PSEB 9th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions Guide in Punjabi English Medium

PSEB 9th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions Guide in Punjabi English Medium

Punjab State Board Syllabus PSEB 9th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions Guide Pdf in English Medium and Punjabi Medium are part of PSEB Solutions for Class 9.

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Guide | SST Social Science Guide for Class 9 PSEB

PSEB 9th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions in English Medium

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Book Solutions: Geography

SST Guide for Class 9 PSEB: Economics

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Guide: History

Social Science Guide for Class 9 PSEB: Civics

PSEB 9th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions in Hindi Medium

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Book Solutions: Geography

SST Guide for Class 9 PSEB: Economics

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Guide: History

Social Science Guide for Class 9 PSEB: Civics

PSEB 9th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions in Punjabi Medium

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Book Solutions: Geography (ਭੂਗੋਲ)

SST Guide for Class 9 PSEB: Economics (ਅਰਥ-ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ)

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Guide: History (ਇਤਿਹਾਸ)

Social Science Guide for Class 9 PSEB: Civics (ਨਾਗਰਿਕ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ)

PSEB 10th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions Guide in Punjabi English Hindi Medium

PSEB 10th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions Guide in Punjabi English Medium

Punjab State Board Syllabus PSEB 10th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions Guide Pdf in English Medium, Punjabi Medium and Hindi Medium are part of PSEB Solutions for Class 10.

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Guide | SST Social Science Guide for Class 10 PSEB

PSEB 10th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions in English Medium

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Book Solutions: Geography

SST Guide for Class 10 PSEB: Economics

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Guide: History

Social Science Guide for Class 10 PSEB: Civics

PSEB 10th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions in Hindi Medium

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Book Solutions: Geography

SST Guide for Class 10 PSEB: Economics

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Guide: History

Social Science Guide for Class 10 PSEB: Civics

PSEB 10th Class Social Science SST Book Solutions in Punjabi Medium

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Book Solutions: Geography (ਭੂਗੋਲ)

SST Guide for Class 10 PSEB: Economics (ਅਰਥ-ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ)

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Guide: History (ਇਤਿਹਾਸ)

Social Science Guide for Class 10 PSEB: Civics (ਨਾਗਰਿਕ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ)

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Rachana Patra Lekhan पत्र-लेखन Questions and Answers.

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Rachana पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 1.
अपने मुख्याध्यापक को बीमारी के कारण छुट्टी के लिए प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखें।
उत्तर :
सेवा में

मुख्याध्यापक महोदय,
खालसा हाई स्कूल,

श्रीमान् जी,
सविनय निवेदन है कि मुझे कल रात से ही सख्त बुखार हो गया है। इसलिए मैं आज स्कूल में उपस्थित नहीं हो सकता। कृपया करके मुझे दो दिन 14-4-20… से 15-4-20… की छुट्टी दी जाए। मैं आपका बहुत आभारी रहूँगा।

आपका आज्ञाकारी शिष्य,
विजय सिंह।
छठी कक्षा ‘ए’.
तिथि : 14-4-20…

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 2.
आवश्यक (ज़रूरी) काम के कारण छुट्टी के लिए प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखें।
उत्तर :
सेवा में
मुख्याध्यापक महोदय,
गवर्नमैंट हाई स्कूल,

विनम्र निवेदन यह है कि आज मुझे घर पर एक अति आवश्यक कार्य पड़ गया है। इसलिए मैं स्कल में उपस्थित नहीं हो सकता। आप मुझे एक दिन का अवकाश देकर कृतार्थ करें। मैं आपका आभारी रहूँगा।

आपका आज्ञाकारी शिष्य,
सुमित कालिया
कक्षा छठी ‘बी’
तिथि : 5 मई, 20…

प्रश्न 3.
बड़े भाई के विवाह के कारण अवकाश के लिए प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखें।
उत्तर :
सेवा में
मुख्याध्यापिका जी,
खालसा हाई स्कूल,

श्रीमती जी,
सविनय प्रार्थना यह है कि मेरे बड़े भाई का विवाह 12 अक्तूबर को होना निश्चित हुआ है। बारात लुधियाना से अमृतसर जा रही है। मेरा इसमें सम्मिलित (शामिल) होना आवश्यक है। इसलिए इन दिनों मैं स्कूल में उपस्थित नहीं हो सकती। आप मुझे तीन दिन 11 अक्तूबर से 13 अक्तूबर का अवकाश देने की कृपा करें।

आपकी आज्ञाकारी शिष्या,
निर्मल कौर।
रोल नं० 5
कक्षा छठी ‘ए’।
तिथि : 11 अक्तूबर, 20…..

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 4.
फीस माफी के लिए मुख्याध्यापक को प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखें।
उत्तर :
सेवा में
मुख्याध्यापक महोदय,
गवर्नमैंट हाई स्कूल,

सविनय निवेदन है कि मैं आपके स्कूल में छठी श्रेणी में पढ़ता हूँ। मैं एक निर्धन विद्यार्थी हूँ। मेरे पिता जी एक छोटे-से दुकानदार हैं। उनकी मासिक आमदनी केवल 2500 रुपए है। इस आय से परिवार का गुजारा बहुत मुश्किल से होता है। अत: मेरे पिता जी मेरी फीस नहीं दे सकते। मुझे पढ़ने का बहुत शौक है। कृपया मेरी पूरी फीस माफ कर दें। मैं आपका जीवन भर आभारी रहूँगा।

आपका आज्ञाकारी शिष्य,
परमिन्दर सिंह।
कक्षा छठी ‘ए
‘ रोल नं० 15
तिथि : 10 मई, 20…

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 5.
जुर्माना माफ करवाने के लिए मुख्याध्यापिका को प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
सेवा में
श्रीमती मुख्याध्यापिका जी,
खालसा हाई स्कूल,

श्रीमती जी,
सविनय प्रार्थना है कि रविवार को मेरी अंग्रेजी विषय की अध्यापिका जी ने हमारा टैस्ट लेना था। उस दिन मेरे माता जी बीमार थे। घर में मेरे अलावा कोई नहीं था। अत: उस दिन मैं स्कूल में उपस्थित नहीं हो सकी। मेरी अध्यापिका ने मुझे बीस रुपए जुर्माना कर दिया है। मेरे पिता जी बहुत ग़रीब हैं। मैं यह जुर्माना नहीं दे सकती। वैसे मैं अंग्रेजी विषय में बहुत अच्छी हूँ। इस बार त्रैमासिक परीक्षा में मेरे 100 में से 80 अंक आए थे।

अतः आप मेरा जुर्माना माफ कर दें। मैं आपकी अत्यन्त आभारी रहूँगी।

आपकी आज्ञाकारी शिष्या,
सुरजीत कौर।
कक्षा छठी ‘ए’
तिथि : 12 अगस्त, 20…

प्रश्न 6.
स्कूल छोड़ने का प्रमाण-पत्र (सर्टीफिकेट) लेने के लिए मुख्याध्यापक को प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
सेवा में
मुख्याध्यापक महोदय,
गुरु नानक मिंटगुमरी हाई स्कूल,

श्रीमान जी,
सविनय प्रार्थना है कि मैं आपके स्कूल में छठी (बी) कक्षा का विद्यार्थी हूँ। मेरे पिता जी की बदली फिरोज़पुर की हो गई है। इसलिए हम सब को यहाँ से जाना पड़ रहा है। अत: मेरा यहाँ अकेला रहना मुश्किल है। अतः आप मुझे स्कूल छोड़ने का प्रमाण-पत्र देने की कृपा करें ताकि फिरोजपुर जाकर मैं अपनी पढ़ाई जारी रख सकूँ। मैं आपका बहुत आभारी रहूँगा।

आपका आज्ञाकारी शिष्य,
सुखबीर सिंह।
कक्षा छठी ‘बी’
रोल नं० 18
तिथि : 15 सितम्बर, 20…

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 7.
पुस्तकें मंगवाने के लिए पुस्तक विक्रेता को पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
सेवा में
प्रबन्धक महोदय,
मल्होत्रा बुक डिपो,
रेलवे रोड, जालन्धर।

कृपया निम्नलिखित पुस्तकें वी०पी० पी० द्वारा शीघ्र भेज दें। पुस्तकें भेजते समय इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि कोई भी पुस्तक मैली और फटी न हो। आपके नियमानुसार पाँच सौ रुपये मनीआर्डर द्वारा भेज रहा हूँ।

ये सब पुस्तकें छठी श्रेणी के लिए और नए संस्करण (एडीशन) की होनी चाहिए।
1. ऐम० बी० डी० हिन्दी गाइड – 10 प्रतियाँ
2. ऐम० बी० डी० इंग्लिश गाइड – 12 प्रतियाँ
3. ऐम० बी० डी० पंजाबी गाइड – 8 प्रतियाँ
मोहन लाल,
पब्लिक हाई स्कूल,
तिथि : 15 मई 20…

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 8.
रुपए मंगवाने के लिए पिता जी को पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
गवर्नमैंट हाई स्कूल,
15 मई, 20……
पूज्य पिता जी,

सादर प्रणाम।
आपको यह जानकर बड़ी खुशी होगी कि मैं पाँचवीं कक्षा में से अच्छे अंक लेकर पास हो गया हूँ। अब मुझे छठी श्रेणी में दाखिला लेना है। मैंने पुस्तकें एवं कॉपियाँ भी खरीदनी हैं। इसलिए आप मुझे 2500 रुपए मनीआर्डर द्वारा शीघ्र भेज दें जिससे मैं ठीक समय पर छठी श्रेणी में दाखिला ता जी को प्रणाम। पलक को प्यार।

आपका आज्ञाकारी बेटा,
अरमान शर्मा।

प्रश्न 9.
अपने जन्म-दिन पर अपने चाचा जी को निमन्त्रण (बुलावा) पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
205, गुरु अमर दास नगर,
20 अप्रैल, 20…
पूज्य चाचा जी,

सादर प्रणाम।
आपको यह जानकर प्रसन्नता होगी कि 23 अप्रैल को मेरा जन्म-दिन है। इसलिए मैं अपने मित्रों को शाम को चाय पार्टी दे रहा हूँ। आप भी चाची जी, रिंकू और नीतू को लेकर इस छोटी-सी पार्टी पर अवश्य आएँ। हमें आपका इन्तज़ार रहेगा।

चाची जी को प्रणाम। रिंकू और नीतू को प्यार।

आपका भतीजा,
गौरव कालिया।

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 10.
मित्र को पास होने पर बधाई पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
208, प्रेमनगर,
11 अप्रैल, 20…
प्रिय मित्र सुरेश,

कल ही तुम्हारा पत्र मिला। यह पढ़कर बहुत खुशी हुई कि तुम पाँचवीं कक्षा में प्रथम श्रेणी में उत्तीर्ण हो गए हो। मैं तो जानता था कि तुम जैसा मेहनती अवश्य ही प्रथम श्रेणी में पास होगा। मेरे माता और पिता जी भी तुम्हारी इस सफलता पर बहुत खुश हैं। मेरी ओर से अपनी इस शानदार सफलता पर हार्दिक बधाई स्वीकार करो। मैं कामना करता हूँ कि तुम अगली परीक्षा में भी इसी प्रकार सफलता प्राप्त करोगे। मैं एक बार फिर तुम्हें बहुत-बहुत बधाई देता हूँ।

अपने माता-पिता को मेरा प्रणाम कहना।

तुम्हारा मित्र,
मनिन्दर सिंह।

प्रश्न 11.
चाचा जी को जन्म-दिन पर भेजे गए उपहार का धन्यवाद देते हुए पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
16, जवाहर नगर,
24 अगस्त, 20…
पूज्य चाचा जी,

सादर प्रणाम।
मेरे जन्म दिवस पर आपका भेजा हुआ उपहार मुझे परसों मिल गया था। जब मैंने उसे खोला तो उसमें अपने लिए एक पैन देखकर बहुत खुश हुआ। यह बहुत बढ़िया पैन है। यह बहुत सुन्दर लिखता है। मैं इसे हर रोज़ अपने स्कूल लेकर जाता हूँ। मेरे मित्रों को यह बहुत पसन्द है। मैं इसे खूब संभाल कर रखता हूँ। इस सुन्दर उपहार के लिए मैं आपका बहुत आभारी हूँ। चाची जी को प्रणाम। रमा और बिट्ट को प्यार।

आपका भतीजा,
विनोद कुमार।

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

प्रश्न 12.
अपने मित्र को बड़े भाई के विवाह पर निमन्त्रण पत्र लिखो।
उत्तर :
105, आदर्श नगर,
12 सितम्बर, 20…

प्रिय मित्र दिनेश,
तुम्हें यह जानकर खुशी होगी कि मेरे बड़े भाई का विवाह 15 सितम्बर को होना निश्चित हुआ है। बारात गुरदासपुर जा रही है। इस खुशी के मौके पर मैं तुम्हें भी विवाह पर आने का निमन्त्रण देता हूँ। कृपा इस अवसर पर आकर इसकी रौनक को और बढ़ाओ। तुम्हें बारात के साथ भी चलना पड़ेगा। सचमुच अगर तुम साथ होगे तो बड़ा मज़ा आएगा। भैया और माता-पिता जी को साथ लाना न भूलना।

तुम्हारा मित्र,

प्रश्न 13.
मान लो आपका नाम मनोहर लाल है और आप एस० डी० हाई स्कूल, नवांशहर में पढ़ते हैं। अपने स्कूल के मुख्याध्यापक को एक प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखो जिसमें उचित कारण बताते हुए सैक्शन बदलने की प्रार्थना की गई हो।
उत्तर :
सेवा में
मुख्याध्यापक महोदय,
एस० डी० हाई स्कूल,

सविनय निवेदन है कि मैं आपके स्कूल में छठी श्रेणी ‘बी’ सैक्शन (रोल नम्बर 40) में पढ़ रहा हूँ। मैं अपना सैक्शन बदलना चाहता हूँ। मेरे सैक्शन ‘बी’ में अधिकतर छात्र ड्राइंग विषय के हैं, जबकि मैने संस्कृत विषय ले रखा है। पढ़ाई की सुविधा के विचार से मैं ‘ए’ सैक्शन में जाना चाहता हूँ। इसी सैक्शन में मेरे मुहल्ले के सभी छात्र पढ़ते हैं। सैक्शन अलग-अलग होने से मेरे लिए पढ़ाई में कुछ रुकावट पड़ जाती है क्योंकि मैं उनसे पूर्ण सहयोग प्राप्त नहीं कर पा रहा।

इसके अतिरिक्त ‘ए’ सैक्शन में पढ़ने वाले छात्रों को योग्यता के आधार पर रखा जाता है। मैं इस त्रैमासिक परीक्षा में अपनी श्रेणी में प्रथम आया हूँ। इस कारण मुझे ‘ए’ सैक्शन के उन योग्य छात्रों में बैठकर पढ़ने की अनुमति दी जाए, ताकि मेरा ठीक से विकास हो सके।

मेरी प्रार्थना है कि मुझे छठी ‘बी’ सैक्शन से सैक्शन ‘ए’ में जाने की अनुमति प्रदान करें। मैं आपको विश्वास दिलाता हूँ कि पढ़ाई में मैं किसी भी छात्र से पीछे नहीं रहूँगा।

PSEB 6th Class Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन (2nd Language)

आपका आज्ञाकारी शिष्य,
मनोहर लाल।
कक्षा छठी ‘बी’
रोल न० 40
तिथि : 5 मई, 20…..

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PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 1.
Let f: R → R be defined as f(x) = 10x + 7. Find the function g: R → R such that gof = fog = IR.
It is given that f: R → R is defined as f(x) = 10x + 7.
One – one :
Let f(x) = f(y), where x, y ∈ R.
⇒ 10x + 7 = 10y + 7
⇒ x = y
∴ f is a one-one function.

Onto :
For y ∈ R, let y = 10x + 7.
⇒ x = \(\frac{y-7}{10}\) ∈ R
Therefore, for any y ∈ R, there exists x = \(\frac{y-7}{10}\) ∈ R such that
f(x) = f(\(\frac{y-7}{10}\))
= 10(\(\frac{y-7}{10}\)) + 7
= y – 7 + 7 = y
∴ f is onto.
Therefore f is one-one and onto.
Thus f is an invertible function.
Let us define g : R → R as g(y) = \(\frac{y-7}{10}\)
Now, we have
gof(x) = g(f(x)) = g(10x + 7)
= \(\frac{(10 x+7)-7}{10}=\frac{10 x}{10}\) = x
And, fog(y) = f(g(y))
= f(\(\frac{y-7}{10}\))
= 10(\(\frac{y-7}{10}\)) + 7
= y – 7 + 7 = y
∴ gof = IR and fog = IR
Hence, the required functiong:R → R is defined as g(y) = \(\frac{y-7}{10}\)

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 2.
Let f: W → W be defined as f(n) = n – 1, if n is odd and f(n) = n + 1, if n is even. Show that f is invertible. Find the inverse of f. Here, W is the set of all whole numbers.
It is given that
f: W → W is defined as f(n) = PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 1

One-one :
Let f(n) = f(m)
It can be observed that if n is odd and m is even, then we will have
n – 1 = m + 1
⇒ n – m = 2
However, this is impossible.
Similarly, the possibility of n being even and m being odd can also ignored under a similar argument.
∴ Both n and m must be either odd or even.
Now, if both n and m are odd, then we have
f(n) = f(m) ⇒ n – 1 = m – 1 ⇒ n = m
Again, if both n and m are even , then we have
f(n) = f(m) ⇒ n + 1 = m+1 ⇒ n = m
∴ f is one – one.

Onto :
It is clear that any odd number 2r + 1 in co-domain W is the image of 2r in domain W and any even number 2r in co-domain W is the image of 2r + 1 in domain W.
∴ f is onto.
Hence, f is an invertible function.
Let us define g : W → W as

g(m) = PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 2

Now, when n is odd
gof(n) = g(f(n)) = g(n – 1) = n – 1 + 1 = n
and, when n is even
gof(n) = g(f(n)) = g(n + 1) = n + 1 – 1 = n
Similarly, when m is odd
fog(m) = f(g(m)) = f(m – 1) = m – 1 + 1 = m
and when m is even
fog(m) = f(g(m)) = f(m + 1) = m + 1 – 1 = m
∴ gof = IW and fog = IW
Thus, f is invertible and the inverse of f is given by f-1 = g, which is the same as f.
Hence, the inverse of f is itself.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 3.
If f: R → R is defined by f(x) = x2 – 3x + 2, find f(f(x)).
It is given that f: R → R is defined as f(x) = x2 – 3x + 2.
f(f(x)) = f(x2 – 3x + 2)
= (x2 – 3x + 2)2 – 3(x2 -3x + 2) + 2
= x4 + 9x2 + 4 – 6x3 – 12x + 4x2 – 3x2 + 9x – 6 + 2
= x4 – 6x3 + 10x2 – 3x.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 4.
Show that the function f: R → {x ∈ R: – 1 < x < 1} defined by f(x) = \(\frac{x}{1+|x|}\) ∈ R is one-one and onto function.
It is given that f: R → {x ∈ R: – 1 < x < 1} is defined as f(x) = \(\frac{x}{1+|x|}\), x ∈ R.
Suppose f(x) = f(y), where x,y ∈ R ⇒ \(\frac{x}{1+|x|}=\frac{y}{1+|y|}\)
It can be observed that if x is positive and y is negative, then we have \(\frac{x}{1+x}=\frac{y}{1-y}\)
⇒ 2xy = x – y
Since x is positive and y is negative, then x > y ⇒ x – y > 0
But, 2xy is negative.
Then, 2xy ≠ x – y.
Thus, the case of x being positive and y being negative can be ruled out.
Under a similar argument, x being negative and y being positive can also be ruled out.
∴ x and y have to be either positive or negative.
When x and y are both positive, we have x y
f(x) = f(y)
⇒ \(\frac{x}{1+x}=\frac{y}{1+y}\)
⇒ x + xy = y + xy
⇒ x = y
When x and y are both negative, we have
f(x) = f(y)
⇒ \(\frac{x}{1-x}=\frac{y}{1-y}\)
⇒ x – xy = y – yx
⇒ x = y
∴ f is one-one.
Now, let y ∈ R such that – 1 < y < 1.
If y is negative, then there exists x = \(\frac{y}{1+y}\) ∈ R such that
f(x) = f(\(\frac{y}{1+y}\))
= \(\frac{\left(\frac{y}{1+y}\right)}{1+\left|\frac{y}{1+y}\right|}=\frac{\frac{y}{1+y}}{1+\left(\frac{-y}{1+y}\right)}=\frac{y}{1+y-y}\) = y
If y is positive, then there exists x = \(\frac{y}{1-y}\) ∈ R such that
f(x) = \(f\left(\frac{y}{1-y}\right)=\frac{\left(\frac{y}{1-y}\right)}{1+\left(\frac{y}{1-y}\right)}\)

= \(\frac{\frac{y}{1-y}}{1+\left(\frac{y}{1-y}\right)}=\frac{y}{1-y+y}\) = y
∴ f is onto.
Hence, f is one-one and onto.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 5.
Show that the function f: R → R given by f(x) = x3 in injective.
f: R → R is given as f(x) = x3.
Suppose f(x) = f(y), where x, y ∈ R.
⇒ x3 = y3 …………(i)
Now, we need to show that x = y
Suppose x * y, their cubes will also not be equal.
⇒ x3 ≠ y3
However, this will be a contradiction to Eq. (i).
∴ x = y
Hence, f is injective.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercisec

Question 6.
Give examples of two functions f: N → Z and g: Z → Z such that gof is injective but g is not injective.
[Hint: consider f(x) x and g(x) = |x|].
Define f: N → Z as f(x) – x and g: Z → Z as g(x) =|x|
We first show that g is not injective.
It can be observed that
g(- 1) = |- 1|= 1; g(1) = |1|= 1
∴ g(- 1) = g(1), but – 1 ≠ 1.
∴ g is not injective.
Now, gof: N → Z is defined as gof(x) = g(f(x)) = g(x) =|x|.
Let x, y ∈ N such that gof(x) – gof(y).
⇒ |x| = |y|
Since x and y ∈ N, both are positive.
∴ |x |= |y |=> x = y
Hence, gof is injective.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 7.
Give examples of two functions f: N → N and g: N → N such that gof is onto but f is not onto.
[Hint: consider f(x) = x + 1 and g(x) = iPSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 3]
Define f: N → N by f(x) = x +1
and, g: N → N by g(x) = PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 3
We first show that f is not onto.
For this, consider element 1 in co-domain N. It is clear that this element is not an image of any of the elements in domain N.
∴ f is not onto.
Now, gof: N → N is defined by,
gof(x) = g(f(x)) = g(x + 1) = (x + 1) – 1 = x [∵ x ∈ N ⇒ (x + 1) > 1]
Then, it is clear that for y ∈ N, there exists x = y ∈ N such that gof(x) = y.
Hence, gof is onto.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 8.
Given a non-empty set X, consider P(X) which is the set of all subsets of X.
Define the relation R in P(X) as follows:
For subsets A, B in P(X), ARB if and only if A c B. Is R an equivalence relation on P(X)? Justify your answer.
Since every set is a subset of itself, ARA for all A ∈ P(X).
∴ R is reflexive.
Let ARB ⇒ A ⊂ B.
This cannot be implied to B ⊂ A.
For instance, if A = {1, 2} and B = {1, 2,3}, then it cannot be implied that B is related to A.
∴ R is not symmetric.
Further, if ARB and BRC, then A c B and B c C.
⇒ A ⊂ C
R is transitive.
Hence, R is not an equivalence relation since it is not symmetric.

Question 9.
Given a non-empty set X, consider the binary operation *: P(X) × P(X) P(X) given by A * B = A ∩ B ∀ A, B in P(X) where P(X) is the power set of X. Show that X is the identity element for this operation and X is the only invertible element in P(X) with respect to the operation*.
It is given that * : P(X) × P(X) → P(X) is defined as A * B = A ∩ B ∀ A, B ∈ P(X).
We know that A * X = A ∩ X = A = X ∩ A ∀ A ∈ P(X).
⇒ A * X = A = X * A ∀ A ∈ P (X)
Thus, X is the identity element for the given binary operation*.
Now, an element A ∈ P(X) is invertible if there exists B ∈ P(x) such that
A * B = X = B * A. (As X is the identity element)
i.e., A ∩ B = X = B ∩ A
This case in possible only when A = X = B.
Thus, X is the only invertible element in P(X) with respect to the given operation*.
Hence, the given result is proved.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 10.
Find the number of all onto functions from the set {1, 2, 3, n} to itself.
Onto functions from the set {1, 2, 3, …, n} to itself is simply a permutation on n symbols 1, 2, …, n.
Thus, the total number of onto maps from {1, 2, 3,…, n} to itself is the same as the total number of permutations on symbols 1, 2,…, n, which is n!.

Question 11.
Let S = {a, b, c} and T = {1,2, 3}. Find F-1 of the following functions F from S to T, if it exists.
(i) F = {(o, 3), (6, 2), (c, 1)}
(ii) F = {(a, 2), (6, 1), (c, 1)}
Given, S = {a, b, c}, and T = {1, 2, 3}
F: S → T is defined as :
F = {(a, 3), (b, 2), (c, 1)}
⇒ f(a) = 3, F(b) = 2, F(c) = 1
Therefore, F-1 : T → S is given by
F-1 = {(3, a), (2, b), (1, c)}

(ii) F: S → T is defined as
F = {(a, 2), (b, 1), (c, 1)}
Since F (b) = F (c) = 1, F is not one-one.
Hence, F is not invertible i. e., F-1 does not exist.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 12.
Consider the binary operations * : R × R → R and o: R × R → R defined as a * b = | a – b| and a o b = a, ∀ a, b ∈ R. Show that * is commutative hut not associative, o is associative but not commutative. Further, show that ∀ a, b, c ∈ R, a* (b o c) = (a * b) o (a * c). [If it is so, we say that the operation * distributes over the operation o]. Does o distribute over *? Justify your answer.
It is given that *: R × R R and o: R × R → R is defined as a * b = |a – b| and a o b = a ∀ a, b ∈ R.
For a, b ∈ R, we have
a * b = |a – b|
b * a = |b – a| = |- (a – b)|= |a – b|
∴ a * b = b * a
Therefore, the operation * is commutative..
It can be observed that
(1 * 2) * 3 = (|1 – 2|) * 3 = 1 * 3 = |1 – 3|= 2
1 * (2 * 3) = 1 * (|2 – 3|) = 1 * 1 =|1 – 1 |= 0
∴ (1 * 2) * 3 ≠ 1 * (2 * 3) (where 1, 2, 3 ∈ R)
Therefore, the operation * is not associative.
Now, consider the operation o
It can be observed that 1 o 2 = 1 and 2 o 1 = 2.
∴ 1 o 2 ≠ 2 o 1 where 1, 2 ∈ R
Therefore, the operation o is not commutative.
Let a, b, c ∈ R. Then, we have
(a o b) o c = a o c = a
a o (b o c) = a o b = a
⇒ (a o b) o c = a o (b o c)
Therefore, the operation o is associative.
Now, let a, b, c ∈ R, then we have
a * (b o c) = a * b = |a – b|
(a * b) o (a * c) = (|a – b|) o (|a – c|) = |a – b|
Hence a * (b o c) = (a * b) o (a * c)
Now, 1 o(2 * 3) = 1 o (|2 – 3|) = 1 o 1 = 1
(1 o 2) * (1 o 3) = 1 * 1 = |1 – 1|= 0
1 o (2 * 3) ≠ (1 o 2) * (1 o 3)
where 1, 2, 3 ∈ R Therefore, the operation o does not distribute over *.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 13.
Given a non-empty set X, let *: P(X) × P(X) → P(X) be defined as A * B – (A – B) ∪ (B – A), ∀ A, B ∈ P(X). Show that the empty set Φ is the identity for the operation * and all the elements A of P(X) are invertible with A-1 = A.
[Hint: (A – Φ) ∪ (Φ – A) = A and (A – A) ∪ (A – A) = A * A = Φ]
It is given that *: P(X) × P(X) → P(X) is defined as
A * B = (A – B) ∪ (B – A) ∀ A, B, ∈ P(X).
Let A ∈ P(X). Then, we have
A * (Φ) = (A – Φ) ∪ (Φ – A) = A ∪ Φ = A
Φ * A = (Φ – A) ∪ (A – Φ) = Φ ∪ A = A
A * Φ = A = Φ * A ∀ A ∈ P(X)
Thus, Φ is the identity element for the given operation *.
Now, an element A s P(X) will be invertible if there exists B ∈ P(X) such that
A * B = Φ = B * A. (As Φ is the identity element)
Now, we observed that
A * A = (A – A) ∪ (A – A) = Φ ∪ Φ = Φ ∀ A ∈ P(X).
Hence, all the elements A of P(X) are invertible with A-1 = A.

Question 14.
Define a binary operation * on the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as
a * b = PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 4
Show that zero is the identity for this operation and each element a ≠ 0 of the set is invertible with 6 – a being the inverse of a.
(i) e is the identity element if a * e = e * a = a
a * 0 = a + 0, 0 * a = 0 + a = a
⇒ a * 0 = 0 * a = a
∴ 0 is the identity of the operation.

(ii) b is the inverse of a if a * b = b * a = e
Now a * (6 – a) = a + (6 – a) – 6 = 0
(6 – a) * a = (6 – a) + a – 6 = 0
Hence, each element of a of the set is invertible with inverse.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 15.
Let A = {-1, 0, 1, 2}, B = {-4,-2, 0,2} and f, g: A → B be functions defined by f(x) = x2 – x, x ∈ A and g(x) = 2|x – \(\frac{1}{2}\)| – 1, x ∈ A. Are f and g equal? Justify your answer.
[Hint: One may not be that two functions f: A → B and g: A → B
such that f(a) = g(a) ∀ a ∈ A, are called equal functions.]
It is given that A = {- 1,0,1, 2}, B = {- 4, – 2, 0, 2).
Also, it is given that f, g: A → B are defined by f(x) = x2 – x, x ∈ A and
g(x) = 2 |x – \(\frac{1}{2}\)| – 1, x ∈ A
It is observed that
f(- 1) = (- 1)2 – (- 1) = 1 + 1 = 2
and g(- 1) = 2|(- 1) – \(\frac{1}{2}\)| – 1
= 2(\(\frac{3}{2}\)) – 1 = 3 – 1 = 2
⇒ f(- 1) = g(- 1)

⇒ f(0) = (0)2 – 0 = 0
and g(0) = 2|0 – \(\frac{1}{2}\)|
= 2(\(\frac{3}{2}\)) – 1 = 1 – 1 = 0

⇒ f(0) = g(0)
f(1) = (1)2 – 1 = 1 – 1 = 0
and g(1)= 2|1 – \(\frac{1}{2}\)|
= 2(\(\frac{1}{2}\)) – 1 = 1 – 1 = o

⇒ f(1) = g(1)
f(2) = (2)2 – 2 = 4 – 2 = 2
and g(2) = 2 |2 – \(\frac{1}{2}\)|
= 2(\(\frac{3}{2}\)) – 1 = 3 – 1 = 2
⇒ f(2) = g(2)
∴ f(a) = g(a) ∀ a ∈ A
Hence, the functions f and g are equal.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 16.
Let A = {1, 2, 3}. Then, number of relations containing (1, 2) and (1, 3) which are reflexive and symmetric but not transitive, is
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
This is because relation R is reflexive as (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3) ∈ R.
Relation R is symmetric since (1, 2), (2 ,1) ∈ R and (1, 3), (3, 1) ∈ R.
But relationR is not transitive as (3, 1), (1, 2) ∈ R but (3, 2) ∈ R.
Now, if we add any one of the two pairs (3, 2) and (2, 3) (or both) to relation R, then relation R will become transitive.
Hence, the total number of desired relation is one.
Thus, the correct option is (A).

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 17.
Let A = {1, 2, 3}. Then, number of equivalence relations containing (1, 2) is
(A) 1
(B) 2
(D) 4
It is given that A = {1, 2, 3}
The smallest equivalence relation containing (1, 2) is given by,
R1 = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 1)}
Now, we are left with only four pairs i. e., (2, 3), (3, 2), (1, 3), and (3, 1).
If we add any one pair [say (2, 3)] to R1 then for symmetry we must add (3, 2). Also, for transitivity, we are required to add (1, 3) and (3,1). Hence, the only equivalence relation (bigger than R1) is the universal relation.
This shows that the total number of equivalence relations containing (1, 2) is two. The correct option is (B).

Question 18.
Let f: R → R be the signum function defined as
f(x) = PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 5
and g: R → R be the greatest integer function given by g(x) = [x], where [x] is greatest integer less than or equal to x. Then, does fog and gof coincide in (0, 1]?
It is given that
f: R → R is defined as f(x) = PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 5
Also, g: R → R is defined as g(x) = [x], where [x] is the greatest integer less than or equal to x .
Now, let x ∈ (0, 1]
Then, we have
[x] = 1, if x = 1 and [x] = 0 if 0 < x < 1. ∴ fog(x) = f (g(x)) = f([x]) = PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise 6 gof(x) = g(f(x))= g(1) [∵ x > 0]
= [1] = 1 .
Thus, when x ∈ (0, 1), we have fog(x) = 0 and gof(x) = 1.
But fog (1) ≠ gof (1)
Hence, fog and gof do not coincide in (0,1].

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 19.
Number of binary operations on the set {a, b} are (A) 10 (B) 16 (C) 20 (D) 8
A binary operation * on {a, b} is a function from {a, b} × {a, b} → {a, b} i. e.,* is a function from {(a, a), (a, b), (b, a), (b, b)} → {a, b}.
Hence, the total number of binary operations on the set {a, b} is 24 i.e. 16.
Thus, the correct option is (B).

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 1.
Determine whether or not each of the definition of * given below gives a binary operation. In the event that * is not a binary operation, give justification for this.
(i) On Z+, define * by a * b = a – b
(ii) On Z+, define * by a * b = ab
(iii) On R, define * by a * b = ab2
(iv) On Z+, define * by a * b = |a – b|
(v) On Z+, define * by a * b = a
(i) On Z+, * is defined by a * b = a – b.
It is not a binary operation as the image of (1, 2) under * is
1 * 2 = 1 – 2 = – 1 ∉ Z+.

(ii) On Z+, * is defined by a * b = ab.
It is seen that for each a, b ∈ Z+, there is a unique element ab in Z+.
This means that * carries each pair (a, b) to a unique element a * b = ab in Z+. Therefore, * is a binary operation.

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(iii) On R, * is defined by a * b = ab2.
It is seen that for each a, b ∈ R, there is a unique element ab2 in R.
This means that * carries each pair (a, b) to a unique element a * b = ab2 in R. Therefore, * is a binary operation.

(iv) On Z+, * is defined by a * b =|a – b|.
It is seen that for each a, b ∈ Z+, there is a unique element | a – b | in Z+. This means that * carries each pair (a, b) to a unique element a * b = |a – b|in Z+. Therefore, * is a binary operation.

(v) On Z+, * is defined by a * b = a.
It is seen that for each a, b ∈ Z+, there is a unique element a ∈ Z+. This means that * carries each pair (a, b) to a unique element a * b = a in Z+. Therefore, * is a binary operation.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 2.
For each operation * defined below, determine whether * is binary commutative or associative.
(i) On Z, define a* b = a – b
(ii) On Q, define a * b = ab + 1
(iii) On Q, define a* b = \(\frac{a b}{2}\)
(iv) On Z+, define a * b = 2ab
(v) On Z+, define a * b = ab
(vi) On R – {- 1},define a * b = \(\frac{a}{b+1}\)
(i) On Z, operation * is defined as
(a) a * b = a – b
⇒ b * a = b – a
But a – b ≠ b – a
⇒ a * b ≠ b * a
∴ Defined operation is not commutative.

(b) a – (b – c) ≠ (a – b) – c
∴ Binary operation * as defined is not associative.

(ii) On Q, operation * is defined as a * b = ab +1
(a) ab + 1 = ba + 1, a * b = b * a
∴ Defined binary operation is commutative.

(b) a * (b * c) = a * (bc + 1) = a (bc + 1) + 1 = abc + a + 1
and (a * b)* c = (ab + 1) * c = (ab + 1)c + 1
= abc + c + 1
a * (b * c) ≠ (a * b) * c
∴ Binary operation defined is not associative.

(iii) (a) On Q, operation * is defined as a * b = \(\frac{ab}{2}\)
∴ a * b = b * a
∴ Operation binary defined is commutative.

(b) a * b = a * \(\frac{b c}{2}=\frac{a b c}{4}\)
and (a * b) * c = \(\frac{b c}{2}\) * c = \(\frac{a b c}{4}\)
⇒ Defined binary operation is associative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

(iv) On Z+, operation * is defined as a * b = 2ab
(a) a * b = 2ab, b * a = 2ba = 2ab
a * b = b * a
Binary operation defined is commutative.

(b) a * (b * c) = a * 2ba = 2a . bc
(a * b) * c = 2ab * c = 22ab
Thus, (a * b) * c ≠ a * (b * c)
∴ Binary operation * as defined is not associative.

(v) On Z+, a * b = ab
(a) b * a = ba
∴ ab = ba
⇒ a * b ≠ b * a
* is not commutative.

(b) (a * b) * c = ab * c
= (ab)c = abc
a * (b * c) = a * bc = abc.
This (a * b) * c ≠ (a * b * c)
∴ Operation * is not associative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

(vi) On Z+ operation * is defined as
a * b = \(\frac{a}{b+1}\), b ≠ – 1
∴ b * a = \(\frac{b}{a+1}\)
(a) a * b ≠ b * a
Binary operation defined is not commutative.

(b) (a * b) * c = \(a^{*}\left(\frac{b}{c+1}\right)=\frac{a}{\frac{b}{c+1}+1}=\frac{a(c+1)}{b+c+1}\)

(a * b) * c = \(\frac{a}{b+1} * c=\frac{\frac{a}{b+1}}{c+1}=\frac{a}{(b+1)(c+1)}\)

∴ a * (b * c) ≠ (a * b) * c
⇒ Binary operation defined above is not associative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 3.
Consider the binary operation ^ on the set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5} defined by a ^ b = min {a, b}. Write the multiplication table of the operation ^.
The binary operation ^ on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is defined as
a ^ b = min{a, b} for a, b ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
Thus, the operation table for the given operation ^ can be given as

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4 1

Question 4.
Consider a binary operation * on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} given by the following multiplication table.
(i) Compute (2 * 3) * 4 and 2 * (3 * 4)
(ii) Is * commutative?
(iii) Compute (2* 3) * (4* 5).
(Hint: use the following table) (i)

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4 2

(i) We have (2 * 3) *4 = 1 * 4 = 1
and 2 * (3 * 4) = 2 * 1 = 1

(ii) For every a, b ∈ (1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, we have a * b = b * a. Therefore, the operation * is commutative.
(iii) We have (2 * 3) = 1 and (4 * 5) = 1 .
∴ (2 * 3) * (4 * 5) = 1 * 1 = 1.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 5.
Let *’ be the binary operation on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is defined by a *’ b = H.C.F. of a and b. Is the operation *’ same as the operation * defined in Q. 4 above? Justify your answer.
The binary operation *’ on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is defined as
a*’ b = HCF of a and b.
The operation table for the operation * can be given as :

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4 3

We observe that the operation table for the operations * and *’ are the same.
Thus, the operation *’ is same as the operation *.

Question 6.
Let * be the binary operation on N given by a * b = L.C.M. of a and b.
(i) Find 5 * 7, 20 * 16
(ii) Is * commutative?
(iii) Is * associative?
(iv) Find the identity of * in N.
(v) Which elements of N are invertible for the operation *?
The binary operation * defined as a * b = L.C.M. of a and b
(i) 5 * 7 = L.C.M. of 5 and 7 = 35
and 20 * 16 = L.C.M. of 20 and 16 = 80

(ii) a * b = L.C.M. of a and b
b * a = L.C.M. of b and a
⇒ a * b = b * a L.C.M. of a, b and b, a are equal
∴ Binary operation * is commutative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

(iii) a * (b * c) = L.C.M. of a, b, c
and (a * b)* c = L.C.M. of a, b, c
⇒ a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c
⇒ Binary operation * is associative.

(iv) Identity of * in N is 1
1 * a = a * 1 = a = L.C.M. of 1 and a.

(v) Let * : N × N → N defined as a * b = L.C.M. of (a, b)
For a = 1, b = 1, a * b = 1 = b * a. Otherwise a * b ≠ 1
∴ Binary operation * is not invertible.
⇒ 1 is invertible for operaiton *.

Question 7.
Is * defined on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} by a * 6 = L.C.M. of a and 6 a binary operation? Justify your answer.
The operation * on the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is defined as a * b = L.C.M. of a and b.
Now, 2 * 3 = L.C.M. of 2 and 3 = 6.
But 6 does not belong to the given set.
Hence, the given operation * is not a binary operation.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 8.
Let * be the binary operation on N defined by a * 6 = H.C.F. of a and b. Is * commutative? Is * associative? Does there exist identity for this binary operation on N?
The binary operation * on N is defined as a * b = H.C.F. of a and b It is known that
H.C.F. of a and b = H.C.F. of b and a V a, b ∈ N.
∴ a * b = b * a
Thus, the operation * is commutative.
For a, b, c ∈ N, we have
(a * b) * c = (H.C.F. of a and b) * c = H.C.F. of a, b and c
a * (b * c) = a * (H.C.F. of b and c) = H.C.F. of a, b, and c
∴ (a * b) * c = a* (b * c)
Thus, the operation * is associative.
Now, an element e ∈ N will be the identity for the operation * if a * e = a = e * a for ∀ a ∈ N.
But this relation is not true for any a ∈ N.
Thus, the operation * does not have any identity in N.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 9.
Let * be a binary operation on the set Q of rational numbers as
(i) a * b = a – b
(ii) a * b = a2 + b2
(iii) a * b = a + ab
(iv) a * b = (a – b)2
(v) a * b = \(\frac{ab}{4}\)
(vi) a * b = ab2
Find which of the binary operations are commutative and which are associative.
Operation is on the set Q.
(i) defined as a * b = a – b
(a) Now b * a = b – a But a – b *b – a
∴ a * b * b * a
∴ Operation * is not commutative.

(b) a* (b * c) = a * (b – c) = a – (b – c) = a – b + c
(a * b) * c = (a – b) * c = a – b – c
Thus, a * (b * c) ^ (a * b) * c
∴ The operation * as defined is not associative.

(ii) (a) a * b = a2 + b2
b * a = b2 + a2 = a2 + b2
∴ a * b = b * a
∴ This binary operation is commutative.

(b) a * (b * c) = a * (b2 + c2)
= a2 + (b2 + c2)2
(a * b) * c = (a2 + b2) * c = (a2 + b2)2 + c2
⇒ a * (b * c) * (a * b) * c
∴ The operation * given is not associative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

(iii) Operation * is defined as
a * b = a + ab
(a) b* a = b + ba
∴ a * b ≠ b * a
∴ This operation is not commutative.

(b) a * (b * c) = a * (b + bc)
= a + a(b + bc)
= a + ab + abc
(a* b) * c = (a + ab) *c = a + ab + (a + ab) . c
= a + ab + ac + abc
⇒ a* (b* c)& (a* b)* c
⇒ The binary operation is not associative.

(iv) The binary operation is defined as a * b = (a – b)2
(a) b * a = (b – a)2 = (a – b)2
⇒ a * b = b * a
∴ This binary operation * is commutative.

(b) a * (b * c) = a * (b – c)2
= [a – (b – c)2]2
(a * b) * c = (a – b)2 * c = [(a – b)2 – c]2
⇒ (a * b) * c ≠ a * (b * c)
Thus, the operation given is associative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

(v) Binary operation is * defined as
a * b = \(\frac{ab}{4}\)

(a) b * a = \(\frac{ba}{4}\) = \(\frac{ab}{4}\)
a* b^b* a
∴ The operation is not commutative.

(b) a * (b * c) = a * \(\frac{bc}{4}\)
= \(\frac{a}{4}\left(\frac{b c}{4}\right)=\frac{a b c}{16}\)
(a * b) * c = \(\frac{ab}{4}\) * c
= \(\frac{a b}{4} \cdot \frac{c}{4}=\frac{a b c}{16}\)
⇒ a * (b* c) = (a * b) * c
Thus, the operation given is associative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

(vi) Binary operation is defined as
a * b = ab2
(a) b * a = ba2 ≠ ab2
∴ a * b ≠ b * a
∴ The operation is not commutative.

(b) a * (b * c) = a * bc2
= a(bc2)2
= ab2c4
(a * b)* c = ab2 * c
= (ab2)c2
= ab2c2
∴ a * (b * c) ≠ (a * b) * c
∴ Binary operation * given is not associative.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 10.
Find which of the operations given above has identity.
An element e ∈ Q will be the identity element for the operation * if
a * e = a = e * a, ∀ a ∈ Q
(i) a * b = a – b
lf a * e = a, a ≠ 0
⇒ a – e = a, a ≠ 0 ⇒ e = 0
Also, e * a = a
⇒ e – a = a ⇒ e = 2 a
e = 0 = 2a, a ≠ 0
But the identity is unique. Hence this operation has no identity.

(ii) a * b = a2 + b2
If a * e = a, then a2 + e2 = a
For a = – 2, (- 2)2 + e2 = 4 + e2 ≠ – 2
Hence, there is no identity element.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

(iii) a * b = a + ab
If a * e = a
⇒ a + ae a
⇒ ae = 0
⇒ e = 0, a ≠ 0
Also a * e = a
⇒ e + ae = a
⇒ e = \(\frac{a}{a+1}\), a ≠ 1
∴ e = 0 = \(\frac{a}{a+1}\), a ≠ 0
But the identity in unique. Hence this operation has no identify.

(iv) a * b = (a – b)2
If a* e = a, then (a – e)2 = a.
A square is always positive, so for a = – 2, (- 2 – e)2 ≠ – 2.
Hence, there is no identity element.

(v) a * b – ab/ 4
If a * e = a, then ae / 4 = a.
Hence, e = 4 is the identity element.
∴ a * 4 = 4 * a = 4a/4 = a.

(vi) a * b = ab2
If a * e = a
⇒ ae2 = a
⇒ e2 = 1
⇒ e = ±1
But identity is unique. Hence this operation has no identity.
Therefore only part (v) has an identity element.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 11.
Let A = N × N and * be the binary operation on A defined by (a, b) * (c, d) = (a + c, b + d). Show that * is commutative and associative. Find the identity element for * on A, if any.
Given that A = N × N and * is a binary operation on A and is defined by (a, b) * (c, d) = (a + c,b + d.)
Let (a, b), (c, d) ∈ A
Then, a, b, c, d ∈ N
We have (a, b) * (c, d) = (a + c, b + d)
and (c, d) * (a, b) = (c + a, d + b) = (a + c, b + d)
[Addition is commutative in the set of natural numbers]
∴ (a, b) * (c, d) = (c, d) * (a, b)
Therefore, the operation * is commutative.
Now, let (a, b), (c, d), (e, f) ∈ A
Then, a, b, c, d, e, f ∈ N
We have {(a, b) * (c, d)} * (e, f) = (a + c,b + d) * (e, f)
= (a+ c + e, b + d + f)
(a, b) * ((c, d) * (e, f)) = (a, b) * (c + e, d + f) = (a + c + e, b + d + f)
((a, b) * (c, d)) * (e, f) = (a, b) * ((c, d) * (e, f))
Therefore, the operation * is associative.
An element e = (e1, e2) ∈ A will be an identity element for the operation * if
a * e = a = e * a ∀ a = (a1, a2) ∈ A, i.e., (a1 + e1, a2 + e2)
= (a1, a2) = (e1 + a1; e2 + a2)
which is not true for any element in A.
Therefore, the operation * does not have any identity element.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 12.
State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify.
(i) For an arbitrary binaiy operation * on a set N, a * a = a ∀ a ∈ N.
(ii) If * is a commutative binary operation on N, then a* (b* c) = (c * b) * a
(i) Define an operation * on IV as a * b – a + b ∀ a, b ∈ N
Then, in particular, for b = a = 3, we have 3 * 3 = 3 + 3 = 6 ≠ 3
Therefore, statement (i) is false.

(ii) R.H.S. = (c * b) * a
= (b * c) * a [* is commutative]
= a * (b * c) [Again, as * is commutative]
= L.H.S.
∴ a * (b * c) = (c * b) * a
Therefore, statement (ii) is true.

PSEB 12th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Question 13.
Consider a binary operation * on N defined as a * b = a3 +b3. Choose the correct answer.
(A) Is * both associative and commutative?
(B) Is * commutative but not associative?
(C) Is * associative but not commutative?
(D) Is * neither commutative nor associative?
On N, the operation * is defined as a * b = a3 + b3.
For, a, b ∈ N, we have
a * b = a3 + b3
= b3 + a3 = b * a [Addition is commutative in N]
Therefore, the operation * is commutative.
It can be observed that
(1 * 2) * 3 = (13 + 23) * 3 = 9 * 3
= 93 + 33
= 729 + 27 = 756

1 * (2 * 3) = 1 * (23 +33)
= 1 * (8 + 27) = 1 * 35
= 13 + 353
= 1 + (35)3
= 1 + 42875 = 42876
∴ (1 * 2) * 3 ≠ 1 * (2 * 3) where 1, 2, 3 ∈ N
Therefore, the operation * is not associative.
Hence, the operation * is commutative, but not associative.
Thus, the correct answer is (B).

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