PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Computer Science Book Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II) Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Computer Science Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Computer Guide for Class 7 PSEB Microsoft Word (Part-II) Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
To select a whole word, ……….. click on it.
(a) Single
(b) Double
(c) Triple
(d) None.
(b) Double

Question 2.
The …………….. group of home tab allows us to change our text font, style, size, color and many other elements.
(a) Font
(b) Paragraph
(c) Styles
(d) Editing.
(a) Font

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 3.
…………. means draw a horizontal line underneath the letters.
(a) Bold
(6) Italic
(c) Underline
(d) None.
(c) Underline

Question 4.
………………. Option means that the text is shown like it was marked with a highlighter pen.
(a) Font Color
(b) Text Color
(c) Text Highlight Color
(d) All of above.
(c) Text Highlight Color

Question 5.
After inserting a shape, a new tab will appear which is called ……………….. .
(a) Drawing Tools Format
(b) Shape Tools Format
(c) Drawing Shapes Format
(d) None.
(a) Drawing Tools Format

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

2. Write the Shortcut keys of the following

1. To cut the selected text
Ctrl + X

2. To paste the copied/cut contents
Ctrl + V

3. To increase the font size
Ctrl + >

4. To Underline the Text
Ctrl + U

5. To change the case of the Selected Text
Shift + F3

6. For Center Alignment
Ctrl+ E

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

7. For double line spacing
Ctrl + z

8. To Replace the text
Ctrl + H

9. To Undo the last operation
Ctrl + z

10. To Insert a Page Break.
Ctrl + Return.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write about Undo commend.
If we have made a mistake while editing the text in the document, we can correct it by clicking on the Undo command from the “Quick access” toolbar and this will undo the last change we made to the document. Or you can press the Ctrl + Z keys from the keyboard.

Question 2.
Which are basic three font styles?
Word processor software uses three basic font styles for text, these are as below:
1. Bold:
If you want to thicken the text in your document, then use Bold option, by pressing the “Ctrl + B” shortcut or by clicking “B” button from the font group.

2. Italic:
If you want to italicize the text in your document, then use Italic option by pressing the “Ctrl + I” shortcut or by clicking “I” button from the font group.

3. Underline:
If you want to underline the text in your document, then use underline option by pressing the “Ctrl + U” shortcut or by clicking “U” button from the font group.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 3.
What are Headers and Footers in MS Word?
Header and Footer are parts of a document that contain specific information such as page number and total number of pages, title of the document, company logo, any photo, etc. A header appears at the top of each page, and footer appears at the bottom of each page. To insert the header and footer in your document, click the “Header/Footer” option from the Header & Footer group on the insert tab.

Question 4.
How many change cases options are available in MS Word? Write their names.
There are five options available to change the case in Microsoft Word, these are:

  • Sentence case: It capitalizes the first letter of each sentence.
  • Lowercase: It changes the text from uppercase to lowercase.
  • Uppercase: It capitalizes all the letters of your text.
  • Capitalize Each Word: It capitalizes the first letter of each word.
  • Toggle case: It allows you to shift between two case views, e.g. to shift between Capitalize Each Word and Captalized each word.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 5.
How many alignments are available in MS Word? Write their names and shortcut keys.
There are four types of alignments available in the paragraph group, which are as follows:

  • Align Text Left: Aligns the selected text with the left margin. Shortcut key is (Ctrl + L).
  • Align Text Right: Aligns the selected text with the right margin. Shortcut key is (Ctrl + R).
  • Center: This aligns the selected text to the center within the margin. Shortcut key is (Ctrl + E).
  • Justify: Aligns text to both left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary. Shortcut key is (Ctrl + J).

Question 6.
How can we insert page break in MS Word?
This option is used to delete a page at the current cursor position and start a new page. In simple words we can say that it divides the page into two parts.
The steps to insert page break are given below:

  • Place the cursor where you want to insert the break.
  • Click the Page Break Option on the Pages Group from the Insert Tab.
  • Your page will break into two parts.
  • Long Answer Type Questions

(ii) Cut Paste Option:
Cut Paste Option means to move the selected text from one place to another. In Microsoft Word, you can cut text from a document and paste that text into another document or anywhere in the same document. After cutting the text, it is stored in the clipboard.

MS Word offers a variety of ways to cut and paste text. Some popular methods are given below :
Method 1.

  • First select the text you want to cut.
  • Click the Home tab and then click the Cut command.
  • Place the cursor where you want to paste the text.
  • Click on the Paste command in the Home tab.

Method 2.

  • First select the text you want to cut.
  • Now click the right button of the mouse on selected text.
  • A menu will appear; select the “Cut” option from this menu.
  • Now, move the cursor to the desired position and right click on the mouse.
  • A menu will appear; select the “Paste” option.

Method 3.

  • First select the text you want to copy.
  • Now press the Ctrl + X button.
  • Now, move the cursor to the desired position and press the Ctrl + V button.

(iii) Format Painter:
With the help of Format Painter we can copy the format already applied to the text in our document very easily and without wasting time. Below are the steps for copying text formatting :

Method 1.

  • First select the text whose formatting you want to copy.
  • Click the Home tab and click the Format Painter command.
  • The pointer changes to a paintbrush icon.
  • Use the brush and drag it over the text where you want to apply the formatting.
  • To cancel formatting, press the Esc key or click on the Format Painter command.

Method 2.

  • First select the text whose formatting you want to copy.
  • Now press the Ctrl + Shift + C button.
  • Click on the text where you want to apply the copied formatting.
  • Now press the Ctrl + Shift + V button.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 2.
Write about the options available in Font group of Home tab in MS Word.
The Home tab’s font group gives us many commands for character formatting. These commands are as follows:

  • Font Style: This button is used to change the font type (Font face) for the entire document or for the selected text within the document.
  • Font Size: This button is used to change the font size for the entire document or for the selected text within the document.
  • Font Color: This button is used to change the font color for the entire document or for the text selected within the document.
  • Bold: This button is used to make the selected text or entire document bold.
  • Italic: This button is used to italicize the entire document or the selected text within the document.
  • Underline: This button is used to underline the entire document or the selected text within the document.
  • Changing the Text Case: This button is used to convert the selected text to lower case or to apply other capitalization.
  • Grow Fonts: With the help of grow fonts we can increase the size of the selected text by one size.
  • Shrink Font: With the help of Shrink font we can reduce the size of selected text by one size.
  • Strike Through: This button is used to draw a line in the middle of the selected text in a document.
  • Subscript: This button is used to create lowercase letters below the text baseline, such as X2.
  • Superscript: This button is used to create lowercase letters above the line of text such as X2.
  • Clear Formatting: This option works to remove the formatting applied to the text document.
  • Text Highlight Color: Used to highlight the selected text.

Question 3.
What is Word Art? How will you insert Word Art in a Word document?
Word Art is designed to allow you make your text more attractive. You can format your text to make it look like a picture or 3D art and enhance its appearance in different ways. The steps to insert Word Art are given below:

  • Select the text you want to change.
  • Then click on the Insert tab.
  • Click on the Word Art drop-down arrow in the Text group.
  • A drop-down menu of Word Art style will appear. Click the style you want to use.
  • Word will automatically create a text box for the text.
  • Now click Ok button, the text will appear in the selected style.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

PSEB 7th Class Computer Guide Microsoft Word (Part-II) Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
……………. is used to create documents.
(a) Word processing
(b) DOS
(c) Numbers
(d) Word Art.
(a) Word processing

Question 2.
MS Word is an important …………… Processor.
(a) Text
(b) Word
(c) DOS
(d) Number.
(b) Word

Question 3.
In Word, there are ………….. types of tool bars.
(a) 2
(6) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5.
(a) 2

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 4.
………… is a blinking line.
(a) Mouse
(b) Insertion Point
(c) Command
(d) Instructions.
(b) Insertion Point

Question 5.
To Select a …………. double click on it.
(a) Word
(b) Text
(c) Sentence
(d) Paragraph.
(a) Word

Question 6.
Cut and Copy commands are available in ………….. menu.
(a) File
(b) Edit
(c) Format
(d) Help.
(b) Edit

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 7.
Backspace key is used to delete the alphabet from the ………….. side of Cursor.
(a) Right
(b) Left
(c) Above
(d) Below.
(b) Left

Question 8.
color line appears below the wrong word.
(a) Green
(b) Yellow
(c) Red
(d) Blue.
(c) Red

Question 9.
The Page number, Page name, date and time are written in the and, which appears on every page of document.
(a) Upper, Lower
(b) Header, Footer
(c) Margin, Footer
(d) Word, Spreadsheet.
(b) Header, Footer

Question 10.
Margins and tabs are available in page setup dialog box.
(a) Orientation
(b) Layout
(c) Page
(d) Columns.
(b) Layout

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

2. True/False

1. Title bar appears below the Screen of word.

2. Word Pad is a Word Processing Package.

3. The small screen that appears on the right side of the window is called task pane.

4. The text is added to where the insertion point is.

5. To exit from the word click File Exit.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

3. Match the Columns
Table 1
Table 2

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

4. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the steps to select a text with the help of mouse.
Place the cursor in front of the text and then left click on the mouse button, hold it and drag it over the text and then release it. The text will be selected.

  • Double click on the word to select the same word.
  • To Select the entire paragraph, click within the paragraph three times.
  • To select the complete document, in the Home tab from the editing group, click Select command and then click the Select All button.

Question 2.
Write steps to select the text with the help of keyboard.
Press Shift + Arrow keys from the keyboard; Hold down the Shift key and press the arrow button, Word will select the text in the direction of the arrow button. There are three arrow keys in numeric keypad, so you can select text in three different directions.

Question 3.
What do you mean by font?
A Font is a graphical representation of the text that may include type, size, design, color, weight of the text.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 4.
Write steps to change case of the text.

  • Sentence case: It capitalizes the first letter of each sentence.
  • Lowercase: It changes the text from uppercase to lowercase.
  • Uppercase: It capitalizes all the all letters of your text.
  • Capitalize Each Word: It capitalizes the first letter of each word.
  • Toggle Case: It allows you to Shift between two case views, e.g. to Shift between Capitalize Each Word and CAPITALIZE EACH WORD.

Question 5.
What do you mean by alignment?
You can change the text alignment in your document to make it more presentable and readable.
There are four types of alignments available in the paragraph group which is as follows :

  • Align Text Left (Ctrl + L): Aligns the selected text with the left margin.
  • Align Text Right (Ctrl + R): Aligns the selected text with the right margin.
  • Center (Ctrl + E): This aligns the selected text to the center within the margin.
  • Justify (Ctrl + J): Aligns text to both left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 6.
Write down the ways to delete page number.
If you want to delete the previously, entered page number, click on the Page Number option from the Header & Footer group of the Insert tab and click on the Remove Page Number option from the drop-down list.

Question 7.
How can you format the shapes?
Shapes: This button is used to insert the shapes such as circles, squares, arrows and triangles into a document, When the button is clicked. Here are the steps to insert the shape:

  • In the Insert tab, click on the Shapes option from the Illustrations tab.
  • A gallery of different shapes will appear.
  • Click the desired shape and then drag the shape into the document.

If you want to write something in the drawn shape, here are the steps :

  • Right click on the drawn shape.
  • Click Add Text from the pop-up menu.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

5. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by Format Painter? How can we use it?
Format Painter:
With the help of Format Painter we can copy the format already applied to the text in our document very easily and without wasting time. Below are the steps for copying text formatting :
Method 1.

  • First select the text whose formatting you want to copy.
  • Click the Home tab and click the Format Painter command.
  • The pointer changes to a paintbrush icon.
  • Use the brush and drag it over the text where you want to apply the formatting.
  • To cancel formatting, press the Esc key or click on the Format Painter command.

Method 2.

  • First select the text whose formatting you want to copy.
  • Now press the Ctrl + Shift + C button.
  • Click on the text where you want to apply the copied formatting.
  • Now press the Ctrl + Shift + V button.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 2.
What is Font Color? How can we change it?
Font Color:
If you want to change the color of a word or paragraph in your document, you must select a font color for this purpose. Here are the steps to change the color of the text.
1. Select the text you want to change color.
2. Select the appropriate color from the Font dialog box as shown in the picture above.
1. Select the text you want to change the color.
2. Click on the Font Color option from the Font group as shown in thepicture below. Now a pull down menu will open.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II) 1
3. Choose your favorite color from this menu. Now your text will change to that color.

Question 3.
What is text highlight color? Write steps to use it.
Text Highlight Color:
Just as we can highlight a word or a sentence in our written document with the help of a pen, we can highlight our text with any color in MS Word.

  • Select the text you want to highlight.
  • Click on the Text Highlight option from the Fonts group. Now a pull down menu will open.
  • Now choose your favorite color from this menu. Your text will be highlighted in that color.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II)

Question 4.
What do you mean by Word Art? How can we add it?
Word Art:
Word Art is designed to allow you make your text more attractive; you can format your text to make it look like a picture or 3D art and enhance its appearance in different ways. The steps to insert Word Art are given below :

  • Select the text you want to change.
  • Then click on the Insert tab.
  • Click on the Word Art drop-down arrow in the Text group.
    PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II) 2
  • A drop-down menu of Word Art style will appear. Click the style you want to use.
  • Word will automatically create a text box for the text.
  • Now click Ok button, the text will appear in the selected style.

Question 5.
Write steps to change the alignment of the text.
You can change the text alignment in your document to make it more presentable and readable.
There are four types of alignments available in the paragraph group which is as follows:

  • Align Text Left (Ctrl + L): Aligns the selected text with the left margin.
  • Align Text Right (Ctrl + R): Aligns the selected text with the right margin.
  • Center (Ctrl + E): This aligns the selected text to the center within the margin
  • Justify (Ctrl + J): Aligns text : to both left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary.
    PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 4 Microsoft Word (Part-II) 3

Here are the steps to change the alignment:

  • Select the text.
  • Click the appropriate alignment button from the Paragraph group of the Home tab.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Computer Science Book Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I) Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Computer Science Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Computer Guide for Class 7 PSEB Microsoft Word (Part-I) Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Ctrl + S used to …………………
(a) Save
(b) Open
(c) New
(d) Close.
(a) Save

Question 2.
Below the ruler, the large area is called the ………………..
(a) Text Area
(b) Open Area
(c) Close Area
(d) All of these.
(a) Text Area

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 3.
There are two scroll bars in a word document ……………. and …………… .
(a) Horizontal, vertical
(b) Left, Right
(c) Upper Bar, Lower Bar
(d) None of these.
(a) Horizontal, vertical

Question 4.
To Open a new document, ……………. Press keys from the keyboard.
(a) Ctrl + O
(b) Ctrl + N
(c) Ctrl + S
(d) Ctrl + 5.
(b) Ctrl + N

Question 5.
The view shows the document as it will look when it is printed.
(a) Print Layout
(b) Draft
(c) Outline
(d) Full size.
(a) Print Layout

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

2. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the name of option that is present at the bottom-right corner of every group.
Dialog Box Launcher.

Question 2.
Write the name of the top most bar of the Word window.
The top bar of the Word window is the title bar.

Question 3.
Which View of MS Word displays the document in the same way as we get it after printing?
Print layout View

Question 4.
Write the shortcut to create a New document.
The Ctrl + 0 shortcut key is used to open a new document.

Question 5.
Which layout view shows the outline of a document?
Outline view represents the outline of the document.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is a Word Processor?
Word processing is a process by which we can create, save, and print any type of document in a computer and it can be used anytime in the future and can be edited if required. The software that is used for word processing process called word processor. For example: MS Word, Note Pad, Word Pad and word perfect all are word processors.

Question 2.
Write the name of some Word Processing Software.
The software that is used for word processing process called word processor. For example: MS Word, Note Pad, Word Pad and word perfect all are word processors.

Question 3.
How to start the MS Word?
The steps to start MS Word are as follows:
2. Now click on All Program from the popup menu as shown in the picture below.
3. Now click MS Office→MS Word.
Type ‘Word” in the search bar as shown in the picture below and press Enter key from the keyboard

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 4.
Write the name of different parts of MS word window.
Components of MS word window are as follow:

  • File menu/Office button:
    • Home
    • Insert
    • Page layout
    • References
    • Review
    • view
  • Quick access toolbar
  • Title bar
  • Ribbon
    • Tabs
    • Group
    • Commands
  • Ruler
  • Help
  • Document area
  • Status bar
  • Dialog box launcher 10, view Buttons
    • Print layout view
    • Full Screen view
    • Web Layout view
    • Draft view
    • Outline view

Question 5.
Define the Text Area.
Right below the ruler, there is a large space called the text area. This is the area where we type our document; the blinking line in this area is called the insertion point which indicates that your typing will start from this place.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the special features of MS Word.
Some of the special features of Microsoft word are as follows:

  • MS Word allows us to include text anywhere in the document.
  • We can delete any word, line or page from the document as easily as we erase the words written on paper.
  • We can cut and copy the text and paste it anywhere in the same document or any other document.
  • MS Word allows us to set the page margin and page size according to our needs.
  • We can add Bold, Italic and Underline effects to the text.
  • We can change the size, style, color of the text.
  • We can add header on the top of pages and footer on the bottom of the page.
  • We can add pictures, chart, graphs and smart art.
  • We can convert the text into tables.
  • You can also set different margins in a document and also determine the different locations to start a paragraph.
  • It also provides us with the facility of macro. This is a list of many commands with which our time is saved.
  • MS Word also provides us the facility of spelling checks. It shows a red line below the words that are incorrect.
  • MS Word also provides us the facility of grammar checks.
  • It also provides Find and Replace option.
  • It also provides the facility of dictionary with which we can find many words with the same meaning and use them in our document.

Question 2.
Explain Document views in MS Word.
At the bottom right of the window screen is a set of 5 buttons that allow us to view the document in a different view.
1. Print Layout:
This is the default document view in Word. The Print Layout view shows the document as it would appear after printing. Full Screen Layout view: This view opens the document to a full screen. This layout helps us to make our document easily readable above the screen.

2. Web Layout:
This view displays a document on the screen the way it will look when viewed in a Web browser if you saved it as a web page. Out Line view: The outline view shows the document as an outline form.

3. Draft view: This is the most commonly used view, in this view we can edit our document very quickly and easily.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 3.
How to Create and Save a New Document in MS Word?
Follow these steps to create a new document:
2. Now click on New option from the drop down menu.
3. A New Document dialog box will appears on the screen.
4. Click Blank Document option from this dialog box and then Click Create Option.
5. Now a blank document will appear on the screen.
You can create a new document by pressing the Ctrl + N keys from the keyboard.
Saving A File:
To save a newly created document follows these steps:
1. Click the File tab or Office Button.
2. Click Save option. The Save dialog box appears.
3. Now type the name of your document in File name box and then click Save button.
You can also save your document by pressing the Ctrl + S keys from Keyboard.
Now your document is safe for future use.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

PSEB 7th Class Computer Guide Microsoft Word (Part-I) Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
……………… is used to open other options in any group.
(a) Open button
(b) New button
(c) Dialog Box Launcher
(d) All these.
(c) Dialog Box Launcher

Question 2.
The …………….. tab is used to prepare the thesis or books.
(a) Insert
(b) design
(c) Review
(d) Reference.
(d) Reference.

Question 3.
Orientation option is available in …………
(a) Design
(b) insert
(c) Page Layout
(d) home.
(c) Page Layout

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 4.
Which keys are used to secure the work done.
(a) Ctrl + N
(b) Ctrl + S
(c) Ctrl + 0
(d) Ctrl + P.
(b) Ctrl + S

Question 5.
The total number of pages and words appears on the …………… bar.
(a) Title
(b) Status
(c) Horizontal
(d) None.
(b) Status

Question 6.
Document can be typed in ………………. area in Word window.
(a) Text
(b) font
(c) Format
(d) View.
(a) Text

Question 7.
The table option is available in the ……………. menu.
(a) File
(b) home
(c) Insert
(d) design.
(c) Insert

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 8.
Prepared documents are called …………………… .
(a) Template
(b) Blank document
(c) Table
(d) Margin.
(a) Template

2. True/False

Question 1.
MS-Word is not a word Processing Software.

Question 2.
We cannot find and replace a word in MS-Word.

Question 3.
Tabs appear on the top of ribbon.

Question 4.
Ctrl+C keys are used to create a document.

Question 5.
In MS-Word there are three types of ruler.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Microsoft Word?
MS Word is word processor software published by Microsoft Company that works on formatting text and graphics and creating a variety of documents.

Question 2.
Write the names of all the groups available in the Home tab.
It consists of clipboard, font, paragraph, styles and editing groups.

Question 3.
Which option is used to check grammatical errors in a document?
The grammar check option is used to check the grammatical errors.

Question 4.
Which option is used to check the spellings of words in the document?
The Spell check option is used to check the spellings of words.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 5.
What are tabs?
Tabs are groups of related commands that appear at the top of the ribbon.

Question 6.
Which view can you use to view the document as an outline form?
Outline view is use to view the document as an outline form.

Question 7.
Which option is used for MS-Word related help?
Help icon is used for MS-Word related support.

Question 8.
Which option is used to add one document to another document?
Mail-Merge option is used to add one document to another document.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is word processing? Write down its features also.
Wort Processing:
We make a lot of mistakes when typing a document with the help of typewriter, which we can’t correct again, we have to type the document again to make it better, but word processing gives us a facility through which we can easily correct our mistakes in typed documents without having to retype them.

Word processing is a process by which we can create, save and print any type of document in a computer and it can be used anytime in the future and can be edited if required. The software that is used for word processing process called word processor. For example: MS Word, Note Pad, Word Pad and word perfect all are word processors.

Features of Word Processing:
Following are the features of word processor :

  • A word processor provides an easier and faster method to type the text.
  • It offers so many styles, size, color, effects for text.
  • Using a word processor, you can apply editing operations to the text.
  • It stores all your documents for. future use.
  • It allows you to insert photos, music, background etc. into the document.
  • It can move any document from one place to another with the help of cut, copy, and paste option.
  • You can delete, edit, update the data in the pre-created document at any time.
  • It helps us to find and correct mistakes in the typed text.
  • It also provide the facility to check the grammar mistakes in the typed text.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 2.
How we can open a document in MS Word?
Open an Existing Document:
Follow these steps to open an existing document:

  • Click the File tab or Office Button.
  • Click Open option. The Open dialog box appears.
  • As shown in picture below select a document which you want to open and then Click Open button.
  • Now your document will open on the screen.
    You can open an existing document by pressing the Ctrl + O keys from the keyboard.
    PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I) 1

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 3 Microsoft Word (Part-I)

Question 3.
Write down all the commands of File Menu.
1. File Menu:
This option is available in the upper left corner of the window, it contains many of the following commands:

(a) Home:
It has options like font color, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line spacing, etc. All the basic elements that someone might need to edit their document are available in the Home option.

(b) Insert:
Tables, sizes, images, charts, graphs, headers, footers, page numbers, etc. are available in insert options.

(c) Design:
The template (pre-created document design) or the design in which you want your document to be created can be selected under the Design tab.

(d) Page layout:
Under the Page Layout tab we can find the options such as Margins, Orientation, Columns, Lines, Indentations, Spacing, etc.

(e) Reference:
This tab is most useful for those who are preparing thesis or writing books or working on a long document. Footnote, table of content, bibliography, captions etc. options can be found under this tab.

(f) Review:
Spell check, grammar, thesaurus, word count, language, translation, comments, etc. can all be tracked under the Review tab.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Computer Science Book Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Computer Science Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Computer Guide for Class 7 PSEB Microsoft Word (Part-III) Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
After selecting the picture tab appears.
(a) Format
(b) Page Layout
(c) insert
(d) View.
(a) Format

Question 2.
For text wrapping, we can use option.
(a) Square
(b) Tight
(c) Behind Text
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 3.
To remove any unwanted parts of picture, option s used.
(a) Crop
(b) Rotate
(c) Group
(d) Compress.
(a) Crop

Question 4.
Which of the following option is not available in the Adjust group of Format tab?
(a) Corrections
(6) Artistic Effects
(c) Remove Background
(d) Picture Styles.
(d) Picture Styles.

Question 5.
We can find the number of words in the bar at the bottom of the window.
(a) Task Bar
(b) Status Bar
(c) Title Bar
(d) Scroll Bar.
(b) Status Bar

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

2. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which option splits the text into two or more Columns?
The Columns option from the Page Setup group in the format tab divides the text into two or more sections.

Question 2.
Which page orientation sets the page in horizontal direction?
Landscape Orientation.

Question 3.
Which option is used to group two or more images together so that they can be treated as a single object?
Two or more images can be grouped together as one object using the Group command from the Arrange group in the Layout tab.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 4.
Which option can be used to change the colors of the picture in MS Word?
From the Picture Format tab, the color of the picture can be changed with the Color option from the Adjust group.

Question 5.
Which option is used to count words in MS Word?
Words can be counted using the Word Count option from the Proofing group in the Review tab or the Word Count Dialog box from the Status bar.

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are Margins?
A margin is the space between the text and the edge of the page. By default, a new document’s margins are set to Normal, which means it has a one-inch space between the text and each edge. Depending on your needs, Word allows you to change your document’s margin size.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
What do you mean by Compress Picture?
With this button the image can be compressed. To reduce the size of documents, pictures can be reduced in storage size. You can change the resolution of an image or delete a cropped part of an image.

Question 3.
Write about Reset Picture.
If you want to remove all formatting changes to a picture in the document, “Reset Picture’ command will be used. This button is used to undo all formatting changes made to the picture and restore it to its original format.

  • Select the picture.
  • in the Format tab, click on the Reset picture option from the Adjust group.

Question 4.
What is Crop option?
Crop button is used to delete the unwanted part of an image. When you crop an image, an unselected part of the picture is removed. Steps to crop the image are as follows:

  • Select the image you want to crop. The Format tab appears.
  • On the Format tab, click the Crop command.
  • Black handles will appear around the image. Click, hold and drag a handle to crop the image.
  • Click the Crop command again. The image will be cropped.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 5.
Give the name of two page orientation in MS Word.
To change the position of a document from a portrait to a landscape, click this button. To change the position of the page, steps are as follows:

  • Select the Page Layout tab.
  • in the Page Setup group, click on the “Orientation” command.
  • Click “Portrait” or “Landscape” to change the position of the page. Landscape format means the page is horizontal, while portrait format means it is vertical.

Question 6.
Write the name of various options available in the adjust group of Picture Tools Format tab.
Correction, Picture Color, Artistic Effect, Compress Picture, Change Picture, Reset Picture, Remove Background.

4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Watermark? Write steps to add watermark in a word document.
Watermark: it is just like a stamp. it is used for confidential documents. A watermark is an image that appears blurred behind the text on a page. The steps to add a watermark to the document are given ahead:

  • Open the document to which you want to include the water-mark.
  • Click the Page Layout tab and then click the “Watermark” button to display a list of standard watermark options.
  • You can select any available standard watermark by clicking on it. This will apply to all pages of the document.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
Write the steps to run a Spelling and Grammar Check.
To do Spelling and Grammar check, steps are as follows:

  • From the Review tab, click the Spelling & Grammar command.
  • The Spelling and Grammar dialog box will appear.
  • This dialog box offer one or more suggestions for spellings and grammatical errors.
  • You can select a suggestion and click “Change” to correct the error.

Question 3.
Explain the steps to Print a Document.
Once you’ve created your document, you may want to print it to view and share your work offline. it’s easy to preview and print a document in Word using the Print option.

  • On the File tab or Office button, click Print command.
  • A print dialog box will appear.
  • In the “Name” drop-down list select the name of you printer.
  • In the “Copies” box, enter the number of copies you want.
  • In “Page Range” option select “All” option if you want to print all pages of your document.
  • If you want particular page to print then click “Pages” radio button and type page number in the box.
  • Now click “Print” option. Your document will be print.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Guide Microsoft Word (Part-III) Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
The text of the paragraph is selected by pressing the arrow keys and the ………….. key together.
(a) Special
(b) Shift
(c) Number
(d) Function.
(b) Shift

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
The default line spacing is …………… point.
(a) Single
(b) Double
(c) Triple
(d) Four.
(a) Single

Question 3.
The fill color option is used to color in ………………… .
(a) Text
(b) Line
(c) Shape
(d) Word.
(c) Shape

Question 4.
For border and shading …………… menu is used.
(a) File
(b) Edit
(c) Format
(d) Home.
(c) Format

Question 5.
Auto Shapes are submitted from the …………….. tool bar.
(a) Shapes
(b) Home
(c) Word
(d) Drawing.
(d) Drawing.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

2. True/False

1. The left mouse button is clicked three times to select the entire paragraph.

2. By default paragraph text is right aligned.

3. indentation command is used for shading.

4. To fill ClipArt, Click insert Picture then click ClipArt command.

5. Arial and Times New Roman are the names of the fonts.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

3. Match the Columns

Column A Column B
1. Ctrl + B (a) For double line spacing
2. Ctrl + E (b) For bold the text
3. Ctrl+ 2 (c) For Left, Right, Center, Justify
4. Font style (d) For Center Alignment
5. Alignment (e) Bold, Italic, Underline


Column A Column B
1. Ctrl + B (b) For bold the text
2. Ctrl + E (d) For Center Alignment
3. Ctrl+ 2 (a) For double line spacing
4. Font style (e) Bold, Italic, Underline
5. Alignment (c) For Left, Right, Center, Justify

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

4. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Picture Border?
Picture border means the line around a picture.

Question 2.
What is picture position?
Picture position means where the picture is located into the document.

Question 3.
What are the various options available in page layout tab?
The Page Layout tab has more than one Page layout and Formatting options. This affects the look of a page’s content. Depending on how we want to present our document, we can choose Page Orientation, Paper Segment and Page Margin commands.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 4.
Write steps for formatting page margins.

  • Click on the Page layout tab.
  • Click on the Margins command from page setup group. A drop-down menu will appear. By default “Normal” margin will be selected.
  • Click on the Predefined margin as you want.

Question 5.
Describe the steps for using custom margin.

  • Click on Margin command from the Page Layout tab.
  • A drop-down menu will appear. From this menu click “custom margin” option.
  • A Page Setup dialog box will appear.
  • Adjust the margin size for each side of the page, and click Ok.

Question 6.
What is Orientation?
To change the position of a document from a portrait to a landscape, click this button. To change the position of the page, steps are as follows:

  • Select the Page Layout tab.
  • in the Page Setup group, click on the “Orientation” command.
  • Click “Portrait” or “Landscape” to change the position of the page. Landscape format means the page is horizontal, while portrait format means it is vertical.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 7.
What are the steps to change the paper size?

  • Select Page Layout.
  • Click on the Page-Size command and a drop-down menu will appear. The current page size will be highlighted.
  • Click on the Size option as per your requirement. The page size of the document will change.

Question 8.
What does the column option do?
This option splits the written text into two or more columns.

5. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are corrections? How are they used?
Adjust Group:
You do not need to use additional picture editing software to create high quality images for your document. Instead, you can use Adjust tools to correct and improve your photos.
1. Select photo.
2. In the Format tab, click on the Correction option from the Adjust group. A drop-down menu will now open. From this menu, select 3. Sharpen/Soften and Brightness/ Contrast settings according to your needs.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 1
To make these settings more detailed, go to Picture Format>> Corrections>> “Picture Corrections Options” option. The Format Picture sidebar appears. This allows you to provide special settings for Sharpness, Brightness and Contrast.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
Write the steps for using the color option.
Picture Color:
Microsoft Word allows you to control the color and tone of your picture and you can repaint the whole picture for special effects.
Steps to change the picture color are as follows:
(a) Select picture.

(b) In the Format tab, click on the Color option from the Adjust group. A drop-down menu will open.

(c) In this menu there are 3 options:

  • Color Saturation: This controls how bright the colors are in the image.
  • Color Tone: This controls the temperature of the color, from cool to warm.
  • Recolor ; This controls the overall color of the image. Use this option to make the image black and white or gray scale, or to colorize it with a different color.

(d) Choose any of the options as per your need.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 2

Question 3.
Write the steps for compressing a picture.
Compress Picture: With this button the image can be compressed. To reduce the size of documents, pictures can be reduced in storage size. You can change the resolution of an image or delete a cropped part of an image. The steps to compress a picture are given below:

  • Select the picture.
  • In the Format tab, click on the Compress picture option from the Adjust group.
  • Now a Compression Settings dialog box will open.
    PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 3
  • If you want to print the picture, click on the Print (220 ppi) option.
  • If you want to reduce the size of the file to e-mail, click on the E-mail (96 ppi) option.
  • If you want to upload the file to a web page or projector, click on Project Options.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 4.
Write the steps to remove the background of the picture.
Remove Background:
This option is used to automatically remove unwanted parts of an image. Areas to remove or keep can be marked in the picture. Following are the steps to remove the background of a photo:

(a) Select the image from which you want to remove the background.

(b) Click the “Remove Background” option from the Adjust group in the Format tab.

(c)Now the default background area will be marked with magenta color, while the foreground will remain its natural color.
(d)If the default area isn’t correct, go to Background Removal > Picture Tools and do one or both of the following:

  • If parts of the picture that you want to keep are magenta, select
  • “Mark Areas to Keep” option and use the drawing pencil to mark the areas on the picture that you want to keep.
  • To remove more parts of the picture, select Mark Areas to
  • Remove option and use the drawing pencil to mark those areas

When you’re done, select “Keep Changes” or “Discard All Changes”.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 4

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 5.
Write down the steps to apply a picture style.
Picture Style Group:
Picture Styles Gallery offers many preset styles that make it easy for you to add borders and special effects with one click.
1. Picture Style Gallery:
This field provides a list of different formats that can be applied to an image. To see what each style will do, just move the mouse pointer over each style. To apply the style on a picture steps are as follows:
(a) Select the photo whose style you want to change.
(b) On the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click any style you like.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 5

2. Picture Border:
Use this command to change the color, width, or line style of the border of the image. Steps to add border as follows:

  • Select the image to which you want to add a border.
  • On the Picture Format tab, in the Picture Styles gallery, select Picture Border command. A drop-down menu will appear.
  • From this menu select color for border line.
  • Select weight (thickness) of boarder line.
  • Select whether the line of the border is dashed.

3. Picture Effects:
Click this button to add visual effects to the picture such as shadows, 3-D effects, and glows. Steps to add an effect to a picture are as follows:

  • Select the picture for which you want to add or change an effect.
  • Under the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects command.
  • A drop-down list will appear. From this menu select appropriate effect for image.

Question 6.
Write the steps of wrapping text.
Text Wrapping:
This feature is used to apply wrapping to an image. When wrapping is applied, text can be typed around the image. Make it easy to move images from one place to another in a document. To apply the text wrapping on the image follow these steps:
(a) Select the image which you want to apply wrapping.
(b) From the Picture Tools tab, in the Arrange group, click on the “Text Wrapping” option.
Do one of the following:

  • Click “Square” command to type the text around the border of your picture.
  • Click ‘Tight” command to type text around a clip art image or an irregularly shaped image.
  • Click “Behind Text” command to display the text on the image.
  • Click “In Front of Text” command to display the image on the text.
  • Click “Top and Bottom” command to place the image on your line.
  • Click “More Layout Options” command for more layout Options.

From this dialog box, specify the distance between the text and the image.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 6

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 7.
Write the steps for adding background color or texture.
Page Color:
With the help of this option we can apply different colors, textures and pictures to the background of the page in our document. Steps to add background color or texture are as follows:

  • Click on “Page color” command in the Page Background group from the Page Layout tab.
  • A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Choose one of the following options from this drop-down menu:
  • To apply the background color click any color from “Theme Colors or Standard Colors”.
  • To apply the texture, Gradient, pattern and pictures into the background, click “Fill Effects” option.
  • A Fill Effect dialog Box will appear. Select appropriate design for you background.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 15 Light Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 15 Light

Science Guide for Class 7 PSEB Light Intext Questions and Answers

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 186)

Question 1.
The process of change in direction of light after falling on a mirror is called ……………….. of light.

Question 2.
Angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection. (True/False)

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 189)

Question 1.
The distance between the object and the mirror is ……………… to the distance
between the image and the mirror.

Question 2.
Thes plane mirror has to be placed vertically on the graph paper. (True/False)

Question 3.
The plane mirror should be vertically upright.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 191)

Question 1.
The image of the sun formed by the concave mirror on the wall is …………………… image.

Question 2.
Is the image of a candle seen using a concave mirror same as that the image of the Sun seen on the wall ?
In both cases the rays of light are reflected from a concave mirror to form a real image.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 192)

Question 1.
When the object is very far from the concave mirror, the image formed is ………………….
Real, inverted/small in size.

Question 2.
The image formed on the screen is real.
True. (True/False)

Question 3.
For a concave mirror, the image formed is always real.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 195) (True/False)

Question 1.
The bright spot of light obtained on the paper is the image formed due to effect.

Question 2.
The image obtained on the paper is the virtual image.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 196) 

Question 1.
The convex lens is placed between the object and the screen. (True/False)

Question 2.
For a convex lens, the image formed is always real. (True/False)

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 198)

Question 1.
White light is composed of ………………. Colours. (True/False)

Question 2.
When disc with seven colours is rotated, it appears to be red. (True/False)

Question 3.
Name the seven colours of which the white light is made of.
The seven colours of white light are:

  1. Violets,
  2. Indigo,
  3. Blue,
  4. Green,
  5. Yellow,
  6. Orange
  7. Red.

Collectively called VIBGYOR.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

PSEB 7th Class Science Guide Light Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) An image formed by a ………………….. mirror is always of the same size as that of object.

(ii) In a plane mirror, the left hand of a person appears to be the ………………… hand in the image and ……………. hand appears to be the left hand in the image.
right, right

(iii) The image formed by a convex mirror is always ………………… and ……………….. in size.
erect, smaller

(iv) Convex lenses are ………………… in the middle and concave lenses are ……………….. in the middle than at the edges.
thin, thick

(v) A prism splits the white light into ……………….. colours.

2. State True or False:

(i) There is reflection of light through a lens.

(ii) The ray of light coming towards the plane mirror is called the reflected ray.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

(iii) The image formed by a plane mirror is always in front of the mirror.

(iv) A concave mirror is a part of hollow sphere of glass, whose outer side is coated with silver layer and reflection takes place from the inside.

(v) Concave lens always forms a virtual, erect and smaller image of the object.

3. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Which of the following does not show reflection of light ?
(a) Plane mirror
(b) Concave mirror
(c) Convex mirror
(d) Card board.
(d) Card board.

Question (ii)
Which is used for rear view in cars and other vehicles:
(a) Concave mirror
(b) Convex mirror
(c) Convex lens
(d) Concave lens.
(b) Convex mirror.

Question (iii)
The image of an object formed by a concave lens is always ?
(a) Real and diminished
(b) Virtual and larger
(c) Real and larger
(d) Virtual and diminished.
(d) Virtual and diminished.

Question (iv)
The process of splitting of white light in seven colours on passing through a prism is called:
(a) Reflection of light
(b) Refraction of light
(c) Bending of light
(d) Dispersion of light.
(d) Dispersion of light.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

4. Match the Column ‘I’ with Column ‘II’:

Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
1. Mirror used by dentists (a) Spectacles
2. Rear view Mirror (b) Microscope
3. Magnifying glass (c) Vehicles
4. Concave Lens (d) Concave


Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
1. Mirror used by dentists (d) Concave
2. Rear view Mirror (c) Vehicles
3. Magnifying glass (b) Microscope
4. Concave Lens (a) Spectacles.

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Is the image formed by a plane mirror real or virtual ?
The image formed by the plane mirror is Virtual.

Question (ii)
Which lens forms a real image of an object ?
Convex lens forms a real image of the object.

Question (iii)
Which optical instrument uses convex lens ?
Convex lens is used in a microscope.

Question (iv)
What is the seven rainbow coloured disc called ?
The seven-rainbow coloured disc is called Newton’s disc.

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Differentiate between Real and Virtual images. Give examples.
Difference between Real image and Virtual image:

Real image Virtual image
1. The rays of light coming from the object are actually found to meet at a point after reflection or refraction. 1. The light rays coming from an object do not actually meet but appear to meet at a single point after reflection or refraction.
2. They are always inverted. 2. They are always erect.
3. Real image can be obtained on a screen.

Example : (a) If the object is too far away from the concave mirror, the image becomes too small and inverted. When the object is brought closer to the concave miiror, the image after reflection becomes large and real.

(b) If the object is in front of a convex lens then the rays coming from that will form a real, inverted image after refraction.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 1

3. Virtual image can not be obtained on a screen

Example : (a) If the object is between the focal point of the concave mirror and the object, then the image is large, upright and virtual.In the convex mirror for each position of the object, the image obtained is virtual, erect and small.

(b) If the object is between the focal point of the convex lens and the lens, then image is virtual, erect and large.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 2

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Question (ii)
A person is standing 5m away from a plane mirror. How far will his image be:
(a) from the mirror
(b) from the person himself ?
We know that the image formed in a plane mirror is at the same distance behind the mirror is as the object is in front of the mirror. So,
(a) Distance of image from the mirror = Distance of person from the mirror
= 2 meters

(b) Distance of the image from the person = Distance of the person from the plane mirror + Image distance from the mirror. = 2 meters + 2 meters
∴ Distance of the image from the person = 4 meters

Question (iii)
Give two uses of concave mirrors.
Uses of concave mirrors:

  • Concave mirror is used as a having mirror, as the concave mirror produces a large and erect image when the mirror is placed close to the face.
  • Concave mirrors are mostly used on the headlights of vehicles. Here the bulb (light source) is placed on the principal focus of the concave mirror.

Question (iv)
State two differences between convex lens and concave lens.
Difference between convex lens and concave lens:

Convex lens Concave lens
(1) It is thick in the middle and thin at the edges. (1) It is thin in the middle and thick at the edges.
(2) It generally forms a large image of the object. (2) It forms a small and virtual image of the object.

Question (v)
Of how many colours is white light made of ? Name them.
White light consists of seven colours. Their names are:

  1. Violet,
  2. Purple (Indigo),
  3. Blue,
  4. Green.
  5. Yellow,
  6. Orange and
  7. Red.

Question (vi)
Ravi is observing his image in a plane mirror. The distance between the mirror and his image is 6 m. If he moves 2 m towards the mirror, then the distance between Ravi and his image will be:
Given, the distance between the plane mirror and the image = 6 meters
We know, the distance between the object (Ravi) and the mirror = Distance between the mirror and the image
Distance between Ravi and mirror = 6 meters (Given.)
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 3
When he moves 2 meters forward then the distance between Ravi and mirror will be
= 6 meters – 2 meters
= 4 meters.
Distance between Ravi and his image = Distance between Ravi and Plane mirror + Distance between plane mirror and image
= 4 meters + 4 meters
= 8 meters

7. Long Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
State and explain the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror.
Characteristics of the image formed by the plane mirror:

  • The image of the burning candle (object) is seen behind the mirror at the same distance. Therefore the image formed by a plane mirror is always formed as far behind the mirror as the objects is in front of it.
  • Since the image of the candle behind the mirror cannot be obtained on the screen, therefore, The image formed by the mirror is always virtual.
  • When we place the candle upright the image formed is also upwards. This shows that the image formed by a plane mirror is erect.
  • When we compare the size of the candle and its image formed in a plane mirror, they are of the same size. This shows the size of the object and the size image formed by the plane mirror is equal.
  • The distance between the candle and the mirror is equal to the distance between the image of the candle and the minor.
  • The image formed by a plane mirror is laterally inverted. That is, the left side of the object appears to the right side of the image and the right side of the object is to the left side of the image.

Question (ii)
What is meant by dispersion of the light ? Explain by using a Prism. Which natural phenomenon is associated with dispersion of light ?
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 4
Dispersion of Light.
It is the phenomena of spliting the white light into its seven colours. The process of its separation into seven colors is characterized by a white ray of light passing through the prism as shown in the figure.

Place a white screen on the other side of prism. You will see that the white light will be splited in seven colors. These colors form a band of the seven colors received on the screen called the spectrum. Due to the different wavelengths of the seven colors, these seven colors diverge at different angles. These seven colors are: (1) Violet, (2) Indigo, (3) Blue, (4) Green, (5) Yellow, (6) Orange, (7) Red.

We can remember these names with the word VIBGYOR formed from their first letters. You may have seen rainbows forming in the sky after rain. It causes the rays of the sun’s white light to be dispersed from the water droplets hanging in the atmosphere. Here the water droplets act like a prism and split up the white sunlight into its seven colours.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Light Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) An image that cannot be obtained on a screen is called …………………..
virtual image

(ii) Image formed by a convex …………………. is always virtual and smaller in size.

(iii) An image formed by a ………………….. mirror is always of same size as that of an object.

(iv) An image which can be obtained on a screen is called a ………………. image

(v) An image formed by a …………………. lens cannot be obtained on a screen.

2. Match the Column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Convex lens (a) Rainbow
(ii) Real, inverted and equal image (b) Concave mirror
(iii) Alphabetical process (c) Magnifying glass
(iv) Virtual image (d) Convex lens
(v) The reflecting surface is inward (e) Cannot be obtained on screen


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Convex lens (c) Magnifying glass
(ii) Real, inverted and equal image (d) Convex lens
(iii) Alphabetical process (a) Rainbow
(iv) Virtual image (e) Cannot be obtained on screen
(v) The reflecting surface is inward (b) Concave mirror.

3. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Light travels in:
(a) Straight lines
(b) Curved lines
(c) Circles
(d) None of the above.
(a) Straight lines.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Question (ii)
Erect, virtual and diminished image is formed in:
(a) plane mirror
(b) concave mirror convexo.
(c) convex mirror
(d) concave mirror
(c) convex mirror.

Question (iii)
To see an object it is necessary:
(a) Source of light
(b) Source of light and an object
(c) Source of light, object and an eye
(d) None of these.
(c) Source of light, object and an eye.

Question (iv)
After passing through a prism, light is split up into:
(a) two colours
(b) five colours
(c) seven colours
(d) six colours.
(c) seven colours.

Question (v)
To see magnified view of teeth, dentists use:
(a) plane mirror
(b) concave mirror
(c) convex mirror and convex mirrors.
(d) combination of concave
(b) concave mirror

Question (vi)
Which mirror is used to get magnified and real image ?
(a) convex mirror
(b) plane mirror
(c) concave mirror
(d) none of the above.
(c) concave mirror.

Question (vii)
Convex lens is:
(a) thick at the centre and thin at the edges
(b) thick at the edges and thin at the centre
(c) uniformly thick
(d) irregularly thick.
(a) thick at the centre and thin at the edges.

Question (viii)
When Newton disc is rotated fast which colour is seen ?
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 5
(a) Black
(b) White
(c) Blue
(d) Yellow.
(b) White.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give one property of light.
Light travels in a straight line.

Question 2.
Which surface acts as a mirror ?
Any smooth and polished surface.

Question 3.
If you are standing in front of a plane mirror and observing your own image what is the relation
Distance of the object from the mirror = Distance of the Image from the mirror.

Question 4.
What are spherical mirrors ?
Spherical Mirrors. Spherical mirrors are the part of hollow spherical reflecting surface of which the mirror is a part. The spherical mirrors are of two types:

  1. Concave mirrors
  2. Convex mirrors.

Question 5.
One wants to get an enlarged image of an object in a mirror. What type of mirror should one use ?
Concave mirror.

Question 6.
What type of mirror is used in automobiles for the benefit of drivers ?
Convex mirror.

Question 7.
What type of mirrors are used in search-lights and head lights of cars ?
Concave mirror.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Question 8.
Name the mirror in which the image of object is always diminished and virtual.
Convex mirror.

Question 9.
Name the kind of mirror which produces a diminished real image.
Concave mirror.

Question 10.
Write a note on convex lens.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 6
Convex lens.
A convex lens is thick in the centre and thin at the edges. This lens has the capability to converge a beam of light. So this lens is also called a converging lens.

Question 11.
What is a concave lens ?
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 7
Concave lens.
A concave lens is thin at the centre and thick at the edges. This lens has a capacity to diverge a beam of light. So this lens is also called a diverging lens.

Question 12.
Name the seven constituent colors of light.
Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.

Question 13.
Describe a natural phenomenon in which seven colors of light are displayed.
View of the rainbow after rains.

Short Answer Type Qucstions

Question 1.
Why should not we see towards sun through a convex lens ?
A convex lens is a converging lens. It converges a beam of parallel rays coming from the Sun at the focus. If a piece of paper or cloth is placed at the focus of a convex lens from the sun, these catch fire. So, if we see towards the sun through a convex lens, large amount of heat will be produced which is very harmful for the eyes. Hence we should not see the sun through a convex lens.

Question 2.
What is a virtual image ? Give one situation where a virtual image is formed.
Virtual image. An image which cannot be obtained on a screen, is called a virtual image.
Image formed in a plane mirror is always virtual.
Image in a concave mirror is virtual when object is placed very close to the mirror.
Image formed in a convex mirror is always virtual.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light

Question 3.
State two differences between a convex and a concave lens.
Differences between a Convex and a Concave lens:

Convex lens Concave lens
1. It is thick at the centre and thin at the edges.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 8

It is thin at the centre and thick at the edges

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 9

2. The image is generally formed on the other side of the lens (except when the object is between F and optical centre). The image is formed on the same side of the object.
3. It converges a beam of light to a It diverges a beam of light as coming from a point.

Question 4.
Give one use each of a concave and a convex mirror.
Use of concave mirror. It is used as reflector in a searchlight or car head-light.
Use of convex mirror. It is used in cars and other vehicles as a rear view mirror.

Question 5.
Which type of mirror can form a real image ?
A concave mirror forms a real image.

Question 6.
Which type of lens forms always a virtual image ?
Concave lens.

Question 7.
Give the conditions necessary for seeing an object.
Conditions for seeing an object. To see an object the following three conditions are required to be satisfied:

  1. Source of light to make the object visible.
  2. The object.
  3. Eye.

Question 8.
What are the uses of mirrors ?
Uses of Mirrors. We use mirrors in our daily life for one or the other purpose.
(i) Plane Mirror. Plane mirrors are used in the barber’s shops and in homes as looking glass. It is also used in periscope and other optical instruments.

(ii) Concave mirror.

  1. It is used as reflector in a search light or in a car head light.
  2. It is used in the solar cookers to converge the radiations coming from the sun.

(iii) Convex mirror.

  1. It is used in the cars and other vehicles as a rear view mirror to have look at the vehicles coming behind.
  2. It is used in amusement parks for showing strange looking images of people who stand in front of them.

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Give an experiment to show that white light is made up of seven colours.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Light 10
White light is a mixture of seven colours. To prove that white light is a mixture of seven colours, the following activity is performed.

Make a small top with a rotating disc. Paint the upper surface of the disc with sectorial area proportionately to the seven colours of the rainbow. Now rotate the disc when a white colour will appear on the disc. Light helps us to see the objects around us.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Science Guide for Class 7 PSEB Wastewater Story Intext Questions and Answers

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 224)

Question 1.
What is the difference in colour of contaminated and clean water ?
Clear water is colourless, but it may contain soluble impurities and microorganisms. This water is not pure and not drinkable.
Contaminated water in which microorganisms are present can also be colourless. Also, if there is any pigment or impurities in the water, it may be dark brown in colour.

Question 2.
Name any two organic contaminants present in drain water.
Organic pollutants present in the drain waste water are:

    1. Insecticides,
    2. Diuretics,
    3. Fruits and vegetables waste,
    4. Human and animal excreta.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 225)

Question 1.
Why are manholes builts in sewage route ?
Manholes are made at every 50-60 m distance of the sewerage system or at the junction of two sewage discharges, so that the person can enter the sewage drain to identify and diagnose the problem.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question 2.
Name any two organisms living in and around an open drain.

  1. Cockroach and
  2. scorpion.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 228)

Question 1.
What change do in you notice in the appearance of liquid after aeration ?
The color of the liquid is slightly clear and light.

Question 2.
What was removed by the sand filter ?
Insoluble solid particles were separated by sand filter.

PSEB 7th Class Science Guide Wastewater Story Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) ……………….. are dissolved and suspended solid impurities present in sewage.

(ii) The activated sludge is about ……………….. water.

(iii) …………………. is the solid material settled at the bottom of water clarifier.

(iv) ……………… is the place where contaminants are removed from wastewater.
Water purification tank

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

(v) Adopt ……………….. sanitation practices.

2. State True or False:

(i) The sight and smell of open drain is attractive.

(ii) Throw plastic bags in the drain.

(iii) Open drain is the breeding place for flies and mosquitoes.

(iv) Do not defecate in the open.

(v) Solid food remains can block the drains.

3. Match the Column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Organic impurities (a) Sewage treatment
(ii) Inorganic impurities (b) Typhoid
(iii) Wastewater treatment (c) Manure
(iv) Water borne diseases (d) Nitrate and phosphates
(v) Dried sludge (e) Human wastes


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Organic impurities (e) Human wastes
(ii) Inorganic impurities (d) Nitrate and phosphates
(iii) Wastewater treatment (a) Sewage treatment
(iv) Water borne diseases (b) Typhoid
(v) Dried sludge (c) Manure

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

4. Choose the Correct Answer

Question (i)
Wastewater treatment plant involve:
(a) Bar screen
(b) Water clarifier
(c) Grit and sand removal tank
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Question (ii)
Name the by-product of wastewater treatment plant:
(a) Biogas.
(b) Sludge
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.
(c) Both (a) and (b).

Question (iii)
Which of the following chemicals is used to disinfect water ?
(a) Chlorine
(b) Ozone
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.
(c) Both (a) and (b).

Question (iv)
World Toilet Day is celebrated every year on:
(a) 29 November
(b) 19 October
(c) 19 November
(d) 29 October.
(c) 19 November.

Question (v)
Which of the following is not a low cost onsite sewage disposal system
(a) Septic tank
(b) Compost pit
(c) Chemical toilets
(d) Bar screen.
(d) Bar screen.

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
What is sewage ?
This is the dirty water which contains soluble impurities dissolved and insoluble suspended impurities. It is produced by homes, offices, industries, farms and hospitals.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question (ii)
What is Sludge ?
The solid that settles at the bottom of a water purification tank is called Sludge.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question (iii)
What is clarified water ?
Clarified Water (Pure water).
It is colourless, odourless and tasteless water with pH value 7. Rainwater is pure water. The boiling point of pure water is 100°C. Pure water does not contain soluble or hanging impurities in it.

Question (iv)
What is septic tank ?
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story 1
Septic Tank.
This is a low cost onsite sewage treatment system that contains anaerobic bacterial enivironment to decompose the waste products. It has connection to main sewage discharge pipes. This is used in which excreta from the toilet passes through the covered pipes from the toilets directly to the biogas plant.

Question (v)
What is waste water treatment plant ?
Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Polluted water of houses through covered underground Pipes is taken to sewage removing contaminants.

The water is taken to the treatment plant and after the treatment this water is discharged into the rivers or oceans. The remaining waste water is sent to the place where the impurities are separated from it. Separation of contaminants from waste, water is called water purification. Water treatment involves physical, chemical and biological processes which remove contaminants from the waste water. Waste water treatment plant is also called sewage treatment plant.

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Why oil and fats should not be thrown in the drain ?
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story 2
Oil, ghee etc. should not be thrown in the drain, instead leftover should be put in the dustbin.
Because they harden and block the drainage pipes. If thrown in the open then they can close pores iin the soil which may reduce the ability of the soil to filter water.

Question (ii)
What is the function of bar screens in a wastewater treatment plants ?
Function of Bar screen in waste water treatment Plants:
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story 3
In waste water treatment plant at first this water which contains solid insoluble impurities such as cans, pieces of nepkins and plastic etc is first passed through a mesh having bar screens where these impurities are stopped and separated.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question (iii)
“Throw litter in the dustbin only
Always throw the garbage in the dustbin because scattering the garbage will not only pollute our surroundings but will also pollute the environment and give off a foul smell which will help in producing germs, insects and cockroaches. It will also cause many diseases. So throw litter only in the dustbin.

Question (iv)
What are the alternative arrangements for sewage disposal ?
Alternative arrangements for sewage disposal.
Where there is no sewerage system, low cost sewage disposal systems such as septic tanks, chemical tanks, composting pits etc. can be constructed. A septic tank is a small sewage treatment system that contains anaerobic bacterial environment that separate waste pollutants. It has no connection with main sewage disposal pipes.

Question (v)
Why is it harmful to discharge untreated sewage in water bodies ?
Untreated sewage contains inorganic and suspended contaminants. If this untreated sewage is discharged directly into water bodies then contaminants like germs present in it will get activated which will cause diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, polio and hepatitis.

7. Long Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Write a brief note on open defecation.
Open defecation.
Open defecation on railway tracks, banks of rivers or in the fields can cause health problems. It spreads many deadly diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, polio and hepatitis.

About one lakh people die every year due to open defecation. In areas where open defecation is common, human feces and animal feces are swallowed by children accumulating large amounts of bacteria, parasites, and viruses in their bodies which causes diseases, even it leads to death.

Question (ii)
What steps will you take at home for efficient working of sewerage system ?
Steps for efficient sewrage system at home. We should develop the following good habits for efficient sewerage system at the home.

  • Don’t waste water. Every time you go to toilet and you flush the toilet, water runs unnecessarily. So manage the amount of water to be used in toilets by putting a bottle filled with water or a brick in your flush tank which will maintain the water pressure and reduce the wastage of water.
  • Avoid using the toilet as a waste basket.
  • Install water-efficient toilets. Fix standard for reducing water consumption each time you flush.
  • Use only phosphate-free soaps and detergents.
  • Use washing machine only when you have full load of clothes.
  • Do not throw solid materials like tea leaves, wool, plastic envelopes (polythene), sanitary towels, soft toys etc. in the drainage water as they may block the drain. As a result, oxygen does not flow freely and the decomposition process slows down.
  • Do not throw substances like ghee, machine oil, grease, pesticides and other chemicals etc. in the drain as it can kill the water purifying microorganisms.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Wastewater Story Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) Cleaning of water is a process of removing ………………….. .

(ii) Waste water released by houses is called ………………… .

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

(iii) Dried ……………… is used as manure.

(iv) Drains get blocked by ………………. and ……………. .
cooking oil, fats

(v) An open space covered by a lid is a passage through which a person can enter and check the sewage system is called …………….. .

2. Match the Column ‘I’ with Column ‘II’:

Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
(i) Waste water treatment by-products (a) November 19
(ii) World Water Day (b) Breeding area for mosquitoes and flies.
(iii) Open defecation (c) Humus and bio gas
(iv) World Toilet Day (d) March 22


Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
(i) Waste water treatment by-products (c) Humus and bio gas
(ii) World Water Day (d) March 22
(iii) Open defecation (b) Breeding area for mosquitoes and flies.
(iv) World Toilet Day (a) November 19

3. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
A network of small and large underground pipes:
(a) Sewage
(b) Humus
(c) Stool excretion
(d) None of these
(a) Sewage.

Question (ii)
World Water Day is celebrated:
(a) March 22
(b) 22 February
(c) April 22
(d) 22 June
(a) March 22.

Question (iii)
Which gas absorbs ultraviolet radiation ?
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Ozone
(d) Hydrogen
(c) Ozone.

Question (iv)
Contaminated water causes diseases:
(a) Jaundice
(b) Diarrhoea
(c) Cholera
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question (v)
Malaria can spread through:
(a) Open drains
(b) Taps
(c) Closed drains
(d) Water pipes
(a) Open drains

State True or False:

(i) Untreated sewage should be disposed of in reservoirs.

(ii) Residual oil and ghee should be drained.

(iii) Throwing polythene bags or pieces in the drains can choke the drain.

(iv) Litter should be thrown in the dustbin only.

(v) The solid settling at the bottom of a water purification tank is called sludge.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which is World Water Day ?
World Water Day : 22 March.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question 2.
What is cleaning of water ?
Cleaning of Water. Removing pollutants from waste water.

Question 3.
What is common name of waste water treatment ?
Sewage Treatment.

Question 4.
How is Sewage formed ?
Sewage. It is waste water discharged by homes, industries, hospitals, offices and other users.

Question 5.
Which organisms cause dysentery ?

Question 6.
What is sewerage ?
Sewerage. Network of small and big pipes called sewers form sewerage.

Question 7.
Which chemicals destroy water micro-organisms?
Paints, painkillers, oils, medicines, etc destroy micro-organisms.

Question 8.
Why should solid waste not be dumped in drains?
Because they pollute the drains and block the free flow of oxygen.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question 9.
How does oxygen purify waste water?
Oxygen helps in biodegradation.

Question 10.
Write the names of two causes for spread of diseases.
Unhygienic surroundings and Polluted water.

Question 11.
Name the plant used at places where sewerage system is not available.
Septic tank.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give a short account of alternative arrangements for sewage disposal.
The alternative arrangements for sewage disposal are septic tanks, chemical toilets, compositing pits, etc.

All these are low cost onsite sewage disposal systems and are suitable for places where there is no sewerage systems. For example, in hospitals, isolated building or a cluster of 4-5 houses in a remote area.

Question 2.
Name some practices used at home which can minimise the waste production.
Practices used at home to minimise waste.

  • Greasy, oily things should not be dumped into drains, as they block (choke) the drains.
  • Chemicals, paints, insecticides etc. should not be thrown into drains as they kill microbes that help to purify water.
  • Solid wastes, used tea leaves, sanitary towels etc. should be thrown in dustbins and not in drains as they choke the drains.

Question 3.
What is Sewage ? Explain why it is harmful to discharge untreated sewage into rivers or seas.
Sewage. Sewage is a liquid waste which has lot of dissolved and suspended pollutants in water. It is complex in nature.

It is produced in homes, industries, agricultural fields and in other human activities. It is main cause of water and soil pollution.

Harmful aspects of disposal of untreated water waste:

  1. It causes health hazards.
  2. Ground water and surface water gets polluted.
  3. It is carrier of water borne diseases.

Question 4.
Why should oil and fats be not released in the drain ? Explain.
Oil and fats on hardening block the drain pipes. In open drains, the oils clog the soil particles reducing their power of filtering.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

Question 5.
Describe the steps involving in getting clarified water from waste-water.
Steps to get clarified water from waste water:

  1. Passing waste water through bar screening to remove large objects like rags, plastics, cans etc.
  2. Passing through grit and sand. Removal tank with slow speed to settle down sand and dust particles.
  3. Settling down of water is done in a big tank which has a slope in middle to remove faecal matter and floatable solids such as oils and grease. Water so obtained is called clarified water.

Question 6.
What is sludge ? Explain how it is treated.
It is solid faecal matter collected from the waste water after passing through screen bars and grit and sand removal tank.

Treatment of Sludge.
It is collected in a tank to be treated by anaeroboic bacteria. The biogas produced is used for generating electricity. Dried sludge is used as a manure.

Question 7.
Untreated human excreta is a health hazard. Explain.
Untreated human excreta.

  1. It is a breeding place for mosquitoes, flies and other insects.
  2. It is full of foul smell.
  3. It contaminates water and soil,
  4. It is carrier of many diseases.

Question 8.
Name two chemicals used to disinfect water.

  1. Chlorine and
  2. Ozone.

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Give a detailed account of waste water treatment plant.
Waste water is contaminated with physical, chemical and biological pollutants. To remove all these physical, chemical and biological processes are to be involved.

(i) Bar-Screen treatment. Wastewater is allowed to pass through big bar screens to remove solid large objects such as napkins, tins, cans, sticks, plastics, etc.

(ii) Grit and sand removal tank. The wastewater is allowed to pass through these tanks at a very low speed so that sand, dust, and insoluble heavy particles settle down in these tanks.

(iii) Separating the sludge. In this process, water is put into a large tank whose middle portion is sloped. All solids get settled down and are removed with a scraper. This solid waste is known as sludge. Some floating solids are removed by a skimmer. Water, thus, obtained is called clarified water.

Now two separate processes are to be followed.

(a) Sludge is transferred to a tank to be decomposed by anaerobic bacteria when biogas is produced as a by-product.

(b) In the clarified water, aerobic bacterias are present to enhance their functioning. Air is pumped into the water. Bacteria consume the impurities left in water and settle down at the bottom. The water is then removed from the top. While the sludge settled at the bottom is dried and used as manure.

(iv) The above water is either discharged into sea or river to be naturally cleaned or treated with chlorine or ozone and supplied for further use.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Science Guide for Class 7 PSEB Respiration in Organisms Intext Questions and Answers

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 117)

Question 1.
How long were you able to hold your breath?
Up to 35 seconds.

Question 2.
Why can we not hold our breath for a long time?
We need oxygen all the time within our body, by holding breath for too long the amount of Carbon dioxide will increase which can be fatal.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Think and answer (Textbook Page No. 118)

Question 1.
In which condition the rate of breathing is slowest ?
After resting, the respiratory rate is at least 12 to 20 breaths per minute. A lower rate is a sign of a physical problem.

Question 2.
What is your normal breathing rate ?
20 breaths per minute.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 121)

Question 1.
What does the rubber sheet represent ?
The Diaphragm represents the rubber seat.

Question 2.
Which organs are represented by balloons ?
The two lungs represent the balloons.

Question 3.
Can you explain the mechanism of breathing with the help of this model ?
Yes, because it is working model of breathing. Therefore, this will explain that action completely.

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 118)

Question 1.
Why does lime water turn milky ?
When we blow in lime water the exhaled carbon dioxide reacts with lime water to make lime water milky.

Question 2.
What is the formula of lime water ?
Chemical formula of Lime water: Ca(OH)2

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

PSEB 7th Class Science Guide Respiration in Organisms Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) Lactic acid is produced during ………………….. respiration.

(ii) Taking in of air rich in oxygen is called ………………… .

(iii) The number of times a person breathes in a minute is termed as ……………………. .
Breathing rate

(iv) Exchange of gases in the leaves of plants takes place through ……………….. .

(v) The skin of an earthworm is …………….. to touch.
Wet and slippery

2. State True or False:

(i) Frogs breathe through their skin as well as lungs.

(ii) We cannot feel breathing movements in our body.

(iii) Aerobic respiration produces more energy than anaerobic respiration.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

(iv) During heavy exercise the breathing rate of a person slows down.

(v) Insects have organ, called trachea for respiration.

3. Match the Column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Lenticels (a) Gills
(ii) Yeast (b) Old stem
(iii) Fish (c) Skin
(iv) Stomata (d) Alcohol
(v) Earthworm (e) Leaves


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Lenticels (b) Old stem
(ii) Yeast (d) Alcohol
(iii) Fish (a) Gills
(iv) Stomata (e) Leaves
(v) Earthworm (c) Skin

4. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
The earthworms respire through:
(a) Trachea
(b) Gills
(c) Lungs
(d) Skin.
(d) Skin

Question (ii)
Respiration helps in:
(a) Digestion
(b) Energy production
(c) Locomotion
(d) Chromosomes.
(b) Energy production.

Question (iii)
In cockroaches, air enters the body through:
(a) Skin
(b) Lungs
(c) Spiracles
(d) Gills.
(c) Spiracles.

Question (iv)
In old and woody stem gaseous exchange take place through:
(a) Stomata
(b) Lenticels
(c) Root hair
(d) Do not respire.
(b) Lenticels.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Question (v)
During heavy exercise we get cramps due to:
(a) Glucose
(b) Oxygen
(c) Lactic acid
(d) Alcohol.
(c) Lactic acid.

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Define the term breathing rate.
Breathing Rate. The number of times a person breathes in a minute, is called the breathing rate. Breathing once means inhaling once and exhaling once.

Question (ii)
What is respiration ? Name two types of respiration.
Respiration. This is a simple physical activity during which oxygen-rich air from the atmosphere is drawn into the respiratory organs (lungs in humans). This part of the respiratory system is called breathing and after breathing, carbon dioxide-rich air is expelled from the respiratory tract into the atmosphere.
There are two types of respirations:

  1. Aerobic respiration.
  2. Anaerobic respiration.

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Why do we get muscle cramps after heavy excercise ?
After exercise we feel tired due to Anaerobic respiration. In the absence of oxygen, lactic acid is formed due to the partial oxidation of glucose. Lactic acid builds up in the muscles causing fatigue and stiffness.

Question (ii)
Why does an over watered potted plant die ?
When we water the plants more than what plants need, they die. This is because more water fills the air spaces between the soil particles. As a result, the roots of the plants do not get enough oxygen.

Question (iii)
Why do we often sneeze when we inhale a lot of dust-laden air ?
When we inhale in a dusty environment, the unwanted dust particles get trapped in the nasal passage, nasal hair and mucus causing irritation or itching in the nose which makes us sneeze. With the onset of sneezing, those unnecessary dust particles are expelled and clean air begins to enter our lungs.

7. Long Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
How respiration is different from breathing ?
Differences between Respiratory and Breathing.

Respiration Breathing
(1) This action takes place in cells. (1) This action takes place outside the cells.
(2) Energy is produced in this action. (2) This action does not produce energy.
(3) It is a chemical reaction. (3) It is a physical activity in which gases are exchanged.
(4) Respiratory organs are not required in this activity. (4) The respiratory organs (lungs) are required.
(5) It requires enzymes. (5) Enzymes are not required in this activity.
(6) This action produces carbon dioxide and energy. (6) It releases carbon dioxide.
(7) It involves oxidation of glucose. (7) It draws in oxygen.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Question (ii)
Draw a labelled diagram of human respiratory system.
Labelled diagram of human Respiratory System:
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms 1

Question (iii)
List similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Difference between Aerobic respiration and Anaerobic respiration :

Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration
(1) This action occurs in the presence of oxygen. (1) This action takes place in the absence of oxygen.
(2) This action takes place in both the biological fluid and the mitochondria biological fluid. (2) This action takes place only in the of the cells.
(3) In aerobic respiration, complete oxidation of glucose occurs. (3) In anaerobic respiration incomplete oxidation of glucose takes place.
(4) In this action CO2 and water are formed. (4) Alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed in this process.
(5) In this action from a molecule of glucose 38 ATP molecules are free. (5) From a molecule of glucose in this action 2 ATP molecules are free.
(6) Complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose releases 673 kcal of energy. (6) Partial oxidation of one molecule of glucose releasing 21 kilo calorie of energy.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Respiration in Organisms Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) Organisms that do not require oxygen for respiration are called ………………..
Anaerobic organisms

(ii) Accumulation of ………………….. causes stiffness in muscles.
Lactic acid

(iii) Our breathing rate ………………… when we do exercise or work hard.

(iv) The leaves of plants use ……………….. for the exchange of gases.

(v) Fishes breathe through …………………..

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

2. Match the Column ‘I’ with Column ‘II’:

Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
(a) Yeast (i) Earthworm
(b) Diaphragm (ii) Gills
(c) Skin (iii) Alcohol
(d) Leaves (iv) Chest Cavity
(e) Fish (v) Stomata
(f) Frog (vi) Lungs and skin


Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
(a) Yeast (iii) Alcohol
(b) Diaphragm (iv) Chest Cavity
(c) Skin (i) Earthworm
(d) Leaves (v) Stomata
(e) Fish (vi) Gills
(f) Frog (vii) Lungs and skin

3. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Which one of the following is an anaerobic organism ?
(a) Cow
(b) Yeast
(c) Frog
(d) Butterfly.
(b) Yeast.

Question (ii)
The percentage of CO2 in exhaled air is:
(a) 0.4%
(b) 4%
(c) 4.4%
(d) 14.4%.
(c) 4.4%.

Question (iii)
The products of anaerobic respiration are:
(a) Carbohydrate and O2
(b) Ethylalcohol and CO2
(c) Carbohydrate and CO2
(d) Ethylalcohol and O2
(b) Ethylalcohol and CO2

Question (iv)
Respiratory organs of fish are:
(a) Skin
(b) Lungs
(c) Gills
(d) Stomata.
(c) Gills.

Question (v)
Plants carry out photosynthesis only during:
(a) Night
(b) Day
(c) Day and Night
(d) None of these.
(b) Day

Question (vi)
Respiratory organs of frog are:
(a) Lungs and Skin
(b) Gills
(c) Only skin
(d) None of these.
(a) Lungs and Skin.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Question (vii)
The Vital biological system of organisms is:
(a) Digestion
(b) Reproduction
(c) Excretion
(d) Respiration.
(d) Respiration.

Question (viii)
Which organism uses more than one organ for respiration?
(a) Fish
(b) Cockroach
(c) Human
(d) Frog.
(d) Frog.

Question (ix)
Air enters ¡n the body of cockroach:
(a) Through lungs
(b) Through gilds
(e) Through spricales
(d) Through skin.
(e) Through spricals.

4. State True or False:

(i) During heavy exercise the breathing rate of a person slows down.

(ii) Plants carry out photosynthesis only during the day and respiration only at night.

(iii) Frogs breathe through their apart from skin.

(iv) The fishes have lungs for respiration.

(v) The size of the chest cavity increases during inhalation.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Very Short Answer Type Qucstions

Question 1.
Name the energy giving processes.
Nutrition and respiration.

Question 2.
What are the end products of aerobic respiration ?
Carbon dioxide, water and energy.

Question 3.
What are the end products of anaerobic respiration ?
Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Question 4.
Define breathing.
Breathing. The process by which organisms take oxygen from environment and release carbon dioxide, is called breathing.

Question 5.
What are the two main processes in respiration ?
The two main processes in respiration are:
(i) Breathing i.e. taking in O2 and giving out CO2.
(ii) Using O2 in the cells (internal respiration).

Question 6.
What are anaerobes ?
Anaerobes. Organisms which can survive in absence of free air are called anaerobes.

Question 7.
Give an example of anaerobe.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Question 8.
What is cellular respiration ?
Cellular respiration. Respiration taking place in living cells is called cellular respiration.

Question 9.
Which functions of cell need energy ?
Nutrition, transport, excretion, reproduction.

Question 10.
What is the reason of cramps in legs ?
Formation of lactic acid.

Question 11.
How can the muscles of legs be relieved ?
By massaging or taking hot water bath.

Question 12.
When does breathing rate increase ?
During exercise or running.

Question 13.
What is diaphragm ?
Diaphragm. It is a large muscular sheet forming the floor of chest cavity.

Question 14.
What happens to chest cavity during inhalation ?
During inhalation, the space in chest cavity increases.

Question 15.
When does the space in chest cavity decrease ?
During exhalation.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is anaerobic respiration ?
Anaerobic respiration. Some cells like bacteria and yeast release energy by breaking down glucose into ethyl alcohol and CO2 in the absence of oxygen. This process is called anaerobic respiration.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Question 2.
What are stomata ? Give two functions of stomata.
Stomata. These are the small holes (pores) present on the lower surface of leaves. It is guarded by two kidney-shaped guard cells. The light affects its opening.
Functions. (i) Exchange of gases, (ii) Control of transpiration.

Question 3.
Explain respiration in plants.
Respiration in plants. Plants, during the process of photosynthesis, give off oxygen which is utilized during respiration.
Stomata are the openings located on the lower surface of the leaves which are guarded by two kidney-shaped guard cells. Through stomatal opening exchange of gases takes place.

Question 4.
Is respiration the same as breathing ?
Resiration and breathing are not the same processes. During respiration oxidation of food occurs along with the release of energy. It is purely a chemical process. Breathing is purely a physical process. It mainly occurs by inhalation and exhalation. In breathing simply exchange of gases occurs, where O2 is drawn in and carbon dioxide is thrown out.

Question 5.
Give chemical equation for Aerobic respiration.
Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + energy.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

Question 6.
Give an account of movement of ribs during inhalation and exhalation processes.
Movement of Ribs

  1. During inhalation. Ribs move up and outwards to increase space in chest cavity.
  2. During exhalation. Ribs move down and inwards to decrease space in chest cavity.

Question 7.
Describe the importance of respiration in plants. .
Importance of respiration in plants. During respiration the energy rich foodstuffs (glucose and fructose) are changed into water and carbon dioxide accompanied by the release of usable energy which is necessary for the sustenance of plant life. The carbon dioxide so released is made use of in the manufacture of food by the plant during the process of photosynthesis.

Question 8.
Give an account of respiration in fishes.
Respiration in fishes. Fishes live in water and breathe through gills which is their breathing organ. Fishes take in water through their mouth and force is out through the gills. In gills water and blood flow in opposite direction to increase diffusion of oxygen.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms 2

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Show by an experiment that CO2 is present in the exhaled air.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms 3
We can prove by the following experiment that CO2 is present in the exhaled air:
Experiment. Set up the apparatus as shown in the figure. Exhale air through your mouth into the tube provided for this purpose. You will notice that the lime water is kept in test B. Through which exhaled air is passing has turned milky.

On the other hand, test tube A through which exhaled air is not passing has shown slight milkiness due to atmosphere air entering from the side tube. It proves that carbon dioxide is present in exhaled air which has turned lime water present in test tube B milky and milkiness is due to the formation of calcium carbonate in the figure.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms 4

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Physical Education Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Physical Education Guide for Class 7 PSEB Sports injuries and their Treatment Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What do you mean by Sports Injuries?
Injuries are common things in human life. There is a little risk of injury during work. If there is a minor mistake or negligence, there can be an injury. Similarly, players receive injuries in the playground, they receive injuries. There is a difference between the injuries we receive during the general work & the injuries received in the playgrounds.

If a player comes to the ground fully prepared & carefully, there are fewer chances of injuries for him as compared to other players, but we cannot say that he will not receive injuries at all, every player receives some injuries in his sports life. Common injuries received during playing games can be cured within one or two days, but sometimes a player receives a serious injury, as a result he has to be out of the field for a long time.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 2.
What are Exposed Injuries?
These kind of injuries are generally received in playground during playing games. These injuries are received on outer parts of the body & these can be seen clearly.
It is of three types-
1. Abrasion:
Under this kind of injury the outer part of the skin is peeled off due to abrasion, even internal part of the. skin is also peeled off. This Injury is received, when a player falls on hard ground.

2. Incision:
Sometimes players strike against each other very hard during the game as a result one player’s sharp body part like elbow, knee or other sharp part hits the other player & his skin gets torn as a result. The player may receive this injury due to striking in some hard objects.

3. Punctured Wound:
This Injury received during game is considered very serious. This injury is caused by some sharp or pointed objects.

Question 3.
Which injuries are called unexposed injuries?
These injuries are visible on the outer part of the body. They are called unexposed or invisible injuries. These injuries are received usually on heavy muscles or on joints. The main cause of these injuries is over strain or burden put of the muscles or on Joints. The player feels sharp pain in these injuries and it takes much time to heal the injury.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 4.
What is the difference between dislocation and fracture?
People misunderstand dislocation as fracture whereas there is a great difference between both injuries. The bone dislocates from the joint due to overstrain or sudden jerk. The affected joint stops moving in this injury and the player is unable to play. This injury is received while running fast in the ground, striking hard against other player, hitting a pole or a table or over bending of joint while falling down.

Bone broken into two pieces due to an injury is called fracture. Breaking of the bone is a serious injury. It causes a great pain to the player and takes a long time in healing. There are many kinds of fracture, among these there are common and serious injuries as well.

Question 5.
What is fracture? Write its symptoms & treatments of the fracture.
Bone broken into two pieces due to an injury is called fracture. Breaking of bone is a serious injury. It causes a great pain to the player & takes a long time in healing. There are many kinds of fracture, among these there are common & serious injuries as well.


  • The Injured bone gets deformed.
  • There is severe pain on the injured Spot.
  • There can be cracking sound. If the bone is moved.
  • The injured body parts stops working.

The Injured bone should be supported with iron or wooden plate by tying them up with it, after the fracture even gauge can be used to support the injured bone. It should not be moved at all. One must try to stop bleeding, if it flows from the injury. The player should be taken to the doctor immediately so that X-ray of the injury can be done to know in details of it.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 6.
What are the main causes of sports injuries?
(a) Lack of knowledge:
The player should have complete knowledge of the rules & the equipments used in the games. Sometimes the players starts playing without having the complete knowledge of sports equipments and hence, there remain a risk of injury.

(b) Lack of Physical ability:
There is a great importance of training for good performance in games. If a player starts playing without proper training of the game he may receive injuries due to lack of strength, speed and flexibility.

(c) Negligence: A minor negligence may become the reason of an injury received in playground.

(d) Faulty methods of warming up:
Warming up of the body is very necessary before playing a game, so that muscles of a player are able to bear the burden of the game properly.

(e) Improper playgrounds:
Sometime due to unlevelled playground, pits scattering of sharp objects and nails causes injuries. The playground should be checked properly before playing.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Guide Sports injuries and their Treatment Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Types of exposed injury:
(A) Abrasion
(B) Incision
(C) Punctvfred wound
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 2.
What is Dislocation?
(A) When bone of joint misplaced
(B) Joint become immovable
(C) Player is unable to play
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 3.
Causes of Sprain.
(A) Heavy pain on the joint
(B) Swelling on the affected joint
(C) The place of joint become red
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 4.
What are the main causes of Sports Injuries?
(A) Lack of knowledge
(B) Lack of physical ability
(C) Negligence
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 5.
Write the symptoms of fracture.
(A) Bone gets deformed
(B) Injured parts stop working
(C) Severe pain in the part of injury
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 6.
Causes of Sprain.
(A) Severe pain on injured place
(B) Player can not run
(C) Swelling on the spot
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What should not be there in playfield?
Pieces of glass and stones.

Question 2.
What Should not be there near the boundary line of field?
Wire and Wall.

Question 3.
What types of equipment should be used in play?
It of International level.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 4.
In which spirit we should not play?

Question 5.
What type of ground is?

Question 6.
Write the type of Injuries of Sports?
It is of 2 Types:

  • Exposed injuries
  • Unexposed injuries

Question 7.
What is Sprain?
Sprain is the Injury of joints. Tissue which connect the joints are affected in the injury. Pressure is put on joints of the player while running in the playground. Tissues of his joints get strained or broken is called sprain.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 8.
What is Strain?
This is an injury of the tissues & generally received on the heavy muscles. A Player’s muscles are pulled under this injury’ as a result he feels a severe pain & he is unable to work, run or to do any other activity properly.

Question 9.
What is dislocation?
People misunderstand dislocation as fracture. The bone dislocates from the joint due to over strain. The affected, joint stops moving in this injury & the player is unable to play

Question 10.
What is Fracture?
Bone broken into two pieces due to an injury is called fracture.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write down the symptoms of dislocation of bone?

  • The joint is deformed
  • There is severe pain
  • There is swelling on the joint & the skin turns red.

Question 2.
Write the Symptoms of Fracture.

  • The injured bone gets deformed.
  • The injured body parts stop Working.
  • There is severe pain on the injured spot.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 3.
Write the causes of injuries in the field of sports?

  • Lack of Knowledge
  • Lack of Physical ability
  • Negligence
  • Faulty Methods of Warming up
  • Improper Playgrounds.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Strain? Write its symptoms & treatment.
Strain is an injury of tissues & generally received on heavy muscles. A player’s muscles are pulled under this injury as a result he feels a severe pain & he is unable to walk, run to do any other activity properly.


  • There is a severe pain on the injury spot.
  • The injury spot turns red.
  • There is a Swelling on the spot.
  • There is a huge pain during any movement.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Sports injuries and their Treatment

Question 2.
What is Fracture? Write its symptoms & treatment?
Bone broken into two pieces due to an injury is called fracture. Breaking of the bone is serious injury. It causes a great pain to the player & takes a long time in healing.


  • The Injured bone gets deformed.
  • There is a severe pain on injured spot.
  • There can be cracking sound, if the bone is moved.
  • The injured body part stops working.

The injured bone should be supported with iron or wooden plate by tying them up with it. Even gauge can be used to support the injured bone. One must try to stop bleeding, if it flows from the injury. The player should be taken to the doctor, so that X-ray of the injury can be done to know the details.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Social Science Book Solutions History Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire

SST Guide for Class 7 PSEB The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
Why did Daulat Khan Lodhi and Rana Sanga invite Babar to attack on India?
The nobles invited Babar to fight the Lodhis because of the following reasons :

  1. The Lodhi kings tried to suppress the power of their nobles who had tried to become independent rulers in different provinces.
  2. Ibrahim Lodhi, the last of the Lodhi kings, was proud, cruel and inefficient.
  3. He also ill-treated Daulat Khan Lodhi, the Goveror of Punjab.
  4. The nobles had thought that after plundering some parts of northern India, Babar, like other invaders, will leave for Kabul and then they would be able to assert their independence.

Question 2.
What do you know about Babar’s conquests?
In the first battle of Panipat in 1526 A.D., Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi and occupied Delhi and Agra. Rana Sanga became angry with this. As a result, he led a huge army against Babar in the battle of Kanwah. Rana Sanga was defeated in the battle of Kanwah by Babar. With this victory, North India came under complete control of Babar.

Babar also defeated the Rajputs in the battle of Chandri in 1528 A.D. Babar also defeated the Afghans in 1529 A.D. at the battle of Ghaghara. He died in 1530 A.D.

Question 3.
Write about the conquests of Akbar,
At the time of Humayun’s death, Akbar was only thirteen years old. He was not a ruler of any part of India. Akbar’s first conflict came with Hemu. He was an ambitious general of one of the Afghan princes. A battle of Panipat was fought between Bairam Khan, the Regent of Akbar and Hemu. Hemu was defeated in the battle of Panipat. Akbar captured Delhi and Agra which the Mughals had lost.

In 1560 A.D., Akbar himself took the reigns of the administration. After that his victories are as under :
1. Victories in North India :

  • Victories over Rajputs. In 1562 A.D., Akbar attacked the Rajputs. The King of Amber, Raja Bihari Mai accepted the subordination of Akbar and married his daughter to him. Besides, other Rajput rulers also accepted the subordination of Akbar e.g. Kalinjar, Marwar, Jaisalmer, Bikaner etc.
  • Struggle of Mewar. The ruler of Mewar Rana Pratap never wanted to . accept the subordination of Akbar. In 1569 A.D. Akbar occupied the capital of Mewar, Chittor. Still Maharana Pratap continued his struggle with the Mughals.
  • Victory over Gujarat. In 1572-73 A.D., Akbar got victory over Gujarat, (in) Victory over Bihar-Bengal. In 1574-76 A.D., Akbar defeated the rulers of Bihar and Bengal and occupied those states.
  • Other victories. Slowly Akbar got hold of Kashmir, Sindh, Orissa, Balochistan and Kandhar.

2. Victories in South India. After north India, Akbar shifted his attention to south India, then in south India he got the following victories :

  • Victory in Bijapur and Golkunda. This was achieved in 1591 A.D.
  • Victory over Khandesh. In 1601 A.D. Sultan Ali Khan of Khandesh accepted the subordination of Akbar. •
  • Control over Ahmednagar. In 1601 A.D., Akbar’s army defeated Chand Bibi of Ahmednagar and took control of the city.
  • Control over Berar. Akbar even took control over the Berar area of south India.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 4.
What do you mean by the Agrarian system of the Mughals?
In Mughal state, the main source of revenue was Land Tax.

Improvement in the tradition of Land Tax.

  1. The crop produce in some parts of the state was more than the other. The kind of crop too was different, so Akbar managed to collect land tax differently.
  2. The total production of the empire and the total revenue collected on it.
  3. One-third of the production was decided to be the land tax. This helped the peasants a lot.
  4. In case of drought or excessive rains, the land revenue was often remitted.
  5. The land was measured in ‘bighas’.

Classification of Land: Akbar classified the land into four parts :

  • Polaj Land: It was very fertile land. Any crop could be sown on this land at anytime.
  • Parauti Land: On this land, sowing could be done after one or two years.
  • Chhachhar Land: The sowing could be done after three-four years.
  • Barren Land: Sowing could be done after five-six years.

Collection of Land Tax: The land tax collection systems were as follows :

  • Kankut System: According to this system the govt, would collect land tax by approximating the value of the standing crop.
  • Batai System: According to this system when the crop was harvested, then 1/3 part was taken by the govt.
  • Nasak System: According to this system the crop of the whole village was approximated and the land tax was fixed.

The Mughal govt, gave loans to the farmers to make more and more land agriculturable. At the time of drought and flood, the land tax was given exemption.

II. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
Tuzuk-i-Babari is the autobiography of ________

Question 2.
The battle of Kanwaha was fought between Babar and ________
Rana Sanga

Question 3.
Akbar defeated Hemu in ________
1556 A.D, Panipat

Question 4.
Babar wrote ________

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 5.
Abul Fazl wrote ________

III. Write True or False for each statement :

Question 1.
The Mughals came to India in 1525 A.D.

Question 2.
Daulat Khan Lodhi and Rana Sanga invited Babar to invade India.

Question 3.
Sher Shah Suri was a Mughal ruler.

Question 4.
The Rajputs were very well treated during the reign of Aurangzeb.

Question 5.
The Deccan policy of Aurangzeb strengthened the Mughal Empire.

IV. Activities:

Question 1.
On the outline map of India, show the extent of Mughal Empire.
Do it yourself with the help of Indian Map.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 2.
Collect the pictures of Mughal Emperors and paste in your note-book.
Do it yourself

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Guide The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
When Akbar came into Power?
(a) 1560
(b) 1558
(c) 1564
(d) 1556
(d) 1556.

Question 2.
Who wrote Ain-i-Akbari?
(a) Abul Fazl
(b) Tansen
(c) Raja Man Singh
(d) Todar Mai
(a) Abul Fazl.

Question 3.
Mughal tradition of succession was to divide state into ________ of the father.
(a) Sons
(b) Daughters
(c) A & B Both
(d) None of these.
(a) Sons.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 4.
Mother of Jahangir was the princess of
(a) Raikot
(b) Amber
(c) Ajmer
(d) Jaisalmer.
(b) Amber.

Question 5.
Term Mansabdar refers to an individual who holds a
(a) Jagir
(b) Land
(c) Mansab
(d) Suba.
(c) Mansab.

Question 6.
The Mansabdars were required to maintain specified number of
(a) Horses
(b) Cavalry men
(c) Soldiers
(d) All of these.
(b) Cavalry men.

Question 7.
Revenue Minister of Akbar was
(a) Todar Mai
(b) Tansen
(c) Abul Fazl
(d) Birbal.
(a) Todar Mai.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 8.
Revenue circle with its own schedule revenue rates for individual crops is known as
(a) Mansab
(b) Zat
(c) Zabt
(d) Jagir.
(b) Zat.

Question 9.
Whole of the Mughal Empire was divided into “different
(a) Cities
(b) Towns
(c) Faujdars
(d) Subas.
(d) Subas.

Question 10.
Subedar of every Suba was supported by officer like
(a) Bakshi
(c) Sadr
(b) Faujdar
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
When and between whom was the first battle of Panipat fought? Who was defeated?
It was fought in 1526 A.D., between Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi. Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated in this battle.

Question 2.
Who was Babar? Write in brief about his victories.

  • Babar was a good general and he knew how to use his soldiers to the best advantage.
  • Babar had brought artillery from central Asia and this was one of the main reasons for his success.
  • Babar’s cavalry was better trained.
  • The soldiers of Lodhi King were not faithful to him.
  • Babar arranged his soldiers in such a way that they could easily move from one part of the battle to another.

Babar’s Victories. Babar was the founder of the Mughal empire in India. He was a great conqueror who within a period of four years (1526-1529) won four battles:

  1. Battle of Panipat
  2. Battle of Kanwaha
  3. Battle of Chaderi and
  4. Battle of Ghagra.

In these battles, he proved himself to be a great military genius. He was also a great writer who patronised great scholars. His autobiography known as ‘Tuzuk-i-Babari’, in Turkish language, is a great piece of literature. He died in 1530 A.D. and was buried at Kabul in a beautiful grave.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 3.
Who exiled Humayun from India and when? When did he regain his state?
Sheh Shah Suri exiled Humayun in 1540 A.D., but Humayun regained his state after defeating his successor Sikandar Suri in 1555 A.D. In 1556 A.D. Humayun died.

Question 4.
Who was Sher Shah? Why was he successful? Why is it said that he might have become a great Sultan?
Sheh Shah Suri was an Afghan king. He defeated Humayun and founded the Suri Dynasty.

Reasons of his success:

  1. Sher Shah was a determined man.
  2. Before becoming the ruler, he administered the jagir of his father, so he had the experience of administration.
  3. He was liberal and well-wisher of his people. Sher Shah Suri died in A.D. 1545.

Sher Shah ruled Delhi only for five years. He administered his state well. His land revenue system was of highest order. He did many works for the welfare of the people. His army was well disciplined. Thus we see that Sher Shah did many important works in a brief tenure of his rule. Had he lived for longer period, he would have been the greatest ruler.

Question 5.
What were the features of the administration of Sher Shah Suri?
Sher Shah ruled only for a short span of five years (1540-45 A.D.) but even during such a short period, he had achieved so much that it is said that he might have become a great Sultan.

There are many reasons for his success or greatness :
1. Man of Great Qualities: He was a great military genius and clever statesman. He duped Humayun several times and ultimately defeated him.

2. Administrative Reforms: Sher Shah was successful because he was a great administrator. He appointed efficient and honest officers to administer his state well. He treated all his subjects alike and even appointed Hindus on high posts.

3. Gearing up the Revenue Administration: Sher Shah got the whole land measured. A new assessment was made in order to fix a just tax. Land revenue was fixed at nearly one-third of the produce. Land revenue could be paid both in cash or in kind.

4. Reforming the Military Administration: Sher Shah fully knew that if he wanted to be successful he must organize his army on a strong footing. As such, he organized his army into a strong military force. .

5. Construction of Roads and Highways: Sher Shah built several good roads for promoting trade and commerce for the safe travel of the public.

Question 6.
Who made Altbar sit on the throne and when?
It was Bairam Khan in 1556 A.D.

Question 7.
Who was Bairam Khan? When did Akbar depose him from his post?
Bairam Khan was patron of Akbar. He was deposed in 1560 A.D. by Akbar.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 8.
Name the main features of Akbar’s Rajput policy.
Akbar captured the Rajput kingdoms of Gwalior, Ajmer and Malwa. These conquests brought him into the neighbourhood of the Rajput kingdoms. Akbar was very far-sighted. He realised that there could be no permanent Mughal rule in India without the help and loyalty of Rajput princes. So he made friends with them. He entered into marital alliances between his family and various Rajput royal families. He himself married a number of Rajput princesses. They became his sincere friends, trusted advisers and his loyal and gallant comrades on the battlefield. Rhagwan Dass and Man Singh were his famous Rajput generals. But the Rana of Mewar, Rana Partap did not relent to Akbar.

Question 9.
Write about the central administrative system of Akbar/Mughals.
The description is as follows :
1. King. King was the chief of administration. He had many assistants to help him, e.g. Wakil, Diwan-i-Ala, Mir-Bakshi, Sadar-i-Sadur, Qazi-ul-Qazat and Khan-i- Saman.

2. Wakil. He was the prime minister of the state. He would give information to the emperor about chief happenings. He would always carry out the orders of the emperor.

3. Diwan-i-Ala was the finance minister. He would take care of income-expenditure account of the state. He would also make laws about the taxes.

4. Mir Bakshi. He would keep records of Mansabdars. He would distribute salary to them. He would also take care of military institutions.

5. Sadar-i-Sadur. He was the chief of department of religious affairs. He would keep an account of religious affairs and educational institutions.

6. Qazi-ul-Qazat. He would give his opinions to emperor on Islamic laws for delivering the justice.

7. Khan-i-Saman. He would take care of the royal family and factories.

Question 10.
Write a brief note on the state administrative system of Akbar/Mughals.
Akbar had divided his empire into 15 states for running his administration properly. The main state officials were as follows.

  • Subedar: He was the highest official of the state. His main function was to keep law and order in the state.
  • Diwan: He was the chief of finance of the state. The accounts of income-expenditure of state were under his department.
  • Bakshi: He would take care of military arrangements as well as horses.
  • Sadar: He would prepare details about saints, seers, peers and fakirs.
  • Waqiyanavis: He was the chief of detective department.
  • Kotwal: He was the police official. His main function was to maintain peace and order in the city.

Question 11.
Write a comment on the local administration of the Mughals/Akbar.
Akbar had divided his empire into states and states were further sub-divided into districts, parganas and villages :
1. Administration of District :

  • Faujdar: He was the chief administrator of the district. He would carry out the orders of the Badshah and maintain law and order.
  • Amil-Guzar: His main function was to collect taxes.
  • Bitikchi and Khazandar: Both these official were the assistants of Amil Guzar.

2. Administration of Parganas:

  • Shiqdar: To maintain law and order in the pargana.
  • Amil: To collect land tax.
  • Potdar and Qanungo: Both these were assistants of Amil.

3. Administration of Villages: Most villages were administered by Panchayats. These developed the villages and take care of the village conflicts. ‘Chowdhary’, ‘Muqqadam’ and ‘Patwari’ were the assistants of Panchayat.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 12.
Write a short note of Mansabdari System.
The Mansabdari system was the most important feature of the Mughal administration. The Mansab means rank. Each noble was given a mansab or rank and was called the mansabdar. The mansab or rank was based on the numbers of mounted soldiers at the command of the officers. Each mansabdar was required to perform any civil and military duty as was assigned to him by the emperor. Mansab was not hereditary. Hence it could not be passed on to his descendants. Thus every mansabdar owed his allegiance to the emperor.

Classes of Mansabdars. In the period of Akbar, Mansabdars had 33 classes. The lowest mansabdar had 10 soldiers and the highest mansabdar had 10,000 soldiers in his subordination.

Duties of Mansabdars. Mansabdars were appointed by the emperor at the recommendation of Mir Bakhshi. He could be put to any work. The salary was also given according to his class. He could be promoted as well as denoted in status as well as salary.

Question 13.
What do you know about Nur Jahan? What was her importance in Jahangir’s Court?
Nur Jahan was a talented woman. Her original name was Mehr-un-Nisa. Jahangir married her in 1611 A.D. She set the fashion in dress and manners at the court. She had a great consideration in the Mughal court. She had a great influence in the administration. There was hardly any affair of importance in which she was not consulted. Jahangir fell ill for a long period. During this period she became a real ruler of the empire. Her name was associated with Jahangir on coins and privy seals.

Question 14.
“The reign of Aurangzeb (1658-1707) is described as the most disturbed among Mughal emperors.” ‘Why?
The reign of Aurangzeb is described as the most disturbed due to the following reasons or facts :
1. Aurangzeb was a Sunni Muslim bigot. He ill-treated the followers of other religions. He ill-treated even the Sufi Saints.

2. Aurangzeb imposed Zazia on all the non-Muslim subjects particularly on the Hindus. He also destroyed their temples.

3. Aurangzeb martyred the ninth Guru of Sikhs, Guru Teg Bahadur Ji at Delhi. As a result, the Sikhs became sworn enemies of the Mughals.

4. The Rajput rulers of Mewar and Marwar also rose against the Mughals because they were discontented by the policies of Aurangzeb.

5. To conquer the Deccan states of Bijapur and Golkunda, Aurangzeb remained away from his capital for full 25 years (1682-1707 A.D.) His absence from his capital encouraged disruptive forces and gave rise to discontentment among the people.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 15.
How were the Marathas able to build up a strong and independent state? Was Aurangzeb able to control their rebellion?
Following were the reasons for the establishment of an independent state of the Marathas.
1. Geographical reasons: Marathas lived in the hilly region of Maharashtra. They got natural forts on the hills. These forts helped them to establish an independent state.

2. Impact of Bhakti Movement: The Marathas were greatly benefited by the conversings of Bhakti movement in Deccan. The mutual differences of Marathas were reduced and a sense of brotherhood originated among them.

3. Political experience: After the decline of Delhi Sultanate, a number of small states were established in Deccan. They had a close look of the political life, which brought an awakening among them.

4. Hard workers: Marathas were the inhabitants of the hilly region. They struggled to earn their living. This habit of hard work made them brave.

5. Leadership of Shivaji: They were fortunate enough to have the leader like Shivaji. He united the scattered Marathas community and established a strong and independent state.

Rebellion of Marathas: The Marathas had become a great power. Aurangzeb wanted to crush them but could not succeed. In 1674 Shivaji declared himself an independent ruler. After Shivaji’s death, his son Shambhaji sat on throne. In 1689, Aurangzeb killed Shambhaji and occupied Maratha areas but Marathas continued their struggle under Raja Ram and afterwards his queen Tarabai. In 1707 A.D. after the death of Aurangzeb, Marathas reoccupied a large area of Mughals.

Question 16.
Describe the Sikh struggle against the Mughals during and after the administration of Aurangzeb. _
The struggle of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji: After Sri Guru Har Krishanji, Sri Guru Teg Bahadurji became the 9th Guru. He was against the anti-Hindu policies of Aurangzeb. So Aurangzeb was annoyed with Guruji. Guruji raised his voice against Aurangzeb when he tried to demolish the gurdwaras and he also spoke against Aurangzeb when he tried to expel the citizens who were having soft corners for the Guruji. Guruji was brought to Delhi and was asked to convert to Islam. Guruji declined and then he was severely tortured and he was martyred in Delhi’s Chandni Chowk in 1675 A.D.

Struggle of Guru Gobind Sahib Ji. Sri Guru Gobind Sahibji became the 10th Guru and continued his struggle against Mughal cruelty. In 1699 A.D., he founded the ‘Khalsa Panth’ and after that there was a struggle between the Sikhs and the Mughals. Guruji’s two elder sons Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh became martyrs. Guruji’s younger two sons Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh were buried alive in the wall at Sirhind.

Struggle of the Sikhs after Aurangzeb’s death. In 1707 A.D., Aurangzeb died. His successor Bahadur Shah tried to establish friendly relations with Sikhs but the Faujdar of Sirhind Wajir Khan sent a Pathan who by deception put knife into Guruji’s stomach. Guruji’s soul became one with God in 1708 A.D. After that the struggle continued under the leadership of Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 17.
Comment on the Deccan policy of Aurangzeb.
Aurangzeb spent almost 25 years of his life in south India. He was a Sunni Muslim. So, he wanted to crush the independent Shia states of Bijapur and Golkonda in south India. These states helped Marathas against Mughals, so he wanted to crush the power of Marathas also.

In 1686 A.D., Aurangzeb occupied Bijapur and in 1687 A.D., he occupied Golkunda also. Shivaji died in 1680 A.D. but still Marathas continued their struggle. Aurangzeb failed to crush Marathas. In 1707 A.D., he died.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 18.
What were the causes that brought about the break-up of the Mughal empire?
Following were the causes that brought about the break-up of the Mughal empire :

  • The successors of Aurangzeb were weak rulers.
  • The Mughal empire met with financial troubles.
  • Mughal administration was no longer as efficient as it used to be under Akbar.
  • The military administration of the Mughals had also become weaker.
  • Mughal India showed little awareness to the discoveries which the new science of Europe was revealing to Europeans.

Question 19.
Write about the visits of Europeans during Mughal period in India.
During the period of Jahangir many European traders came to India. William Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe were the main visitors.

William Hawkins stayed in India for three years (1608-1611 A.D.). Based on his reports the British government established a factory in Surat in 1612 A.D.

Sir Thomas Roe was an English man who visited the court of Jahangir as an Ambassador from King James I. He remained at Agra for three years hoping to obtain some sort of permanant agreement with regard to trade which would place the English commerce in East Indian waters upon a sound basis. But he failed in his object. Sir Thomas Roe had left a very interesting account of his travels and experiences in India. He also left a wonderful account of king’s life and about the splendour and magnificence of the imperial court.

Question 20.
Describe the political condition of India during the Babar’s invasion.?
The political condition was very pitiable. There was no centralized authority. The states were always fighting with each other.

  • The magnificence of Delhi Sultanate had declined. It was limited to Delhi and its nearby areas.
  • In Mewar, Rana Sanga had become quite powerful.
  • The Governor of Punjab, Daulat Khan Lodhi was thinking of taking revenge from Delhi Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi.
  • The rulers of Bengal and Bihar had also became powerful.
  • In South India, there were many states. Vijaynagar was the main kingdom. Bahmani Kingdom was also divided into many parts.

Question 21.
Write notes on each of the following :
1. Humayun
Humayun: Humayun was the eldest son of Babar. He sat on the throne in 1530 A.D. He was defeated by Sher Shah Suri, in 1540 A.D. in the battles of Chausa and Kanauj. He spent almost 15 years in Persia. He succeeded in getting back his throne in 1555 A.D. but next year he died.

The following were the difficulties that he had to face at the time of accession :

  • Although Babar had conquered a vast territory in India and founded a Mughal dynasty but he did not live long enough to make it secure against his enemies. So Humayun faced with trouble from the beginning.
  • Being new to India the Mughals had difficulty in consolidating their position.
  • The Afghan nobles attacked the newly founded kingdom because they wanted them to leave India.
  • Bahadur Shah was the ruler of Gujarat and Sher Shah an ambitious Afghan king also threatened Delhi.

2. Jahangir
Jahangir: Jahangir was the son of Akbar the Great. After the death of Akbar in 1605 A.D., he sat on the throne. He sent a military expedition against the son of Maharana Pratap-Rana Amar Singh. But afterwards, made peace with him on liberal terms and thus ended the long struggle between the Mughals and Mewar state.

The main events of his ruling period are as follows :

  1. He faced a rebellion from his son Khusro but he crushed this rebellion.
  2. Jahangir subjected Guru Arjan Devji to death penalty in a false case and after torture for five days, Guruji became martyr in 1606 A.D.
  3. Another important event was the marriage to Noor Jahan. He gave Nur Jahan the name of ‘Noor Mahal’ (Light of the Palace).
  4. In the court of Jahangir two diplomats from England, Captain Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe came. They had come to India in order to obtain trading facilities.
  5. Jahangir’s reign was most peaceful because :
    (a) There were not too many campaigns in the reign of Jahangir.
    (b) The struggle between Akbar and Rana of Mewar too was brought to an end by Jahangir.
    (c) In order to create peace in the country Jahangir adopted the policy of matrimonial relations with Rajputs. .
    (d) The struggle of the Mughals with Ahmednagar state, which had become a cause of anxiety, also came to an end.

This brought peace in the whole kingdom. Contrary to it, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb had to face many revolts and wars. This was the main cause of disturbance during their reigns.

3. Shah Jahan.
Shah Jahan: Shah Jahan was the son of Mughal emperor Jahangir. His real name was Khurram, He sat on the throne in 1628 A.D., after the death of Jahangir. He ruled for almost 29 years.

Some main events of his ruling period are as follows :

  • The Bundels from hilly areas declared a rebellion. Shah Jahan sent a big army to crush this rebellion and compelled Jhujhar Singh to sign a treaty with Mughals.
  • In 1628 A.D, Shah Jahan celebrated the occasion of Noroz and organised a big lunch on this occasion.
  • He was in deep love with his wife Mumtaz Mahal. When she died on 7th June, 1631, Shah Jahan went into deep depression.
  • Shah Jahan was very fond of building magnificent buildings. He is known as an Engineer King. His reign is called the golden age of Mughal architecture. He is reminded even today for his two things the Taj Mahal and the Peacock Throne. He had built the Taj Mahal in memory of his queen Mumtaz Mahal.

The Peacock Throne was a golden jewel-studded throne which he used. It was later looted by Shah of Iran and taken to his country. Other beautiful buildings built by Shah Jahan were Jama Masjid, Moti Masjid, Red Fort at Delhi and Red Fort at Agra. Shah Jahan built a new city Shah Jahanabad as his capital.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

Question 22.
Give an account of the main features of Shah Jahan and Jahangir’s rule.
1. Shah Jahan (1628-1657 A.D.): Shah Jahan was the son of Mughal emperor Jahangir. His real name was Khurram. He sat on the throne in 1628, after the death of Jahangir. He ruled for almost 29 years.

Some main events of his ruling period are as given ahead :

  • The Bundels from hilly areas declared a rebellion. Shah Jahan sent a big army to crush this rebellion and compelled Jhujhar Singh to sign a treaty with Mughals.
  • In 1628 A.D., Shah Jahan celebrated the occasion of Noroz and organised a big lunch on this occasion.
  • He was in deep love with his wife Mumtaz Mahal. When she died on 7th June, 1631, Shah Jahan went into deep depression.
  • Shah Jahan was very fond of building magnificent buildings. He is known as an Engineer King. His reign is called the golden age of Mughal architectures. He is reminded even today for his two things the Taj Mahal and the Peacock Throne. He had built the Taj Mahal in the memory of his queen Mumtaz Mahal.

The Peacock Throne was a golden jewel-studded throne which he used. It was later looted by Shah of Iran and taken to his country. Other beautiful buildings built by Shah Jahan were Jama Masjid, Moti Masjid, Red Fort at Delhi and Red Fort at Agra. Shah Jahan built a new city Shah Jahanabad as his capital.

2. Jahangir (1605-1627 A.D.). Jahangir was the son of Akbar the Great. After the death of Akbar in 1605 A.D., he sat on the throne. He sent a military expedition against the son of Maharana Pratap-Rana Amar Singh. But afterwards; made peace with him on liberal terms and thu3 ended the long struggle between the Mughals and Mewar state.

The main events of his rutirig period are as follows:

  • He faced a rebellion from his son Khusro but he crushed this rebellion.
  • Jahangir subjected Guru Arjan Devji to death penalty in a false case and after a torture for five days. Guruji became martyr in 1606 A.D.
  • Another important event was marriage to Noor Jahan. He gave Nur Jahan the name of ‘Noor Mahal’ (Light of the Palace.).
  • In the court of Jahangir two diplomats from England, Captain Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe came. They had come to India in order to obtain trading facilities.
  • Jahangir’s reign was most peaceful because ;
    (a) There were not too many campaigns in the reign of Jahangir.
    (b) The struggle between Akbar and Rana of Mewar too was brought to an end by Jahangir.
    (c) In order to create peace in the country Jahangir adopted the policy of matrimonial relations with Rajputs.
    (d) The struggle of the Mughals with Ahmednagar state, which had become a cause of anxiety, also came to an end.

This brought peace in the whole kingdom. Contrary to it, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb had to face many revolts and wars. This was the main cause of disturbance during their reigns.

Question 23.
Illustrate how Akbarnama and Ain-i-Akbari are used to reconstruct history.
These are two famous creations of ‘Abul Fazl’. These books tell us about the court of Akbar, his victories, his administration, his social, economic and religious policy, art and architecture.

Question 24.
What do you mean by Mansabdari System?
The Mughal rulers appointed the members of different classes in the administration. These appointees were known as Mansabdars under the Mansabdari system, court used to fix the post, income and the position of a Mansabdar. Mansabdar belonged to the civil and military departments of the country.

There were many categories of Zat and Sawar Mansabdar.

  1. The first category: Mansabdars held equal Zat and Sawar i.e. 5000/5000.
  2. The second category: Their sawar mansab was more than the half of their zat mansab i. e. 5000/3000.
  3. The third category: They held their sawar mansab less than the half of their zat mansab i.e. 5000/2000.

Mansabdars were appointed by the Mughal emperors on their own or on the recommendation of the Mir Bakshi. There were 33 categories of the Mansabdars during the reign of Akbar. Its rank was from 10 to 10,000. These could be appointed in any department. They were given their salaries according to their ranks.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Physical Education Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Physical Education Guide for Class 7 PSEB Posture and Its Deformities Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is meant by body posture? How does our body stand on both legs?
Posture may imply the proper care of the structure of the body. A good posture is one that has less pressure on different organs of the body and by which these organs may remain at ease and do the maximum work. In case the posture is not kept right, many deformities arise in the body. If we try to arrive at the precise definition of posture, the uppermost thought in our mind is that we have to keep our body in such a way that keeps balance among all the different organs of our body.
PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities 1
Posture is indeed, deeply related to human body. The person who.does not pay attention to his posture suffers from many weakness and deformities small children should be asked to give proper attention to posture in childhood itself so that they may not become prey to the posture related deformities and weakness and may lead a healthy and comfortable life. A good & balanced posture is the relative correct position of various parts of our body.

A person with good and balanced posture looks natural & graceful in his positions of standing, sitting, walking, sleeping & reading. When weight of upper parts of body is uniformly distributed on lower parts of body, a line may be drawn from the head to foot, indicating-the weight line. This weight line starts from uppermost part of the head & goes down at the level of knees. It starts from the end of the skull & passing through vertebrae of back it passes through the hip, knee and ankle & goes downward. In this way, the weight of the parts of the body is uniformly disturbed from the top of the bottom.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 2.
What are the qualities of a good posture?

  • We have to spend less energy by possessing balance posture.
  • Movements become very easy.
  • Balance posture influence others.
  • A person possessing good posture develop self-confidence.
  • Very active and clever in all daily work.
  • Good posture does not put pressure on bones or muscles.

Question 3.
What are the benefits of having a good posture?
Good health is the first precondition of good body posture. A straight & balanced body is beautiful to look at. It gives a good impression to others and one feels good about oneself whereas people make fun of a man with asymmetrical body. So having a good symmetrical body.

A straight & balanced body puts less pressure on the muscles because the weight is balanced and equally divided between front & back muscles. If the posture is good internal organs work properly without any problem. It is easier for a man to achieve good posture without much effort, when he is young, say, till the age of twenty.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 4.
How are deformities formed in the body posture? Write down the main deformities of the body.
1. Vocation:
A person sits, get up, walk according to the nature of work such as sitting work or standing work or some type of work, so his body parts change their nature of working eg. a person who has to work sitting in chair with the head down his body take the shape according to his sitting posture.

2. Nutritious food:
For the better physical structure and nourishment, a nutritious food is not taken, the body structure & development are badly affected. In the lack of calcium, bones become bending towards one side.

3. Bad habits:
Bad postures are also affected by mimic activities of bad posture persons are not balancing at the time of walking, getting up & running.

4. Proper Dress: Our body is stressed due to tight clothes, boots, pants, shirts so our dress should be proper.

5. Over weight: Body also feels abnormal due to over weight & wears bad posture.

6. Due to Injury: Walking is also effected by some injury & body bears bad posture.

Physical deformities:

  • Kyphosis
  • Lordosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Having both kyphosis & Lordosis
  • Knock knees
  • Flat foot
  • Depressed chest
  • Pigeon shaped chest
  • Flat chest
  • Bent neck.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 5.
Give the reasons of kyphosis. What are the exercises recommended to correct the deformity?
It is a type of curvature, he neck leans forward & backward. In kyphosis the spinal cord bends in the shape of bow. The chest cannot remain erect. This condition in a boy develops due to continuous sitting for hours in one incorrect posture. If the fault is correct indue time the backbone comes to its right position. In case the back gets completely bent, it becomes difficult to bring it back to its right position. The improper posture creates kyphosis, as a result of which heart & legs donot function properly.
PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities 2

  • Reading in dim light, while bending forward.
  • Short eye sight.
  • Head of hearing.
  • Use of worthless furniture for sitting.
  • Wearing tight & shapless clothes.
  • Weakening of muscles by less or no exercise.
  • Quick development of body.
  • Sickness or accident.


  • Keeping the straight body while doing daily activities walking, sitting & standing.
  • The chin should be up. The chest forward & heat straight.
  • While resting on the back of the chair the head should be bent back with the eyes looking straight forward.
  • Deep breathing exercises should be alone.
  • Push ups, swimming & other chest exercises should be done.
  • Back shoulders should be supported by pillow.
  • Hanging from walls bars. The back should be towards the wall bars.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 6.
Give the reasons of lordosis. What exercises are recommended to correct the deformity?

  • The habit of walking with belly protruding in younger age.
  • Not taking balanced diet in chilhood.
  • Taking excessive food.
  • Women’s giving birth to many children.
  • Not doing exercise.
    PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities 3


  • Standing fully erect, bending the trunk forward & then straightening.
  • Lying on the back and then raising. Head & legs turn by turn.
  • Lying on the back, rising & again lying.
  • Practising ‘hal-asana’.
  • Standing attentively & touching the feet with hands again & again.

Question 7.
Why flat foot are formed? Give the recomended exercises for flat foot. Write down the method of finding out whether the foot is flat or not.
If we look carefully at the sole of the feet, we find that there is an arch which goes upward toward toe. When the muscles of the feet become weak & lose, there arches lose their curvaciousness & the feet become flat. A flat foot cannot bear the bodv weight well. It causes pain. Runing & walking becomes difficult.
PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities 4
Lack of exercise, Obesity, standing for long hours wearing ill-fitting shoes, wrong and faulty body posture.
Test of flat foot-spread some soft & wet soil levelled on the ground. Then placing your foot on it & move forward. If the foot is normal, it will look like the foot in figure. The figure makes it clear that the inner portion of the sole of the normal foot does not touch the ground while the whole sole of the flat foot touches the ground because its aches have become straight.


  • Walking & running on the toes.
  • Walking & running slowly on heels.
  • Cycling forcefully with toes.
  • Climbing the stair bars.
  • Dancing.
  • Walking on heels & toes of foot.
  • Walking on the slope of the triagular wooden board.
    PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities 5

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 8.
What deformities are formed in the chest bones? How can it be corrected?
Depressed Chest: In this type of deformity the bones get pressed inward.

Flat Chest: In it the ribs instead of protruding carer gets flattened to the level of the chest bones.

Pigeon-Type Chest: In this type of deformity the chest bones get raised upward.


  • Not doing exercises regularly.
  • Some dangerous diseases.
  • Bending excessively forward while sitting, standing or walking.
  • Deficiency of phosphorus, calcium & vitamin D.

Corrective Exercise:

  • Cutting the fodder with hand driven toka.
  • Practising breathing exercises.
  • Doing arm & trunk exercises.
  • Performing ‘dandas’ while hanging from a pole.
  • Performing ‘dandas’.

Question 9.
Give the reasons for the following deformities. Also write down the exercises recommended for them:
1. Bent neck
2. Knock knees
3. Flat chest.
1. Bent neck:
When the muscles on one side of the neck become weak & loose & those of the other side shrink, the neck turns on one side.


  • Carrying the child only on one side.
  • Making the infant lie on one side for long hours.
  • Having weak eye-sight on one side.
  • Bad posture while-studying.

2. Knock knees:
Deficiency of calcium, phosphorus & vitamin D can cause bent bones in small children. The lack of above nutrients make the bones weak & they cannot bear the body weight because of which the bones turn inwards. A person with knock knees cannot stand at attention. His knees knock with each other when he tries to put his feet together in the attention.

3. Flat Chest:
In it the ribs instead of protruding nearer gets flattened to the level of the chest bones. Depressed chest-In this type of deformity, the bones get pressed inward.

4. Pigeon-type Chest:
In this type of deformity the chest bones get raised upward. These deformities occur in early childhood, destructing the respiratory process.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 10.
Give a list of Good habits which help in having a good Posture.

  • Sufficient amounts of Calcium, Phosphorus & Vitamin D should be included in diet of children.
  • The children should be given sun bath and massage at least twice a week.
  • Eyesight should be got tested at regular intervals.
  • It is not good to stand for a long time putting weight only on feet.
  • Good quality furniture with proper shape and sufficient light should be provided for school-going children.
  • Breathing exercises should be done daily.
  • Narrow-fitting clothes and shoes should not be worn.
  • Exercises should be done regularly.
  • Specific exercise for the particular problem of the posture should be done as per requirement.

Question 11.
Explain about Lordosis.
Lordosis is a different type of curvature from kyphosis. In this type of defc nity the spine is bent not from the upper side, but it leans forward from the stomach. Lordosis can be checked at an early stage. It is not possible to rectify it at a later stage.

Exercises Related to Lordosis:
1. Bend knees forward while allowing hips to bend back behind, keeping back straight and knees pointed in same direction as feet. Descend until thighs are just parallel to floor. Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Come back in starting position and then repeat the same.

2. Lie down in prone position, with hands under abdomen. Then keep hips and shoulders down, press hands up on abdomen and raise lower back.

3. Sit on a chair with feet wide apart. Bend and position your shoulders between knees. Then reach to the floor under back of chair, and hold this position for some duration.

4. Lunge forward with knee on a mat. Take position of the foot beyond knee. Place both hands on knee. Straighten hips of rear leg by pushing hips forward and hold stretch. Repeat with opposite side.

5. Sit down with knees extended, feet together and hands at sides. After that bend forward, touching the fingers to toes. Hold this position for some time. Then come back and repeat.

6. Lie in prone position on the floor. Keep the palms of your hands on the floor according to shoulders’ width. Push torso up keeping pelvis on floor. Hold this position for some time.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Guide Posture and Its Deformities Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
What are the benefits of good posture?
(A) Good looking body
(B) Running, activeness
(C) Healthy body
(D) All the above.
(A) Good looking body

Question 2.
Deformities of the body:
(A) Kyphosis
(B) Lordosis
(C) Scoliosis
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 3.
Causes of Kyphosis:
(A) Weak eye sight
(B) Hard hearing
(C) Sickness or accident
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 4.
Method of corrective of Kyphosis.
(A) Keeping the straight body
(B) The Chin should be up
(C) Deep breathing exercises should be done
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 5.
Reasons of Lordosis:
(A) No taking balance diet in Childhood
(B) Taking excessive food
(C) No doing exercises
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 6.
Pretention of Lordosis Corrective.
(A) Standing fully or erect, bending the trunk forward
(B) Lying on the back and then moving head and legs turn by turn
(C) Lying on the back rising and again lying
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 7.
Exercises to removed the flatrfoot.
(A) Walking and running on the toes
(B) Walking and running on heels
(C) Climbing the stairs bar
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
After how long a person derived the posture of standing on both legs?
After lakhs of years.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Question 2.
What is attached to the after and before of bones?

Question 3.
If the Muscles don’t have co-ordination and balance then what happens?
Body bends forward.

Question 4.
How the straight body looks?

Question 5.
At what age body posture becomes good and bad?
20 years.

Question 6.
What steps should be taken to keep the body fit?

Question 7.
Which type of foot cannot bear the weight of the body?
Flat foot.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 3 Posture and Its Deformities

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define body posture.
If the body frame is straight and in good shape and if the lower part of the body balances the upper part well, it can be called a good body posture.

Question 2.
what deformities are formed in chest?

  • Depressed chest
  • Pigeon chest
  • Flat chest

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Computer Science Book Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Computer Science Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Computer Guide for Class 7 PSEB Windows Explorer Textbook Questions and Answers

Choose the Suitable Option and fill in the Blanks:

Question 1.
Windows Explorer has two panes. These are …………… and …………….
(a) First, Second
(b) Left, Right
(c) Top, Bottom
(d) File, Folder.
(b) Left, Right

Question 2.
……………. type and date of modified of a file.
(a) Details
(b) Tiles
(c) List
(d) Content.
(a) Details

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 3.
………………… command is used to move an item from its place.
(a) Copy
(b) Paste
(c) Cut
(d) Delete.
(c) Cut

Question 4.
A …………. combination of pictures, colors and sounds on our computer.
(a) Background
(b) Desktop
(c) Screen Saver
(d) Theme.
(d) Theme.

Question 5.
A …………. software program that becomes activated after the computer is not in use for a specified duration of time.
(a) Background
(b) Desktop
(c) Screen Saver
(d) Theme.
(c) Screen Saver.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

2. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which Window application is used for management of flies?
Windows Explorer is used to manage files properly.

Question 2.
What do we call a folder inside another folder?

Question 3.
What is the method of opening Windows Explorer?
There are ways to open Windows Explorer.

  • Press Windows key + E.
  • Type Explorer in the Run box.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 4.
Write the name of any default library of Window.
By default Windows has four libraries-Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.

Question 5.
Which option is used to make a duplicate of an item?
The copy/paste option is used to make a duplicate of an item.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How many panes are available in Window Explorer? Write their names.
Windows Explorer has two panes.

  • Left pane
  • Right pane.

Question 2.
Write the name of different parts of Window Explorer.
Windows Explorer has the following components:

  1. Title bar
  2. Back and forward buttons
  3. Address bar
  4. Search box
  5. Menu bar
  6. Tool bar
  7. Status bar.

Question 3.
Define File and Folder.
A file is a common storage unit in a computer in which data, programs, software, etc. are stored. Computers have different files that have different functions. The data stored in the file can be “updated, deleted, edited” at any time.
The folder is where the files are stored. We can save more than one file and folder in one folder. For example I have a box containing 10 apples. In this example the box is a folder and the apples are the files saved in it. Another folder inside any folder is called a sub-folder.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Windows Explorer? Give different ways to open Windows Explorer.
Windows Explorer is also called File Explorer. It is used to view files and folders on our computer. We can open the data, folder and library of the disk in the computer and also search for an item. We can use it to open, delete, rename, copy, move and create new folders.
We can open window explorer in many ways. Some of these are as follow:

  • Just press Win key +E and File Explorer starts immediately.
  • Click Windows-Keys > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
  • Press Windows key – the search box will open. Now type file explorer in it.
  • Press Windows key +R key together. The Run box will open. Now type explorer in it.
  • By default, Windows 10 includes a File Explorer shortcut on the taskbar. Its icon looks like a folder. Click or tap on it and File Explorer is opened.

Question 2.
Explain different views of Windows Explorer.
View means how files and folders appear in a computer system. Explorer has five types of views. These are:
1. Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large Icons View:
Items in this view are in more than one row and each item appears in the shape of an icon. Each item has a name.

2. Tiles Icon View:
Items in this view are in more than one row and each item appears in the shape of an icon. Each item has a name. It contains other information, such as the type of file and its size.

3. List Icon View:
Items in this view are in more than one column. Each item has a name and the icon, is to the left of the name.

4. Content Icon View:
Items in this view appear in the column. Each item is in the shape of an icon. It has a name and type of the file is written below it. Some other properties such as modification date and size below it are also visible. By default this view is used for search.

5. Detail Icon View:
Each item appears as a table row. The first column contains the name of the item in the form of a small icon and the rest of the column lists its properties such as its size and the date and type of modification.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 3.
What are the options to customize the Desktop in Windows Environment?
Customizing is the process of changing the settings of a desktop.
1. Themes:
Themes are a combination of pictures, colors, and sounds. It has background, screen saver, border color and sound scheme.
Windows has the following themes:

  • My Themes
  • Arrow Themes
  • Basic and High Contrast The-mes Following are the steps to apply the theme:

Open Settings.

  • Click on Personalization.
  • Click on Themes.
  • Click the Get more themes in the Microsoft Store option.
  • Select the theme you want.
  • Click the Get button.
  • Click the Apply button.
  • Click the newly added theme to apply it from the “Themes” page.

2. Desktop Background:
It is a wallpaper image that appears behind the icons on your computer’s desktop. It can be in JPEG or Gif format. The following are steps to change the desktop background:

  • Right-click the desktop and choose Personalize from the shortcut menu. The Personalization window appears.
  • Click the Desktop Background link. The Desktop Background dialog box appears.
  • Select a category of desktop background options from the Picture Location list box and then click the image from the background preview list that you want to use.
  • The background is previewed on your desktop. Click Save Changes.

3. Screen Saver:
Screen saver is the graphics that appear on the screen after not working on the computer for some time. It is used for security and protection of the screen. We can set our own screen saver.
Steps to set the screen saver: Here are the steps to set up a screen saver:

  • Right-click the desktop and choose Personalize from the shortcut menu. The Personalization window appears.
  • Click the Lock Screen option. The lock screen dialog box appears.
  • In the Screen Saver Settings window, choose a screen saver from the drop-down list.
  • Click on the Preview button to preview the screen saver.
  • The screensaver has to be set to run automatically from the desktop. So type the time setting in the Wait option that appears in the picture.
  • Click on Apply button and press Ok button.

Question 4.
How can we Copy items using the ‘send to’ option?
The Send to Option is an easy way to copy one or more items or programs to a new location. Following are the steps to use Send to option:

  • Select the item to be copied.
  • Press the right mouse button; select the option “Send To” from the menu.
  • Now select the specified location. By default, the Send To sub menu contains the following locations:
    • Compressed (zipped) folder
    • Desktop (Create Short-cut)
    • Documents Library
    • Fax and mail recipients
    • Removable devices, such as: USB. Memory Sticks
  • Select the option as needed.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 5.
Write about Screen Saver.
Screen saver is the graphics that appear on the screen after not working on the computer for some time. It is used for security and protection of the screen. We can set our own screen saver.
Steps to set the Screen Saver:
Here are the steps to set up a screen saver:

  • Right-click the desktop and choose Personalize from the shortcut menu; The Personalization window appears.
  • Click the Lock Screen option. The lock screen dialog box appears.
  • In the Screen Saver Settings window, choose a screen saver from the drop-down list.
  • Click on the Preview button to-preview the screen saver.
  • The screensaver has to be set to run automatically from the desktop. So type the time setting in the Wait option that appears in the picture.
  • Click on Apply button and press Ok button

PSEB 7th Class Computer Guide Windows Explorer Important Questions and Answers

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Windows Explorer has ………. views.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five.
(d) Five.

Question 2.
The ………………. command is used to run the program.
(a) Calculator
(b) Window
(c) View
(d) Bun.
(d) Bun.

Question 3.
The …………. view displays the files as a list.
(a) Tile
(b) Content
(c) Large
(d) I&t.
(d) I&t.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 4.
The ………… option is used to copy files and folders.
(a) Cut
(b) Copy
(c) Paste
(d) Run.
(b) Copy

Question 5.
Explorer can be run by typing …………….. in the run box.
(a) Exp
(b) Explorer
(c) Command
(d) GMD.
(b) Explorer

Question 6.
The …………… option is used to find files and folders.
(a) Select
(b) File
(c) Search
(d) Delete.
(c) Search

Question 7.
The calculator is opened by typing …………….. in the run box.
(a) Calculator
(b) Cal
(c) Calc
(d) None of these.
(c) Calc

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 8.
The ………… command is used to remove an item from its place.
(a) Copy
(b) Paste
(c) Cut
(d) Delete.
(c) Cut

2. True/False

Question 1.
Explorer is used to manage folders.

Question 2.
A folder can contain many files and folders.

Question 3.
How to open Explorer
Start> All Programs> Accessories> Windows Explorer

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 4.
Explorer is a system software.

Question 5.
“Invert Selection” option is used to reverse the selection.

Question 6.
To select all files in a folder press Ctrl+A keys.

Question 7.
A single file can contain many files and folders.

Question 8.
Windows Explorer is an operating system.

Question 9.
The Copy option is used to duplicate an item.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

3. Match the Columns

Column A Column B
1. Views of Explorer (a) List
2. Calculator (b) Deleted files
3. Desktop (c) Picture, Music
4. My Documents (d) Background
5. Recycle Bin (e) Calculations.


Column A Column B.
1. Views of Explorer (a) List
2. Calculator (e) Calculations.
3. Desktop (d) Background
4. My Documents (c) Picture, Music
5. Recycle Bin (b) Deleted files

4. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Windows Explorer?
Windows Explorer is a very important application of operating system. This manages files and folders. It helps to keep files and folders in the correct order i.e cut, copy, paste and delete them.

Question 2.
How to delete files and folders?
Delete command is used to delete a file or folder. Following are the steps to delete file/folder:

  • Select the file or folder you want to delete.
  • Press the Delete key from the keyboard. A message will appear asking for deletion.
  • Click on “Yes”. Item will be deleted.

If you want to delete file permanently then you will need to empty the Recycle Bin.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 3.
Write down steps to create a new folder.
Here are some ways to Create a File in Explorer:

  • Select the drive or folder in the left pane where you want to create the place of the cursor where you want to add your folder.
  • In File Explorer, click on the Home menu item.
  • From the Home ribbon, click on the New folder button.
  • Enter the name of your new folder and press enter key.

Question 4.
How is a file or folder restored?
Sometimes when we delete a file or folder we feel the need for it later. The Recycle Bin feature can be used to store files and folders again. The steps to restore a file or folder are as follows:

  • Double click on the Recycle Bin. (The Recycle Bin window will open.)
  • Click on the file or folder to be restored.
  • Click on File. Restore menu.

Question 5.
What do you know about calculators?
Calculator is like a program with the help of which calculations are done. With its help +, c, z etc. calculations are done. For example, to multiply 2 by 5, first click on 2. Then click on the multiplication sign. Then click on 5. Then click the = sign. 10 will appear as a result.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

5. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is a series of locations? Explain in detail.
Series of Locations:
The folders and drives in the computer, the computer connected to the network and its shared folders, drives and printers are arranged in a tree shape. This sequence is called a series of locations. It contains the following items:

1. Favorites:
The top most folder in this series is the Desktop folder. It contains desktop, downloads and recent place items.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer 1

2. Library Folder:
By default this folder contains four libraries, such as; Documents, music, photos and videos. These folders contain related items; Such as pictures in pictures folder, related videos in video folder, etc.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer 2

3. Personal Folder:
Your personal folder is named after the user name to which you have logged in to the computer and by default it contains the following folders; such as Contacts, Downloads, Favorites, Links, My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, Saved Games and Search.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer 3

4. MY Computer:
Disks in a computer; such as C: drive, D: Drive, E: Drive etc. and other connected devices such as Printer, USB, memory- stick and camera are attached to the computer, they are visible here.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer 4

5. Network: If you are connected to a local network, you see other computers and devices in it.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer 5

6. Control Panel:
Control Panel is used to configure hardware and software of computer system and to change settings of computer system.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer 6

7. Recycle Bin: It contains deleted files/folders or programs.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer 7

Question 2.
How are items selected? Write different ways to do this.
Selecting the Items:
Usually before doing any work on a file or folder such as opening a file, closing a file, deleting file, copy a file etc. we have to select it. There are different ways to select a single file/folder or multiple files/folders.

1. Selecting a Single Item:
If more than one item is available and you want to select one of the items in it, it can be selected by clicking with the mouse on that file.

2. Selecting More Than One File:
There are a few ways to select more than one file at a time:

(a) If your viewing your files as icons, you can click and drag the mouse to draw a box around the files you want to select. When you’re done, release the mouse; the files will be selected. You can now move, copy, or delete all of these files at the same time.

(b) Selecting All Items:
If you want to select all files in a folder at the same time, open the folder in File Explorer and press Ctrl+A or click “Select all” option from the “Select” group on the Home tab. All of the files in the folder will be selected.

(c) Select items using the Shift key:
To select a group of files from a folder, click the first file, press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard, then click the last file. All of the files between the first and last ones will be selected.

(d) Selecting an item using (Ctrl key):
To select specific files from a folder, press and hold the Control key on your keyboard, then click the files you want to select.

3. Reverse selection: To reverse the selection, select the “Invert Selection” option in the Edit menu.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 3.
Write different ways to create a folder.
Creating a Folder
If you want to create a new folder, it is created in the current location. Here are some ways to create a folder:
1. Open the File explorer, click on the “New Folder” button option.
2. The new folder will appear.
Type the desired name for the folder and press Enter.
Press the Ctrl + Shift + N keys together from the keyboard. The new folder will appear. Type the name of the folder and press Enter key.
Right-click on a blank space, click “New” => “Folder” in the context menu. The new folder will appear. Type the name of the folder and press Enter key.

  • Place the cursor where you want to add your folder.
  • In File Explorer, click on the Home menu item.
  • From the Home button, click on the New folder button.
  • Enter the name of your new folder and press

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 2 Windows Explorer

Question 4.
Write the steps to rename the item.
Re-naming the Item:
You can change the name of any file or folder. Here are the steps to rename an item:
1. Click the file or folder, wait about one second, and click again. An editable text field will Explore appear. open
2. Type the desired name on your keyboard and press Enter. The name will be changed.

1. You can also right-click the Cut folder and select “Rename” copy option from the menu that create shortcut appears. An editable text field will appear.
2. Type the desired name from Properties keyboard and press Enter. The name will be changed.

Question 5.
Write the steps to delete an item.
Delete a File or Folder:
If you no longer need to use a file, you can delete it. When you delete a file, it is moved to the Recycle Bin, If you change your mind, you can move the file from the Recycle Bin back to its original location. If you’re sure you want to permanently delete the file, you will need to empty the Recycle Bin. Following are the steps to delete file/folder:

  • Select the file or folder you want to delete.
  • Press the Delete key from the keyboard. A message will appear asking for deletion.
  • Click on “Yes”. Item will be deleted.

Question 6.
Write the steps for copying or pasting items.
Copying or Pasting Items:
To copy a file/folder the steps are as follow:
1. Select the item to be copied.

2. Select the “Copy” option from the “Clipboard” group on the “Home” tab.
Press Ctrl + c keys from the keyboard.
Right-click on the file/folder you want to copy. A menu will open. From this menu select the “copy” option. Now your file/folder will be copied. Steps to paste the file/Folder are as follow:
1. Place the cursor where you want to paste the file/folder.
2. Select the “Paste” option from the “Clipboard” group on the “Home” tab.
3. Your copied item will now be pasted.
Press the Ctrl + V key from the keyboard.
Locate and right-click the desired location, then select “Paste” option from the menu appeared.