Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Chapter 8 The Fatal Effects of Drugs and their Safety Measures Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Physical Education Chapter 8 The Fatal Effects of Drugs and their Safety Measures
Physical Education Guide for Class 7 PSEB The Fatal Effects of Drugs and their Safety Measures Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Which intoxicant is used to prepare both cigarettes and bidis?
Cigarettes and Bidis are made with tobacco and paper whereas bidis are made with leaf of tree. There are several ways to consume tobacco such as smoking cigarettes, bidis, cigars, hubble- bubble, etc. Tobacco is also eaten in many forms such as eating “paan”, tobacco mixed with lime, “jarda”, etc. There is a dangerous toxic substance called Nicotine in tobacco. There are other toxins like ammonia, carbon dioxide, etc. Nicotine has its adverse effect on the head which begins to feel giddy, and then the heart is badly affected.
Question 2.
Which drug pan cause tongue and mouth Cancer?
Tabacco intoxicant cause cancer of Tongue, Throat and Mouth. There is a dangerous toxic substance called Nicotine in tobacco. The possibility of catching cancer increases with the excessive use of tobacco, particularly the cancer of lungs and throat.
The harms of tobacco on health are as under:
- Eating or taking tobacco weakens eyesight.
- It increases heart beat. One catches heart diseases which often prove fatal.
- Studies have revealed that tobacco consuming contracts blood vessels.
- Tobacco benumbs the body tissues. One does not have good sleep and ultimately suffers from sleeplessness.
- Stomach begins to remain upset with tobacco consumption.
- Tobacco also causes cough, and the consumer of tobacco is prone to lung diseases like T.B.
Question 3.
How is alcohol harmful for health?
Alcohol is a liquid intoxicant. It is legally binding to write on each bottle of alcohol-“Drinking is injurious to health.” Even then more and more people are becoming addict to alcohol, and seem to ignore the statutory warning totally. Thus, more and more such people are becoming prey to many diseases. Their lungs get defected. The liver is damaged. Age declines. Alcohol, in fact, adversely affects all parts of the body. At first man takes alcohol, then alcohol begins to take (consume) him. Alcohol has several bad effects, some of which are listed below:
- Alcohol affects the brain first of all. Nervous system gets affected and the brain weakens. The thinking power or faculty declines.
- The kidneys in the body weaken.
- Alcohol becomes a hindrance in the production of digestive juices, as a result of which digestion worsens.
- Respiration increases, and one catches diseases pertaining to respiratory system.
- Blood vessels expand under the influence of regular drinking.Brain has to exert more, and one may suffer a heart attack any moment. .
- Regular drinking decreases the work-capacity of muscles. The body gets weakened to face the attack of disease germs.
- The studies have revealed that a drunkard works less than a normal person. A drunkard also catches various diseases sooner than a normal individual.
- Drinking is a social evil as it ruins home, health and wealth.
Question 4.
How can students be saved from the menance of Drugs?
1. We should introduce the students with all intoxicants substances. In this way they will be refrained from these substances.
2. What are the age of students, they should not attract the substances. They should keep themself away from these intoxicants.
3. Parents and Teachers should provide the litrature or books to the students to safe them not to indulge in these substances. They should provide enough time to take parts in games and recreation activities like Bhangra and Dance.
PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Guide The Fatal Effects of Drugs and their Safety Measures Important Questions and Answers
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Name the Intoxicant.
(A) Wine
(B) Tobacco
(C) Bhang and Afeem
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.
Question 2.
Name any two system which are being effected by Intoxicant.
(A) Digestive System
(B) Circulatory System
(C) Mental System
(D) Bones System.
(D) All the above.
Question 3.
Write harm of sports person of intoxicants.
(A) Carelessness
(B) Irresponsibility
(C) End of Sportsmanship
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.
Question 4.
How can student be saved from the menance of Drug?
(A) Motivation
(B) Conference
(C) Literature or books to safe them
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.
Question 5.
How is Alcohol harmful for health?
(A) Alcohol affected the brain
(B) Kidneys in the body weaken
(C) Weaken the digestive system
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.
Question 6.
Harm of Tobacco.
(A) Damage digestive system
(B) Affect the brain and kidneys weaken
(C) Circulatory system weaken
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write the name of two intoxicants.
Question 2.
Name any two systems which are being effected by intoxicants.
On Digestive system and circulatory system.
Question 3.
Write any two harms of intoxicants.
- Face becomes pale.
- Disturbance of Mantle concentration.
Question 4.
Write any two harm of sports person of intoxicants.
- Carelessness and irresponsibility.
- End of Sportsmanship
Question 5.
Intoxicants causes depart in sport. (Right or wrong)
Question 6.
Alcohol effects on brain. (Right or wrong)
Question 7.
Chewing Tobacco causes weak eyesight.(Right or wrong)
Question 8.
Smoking causes cancer or not.
Causes cancer.
Question 9.
Use of Tobacco does not causes cough and the consumption of tobacco is not prone to T.B. (Right or wrong)
Question 10.
Under the influence of intoxicants player become careless. (Right or wrong)
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write the harms of intoxicants.
Those players who use intoxicants develop the following defects:
- The face turns pale.
- One’s steps stagger.
- The mental balance is lost.
- The playfield turns into a battlefield.
- Digestion gets defective.
- Acidic elements decrease the efficiency of liver.
- Many stomach ailments are caught.
- The working capacity of muscles decreases.
- The player fails to show good performance on the playfield.
- One catches such dreadful diseases as cancer, asthma etc.
- The memory of the player suffers.
- Intoxicated players fail to assess the ever-changing conditions during the play, and become the cause of their team’s defeat in the end.
- An intoxicated player becomes careless and irresponsible.
- Body loses the needed co-ordination.
Question 2.
Mention the adverse effects of intoxicants on the players and their games.
The adverse effects of intoxicants on the players and their games are as under:
1. The Lack of Bodily co-ordination and Agility:
The player under the effect of an intoxicant loses his usual agility and physical co-ordination. These are essential qualities for a good game of hockey, football, etc.
2. The Lack of Mental balance and Concentration:
A slight mistake of a player may prove to be very harmful to the team. An intoxicated player cannot play with concentration. Therefore, he commits such mistakes as result in the team’s defeat.
3. Carelessness and Irresponsibility:
An intoxicated player is extremely careless and carefree. He fails to judge his own strength and efficiency. Sometimes such a player receives such an injury that he has to repent later throughout his life.
4. The Loss of the Spirit of Sportsmanship:
The intoxicated player loses his sense of sportsmanship. As he is in semi-conscious state, he has no self-control. He loses his balance of mind, becomes self-willed and plays as he wishes without paying any heed to what his team-mates say or desire.
5. The Lack of Tolerance:
An intoxicated player often expresses his unhappiness over the decisions of the umpire or referee. He has no control on his reasoning, so he behaves indecently.
6. Disobedience of Rules: Such a player often disobeys rules of the game.
7. Turning of Playground into a Battlefield: A player under the influence of intoxicant turns the playground into a battlefield.
International Olympic Committee has banned the use of intoxicants during games. If anybody is found having played under the influence of some intoxicants, his medal or reward is cancelled. Therefore, players should try to avoid all kinds of intoxicants, show their best performance and brings laurels to their country.