4.
The voter should be of 17 years for the election of local government.

Question 5.
Deputy Commissioner is the Chief Government official of the District Administration.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 6.
There ard district level officials of various departments to run the District Administration.

IV. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Which is the primary unit of local urban self¬government?
(a) Nagar Nigam
(b) Village Panchayat
(c) Nagar Panchayat.
(c) Nagar Panchayat.

Question 2.
Which name is given to the head of a Municipal Corporation (Nagar Nigam)?
(a) Pradhan
(b) Mayor
(c) Sarpanch.
(b) Mayor.

Question 3.
Who is the executive officer of Municipal Corporation?
(a) Superintendent
(b) Deputy Commissioner
(c) Commissioner.
(c) Commissioner.

Question 4.
Which of the following cities does not have Municipal Corporation?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Patiala
(c) Ropar
(d) Ludhiana
(e) Bathinda
(f) Jalandhar
(c) Ropar.

Question 5.
Which is the highest administrative officer of a district?
(a) D.E.O
(b) Police Commissioner
(c) D.P.R.O.
(d) Deputy Commissioner.
(d) Deputy Commissioner.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 6.
In big cities where the road is overcrowded, to reduce its crowd a road is built up over it. Which name is given to this over built up road?
(a) cycle rickshaw track
(b) underground subway
(c) link road
(d) fly over.
(d) fly over.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Guide Urban Development – Local Self Government Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Which of these is a part of Local Self-government for urban areas?
(A) Nagar Panchayat
(B) Municipalities
(C) Municipal Corporation
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 2.
Municipal Councils are generally set up in those cities whose population is more than
(A) 5,000
(B) 20,000
(C) 50,000
(D) 1,00,000.
(B) 20,000.

Question 3.
_______ are established in big cities.
(A) Municipal Councils
(B) Zila Parishads
(C) Nagar Panchayats
(D) Municipal Corporations.
(D) Municipal Corporations.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 4.
Elected representative of award is known as
(A) M.L.A.
(B) M.P.
(C) Ward Councillor
(D) None of these.
(C) Ward Councillor.

Question 5.
Which of these is the function of Municipal Corporation?
(A) Supply of water
(B) Scavenging and removal of waste
(C) Supply of electricity
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 6.
Which of these is the source of income for Municipal Corporation?
(A) Property tax
(B) Water and other services tax
(C) Entertainment tax
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

Question 7.
Who listens to the problems of local level?
(A) M.L.A.
(B) Ward Councillor
(C) M.P.
(D) D.C.
(B) Ward Councillor.

Question 8.
Which of these cities have Municipal Corporation?
(A) Delhi
(B) Mumbai
(C) Kolkata
(D) All of these.
(D) All of these.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 9.
Which of these cities don’t have Municipal Corporation?
(A) Chandigarh
(B) Chennai
(C) Meerut
(D) Lucknow.
(C) Meerut.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Who presides over the meetings of the Municipal Corporation?

Question 2.
Who is Municipal Commissioner?
Municipal Commissioner is a senior government employee who looks after the works of Municipal Corporation.

Question 3.
Give one point of difference between a Municipal Committee and a Municipal Corporation.
A Municipal Committee is formed in a small city, while a Municipal Corporation is formed in a big city.

Question 4.
How is the number of members in a Nagar Panchayat or Municipal Committee or Municipal Corporation determined?
The number of members in a Nagar Panchayat or Municipal Committee or Municipal Corporation is determined on the basis of population of the city.

Question 5.
How is the Mayor elected?
The Mayor is elected by the members of Municipal Corporation amongst themselves.

Question 6.
What is the major function of the District Administration?
The major function of the District Administration is to maintain law and order in the district.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 7.
Under whose charge are the health services in the district?
The health services in the district are under the charge of the District Civil Surgeon.

Question 8.
Which is the Highest court in the district?
The highest court in the district is the Court of the Sessions Judge.

Question 9.
Who is the highest police officer in the district?
The highest police officer in the district is the Police Commissoner.

Question 10.
What are the main types of litigations?
There are two types of litigations. These are civil litigations and criminal litigations.

Question 11.
When and where was the first Municipal Corporation established in India?
In India, the first Municipal Corporation was established in 1987 A.D. in Chennai.

Question 12.
What are two sources of income of Nagar Panchayats?
Two sources of income of Nagar Panchayats are :

  1. Grants from the State Government.
  2. Income from taxes like house tax, building tax, sales tax and vehicle tax, etc.

Question 13.
Name the cities of Punjab where Municipal Corporations are working.
Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala and Bathinda.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 14.
How many Municipal Corporations are there in India?
There are nearly 125 Municipal Corporations in India.

Question 15.
Into how many districts has Punjab been divided?
Punjab has been divided into 20 districts.

Question 16.
Name the three levels at which the District Administration works.

  1. District level,
  2. Tehsil/Block level,
  3. City/Town/Village level.

Question 17.
What is meant by Nagar Panchayat?
The local self-government which is formed in a town with a population of not more than 20,000 is known as Nagar Panchayat.

Question 18.
What is Municipal Corporation?
It is the highest institution of urban local self-government and is established in a large city with population in lacs.

Question 19.
Who is a Councillor?
Councillor a member of Municipal Council, Committee or a Corporation. He is elected at local level.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which are the local bodies working in urban areas?
Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Committee (Council) and Municipal Corporation are the local bodies working in urban areas.

  • Nagar Panch&yat: It works in a town where the population is not more than 20,000.
  • Municipal Committee (Council): It works in a city where the population is between 20,000 and one lac.
  • Municipal Corporation: It works in a city with a population of over one lac.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 2.
How is a Nagar Panchayat constituted?
The whole town is divided into wards and one member is elected from each ward. Every Nagar Panchayat has a President and a Vice-President. The President is elected directly by the people. The members nominate some experienced persons, called Aldermen. The Chief Administrative Officer of a Nagar Panchayat is the Chief Municipal Officer.

Question 3.
What are the main functions of a Nagar Panchayat?
The main functions of a Nagar Panchayat are as follows :

  • To prepare plans for the changing face of a village into a town.
  • To beautify the town and to give approval to improve the old houses.
  • To provide civic amenities like safe drinking water and electricity.
  • To construct and maintain roads and to provide parks, playgrounds and dispensaries.
  • To plant new trees to maintain and improve the environment.

Question 4.
How is a Municipal Committee (Council) formed?
The members of a Municipal Committee (Council) are elected by the people of the city. The number of these members depends upon the population of the city. This number usually varies from 9 to 29. For the purpose of election, the city is divided into wards and one member is elected from each ward. Some seats are reserved for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and women. Some other experienced members, known as Aldermen, are elected by the elected representatives of the Municipal Committee. Elected members of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and State Legislative Assembly are also members of the Municipal Committee. A President and a Vice-President are elected by the elected members from amongst themselves.

Question 5.
Discuss the composition of a Municipal Corporation.
Members of a Municipal Corporation are elected by the voters. The city is divided into wards and one member (councillor) is elected from each ward. Number of councillors is fixed on the basis of the population of the city. Members of State Legislative Assembly, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha of that area are also members of Municipal Corporation. The councillors elect a Mayor and a Deputy Mayor from amongst themselves. The term of Municipal Corporation is five years.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

Question 6.
Give the sources of income of a Municipal Committee and a Municipal Corporation.
The main sources of income of a Municipal Committee and a Municipal Corporation are as follows :

  • Taxes such as house tax, property tax, and entertainment tax.
  • Fees and fines from rickshaws and fees from approval of house plans, etc.
  • Loans and grants from the government.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the difference between a Municipal Committee and a Municipal Corporation?
The following are the main points of difference between a Municipal Committee and a Municipal Corporation:
1. A Municipal Committee is the local self-government of a small city. It is established in a city having a population of between twenty thousand and one lac.
A Municipal Corporation, on the other hand, is set up in a big city. It is formed in a city, the population of which is over one lac.

2. A Municipal Committee is less powerful as compared to a Municipal Corporation. A Municipal Corporation is the highest and most powerful institution of urban local self-government.

3. In Punjab, the number of elected members of a Municipal Committee is fixed at 9 to 29, whereas the number of elected members of a Municipal Corporation varies between 40 and 50.

Question 2.
What are the various functions performed by District Administration?
District Administration performs various types of functions at the district level. Several officers have been appointed in different government departments at the district level. All the officers assist Deputy Commissioner in performing the district-level functions.

The various functions performed by District Administration are as follows:
1. To maintain Law and Order: District Administration maintains law and order in the district. There are a Commissioner of Police, a Deputy Commissioner of Police, and Inspectors of Police to help the District Administration in this task.

2. Functions relating to Land Revenue: District Administration maintains all the land records and collects land revenue from the farmers.

3. Developmental Functions: All the developmental works in the district are carried out under the supervision of the Deputy Commissioner. Civic amenities such as health facilities, means of transport, education, maintenance of government buildings and roads are looked after by various departments.

4. Judicial Administration: There is a separate judicial administration in every district. The two kinds of litigation are dealt with by the two kinds of courts. Civil courts deal with matters relating to property and money, whereas criminal courts deal with cases like theft, murder, and criminal assault.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Science Guide for Class 6 PSEB Electricity and Circuits Intext Questions and Answers

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 124)

Question 1.
The part of the bulb which produces light is called ……………….
The part of the bulb which produces light is called a filament.

Question 2.
The electric bulb has ……………. terminals.
The electric bulb has two terminals.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 128)

Question 1.
What is the function of electric switch ?
The function of electric switch is to make (complete) or break the flow of current in the circuit.

Question 2.
In an electric circuit the circuit breaks when switch is in position.
In an electric circuit the circuit breaks when switch is OFF in position.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

PSEB 6th Class Science Guide Electricity and Circuits Textbook Questions and Answers

Exercise – 1

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(a) A device that is used to break or make an electric circuit is called …………….

(b) An electric bulb glows when …………… flows through it.

(c) ……………… are the materials through which electric current can pass.

(d) Current cannot pass through ……………..

2. Write True or False:

(a) Electric current can flow through metals.

(b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit.

(c) Electric current can pass through a pencil lead.

(d) When chemicals in dry cell are used up, it stops working.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

(e) Led based lamps are eco-friendly.

3. Match the Column A with Column B:

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 1
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 2

4. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Battery is a combination of:
(a) Conductors
(b) Insulators
(c) Electric cells
(d) Filaments.
(c) Electric cells

Question (ii)
The basic electric circuit needs to have:
(a) Only a source of electric current
(b) Only a few conducting wires
(c) Only a device or appliance
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above

Question (iii)
On passing current through an electric bulb, bulb starts emitting light because its:
(a) Filament starts emitting light and then gets heated up
(b) Thick connecting wires start emitting light and then get heated up
(c) Filament gets heated up and then starts emitting light
(d) Thick wires get heated up and then starts emitting light.
(c) Filament gets heated up and then starts emitting light

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
What is electric cell ?
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 3
Electric Cell.
It is a device used to produce electric current. In electric cell chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. An electric cell has two terminals positive ( + ) terminal and negative (-) terminal. The metal cap is the positive terminal of the cell while the metal disc is the negative terminal.

Question (ii)
What is Electric Current ?
Electric Current. The flow of charge per unit time is called electric current. Electric current flows from positive terminal to negative terminal outside the cell.

Question (iii)
What is Electric Circuit ?
Electric Circuit.
The arrangement between the two terminals of electric cell that provides complete path for flow of current is called electric circuit.
The diagram of an electric circuit is given in the above figure in which one electric cell is connected to bulb with the help of a switch. The bulb glows when the switch is in its “ON” position.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 4

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Tools like screw drivers and pliers, used by electricians have handles made up of plastic, rubber, wood. Why ?
Handles of electirical tools are made up of plastic, rubber or wood to provide insulation, so that the person/electrician can be safe from electrical shock.

Question (ii)
Why should we dry our hands before touching an electric appliance or a switch ?
We should not touch electric gadgets live open wires or electric switches with wet hands because in such situation we can get electric shock due to easy flow of current. This may prove fatal in some cases. So we should dry our hands before touching electric appliance or a switch.

Question (iii)
A student while performing an experiment in the science lab, connected an electric bulb to an electric cell through an electric switch. He noticed that the bulb does not glow when the electric switch was set in its ON position. Mention any two reasons for this observation.
An electric bulb connected in an electric circuit with switch in its “ON’ position if does not glow there. There can be two possible reasons which are given here below :

  1. The filament of the bulb may be broken or the bulb may be fused. If it is so then the electric circuit will not become complete resulting in not glowing of the bulb.
  2. The connecting wires may have been left loose at same point.

Question (iv)
Distinguish between the terms conductors and insulators of electricity. Give two examples of each type.
Conductors. Those substances which allow electric current to pass through them are called conductors of electricity e.g. copper wire, key made of iron. Human body.
Insulators. Those substances (materials) which do not allow current to pass through them are called insulators e.g. Rubber, Plastic and Wood.

Question (v)
Explain why the bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown at below.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 5
We know that the bulb would light up when the electric cell starting from one terminal of the cell and ending at the other terminal of the cell is complete so that there is a continuous flow of current. In the present set up we find the elpctric circuit is incomplete (broken) and this is why the electric bulb does not glow.

Question (vi)
Match the labels with the correct parts of the circuit given below :
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 6

  1. Switch (A device used for Making/Breaking a circuit).
  2. Cell (Provides Electric Current).
  3. Electric Bulb (Device which Lights up).

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

7. Long Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Using the “conduction tester” on an object it was found that the bulb begins to glow. Is that object conductors or insulator. Explain.
Because with this object the bulb begins to glow showing that the electric current is flowing in the circuit i.e. The electric circuit is complete. This can be possible only when the material of the object allows the current to flow through it and we know that only conductors allow current to flow through them. Therefore, the object is a conductor.

Question (ii)
The handles of the tools like screw drivers and pliers used by electrician for repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain why ?
The handles of tools used by electrician for repair work usually have handles made of plastic, rubber or wood. These covers are of non-conducting material and therefore, do not allow current to pass through them. So such handles protect electricians from getting electric shock.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Science Electricity and Circuits Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
A device which is used to break the circuit is:
(a) Electric cells
(b) Switch
(c) Electric bulb
(d) None of these.
(b) Switch

Question 2.
An electric cell has terminals:
(tt) Three
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) None of these.
(c) Two

Question 3.
To make electric wires is used :
(a) Rubber
(b) Aluminium
(c) Plastic
(d) None of these.
(b) Aluminium

Question 4.
In electric cell the source of current is:
(a) Positive terminal
(b) Negative terminal
(c) Chemical stored in it
(d) None of these.
(c) Chemical stored in it

Question 5.
In an electric circuit the direction of current in a cell is
(a) from positive to negative terminal
(b) from negative to positive terminal
(c) for half time from positive to negative terminal and for other half time from negative to positive terminal.
(d) None of these.
(a) from positive to negative terminal

Question 6.
A subsance through which electric current can flow is :
(a) Conductor
(b) Insulator
(c) Electric circuit
(d) None of these.
(a) Conductor

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Question 7.
Cell is a device used to convert:
(a) electrical energy into light energy
(b) magnetic energy into electric energy
(c) chemical energy into electrical energy
(d) None of these.
(c) chemical energy into electrical energy

Question 8.
The filament of electric bulb is made of ……………
(a) Tungsten
(b) Copper
(c) Platinum
(d) Aluminium.
(a) Tungsten

Question 9.
What is the name of a device used for making or breaking an electric circuit ?
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 7
(a) cell
(b) wire
(c) bulb
(d) switch.
(d) switch

Fill in the Blanks:

(a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called …………… .

(b) An electric cell has ……………… terminals.

(c) The bulb glows in the circuit when the circuit is …………… .

(d) Our body is a ……………….. of electricity.

(e) Electric cell is a source of ……………….. .

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Write (T) against true and (F) against false statements:

(a) Electric current can flow through matals.

(b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit.

(c) Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermocol.

(d) Switch can only break a circuit.

(e) Electric current can pass through human body.

Match the Column:

Match the items in Column A with items in Column B.

Column A Column B
(1) Electric cell Electric Insulators
(2) Bakelite To protect themselves from electric shock
(3) Electric wires Source of electric current
(4) Electricians use rubber gloves Copper

(1) – Source of electric current,
(2) – Electric Insulators,
(3) – Copper,
(4) – To protect themselves from electric shock.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the source of electric current on a torch ?
In a torch electric energy is obtained from chemicals stored in the cell.

Question 2.
Where is electric cell used ?
Electric cell is used in alarm clocks, hand watch, Radio, Camera and other devices.

Question 3.
What is the positive terminal of electric cell ?
Carbon rod is the positive terminal of electric cell.

Question 4.
What is the negative terminal of cell ?
Zinc disc is the negative terminal of electric cell.

Question 5.
When does electric cell stop working ?
When the chemicals stored in the cell are consumed up. the cell stops doing work.

Question 6.
What is filament of bulb made of ?
The thin metallic wire which gives out light is called filament.

Question 7.
What do the two terminals of Electric cell or electric bulb represent ?
Two terminals of Electric bulb or electric cell represent positive terminal and negative terminal.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Question 8.
If you connect wires connected to two terminals of the cell to a switch and device like bulb then what will happen ?
By doing so the chemicals stored in the cell would be used up.

Question 9.
What is Electric circuit ?
Electric Circuit. It is the complete path between the two terminals of the cell for continuous flow of current.

Question 10.
What is the direction of flow of current in an electric circuit ?
In an electric circuit, the direction of flow of current is from positive terminal to negative terminal of electric cell.

Question 11.
When does electric bulb fuse ?
When the filament of the bulb is broken, then electric circuit does not become complete and as a result the bulb does not glow than the bulb is said to have become fused.

Question 12.
What is Switch ?
Switch. It is a simple device which is used to make or break electric circuit.

Question 13.
What type of material can be used to complete electric circuit ?
For making electric circuit electric conducting materials can be used.

Question 14.
List three such materials which are conductors of electricity.

  1. Keys
  2. Alpins
  3. Aluminium strip metal.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Question 15.
Name four electric insulating materials.

  1. Cork
  2. Rubber
  3. Glass
  4. Block of wood.

Question 16.
Which metal is used for making electric wires ?
Ordinarily copper and Aluminium metals are used for making electric wires.

Question 17.
Is our body a conductor or Insulator ?
Human body is conductor of electricity. Therefore, we should not touch uncovered open wires.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the various tasks for which we can use electricity ?
Uses of electricity :

  • We light our homes with electricity.
  • Electricity helps us to run fan, refrigerator, television and other devices.
  • Electricity can also work telephones and computers.

Question 2.
Why should an electrician use gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home ? Explain.
Electricians use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch as rubber is an insulator and current cannot pass through it. So electrician uses rubber gloves while carrying out electrical repairs without getting electric shock.

Question 3.
What is the purpose of using an electric switch ? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.
Switches are used to light up an electric bulb and to work other electric devices. Switches used at homes work on same principle but they have complex designs. T.V., computer, automatic electric iron have switches built into them.

Question 4.
Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in the figure; if instead of safety pin we use eraser ?
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 8
No the bulb will not glow because eraser is a non-conducting (insulating) material which does not allow the current to pass through it and complete electric circuit.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Question 5.
Would the bulb light up in the circuit shown in the figure ?
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 9
Yes, as the current flows easily because wire is connected directly and properly and moreover the circuit is complete.

Question 6.
Pick out conductors and insulators from the following:
Coin, cork, Glass, Rubber, Keys, Pin, Plastic scale, Wooden block, Aluminium foil, Candle, Sewing needle, Thermocol, Paper and Lead of pencil.
Conductors. Coin, Keys, Pin, Aluminium foil, Sewing needle, pencil lead.
Insulators. Cork, Rubber, Glass, Plastic scale, Wooden block, Thermocol, Candle, Paper.

Question 7.
Why are metals used for making wire ?
Metals are good conductors of electricity therefore, metals are used for making wires. Usually copper and aluminium, metals are used to make wires.

Question 8.
Why should we not keep connected the wires attached to the terminal of an electric cell to the bulb ?
The wires attached to the two terminals of cell should not be kept connected to the bulb and devices like switch. If we will do so then the chemicals stored in the cell will be consumed quickly and the cell will stop working as a result of this.

Question 9.
What is the direction of electric current in an electric circuit ?
In an electric circuit the direction of electric current will be from positive terminal (+) of the cell to its negative terminal (-) as shown in the figure. When the terminals of electric bulb are joined to the terminals of the cell with the help of connecting wires, then electric current flows through the filament of the bulb and the bulb lights up.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 10

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Explain the construction and working of an electric bulb.
Electric bulb.
It is an electric device that provides light when an electric current is passed through it.
A bulb has an outer case of glass that is fixed on a metallic base as shown in the figure. A thin wire is fixed in the middle of the glass case which gives off light. This thin wire is called the filament. This filament is fixed to two other thick wires to provide support to the filament. One of two thick wires is connected to the metal case at the base of the bulb. The other thick wire is connected to the metal base. The base and the metal tip at the base are the two terminals of the bulb. These two terminals are so placed that they do not touch each other.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 11
On connecting the bulb in an electric circuit electric current begins to flow through the filament of the bulb as a result of which the filament first becomes hot and then on more heating the temperature increases and it becomes red hot and ultimately white-hot and starts emitting light.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Science Guide for Class 6 PSEB Fun with Magnets Intext Questions and Answers

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 135)

Question 1.
Materials attracted by a magnet are called ……………….
Materials attracted by a magnet are called magnetic.

Question 2.
Materials not attracted by a magnet are called ……………..
Materials not attracted by a magnet are called Non-magnetic.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 136)

Question 1.
A freely suspended bar magnet always points towards direction:
(a) North-South (b) East-West
A freely suspended bar magnet always points towards direction : North-South

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 138)

Question 1.
The poles of a bar magnet are ……………… to its ends. (near/far)
The poles of a bar magnet are near to its ends.

Question 2.
Bar magnet has ……………… poles.
Bar magnet has two poles.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 139)

Question 1.
Magnetic compass is a device to find the ……………. of earth, (directions/time)
Magnetic compass is a device to find the directions of earth.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 140)

Question 1.
Like poles of two magnets ……………. each other. (Repel, Attract)
Like poles of two magnets repel each other.

Question 2.
Unlike poles of two magnets …………… each other. (Repel, Attract)
Unlike poles of two magnets attract each other.

PSEB 6th Class Science Guide Fun with Magnets Textbook Questions and Answers

Exercise – 1

Fill in the Blanks:

(a) Magnetite is ……………… magnet.

(b) Plastic is not a ……………… material.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

(c) A magnet has ………………. poles.

(d) The poles of a bar magnet are at its ………………

(e) ………………. is used for finding directions on earth.

2. Write True or False:

(a) Poles of a magnet can be separated.

(b) A magnet does not attract glass material.

(c) Magnet can damage memory devices.

(d) Magnetic compass always points towards East-West direction.

(e) Magnets lose their property on hammering.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

3. Match the Column A with Column B:

Column A Column B
1. Wood (a) Repel
2. Iron (b) Natural Magnet
3. North pole-North pole (c) Non-magnetic material
4. Magnetite (d) Attract
5. North pole-South pole (e) Magnetic material


Column A Column B
1. Wood (c) Non-magnetic material
2. Iron (e) Magnetic material
3. North pole-North pole (a) Repel
4. Magnetite (b) Natural Magnet
5. North pole-South pole (d) Attract

4. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Non-magnetic material is:
(a) Iron
(b) Needle
(c) Paper
(d) None of them.
(c) Paper

Question (ii)
Which can be converted into magnet
(a) Eraser
(b) Iron Nail
(c) Wooden bar
(d) None of these.
(b) Iron Nail

Exercise – 2

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Write name of any two things used in our daily life that contains magnet.
Things containing magnet in daily use : (1) Door Closer (2) Sticker (Chipko).

Question (ii)
When a bar magnet is placed on iron filings, where the filings will be attracted more ?
When a bar magnet is placed on iron filings, the iron filings are attracted more at the poles of the magnet. This happens because a magnet has more attractive power at its poles.

Question (iii)
What is a Artificial Magnet ?
Artificial Magnet. A magnet made by a man in the laboratory is called Artificial Magnet.

Question (iv)
Write any two properties of magnet ?
Properties of Magnet :

  1. A magnet when freely suspended always sets itself in North-South direction.
  2. Every magnet has two poles : (a) North pole and the other (b) South pole which cannot be separated.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
What is a magnet ? Name the poles of magnet.
Magnet. A substance which attracts iron and substances made of iron towards itself, is called Magnet. Every magnet has two poles : (1) North pole and (2) South pole. These two poles cannot be separated.

Question (ii)
Give three reasons by which a magnet loses its property.
Reasons by which a magnet loses its property :

  1. By heating a magnet
  2. By striking a magnet with hammer
  3. Dropping a magnet from height
  4. By not properly storing a magnet.

Question (iii)
What is a compass ? For what purpose it is used ?
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets 1
Magnetic compass.
It is an instrument which is used to determine the geographical directions of earth. It has a small magnetic needle enclosed in a plastic or aluminium circular box and is supported on a vertical axis. The needle can freely rotate in a horizontal direction freely.

The north pole of the needle is painted red to distinguish it from the other pole.
Geographical direction are marked on the dial of the compass.

Question (iv)
What are magnetic and non-magnetic materials ? Give examples.
Magnetic materials.
Those substances which are attracted towards magnet, are called magnetic materials. As for example Iron, Cobalt and Nickle.

Non-magnetic materials.
Those materials which are not attracted towards magnet are called Non-magnetic materials e.g. Wood, Plastic, Paper and Cloth.

7. Long Answer Type Question:

Question (i)
How will you make your own magnet from a given strip of iron ? Describe.
Method of making Iron strip a magnet (By Rubbing)
Take an iron strip. Place it on a table. Now take a bar magnet and place one of its pole on one end of the strip. Now without lifting the magnet rub it gently along the length of the strip to its other end. Now lift the magnet and bring the same pole of the magnet to the previous end of the strip. Rub the magnet as before. Repeat this process 30-40 times. Now to test whether the iron strip has become magnet or not, bring some alpins or some iron filings near one of its ends. If alpins/iron filings are attracted then the given iron strip has become magnet otherwise not. If not, then continue the process of rubbing till it acquires magnetism. Note that the rubbing pole and the direction of rubbing the strip does not change.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets 2

Precautions : (1) The direction of rubbing with magnet has to be the same.
(2) While rubbing the pole of the magnet should remain the same everytime.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Question (ii)
Give some uses of magnets in our daily life.
Uses of magnets in daily life :

  1. Magnet is used in hard disc of computers which we use daily.
  2. Magnets are used in TV, speakers and radios magnet and coil used in speakers convert electric signals into sound.
  3. These are used in generators which change mechanical energy into electric energy. In some other type of motors magnets are used to convert electric energy into mechanical energy.
  4. Electrically charged magnets in cranes help to lift heavy iron loads and carry them from one place to another place which cannot be done by human labour.
  5. Magnets are used in filter machines where are is separated from crushed rock pieces.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Science Fun with Magnets Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question (i)
A magnet has poles :
(a) Three
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) None of these.
(c) Two

Question (ii)
A magnet attracts :
(a) Iron
(b) Rubber
(c) Glass
(d) Wood.
(a) Iron

Question (iii)
On suspending a magnet freely it always stays in:
(a) North-West direction
(b) North-East direction
(c) North-South direction
(d) None of these.
(c) North-South direction

Question (iv)
A magnet made from iron is called:
(a) Artificial magnet
(b) Natural magnet
(c) Spherical ended magnet
(d) None of these.
(a) Artificial magnet

Question (v)
To preserve the properties of a magnet the pairs of magnet should be with:
(a) similar poles near each other
(b) dissimilar poles near each other
(c) poles struck with hammer
(d) none of these.
(b) dissimilar poles near each other

Question (vi)
For ascertaining direction is used :
(a) Magnous rod
(b) Non-magnetic substances
(c) Compass
(d) None of these.
(c) Compass

Question (vii)
In which part of the magnet, the force of attraction is maximum ?
(a) At the ends
(b) In the middle
(c) Between the end and the centre of magnet
(d) None of these.
(a) At the ends

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Question (viii)
The similar poles of the magnet mutually :
(a) attract each other
(b) repel each other
(c) neither attract nor repel
(d) none of these.
(b) repel each other

Question (ix)
Between dissimilar poles of a magnet there is :
(a) Attraction
(b) Repulsion
(c) Neither attraction nor repulsion
(d) None of these.
(a) Attraction

Fill in the Blanks:

(a) Artificial magnets are made in different shapes such as …………….. , …………… and ……………..
bar magnets, horse-shoe magnet, cylindrical,

(b) The materials which are attracted towards magnet are called ………………
Magnetic materials

(c) Paper is not a ……………. material.

(d) In olden days, sailor used to find direction by suspending a piece of ………………
Natural magnet (load stone)

(e) A magnet always has ……………… poles.

Write (T) against true and (F) against false Statements:

(a) A cylindrical magnet has only one pole.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

(b) Artificial magnets were discovered in Greece.

(c) Similar poles of a magnet repel each other.

(d) Maximum iron filings stick in the middle of a bar magnet when it is brought near them.

(e) Bar magnet always point towards North-South direction.

(f) A compass can be used to find East-West direction at any place.

(g) Rubber is a magnetic material.

Matching Match the following:

Column A Column B
(1) To find geographical direction at a place Natural magnet
(2) Two dissimilar poles Rubbing with a permanent magnet
(3) Freely suspended magnet stays Magnetic compass
(4) An iron needle becomes megnet Attract
(5) Magnetite North-South direction

(1) – Natural magnet,
(2) – Rubbing with a permanent magnet.
(3) – Magnetic compass,
(4) – Attract,
(5) – North-South direction

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Very short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Where are stickers (Chipko) generally used ?
Stickers are generally used in steel almirahs or refrigerators so that these do not open when not required.

Question 2.
Name some four common things which have magnet in them.

  1. Pin holder,
  2. Pencil box,
  3. Tape recorder and
  4. Radio.

Question 3.
Name the shepherd who first discovered natural magnet.

Question 4.
What is natural magnet ?
Natural magnet. Natural rock of magnetite found in the form of magnet is called natural magnet.

Question 5.
Name three magnetic substances.

  1. Iron
  2. Nickle
  3. Cobalt.

Question 6.
List four non-magnetic substances.

  1. Plastic
  2. Cloth
  3. Paper
  4. Wood.

Question 7.
How iron particles separated from a mixture of iron, sand and dust ?
Iron particles can be separated from the mixture with the help of a magnet.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Question 8.
Where do iron particles stick more at the middle of the poles of a magnet ?
Iron particles stick more at the poles of a magnet than in the middle.

Question 9.
In which direction a freely suspended magnet stays ?
A freely suspended magnet always stays in the North-South direction.

Question 10.
What is North pole of a magnet ?
The end of a freely suspended magnet which points towards the geographical North is called North pole of magnet.

Question 11.
What is South pole of a magnet ?
That end of a freely suspended magnet which points towards geographical South pole is called South pole of magnet.

Question 12.
Which property of magnet is used to determine the direction ?
A freely suspended magnet always points in N-S direction. This property is used to determine the direction.

Question 13.
Which instrument is used to find direction ?
Magnetic compass.

Question 14.
Do the like poles of two magnets attract or repel each other ?
Like poles of two magnets repel each other.

Question 15.
Do unlike poles of two magnets attract or repel each other ?
Unlike-poles of two magnets attract each other.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Question 16.
Where are poles of bar magnet situated ?
Poles of bar magnet are situated near its ends.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How was natural magnet discovered ?
It is believed that there was a shepherd named Magnes, who lived in ancient Greece. He used to take his herd of sheep and goats to the nearby mountains, for grazing. He would take a stick with him to control his herd. At one end of the stick there was a small piece of iron attached. One day while sitting on a rock, he was surprised to find that he had to pull hard to free his stick from that rock. He felt as if the stick was being attracted by the rock. Actually the rock was a natural magnet. This is how natural magnet was discovered. It was given the name magnetite after his own name.

Question 2.
What is magnet ? What are its different types ?
Magnet. A magnet is a substance which attracts iron and iron made things towards it. When freely suspended it points in the North-South direction.

Types of Magnets. Mainly it is of two types.
(i) Natural magnet and
(ii) Artificial magnet

(i) Natural magnet. A magnet found in the nature is called natural magnet. Magnetite is a natural magnet.

(ii) Artificial magnet. A man made magnet is called Artificial magnet. Artificial magnets are made in different shapes. For example Bar magnet, Horse-shoe shaped magnet, Ring magnet, cylinderical magnet, Ball ended magnet.

Question 3.
It was observed that a pencil sharpener gets attracted by both the poles of a magnet although its body is made of plastic. Name a material that might have been used to make some part of it.
The blade of sharpener is made of iron which is a magnetic material. Therefore, it is attracted by both poles of a magnet.

Question 4.
How will you separate iron particles from the sand or soil ?
Spread mixture of sand and iron particles on a piece of paper. Move a magnet through the mixture. Iron particles will stick to the magnet. In this way, iron particles can be separated from sand or soil.

Question 5.
Show that the strength of a magnet is more at the poles that in the middle.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets 3
Take a bar magnet and some iron fillings. Now spread iron filings on a sheet of a paper and then put the bar magnet on the filings. We will observe that iron filings are attracted by magnet most on the both ends of the magnet as shown in the figure.

This activity shows that the strength of the magnet is more at the poles than in the middle of it

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Question 6.
Column I shows different positions in which one pole of magnet is placed near that of other. Column II indicates the resulting action between them for each situation. Fill in the blanks.

Column I Column II
N – N ………………
N ………… Attraction
S – N …………..
…….. S Repulsion


Column I Column II
N – N Repulsion
N – S Attraction
S – N Attraction
S – S Repulsion

Question 7.
A bar magnet has no marking to indicate its poles. How would you find out near which end is its north pole located ?
Identifying poles of a magnet. Take a bar magnet with poles marked on it. Suspend it freely with a thread from a wooden stand. Now take the unmarked bar magnet. Bring its one pole towards the north pole of the magnet suspended from the wooden stand. If it attracts then -it is south pole otherwise it is north pole and the other pole will be south pole.

Question 8.
Write any four properties of a magnet.
Properties of a magnet.

  1. Magnet has two poles, which cannot be isolated.
  2. Magnet always rests in North-south direction when suspended freely.
  3. Like poles of a magnet repel each other while unlike pole attract each other.
  4. Magnet attracts magnetic substances like iron, cobalt, nickel etc.
  5. When a magnetic substance is rubbed with magnet, it also becomes a magnet.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is artificial magnet ? Give one method of making an artificial magnet.
Artificial magnet. A magnet made by man is called artificial magnet. It can be of different shapes e.g.
(i) Bar magnet (ii) Horse shoe shaped (U-shaped) magnet (iii) cylinderical magnet.
Method of making an artificial magnet.
Method of making Iron strip a magnet (By Rubbing)
Take an iron strip. Place it on a table. Now take a bar magnet and place one of its pole on one end of the strip. Now without lifting the magnet rub it gently along the length of the strip to its other end. Now lift the magnet and bring the same pole of the magnet to the previous end of the strip. Rub the magnet as before. Repeat this process 30-40 times. Now to test whether the iron strip has become magnet or not, bring some alpins or some iron filings near one of its ends. If alpins/iron filings are attracted then the given iron strip has become magnet otherwise not. If not, then continue the process of rubbing till it acquires magnetism. Note that the rubbing pole and the direction of rubbing the strip does not change.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets 2

Precautions : (1) The direction of rubbing with magnet has to be the same.
(2) While rubbing the pole of the magnet should remain the same everytime.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Question 2.
Show experimentally that like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other.
Experiment to show like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other. Take two bar magnets. Suspend one of these bar magnets by a string at some distance away from the other magnet and mark its north and south poles. Now, hold the first magnet in your hand and brings its north pole close to each pole of the suspended magnet, one by one. Repeat the same experiment now with the south pole of the bar magnet held in your hand. You will observe that the north poles of the two magnets, repel one another. The same is true for their south poles. However, the north pole of one magnet attracts the south pole of the other and vice-versa.

The observations can be summarised in the following way:
Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets 4

Question 3.
What is a magnetic compass ? Explain it.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets 5
This is a device which is used to find the directions. It is based on principle that a magnet always rests in North-South direction when suspended freely.

A magnetic compass consists of a small magnet pivoted at its centre so that it can rotate freely about that pointed in the horizontal plane. Its north pole is generally paintd red and is enclosed in a small box of aluminium having a glass cover. Its needle always comes to rest in north-south direction. It is used to find directions at any place. Fig. Magnetic Compass

Question 4.
How are magnets’ safety preserved?
If the magnets are not kept properly, they get weaken with time. To store magnets safely the following arrangement should be made.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets 6
1. The opposite poles should be kept near each other with a strip of wood in between them and also place some soft iron pieces near their ends.
2. To store a horseshoe magnet place a soft iron piece in between its poles.
Keep your magnets away from Cassettes Mobiles, Televisions, Music systems, CDs, Computer, etc.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

PSEB 6th Class Science Guide The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks :

(a) The respiratory organs of fish are ………………

(b) Environment consist of ……………. and ……………… component.
Biotic and Abiotic

(c) Sunlight is ………………. component of a habitat.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

(d) Animals that live on land are called …………………
Terrestrial animals

(e) All ……………….. beings show growth and reproduction.

2. Write True or False:

(a) Cactus carry out photosynthesis using their stems.

(b) A camel’s hump stores food and water.

(c) All green plants are consumers.

(d) Biotic components consist of water, air and soil.

3. Match the Column A with Column B:

Column A Column B
1. Main source of energy on earth (a) Plants or animals
2. Arboreal (b) Waxy coating on stem
3. Cactus (c) Monkey
4. Biotic components (d) The sun.


Column A Column B
1. Main source of energy on earth (d) The sun
2. Arboreal (c) Monkey
3. Cactus (b) Waxy coating on stem
4. Biotic components (a) Plants or animals.

4. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Abiotic components include:
(a) Air, water, plants
(b) Air, water, soil
(c) Plants and animals
(d) Soil, plants, water.
(c) Plants and animals

Question (ii)
Cactus is a ……………..
(a) Xerophyte
(b) Decomposer
(c) Hydrophyte
(d) Herb.
(a) Xerophyte

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question (iii)
…………….. have a streamlined body.
(a) Earthworms
(b) Tigers
(c) Fishes
(d) Polar bears.
(b) Tigers

Question (iv)
Organisms living in water are called ……………….. animals.
(a) Aquatic
(b) Terrestrial
(c) Xerophytes
(d) Aerial.
(a) Aquatic

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Define habitat.
The place where living beings live is called Habitat.

Question (ii)
Define adaptation.
The ability of living things to adjust themselves to their surroundings is called adaptation.

Question (iii)
Give two examples -each of terrestrial and aquatic animals.
Terrestrial animals : Monkey, Human beings

Question (iv)
What are the producers ?
Organisms that can manufacture their own food are called producers.

Question (v)
What are biotic components ?
Living things like plants, animals, human beings and micro-organisms in a habitat are biotic components.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Define scavengers and decomposers.
Scavengers. The animals that feed on dead animals and help us in keeping our environment clean, e.g. vultures, dogs etc.

Decomposers. Micoorganisms which feed on dead bodies of plants and animals and break them into simple substances are called Decomposers.

Question (ii)
What are two adaptations of fish ?
Two adaptations of fish are :

  1. They have streamlined body to reduce resistance due to water.
  2. Fins in fish and flippers in whales help them in swimming.

Question (iii)
Which animal is called ‘ship of desert’ ? Write its two features.
Camel is known as ‘ship of desert’.

Question (iv)
What is Hibernation ? Give one example.
The long winter sleep of animals for survival is called Hibernation.
For example : Frogs, Lizards.

7. Long Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Write short notes on :
(1) Producers
(2) Consumers
(3) Decomposers.
(1) Producers. Organisms that can manufacture their own food are called producers. For example, green plants make their own food by photosynthesis.

(2) Consumers. Organisms that cannot prepare their own food but consume food pepared by green plants are consumers. They also obtain their food by eating other living or dead animals.

Types of Consumers :
(a) Primary Consumers or Herbivores. Animals that get their food directly from plants are Herbivores, e.g. cow, dear, goat etc.
(b) Secondary Consumers or Carnivores. They eat primary consumers, e.g. snakes, frog, lizard.
(c) Tertiary Consumers. They eat secondary consumers, e.g. lion, tiger, leopards etc.

(3) Decomposers. The microorganisms which fed on the dead bodies of plants and animals and break them into simple substances are caled Decomposers, e.g. Bacteria and fungi.

Question (ii)
Briefly describe the various types of habitats.
Types of Habitat. There are three main kinds of habitat :
(1) Terrestrial
(2) Aquatic and
(3) Aerial or Arboreal Habitat.

(1) Terrestrial habitat. The organisms that live on land are called Terrestrial organisms and their habitat is terrestrial habitat. Examples of terrestrial habitats are desert, grasslands, mountain.

(2) Aquatic (water) habitat. Organisms that live in lakes, ponds, rivers and oceans are aquatic organisms and their habitats are aquatic habitat. Examples of aquatic habitats are Oceans, seas, certain lakes etc.

(3) Aerial or Arboreal habitat. Organisms that live in air are called aerial or arboreal animals and their habitats are called aerial or arboreal habitats. Most birds and winged animals are arboreal in habit. Organisms are adapted for aerial existence as no organism is bom in air.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question (iii)
Distinguish between living and non-living things.

Living things Non-living things
(1) Living things grow. (1) They do not grow.
(2) They show movement. (2) They never move.
(3) They can reproduce. (3) They cannot reproduce.
(4) Living things can respire. (4) They do not respire.
(5) Living beings need food. (5) They don’t feed.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Science The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Pick out living among following :
(a) Plough
(b) Mushroom
(c) Water
(d) Wool.
(b) Mushroom

Question 2.
The process by which waste materials of a body are thrown out, is:
(a) Digestion
(b) Excretion
(c) Reproduction
(d) None.
(b) Excretion

Question 3.
Gills are breathing organs of :
(a) Fishes
(b) Frog
(c) Flies
(d) None.
(a) Fishes

Question 4.
Pups of a dog grows into adult. This characteristic of living organisms is
(a) Reproduction
(b) Growth
(c) Respiration
(d) None
(b) Growth

Question 5.
Basic unit of life is:
(a) Tissue
(b) Organ
(c) Cell
(d) None
(c) Cell

Question 6.
Average life span of Bacteria is :
(a) Two days
(b) 20 minutes
(c) 10 seconds
(d) 20 seconds
(b) 20 minutes

Question 7.
Which of the following is a Decomposer ?
(a) Lion
(b) Deer
(c) Monkey
(d) Bacterium.
(d) Bacterium.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question 8.
Plants live on desert area are:
(a) Hydrophytes
(b) Xerophytes
(c) Aquatic
(d) None of the above
(b) Xerophytes

Question 9.
Which of the following has webbed feet for swimming ?
(a) Fishes
(b) Whales
(c) Jelly fish
(d) Duck.
(d) Duck.

Question 10.
Forelimbs are modified in :
(a) Animals
(b) Plants
(c) Birds
(d) None.
(c) Birds

Fill in the Blanks :

(a) In every habitat, there are many ……………… of various kinds.

(b) Bones are …………… in aerial organisms.

(c) Winter sleep by animals are called ……………….

(d) The plants live in water are ………………..

(e) In cactus plants, leaves are reduced to ……………….

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

(f) Lion and …………… are animals of ………………..
deer, grasslands

(g) Steamlined body is present in …………………

(h) Frogs have ……………….. feet to swim in water.

(i) The ability of animals to adapt themselves according to the environment is called ………………

(j) …………….. feed on dead animals.


(a) There is lot of water available in deserts.

(b) All animals cannot adapt themselves to their surroundings.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

(c) Sunlight and heat form biotic components of a habitat.

(d) Desert plants have deep roots for absorbing water.

(e) Snow leopard has no fur to cover its body.

(f) All living organisms excrete.

(g) Aquatic plants are found on the land.

(h) Frogs have strong back legs for jumping.

(i) Car, scooter, bus etc. are moving but are non-living.

(j) All living things have same characteristics.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Match the following:

Column A Column B
(1) Hydrilla Webbed feet
(2) Cactus Streamlined body
(3) Ducks Modified leaves into spines
(4) Whales Hydrophytic plant

(1) Hydrilla – Hydrophytic plant
(2) Cactus – Modified leaves into spines
(3) Ducks – Webbed feet
(4) Whales – Streamlined body.


Column A Column B
(1) Camel Cold habitat
(2) Lion Aerial Habitat
(3) Bat Desert animal
(4) Penguine Aquatic animal
(5) Fish Terrestrial animal

(1) Camel – Desert animal
(2) Lion – Terrestrial animal
(3) Bat – Aerial Habitat
(4) Penguine – Cold habitat
(5) Fish – Aquatic animal.


Column A Column B
(1) Vultures Consumers/carnivores
(2) Fungi Producers
(3) Green plants Decomposers
(4) Lion Scavengers

(1) Vultures – Scavengers
(2) Fungi – Decomposers
(3) Green plants – Producers
(4) Lion – Consumers/camivores.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Name the trees found on mountains.
Oaks, pines, deodars.

Question 2.
Give example of unicellular organisms.

Question 3.
Why do living beings need food ?
They need food to cany out their daily activities.

Question 4.
Define stimuls.
Living things respond to immediate and long term changes in their environment called stimulus.

Question 5.
What do you mean by life span ?
The duration if life for which living organisms live.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question 6.
What is life span of a housefly ?
1 – 4 years.

Question 7.
Can plants reproduce ?
Yes, they reproduce with the help of seeds.

Question 8.
Define respiration.
Process of taking oxygen in, combining with food and throwing out carbon dioxide and water vapour.

Question 9.
How do plants take carbon dioxide ?
Through stomata.

Question 10.
In what forms our body excrete ?
Our body exretes in the form of urine, faeces, sweat and exhaled air.

Question 11.
Why do organisms move ?
They move to protect themselves from their enemies and natural calamities.

Question 12.
Where cactus plants grow ?
Cactus grows in hot and dry areas of deserts.

Question 13.
Name some tertiary consumers.
Lion, tiger, leopards.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question 14.
How sunlight is helpful ?
Plants make their food with the help of sunlight.

Question 15.
How water is essential ?
Water is essential for life as the bodies of plants and animals contain large amounts of water.

Question 16.
How cactus is adapted in xerophytic conditions ?
Cactus have very long roots, small leaves or spines and wax coated stem to conserve water.

Question 17.
Who is “ship of desert” ?

Question 18.
What is the function of Humb in camels ?
It stores fat as reserve food.

Question 19.
What is the role of air bladder in Ducks ?
They help ducks to float on water.

Question 20.
Name the animals who Hibernate.
Frogs, Lizards, Bears.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is function of scales on the body of fish ?
Functions of scales. The scales present on the body of fish are slippery in nature. They protect the fish and help for easy movement in water.

Question 2.
Why do camels have long legs ?
Camels have long legs to keep its body away from the intense heat during hot days.

Question 3.
How are animals adapted to live in mountain regions ?
Adaptations of animals for living in mountain regions.

  1. Thick skin or fur to protect from cold e.g. yak.
  2. Strong hooves (goat) for running up rocky slopes.

Question 4.
Name the sea animals which do not have gills. How do they respire ?
Dolphins and Whales do not have gills. They respire through nostrils or blowholes, which are present on the upper parts of their heads. They swim near to the surface and breathe in fresh air. They can stay inside the water for a long time without breathing.

Question 5.
Define respiration, growth, and excretion.
Respiration. The process of taking in oxygen and giving out carbondioxide is called respiration.
Growth. The process of changing from a child to a-grown up is called growth. A seed grows into a plant.

Excretion. The process of throwing out waste materials from the body is known as excretion.

Question 6.
Show with an example that living things respond to stimuli.
Living things respond to stimuli. When we move from a dark room into bright sunlight, our eyes shut themselves automatically for a moment to adjust themselves to the changed conditions. Similarly, when light is switched on in a dark room, cockroaches run to move in dark comers. Some plants also respond to light and touch (e.g. Touch-me not).

Question 7.
What are adaptations of camel ?

  1. Camel has no sweat glands in order to reduce water loss.
  2. Hump is present to reserve food in the form of fat.
  3. They have thick skin to bear heat of desert.
  4. Their toes are bread and pedded that are suitable for walking on hot and loose sand.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question 8.
Write the adaptations of hydrophyts.

  1. They have poorly developed roots.
  2. Their stems are flexible
  3. Leaves are wax coated.

Question 9.
What do you mean by terrestrial and aquatic habitat ?
Terrestrial habitat. This includes habitat of all the organisms which live and propagate on land. Example; Cow, camel, horse, dog are terrestrial organisms and forest is their terrestrial habitat.

Aquatic habitat. The habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called aquatic habitat. Examples : fishes, crocodile, snake etc. are aquatic organisms and water is their aquatic habitat.

Question 10.
What are biotic and abiotic components ?
All living organisms like plants, animals and human beings include biotic components. All non-living parts such as light, water, soil and air are abiotic components.

Question 11.
What are the characteristics of xerophytes ?
Characteristics of Xerophytes.

  1. These plants have extensive long root system.
  2. The stem of plants become thick and store water. Example, Opuntia.
  3. Leaves are modified into spines as in cactus.
  4. Leaves are coated with cuticle to check the loss of water.

Question 12.
Write physical conditions of Terrestrial habitat.
Physical conditions of terrestrial habitat,

  1. Oxygen supply is uniform, sufficient and easily available.
  2. Temperature varies from place to place and season to season.
  3. Light is available in sufficient quantity and for sufficient duration.
  4. In certain region organisms have to adapt to avoid dehydration.

Question 13.
Write physical conditions of aquatic habitat.
Physical conditions of aquatic habitat,

  1. Except in deep ocean, uniform supply of light, temperature, oxygen is available.
  2. Light and temperature vary in deep oceans at different depths.
  3. Pressure also varies in deep oceans at different depths.

Question 14.
Write the main characteristics of living and nor living things.
We have many things around us which are two types i.e. living and non-living.
Living things. In living things life processes take place, so they need food. They grow upto a certain age. They respire and respond to external stimuli. They have ability to produce their young ones. They die after a certain age.

Non-living things. In non-living things, no life processes take place, so they do not need food. They do not grow and do not respond to external stimuli. They do not excrete. There is no death in the case of non-living things.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question 15.
What are hydrophytes ?
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings 1
Hydrophytes. These are the plants which grow in watery places or the places which remain wet throughout the year. Examples : Hydrilla, Pista,
Lotus, Vallsneria.

Question 16.
What are the differences between Aquatic and Terrestrial habitat ?
Difference between Aquatic and Terrestrial habitat:

Aquatic habitat Terrestrial habitat
(1) These include habitat of organisms that live and propagate in water. (1) These include habitat of organisms that live and propagate on land.
(2) Water absorbs and loses heat gradually therefore, sudden fluctuation in temperature is not found in aquatic habitat. (2) The terrestrial habitat have rapid fluctuation in the climate, temperature, moisture, i.e. it is not uniform everywhere.

Question 17.
What are unicellular of multicellular organisms ?
Organisms made up of only one cell are Unicellular organisms, e.g. : Amoeba, Paramoecium. Organisms made up of large number of cells are called multicellular organisms, e.g. Humans, cat, dog etc.

Question 18.
What do you mean by excretion ? Write different modes of excretion in animals.
The process of getting rid of waste or removal of waste materials from body is called excretion.

Mode of Excretion.
Larger animals even the human beings remove these wastes in the form of fluids like urine and faecal matter. The removal of waste is necessary since these may be poisonous and harmful to the organism.

Smaller organisms like bacteria, amoeba (one celled animals) remove their waste through body surfaces.

Question 19.
Differentiate living and non-livings on the basis of Growth and Respiration.
Living organisms can grow as well as respire but non-living cannot.

Question 20.
What are the saline water habitats and fresh water habitats include ?
Fresh water habitat. Rivers, ponds, lakes.
Saline water habitat. Oceans, seas, certain lakes.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by the term ‘Adaptation’ ?
The development of characteristics which help an organism to sun’ive in a particular environment is known as adaptation.
Adaptation commonly involves a combination of characteristics, shape, size, structure, colour and mode of life. For example, a fish shows many adaptations for aquatic life. It has a streamlined body provided with fins which enables it to swim in water, presence of gills for breathing.

PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Question 2.
How biotic and abiotic components of a habitat are interacted ? Draw its chart also.
Interaction of biotic and abiotic environment.
All biotic components such as plants, animals and micro-organisms are influenced by abiotic components such as water, light, air, oxygen and temperature in different ways. Green plants prepare their own food and all the animals depend upon plants for the food. Some animals feed on other animals. Plants also provide shelter to the animals thus all the organisms are related through food chain.
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings 2
After death and decay of the plants and animals, they are decomposed into simple minerals into soil. These minerals are again used by plants through the roots. Thus they are interrelated and share common surroundings.

Thus we see that all the plants and animals and the abiotic components involving air. light, water are related and interdependent on each other in the habitat.

Question 3.
In what ways living things differ from non-living things ?
Differences between living and non-living things :

Living things Non-living things
(1) Food is necessary for the life processes in living things. (1) In non-living things, no life processes take place, so they do not need food.
(2) Respiration is necessary for living things. (2) There is no respiration in non-living things.
(3) Living things grow upto a certain age. (3) These do not grow on their own.
(4) Living things respond to external stimuli. (4) Non-living things do not respond to external stimuli.
(5) Living things excrete waste product from their body. (5) Non-living things do not excrete.
(6) Living things produce their young ones. (6) There is no procreation in non-living things.
(7) The body structure of living things is cellular. (7) Non-living things do not have cellular body.

Question 4.
How is camel adapted for xeric adaptation / deserts ?
PSEB 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings 2
The camel is superbly adapted for xeric conditions that is why it is rightly called the ‘ship of the desert’. The following adaptations are found in camel :

  • It uses its entire foot while walking and its hooves are covered by a large sole which helps it to move on hot, slippery sand.
  • It has a hump on the back which is filled with fat. This stores food that is utilized during the time when the camel does not get anything to eat.
  • It can drink as much as 50 litres of water in one gulp when water is available to it.
  • It excretes very little water from its body.
  • It passes nearly dry dung.
  • It does not perspire.

Question 5.
What are the abiotic components? Explain.
The non-living components like rocks, roil, air, water, sunlight, temperature are abiotic components

  • Air. Both plants and animals require air to live. Animals take oxygen and give out carbon dioxide while plants give out oxygen and take carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis also takes place in the air.
  • Soil. It contains water, air, and living organisms. It provides nutrients to plants.
  • Sunlight. Plants perform photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight. Humans require sunlight for vitamin D. So, All organisms depend on sunlight directly and indirectly.
  • Water. Water is essential for life as it is present in large amounts in plants and animals.
  • Temperature. All living organisms can receive only within a specific range of temperature

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. – 400 B.C.

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Social Science Book Solutions History Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. – 400 B.C. Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. – 400 B.C.

SST Guide for Class 6 PSEB India: From 600 B.C. – 400 B.C. Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What do you understand by Mahajanapada?
By about 600 B.C., a part of the Ganga plain had been cleared of forests and people had settled down in different tracts. These territories were called Janapadas and named after the ruling clan in each area. The more powerful Janapadas among these were known as Mahajanapadas.

Question 2.
Write about any four important Mahajanapadas.
Magadha, Kosala, Vatsa and Avanti were four important Mahajanapadas.

  • Magadha: Magadha was the most powerful Mahajanapada. It included Gaya and Patna areas of Bihar. Its capital city was Rajagriha.
  • Kosala: Kosala was another powerful Mahajanapada and its capital city was Ayodhya or Sketa.
  • Vatsa: The capital city of Vatsa was Kausambi.
  • Avanti: The capital city of Avanti Mahajanapada was Ujjain.

Question 3.
Write about the rise of Magadha under the Haryanjca dynasty.
In the beginning, Magadha has comprised only the areas of Patna and Gaya in Bihar, but later on it saw a great rise under the rule of the Haryanka kings, namely Bimbisara and Ajatasatru.
1. Bimbisara: Bimbisara became the king of Magadha in about 543 B.C. He made his kingdom more powerful in many ways. He occupied the Ganga. He conquered the Artga State in the southeast and occupied the major port of the Gmga, namely Champa. His capital city was Rajagriha near Nalanda.

2. Ajatasatru: Ajatasatru was a son of Bimbisara. He murdered his father in 492 B,C. and became the ruler of Magadha. He invaded his neighbouring states and expanded his kingdom. He defeated Kashi, Kosala and Vaisali and made Magadha the most powerful kingdom of North India. He made Patliputra(Patna) his new capital.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 4.
What do you know about caste system during this period?
In India of 600 B.C. to 400 B.C., the caste system and four stages of life were two most important features of society.
1. Caste System: The caste system was rigid. Society was mainly divided into four castes. These castes were Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the lower castes. Brahmanas were given great respect in society, whereas low castes’ condition was very bad and they were ill-treated. The caste system was based on birth.

Besides the above four castes, there were several sub-castes based on professions. These sub-castes included carpenters, ironsmiths, goldsmiths, chariot-makers, potters and oil-pressers, etc.

Question 5.
Write a note about the punch-marked coins.
In India of 600 B.C. to 400 B.C., copper and silver coins were used for transactions: These coins were mostly irregular pieces of metal in shape but of fixed weight. They were punched with various symbols. Such coins were known as the punch-marked coins.

Question 6.
What do you know about Jainism?
Jainism came into existence in 600 B.C. There were twenty-four teachers of this religion, who were known as Tirthankaras. Adriana (Rishabhdeva) was the first and Vardhamana Mahavira was the 24th Tirthankara.
PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India From 600 BC 400 BC 1
Vardhamana Mahavira

Teachings: Teachings of Jainism are as follows :

  • Ahimsa: Ahimsa is the main teaching of Jainism. Man should not hurt anybody. There is soul in even the smallest particle. So every effort should be made not to kill it.
  • Truth: Man should speak the truth. Truth purifies the soul. We should not speak ill of anybody.
  • Non-Stealing: Stealing is a sin. To take a thing or wealth without permission is stealing. It hurts others.
  • Non-Possession: We should not accumulate property. It causes attachment in life and ties man in worldly affairs.
  • Chastity: Man should follow chastity.
  • Hard Penance: Moksha can be achieved by hard penance, that frees the man from the cycle of birth and death.
  • Three Jewels: Three Jewels (Tri-ratna) is a way of achieving Moksha. These three jewels are Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct.

Sects of Jainism: Shwetambara and Digambara are the two sects of Jainism.

  • Shwetambara: The followers of the 23rd Tirthankara Parshvanatha are called Shwetambaras. Shwetambaras wear white clothes.
  • Digambara: The followers of the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism are known as Digambaras. These saints wear no clothes.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 7.
Which are the main teachings of Buddhism?
The main teachings of Buddhism are as follows :
1. Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism are :
PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India From 600 BC 400 BC 2

  • The world is full of sorrow.
  • The cause of sorrow is desire.
  • We can conquer sorrow by conquering desire.
  • Desire can be conquered by following the Eight Fold Path.

2. The Eightfold Path, Mahatma Buddha has suggested the Eightfold Path for freeing oneself from sorrow and achieving Nirvana. The eight principles of the Eightfold Path are

  • Right Belief,
  • Right Thought,
  • Right Speech,
  • Right Action,
  • Right Means of Livelihood,
  • Right Effort,
  • Right Recollection,
  • Right Meditation.

3. The Middle Path: Mahatma Buddha also taught the Middle Path. It means that one should not torture oneself by severe austerities, nor should one indulge in luxuries of life.

4. Moral Teachings: Moral teachings of Buddhism included non-violence, speaking the truth, non-use of intoxicants, not to accept or keep money, not to eat at odd hours, not coveting others’ property, etc.

II. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
Bimbisara ruled from __________ to B.C.
543, 492.

Question 2.
Ministers were known as __________

Question 3.
Agriculture and cattle rearing were the ____________ occupations.

Question 4.
There have been _____________ Tirthankaras in Jainism.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 5.
Gautama Buddha’s real name was __________

Question 6.
Lord Mahavir Ji spent Grihastha life till __________ years.

III. Match the columns :

Question 1.

(1) Magadha (a) Republic
(2) Ajatasatru (b) Mahajanapada
(3) Vajji (c) Guild
(4) Shreni (d)King
(5) Parsvanatha (e) Ashtangika Marg
(6) Buddha (f) Tirthankara

Correct columns :

(1) Magadha (b) Mahajanapada
(2) Ajatasatru (d)King
(3) Vajji (a) Republic
(4) Shreni (c) Guild
(5) Parsvanatha (f) Tirthankara
(6) Buddha (e) Ashtangika Marg

IV. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ in a statement :

Question 1.
Sixteen Mahajanapadas are mentioned in Buddhist literature.

Question 2.
Bimbisara ruled from 543 to 492 AD.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 3.
The ministers were known as Chera.

Question 4.
Normal agriculture tax was IA of produce

Question 5.
Sarthavaha was the leader of merchants.

Question 6.
Gautama Buddha was son of Siddhartha.

Question 7.
Jains believe that they had 24 Tirthankars.

Question 8.
Gautama Budhha was not the son of Siddhartha.

V. Activities (Something To Do):

Question 1.
Locate the rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Indus on the map of India.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 2.
Find books on the lives of the Buddha and Mahavira in your school library and read them. Note down the anecdotes in their lives which interest you.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Guide India: From 600 B.C. – 400 B.C. Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Thirst or desire to get something is known as
(A) Tanha
(B) Prakrit
(C) Atman
(D) Vihara.
(A) Tanha.

Question 2.
__________ are the Hindu religious books which literally means “approaching and sitting near.”
(A) Veda
(B) Upanishad
(C) Manu Smriti
(D) Epics.
(B) Upanishad.

Question 3.
Followers of Vardhaman Mahavira are known as
(A) Jaina
(B) Buddha
(C) Mahavira
(D) Bhikkshu.
(A) Jaina.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 4.
Followers of who beg food for themselves were known as Bhikkshu.
(A) Buddha
(B) Vishnu
(C) Mahavira
(D) Shiva.
(A) Buddha.

Question 5.
__________ is a stage of life.
(A) Jati
(B) Varna
(C) Ashrama
(D) Purushartha.
(C) Ashrama.

Question 6.
__________ was the founder of Buddhism.
(A) Mahavira
(B) Gautama Buddha
(C) Guru Nanak Dev
(D) Kabir.
(B) Gautama Buddha.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 7.
Where did the Buddha die?
(A) Pataliputra
(B) Kaushambhi
(C) Magadha
(D) Kusinara.
(D) Kusinara.

Question 8.
In __________ language the Buddha taught to the ordinary people?
(A) Hindi
(B) Gurmukhi
(C) Prakrit
(D) Devnagari.
(C) Prakrit.

Question 9.
__________ language was used to compose the Vedas.
(A) Vedic Sanskrit
(B) Hindi
(C) Prakrit
(D) Devnagari.
(A) Vedic Sanskrit.

Question 10.
Which of these, was a famous woman upanishadic thinker?
(A) Sita
(B) Gargi
(C) Draupadi
(D) Kunti.
(B) Gargi.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Name two famous republics.
The Shakyas and the Lichchhvis were two famous republics.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 2.
Mention the names of two of the earliest kings of Magadha.
Bimbisara and Ajatasatru were the two earliest kings of Magadha.

Question 3.
Name two dynasties which ruled over Magadha after the Haryanka dynasty.
Shishunaga and Nanda dynasties.

Question 4.
Who was Mahapadma Nanda?
Mahapadma Nanda was the most important ruler of the Nanda dynasty.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 5.
Which new cities came into existence during 600 B.C. to 400 B.C.?
Several new cities came into existence during 600 B.C. to 400 B.C. The important amongst these were Varanasi, Rajagriha, Shravasti, Kaushambi, Vaishali, Champa, Ujjaiyini, Taxila, Ayodhya, Mathura, and Patliputra.

Question 6.
Who were known as Amatyas?
Ministers were known as Amatyas.

Question 7.
What was the most important source of income of early kingdoms and republics?

Question 8.
Who was the founder of Buddhism?
Mahatma Buddha.

Question 9.
In which Mahajanapada did Vardhamana Mahavira and Mahatma Buddha preach?
Vardhamana Mahavira and Mahatma Buddha preached in Magadha.

Question 10.
What was the position of king in India from 600 B.C. to 400 B.C.?
The king held the supreme position. He was regarded as the protector of society and religion.

Question 11.
What message did Vardhamana Mahavira and Mahatma Buddha give to people?
Vardhamana Mahavira and Mahatma Buddha taught the people to lead a good life and not to do wrong.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 12.
Who were Sarthvahas?
Merchants from 600 B.C. to 400 B.C. were known as Sarthvahas.

Question 13.
What is meant by Jina?
Jina means conqueror.

Question 14.
Where was Vardhamana Mahavira born?
Vardhamana Mahavira was born at Kundagram near Vaishali in Bihar.

Question 15.
What was the real name of Mahatma Buddha? Where was he born?
The real name of Mahatma Buddha was Siddhartha. He was born at Lumbini in Nepal.

Question 16.
Who was the last Nanda King?
Dhan Nanda was the last Nanda King.

Question 17.
Name some of the officials of kings of Mahajan- apadas.
Amatyas or Mantries, Purohita, Senapati, Sangrahatri, Cher a and Gramini were some of. the important officials of kings of Mahajanapadas.

Question 18.
What was Ashrama?
Whole of the life span was divided into four stages which were known as Ashramas.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 19.
Name all four Ashramas.
Brahmacharya Ashrama, Grihastha Ashrama, Vanaprastha Ashrama and Sanyasa Ashrama.

Question 20.
What were punch-marked coins?
Coins in this age were punched with different symbols and these were known as punch-marked coins.

Question 21.
Which was the supreme body of monks in Buddhism?
Mahatma Buddha founded the supreme body of monks which was known as the Buddhist Samgha.

Question 22.
What are Tripitaka?
All the teachings of the Buddha are compiled in three major works which are known as Tripitaka.

Question 23.
What was Mahayana?
Mahayana was one part of Buddhism which means the great vehicle and its followers believed in the idol worship of the Buddha as a god.

Question 24.
What was Hinayana?
It was another part of Buddhism whose followers followed the original teachings of the Buddha and considered the Buddha as a great teacher.

Question 25.
What do you mean by Janapadas?
Republics or monarchical states established in Northern India around 600 B.C.were known as Janapadas.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 26.
What were Mahajanapadas?
Mahajanapadas were the more powerful Janapadas. They were sixteen in number around 600 B.C.. Vatsa, Magadha, Kosala etc. were some of them.

Question 27.
What is meant by Shreni?
Persons with some profession organized themselves into guilds or unions. These guilds or unions were known as Shrenis.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why is the period between 600 B.C. to 400 B.C. known as the period of the second urbanization?
Several big cities came into existence during the period between 600 B.C. and 400 B.C. These cities were called puras, nagaras or mahanagaras. Varanasi, Taxila, Ayodhya, Mathura, Rajagriha, Sravasti, Kaushambi, Vaishali, Champa, Ujjaiyini and Patliputra were some of the big cities. Because of the emergence of big cities, this period is known as the period of the second urbanisation. The first period of urbanisation was that of the Indus Valley Civilisation.

Question 2.
How did the position of a king grow in a kingdom? What sort of life did he lead?
The Brahmanas made the position of the king very strong. They preached that the king was not an ordinary man. He was like a god among men. The Brahmanas also performed certain ceremonies to endow-the king with god-like virtues and powers. The king lived a splendid life. He lived in a big palace, married many wives and spent his days in comfort and luxury.

Question 3.
Write a note on the administration between 600 B.C. and 400 B.C.
The king was very powerful. He ruled the state with the help of Purohita, Amatyas (ministers), Senapati, Sangrahatri, Chera and Gramini. He had many other officers to carry out the works of the state. To carry out the expenses of the state, the king collected taxes. Some amount was spent on the welfare of the people and some amount was given to the Brahmanas to look after the temples. With this income, the king could pay his soldiers and other state officers.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 12 India: From 600 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Question 4.
Give a brief account of the life of Vardhamana Mahavira.
Vardhamana Mahavira was born at Kundanpur near Vaishali in Bihar in 600 B.C. He was the son of a chief called Siddhartha and his mother was Trishala Rani. He was the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism. He left his home and wandered about for many years, trying to find the answers to the questions of life which troubled him. After twelve years six months and fifteen days, he attained the truth. He spent the rest of his life in spreading Jainism. He told his followers that their deeds should be based on Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Action. He died at the age of 72.

Question 5.
Throw some light on the life of Mahatma Buddha.
Mahatma Buddha was bom at Lumbini in Nepalese Tarai. His father’s name was Shuddodhana and his mother was Mayadevi. His real name was Siddhartha and he belonged to a royal family. He was married to Princess Yasodhara and had a son, Rahul. He left home after he had seen a sick man, an old man, and a dead man. He thought that this world is full of sorrow and misery. He wandered in search of salvation and finally found enlightenment under a peepal tree at Bodh Gaya in Bihar. He founded Buddhism and preached his religion for forty years. He died at the age of 80.

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Describe the economic life of India between 600 B.C. and 400 B.C.
Between 600 B.C. and 400 B.C. in India, the main occupations of people were agriculture and cattle-rearing. Peasants were normally the owners of the land. But there were also landless labourers who worked on others’ land for a living. Several types of crops such as wheat, rice, maize, barley, sugarcane, sesame, mustard, pulses, vegetables, and fruits were grown.

Other professions included industrial crafts and trade. Woodwork, pottery, leather tanning, shipbuilding, weaving, garland-making, iron-smithery, jewellery, ivory-work, and several other professions were adopted by people. Some people earned their livelihood by fishing, hunting, dancing, acting, snake-charming, etc. Persons following the same profession organized themselves into unions or guilds, called Shrines. Each guild had its own president or head.

Trade was carried on both within the country and with foreign lands. There were roads across the country, some of which connected with foreign lands or seaports. Goods were also carried through ships and boats in oceans and rivers. Merchants known as Sarthavaha carried goods from one place to the other and moved in caravans. Indian goods were in great demand in foreign countries. Copper and silver coins were used for transactions.

People had to pay taxes to the king. Normally 1/6th of agricultural produce was charged as tax from peasants. Taxes on industrial goods and trade were charged according to the value of the goods.