PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Book Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Agriculture Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Agriculture Guide for Class 8 PSEB Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery Textbook Questions and Answers

(A) Answer in one to two words:

Question 1.
After land cost, the next highest investment by fanners is in which form?
In the form of farm machinery.

Question 2.
Who is considered as head of farm machinery?

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Question 3.
Name any three machines that are driven by tractors.
Cultivation, disc harrow, seed drill.

Question 4.
Which are those machines where the source of power is part of the machine?
Tractor, engine, motor etc.

Question 5.
When the tractor should be over-hauled?
After using it for 4000 hours.

Question 6.
In which gear the tractor should be stored?
Neutral gear.

Question 7.
After proper cleaning of battery terminal of a tractor, it should be coated with which material?
With Petroleum jelly.

Question 8.
After proper cleaning and removal of seed and fertilizer from seed sowing machinery, what should be coated to its components?
Grease or lubricating oil.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Question 9.
What should be done to protect soil working tools of tillage machinery from rust?
These should be coated with grease or lubricating oil.

Question 10.
Why the spray pump should be operated empty after using it?
This helps in draining the water from spray lines.

(B) Answer in One to Two Sentences:

Question 1.
What are the basic categories in which farm machinery can be divided?
There are three categories of farm machinery-prime movers (power source); like, tracfor etc., engine operator equipments; like, disc harrow etc., self propelled machine like, combine harvester etc.

Question 2.
After how many hours, the tractor should be serviced?
Servicing of the tractor should be done after 10 hours, 50 hours, 125 hours, 250 hours, 500 hours and 1000 hours. Tractor should be got overhauled from a good workshop after using it for 4000 hours.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Question 3.
What should be done to protect tyres if tractor is to be stored for long term?
Jack up the tractor and put it on the wooden blocks and also reduce air pressure in the tyres.

Question 4.
What should be done to protect battery if tractor is to be stored for long term?
If tractor is to be stored for long time period then batteries should be disconnected and removed from the tractor but these should be charged occasionally.

Question 5.
What point should be kept in mind for maintenance of exhaust pipe and crank case breather?
If mouth of the exhaust pipe and crank case breather is open, cover it with a cloth. This prevents entry of moisture in it.

Question 6.
During season, what should be done for maintenance of axle bearings?
During season, after every 4-6 hours of working, lubricate the axle and bushes with oil or grease. If ball bearings are fitted then lubricate them after 3-4 days with grease.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Question 7.
Why it is important to clean the seed and fertilizer box of a seed drill daily?
Fertilizers are chemicals which can damage or corrode these boxes if not cleaned on daily basis.

Question 8.
Why farmer should properly dean grain tank, conveyor, straw walkers and sieves in combine harvesters?
If grain tanks, conveyor straw walkers and sieves in combine harvesters are not cleaned properly, rodents make home there and can damage the electric circuits, pipes etc. and thus damage the machinery heavily.

Question 9.
What should be done to protect combine harvester from rust?
Moisture is the reason of rusting. Therefore, combine should be stored under a shed and cover it with a plastic sheet. Paint those parts where paint has taken off.

Question 10.
What should be done to avoid contact of machine with soil during storage?
Answer: Wash or clean the machines or equipments to dry these. Coat them with grease and oil to prevent from rusting.

(C) Answers in five to six Sentences:

Question 1.
Why there is a need for the maintenance of farm machinery?
To get more yield and income from agricultural produce, farm machinery plays an important role. After the cost of land, next highest investment is in farm machinery. If proper maintenance is not done for such costly machines, then we may not be able to get full benefit from the machines. Proper maintenance adds to the working life of farm machines. Repair of damaged machines cost more. Machines should be maintained at the end of the season so that we get a ready machine at the beginning of next season.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Question 2.
Which points should be kept in mind regarding maintenance of tractors?

  • Wash and clean tractor and store it under shed.
  • If there is some sort of leakage from pipes or some repair is required, get it done. Mobile oil should be filled up-to the marked level.
  • All points where greasing is to be done should be washed with diesel. Remove the old grease and fill the new grease.
  • Use hot water to wash the terminals of battery and coat them with petroleum jelly. If tractor is to be stored for a long time remove the battery but keep on charging it from time to time.
  • To keep the tractor ready for any work, it should be started and operated once or twice in a month.
  • For long term storage Jack up the tractor and put it on wooden blocks, reduce the air pressure in tyres.
  • Park the tractor in switched off position, in the neutral gear and by applying parking brakes.
  • Cover the exhaust pipe and crank breather using a cloth to prevent the entry of moisture in it.
  • Air cleaner should be cleaned time to time.

Question 3.
Why repair of machinery should be done before its storage?
Machine should be got repaired at the end of the season and before storing it. So that we get a ready machine at the beginning of next season, time is also saved. By the end of season we know about the condition of the machine, we know the parts of the machine which are creating problems, therefore machine should be taken care of, make replacement of the parts which are not working properly or are causing trouble. One can forget these things after long time i.e. at the beginning of new season. Therefore repair of machinery should be done before its storage.

Question 4.
Which points should be kept in mind for maintenance of battery?
Tractor should be started and operated once or twice in a month. Clean the terminals of the battery with hot water and coat the terminals with petroleum jelly. If tractor in to be stored for long time duration remove the battery and keep on charging it time to time.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Question 5.
Which points should be kept in mind regarding maintenance of combine harvesters?
Maintenance of combine harvester is similar to the maintenance of tractor. Following points should be kept in mind regarding maintenance of combine harvester.

(i) Clean properly grain tanks, conveyor, straw walkers and sieves in combine harvesters. There should be not dirt, straw, grains, chaff etc. in these otherwise rodent start living there and can damage electric circuits and pipes etc.

(ii) Moisture is the reason of rusting. Therefore, combine should be stored under a shed and cover it with a plastic sheet. Paint those parts where paint has taken off.

(iii) Machine should be got repaired at the end of the season and before So that we get a ready machine at the beginning of next season, time is also saved. By the end of season we know about the condition of the machine, we know the parts of the machine which are creating problems, therefore machine should be taken care of, make replacement of the parts which is are not working properly or causing trouble. One can forget these things after long time i.e. at the beginning of new season. Therefore repair of machinery should be done before its storage.

(iv) Remove all the belts and put identification marks and store at a safe place.

(v) Chains should be cleaned with diesel and coat it with thin layer of grease.

(vi) Rubbing parts should be applied with lubricating oils. Eill grease in the greasing points.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Guide Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery Important Questions and Answers

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the name of machine used for fodder chopping and cutting?

Question 2.
What is disc harrow in local language?

Question 3.
What is the name of the machine used for sowing seeds?
Seed drill machine.

Question 4.
What should be the air pressure in the tyres of a tractor?
In front tyres 24-26 pounds and in rear tyre 12-18 pounds.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery

Question 5.
What should be used to clean the spray pump after it is used?
The spray pump should be cleaned with fresh water.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the importance of a diesel engine?
It is a small machine. It is used to run tubewell, to run fodder chopping toka, etc. Its operating cost is less than tractor when less power is required diesel engine is used.

Question 2.
Why should the seed drill machines be not parked in sunlight?
Sun heat may damage the rubber pipes and gears.

Question 3.
What should be done to reduce the slip of the tractor?
Air pressure in the rear tyres should be lowered.

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
What is the importance of the maintenance of farm machinery and equipment?
Nowadays farms machinery is used for doing nearly all agricultural activities e.g. sowing, harvesting, hoeing, etc. Farm machinery is very costly and sometimes farmers have to get loans. Therefore, it becomes necessary to maintain and take care of the machines.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Book Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Agriculture Chapter 11 Post Harvest Handling of Fruits and Vegetables

Agriculture Guide for Class 8 PSEB Processing of Fruits and Vegetables Textbook Questions and Answers

(A) Answer in one or two words:

Question 1.
What is the place of India in the world for the production of fruit? and vegetables?
India is second in the world in the production of fruits and vegetables.

Question 2.
What is the area and production of vegetables in Punjab?
Vegetable produce is 41.11 lakhs tonnes and area under vegetables is roughly 110 thousand hectares.

Question 3.
What is the area and production of fruits in Punjab?
Fruits produce is 15.41 lakh tonnes and area under fruits is roughly 78 thousand hectare.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Question 4.
Write the amount of salt to be added in lime pickle?
20% salt.

Question 5.
Which preservative is used in tomato ketchup (chutney) and how much quantity is used?
Sodium benzoate 700 mg in 1 kg.

Question 6.
Which preservative is used in mango squash and how much quantity is used?
2.8 gram potassium metabisulphite in 1 kg mango pulp.

Question 7.
Which fruit is produced maximum in Punjab?
Production of kinnow is highest among other fruits.

Question 8.
How much percentage of salt is used for dipping in preparation of Amla preserve?
2 percent solution of simple salt.

Question 9.
How much annual production of fruits in India?
81.285 million metric tonne.

Question 10.
How much annual production of vegetables in India?
162.19 million metric tonne.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

(B) Answer in One to Two sentences:

Question 1.
What kind of products can be made from fruits and vegetables?
Products which can be made from fruits and vegetables are squash, jam, pickle, ketchup etc. e.g. lemon syrup, amla preserve, tomato ketchup, apple jam etc.

Question 2.
How processing of fruits and vegetables is useful for the farmers?

  • Produce is damaged and injured during harvesting, storing, grading and transportation etc. This loss can be minimized by processing. This loss can be 30-40%.
  • One can get more income from processed products.

Question 3.
What is the difference between tomato juice and tomato ketchup (chutney)?
Tomato juice consists of only tomato, sugar and salt and is dilute. Tomato ketchup contains onion, garlic, chilli and other spices and it is concentrated.

Question 4.
What is the importance of addition of Potassium Meta bisulphite in various food products?
Potassium metabisulphite acts as a preservative and processed produce can be stored for a long time duration.

Question 5.
What is the temperature of drying of fruits and vegetables and why these are kept at that temperature?
Normally these are dried at 50 to 70° C. Initially temperature is 70°C and finally at 50°C.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Question 6.
How much quantity of sugar is added in Amla preserve and why?
Only one kg sugar is added to one kg of Amla. It creates sweetness and sugar also acts as preservative. Amla preserve can be stored for many months.

Question 7.
Write the recipe of tomato juice.
Boil ripened Tomato in aluminium container. Squeeze these boiled tomatoes to get juice. Again boil the juice mixed with 0.7% salt, 4% sugar, 0.02% Sodium Benzoate and 0.1% citric acid. Fill bottles and seal these. Put these hot sealed bottles in water and then put these bottles in boiling water for 30 to 50 minutes and cool by pouring on it cold water in small quantities again and again many times. This juice is used for drinking for making soup and is also used in the preparation of vegetables.

Question 8.
Which preservative is added in lime, mango and barley lime squash/syrup and write the quantity?

  • 3.5 gram potassium metabisulphite for 1 kg lemon in lemon syrup.
  • 2.8 gram potassium metabisulphite for 1 kg mango pulp for mango syrup.
  • 3 gram potassium metabisuphite is added in lemon/barley syrup.

Question 9.
What are the important factors for the production for fruits and vegetables in Punjab?
Soil of Punjab is very fertile, climate in also suitable for the production of fruits and vegetables.

Question 10.
Write the types of packaging in fruits and vegetables?
Fruits and vegetables can be packed based on their softness and size in jute sacks, cardboard boxes, plastic crates, bamboo baskets, wooden boxes shrink/cling films etc.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

(C) Answer in Five or Six sentences:

Question 1
Give comments on production of fruits and vegetables in Punjab?
Future of fruits and vegetables production in Punjab is very bright. One can earn for many year by one time investment in orchards. Vegetables can be harvested in very short span of time. According to WHO there is requirement of 300 gram of vegetable and 80 gram of fruits per day per person. But availability is only of fruits is 30 grams and of vegetables is 80 grams per day per person in India. Therefore, there is a need to concetrate on the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

Question 2.
What is the importance of processing of fruits and vegetables?
Produce is damaged and injured during harvesting, storing, grading and transportation etc. This loss can be minimized by processing. This loss can be 30-40%. Only 2% of the total produce is processed. Therefore to get vegetables and fruits in off-season storing and processing is 1 necessary. This occupation can be adopted at small scale or large scale.
Processed products are squashes, syrups, jam, pickles etc. One can set more income from processed products.

Question 3.
Write a note on production of fruits and vegetables in India?
India is at second place in the production of fruits and vegetables in the world. Vegetable crop is ready for harvesting in two to three months and thus 3-4 crops can be taken. Yield is high and income is also high and is on daily basis. For the cultivation of fruits orchards are established which give fruits for many years by little care. Production of vegetables and fruits is very good in India but due to increasing population demand is not fulfilled, therefore there is a need to increase the production of vegetables and fruits.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Question 4.
What is the status of processing of fruits and vegetables in India?
Food processing in India of fruits and vegetables can be done at small scale as well as at commercial level. India is second in the world in the production of vegetables and fruits. But only 2% of the total produce is processed. There is a need to concentrate on processing of fruits and vegetables at individual level as well as at government level. Farmers can earn good income at village level by adopting the business of processing. Farmers can directly make links with big companies for establishing processing units.

Question 5.
What are the reasons of fruits and vegetables spoilage?
There can be many reasons behind the spoilage of vegetables and fruits. Produce is damaged and injured during harvesting, storing, grading and transportation etc. This loss can be minimized by processing. This loss can be 30-40%. One can get more income from processed products. Vegetables and fruits are perishable and their spoilage is easy. Some insects, birds etc. can also damage the produce, micro organisms and fungi can also damage the produce. Thus there are many reasons behind the spoilage of vegetables and fruits.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Guide Processing of Fruits and Vegetables Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How many weeks are required for mango pickle to be prepared?
2-3 weeks.

Question 2.
Should vegetables be dried in Sun or shade?
In Shade.

Question 3.
Write a method to preserve apples.
Murrabba of Apple, Jam etc.

Question 4.
How much percent of the total produce is processed in India?
Only 2%.

Question 5.
What is the function of potassium metabisulphite?
This is a preservative.

Question 6.
In how many days lemon pickle is ready?
2-3 weeks.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Question 7.
Which oil is used in mango pickle?
Mustard oil.

Question 8.
What is the benefit of food processing?
It helps to avoid post-harvest losses of horticultural produce.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How lemon sharbat is prepared?
In the on season buy lemons and prepare sharbat. Sharbat can be sold at higher price and profit” can be earned. Cut and squeeze lemons to get their juice in porcelain container. Add 2 kg sugar in one litre of water and heat it so that whole of the sugar dissolves. Now sieve this sugar solution through a fine but clean mulmul cloth. On cooling add to it one litre of lemon juice and 4 gram of essence and 3.5 gram Potassium metabisulphite. Fill in bottles and seal the bottles using wax.

Question 2.
Describe the method of preparation of sharbat of sweet orange (Malta) or Mandrines (Santra).
Take good quality of fresh fruits. Get their juice witff the help of a machine. Dissolve 2 kg of sugar and 25-30 gram of citric acid “in one litre of water and heat it. Sieve the solution through a fine and clean cloth, on cooling add to it one litre fruit juice, 2-3 gram essence and 5 gram potassium metabisulphaite. Fill bottles and seal with wax.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Question 3.
How is Mango sharbat prepared?
Take well ripened juicy fruits and collect its pulp with the help of a knife. Crush the pulp and sieve through a fine cloth or using a sieve having very fine holes. Heat 1.4 kg sugar in 1.6 litre of water and sieve this solution through fine and clean cloth. When cooled add to it 1 kg of mango pulp and 20-30 gram citric acid. Also add to it 2-3 gram of potassium metabisulphaite. Fill in bottles and seal with wax.

Question 4.
How is lime and barley sharbat prepared?
Cut lemons into two pieces and squeeze to get juice. Sieve this juice using a sieve. Add 0.3 litre of water to 15 grams of fine ground. Barley to get a paste. Heat one litre of water with 50-60 millilitre of paste, sieve it and let it cool. Dissolve 1.7 kg of sugar in remaining water and heat, sieve and cool. Mix paste, sugar solution and one litre lemon juice. Add 3.5 gram potassium metabisulphate also. Fill bottles and seal with wax.

Question 5.
How is mango pickle prepared?
Take fully grown, hard and sour mangoes. Wash these and cut each mango into many long pieces, throw away the stones. Dry in the sunlight. Collect all the ingredients 1kg mango pieces, 250 gram salt, 30 gram Kalonji, 50 gram Methe, 25 gram red chilli, 65 gram Saunf l 30 gram turmeric. Mix mango pieces with salt and put these in a glass murtban. Add all other ingredients. Also add to it mustard oil. Oil should cover all the mangoes. Place the murtban in sun and pickle is prepared in 2-3 weeks.

Question 6.
Give method to prepare Amla pickle.
Take 1kg fresh Amlas and soak these in water for a night. Dry by putting these on clean cloth. Cook in 100 ml of oil for five minutes, add 100 gram salt, 50 grams turmeric and cook for another 5 minutes. Allow these to cool down pickle is ready. Preserve in clean air tight container.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Question 7.
Give method to prepare carrot pickle.
Wash 1kg of carrot with simple clean water. Peel these. Cut into pieces and let these to dry in sunlight. Cook these pieces in 250 gram of mustard oil for five minutes or so. Add to these cooking pieces 100 gram salt, 20 gram red chilli and remove from flame. When cooled mix 100 gram Raai powder. Pickle is prepared. Preserve in some container.

Question 8.
What do you know about the storage of produce after harvesting?
Fruits and vegetables should be stored when in full-season. This way fruits and vegetables can be saved from damaging and on the other hand a good profit can also be earned by selling these in the off season. The fruits and vegetables are stored or preserved in the form of sharbat, pickle, Gel, Murraba, Chutney, Jam etc.

Question 9.
Write in detail the preparation method of pickle of lime.
Take clean and ripened lemons wash them and dry with a clean cloth. Take lemon and salt in the ratio 4: 1 for one kg lime pickle. Take 7 gram of Jeera, 2 gram cloves and 20 grams of Ajwain. Make four pieces while keeping it single. Then fill each lemon at cuts with the mixture. The lemons are put in a container called murtban. And the remaining mixture is also added to this murtban. Place the container in sunlight and give jerks to container to move the lemons up and down in the container. Within 2-3 weeks pickle is prepared.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How is pickle of lemon, green chilli and Ginger prepared? Answer: Wash chillies, lemons and Ginger in water. Cut two or four pieces of each lemon from 250 gram lemon, Peel off 300 gram ginger and cut into equal sized long thin pieces, give a cut in each chilli of 200 gram chillies. Mix all the three with 250 gram salt. Put in a clean container having wide opening. Squeeze the remaining 250 gram lemons to get juice, mix this juice with the already prepared mixture. Juice should cover all the mixture in the container. Air tight the container and keep in sun for a week. When colour of lemon and chilli is light brown and ginger is pinkish in colour, pickle is ready to use.

Question 2.
How is tomato chutney prepared?
Cut ripe tomato into pieces and heat, sieve and get juice. Collect the ingredients. 1 litre of tomato juice, 15 gram of cut onions, cut 2-3 cloves of garlic, 4-5 cloves without head, black pepper 2-3 in number, two cardamom, cumin (1-2 gram), unground Jalvatri (1-2 gram), Dal chintii (broken into pieces), vinegar (40 ml), sugar (30 gram), salt (12-15 gram), red chilli (1-2 gram) or as needed.

Collect all the ingredients in a clean cloth and tie in a mulmul cloth leaving vinegar, sugar and .salt. Add half of sugar in the juice and heat over low flame and place the bundle of ingredient in the juice. Go on heating till the required concentration is not reached. This way only half of juice remains. Remove the bundle, and squeeze it to get any juice in it. Now add sugar, salt and vinegar in it. If on adding vinegar juice gets diluted, heat again. Fill bottles with hot chutney and store.

Question 3.
What do you know about drying of vegetables? Give method of drying for any four vegetables.

  • Wash vegetables and cut into pieces.
  • Tie these pieces in a mulmul cloth to make a bundle. Dip this bundle for 2-3 minutes in boiling water.
  • After taking out from boiling water soak these pieces in 0.25% of potassium metabisulphite solution for 10 minutes. This save the vegetables from spoiling. Use one litre solution for one kg vegetables.
  • After taking out from the solution place these pieces on Aluminium trays. There should be no water in the vegetables.
  • Make a uniform layer of these pieces in the tray.
  • Place these trays in the direct sunlight for drying.

Drying Vegetables:

    • Carrot-Peel off and cut one centimetre long pieces of carrot and dry in sun for 3 days.
    • Onion-Peel onion cut into thin long pieces and dry in sun.
    • Garlic-Peel of the garlic cloves and cut in pieces. Dry in sun for 2-3 days.
    • Karela-Cut and remove both ends. Cut the remaining in small pieces.

Blanch in boiling water for 7-8 minutes. Treat with 0.25% of Potassium metabisulphite solution and dry in sunlight for 2 days.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 11 Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Question 4.
Write the method of preparation of Murraba preserves of Amla.
For preparing Murraba of Amla take cleaned big sized Banarsi type Amlas. Soak Amlas in 2% salt solution for a night. Take out these Amlas from the salt solution and repeat the process with fresh 2% salt solution. Repeat on third day also. Take out Amlas from the solution and wash them with water. Pierce the Amlas with steel forks at various places so that small holes appear on them. Tie these Amlas in a clean mulmul cloth. Dissolve 2 grams of alum in one liter of water, boil the amlas in this water so that they become soft.

Take one and a half kg sugar for one kg of Amla. Dissolve 750 grams of sugar in water. Boil this and sieve through mulmul cloth. Soak Amlas in this solution for the whole night. Take out the sugar solution and boil the remaining 750 grams of sugar. Sieve through mulmul cloth. Again soak Amlas in this solution. After two days boil again so that solution gets concentrated. Cool and preserve in a container.

Question 5.
Write a method to prepare lime and barley syrup and tomato. juice.
Do it yourself.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Social Science Book Solutions Civics Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

SST Guide for Class 8 PSEB Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
__________ is called the F.I.R.
First investigation report

Question 2.
__________ is the highest court of India.
Supreme Court.

Question 3.
The main organs of the government are __________
Legislature, Executive and Judiciary

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 4.
The supreme court judges remains in office upto the age of years, while the high court judges upto the age of __________ year.
65, 62

Question 5.
PIL means __________
Public interest litigation.

Question 6.
Criminal cases are registered under Article

II. Put a tick against the Right (✓) and a cross against the wrong (✗):

Question 1.
Judiciary is called the defender of the Constitution.

Question 2.
Dual Judiciary System is in practice in India.

Question 3.
An appeal cannot be made in High Court against the District court decisions.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 4.
The Prime Minister appoint the Judges.

Question 5.
Criminal cases are related to quarrels regarding land and property.

III. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Under which has the Supreme Court been provided special powers?
(A) Article 134
(B) Article 135
(C) Article 136
(D) Article 137.
(C) Article 136.

Question 2.
How are the High Court formed?
(A) District level
(B) Tehsil Level
(C) State Level
(D) Village Level.
(C) State Level.

Question 3.
How can the Public Interest cases be fijed?
(A) For defending self interest
(B) For defending government interest
(C) For defending public interest
(D) None of the Above.
(C) For defending Public interest.

IV. Answer the following questions in not more than 15 words :

Question 1.
What is Judiciary?
Judiciary is that part of government which does the work of Justice. It protects the constitution and fundamental rights. It also gives punishment to those who violate the law.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 2.
Which is the highest court of India and where is it located?
Highest court of India is known as the Supreme Court and Supreme Court of India is situated in Delhi, the Capital of India.

Question 3.
What are the main Cases?
Mainly suits are of two types-Civil suits and Criminal suits. Suits of fundamental rights, marriage, divorce, property, land disputes are included in civil suits. Suits of quarrel, violence, murder, etc. comes in the category of criminal suits.

Question 4.
What are civil cases?
Civil cases are related with general public. Suits of fundamental rights of citizens, marriage, divorce, rape, property and land disputes comes in the category of civil suits. They are related with the personal life.

Question 5.
Who are legal Adviser?
Whichever lawyer takes up case from the side of government is known as legal adviser.

Question 6.
What is public interest litigation?
Public interest litigation can be filed against any department, official or institution of the government. It is necessary that this type of suit should be related with public interest. We cannot use public interest litigation for the protection of our personal interests. This type of case is fought by public prosecutor.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 7.
What is F.I.R.?
Meaning of F.I.R. is informing the police quickly if any incident occurs in the surrounding. This information is being given to the nearest police station.

V. Answer the following questions in 50-60 words :

Question 1.
Explain the importance of Judiciary.
Judiciary is that part of government that does the work of giving justice. Judiciary is of great importance in Democratic government because it is known as the caretaker of the constitution. It takes care of democracy and it is the supporter of rights and freedoms. The importance of the Judiciary is more in federalism because it resolves the disputes which occur between center and different states. It also has to play a great role for the security and impartial explanation of the constitution. Quality of Judiciary is the topmost criteria of checking quality of any government.

Question 2.
Write the special powers of the judiciary of India.
Jurisdiction of Supreme Court is related to listening of appeals. It takes up the appeals against decisions of high court. These appeals are of three types-Constitutional, Civil and Criminal.
1. Constitutional Appeal
(a) If a high court of any state issues a certificate about any civil or criminal case that more constitutional explanation,is required in this case then appeal can be made in Supreme Court against the decision of high court.
(b) If high court does not issue such certificate then-Supreme Court itself can give approval and can take up the case.

2. Civil Appeals,
(a) If high court proves that any legal question of general importance in any case arises then appeal can be made in Supreme Court against the decision of high court.
(b) In some specific cases, appeal can be made in Supreme Court against the decision of high court even without the approval of high court.

3. Criminal Appeals. Supreme Court can listen the criminal appeals against the decisions of high court under the following conditions :
(a) Any such suit in which lower court has not found any person guilty but high court has given him the Death Sentence.
(b) If high court has called any case from the lower court itself and has given death sentence to the culprit.
(c) If high court proves that the case is eligible for further appeal.

Except this under Article 136, Supreme Court has the special right to listen to appeal of any case against the decision of high courts.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 3.
Write about the Judiciary system of India.
Supreme Court is situated in the capital of the country, High Courts in different ‘states and District Courts are situated in districts. Gram Panchayat is being organized at village level to give justice to the people. But the scope of righs of Gram Panchayat is not very wide. It solves only cases of small disputes. It is not authorised to give imprisonment to any criminal. It generally fines the criminals.

Question 4.
What are criminal cases? What is difference between civil and criminal cases?
Cases of violence, quarrels, abusing, murder, etc. are included in criminal cases. When any person suffers physical loss or his body hurt or any of his body part hurts then this type of issue comes under the category of criminal cases. For example, if any person captures land of other person illegally then it is a subject of civil case. But when both the parties struck and quarrel with each other and if physical loss is there then this case becomes civil as well as criminal. Intention of murder is also included in criminal case. If proceeding of criminal case against anyone under I.P.C. 134 starts then he can be given death penalty.

On contrary to that, civil cases are associated with fundamental rights, marriage, divorce, rape, land disputes. In this way they are related with personal life of the person.

Question 5.
Where can FIR be registered? Explain the role of judiciary in the event of the FIR not being registered.
The meaning of F.I.R. is giving first information of any incident to the police. This complaint can be registered at any nearby police station. Police of any police centre cannot deny to register this information. But even then if F.I.R. of any person is not being registered at any police centre then he can take the help of high court or Supreme Court.

It is written in our Constitution that any court can. direct the police to register F.I.R. Except this court itself can register the F.I.R. and can direct the police to investigate the matter. There are certain privileges with Supreme Court. But no such example came around us in which any police officer declined to register F.I.R.’ of any incident.” In this case courts of the country are given specific rights.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Guide Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Supreme Court consists of one Chief Justice and :
(a) 13 other Judges
(b) 25 other Judges
(c) 20 other Judges
(d) 33 other Judges.
(d) 33 other Judges.

Question 2.
The Judges of the Supreme Court of India retire at the age :
(a) 62
(b) 65
(c) 60
(d) 50.
(b) 65.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 3.
Number of Judges of the Supreme Court is fixed by :
(a) Parliament
(b) Prime Minister
(c) President
(d) Cabinet.
(a) Parliament.

Question 4.
Supreme Court sits at :
(a) Chandigarh
(b) Delhi
(c) Kolkata
(d) Shimla.
(b) Delhi.

Question 5.
Salary of the Chief Justice of India is :
(a) ₹ 26,000
(b) ₹ 2,80,000
(c) ₹ 28,000
(d) ₹ 30,000.
(b) ₹ 2,80,000

Question 6.
While appointing the Judges of the Supreme Court it is obligatory for the President to consult the :
(a) Chief Justice of the High Court
(b) Law Minister
(c) The Prime Minister
(d) Chief Justice of India.
(d) Chief Justice of India.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 7.
Whom does Supreme Court advise
(a) Cabinet
(b) Prime Minister
(c) President
(d) Parliament.
(c) President.

Question 8.
Which one of the following is the guardian of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Parliament
(b) Supreme Court
(c) President
(d) Cabinet.
(b) Supreme Court.

Question 9.
The Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the :
(a) Chief Justice of India
(b) People
(c) Prime Minister
(d) President.
(d) President.

Question 10.
Judicial Review power is with :
(o) Parliament
(6) High Court
(c) Supreme Court
(d) Both with Supreme Court and High Court.
(d) Both with Supreme Court and High Court.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 11.
In India, the power of Judicial Review is :
(a) Extra-constitutional
(b) Unconstitutional
(c) Constitutional
(d) None of these.
(c) Constitutional.

Question 12.
Which one of the following does not fall within the original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?
(a) Disputes between the Centre and the State
(b) Disputes between the States
(c) Disputes related to Fundamental Rights
(d) Disputes related to the Directive Principles.
(d) Disputes related to the Directive Principles.

Question 13.
Harinder Singh, a resident of Gaushala road has many marriage palaces near his house. He is troubled by the noise caused by these palaces till late in the night. He also understands that the same noise troubles the students, the elders and patients as well. Subsequently he Hies a petition against the urban administration in the High Court. Under which type will the High Court register this petition?
(a) Civil Case
(b) Criminal Case
(c) Public Interest Case
(d) Appeal.
(c) Public Interest Case.

Fill in the Blanks :

Question 1.
__________ is known as first information report.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 2.
__________ is the highest court of India.
Supreme Court

Question 3.
__________, __________ and __________ are the main organs of Government.
Legislature, Executive, Judiciarty,

Question 4.
The judges of Supreme Court retire at the age of __________ years.

Tick the Right (✓) or Wrong (✗) Answer :

Question 1.
Judiciary is known as guardian of the Constitution.

Question 2.
Dual Judicial System is implemented in India.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 3.
Appeal cannot be filed in high Court against the decision of District Court.

Question 4.
Judges are appointed by the Prime Minister.

Match the Following :

Question 1.

1. Supreme Court (i) State’s Court
2. High Court (ii) Property Dispute
3. Criminal Case (iii) Delhi
4. Civil Case (iv) Violence


1. Supreme Court (iii) Delhi
2. High Court (i) State’s Court
3. Criminal Case (iv) Violence
4. Civil Case (ii) Property Dispute

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give the term of Judges of Supreme Court and High Court.
Judges of Supreme Court can remain on their post till 65 years of age and judges of High Court can remain on their post till the age of 62 years.

Question 2.
Which privilege is given to Supreme Court by Article 136 of the Constitution?
Article 136 of the Constitution has given privilege to Supreme Court that it can listen to any appeal against the decision of High Court in that particular case.

Question 3.
What is Special Courts Act?
According to Special Courts Act, appeal can be made only in Supreme Court against the decision of High Court. It is necessary to appeal within 30 days after the decision being given by Special Court.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 4.
Describe the composition of Supreme Court,
At present Supreme Court consists of one Chief Justice and 30 other Judges. Article 127 (1) makes provision for the appointment of adhoc judges also.

Question 5.
How the judges of Supreme Court are appointed?
The judges of Supreme Court are appointed by the President on the recomendation of Chief Justice of India.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
“Structure of Single Judiciary has been established in India.” Clarify.
All the courts of the country are connected with each other. Highest court of the country, Supreme Court, is situated in New Delhi, the capital of India. States have their own high courts. Session Court is there at the district level. Except this Sub-division officer (civil) is there at Tehsil level. Gram Panchayats, Municipal Committees arid Municipal Councils have been established to provide justice to people at local level. High courts are under Supreme Court and district courts are under high courts. In this way court of sub-divisional magistrate is under district court. From this it is clear that structure of single judiciary has been established in the country.

Question 2.
How Judiciary has been made independent and impartial?
The following provisions have been kept to., make judiciary independent and impartial in India :

  • Judiciary has been kept separated from legislature and executive so that no government or party could be able to control it.
  • Judges are appointed by the President according to their ability.
  • According to the rules made for term of judges, judges of Supreme Court can remain on their post till the age of 65 years and Judges of High Court can remain till the age of 62 years. Process of removing them from their post is not very easy.
  • Salary of judges is also more than others. It cannot be reduced during their term of office.

Question 3.
Which type of efforts can a person do to register an FIR or First Information Report?
The meaning of F.I.R. is by registering report of any incident to the police. This report can be registered at the nearby police station. According to the law, police of any police station cannot deny to register F.I.R. If it does not register the report then the S.H.O. (Station House Incharge) can be called to do so. If S.H.O. also denies to register the FIR then Deputy Suprintendent of Police can be met regarding this. If even he (D.S.P.) denies to do so then person can approach Suprintendent of Police. If he also does so then FIR can be registered in any police station of the country.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 28 Judiciary and Its Special Jurisdiction

Question 4.
Who appoints the Judges?
Mainly judges are appointed by the President. He appoints the Chief Justice of Supreme Court and then with his advice, he appoints other judges of Supreme Court.

While appointing judges of High Court, he takes advice of the Chief Justice of Supreme Court as well as of Chief Justice of High Court and Governor of that particular state. Judges of District courts are appointed by Governor of State and he takes advice of the High Court in this case.

Question 5.
Express your views on the moving of cases from a lower court to the upper courts.
A system of providing justice to citizens has been kept in the Indian Constitution. If it seems that justice has not been done in any case then any citizen can take the shelter of the high court. Appeals can be made in High Court against the decision of the District Court and appeals can also be made in Supreme Court against the decision of the High Court. High Court is committed to accepting the decision of the Supreme Court. In the same way, District Court is committed to accepting the decision of the High Court.

Question 6.
Write about the role of the Public Prosecutor.
Who are government prosecutors?
Public prosecutors are those lawyers who fight any case in favour of the government. Different types of public prosecutors are there for different types of suits. It means that there are different public prosecutors of cases like cases between government and government officials, cases of public property, criminal cases, civil cases, etc. In all these cases public prosecutor stands in favour of the government and he defends the government in every case.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Book Solutions  Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Physical Education Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Physical Education Guide for Class 8 PSEB The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
When was Abhinav Bindra born?
Abhinav Bindra was born on 28th September 1982 to Dr. Upjeet Singh Bindra and Mrs. Babali Bindra. They were Sikhs and lived in S.A.S Nagar. Abhinav Bindra had an elder sister. Being a younger child his parents loved him very much. He studied at the Doon school for two years before moving to St. Stephen’s school Chandigarh. He holds a B.B.A degree from a foreign university.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Question 2.
When did Abhinav Bindra participate in Olympics for the first time?
Abhinav Bindra’s hard work bore fruit, in 1988 he was selected for the commonwealth games at the age of 15 and he became the youngest Indian player. In Sydney, he participated in the 2000 Olympics at the age of 18. Though he did not get any position there but participating in Olympics at such a small age was itself an achievement. He participated in 2004 Athens Olympics despite of breaking the Olympics record, Bindra failed to win a medal.

Question 3.
When did Abhinav Bindra become world champion?
In 2006, Bindra became the first Indian shooter to win the world championship gold in Zagreb. It strengthened him in Olympic games Beijing 2008. Abhinav Bindra won the gold and defeated the world level shooters. It was India’s first gold medal after 1980, after 26 years. He won many medals in international tournaments. He became the champion at Asian games, Grand-Prix and Common Wealth sports.

Question 4.
When did Abhinav Bindra win gold medal in the Olympics?
In Olympic games in Beijing 2008, Abhinav Bindra won the gold and defeated the world-level shooters. It was India’s first gold medal after 1980, after 26 years. He won many medals in international tournaments. He became to champion at Asian games, Grand-Prix and Common Wealth sports.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Question 5.
Which awards are awarded to Abhinav Bindra by the Government of India?
He has been honoured many times for his achievements. A foreign company, who makes guns, honoured him by gifting a gun made of gold. The Government of India had awarded him Arjuna Award, Rajeev Gandhi Khel Rattana Award and Padma Bhushan. He is’called the Golden Boy because of winning many gold medals at international level.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Guide The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Where Mr. Abhinav Bindra was bom?
(A) Jerakpur
(B) Bathinda
(C) Gurdaspur
(D) Chandigarh.
(A) Jerakpur

Question 2.
When Abhinav Bindra was bom?
(A) 1982
(B) 1980
(C) 1989
(D) 1986.
(A) 1982

Question 3.
When Abhinav Bindra participated in Olympic?
(A) 2000
(B) 1996
(C) 2004
(D) 2008.
(A) 2000

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Question 4.
When Abhinav Bindra become world champion?
(A) 2004
(B) 2000
(C) 2006
(D) 2012.
(D) 2012.

Question 5.
Mention the award which was given by Government.
(A) Arjuna Award
(B) Rajeev Gandhi Khel Rattana Award
(C) Padama Bhushan Award
(D) None of these.
(A) Arjuna Award
(B) Rajeev Gandhi Khel Rattana Award
(C) Padama Bhushan Award

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
When was Abhinav Bindra born?
Abhinav Bindra was born on 28th September, 1982 to Dr. Upjeet Singh Bindra and Mrs. Babali Bindra.

Question 2.
Who was the first coach of Abhinav Bindra in shooting?
Karnal Jagir Singh was first coach of Abhinav Bindra in shooting.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Question 3.
In which Olympic Abhinav Bindra won the gold medal in shooting?
In Olympic game Beijing 2008, Abhinav Bindra won the gold medal.

Question 4.
Who insisted to Abhinav Bindra for shooting.
Rana Gurmeet Singh Sodhi came to Abhinav Bindra’s farm house and insisted him for shooting.

Question 5.
Who did appreciate the talent of Abhinav Bindra fpr shooting?
Rana Gurmeet Singh Sodhi appreciated Abhinav Bindra’s talent and suggested to Abhinav’s father to encourage him to be a shooter.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How Abhinav Bindra took interest in shooting?
One day when his father was cleaning and oiling the guns he found a fault with a gun. So he went to Dehradun to get it repaired. Abhinav was also with him. The guns were set in a very decorative manner in the gun shop. Those guns tempted Abhinav and he fell in love with guns. He was hardly 10 years old when his father allowed him to shoot but only in his presence.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Question 2.
To whom did Abhinav Bindra wrote a letter for the training of shooting?
Abhinav Bindra wrote a letter to the coach, Dhillon that he wished to get training from him and he also mentioned that one day he would be proud of having coached by him. The coach Dhillon was impressed seeing the dedication and determination of Abhinav at the age of 13.

Question 3.
In which international competition Abhinav Bindra could not get a medal?
In 1998, he was selected for the Common Wealth games at the age of 15 and he became the youngest Indian player. In Sydney, he participated in the 2000 Olympics at the age of 18, though he did not get any position there but participating in Olympics at such a small age was itself an achievement. He participated in 2004 Athens Olympics despite of breaking the Olymplic record, Bindra failed to win a medal.

Question 4.
Write the incident of Olympic in which Abhinav Bindra won the gold medal?
He kept on trying and at last he shot the best aim of his life but at that moment he was ignorant of the fact that he had become the first Indian who had won a gold medal in Olympics. When he looked into the eyes of his coach, Gabriele Buhimann (Switzerland), she told him by making the sign of vfctory that he had won the first position and marked a new record. In’this way, Abhinav Bindra’s name got written in golden words.. He had won in the 10 metre Air Riffle event.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 The Golden Boy-Abhinav Bindra

Question 5.
Who has honoured Abhinav Bindra for his outstanding achievement?
A foreign company, which makes guns, honoured him by gifting a gun made of gold.

Question 6.
Write the various awards which were awarded to Abhinav Bindra by the Government of India?

  • Aijuna Award
  • Rajeev Gandhi Khel Rattana Award
  • Padam Bhushan Award.

He is called the Golden Boy because of winning many gold medals at international level.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Social Science Book Solutions Civics Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

SST Guide for Class 8 PSEB Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
Social, Political and Economic justice is promised in __________

Question 2.
The preamble promises justice to the Indian citizen.

Question 3.
Freedom has been given from Article __________ to __________ of the Constitution of India.
25, 28

Question 4.
There are more than __________ castes in India.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 5.
The were massacred in Delhi in 1984.

Question 6.
__________ languages are recognised by the constitution of India.

Question 7.
The Mandal Commission was set up in __________

Question 8.
The Mandal Commission has identified __________ Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes.

II. Put a tick against the Right (✓) and a cross against the wrong (✗) :

Question 1.
The social inequalities do not affect the government.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 2.
54% of the Indian population is illiterate today.

Question 3.
Hindi is the National language of the India.

Question 4.
Seats are reserved for Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes even today.

Question 5.
The 73 and 74 Amendment of the constitution govern the Local self government in the villages and the cities.

Question 6.
Reservation has been given to the schedule caste and schedule tribes in local self government.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 7.
Social inequalities are coming to an end in the Indian society.

III. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Who said, caste is the most important party in India?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Pandit Jawahar Lai Nehru
(C) Shri Jai Parkash Narain
(D) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
(C) Shri Jai Parkash Narain.

Question 2.
Which Fundamental Right has been added to the Constitution of India to ensure social justice to the Indian people?
(A) Right to Liberty
(B) Right against exploitation
(C) Right to Equality
(D) None of the Above.
(C) Right to Equality.

Question 3.
Whose Motto fs ‘Read All, develop all’?
(C) National Education Commission

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 4.
For whom is reservation of seats permissible in government jobs?
(A) Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes
(B) Only for Backward Classes
(C) Schedule caste, Schedule Tribes and Backward Classes.
(D) Only for poor people.
(C) Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes and Backward Classes.

IV. Answer the following questions in 50-60 words:

Question 1.
What do you mean by social inequality?
Many types of inequalities exist in our society on the basis of Caste, Community, Language etc. It is known as social inequality.

Question 2.
What do you understand by casteism and untouchability?
Casteism. The Indian society is divided in many classes on the name of caste. Sense of higher and lower exists in these classes. It is known as casteism.

Untouchability. People of lower castes in India were hated by people of higher castes. Some people even considered it as a sin if they would be touched by any person of lower caste. This custom was known as Untouchability.

Question 3.
What is illiteracy?
The meaning of illiteracy is that people are unable to read and write. These types of people are easily deviated by our politicians. According to one survey, around 34.62% of total population of India is illiterate.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 4.
What is meant by Linguism?
Hundreds of languages are spoken in India. Some people consider their language as better language than the others. They even hate those people who speak other language. This custom is known as Linguism.

Question 5.
What is meant by reservation?
Many castes in India are backward because they are being exploited by other castes. They are given the names of Scheduled Castes. Some seats are reserved for them in Lok Sabha, State Legislative Assemblies and in government jobs. It is known as reservation.

Question 6.
Has Scanaging been discontinued?
Yes, Scavaging been discontinued by passing certain laws.

Question 7.
How does illiteracy affect Democracy?
If any one is unable to read and write, then he can be called as illiterate. According to Census survey of 2011, around 25% of total population is illiterate. Illiteracy is one of the biggest curse because it is the root cause of many social evils. Many evils occur due to this like unemployment, religious fundamentalism, regionalism, casteism, superstitions, poverty, etc. Illiterate, person cannot become a good citizen. Illiterate persons are easily deviated by political leaders.

Impact of Illiteracy:

  • Illiteracy is the root cause of the social inequalities.
  • It creates obstacles in the way of success of democracy.
  • It is an obstacle in the formation of public opinion.
  • Illiterate persons can easily deviate on a wrong path.
  • Illiterate persons are unable to properly use their right to vote.
  • Illiteracy is the black spot on the face of society.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Guide Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Which of the following is a Marginal group?
(a) Muslims
(b) Dalits
(c) Adivasis
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above.

Question 2.
Untouchability is abolished under which article of the constitution?
(a) Article 17
(b) Article 15
(c) Article 19
(d) Article 14.
(a) Article 17.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 3.
Reservation Policy is adopted by the government for the benefits of :
(a) Scheduled castes
(b) Backward classes
(c) Scheduled tribes
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above.

Question 4.
Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act was passed in :
(a) 1989
(b) 1983
(c) 1993
(d) 2003
(c) 1993.

Question 5.
When Safai Karamchari Andolan and 13 other organizations Died a PIL in the Supreme Court?
(a) 1989
(b) 2002
(c) 2003
(d) 2000.
(c) 2003.

Question 6.
What is the Literacy rates among the tribal people. According to 2001 census?
(o) 50%
(b) 40%
(c) 31%
(d) 29.5%.
(d) 29.5%.

Question 7.
How much of India’s population is illiterate?
(a) 25.96%
(b) 20.64%
(c) 30.86%
(d) 24.64%.
(a) 25.96%.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 8.
How many approximately castes are there in India?
(o) 2000
(b) 3000
(c) 4000
(d) 5000.
(b) 3000.

Question 9.
Which of these is a type of inequality is there in India?
(a) Commvmalism
(b) Untouchability
(e) Illiteracy
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Question 10.
In the year 2002, this right was given by the 86th Amendment in the Constitution to implement it, an ACT was passed in 2009. In April 2010, it was implement in all over India. (P.S.E.B. 2020)
(a) Right to information
(b) Right to Education
(c) Right to live
(d) Right to Equality.
(b) Right to Education.

Fill in the Blanks :

Question 1.
It is promised in the __________ to provide Social, Political and Economic justice.

Question 2.
Articles __________ to __________ provide as right to freedom of religion.
25, 28

Question 3.
More than castes are there in India.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 4.
__________ languages are sanctioned in the Indian Constitution.

Question 5.
Mandal Commission was established in __________

Question 6.
Mandal Commission identified __________ Scheduled Castes and Tribes in India.

Tick the Right (✓) or Wrong (✗) Answer :

Question 1.
Social inequalities do not influence democratic government.

Question 2.
Around 54% population in India is illiterate.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 3.
Hindi is the official language in India.

Question 4.
Reservation policy exists for scheduled castes and tribes.

Question 5.
73rd and 74th amendment provides local self government in villages and eities.

Question 6.
Presently social inequalities are reducing in India.

Match the Following :

Question 1.

1. Untouchability Offence Act (i) 1978
2. Formation of Mandal Commission (ii) 1955
3. Right to Equality (iii) Article 25-28
4. Right to Freedom of Religion (iv) Article 14-18


1. Untouchability Offence Act (ii) 1955
2. Formation of Mandal Commission (i) 1978
3. Right to Equality (iv) Article 14-18
4. Right to Freedom of Religion (iii) Article 25-28

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Name the three most important elements included in the Indian Constitution which determine the social equality.
Equality, Liberty and Secularism.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 2.
According to the Preamble of the Indian Constitution, which three types of justice shall be given to all the citizens?
Social, economic and political.

Question 3.
Give any four types of social inequalities.

  1. Communalism
  2. Casteism and Untouchability
  3. Linguism
  4. Illiteracy.

Question 4.
Why untouchability has been declared as a legal offence?
Untouchability is an inhuman custom. It is the largest obstacle in the successful functioning of democracy. That’s why, untouchability has been declared as a legal offence.

Question 5.
What efforts are being done by government to eradicate Illiteracy?
Our government is taking many steps to eradicate illiteracy from the society. ‘Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan’ is being run in whole of the country. Free and compulsory education has been started upto class VIII. Educational institutions have been increased. Right of education has been included in Fundamental Rights.

Question 6.
How many languages are legally sanctioned in the Indian Constitution?
22 languages are legally sanctioned by the Constitution and Hindi language has been given the legal sanction of National Language.

Question 7.
What do you mean by communal inequality?
People of many religions and communities live over here in India. Religious fundamentalism exists in some persons of these Communities which gives rise to Communalism. It is known as Communal inequality.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 8.
What were the people called who use to pick human waste from the households?
Some people were forced to pick human waste on their heads to throw it outside. These people were known as untouchables.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a note on Communal Inequality in India.
Communalism is the first form of social inequality. Many religions exist over here in India. Some people of different religions are fundamentalists and they give birth to communalism. As a result, communalism has become one of the part of social and political life. Due to this religious intolerance, India was divided in two parts in 1947 A.D. Communal riots in the country is the result of this religious intolerance. This intolerance also exists in Indian politics. Leaders call for vote on the name of religions and religious sentiments of the people are encouraged. As a result the atmosphere of religious tension occurs from time to time in the country.

People are given religious freedom by Articles 25-28 of the Indian Constitution. According to it, all religions are equal in front of law. People are given freedom to adopt and propagate any religion.

Question 2.
What is meant by Custom of picking human waste from households? Why it has been stopped?
Custom of picking human waste from households is a custom of hatredness. This custom was going on from centuries. According to it, few people were forced to pick human waste, of others on their heads to throw it outside.

These people were considered as untouchables. They were hated by everyone. It was necessary to eradicate this evil from society in modern age: Governments tried to eradicate this custom from time to time. Now this custom has been legally eradicated. If any one tries to use this custom, then he is being punished by law.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 3.
Give brief description of marginal groups of India.
Marginal groups are those groups of our society, which remained backward for a long-long time due to social and economic reasons.

Brief description of these groups is given ahead :

  1. Scheduled Castes: There is no clear constitutional definition of Scheduled Castes. But we can only say that these castes are related to those people who were behaved like untouchables. According to Census of 2011, their population in India was 15% of the total population of the country.
  2. Scheduled Tribes: There is no clear constitutional definition of Scheduled Tribes as well. These are exploited tribes of society. They were remained away from our society due to their backwardness. According to Census of 2011, their population in India was 7.5% of the total population of the country.
  3. Backward Classes: They are not defined by the Constitution as well. Actually this is the weakest class of our society. According to Mandal Commission, their population in India was 41% of the total population of the country.
  4. Minorities: Minorities are those people from religious or linguistic point of view, whose numbers are less in the country. According to Census Survey of 2011 they are around 18.42% of the total population of the country.

Question 4.
Write in detail the effects of communal inequality.
Following are the impacts of communal inequality :

  1. Political parties are organised on the basis of religion.
  2. Many religion based pressure groups affect the Indian democracy.
  3. Inequality encourages violence in communal Indian social life.
  4. Specific religion is given importance in formation of Council of Ministers.
  5. Communalism stops the people to do impartial voting.

Question 5.
What do you mean by Linguism? Write its effects also.
Meaning of Linguism is division of society on the basis of language. Hundreds of languages are spoken in India. People are being divided on the basis of language. They dislike those persons who speak other languages. Many states are formed, in India, on the basis of language. Even today, demand of forming new states on the basis of language is being raised. Classes are formed among people on the basis of language. People give preference to their regional language and culture instead of national interests.


  • Demand of new states, on the basis of language, is being raised.
  • Political parties are being organized on the basis of religion.
  • Movements are going on, on the basis of religion.
  • Language gives encouragement to regionalism and communalism.
  • Discrimination and violence occur among the people on the basis of language.
  • Linguism also affects the election process.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 6.
What is reservation? Explain in detail.
One of the largest group of Indian society isrbackward because they were being exploited from the ages. They were given the name of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. According to Articles 330 and 332 of the Constitution, there is a provision of keeping reserved seats for them in the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies according to their proportion in population. It is known as reservation. In the beginning, this system was kept for 10 years but due to different constitutional amendments this systems has been raised till 2020 A.D.

In the same way, according to 72nd and 73rd amendment of the Constitution, now seats are reserved for Scheduled castes and Women in rural and local self-bodies. Even seats for Scheduled Castes are reserved in government jobs. In 1978 A.D, Mandal Commission recommended to reserve seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward classes but this report has not been implemented till today. May be it will be implemented in the near future. Demand of keeping one third seats reserved for women is being raised from time to time. Actually Indian political system is being affected by politics of caste. It has been rightly said by Shri Jai Prakash Narayan that, “Caste in India is the most important political party.”

Question 7.
Write the effects and explain in detail about casteism.
Casteism. People of more than 3000 castes live over here in India. Sense of higher or lower, based on caste, exists among them. It is known as caste inequality. Because of this inequality, people of some castes are unable to use public wells. They are even not allowed to enter temples or any other public places. Politics is going on in the name of the caste and different political parties motivates the people to work against people of other castes.


  • Political parties are being formed on the basis of caste.
  • Leaders call for the vote on the name of caste during elections.
  • System of giving special facilities to certain castes has divided our society.
  • Inhuman practice of untouchability has been encouraged due to casteism.
  • Many a times caste becomes one of the result of conflict and violence.
  • Caste-based pressure groups are being formed and they have a very bad impact on democracy.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 29 Effects of Social Inequalities and Social Justice

Question 8.
Do you think untouchability is inhuman? Explain why?
There is no denying the fact that untouchability is an inhuman practice. One of the largest classes of our society was exploited from the ages due to this practice. They were being hated by higher castes. They were even not allowed to touch the people of higher castes. From the impacts of untouchability, it becomes clear that it is an inhuman practice.


  • The customs of untouchability give rise to social inequality.
  • This custom gives -birth to an inferiority complex among people.
  • This custom gives rise to violence.
  • People are unable to get political education.
  • Many people were not allowed to enter politics due to untouchability.
  • So that is why untouchability has been declared illegal.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Social Science Book Solutions Civics Chapter 24 Constitution and Law Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

SST Guide for Class 8 PSEB Constitution and Law Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
The constitution of India was implemented on ___________
26 Jan. 1950

Question 2.
___________ was the first President of India.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Question 3.
The law against Dowry was enacted in ___________
1961 A.D.

Question 4.
The Constitution of India was prepared in ___________ years months and days.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 5.
The main cause of foeticide is ___________custom.

II. Put a tick against the Right (✓) and a cross against the wrong (✗) answer:

Question 1.
Gandhiji broke the salt law at Dandi.

Question 2.
The Judiciary does not protected the constitution.

Question 3.
The rule of law runs through India.

Question 4.
To oppose bad laws is the feature of Democracy.

Question 5.
Laws are Indefinite rules.

III. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
When was the Indian Constitution Implement?
(A) Nov. 26, 1949
(B) Jan. 26, 1950
(C) Jan. 26, 1930
(D) Jan. 26, 1949.
(B) Jan. 26, 1950.

Question 2.
Who was the Chairman of the constitution draft committee?
(A) Dr. Rajinder Prasad
(B) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Pandit Jawahar Lai Nehru.
(B) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 3.
Who is the highest of the following in India?
(A) Prime Minister
(B) President
(C) Judiciary
(D) Constitution.
(D) Constitution.

Question 4.
State the number of draft committee members.
(A) 11
(B) 18
(C) 7
(D) 2.
(C) 7.

IV. Answer the following questions In not more than 15 words :

Question 1.
What do you mean by Constitution?
Write the meaning of the term Constitution.
The Constitution is a legal document through which administration of the country is being run. Central and state governments run their administration according to the Constitution. The Constitution is above of all the laws of the country.

Question 2.
Why was Constitution implemented on 26th January, 1950?
Our Constitution was implemented on 26th January, 1950 because of the historical importance of this date. On 26th January, 1930, first independence day of the country was celebrated.

Question 3.
Write the word meaning of Law.
Law is an English word. The word “Law’ came out of Tutonic word ‘Lag’ whose meaning is definite. In this way the meaning of law is definite rule.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 4.
What is the importance of Law?
Law is helpful in maintaining system of any institution or the country. No institution can run in a proper way without the laws. School also has its own laws (rules) with which discipline is maintained in the school.

Question 5.
What do you mean by the impartial Judiciary?
The meaning of impartiality of the judiciary is that it works independently without the pressure of executive or legislative. Judiciary in India also has been made impartial. If any institution does not work according to the Constitution, judiciary can declare it unconstitutional.

Question 6.
Which were the movements started by Mahatma Gandhi?
Mahatma Gandhiji started Non-Cooperation Movement in 1921, Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930 and Quit India Movement in 1942 A.D.

Question 7.
What do you understand by “Boycott of Liquor”?
What is meant by the prohibition of Liquor?
The meaning of Boycott of Liquor is restriction of making whisky by state, sale of whisky and drinking of whisky.

V. Answer the following questions in 50-60 words :

Question 1.
What do you mean by the. supremacy of the Constitution?
The Indian Constitution is considered as the highest document.

  1. Persons being appointed in all the important offices of the country are asked to take the oath of the Constitution.
  2. All government and non-government institutions work according to the Constitution.
  3. Judiciary has been made independent and impartial. It has been given a number of rights for the security of the Constitution. Out of these, one right is related to” security and explanation of the Constitution.
  4. A democratic structure has been established in the country according to the Constitution. Citizens are given a number of rights. One of these important rights is the right to criticise the government.

Question 2.
How was the Constitution of India formed?
On the 29th of August, 1947, a seven member committee was formed to form the Indian Constitution. This committee studied the Constitutions of many countries. It took 2 years, 11 months and 18 days to complete the Indian Constitution. It was passed by the Constituent Assembly on 29th November, 1949 but was implemented in the country on 26th January, 1950 due to the historical importance of this date.

Question 3.
How has the judiciary been made Impartial in India?
Judiciary has been made the independent and unbiased for the security of Constitution. Judiciary determines that the Constitution should be obeyed. If any institution does not work according to the Constitution then it can be declared as unconstitutional. Judiciary has the right to review the laws. It means that if any law made by legislative is against the spirit of the Constitution, it can be dismissed by the Judiciary. In the same way if any work implemented by executive is against the Constitution then it can be declared as unconstitutional.

Question 4.
Why did Gandhi violate the British laws?
The British government used to make laws for the country before our independence. The main aim of these laws was to meet the interests of the British government. Indian interests were hardly cared by these laws. For example, British government passed an act in 1919 A.D. called Rowlatt Act according to which government was free to arrest any person just on the basis of doubt. Salt law was also against Indians. It was necessary to break such laws. That’s why Gandhiji broke those laws.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 5.
What is meant by prohibition and why should it be put into practice?
Meaning of boycotting of liquor is the legal prohibition of making whisky, sale of whisky and drinking of whisky.

Drinking whisky or alcohol is a social evil. According to one survey, every fourth person of the country is alcoholic. Daily 25 crore rupees are being spent on whisky. Not only this it leads to loss of money, loss of health and loss of time. Alcohol takes the person towards moral degradation. That’s why it is necessary to implement the policy of Complete Prohibition.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Guide Constitution and Law Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Indian Constitution was framed by :
(a) Indian Parliament
(b) Dr. Ambedkar British
(c) Constituent Assembly
(d) Parliament.
(c) Constituent Assembly.

Question 2.
The Indian Constitution was enforced on :
(a) 9th December 1950
(b) 15th August 1947
(c) 26th Nov. 1949
(d) 26th January, 1950.
(d) 26th January, 1950.

Question 3.
Aims of the Constitution are mentioned in the :
(a) Preamble
(b) Fundamental Rights
(c) Directive Principles
(d) None of the above.
(a) Preamble

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 4.
Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Dr. Rajinder Prasad
(d) K.M. Munshi.
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

Question 5.
Which of the following right is available under the Indian Constitution?
(a) Right to Equality
(b) Right to Freedom
(c) Right against Exploitation
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above.

Question 6.
At present Indian citizen enjoys :
(a) Seven Fundamental Rights
(b) Eight Fundamental Rights
(c) Six Fundamental Rights
(d) None of the above
(c) Six Fundamental Rights.

Question 7.
Who was elected as the first president of India?
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Pt. Jawahar Lai Nehru
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) Mahatma Gandhi.
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Question 8.
Which of these movements was started by Gandhiji?
(a) Non-Cooperation Movement
(b) Quit India Movement
(c) Civil Disobedience Movement
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 9.
When was Dowry Prohibition Act passed?
(a) 1960
(b) 1961
(c) 1962
(d) 1963.
(b) 1961.

Fill in the Blanks :

Question 1.
Indian Constitution come into force on ___________
26 January 1950

Question 2.
___________ was the first President of India.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Question 3.
Dowry Prohibition Act was passed in A.D.

Question 4.
Indian Constitution was made in around ___________ years.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 5.
Major reason of foeticide is ___________

Tick the Right (✓) or Wrong (✗) Answer:

Question 1.
Gandhi Ji broke Salt Law at Dandi.

Question 2.
Judiciary never protects the country.

Question 3.
Rule of law is there in India.

Question 4.
Elimination of wrong laws is a basic aspect of democratic government.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 5.
Laws are indefinite rules.

Match the Following :

Question 1.

1. Constitution (i) Judiciary
2. Protection of Constitution (ii) 31 Dec. 1929
3. Completion of Constitution (iii) Legal Document
4. Declaration of Poorna Swaraj (iv) 26 Nov. 1949


1. Constitution (iii) Legal Document
2. Protection of Constitution (i) Judiciary
3. Completion of Constitution (iv) 26 Nov. 1949
4. Declaration of Poorna Swaraj (ii) 31 Dec. 1929

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
When did India become independent?
India became independent on 15th August 1947.

Question 2.
Who framed the Constitution of India? Who was its chairman?
The Constitution of India was framed by the Constituent Assembly whose chairman was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Question 3.
When was the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly framed? Who was its Chairman?
The Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly was framed on 29th August 1947. Its chairman was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 4.
Who was the first President of India? In which meeting of Constituent Assembly he was elected as President?
The first President of India was Dr. Rajendra Prasad. He was elected as the President in the last meeting of Constituent Assembly on 25th January 1950.

Question 5.
Which steps are taken to make Judiciary independent and impartial?
Appointment of judges, their salary, perks and term are kept separate from other bureaucrats.

Question 6.
Give two things included in the Civil Disobedience and Non-Cooperation Movements.

  1. Not to use things made by the British government.
  2. Not to wear clothes made by them.

Question 7.
Where and how was the salt law broken?
Salt law was broken at Dandi (Gujarat) under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Salt made by the British government was destroyed by them and Gandhiji ordered to make salt themselves from the seawater.

Question 8.
Which state governments passed the laws related to complete prohibition? Were they proved fruitful?
Complete Prohibition Laws were passed by governments of Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. But they were not proved fruitful.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a note on the formation and implementation of the Constitution of India.
After the independence, one Constituent Assembly was formed. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected its permanent chairman. This committee was sovereign in its hands.

Formation of Drafting Committee and making of the Constitution. One committee of seven members was formed on 29th August, 1947 to give definite form to the Constitution. It’s chairman was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. This Drafting Committee studied the Constitutions of different countries and collectecLmany facts from the Constitutions of other countries. Total 11 meetings of the Constituent Assembly were held. The work of making of the Constitution was completed on 26 Nov., 1949. It took 2 years, 11 months and 18 days to make our Constitution. The Constitution was implemented on 26th Jan. 1950. Last meeting of Constituent Assembly took place on 25th Jan. 1950 in which Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the first President, of India.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 2.
Why and how Dowry System was banned?
The custom of dowry was a curse on our society. This was one of the biggest problems for poor classes right from the ages. Poor people used to take loan to give dowry to their girls. It led to lower status of females in society. That’s why people started to encourage female foeticide. It led to decline in sex-ratio in society. That’s why government was forced to make a law to restrict dowry system and this law was made in 1961. According to this law, giving or taking dowry is an offence.

Question 3.
What do you mean by the Constitution and Law?
Constitution. The Constitution is a fundamental and legal document which enjoys the highest place in the country. It is a set of those rules according to which administration of the country is being run. All the government and non-government institutions work according to the Constitution.

Law. Law is that rule which maintains peace and order in the country. Laws are being formed by central and state legislatures. It is necessary for all the citizens of the country to obey the laws of the country. Punishment can be given in case of breaking the laws.

Question 4.
What is the meaning and importance of Law?
Meaning. Law is an English word. The word ‘Law’ came out of the Teutonic word ‘Lag” whose meaning is definite. In this way, the meaning of the word ‘Law’ is any definite rule.

Importance of Law: Laws are of great importance in social life. They regulate our social life. Our social life cannot run in a proper way without these laws. For example, if rules (laws) will not be implemented in the school then indiscipline will not prevail in the school. In this way, if criminals will not be controlled by laws then insecurity will prevail in the social life of the society.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 24 Constitution and Law

Question 5.
List the rights of citizens in a criticism.
Rights given to citizens by the Constitution are known as basic rights or fundamental rights. They are six in number and are listed as follows:

  1. Right to Equality.
  2. Right to Freedom.
  3. Right against Exploitation.
  4. Right to Religious Freedom.
  5. Cultural and Educational Rights.
  6. Right to Constitutional Remedies.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Book Solutions  Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Physical Education Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Physical Education Guide for Class 8 PSEB Awareness about Narcotics Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are the effects of the use of narcotics?
Nowadays drugs have become a great problem in our society. The drugs effect the body and mind adversely and ruins the family and social life of the person. Narcotic drugs effect our body systems adversely and cause severe diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. The drug-addicted person loses control over his behaviour. Out of anxiety, the person may even Quarrel with his friends and relatives. As a result, his friends and relatives start avoiding him. A drug addict can no more enjoy his social life as he loses his character and is unable to maintain a healthy relation with the members of the society.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Question 2.
What are the reasons of the increasing trends of drug addiction?
Students are attracted towards drug abuse due to bad company, movies and songs. Students get inspired by the heroes in the movies picturised as taking drugs because they consider it to be cool, but they are unaware of the fact that drugs can prove to be fatal. Broken marriage or divorce of mother and father can attract their children towards drug addiction. This may, as a result, spoil the family life and may even push the children towards serious drug addiction. Sometimes, parents themselves spoil their children with drugs because they themselves are addicted.

A child spends most of his time with friends and playmates, away from the family members. Therefore, the influence of friends or peer groups is natural. If one of the friends is a drug addict, it will effect the whole group. Sometimes, a case of show-off or boasting may persuade a child to do costly drugs. Due to modem technology and vogue, a child may happen to take drugs.

Question 3.
What are the harmful effects of narcotics?
Drugs have become a great problem in the society now a days. Drugs effect the users body by weakening the digestive system, immune system, circulatory system, respiratory system, metabolism, nervous system, etc. The persistent use of drugs may cause many severe diseases such as hypertension, numbness, diabetes, jaundice, cancer, etc. The risk of heart related diseases also increase, hands start shaking, the person suffers mental imbalance as well.

Use of narcotic drugs effects the behaviour of the person very badly. He loses control over his senses and Quarrels with people without any genuine reason. The drug addict remains irritated all the time as the narcotics severely effect all the systems of his body. People of the society avoid him which further adds to his irritation.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Question 4.
What are the measures to get rid of drug addiction?
It is very difficult to make a person Quit using drugs. However, addicted person must be prepared mently and physically, to give up narcotics by the following manner:

1. Motivation:
The school teachers, parents, friends and team mates play an important role to motivate the children to avoid narcotics. They should aware the person of the ill effects of narcotics. Only friendly and sympathetical behaviour can work well in these cases. He can prepare himself to give up drugs with the counselling of the psychologist.

2. Yog Asana:
Yog Asanas play an important role to motivate the addicted person to avoid using drugs as yoga is a gift from the Indian culture. Now-a-days popular all over the world, yoga is very useful to relieve mental and physical stress. The Asanas are very good to prevent the mental and physical diseases and drug addiction as well.

3. Role of family:
The role of family plays an important role to make the person drug-free. Drug addicted person must be treated with love and affection. In this way, needful corporation from his family, friend and relatives can help the person Quit the abuse of drugs.

4. Sports Entertainment:
Sports help the children to be physically and mentally fit and make best use of free time. In this way the attention gets diverted from the bad company and the children may be free from bad habits like drug addiction.

5. Organising Seminars:
It is very needful that the school and colleges should organise seminars on the harmful effects of the drugs abuse. They should make the students aware about the harmful effects of smoking, drinking alcohol, doing other harmfuL drugs, etc. In these seminars, experts should be invited to spread awareness.

6. Family Attitude:
Parents and teachers should have sympathetic and friendly attitude towards the children. So they may share the problems and feelings with their parents and teachers. In this way, they can keep the children away from drug addiction.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Guide Awareness about Narcotics Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Mention the bad effects of drug:
(A) Men become very weak.
(B) Fall victms to many diseases.
(C) Digestive and Muscular system become weak.
(D) Above all.
(A) Men become very weak.
(B) Fall victms to many diseases.
(C) Digestive and Muscular system become weak.
(D) Above all.

Question 2.
Write the causes of increasing intoxicants:
(A) Social causes
(B) Effects of technology
(C) Family causes
(D) Above all.
(D) Above all.

Question 3.
Mention ways to prevent intoxicants:
(A) Prerena
(B) To organise seminar.
(C) Psychological effect
(D) Above all.
(A) Prerena
(B) To organise seminar.
(C) Psychological effect

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Question 4.
Name any four drugs:
(A) Wine
(B) Tabacco
(C) Afeem and Ganja
(D) Above all.
(D) Above all.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are narcotics?
Narcotics are the drugs which make a person lose his mental and physical balance.

Question 2.
Write the changes in a person after taking narcotic drugs.
There are many kinds of changes that can be seen like ill-behaviour and lose in senses.

Question 3.
Write the effects of using narcotic drugs.
The drugs effect the social & economic status of the person. The abuse of drugs also spoils his family life because the person may cheat the trust of the family members.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Question 4.
Write any two effects of narcotic abuse.

  • Unhealthy social life.
  • Breaking of relations with family and relatives.

Question 5.
Write any two harmful effects of narcotics.

  • Effects the numerous systems of the body.
  • Adverse effects on behaviour.

Question 6.
Write any two measures to get rid of drug addiction..
1. Motivation: The parents, school teachers and elders of the family play an important role to motivate the children to avoid narcotics.

2. Psychological Method: If it seems difficult, then the person should be prepared to give up drugs with the counselling of a psychologist.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are Narcotics?
Narcotics are the drugs which spoil the life of the user and the person becomes isolated. He gets ignored by his relatives.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Question 2.
Write the reasons of increasing trend of drug addictions.
1. Sometime children start comparing their economic life with that of their friends. Therefore, they try to boast by taking costly drugs.
2. Effect of Technology: Technology has made our life very comfortable. The child gets attracted to the drugs available on the internet and thereafter starts abusing them.

Question 3.
Write the bad effects of drugs.
The drugs effect the body and mind of the user. Nobody wants his friendship and he loses his character and the relationship with the society becomes unhealthy.

Question 4.
Write the effects of harmful narcotics.

  • The use of drugs cannot compete the role of society and rules of the games.
  • By hook or by crook the person intends to maintain his own status in the society and in the playing ground.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 8 Awareness about Narcotics

Question 5.
What is the harmful effect of narcotics?
Narcotic drugs weaken the human body and effects the mind also. The behaviour of the person seems out of control. This effects his personal and social life.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Book Solutions  Chapter 7 Yoga Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Physical Education Chapter 7 Yoga

Physical Education Guide for Class 8 PSEB Yoga Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the philosophy of yoga?
Philosophy of yoga is based on the soul of a person who is a part of God himself. Today man has forgotten God and as a result he has lost his actual power gifted to him by God. That is why he is not able to do his duties well. As a result of it he fails in every walk of life and his mind gets distracted. He is unable to solve his problem and feels weak physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. So his life becomes full of worries and sorrows.

The philosophy of yoga shows the right path to the people. Yoga always motivates to follow non violence. We should not be the “diverted” human beings. Yoga philosophy accepts ‘non-violence’ as a big religion.

Question 2.
What do you know about the goal of yoga?
Goal of yoga is to connect one’s soul to God by strengthening him physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In other words, it is the liberation of the soul from worldly suffering or problems. Yoga prepares a person to face all the problems of life with determination so that he may not distract from his path.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 3.
What are the objectives of yoga education?
1. To achieve higher level of consciousness:
Through meditation and other spiritual practices our soul can be connected to the eternal power. In this way, by elevating the consciousness to higher level, an individual gets enlightenment.

2. To infuse moral values:
Yoga asanas helps the person to meditate and as a result of meditation, person feels inner calm and peace which leads to religious faith, values, ethics, principles and morals.

3. To achieve emotional stability:
Yoga exercise makes the person capable of overcoming one’s emotions. Hence it helps in maintaining balance of mind. Therefore, yoga has been proved as a boon to the worried and stressed people. Yoga relaxes them and makes them able to control their emotions in the critical conditions so that they can lead a happy and contented life.

4. To achieve good health:
Yoga asanas are like physical exercises but when performed properly and regularly one’s body becomes strong, healthy and fit. Different asanas work very well to keep the different organs of the body fit and healthy because it increases the immunity of the body.

5. To achieve mental strength:
Yoga exercises not only strengthen a person physically but it makes him meditate so that his mind becomes stable and the person becomes mentally strong. It develops self confidence and because of self confidence he does not lose his heart even in the most difficult situations. He faces them bravely and becomes capable to solve the entire problem in no time.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 4.
What do you know about Ashtang yoga?
Ashtang Yoga has 8 components and therefore it is called “Ashtang”.
According to Rishi PatanjaU, there are eight stages or components of Yoga. They are as follows-

  1. Yama (Forbearance)
  2. Niyama (Observance)
  3. Asana (Posture)
  4. Pranayama (Regulation of breathing)
  5. Pratyahara (Abstraction)
  6. Dharana (Concentration)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Trance)

The first five components or stages out of the above-mentioned eight stages are connected with external Yogic exercises, and the remaining three are related to internal Yogic exercises. All these stages have been further divided as follows:

1. Yama (Forbearance):
It has the following five components-

  • Ahimsa (Non-violence)
  • Satya (Truth)
  • Astey (Conquest of the senses of mind) id) Aprigraha (Non-receiving)
  • Brahmacharya (Celibacy).

2. Niyama (Observance):
This, too has the following five stages or components-

  • Shauch (Obeying the call of nature)
  • Tapa (Penance)
  • Santosh (Contentment)
  • Savadhyaye (Self-study)
  • Ishwar Paridhan (God-consciousness).

3. Asana (Posture):
The number of Asana is as much as the number of birds. Asanas should be performed according to the capacity of the body. They should be done -by exhaling air through breathing, stopping breath and re-breathing.

4. Pranayama (Regulation of breathing):
Pranayama is a part of meditation. It has the following three parts-

  • Purak (Inhalation)
  • Rechak (Exhalation)
  • Kumbhak (Holding of Breath). Holding breath and exhalation are called Pranayama (Regulation of breathing).

5. Pratyahara (Abstraction): Pratyahara means detachment of mind from all the worldly pleasures and comforts.

6. Dharana (Concentration): Dharana means exercising control over our organs. But it is very difficult to practise it.

7. Dhyana (Meditation):
When a person gains control over mind the state of dhyana sets in this state, body and mind become like the flow of the river in which the currents of water have no effect at all.

8. Samadhi (Trance):
It is the state of mind which starts with dharana, dhyana and finally samadhi. All these states have deep connection among them.

The science of yoga is a valuable contribution of India to the world. Yoga is gaining popularity at home and abroad. All the doctors and teachers of physical education acknowledge its utility. Yoga exercises are completely scientific in nature and in accordance with the stucture of the body.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Guide Yoga Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
What is yoga?
(A) Aided
(B) To meet God with Atama
(C) Ahimsa
(D) Above all.
(A) Aided
(B) To meet God with Atama
(C) Ahimsa

Question 2.
Objective of Yoga:
(A) Control on Emotion
(B) Healthful living
(C) Mentally strong
(D) All above.
(D) All above.

Question 3.
How many parts are there in Ashtang Yoga?
(A) Four
(B) Six
(C) Seven
(D) Eight.
(D) Eight.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question I.
When should we take bath after doing asana?
After half an hour.

Question 2.
What type of floor is required to perform asana?
Levelled floor.

Question 3.
What type of dress should we put on while doing asanas?
Dress should be loose and minimum.

Question 4.
What asana should be done to remove Constipation?
We should do the Tar and Sarvang asana.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 5.
What asana should be done to remove obesity?
Hal asana and Dhanur asana.

Question 6.
Which asana should be done to remove obesity and abdominal disease?
Pashchimotan and Bhujang asana should be done to remove obesity and abdominal disease.

Question 7.
Which is the oldest method of Indian exercises?
Yoga Asana.

Question 8.
How much time Sheersh Asana may be performed daily?
2 minutes only.

Question 9.
Name the asana which prevents Hernia and Urinary diseases.
Chakra Asana.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 10.
Mention any two advantages of Sheersh Asana.

  • Increases the learning power.
  • Removes the fat of the body.

Question 11.
Mention any two advantages of Vazur Asana.

  • It cures night fall.
  • It also cures diabetes.

Question 12.
Mention any two advantages of Padam Asana.

  • Cures the pain of waist.
  • Passing out of urine becomes normal.

Question 13.
Describe any two advantages of Bhvijang Asana.

  • Removes constipation.
  • Albumin disease is cured.

Question 14.
Mention any two advantages of Dhanur Asana.

  • Arthritis is cured.
  • Menstruation and Venereal diseases of women are cured.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 15.
Which is the means of uniting soul with God?

Question 16.
Which is the best asana for mental concentration?
Padam Asana.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
“Yoga is the means of uniting soul with God.” How? Or What is yoga?
“Yoga can be defined as science of healthy and better living physically, mentally, intellectually and spiritually.” Thus, Yoga is the union of soul with God. The medium of this sweet and happy union is body. The union of soul and God takes place by means of healthy and strong body, and we can have a vision of the Almighty God. Yoga makes body strong and healthy. As such, it is the only means of the union of soul and God.

God is the embodiment of other-worldly qualities, actions and knowledge. He is all pervading like the sky. The mutual relation between the living being and God is a must. Yoga is helpful in strengthening these bonds or connections. Man’s aim is to enjoy all the comforts of the world and to make the living soul one with God so that he may get rid of the cycles of births and rebirths and attain salvation.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 2.
Yoga is becoming very popular in foreign countries. Why?
Yoga is an ancient knowledge of India. Yogic science is very important in human life. All over the world doctors and physical education teachers accept the importance of this ancient knowledge. Yoga Asanas are based on scientific knowledge and useful for persons of all ages. Yoga contributes in the complete development of man.

Question 3.
Write any five points which one should bear in mind while doing Asanas.
1. Yoga Asanas should be performed in the morning after the practitioner eases himself. It is better to perform Yoga Asanas after having a bath. After taking bath body feels light and flexible and Asanas get performed very easily. Asanas can, of course, be done on empty stomach in the evening, too.

2. The place of Asanas should be clean and peaceful. It is desirable if Asanas are performed in a green park or garden.

3. The place where Asanas are to be performed should be even. Asanas should be performed on a mat so that one’s concentration is not disturbed by gravitational pull of the earth or by anything else.

4. One should not indulge in talks while performing Asanas. One should concentrate on one’s breathing and on the organ on which pressure is felt. The more one gets concentrated the more shall Be the benefit of the Asanas performed. Perform Shavasana before doing other Asanas to make body, mind and breath calm and poised.

5. Yogic exercises are slow and non-aggressive. They should never be performed with jerks. Each Asana should be performed slowly by making the body alert and tense. Then the body should be kept in a relaxed state after some time. The second Asana should be performed when breathing becomes normal.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 4.
What is the importance of Shav Asana?
This asana should be performed for 3-5 minutes. It should be performed at the start and end of every asana.

  • Shavasana helps in getting rid of high blood pressure and mental tension.
  • It keeps the heart and the brain fresh.
  • It removes the fatigue of the body.

Question 5.
Describe the advantages of Yoga Asanas.
1. Man’s basic faculties of body and mind develop by means of Yoga. Lungs get enough air through the exercise of pranayama, as a result of which they get exercised and energised, and get rid of many ailments.

2. Man’s body remains completely healthy through Yoga. Dhoti and Basti help in cleaning liver and intestines respectively. Clean body, we know, always remains healthy.

3. Body gets strengthened with Yoga.

4. By doing Yogic Asanas the organs of body become flexible. For example, Hal-Asana and Dhanush-Asana help in increasing the flexibility of the backbone.

5. All body systems begin to function properly with Yogic exercises.

6. Yogic exercises keep human body in good and correct posture, as a result of which man’s personality improves. For example, by doing Brikh-Asana, knees do not strike, and by doing Padam-Asana”, one’s belly does not protrude and shoulders do not develop hump.

7. Mental discipline develops by doing Yoga. By doing Yama and Niyanfa, one is enabled to exercise control on one’s undesirable emotions and vices.

8. Many ailments get removed by performing Yoga Asanas correctly. Vajar-Asana and Mastainder-Asana help in the removal of diabetes. Similarly, Pranayama keeps the lungs free from ailments.

9. Yoga Asanas help in removing physical and mental fatigue. Shavasana helps in the removal of tiredness.

10. Man’s intelligence and memory increase as a result of performing Yoga Asanas. Shirash-Asana proves to be very useful in this respect.

11. Yogic exercises develop a sort of rhythm in man’s body.

12. Yogic Asanas are the best means of attaining peace and balance of mind.

PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga

Question 6.
Describe the Technique of Shav Asana.
Shav Asana. In this asana, one lies down prostrate and loosens the body. In order to perform this asana, lie down straight on the ground over the back and loosen all the parts of the body completely. Gradually, breathe in deeply. The distance between the feet should be 1.5 ft.
PSEB 8th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 7 Yoga 1
Keep the wrists of the hands away from the body, facing the sky. Close your eyes, introspect and think as if the body were getting loose. Feel that the body is in a position of rest.

Question 7.
Which asanas are useful for reducing Fatness/Obesity and the trouble of the stomach?

  • Tar Asana
  • Shirsh Asana
  • Padam Asana
  • Paschimotan Asana
  • Bhujang Asana
  • Chakra Asana
  • Dhanush Asana.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Farming

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Book Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Farming Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Agriculture Chapter 8 Organic Farming

Agriculture Guide for Class 8 PSEB Organic Farming Textbook Questions and Answers

(A) Answer in One to Two words:

Question 1.
According to the organic farming concept should we feed the soil or plant?
Feed the soil, not the plant.

Question 2.
Where is National Centre for Organic Fanning situated?
In Ghaziabad.

Question 3.
Shallow rooted crops should be rotated with which type of crops?
Deep rooted crops.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 4.
Is burning of crop residues allowed or not in organic fanning?
Burning of crop residue is not allowed.

Question 5.
Can Bt crops be grown in organic fanning?
No, Bt crops can not be grown.

Question 6.
Which types of crops are grown as intercrops in organic fanning?
Leguminous crops.

Question 7.
Name any one bio-fungicide.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 8.
Name any one bio-insecticide.
At trichogramma.

Question 9.
Name the website from where information on organic farming can be obtained.

Question 10.
In which year India formulated standards for organic farming?
In year 2004.

(B) Answer in One to Two sentences:

Question 1.
Which type of crops should be rotated in field under organic farming?
Rotate deep roots crops with shallow rooted crops and legumes with non legumes.

Question 2.
What are the causes of increasing demand of organic products?
People have become aware about the adverse effects of modem agricultural practices. Purchasing capacity of the people have also increased. This has led to the increasing demand for organic food products.

Question 3.
Which countries are die major markets for organic products?
Countries which are major markets for organic products are America, Japan and European union.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 4.
Define organic fanning.
Organic farming is a system of farming in which agricultural production is done without harming or damaging natural resources like soil, water and air and also without using chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.

Question 5.
Define organic standards.
Organic standards are certain minimum requirements which must be met for organic food production. In India these standards were formulated in year 2004. Which are acceptable by other countries.

Question 6.
Which areas in India are more suitable for organic fanning?
Areas which are organic by default or are nearly organic and where rainfall is 68%, organic farming should be promoted in such areas.

Question 7.
Which organic products have higher demand in world food market?
There is a huge demand of tea, basmati rice, vegetables, fruits, pulses etc. which are grown by adopting organic farming practices, in the world organic food market.

Question 8.
Which countries have higher demand for organic products?
Organic products are in higher demand in countries like, Japan, America, European Union.

Question 9.
What are the organic standards for use of seed in organic fanning?
Seed should be taken from organic crop but if such seeds are not available then use untreated conventional seeds.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 10.
How weeds can be managed in organic maize?
Cow pea is sown in maize rows as inter crop and it is harvested after 35-40 days of sowing. This practice controls weeds in maize and green fodder is also obtained.

(C) Answer in Five to Six sentences:

Question 1.
Why there is need to go in for organic farming?
Our country became self-sufficient in grains due to green revolution. But excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides etc. have deteriorated natural resources like soil, air and water to large extent. Due to adopting wheat-rice crop cycle for many years, area under traditional crops like pulses and oil seed crops have decreased.

We forgot the basic principle of rotation of shallow rooted crop with deep rooted crops and of N legumes with non-legumes. Unnecessarily and untimely application of urea reached deep into the soil with the rain water. Pesticide residues have appeared in food products, milk etc. People have become aware about the adverse effects of modem agricultural practices. Purchasing capacity of the people have also increased. This has led to the increasing demand for organic products. To meet this demand organic farming is in need.

Question 2.
How soil fertility is maintained under organic farming?
In organic farming, agricultural production is done by maintaining natural balance and without harming natural resources. Soil fertility is maintained by doing following things:

  • Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides are completely prohibited.
  • Cultivation of leguminous crops is must in the crop rotation cycle.
  • Burning of crop residue is not allowed.
  • Contaminated water like sewage water can not be used for irrigation.
  • Use beneficial insects and birds for protecting crops against insects and pests.
  • Genetically modified crops are not allowed.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 3.
How insect-pests and diseases are controlled in organic farming?
In organic farming chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides etc. are totally prohibited. In this practice insects and diseases are controlled by natural methods. Beneficial insects and birds are used for controlling , pests and insects. Extract of neem and bio-pesticides (Bt trichogramma) are used to control pests and insects. Bio fungicides like trichoderma etc.can be used for disease management. Mixed cropping like wheat and ’ gram help in fighting against diseases and insects and pests.

Question 4.
What is organic certification and who does provide the certification?
If organic products are to be sold in market or if these are to be exported to other countries then organic certification is must. Certification guarantees that the organic product is produced as per the organic standards. Government of India has authorized 24 certification agencies.

A farmer has to register his farm with any one of the agencies. Inspectors of the agency visit the farms and check the compliance of organic standards by the farmer. After satisfaction, agency certifies the produce as organic. One can get more information about organic standards and certification at the site in.

Question 5.
What are the advantages of organic farming?
Advantages of organic farming are:

  • Fertility of the soil increases.
  • Production cost is reduced.
  • Organic produce is sold at higher price.
  • This is sustainable agricultural practice.
  • It helps in increasing employment.
  • Poisonous residue is not found in environment and food items.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Guide Organic Farming Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How is hoeing done in organic farming?
Manually by hands, wheel hoe or by tractor.

Question 2.
Which crops are sown as inter crops in organic farming.

Question 3.
To meet nutritional requirement of crops in organic farming which non-edible cake is used?
Castor cake.

Question 4.
How many certification agencies have been authorized to do organic certification in India?
24 agencies

Question 5.
How much food grains are required by 2020?
276 million ton food grains.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give two advantages of organic farming.

  • Fertility of the soil is maintained and is increased.
  • More income from organic produce.

Question 2.
Cultivation of which crops is reduced due to green revolution.
Area under the cultivation of the traditional crops like pulses and oil seed crops is reduced due to wheat rice crop cycle which helped in bringing green revolution.

Question 3.
Which organic produce is in demand in world market and which countries provide market for these products?
Basmati rice, vegetables, fruits, tea, pulses and cotton are in demand in Japan, America and European Union.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Write a note on production of organic crops.
Agricultural practices to be followed for the production of organic crops are the same as for conventional crops e.g. seeds, varieties, method, of sowing etc. In organic farming chemicals like, pesticides, weedicides, fungicides etc. are prohibited. Weed control management is done by crop rotation or by some agricultural methods.

In maize rows cowpea is sown which helps in controlling weeds and also provide green fodder. In turmeric fields rice straw mulching is done to control weeds. Legumes help in maintaining the fertility of the soil by fixing nitrogen of the atmosphere in the soil. Nutritional requirements of the crops are met with by using farm yard manure, compost, vermicompost etc. Insects and pests are controlled by beneficial insects and birds and also by using biopesticides like, extract v of neem. Mixed farming system also helps in managing insects and diseases.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

PSEB 8th Class Science Guide Some Natural Phenomena Textbook Questions and Answers


Select the correct option in Questions 1 and 2.

Question 1.
Which of following cannot be charged easily by friction?
(a) A plastic scale
(b) A copper rod
(c) An inflated balloon
(d) A woollen cloth.
(b) A copper rod.

Question 2.
When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod
(а) and cloth both acquire positive charge.
(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.
(c) and the cloth both acquire negative charge.
(d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth is positive charged.
(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
Write T against true and F against false in the following statements.
[а] like charges attract each other.

[b] A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw.

[c] Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning.

[d] Earthquakes can be predicted in advance.

Question 4.
Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off sweater during winters. Explain.
Woollen clothes get electrically charged when they get rubbed. Due to rubbing attraction or repulsion occurs between their loose particles which results in crackling sound.

Question 5.
Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.
Human body is a conductor of electricity. When a body is touched with hand, the electric current of body passes to the earth through human body and body loses its charges.

Question 6.
Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquakes is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph ? Is it likely to cause much damage ?
Scale used to measure earthquake is Richter scale.
Earthquake with measure 3 can be recorded on seismograph but this earthquake is very feeble in its intensity and very less destructive.

Question 7.
Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from Lightning.
Suggest any two safety measures that we should take to prevent damage caused by linghtning.
Measures of Protection:

  1. On hearing thunder, go inside closed areas such as houses, buildings etc.
  2. In bus, close all the doors and windows.
  3. In open, sit on floor with your head in knees and arms.

Question 8.
Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by an other charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon ?
Same materials get same charges on rubbing and same charges repel each other.
Therefore, balloon on rubbing are similarly charged and thus repel each other while a charged and an uncharged balloon attract each other.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 9.
Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.
PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 1
Electroscope is used to detect electric charges or kind of charge on a body.
To make an electroscope, take a glass jar. Cover it with a wooden or cardboard disc fixed with an aluminium foil on a paper clip in the vertical position.

Question 10.
List three states in India where earthquake are more likely to strike.
States of India, highly susceptible to earthquake:

  1. Rann of Kutch
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Highlands of Sind-Ganga
  4. Kashmir.

Question 11.
Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself ?
Protection against earthquake outside the house.

  1. Lie down in open far from buildings, trees and electric wires.
  2. Do not step out from car or bus.
  3. Take car or bus towards open areas.

Question 12.
The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella ? Explain.
To go out during thunderstorm is not safe and with umbrella it is fatal because high buildings, electric wires, black materials etc. all attract thunderstorm. So, it is advisable to stay away from them.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Some Natural Phenomena Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
How many kinds of electric charge are there ?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6.
(a) 2.

Question 2.
The device used for testing electric charge is called:
(a) Electroscope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Electroplating.
(a) Electroscope.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
What is the measure of earthquake on Rictor scale that can cause devastation ?
(a) Less than 5
(b) Between 5 and 7
(c) Between 1 and 5
(d) More than 7.
(d) More than 7.

Question 4.
Opposite charges ………………. each other.
(а) Attract
(b) Repel
(c) Sometime attract sometime repel
(d) Neither attract nor repel.
(a) Attract.

Question 5.
The central region of earth is called:
(a) Inner core
(b) Outer core
(c) Mantle
(d) Earth crust.
(a) Inner core.

Question 6.
Which is the safest place to take shelter during lightning and thunderstorm ?
(a) Building
(b) Open area
(c) Under the tree
(d) All the above.
(a) Building.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is amber ?
It is a type of resin.

Question 2.
What happens when amber is rubbed for longer time ?
A spark is produced.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
Who established that spark and lightning were same thing ?
Benjamin Franklin, an American Scientist.

Question 4.
What happens when a plastic scale rubbed with dry hair is brought near pieces of paper ?
Scale attracts pieces of paper.

Question 5.
Give few examples of charged objects.

  1. Plastic scale rubbed with hair.
  2. Plastic refill rubbed with polythene.
  3. Balloon rubbed with woollen cloth.

Question 6.
What happens when two balloons rubbed with woolen cloth are brought together.
They repel each other.

Question 7.
Which type of charges attract each other ?
Unlike or opposite charges attract each other.

Question 8.
How many types of charges are there ?
Two types of charges-

  1. negative and
  2. positive.

Question 9.
Why does a plastic comb rubbed in hair attract small bits of paper ?
Because it gets charged.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 10.
What will happen when two clouds with unlike charges approach each other ?
Lightning strikes.

Question 11.
Is human body a conductor or an insulator ?
A conductor.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why is a balloon filled with air rubbed against hair, sticks to the wall when pressed against it ?
Air filled balloon when rubbed against hair gets, charged. The charged balloon then sticks to the wall, when pressed against it. It is because the charged balloon attracts the wall and holds on to it.

Question 2.
Why does the paper strip open up when touched with a charged rod ?
When we touch one side of the paper strip with a charged rod, the paper strip opens up. The reason for this is that the two sides of the strip get same type of charge from the charged rod and thus repel each other. With the result, the paper strip opens up (diverges).

Question 3.
Why are we advised not to be under a tree, if we are in the open during a thunderstorm ?
A highly charged cloud when comes near the tree can induce a powerful opposite charge on the top of tree. This can cause lightning between the cloud and the earth through the tree. It can damage tree and can cause fire.

Question 4.
Why are tall buildings provided with metallic rods, running from the top of building to the ground ?
A highly charged cloud can induce an opposite charge on the pointed ends of the metallic rod. When it passes by the tall building, the similar charge passes to the earth through the metallic rod. The lightning passes to the earth safely, without causing any damage to the building.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 5.
What do you mean when we say that a body is electrically charged or electrified ?
A body like plastic comb, pen, etc. when rubbed with another body gets the property of attracting small pieces of paper or a pith ball. Then, such a body is a called electrically charged or electrified.

Question 6.
Write a short note on Tsunami.
Tsunami. Tsunami are long and high waves, which rise under sea due to earthquakes. It is usually a high speed wave, which rise in sea. It is also known as harbour wave.


  1. In 1819 on Hawain islands.
  2. In 2004.

Effects of Tsunami.

  1. Loss of Lives.
  2. Loss of Aquatic life.
  3. Physical damage of human life and property.
  4. Uprooting of plants on the banks of sea or in coastal regions.

Question 7.
Write down the uses of electroscope.
Uses of electroscope:

  1. Electroscope is used to detect the presence of charge.
  2. It is used to find the type of charge.
  3. It is used to compare the charges.

Question 8.
What is electric discharging (lightning) ?
Electric discharging (Lighting).
The phenomenon of lightning is caused due to discharge through air. It occurs when the charge accumulated in the clouds exceeds a certain limit. When unlike charged clouds come closer to each other, the charges in air between them move with a great velocity. Due to this, an intense spark of lightning is seen moving in the air. This is known as electric discharging or lightning.

Question 9.
Write two examples of electric discharge which are used to ignite the fuel.
Examples of Electric discharges:

  1. By sparkplug in scooter and car.
  2. By electric gas lighter used to ignite the gas stove in kitchens.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 10.
What are natural phenomena ?
Natural Phenomena.
The phenomena which occur suddenly in nature are called natural phenomena. They cause severe damage to life and property to related areas and environment is also affected with human life.
Examples : Earthquake, landslides, food, drought, cyclones, eruption of volcanoes, tsunami, etc.

Question 11.
What are cyclones ? Write effects and reasons caused by it.
Cyclone is a terrible storm which has a speed more than 119 km per hour.

When sea water evaporates in summer season, it rises up and condenses to form cloud. To get the space of upward moving air, air rushes speedily under it. There forms a cyclic motion nearby a centre or due to difference in temperature and pressure present above the hot sea water, cyclones are produced.

Cyclones affect crops, health, ships, etc. Landslides and foods cause severe damage to mankind.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give an experiment to show that when two bodies are rubbed together, they get oppositely charged.
PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 2
Take a plastic scale. Wrap flannel at its one end. Rub this side with another plastic scale. Bring these two scales separately near bits of tissue paper. We observe that both scales show attraction toward the bits of tissue paper. This proves that both the scales get charged on rubbing.

Now suspend one scale from a stand and bring the other close to it. They get attracted. It shows that they have opposite charges. It is because opposite charges attract each other. Thus, we may conclude that when two bodies are rubbed together, they get oppositely charged.

Question 2.
What is lightning ?
The phenomenon of lightning is caused due to electric discharge through air. It occurs when the charge accumulated in the clouds exceeds a certain limit. In these conditions, the small region of positive charges in the lower part induces a negative charge on the ground below it. The large force of attraction between the opposite charges becomes sufficient to break down the insulation of air.

Once this happens, the entire positive charge in the lower parts of the clouds passes to the earth through a narrow gap in the air. The huge negative charge gets accumulated in the lower parts of the cloud then passes through this conducting path in a very short time. The air in this narrow gap gets heated by the electrical energy to such a high temperature that it appears as a flash of light, which we see as lightning.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
What safety measures should we take to prevent damage caused by lightning ?
Precautions to be taken to provide protection against lightning.
The following precautions should be taken to protect ourselves against lightning:

  1. We should not stand under trees, when lightning occurs and even during rain, when there are chances of lightning to strike.
  2. We should put up lightning conductor on our buildings to protect our lives and property from damage.
  3. We should switch off TV sets during lightning for TV antennas are more prone to lightning strikes.

Question 4.
Discuss the construction and working of a lightning conductor.
PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 3
Lightning Conductor.
It is a pointed long metal rod fixed along side of a building. The lower end of this rod is hurried deep under the earth.

Working of a Lightning Conductor.
A lightning conductor protects the building from the destructive effect of the lightning in two ways:
1. During a thunderstorm, a charged cloud passes above the point of the lightning conductor.
If’the cloud is positively charged, it induces a negative charge on its upper end.

This end being pointed cannot retain this charge and sends into the atmosphere a wind on negatively charged particles which cancel some of the positive charge on the clouds. This reduces the potential of the cloud below the spark potential and as such no lightning discharge takes place between the building and the cloud.

2. If a discharge actually takes place, the lightning conductor provides an easy passage to the charge from the cloud to the earth. The building is thus, saved from the destructive effects of the lightning.

Question 5.
What are causes and impacts of earthquake ? Write precautions against earthquake.
Quakes are vibrations created in the earth’s crust. These may arise suddenly.

Reason of earthquake.
Geographically our earth is made up of seven long tectonic plates. These plates move very slowly. But whenever these plates acquire high speeds, there is a disturbance on the earth’s surface. These movements of the earth’s surface cause buildings to fall, bridges, roads, etc. get broken.

Impacts of the earthquake.

  1. It is caused by Tsunami (a seismic sea wave)
  2. Many buildings fall down.
  3. The supply of basic amenities is disturbed.
  4. It causes a health hazards.

Precautions against earthquakes:

  1. In highly seismic areas timber must be used in constructions of buildings instead of heavy materials like mud, stone, brick, etc.
  2. It is better if the cupboards and shelves are fixed to the walls so that they do not fall easily.
  3. Be careful where you hang wall clocks, photo-frames, water heaters, etc. so that they do not fall in the event of an earthquake.
  4. Since some buildings may catch fire due to an earthquake, hence fire fighting equipment should be installed in these buildings.